What is snake venom used for? Snake venom: characteristics, medicinal properties and application in cosmetology. Contraindications and side effects

Bathroom 09.05.2021

Snake venom is produced by the temporal salivary glands and has the appearance of a yellowish transparent liquid. In the dried state, it retains its poisonous properties for decades. Snake venom is a complex mixture of proteins that have the properties of enzymes and enzyme poisons. Their composition includes proteolytic enzymes that destroy proteins, protease and esterase enzymes that coagulate blood, and a number of others. According to the poisoning effect, snake venoms are divided into two groups.

The first group is formed by the poisons of aspid and sea snakes. Their composition is dominated by neurotoxic enzymes (cobrotoxin, etc.), which act paralyzing nervous system. The second group is formed by the venoms of vipers and pit vipers, containing mainly enzymes that destroy tissues and coagulate blood. The latest research has shown that poisons of the second group also contain a small percentage of neurotoxic enzymes and fresh poison also has an effect on the nervous system. However, when dried, the viper venom loses its neurotoxicity, since this destroys hyaluronidase, an enzyme that “conducts” neurotoxins into the body of the victim.

Therefore, the dry poison of the second group acts only hemotoxically, and the fresh one - in a complex way. It is hemotoxic and neurotoxic, but the second side of the effect is obscured by the sharp effects of poisoning of the circulatory system. According to the enzymatic composition, the picture of poisoning with snake bites of these two groups is completely different. When bitten by aspid and sea snakes, there are almost no lesions at the site of the bite, but the phenomena of general paralysis and, in particular, paralysis of the respiratory center quickly develop. When bitten by viper and pit viper snakes, local lesions predominate - swelling and hemorrhage in the bite area, in severe cases spreading to most of the body. In addition, massive internal hemorrhages occur in many organs of the body, most notably in the liver and kidneys. Thus, a severe disturbance of the circulatory system occurs, accompanied by enormous internal blood loss and a sharp drop in blood pressure. This causes severe weakness, dizziness and, in severe cases, loss of consciousness.

The danger posed by snake bites to human life is of some importance in the countries of the tropical and equatorial regions. In the countries of the temperate zone, this danger is practically negligible. Every year on the globe about 0.5 million people are bitten by poisonous snakes and several thousand of them die. The main share of the dead falls on India and other countries of Southeast Asia, in South America 3-4 thousand people die a year, in Africa about 800 people, in North America up to 15, in Europe, isolated cases are far from annually observed. The percentage of deaths from the bites of the most dangerous snakes used to be 20-40, occasionally up to 70, but with the invention and widespread use of anti-snake sera, the percentage of deaths dropped sharply - to 1-3 (see the section "General outline of reptiles").

To show the comparative danger of poisonous snakes, the famous American herpetologist C. Pope writes: “In the USA, cars kill more than 300,000 people annually, snakes - about 160; for every person killed by a snake, 200 people die in car accidents.” These lines were written in the 1930s, and it is safe to say that by now the number of victims of snake bites in the United States has decreased, and the number of deaths in car accidents has increased. In our country, there are no more than 10-12 deaths per year. In this case, the tragic outcome usually occurs due to ingrained harmful first aid techniques. In the coming years, the widespread promotion of new methods of treating snake bites will make it possible to virtually eliminate deaths from snake bites. First aid techniques widely used for snake bites - constrictions, incisions, cauterization, alcohol intake - turned out to be not only useless, but also extremely harmful upon closer examination. They dramatically worsen the condition of the bitten and, as it turned out, sometimes it is these methods of “treatment” that cause the death of people, and not the bite itself.

Modern science recommends completely different first aid methods: complete immobility of the bitten limb, splinting on it, lying position of the victim, plentiful warm drinking. most efficient and effective tool treatment of snake bites is the introduction of anti-snake serum. This tool was discovered at the end of the last century, and for the manufacture of such serums in Sao Paulo (Brazil) in 1899, the Butantan Institute was founded.

Now it is the largest center for the study of poisonous snakes, for the use of snake venoms. From all over Brazil, many residents voluntarily send here about 12.5 thousand snakes annually (mainly cascavela and zhararak), from which they receive up to 5-6 liters of poison per year (1-1.5 kg in dry weight). Poison is taken from snakes once every 2-3 weeks. From small snakes, 20-40 mg of venom is obtained (in dry weight), and from large snakes, 500-900 mg per dose. The traditional method of "milking" snakes is mechanical, by massaging the venom glands. However, taking the poison with the help of an electric current (“electric milking”) is recognized as the most effective.

