Low testosterone effects in men. Decreased testosterone levels: causes and symptoms. Physiological causes of low testosterone

Paint rollers and brushes 27.09.2020
Paint rollers and brushes

The natural decline in male sexual activity after 50 years is associated with age-related changes in an already aging body. A cause for concern arises if an erectile dysfunction or lack of sexual desire (decreased libido) is observed in a young man.

The reason for these symptoms is a decrease in testosterone. To prevent impotence and probable infertility, it is necessary to consult an experienced urologist, andrologist and endocrinologist. It is the above specialists who will help to ensure the correct and effective treatment, improve men's health and regain self-confidence.

Spectacular advertisements and tempting offers that are overflowing with information blogs on the Internet and the signs of most clinics promise to get rid of problems with the reproductive and reproductive system. However, not everyone has an idea of ​​what effect androgen levels have on the body. Below is considered how the concepts are related: testosterone and potency.

Already at the 8-9th week from the moment of conception of the fetus, the production of androgens in the gonads and adrenal glands begins, as well as an increase in their concentration. By the 17th week, the unborn child starts the process of formation of the genitals, and by the 4-5th month of intrauterine development, the male hypothalamic-pituitary system develops.

Thanks to cellular receptors located in tissues and the so-called target organs, the hormone acts on the body.
Testosterone Formula

It is primarily responsible for the severity of secondary sexual characteristics, stimulates the appearance of hair in the pubic, axillary region and on the face, regulates the sebaceous glands and skin, controls body weight, muscle volume and cell division of the prostate gland, plays an important role in strengthening bones.

The ability to conceive a partner and procreate provides a man with increased testosterone. The peak of sexual activity is the period, as a rule, from 25 to 30 years.

Why does testosterone drop?

Individual characteristics and constitution of the body, hereditary predisposition to early weakening of potency, falling in love and emotional experiences can lead to low testosterone.

Each year, the level of sex hormones decreases by 1%, provided that the man is absolutely healthy.

Health-related causes of testosterone decline are also being considered:

  • metabolic disorders, obesity or prolonged fasting;
  • hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency - damage to parts of the brain and the transmission of nerve impulses provokes a disruption in the functioning of the gonads and the thyroid gland;
  • hypogonadism - congenital underdevelopment or acquired anomalies of the genitals;
  • mumps or mumps;
  • adrenal hyperplasia - causes underdevelopment of the testicles and a decrease in the synthesis of androgens;
  • varicose veins are the cause of hormone transport disorders;
  • endocrine system diseases - characterized by insufficient activity of the thyroid gland;
  • Kleifelter's syndrome - abnormal development of the reproductive system at the chromosomal level;
  • Turner's syndrome - a pathology of the formation of the gonads and the development of the kidneys, rarely - the absence of sex chromosomes;
  • uncontrolled intake of immunosuppressants, sleeping pills and hormonal drugs.

The decrease in testosterone in men is facilitated by the evening time from 16 to 20 hours and the usual lack of sleep, when the level of the hormone can drop by 40%. The consequences of regular alcohol consumption include an increase in the level of female hormones estrogen, which is observed with a decrease in the work of the sex glands.

It is possible to determine hormonal imbalance by the characteristic symptoms of a violation of the reproductive, nervous and endocrine systems:

  • nervousness;
  • fatigue;
  • frequent depression;
  • feverish condition;
  • feeling of discomfort;
  • sexual dissatisfaction.

Too low testosterone also exhibits other equally important symptoms in men:

  • decreased libido (sexual attraction to the opposite sex);
  • absence or short duration of an erection;
  • poor quality of orgasm;
  • rapid weight gain, turning into obesity;
  • decrease muscle mass;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • "Hot flashes";
  • horse racing blood pressure;
  • deterioration of bone tissue, manifested in their fragility;
  • hair loss or baldness;
  • labored breathing;
  • unnatural growth of the mammary glands due to an increase in estrogen.

Most men have memory impairment, a decrease in intellectual abilities. Sometimes there is an abnormal change in the size of the genitals, as well as a sharp decrease in the number of morning erections.


To assess the state and degree of activity of the reproductive system, to find out the reason for the decrease in testosterone in men, laboratory tests are used:

SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin)

The study of blood from a vein is carried out using globulin, which in the body promotes the transfer and binding of up to 60% of sex hormones.

Hormonal imbalance is evidenced by a deviation from the norm, which on average corresponds to an indicator from 12 to 75 nmol / l. This analysis not only determines low testosterone in men, but also makes it possible to detect the main causes of pathology.

Testosterone total

Serum from venous blood is used as an initial biological material for further study. The results are obtained by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.

Low testosterone in the male body is considered to be a decrease in hormone production below 8.9-42.0 nmol / l.

Free testosterone

The analysis for free testosterone is carried out in a comprehensive study. Its amount usually does not exceed 4% of the androgens produced by the male body.

The level should normally range from 1 to 28.28 pg / ml.

Testosterone Boosting Drugs

It is possible to independently carry out effective treatment of low testosterone in men, but only after consultation and approval of a specialist who will select the appropriate drugs, prescribe an acceptable dosage and exclude side effects.

