Interesting facts about the fauna of hot countries. Animals of hot countries - interesting facts for children. Nature, plants and animals of North America

Decoration Materials 09.03.2021
Decoration Materials

And also the south of Eurasia and. The climate here can be either humid or dry, but always hot. In South America, the heat is leveled by dense jungle, but in Africa there is much less saving greenery, and animals have to save themselves by what nature gives them. In this article, you can find out detailed information about the fauna of the hot regions of our planet.

Specificity of the fauna of hot regions

Nature has protected animals living in high heat conditions. So, many of them have a thick, but relatively short coat perfectly protects against sun rays... Just look at cheetahs, giraffes, zebras and all the monkeys.

Important! However, unlike their fellows from the northern regions, they do not have a thick undercoat that retains warmth.

Others, such as hippos and camels, have a large layer of fat, which, if necessary, is converted into water and prevents dehydration.

Animals in warm regions do not hibernate, as they do not need to wait for the warm season. They also do not need migration to hot countries.

Wildlife diversity in hot areas

In hot exotic countries, there is a high population of animals that live on trees, feed on their shoots and foliage, and also do not mind eating fruits and berries growing on them.

The color of the southern representatives is brighter, corresponding to the terrain: the wild cats of Africa have a yellow-sandy color, and monkeys and birds are often endowed with multi-colored elements that create an ideal disguise.

Animals that live in hot countries

The fauna of the hot regions of the world is diverse, and the animals there are beautiful, although the shapes and sizes of some do not seem to be the most attractive.

Different types of monkeys

Orangutans, chimpanzees, gorillas and other representatives of monkeys are a large group in which there are both small individuals and huge, dangerous predatory animals with fangs of several centimeters. In habits, behavior and some other aspects, these animals are very similar to people, and therefore often become the subject of adoration.

Most monkeys have a long tail that helps them climb trees. They also have long arms and legs with 5 fingers, with the help of which they can cling to vines and branches, pluck fruits.

Primates are an extremely smart species, distinguished by the ability to hide, wait, live in a flock, deftly get rid of predators and get food. The body of most monkeys is covered with hair, but no undercoat, and there is no hair on part of the face.

The classic color is brown, brown, gray or black, as well as red, but there are also more exotic species. Mandrills, for example, have a muzzle with a red and blue tint.

Lion is the king of the animals

A large wild cat that can break the back of a bull, antelope or other with one blow. Lions have the loudest roar, if you are near him, you can easily go deaf for a few minutes. Due to this, the cat received the proud title "King of Animals".

Lions live in flocks called prides. In one group there is usually one male and several females, but there are prides in which 2-3 males dominate. Males have huge, beautiful manes, while females do not. The male has a brush at the tip of the tail. The pack leaders, as a rule, do not go hunting, leaving this right to the lionesses.


Calm, intelligent and obedient animals are among the largest of those that live on land. The elephant is one of the few herbivores that can withstand lions and tigers. The huge trunk serves as a "hand" for the elephant - he communicates with it, drinks water, collects fruits and twigs from trees. Elephants have very thick skin that protects them from predators and the scorching sun.


These animals live only in Australia, belong to the infraclass. Kangaroos grow taller than a person, but are born very tiny, after which they immediately move into the mother's "bag" and live there for several months. As soon as the cub is one year old, it will leave the bag.

The kangaroo has a very powerful tail and hind legs, allowing them to develop tremendous speed and jump at a distance of 7-10 m, or even more. These animals belong to the group of herbivores, and they feed mainly at night.

In Australia, the kangaroo population is protected, since at one time they were actively exterminated for meat.


Tall herbivores with 1 or 2 humps. They easily tolerate drought in the hottest places on the planet - the Sahara and other deserts. They are distinguished by colossal endurance. They can easily go for several weeks without food and a little less time without water.

Almost complete help them survive - lichens, dry grass, cactus thorns. The camel absorbs any food. And when danger appears, this beast is able to spit unpleasantly.


The graceful representatives of the African continent have a short protruding mane and tail, like a donkey, with a small tassel. They are distinguished by their original striped colors. Moreover, the stripes are very clear. Adult zebras feed on tree bark, grass, young twigs. Often, groups of zebras graze with giraffes, antelopes and even ostriches.

This "sociable" animal can stand up for itself. In the event of a threat, the zebra begins to bite and kick the enemy.