To do this, electrodes with a voltage of 5-8 V are touched to the oral mucosa, which causes a quick and complete return of the poison. Serums are prepared from the blood of horses immunized with increasing doses of snake venom. These serums come in two varieties: monovalent - against the bite of a certain type of snake - and polyvalent - against bites various kinds. Timely and correct administration of serum quickly relieves the symptoms of poisoning. In addition, with the bites of vipers and pit vipers, a blood transfusion has an excellent effect. Snake venom has long attracted scientists as a source of medicines However, significant progress has been made in this direction only in recent decades. So, from the poison of the gyurza and Russell's viper, hemostatic drugs are obtained - lebetox and stipven.

The main active ingredient, cobrotoxin, has been isolated from cobra venom, which has an analgesic and calming effect on spasms of the heart vessels, bronchial asthma, malignant tumors. In addition, snake venoms are used in the diagnosis of diseases, in various laboratory studies. Since poisons began to be used very widely, the need for them has increased dramatically. To obtain poison in many countries around the world, special nurseries have been created. In our country, there are such nurseries in Tashkent, Frunze and Badkhyz. However, these nurseries do not even half satisfy the needs of the pharmaceutical industry for snake venoms. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the network of nurseries and increase the venom productivity of snakes in captivity. This can be achieved by applying a scientifically based, rational system for taking poison, feeding and keeping snakes ...

Poisonous animals and plants of the USSR / B.N. Orlov, D.B. Gelashvili, A.K. Ibragimov. - M.: Higher. school, 1990. - 272 p.

It seems to us who is stronger is the main one. Predators hone their reaction, grow sharp teeth, train powerful jaws; herbivores oppose them with a mighty mass and quick legs. But poison is nature's firearm, the "great equalizer." With his appearance, the weak can overcome the strong, the slow will catch up with the fast. It is not for nothing that absolutely different animals, from jellyfish to mammals (poisonous, for example, some shrews), from spiders and insects to, of course, snakes, independently "thought of" the use of toxins.

There are poisonous animals in every class of animal (with the exception of birds), but each of them moved towards this in their own way. Jellyfish have developed specialized stinging cells containing a complex cnidocil organelle with a sharp spike. In bees and wasps, the accessory glands of the reproductive system are adapted for the production of poison. Snake venom is saliva, thick water solution containing a complex and deadly mixture of toxic proteins. It is so flawless that it already includes a certain amount of proteolytic enzymes that soften the tissues and begin to digest the victim: he will not go anywhere anyway.

LD50: 0.3 mg/kg (by subcutaneous injection). The African Dend-roaspis polylepis is one of the most frightening and dangerous venomous snakes in the world. Her pronounced territorial behavior makes her very aggressive towards any trespassers, and if the antidote is not quickly used, the probability of death from a bite will be 100%.

Common poisonous ancestor

Before the advent of methods for analyzing and comparing DNA, biologists had to rely on the not-too-reliable ground of comparative anatomy, embryology, and related disciplines. This traditional approach suggested that the common ancestor of all venomous snakes could have lived about 100 million years ago, when they had long since diverged from their scaly lizard cousins. Indeed, venomous lizards are extremely rare, while at least a quarter of snake species have venom. The severe consequences of the bites of many lizards have been associated with bacteria, including numerous pathogens that live in their oral cavity.

However, more recently, in cell culture experiments, it was found that the saliva of many lizards has a real toxicity and is able to suppress blood clotting, cause paralysis and other unpleasant effects. Separate protein components of snake venom have been found in 1,500 species of lizards, including the famous Komodo dragons. Adding to this the data of chemical and DNA analysis, scientists put forward a hypothesis about a much more ancient evolutionary origin of poisons, attributing this significant moment to the common ancestor of snakes, iguanas and some other lizards, who lived about 170 million years ago and made special rearrangements of his genome.