  1. Methyltestosterone - a synthetic androgen substitute, increases potency and sexual activity, restores the adrenal glands and normalizes the amount of calcium in the bones. With low testosterone, the recommended daily dosage should not exceed 5-15 mg, for patients with erectile dysfunction - 20 mg.
  2. Proviron - stimulates the genital organs, restores male reproductive function. After taking 25-50 mg of the drug, increased potency is observed.
  3. Andriol - accelerates the activity of male germ cells and normalizes the activity of the prostate gland, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, hypothalamus and pituitary gland. It has an increased effect in relation to potency, for the functioning of the gonads and the growth of testosterone levels. It is prescribed in a course of 25-50 mg once every 2 days.

Be sure to read to understand all the nuances.

Hormone therapy

High professional training and competence of medical personnel in most clinics eliminates the causes and consequences of low testosterone.

The course of substitution therapy prolongs youth and increases the likelihood of restoration of reproductive function. For the intensive treatment of low testosterone in men, potent androgenic agents are recommended:

  • Nebido - Restores receptors in target cells, activates the number of germ cells and stimulates the hypothalamus, eliminates the lack of androgens during male menopause. Intramuscular administration with congenital underdevelopment of the gonads is prescribed daily at 25 mg. In the treatment of age-related androgen deficiency, the daily dosage is 10 mg.
  • Testosterone propionate - interacts with target organ receptors, stimulates the prostate gland. To increase testosterone, daily administration of 5 or 10 mg of the drug is prescribed. During menopause and with insufficient work of the gonads in men, the daily rate rises to 10 mg.
  • Omnadren 250 - penetrates into the nucleus of receptor cells, through the nervous system regulates sexual behavior and potency. Daily injection of 100-200 mg.

To prevent testosterone from decreasing, all indicated dosages and prescriptions of the attending specialist should be observed. The duration of therapy depends entirely on the discipline of the patient and the experience of the doctor.

Prevention of testosterone deficiency

Low sexual activity, lack of sexual desire for a partner, impotence and infertility are the consequences of a catastrophic lack of testosterone in the body in men. This situation can result in low fertility and a large number of social problems... Recommended simple ways how to return the hormonal background to normal.

  • By 30% more sex hormones are produced by a man from 4 to 8 in the morning. This must be taken into account during pregnancy planning and immediately before conception.
  • Exercise, regular exercise, and strength training can increase testosterone.
  • It is also better to forget about smoking, alcohol and psychotropic substances.
  • Another way to boost testosterone naturally at home is to use food. Suitable for this purpose: turmeric, walnuts and other types, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
  • You can also introduce the use of dietary supplements from trusted manufacturers, such as zinc, tribulus.


Fluctuations in testosterone levels are an integral part of every man's life. Therefore, you need to know the signs of its fall and immediately take measures to eliminate it. For this, consultation with a specialist is required.

Testosterone is produced by the testes in a percentage of more than 90%, the rest of the insignificant amount is produced by the adrenal glands. It is possible to disrupt the flow of androgen into the blood under the influence of external and internal factors.

Conditions for lowering testosterone:

Drinking beer containing phytoestrogen, as well as smoking, poisoning the body, has a negative effect. With prolonged exposure to testosterone deficiency syndrome, it is possible to reduce the vegetation on the body and change the timbre of the voice.

FACT... Irregular sex life suppresses sexual reflexes - testosterone in the blood decreases.

What to do in such a situation? Medicines or folk remedies?

Herbs and other natural ingredients are used if testosterone decreases for a short period of time. The hormonal background is most easily corrected after the elimination of destabilizing factors, especially alcohol abuse, exposure to nervous tension and malnutrition.

However, there are prerequisites for the need for drug treatment if significant physiological disorders are diagnosed.

Rationality of therapy for:

  1. mechanical damage to the genitals;
  2. genetic diseases;
  3. pituitary tumors;
  4. orchitis and cryptorchidism;
  5. varicocele, spermatocele and hydrocele.

Infectious inflammation of the scrotum organs, which often occur when infected with sexually transmitted diseases, are also dangerous. Against the background of emerging injuries skin balanoposthitis and epididymitis occur.

When infected with mycoplasmosis and trichomoniasis in men, testosterone levels also decrease simultaneously with a deterioration in spermatogenesis.

Chlamydia provokes inflammation of the appendages, Bladder and violation of potency.

The destruction of extraneous pathogens is carried out mainly by taking powerful antibiotics, and only then therapy is carried out to restore the balance of testosterone in the blood.

With diagnosed asthenospermia (the number of motile sperm is less than half of their total number) and azoospermia (active germ cells are completely absent), the help of natural components will no longer be enough.

Congenital forms of male hormone deficiency are called Kallman syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome.... In the latter case, not only testosterone deficiency is observed, but also poorly developed genitals.

Andrologists in such situations prescribe medications that force the return of a healthy hormonal background. In old age, you need to be prepared for the appearance of andropause: after 50 years, a significant decrease in androgen is a natural process that can only be corrected with medication.

A WARNING... For men with prostate cancer or other diseases of the prostate gland, an increase in the concentration of testosterone in the blood is contraindicated.