The tallest representative of the terrestrial fauna, distinguished by its slowness. You can recognize them by their characteristic spotted color, a head with horns and an unusual physique. And giraffes also have extremely sharp hooves with which they can kill the enemy. They have excellent eyesight and hearing.

Indian porcupine

Possesses many long and sharp needles, which it is capable of throwing at the enemy. When meeting with an enemy, it "swells", raising the needles, and frightens a potential victim. However, porcupines eat only plant foods.

African ostriches

The largest birds in the world, capable of reaching a height of 1.7-2 m. They have long, powerful legs and run very fast. They also have a long neck and a small head. Like chickens, ostriches cannot fly.

The amazing fauna of the rainforest fascinates, impresses with its shades and shapes. Unlike the northern regions, in the south, animals have bright, distinct colors, they have no undercoat, but there is a thick coat. And many of them are nocturnal, fleeing the heat.

Tell the kids

The world of animals is very amazing, sometimes facts about them can delight, and sometimes even scare. Our smaller brothers will surprise us more than once with newly revealed discoveries.

Here are some surprising animal facts from sweltering hot countries:

    The lion remains the king exclusively within the hot climate, in cold areas he will be overcome by another king - the polar bear.

    Ostriches can be safely called single fathers, they simultaneously mate with several females, and subsequently they lay their eggs in one nest and leave them to the father's care.

    Male monkeys go bald.

    Crocodiles besides delicious food they also swallow stones, this helps them to dive deeply.

    Elephants can draw.

    One monkey received a medal and a military rank during the First World War, maybe they really look so much like people?

For those who want to tell children, the following will be more interesting Interesting Facts about animals .


The kings of animals keep a lot of interesting things in themselves, namely:

    Despite the courage and courage of all predators, they have the smallest heart in size.

    Lions are real sleepyheads, per daythey sleep 20 hours .

    The muzzle of these predators is unique, you cannot find two lions in which it will be completely identical, although people do not always notice this.

    They may look formidable creatures, but in the circle of their pride they behave very affectionately, they like to rub their faces against each other.

    Lions can begin to growl only after two years, until that time they simply do not know how to do it.

    Lionesses feed not only their cubs with their mother's milk, but also everyone else in the pride.

    Taking food from other predators is not in the style of lions, they disdain to eat what jackals and hyenas have touched.

    Just for fun, they don't hunt, so even zebras can sleep peacefully next to a hungry lion.


Herbivorous giraffes are no less interesting.

    If humans have unique patterns on their fingers, and lions have muzzles, then giraffes have a heel on the skin as a unique identifying mark.

    Giraffe cubs begin their lives with a difficult test: falling from a two-meter height.

    The maximum how much this long animal sleeps per day is one hour, and more often twenty minutes altogether. Moreover, this dream occurs in a standing position, it remains only to wonder how they do not fall at this moment.

    Their tongue is black in color and has an incredible length of 50 centimeters.

    In herds of giraffes, there is no order, no matter what gender or age they are, everyone is equal and everyone has free access to it.

    Only a giraffe can't yawn.

    They sleep little, but they eat a lot, up to 20 hours a day. We can say that food is the main part of the life of these amazing animals.


What unusual is hidden behind an animal so similar to a person?

    In fact, the relationship between man and gorilla is scientifically based, becauseDNA matches 98 percent , in addition to this, they, like people, have 10 fingers on the lower and upper limbs and 32 teeth.

    Many young females do not give birth, like other wild animals, in which one offspring can reach 20 cubs. Most often, they have no more than three children in their entire life. Pregnancy lasts a rather long time. Approximately 8 months.

    Gorillas know how to cry, but not with tears like people, but making plaintive sounds.

    Up to three years old, cubs are not able to exist without the help of their mother, she feeds them, carries them on herself and protects them from danger.

    These large primates do not like water, they try to hide from the rains, and water is obtained from green leaves.

    Gorillas live quite a long time for animals, up to 50 years.

    At the age of 8, females have to leave their family and look for a new one, so they become adults and enter adulthood.


So black to white stripes or white to black? An eternal mystery.

    Multiple studies have proven that the zebra is still black with white stripes.

    Despite the love of cleanliness and the constant licking of each other, zebras do not deny themselves dirty baths made of dust.