LD50: 0.025 mg/kg (by subcutaneous injection). Oxyuranus microlepidotus - a resident of Central Australia - uses the most dangerous poison for humans, which includes toxins that act on the nervous system and muscles, liver, kidneys and blood vessels. For example, taikatoxin blocks the movement of calcium ions into the cells of the heart muscle, stopping their work.

Genes encoding proteins important for the functioning of various cells and tissues were duplicated and began to act in the salivary glands. Such duplications are not uncommon in nature - for example, the short leggedness of Beagles, Dachshunds and related dog breeds was the result of a doubling of the FGF4 signaling factor gene involved in the regulation of limb growth. However, in the "poisonous ancestor" random mutations and selection changed the functions of the original molecule - and the protein, peacefully serving as some kind of blood coagulation regulator, could turn into a lethal toxin, causing its uncontrolled coagulation. For example, phospholipase A2, a small and generally innocuous enzyme involved in lipid digestion, has become a real killer that indiscriminately destroys living cells by dissolving their membranes. And there can be dozens of such killers in snake venom: proteins account for up to 90% of its dry mass and almost 100% of the lethal effects.

LD50: 0.57 mg/kg (by subcutaneous injection). The venom contains neurotoxic and cardiotoxic components, causing paralysis and death from asphyxia or heart attack. The cobra Naja naja is one of the famous "Big Four" of venomous snakes in Asia, led by Russell's viper, the same "colorful ribbon" from the story of Sherlock Holmes.

killer recipes

Snake venoms are the most complex of all natural poisons, and comparing them to chemical weapons would underestimate their excellence. Chlorine or mustard gas are simple molecules that work roughly and randomly; cobra or black mamba toxins act with deadly precision and efficiency. Each of them individually and general recipe their mixtures are honed by millions of years of evolution and attack very specific targets in the victim's body. The key ones are the cells of the blood, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Dendrotoxin 1, which is part of the mamba venom, is able to block a large group of voltage-sensitive potassium channels, disrupting the transmission of nerve impulses through neurons. A variety of α-neurotoxins, found in cobras and many other snakes, bind to acetylcholine receptors, completely blocking the work of synapses - primarily those that transmit commands from nerve cells to muscle cells - which ends in paralysis and death from asphyxiation. The fasciculins in rattlesnake venom deactivate acetylcholinesterase, which removes the extra neurotransmitter from the synaptic space, and the excess causes uncontrolled spasms and convulsions.

LD50: 6.45 mg/kg (by subcutaneous injection). Vipera berus lags far behind the leaders in the world danger rating. Its poison is not incredibly toxic, and several antidotes have been created against it. But every ordinary mushroom picker has a chance to get a bite, the consequences of which are extremely difficult in any case.

These are just a few of the snake venom toxins and their targets: others can cause kidney damage and heart muscle paralysis, destruction of the endothelium lining the vessels, and massive tissue necrosis. Vipers and many cobras have turned common clotting factors into killers. From a whole cascade of coordinated proteins that triggers the formation of a blood clot in the event of an injury, one or another can “pass over to the dark side” and cause general thrombus formation right in the vessels. The sight is terrible: the body of the victim is no longer filled with thick blood, almost all of it turns into coagulated clots and watery plasma, which, due to the increase in pressure, causes the body to inflate like a balloon and ooze from literally every opening - including tiny marks left by poisonous teeth.

Delivery means

The venom of the common ancestor of snakes and some lizards, which are sometimes combined into the Toxicofera group, apparently did not differ in such complexity and combined a rather limited number of mutated proteins. He also did not have special devices for effectively injecting toxic saliva into the body of the victim. Therefore, different groups of these squamates have gone different ways, developing their own means and delivery mechanisms. By and large, this process covered all systems of the snake body, although its epicenter fell, of course, on the salivary glands, which became real factories for the synthesis of toxins. And on the teeth, which turned into sharp, poison-filled syringes.

It is believed that representatives of the vast and ubiquitous viper family can boast of the most advanced poisonous apparatus. Surrounding their large venom glands are powerful chewing and temporal muscles that can instantly squeeze out poison. Through the channels, it enters the large poisonous teeth, which in many species have become hollow and sharp, like needles. Immersed in a thick mucous base, these teeth automatically “unfold”, as soon as the snake opens its mouth wide, and with the effort of the muscles that close it, the poison is squeezed out under the skin of the victim.