Tactics for treating a lack of testosterone in men: exercises, recommendations, medications

Phytoproducts are used as conservative methods to restore healthy hormone levels. Tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus, schisandra chinensis and leaves of the ginkgo tree have a strong tonic effect.

A tangible help is provided by the use of multi-complexes(Vitrum, Alphabet, Multitabs) containing vitamins from which testosterone is built (B, C, E, D), and trace elements (zinc and selenium). Of the products, andrologists advise to "lean" on nuts, ginger, dried fruits, garlic, eggs and seafood.

Physical activity is similarly included in the list of what is called a must-have for androgen deficiency syndrome.

Helpful Exercises to Boost Testosterone Production:

  • warm-up (5 to 10 minutes);
  • barbell lifting exercises (10 to 40 minutes);
  • strength training for large muscles (legs, chest, back);
  • abdominal exercises (10–20 min).

Male rivalry is a traditional source of testosterone boosts. Since ancient times, domination has made men feel euphoric after victories in wars or hunting.

V modern conditions these methods may be viewed as barbaric and unethical by some men, so it is rational to choose more civilized methods of uplifting.

Participation in sports - from running to boxing- can be helpful in treating insufficient androgen levels in the blood using the most natural methods.

Career success is also seen as an element of social dominance that restores a man's natural strength. The peak rise in testosterone is observed during the period of promotion, with active self-development and career achievements.

The production of the hormone occurs in the same way when contemplating a female naked body, therefore, to strengthen the sexual constitution, the number of sexual contacts should be increased.

Less androgen is formed during verbal communication with the opposite sex without erotic contact.

Along with the above recommendations, you should increase physical activity - the best option is to sign up for the gym. Muscle tension automatically activates the male reflex to produce more testosterone.

If conservative methods are ineffective, then the doctor has the right to prescribe drugs of the androgenic group. Common injection options: Sustanon 250, Nebido, Testosterone propionate, Omnadren. Andriol can be prescribed as tablets, Androgel ointments.

Duration of taking testosterone products:

  1. ampoules - within 7-10 days;
  2. tablets are taken up to 1 month;
  3. gel - 1-3 months.

These drugs inject artificially created testosterone into the bloodstream, but there are also medications that force the reproductive system to reanimate the production of its own hormone.

Medicines of this group: Arimatest, Evo-Test, Vitrix, Tribulus, Animal Test... By suppressing aromatase, a testosterone antagonist, anabolic substances lead to a sharp increase in the male hormone, but their intake is recommended in conjunction with a trip to fitness clubs or sports complexes.

A WARNING... Lifelong administration of injections is possible only with congenital insufficient development of the testicles - hypogonadism - or the loss of their functions by the testicles during life.


Treatment of patients with low testosterone is necessary: ​​the long presence of a weak hormonal background leads to obesity, impotence and even premature aging of a man.

Maintaining the production of sufficient androgen concentrations helps to prolong well-being and permanently consolidate the behavioral and physiological qualities that are truly inherent in the stronger sex.

In conclusion, watch a video about drugs for increasing testosterone in men based on tribulus:

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced in the male testicles. It plays a very important role in the normal functioning of the body. That's why low testosterone in men causes a lot of problems. Let's consider why it goes down, how it manifests itself and affects its health.

Lack of testosterone in men- This is a failure in the production of a hormone that occurs due to physical or pathological reasons and is accompanied by a deterioration in well-being due to a decrease in libido and muscle wasting. Since testosterone plays an important role for the male body as a whole, the course of many processes and the state of health of each organ will depend on its concentration. Therefore, it is so important to timely detect hypothestosteronemia and take appropriate measures to increase the concentration of the hormone in the blood of men.

Testosterone functions and consequences of its deficiency

The value of testosterone for the full activity of the body of men can hardly be overestimated. From the moment a male baby was born, it is this hormone that is responsible for its correct physical and psychological development.

Androgenic properties and anabolic effects will be reflected in the following:

  1. The growth and development of male reproductive structures - deficit testosterone will lead to a malfunction in the formation of the penis, testicles, prostate. Subsequently, male infantilism, infertility, and impotence develop.
  2. Timely appearance of secondary sexual characteristics - coarsening of the voice in a teenage boy, covering the skin with hair male type. Decreased testosterone leads to early male pattern baldness, or incorrect hair placement, according to the female version.
  3. Changing the timbre of the voice - the ligamentous structures thicken precisely due to the male hormone, therefore, the timbre of the voice is lower among representatives of a strong part of the population. Whereas flaw testosterone in organism promotes the appearance of a high, sonorous voice.
  4. The formation of muscles according to the male version - it is the androgenic hormone that is responsible for the high synthesis of the protein substance required for a full-fledged muscle frame of the body. Decrease testostershe is in men leads to severe muscle tissue wasting.

In addition to all of the above, with lower testosterone levels serves as the basis for the formation of osteoporosis, changes in libido, as well as the deterioration of intellectual activity and the occurrence of erectile dysfunctions, male infertility.

The main symptoms of low testosterone

Reasons for a decrease in the hormone

There are a number of reasons why this figure is dropping. It can be either a certain disease or unfavorable factors. The main the reasons for the decrease in testosterone in men:

  1. Addictive habits. This is one of the most common causes of testosterone deficiency. Therefore, smoking, the use of drugs, uncontrolled use of alcoholic beverages have a negative effect on the hormonal background in general, and not only on testosterone.
  2. Stress, emotional stress. Men who are constantly under the influence of negative emotions can observe in themselves, after passing the necessary tests, a lack of testosterone in the body.
  3. Wrong lifestyle, nutrition. This factor includes: poor physical activity, impaired functioning nervous system on the basis of constant fatigue, excess weight as a result of malnutrition, unfavorable environmental conditions.
  4. Long-term use of potent medications. This is especially true for those drugs that are addictive.
  5. Postponed severe trauma and subsequent surgical removal one or both testicles. Or congenital testicular dysfunction, Klinefelter's syndrome, infectious damage to the male reproductive organs, for example, infectious mumps.
  6. Dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary structures - malformations at the genetic level, for example, Kallman syndrome, or the course of mental illness with their influence on the production of hormones. Pituitary tumors, both benign and malignant, have an extremely poor prognosis.
  7. Toxic damage to the brain, as well as the pelvic organs in chronic abuse of drugs, alcoholic beverages, medicines.

Concerning lower testosterone levels in men against the background of certain pathologies, then these are:

  • high blood pressure;
  • shortness of breath;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • an increased level of bilirubin, which contributes to the preservation of the female hormone - estrogen in the blood of men;
  • impaired renal function;
  • obesity;
  • violation of the functioning of the musculoskeletal system;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • high blood cholesterol levels.

Chronic diseases that can cause a decrease in testosterone in a man:

  • osteoporosis;
  • depression;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system.

Apart from these reasons, lack of testosterone in a man's body can be observed as a result of poisoning with toxic substances, active development of pathogenic microorganisms, hereditary predisposition, a significant number of concussions and brain contusions.

In addition, with age, a man has testosterone deficiency... This is due to the weakening of the functioning of the genitourinary system in elderly people. That is, this situation is the norm in men over 50.

It's important to know! Long stay of a man in nervous tension contributes to the complete stop of the production of this hormone!

Symptoms of discomfort

The total lack of this hormone in men leads to serious disorders in the body. He not only experiences severe ailments, but also begins to look worse. Basic visual signs of low testosterone in men:

  • yellowing of the white of the eye;
  • blanching and cooling of the skin;
  • dry skin, the appearance of a significant number of wrinkles in a short time;
  • severe shortness of breath.

As for others symptoms of lack of testosterone in men, then these are:

  • high pulse;
  • increased sweating;
  • hot flashes that bother women during menopause;
  • anemia;
  • the appearance of excess weight, mainly on the thigh;
  • abnormal growth and development of the mammary glands, which is associated with an increase in the level of estrogen in the body;
  • gradual baldness of the hair in the armpits, pubis, on the face;
  • weakening of bone tissue, a man is more prone to fractures;
  • rapid overwork, a man becomes less hardy when performing physical activity or carrying heavy objects;
  • painful sensations in the bones, body aches;
  • weakening of muscle mass, which leads to its decrease.

Symptoms of low testosterone levels in men that affect the functioning of the nervous system:

  • unreasonable mood swings, a tendency to depression and apathy;
  • rapid overwork, both physically and emotionally;
  • impaired concentration, poor ability to remember;
  • sleeplessness at night and sleepiness during the day.

The main signs of low testosterone from male health:

  • significant weakening of erectile function;
  • lack of spontaneous erection after waking up;
  • a decrease in the amount of semen;
  • decrease in testicles in size;
  • too frequent urge to urinate.

In addition, a man's blood pressure begins to rise too often.

It's important to know! A change in character also indicates a low level of testosterone in a man's body! Some features inherent in him can change in the opposite direction.


Experts note that the determination of testosterone concentration is required only for those men who have clinical signs of hormone deficiency. So if lack of testosterone in men with symptoms does not manifest itself, then the latent insufficiency is helped to identify exclusively by laboratory tests.

The most important parameters, of course, are recognized as total and calculated free testosterone, which is calculated separately. Blood sampling for research should be carried out exclusively in the morning, when the concentration of the androgenic substance reaches its maximum.

At the moment testosterone deficiency in men, symptoms which is already noticeable visually - it is less than 12 nmol / l of total hormone, as well as 250 pmol / l of free testosterone. However, each laboratory may have its own reference values, which must be indicated in the final study forms.

In addition, when identifying decrease in testosterone levels in men, signs should be observed in other laboratory and instrumental examinations - deviations in the concentration of LH and FSH, volume education pituitary gland, osteoporosis on bone x-ray, ultrasound signs in the testes, testes, penis.

At the same time, the specialist evaluates the entire completeness of information - concentration testosterone, which reduces him, what are the previous diseases suffered by the man. After all signs of low testosterone can be the result of banal overwork - in workaholics, athletes after intense training.