Vipers have the most developed poisonous apparatus.

Some cobras act even more meanly - they spit poison at 1-2 m, while aiming at the eyes. But this skill is a rather late acquisition, and ordinary poisonous teeth with new lateral holes are adapted for spitting. In addition, the poison that has fallen on the cornea is not fatal and only causes severe irritation, allowing the snake to inflict a bite, the ability for which these species have not lost at all. The blinded victim is doomed unless he can oppose the poison with some antidote.

Antidote Race

Many snakes are forced to take the greatest care not to bite their own tail and die from their own poison. In fights between them, death from poisoning is a common thing, especially if reptiles have entered into a conflict. different types. But others have become insensitive to the action of their own toxins - like the Indian cobra, the spectacled snake, whose acetylcholine receptors are insensitive to the action of the main component of its poison, α-neurotoxin. Random mutations have endowed such stability with mongooses, as well as hedgehogs, pigs and honey badgers - relatives of martens who hunt poisonous snakes much more actively than the beloved Rikki-Tikki-Tavi.

But the most striking resistance to snake venom is shown by opossums, which are almost immune to even the action of botulinum toxin and ricin. Them main secret lies in the amazing LTNF molecule, a blood protein factor that neutralizes lethal toxins. Isolated and injected intraperitoneally into mice, it helped them survive experiments with lethal doses of venom from all four major families of venomous snakes—and even some toxins from other sources, including scorpion venom. The LTNF factor was recently discovered, and its mechanism of action is still unclear, but it is being actively studied - after all, theoretically, the blood of opossums can provide us with a uniquely effective antidote.

Many snake venom toxins affect individual proteins of neuromuscular synapses and their neurotransmitter acetylcholine. They can lead either to hypertrophied and uncontrolled excitation, or to a deep inhibition of the work of these compounds.

In the meantime, the antidote for each case has to be obtained separately, by injecting non-lethal doses into animals - usually cows or horses - and isolating ready-made antibodies from their blood resulting from an immune response. With some patience and great courage, such antibodies can be “brought up” in your own body: the legendary explorer, founder of the Serpentarium in Miami, Bill Haast, injected himself with microdoses of poisons throughout his life. He not only successfully survived 172 bites, but also was a unique blood donor that saved dozens of lives of people bitten by snakes, for which there is no antidote.

Dear displeasure

Toxins are an incredibly effective tool, but not all-powerful. It is not for nothing that the vast majority of animals still adhere to other methods of defense and attack, which are not so expensive for the body. In fact, a study of rattlesnakes before and after venom was taken from them showed that the synthesis of proteins necessary to replenish the supply of lethal doses causes the entire body to strain and work in an enhanced mode for three days, increasing the metabolic rate by 11%. The same measurements were made for viper-like deadly snakes, extremely dangerous inhabitants of Australia: they have to increase their metabolism by almost 70% to recover.

Synthesizing poison is not for the faint of heart, it requires an effort comparable to that of a marathon runner. But an even greater contribution requires the evolution and cultivation of complex systems for its delivery. In fact, this is a separate direction of development, to which poisonous species sacrifice a lot of resources. In some ways, it can be called an alternative to a complex and large brain: along with this voracious organ, chemical weapons are one of nature's most expensive and most effective finds.

Using an ointment based on snake venom for joints, you can achieve a significant improvement in the condition of the musculoskeletal system, accelerate the healing of bones and muscles. Such substances relieve inflammation and have an analgesic effect. In its pure form, snake or viper venom can paralyze the human nervous system, or even lead to death, but in combination with herbs and medical components, snake poison helps to achieve an antiseptic and warming effect. When using ointments, they have a number of restrictions, and before using them, you must read the instructions.

What are the benefits of snake venom?

Snake venom has been used by doctors since ancient times. It contains nucleotides, proteins, amino acids, trace elements. Ointment with snake venom helps relieve spasm and inflammation in muscle tissue, has vasodilating and warming properties, helps to saturate damaged tissues with oxygen, thereby improving cellular metabolism, and regeneration is faster.

In its action, snake venom has no analogues among natural ingredients or medicines. Creeping toxins are divided into the following types:

  • Neurotoxic - affect the nervous and respiratory system, in large doses lead to paralysis, in small doses they work as an antispasmodic.
  • Hemovasotoxic - affect the circulatory system of the body. The presence of this type of poison in the ointment improves blood circulation, relieves inflammation and removes swelling.