How to increase hormone levels

Treating low testosterone levels at the first stage, it consists in carrying out preventive measures that contribute to the normalization of the functioning of the body as a whole. The rules that a man must follow to improve the condition and increase this hormone include:

  1. Moderate physical activity. Men should go in for sports to keep the body in good shape, but excessive physical exertion is contraindicated. To normalize hormonal levels, a representative of the stronger sex should visit the gym about 3 times a week. It is also helpful to go to the pool regularly. Swimming provides sufficient to moderate exercise, which is necessary for testosterone release.
  2. Correct and balanced diet... A man's body should receive a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. And it is also required to exclude fatty, fried, spicy, overly salty foods from the daily diet. They negatively affect weight, which leads to obesity. In order to increase testosterone levels, you need to saturate the body with zinc, a large amount of which is found in protein products.
  3. Positive emotions. A man should try to avoid stressful situations, emotional upheavals and other negative factors. To do this, you need to rest more. Moreover, the rest should be active. You can regularly visit ski resorts, as well as various specialized sanatoriums. Positive emotions visit to various exhibitions, concerts, etc. will also satisfy.
  4. Compliance with the regime of the day. A man should devote a sufficient amount of rest, sleep should be at least 8 hours a day. At the same time, moderate activity will only benefit.
  5. Rejection of bad habits. The most common addictions are smoking and excessive consumption. alcoholic beverages... They need to be excluded from Everyday life, which will help normalize hormonal levels. This is especially true for men who like to drink beer almost every day in order to quench their thirst.

It's important to know! Sweets in the form of daily snacks can also help lower testosterone levels! Therefore for full recovery the body needs to exclude sweet foods from the diet.

Drug treatment

Treatment of testosterone deficiency with medications is required in cases where therapy without medicines does not give a positive result.

Drug therapy is aimed at normalizing hormonal levels in men. Hormone replacement treatment will replace the missing hormones in the body. For this, such types of drugs:

  • hormonal patch;
  • intramuscular injection;
  • oral tablets;
  • preparations containing hormones in the form of gels.

Hormone therapy must be carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

Medicines will not only increase testosterone levels, but also improve erectile function in men, which is an important factor in the life of every member of the stronger sex. In addition, the man will increase the growth of hair on the face, armpits, pubis, strengthen bone tissue, and increase muscle mass.

Consequences of low hormone levels

A total lack of testosterone can lead to extremely serious consequences. Especially if you do not provide a man in this case necessary treatment. Lack of testosterone can cause the development of such pathologies:

  1. Infertility. Since this hormone is produced in the testes, it directly affects the functioning of the genitourinary system. Erectile dysfunction gradually leads to its dysfunction. The final stage of this condition is the inability to conceive children.
  2. Osteoporosis. This disease is characterized by weakening of bone tissue. The skeleton becomes fragile, as a result of which the man becomes prone to fractures, even with minor trauma.
  3. Arterial hypertension. High blood pressure begins to be chronic with a prolonged lack of testosterone in the body.

Over time, a man has a predominance of female hormones, which are reflected in his appearance. He has such n Features characteristic of a man's physique:

  • weak growth of hair on the chest, pubis, armpits, on the face, or its complete disappearance;
  • deposition of fat cells on the thighs;
  • weakening of muscle tissue.

The skin gradually turns pale, the whites of the eyes acquire a yellowish tint, which makes its appearance extremely painful.

Therefore, it is very important to direct all forces and energy to normalize hormonal levels. This will not only improve physical well-being, but will also contribute to the restoration of the emotional state.

Increased testosterone levels in men

An increase in this hormone in the male body is the norm only in adolescence. As for middle-aged or elderly men, this process can cause a lot of health problems, like insufficient testosterone... Excessive amounts of the hormone in an adult man causes increased hair growth, acne and acne. In especially advanced situations, testicles may die off.

This condition should be diagnosed by the attending physician. And also he is obliged to control the process of lowering the level of this hormone. In most cases a man can reduce testosterone by eating certain foods that inhibit the secretion of this hormone. These include:

  1. Alcoholic drinks. This is especially true for beer. This alcoholic beverage promotes the activation of the female hormone.
  2. Meat products. To reduce testosterone, you should eat baked pork, sausages, sausages, etc. They help convert testosterone to estrogen.
    Soy products.
  3. Sugar and salt in large quantities. Sweets and salty foods inhibit a man's testosterone production. Sugary fruits contain large amounts of glucose. They should be emphasized. Since fruits are fortified with vitamins and other useful substances and they also do not contain lipids that can lead to obesity.
  4. Caffeinated products. Coffee and dark chocolate help lower testosterone to the required level.

But you should not overdo it with such food. After all, their excessive amount can reduce the hormone below the norm, which as a result will lead to unpleasant consequences.

Prevention of low testosterone

Decreased testosterone levels negatively affects the state of health in men... Therefore, it is better to take care of the normal state of hormonal levels from a young age. To do this, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Moderate physical activity. Every man should visit gyms and swimming pools regularly. Strengthening muscle mass avoids obesity, which inhibits testosterone production.
  2. Proper nutrition. The diet should consist of useful products, which contain in their composition a significant amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.
  3. It is required to avoid fried, fatty, spicy and salty foods.
  4. Avoid stress. To young people whose professional activity causes regular stress and emotional stress, it is better to change jobs. Since the kind of such activity will lead to a serious disruption of the hormonal background.
  5. Daily regime. Compliance with the daily regimen is an integral part of prevention, if a man wants to maintain normal erectile function and hormonal levels as long as possible. It takes a sufficient amount of time to devote a good rest.