For prevention, a lighter form is used - a cream with snake venom components. It contains fewer toxic substances, it can be used longer than an ointment, but, accordingly, its effect will be weaker.

The use of ointment forms with poisons

Means with this component are used to treat heel spurs.

In Vietnam, the birthplace of ointments and creams with creeping toxins, they are used to get rid of various kinds of ailments - from hypertension and asthma to potency and insomnia. Basically, preparations based on cobra venom are used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as:

  • radiculitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • sports injuries;
  • pinched nerves;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • bursitis;
  • arthrosis;
  • sciatica;
  • convulsions;
  • heel spur;
  • myositis;
  • gout;
  • neuralgia of various kinds.

List of ointments for joints based on snake venom

One of the drugs containing the toxin is Vipratox.

Vietnam is the main supplier of ointments with snake venom to the European and CIS markets. Salicylic acid, camphor and essential oils menthol, fir and mint, petroleum jelly and paraffin, which enhance the warming effect, provide deep penetration and maximum therapeutic effect. Some names of ointments have the prefix "tox", which indicates the presence of a toxin in the composition. The list of drugs based on creeping venom consists of such well-known drugs:

  • "Capcotox";
  • "Cobratox";


Cream with the venom of King Cobra, Green Boiga and White Lipped Keffiyeh provides an immediate and long-lasting analgesic effect, one of the most powerful natural medicines produced in Vietnam. It is allowed to use the remedy up to 3 times a day, for 10 days. Then you need to take a break. Used to treat back pain.

Active ingredient Viprosala is a viper's venom.

The main component of the ointment is viper venom. It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the recovery processes in tissues, is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and has an instant effect in the focus of the disease. Suitable for the treatment of chronic ailments. Used for the relief of arthrosis and osteoporosis. It is necessary to apply 2 times a day for 1-4 weeks, depending on the patient's condition.


Another name for the drug is "Cobratex". Ointment with cobra venom provides instant results. Relieves pain in sports injuries, sprains, arthritis and neuralgia. It has a warming and antispasmodic effect. Can be applied up to 2 times a day for no more than 10 days. The most famous Vietnamese ointment in Europe and the CIS. When applying, you must be careful, as it has a number of contraindications.




Snake venom is the secretion of the venom glands of some snakes. The venom glands are located behind the snake's eyes and are modified salivary glands that open outward. excretory ducts, which communicate with the grooves or canals of two poisonous teeth.

Out of 3 thousand species of snakes, which live on Earth, are mainly used in Russian medical practice 3.

Use poison

  • common viper - Vipera berus,
  • vipers - Vipera lebetina (viper family - Viperidae),
  • Central Asian cobra - Naja oxiana (aspid family - Elapidae).

common viper distributed throughout the central strip of the European part of Russia, in Siberia - from the Urals to the shores of the Pacific Ocean, on Sakhalin.

Gyurza found in the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, in the south of Kyrgyzstan.

Cobra lives in southern Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, in the south-west of Tajikistan.

Obtaining snake venom




To obtain poison, snakes are caught and kept in special nurseries - serpentaria. Catching gyurza and cobra is carried out only under licenses.

There are serpentaria in Central Asia and on the territory of Estonia. To obtain poison, the snake is allowed to bite the edge of a glass cup covered with a film, or press on the gland (“milk”), or irritate the gland with a weak electric current, causing muscle contraction. Snakes do not tolerate captivity well and live in serpentaria for no more than a year.

The amount of poison that can be obtained from one snake, ranges from 2 mg to 720 mg of dry residue and depends on its size, species, season, interval between taking poison, microclimate, physiological state of the snake and the method of selecting poison.

Physical and chemical properties of snake venom




Snake venom is a thin, clear liquid, colorless or yellowish in color, heavier than water.

When mixed with water gives opalescence.

The reaction of viper and viper venom is acidic, cobra venom is neutral.

Quickly loses activity (toxicity) in water, ether, chloroform, under the action of UV rays.

Well preserved when frozen or dried by freeze drying; in this form, snake venom retains toxicity for decades. Dried poison - yellow crystals, easily soluble in water, glycerin, saline solutions; under the action of alcohol, the poison is inactivated.