Low testosterone is a serious male problem that should be addressed as early as possible. This will help avoid negative consequences in the future.

In old age, low testosterone in men is considered quite normal, the symptoms of which immediately affect sexuality and health. Why testosterone is so important for men, how to deal with its lack, we will tell below.

Testosterone and the male body

The level of this hormone tends to gradually decrease in men after 40 years. This immediately affects their health, because testosterone is the substance that makes a man a man. During puberty, there is a sharp increase in testosterone levels in men, we can see this by how the man's voice changes, sexual development accelerates and muscle mass grows. Throughout life, testosterone supports the male body and its capabilities.

As mentioned above, by the age of 40, the hormone begins to be produced in a smaller amount, gradually decreasing by 1-2%. Not everyone feels these changes, since the level of androgen remains sufficient for now. Those who are unlucky and the hormone levels begin to drop rapidly may complain of serious health problems. This applies not only to the genital area.

So, a decrease in testosterone in men is an irreparable process, one of the components of aging, or is it a problem that doctors have to solve?

The fact is that experts recommend focusing on manifestations, "listening" to your body. If there are no signs of low testosterone, then treatment is not required. The appointment of hormone replacement therapy is carried out for those who have complaints, symptoms. In such patients, the result of using androgens will be noticeable (the intensity of clinical manifestations will decrease).

What is low testosterone?

A reduced amount of this hormone is determined by its level below 300 nanograms per deciliter of blood. Only half or two-thirds of men who have low levels of the hormone on tests report a complaint to their doctor.

Low testosterone levels in men affect health:

  1. Since testosterone is responsible for the condition of the bones, then due to a decrease in its concentration in the blood, bone loss occurs, that is, osteoporosis.
  2. Specialists associate low levels of male hormones with the development of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, depression, heart and vascular diseases;
  3. Obesity also accompanies those whose testosterone tends to drop sharply in a short time.
  4. Muscle volume and strength is markedly reduced with a lack of testosterone.
  5. Testosterone is responsible for sexual development, attraction and erection maintenance. in men suffering from insufficient function of the endocrine glands, erectile dysfunction, decreased libido are observed, and interest in women decreases.
  6. Obesity with a lack of hormone is associated with a slowdown in metabolism.
  7. In men with low testosterone levels, the work of the neuropsychic sphere is also disrupted. Irritability appears, mood swings become frequent, a tendency to depression becomes a frequent reason for referring to a psychiatrist.
  8. One of the sexual characteristics of the male body is the hairline. Its absence or rare hair growth indicates a lack of hormone.
  9. With a prolonged decrease in androgens in men, gynecomastia appears, that is, the growth of the mammary glands.

Signs of declining testosterone levels

A decrease in testosterone in men begins to manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  1. The volume of ejaculate decreases. The higher the testosterone level in the blood, the more semen the gonads produce. It is worth noting that the duration of the interval between ejaculations does not normally affect its volume, but the number of sperm in the semen decreases.
  2. A healthy man experiences 3-4 morning erections per week. It has been established that the onset of an erection in the morning is completely dependent on the daily fluctuation of the hormone in the blood. The less frequent these episodes, the lower the concentration of the blood hormone.
  3. Age-related changes in androgen levels occur in the form of male andropause. Men experience hot flashes at this time, as do women during menopause. Sweating sharply increases at the time of high tide, a feeling of heat descends from head to toe.
  4. The male hormone significantly affects the psychoemotional sphere. The decrease in aggressiveness is directly related to its low level, and not to the wisdom that has come over the years.

What could be the reason for the lack of testosterone?

The lack of testosterone in men can be acquired or genetically inherent, in which case the symptoms will not be long in coming during the onset of puberty.

The highest level of androgens is observed in men after puberty and up to 30 years, then it gradually decreases. The following reasons accelerate this process:

  1. Bad habits like smoking and alcoholism, drug addiction. Those who are addicted to these early, may even have lower testosterone levels than older adults.
  2. Nervous overload. They can find a man both at work and at home. Desire, strength disappears, since the constant depletion of the nervous system leads to chronic fatigue, a drop in libido.
  3. Lifestyle and lifestyle. Excessive physical exertion, their absence, office work, the use of low-quality products, obesity, an unfavorable environmental situation - all this affects the level of health and is.
  4. Iatrogenic cause. For example, the use of certain drugs, as for the treatment of arterial hypertension.

If the level of general health is low, they will manifest themselves sooner or later. So, a decrease in testosterone levels is observed when:

  1. The rise in blood pressure levels. There are signs of a lack of testosterone in men, as the body thus protects itself from overvoltage.
  2. Respiratory failure, shortness of breath.
  3. Increased blood cholesterol levels.
  4. High temperature of the testicles (the norm is up to 34.4 degrees).
  5. Osteoporosis as an indirect sign of hormone production disorders.
  6. High levels of bilirubin. This compound traps female sex hormones in the blood, disrupting the balance between them and androgens.
  7. The presence of chronic infections, acute inflammatory process.