The chemical composition of snake venoms




Chemical composition snake venom is very complex and not yet fully understood.

The main components of poisons are

  • proteins that determine the main toxicity of poisons.

The main feature of their action is the effect on biological membranes. Under their influence, body cells and subcellular structures are damaged.

In terms of physicochemical properties, the protein components of various poisons are close, but in terms of pharmacological action they differ sharply. The protein component of viper venom (viperotoxin) causes predominantly hemodynamic disorders.

In the venom of a cobra contains cobrotoxin, which has a neurotoxic effect. Snake venoms contain many highly active enzymes that also have a damaging effect on cells and intercellular substance: hyaluronidase, phospholipase A 2, phosphoesterase, DNase, ATPase, nucleotide pyrophosphatase, L-amino acid oxidase, etc.; cobra venom also contains acetylcholinesterase, alkaline phosphatase;

in the venom of viper snakes- proteases; there are also minerals, pigments, etc.

The nature of the toxic effect of snake venom




According to the nature of the toxic effect, snake venoms are divided into 2 groups.

  1. Hemorrhagic Poisons(viper, gyurza). They act on the blood, destroying red blood cells, violating the integrity of the blood capillaries. In this case, the formation of blood clots in the vessels, and then the blood on long time loses the ability to coagulate, extensive hemorrhages, edema are formed.
  2. neurotropic poisons(cobra). They act primarily on the central nervous system, causing paralysis of the skeletal and respiratory muscles, weakening of breathing and death from paralysis of the respiratory center.

Properties and uses of snake venom




Snake venoms are raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry.

Preparations containing snake venom are used as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and local irritant in diseases of the peripheral nervous system.

The venoms of snakes are prescribed for treatment

  • epilepsy,
  • old forms of radiculitis,
  • sciatica,
  • rheumatism,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • as well as arthritis
  • neuralgia,
  • polyarthritis,
  • myositis.

Contraindicated for patients suffering from organic lesions of the liver, kidneys, pulmonary tuberculosis, insufficiency of cerebral and coronary circulation and hypersensitivity to poison.

The drugs are produced

  • in ampoules for subcutaneous and intramuscular administration,
  • and also in the form of an ointment for external use.


  • based on viper venom "Vipraksin", solution for injection; ointment "Viprosal B";
  • based on the poison of the gyurza ointment "Viprosal", "Nizhvisal";
  • on the basis of cobra venom "Nayaxin", solution for injection;
  • based on the venom of various snakes, the Vipratoks liniment.


  • increased sensitivity of the body to snake venoms,
  • pulmonary tuberculosis,
  • feverish conditions,
  • insufficiency of cerebral and coronary circulation,
  • heart defects,
  • tendency to angiospasm,
  • organic lesions of the liver and kidneys,
  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • pustular skin diseases,
  • damage skin at the place of application.

Individual components of the poison vipers and cobras, such as oxidase, phospholipase A 2 , phosphodiesterase, endonuclease, etc., are produced as chemical reagents.

Snake venoms and their components are used for scientific purposes as immunosuppressants, for studying the mechanism of blood coagulation, studying the molecular organization of acetylcholine receptors, etc.

Snake venoms are used in the production of anti-snake serums..

snake poison- a very interesting substance, since it has varieties that affect various internal organs man when he is bitten by a snake. This article gives short description some varieties of snake venom.

Of the 2,900 snake species worldwide (2007 data), only 450 are venomous. This is only 15.50% of their total number. Of the 7,000-8,000 people who report snake bites each year, less than 15 die from exposure to snake venom. However, most people still panic at the sight of snakes and try to kill them. Meanwhile, it is impossible to determine a poisonous snake by appearance alone. Most snakes are not venomous, and of the species that are venomous, only 250 are capable of killing humans.

Poison- this is, in fact, an improved saliva, which consists of 90% proteins, and 20% enzymes. Most of these enzymes are harmless to humans and are generally harmless if swallowed. So, technically, snake venom is not really a venom. About 20 toxic enzymes are known to man, and the unique combinations of these zootoxins and proteins represent the deadly weapon of snakes. Snake venom contains phosphodiesterases (affects the heart), cholinesterases (loss of muscle control), hyaluronidase (increase in tissue permeability), adenosine triphosphatases (impaired energy use), and various amino acid and protease oxidation products. It is stored in a large bag-like formation called "aveoli" and is injected through hollow teeth. There are many varieties of snake venom, four of the most unique and interesting ones are described below.