It is known that without a sufficient level of testosterone, sexual intercourse is impossible, attraction to a woman does not appear, and spermogram indicators also worsen. If the level of the hormone has decreased for reasons such as stress, bad habits, eating disorders, etc., you can try a testosterone supplement. They usually have natural bases like flavonoids, essential oils and saponins. They are taken for a long time, and a maintenance dose may be recommended for several months.

Or to increase craving and guarantee an erection, they additionally contain energy components such as el-carnitine. They increase stamina, give a man energy. You need to take them regularly if you are not confident in your own abilities.

Lack of testosterone is not a sentence. Even with a violation of its production and the presence of serious diseases, the doctor can always rely on hormone replacement therapy.

Weight gain, low cravings, hair loss, decreased energy, and depression can all be associated with low testosterone (T). Although this hormone is an androgen, it is just as important and necessary for the female body as it is for the male. However, doctors often ignore or misdiagnose the signs of low testosterone in women. It is often confused with depression or considered a normal consequence of aging. Despite this, testosterone levels can be effectively restored, thereby improving your overall condition.


Not always, but most often, a decrease in this androgen occurs in women at or between the ages of 40 and 50. The most common signs of low testosterone include (there may be several or one):

  • decreased sex drive;
  • loss of muscle mass, problems with maintaining and building it, especially in the upper body;
  • depressed mood or increased irritability;
  • problems with or gaining weight (especially if there have been no changes in the diet);
  • decreased energy levels, fatigue;
  • hair loss or thinning.

These symptoms are often misinterpreted by doctors because they are similar to problems that occur when other hormones are imbalanced.

What should not be confused with low testosterone in women: signs and differences

  1. Decreased thyroid hormones

Primarily, low testosterone must be distinguished from hypothyroidism, which often has similar symptoms, including:

  • tiredness even after a good night's sleep;
  • increased hair loss;
  • changes in mood, including depression or anxiety;
  • weight gain or difficulty losing weight;
  • changes in the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • cold hands or feet, cold intolerance;
  • sleep disorders, including insomnia.
  1. Climax

Low testosterone should also be differentiated from (low estrogen and low progesterone), which is usually accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms:

  • hot flashes or fluctuations in body temperature during the day;
  • fluid retention in the body, edema;
  • changes in mood, including depression, anxiety, or irritability;
  • weight gain (usually by 4–7 kg);
  • insomnia, trouble sleeping;
  • hypersensitivity to hot weather;
  • decreased desire, pain during intercourse.

Some of these symptoms overlap with signs of low testosterone in women. Therefore, it is important to compare them with the results of hormonal blood tests in order to determine what really causes the unwell.

Many women have several hormones that are low, so some of the symptoms may overlap.


What causes a decrease in hormone levels?

Just as men experience andropause (an age-related decrease in male hormones), women go through menopause, plus the equivalent of andropause.

Even if a woman leads a healthy lifestyle, eats right and avoids stress, her testosterone levels in her body will eventually drop.

There are other problems that can lead to premature depletion of this androgen. This may explain why some girls have low testosterone levels even at a young age. These problems primarily include hormonal imbalances, in particular insulin resistance.

Many studies show that it can lead to an increase in testosterone levels in women and further to. However, as Dr. V. Childs writes in his article "Low testosterone in women - signs, symptoms + treatment", insulin insensitivity in some cases, on the contrary, can cause low testosterone. It depends on the characteristics of the body of a particular girl or woman. Patients who have low testosterone levels and insulin resistance tend to also show resistance to weight loss, decreased desire, and mood changes.

This is especially important when you consider that about 50% of the population has some degree of insulin resistance. Statistically speaking, any woman has a 50 percent chance of having insulin tolerance and testosterone problems. If there is no such resistance, testosterone will still decrease over time.

How can testosterone benefit women?

The benefits that a woman will receive from an increase in test-on will depend on how she is deficient in this hormone. For example, if a low test hormone causes her to have problems with desire or weight gain, raising this hormone can solve those problems.

Based on his clinical experience, Dr. W. Childs compiled a list of positive changes that his patients noticed after hormone therapy with testosterone.

Benefits of the male hormone for women's health.

  1. Easier to lose weight

There is a clear correlation between weight loss and testosterone replacement therapy. Most of the research on this topic is directed primarily at men. However, testosterone therapy can help improve weight loss in women as well. There is a clear dependence that is observed clinically.

In the experience of Dr. W. Childs, women experience many of the same benefits as men with testosterone hormone replacement therapy. The weight loss in this case is not colossal, but it can help a lot. This is likely due to the fact that testosterone boosts metabolism, helping women build muscle. The increase in energy and muscle mass appears to be responsible for the additional weight loss that many women experience when taking test-rone.

An increase in low testosterone in women leads to moderate weight loss, in the order of 2-7 kg, but in combination with dietary changes and sports, these figures can be higher.

  1. Improved mood

The relationship between mood and test score is also well established. Low levels of this hormone are associated with a higher risk of depression in women, and when combined with menopause, the chances of a depressive disorder increase even more. Doctors in this case most often prescribe antidepressants, although the true cause is hormone-related.

The effect of the test on mood is especially evident in the elderly. They tend to get grumpy. Conversely, taking the hormone makes them happier, more relaxed, and less irritable.