Hemotoxic poison

This poison affects the cardiovascular system, circulatory system and muscle tissue, thus leading to heart failure. This deadly poison is used by the Texas rattlesnake to make its victims more pliable. The hemotoxic poison causes blood poisoning and damages the blood clotting mechanism to such an extent that the victim can die from internal bleeding. Usually within 1 to 3 (sometimes even up to 8) hours there is no pain or other symptoms. This makes the venom even more deadly, as the victim is usually left without medical care even by the time the cause of the symptoms is established.

Symptoms include lethargy, headache, nausea, vomiting, etc. Some of the most frightening symptoms of this type of venom ingestion include bruising or bruising under the victim's skin. In the most severe cases, blood begins to ooze from all possible orifices of the body. It is this poison that usually causes excess scarring, gangrene, and permanent or temporary loss of motor skills. It may even cause the need for amputation of the affected limb.

neurotoxic poison

Neurotoxic venom affects the central nervous system and brain. It causes respiratory paralysis and heart failure. Its effects can range from mild convulsions to death. This venom is found in cobras, mambas, sea snakes, kraits, and aspid snakes.

king cobras (ophiophagushannah are the most infamous carriers of this poison. Neurotoxic poison, in fact, destroys the nerves. Therefore, victims may experience speech and swallowing difficulties, drooling, breathing difficulties, respiratory arrest, convulsions, and sometimes even prolonged loss of consciousness. Milder symptoms include dizziness, tunnel vision, blurred vision, and increased sweating. This poison causes the rapid destruction of synaptic nerves, which is the reason for the blocking of nerve impulses sent to the brain and from the brain to the muscles.

Cytotoxic poison

This is a less dangerous poison that usually causes only local symptoms (at the site of the bite). A cytotoxic poison is a cell-destroying poison that destroys everything in its path - blood vessels, cells and tissues. Symptoms of ingestion of this poison appear, as a rule, approximately 10-15 minutes after the bite. They usually include local pain accompanied by severe swelling and bleeding. Education can be easily seen red blisters near the bite. The cytotoxic venom also causes blue or black spots to form due to restricted circulation. The body also reacts to the effects of this poison with nausea and vomiting. If appropriate treatment is not carried out within four hours, amputation is usually required. Carriers of cytotoxic poison are African vipers.

Myotoxic poison

This venom is found in the Brazilian botrops, better known as the Brazilian spearhead snake. It is known that myotoxic poison leads to necrosis of muscle tissue. The symptoms it causes include a feeling of enlargement of the tongue, dryness in the throat, thirst, muscle spasms and convulsions. They also include spasm of the jaws, stiffness of the neck, trunk and limbs, as well as severe pain on movement. One of the first symptoms is usually drooping of the upper eyelid. Gradually, the symptoms become more severe, loss of breath occurs, and blackish-brown urine is passed. The myotoxic venom contains peptides that break down muscle fiber proteins and lead to myonecrosis (muscle breakdown). In the later stages (when treatment is not carried out), muscle proteins enter the bloodstream. There is an overload of the kidneys in connection with the attempts of the body to remove these proteins, and often the kidneys, unable to cope, fail. Kidney failure is the cause of dark urine.

Snake venom is not dangerous, provided that timely medical assistance is provided.

Those who travel to places where there is no possibility of obtaining immediate medical care are advised to be aware of the necessary first aid measures. It is important to remember that in no case should you make incisions at the site of the bite and try to suck out the poison with your mouth, as these measures can do more harm than good. You should also call your doctor immediately. You can also talk to your doctor about what antidotes to keep at home as a precaution if you live in an area where snakes are common.

In some remote areas of South Africa, learning snakebite first aid is part of the school curriculum. The inhabitants of these areas know that there are many deadly snakes near them. These animal-loving people have found a way to live with snakes by simply being careful and mindful. They try to coexist with them in harmony and not kill them, and the snakes pay the same. Not surprisingly, Africa is one of the few places that continues to be a refuge for wildlife.


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