The same thing happens with women who use testosterone. Increasing it can improve mood, reduce depression, reduce irritability, and improve quality of life.

  1. More muscle mass and better metabolism

Sometimes a woman feels that it is difficult for her to build or maintain muscle mass despite regular physical activity. Low testosterone may play a role in this. Even more often, this is due to the combination of low progesterone and low test-on.

The muscle-reducing effect is seen in many older women with sagging skin (especially on the arms) and thin limbs. Research shows that testosterone, along with progesterone, has an effect on muscle mass and muscle growth. And a decrease in testosterone causes muscle atrophy in the body. In women after menopause, this is especially evident. Instead of muscles, adipose tissue grows. Boosting testosterone can help build muscle mass, which in turn boosts metabolism.

  1. Increased craving

The hormone testosterone is related to gender. attraction in women. He can increase desire in several ways.

  • Increased desire for intercourse

If a woman's desire has weakened over the past few years, testosterone may be beneficial.

  • Enhancing pleasure

Some women who use testosterone also have increased satisfaction from intercourse (PA). However, this will not help if there is painful sensation during PA, which sometimes occurs after menopause. A decrease in estrogen levels can cause changes in the vaginal walls, which can lead to atrophy and pain during intercourse. Unpleasant sensations can reduce the desire for intimacy, in which case taking the test will not be effective, since it is important to restore estrogen levels.

To increase desire and satisfaction from PA, some doctors advise using testosterone vaginally. Women who apply an artificial hormone to the skin (transdermally) often do not see an increase in desire.

  1. More energy

Increased energy is a subjective response to testosterone treatment and is likely due to increased muscle mass, improved metabolism, and mood changes. Whatever the cause, testosterone can keep energy levels high in many women.

If you notice a drop in energy levels, check estrogen, progesterone, and thyroid hormones. This is usually due to a problem with one or more of these hormones.


Doctors do not recommend taking testosterone based on symptoms alone. The available signs should be evaluated together with the results of laboratory tests. Therefore, it is important to understand what truly "normal" testosterone levels are. In addition, women need to prescribe much lower doses than men.

How to check your testosterone levels

As with thyroid function, there is a difference between "normal" and "optimal" testosterone levels. In addition, it is important to measure not only total but also free serum test-n.

As an example, Dr. W. Childs cites the test results of his patients, who, in his opinion, have a subclinical testosterone deficiency. So, in one of them, the total T was 23 units with a norm of 14 to 76. This indicator, as you can see, is in the "normal" range, but the doctor does not consider it optimal. At the same time, the woman's free testosterone was 0.27 (reference values ​​from 0.10 to 0.85). Here, the doctor again notes that the reading is at the lower end of the normal range. In his opinion, it is these patients who benefit from taking testosterone.

The doctor believes that a woman's test level should be approximately in the middle of the norm, and also advises to check insulin, sugar, homocysteine ​​and glycated hemoglobin with it.

Testosterone and autoimmune diseases

Testosterone affects the immune system, in particular, it can help it better distinguish between "self" and "alien". It does this by altering T-cell immunity and helping to increase the TH1 cellular immune response.

In his practice, V. Childs found a strong relationship between low test scores and autoimmune diseases, especially in women.

Increasing this androgen (along with lifestyle and dietary changes) can boost the immune response and also in some cases helps lower antibody levels.

How to take male hormone

Testosterone is given either intramuscularly / subcutaneously or in topical form. Women are not advised to drink the hormone in pills or any other oral form.

Any drug should be prescribed only by a doctor after taking tests and taking into account contraindications!

Synthetic testosterone comes in several forms.

  • Subcutaneous implants

It is a device filled with a predetermined amount of hormones that can be surgically inserted through a small incision into the body. Due to this, the hormone will be released into the body over a period of time.

  • Testosterone creams, gels, liquids, patches

Topical medications in which the hormone is absorbed through the skin. Gels are usually prescribed for men, while creams are more commonly used by women. Not all of these drugs are suitable for vaginal use.

  • Testosterone injections (subcutaneous or intramuscular)

Depending on the active substance injections can be given every few days or weeks. Vaginal use of this form is prohibited.

When prescribing testosterone to a woman, the doctor should try to ensure that the artificial hormone enters the body in about the same way as it is naturally released during the menstrual cycle.

Most often, women are prescribed drugs that can be used vaginally, as well as transdermal forms (creams, gels, patches). Smaller subcutaneous doses are sometimes recommended for women with autoimmune diseases.

Subcutaneous implants are considered an outdated treatment. They also have significant drawbacks: it is difficult to select an individual dose, cannot be used vaginally, an incision is required, and after the administration of the drug, testosterone in the body can increase dramatically and dramatically.

Negative side effects of testosterone

Usually, if the dosage is not exceeded, most women tolerate hormone therapy well. Sometimes, some people may have sensitivity to hormones or excipients.

When testosterone is poorly tolerated, side effects are minor and include:

  • irritability or mood swings (especially often in the form of anger);
  • acne or increased tendency to appear;
  • oily skin or discoloration of the face;
  • edema, fluid retention.

These side effects are quite rare, but they do occur occasionally. Statistically, only 1 in 20 women experience one of these side effects taking high doses of the hormone.

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