    Mom's zebra's milk is not white, but delicate pink.

    Zebras are command animals, they coexist in herds and stand guard while their relatives rest.

    In herds, everyone is divided into small families, family in general is the main distinguishing feature of these amazing animals.

    Since ancient times, people have tried to make zebras domestic, to tame them, but even today no one succeeds. Zebras love freedom, although their coexistence cannot be called absolutely free.

    Females carry babies for a whole year before giving them life.


What if the elephant was a predator ?! Then many would have had a hard time, because they are capable of killing with just weight. But only they are not predators, and to everything else they are very kind.

And here's what else is interesting about them:

    For two years, females carry their cubs

    At birth, elephants do not have teeth, as in young people, they first have dairy, and only after that indigenous.

    300 liters and 300 kilograms : only elephants can eat and drink that much in one knock.

    Matriarchy reigns in herds of elephants, mature and strong females become leaders.

    Each individual elephant has its own unique ear rim.

    Elephants do not know how to run at all, their fastest movement is accelerated walking.

    They eat not only grass and leaves. Berries, fruits and even tree bark are a real treat for them.

    There are animals weighing 6 kilograms, and there is an elephant's brain, which weighs exactly the same. By the way, this affects their mental characteristics, because they are one of the smartest animals.

New vocabulary


lion, elephant, giraffe, zebra, rhino, crocodile, antelope,leopard, camel, turtle, hippopotamus, monkey, kangaroo,

koala, platypus, parrot, cheetah, desert, jungle, savannah,Africa, Australia,


hunt, hide, hide, live, jump, climb,run, run away, catch up, graze, fear, defend,

attack, sneak up.

Adjectives: striped,

spotted, swift, slow, marsupial, hardy , huge, long-necked, fluffy.


Goals: work on general speech skills, developdialogical speech.


Hello elephant!

Are you not cheerful?

Why did you hang your nose?

Why is your long nose

Has it almost grown to the ground?

The elephant thought and answered:

I really need a nose, children!

How is it? Do you need? What for?

I eat a lot!

Long nose takes food

And puts it right in my mouth!

He help me get drunk

And catch on the branch.

Can he serve hand -

How useful he is!


Goals: develop common priesthood skills: clarity of jurisdiction,correct pronunciation, correct voice,

auditory memory.

HODGames.The teacher offers children a competition: whowill pronounce the tongue twister faster and more correctly.

Talking gorilla on a walk

Not silently, she spoke with a gorilla.

A. Kostakov

Behind the hippo hippo

Stamping on the heels.

L ... Ulyanitskaya

The game "Promptislovechko"

Goals: develop auditory attention, a sense of rhyme.

The course of the game. The teacher reads a poem, the children listen carefully andfinish speaking the last word.

Once in deep dark mud

The fishermen were catching fish,

And I got to them on the net

Evil green ... (crocodile).

The shell is as strong as granite

From he will protect enemies,

And underneath it knows no fear

Slow ... (turtle).

Hear the mighty stomp?

See the long trunk?

it not a magic dream!

it African elephant).

Game "Be attentive"

Target: develop auditory attention.

The course of the game. Educatorreads a poem to the children and asks to solve the problem.


The elephants walked their path,

We walked through the jungle to a watering hole:

Daddy-elephant, elephant-mommy,

Grandfather, stubborn elephant,

Grandma, five-ton elephant,

And grandchildren, two elephants:

Elephant, small son,

And his sister, Elephant.

How many elephants went to the water?

Do you have your answer ready?

T. Kryukova

The game " Who where?"

Goals: form the grammatical structure of speech (understanding anduse of prepositional-case constructions); develop

auditory visual attention; improve operationssound analysis and synthesis.

The course of the game.

Option 1: The teacher places toys (animalshot countries) in different places (on the table, under the table, in a box, etc.)

and asks the children the question: "What toy is on the table?" Childrenanswer: "There is an elephant on the table." Then the teacher specifies,

what little word-preposition was needed in the given proposal.

Option 2: The teacher asks the child to guess wherethere is a toy whose name is known for the first and

last sounds. Children name the toy and explain where it is costs.

For example:

Where is the toy in the name of which the first sound is [w],

and the last one is [f]. -Giraffe stands under the chair.

The game "One - many"

Goals: develop grammatical speech (educationparental noun plural


Hodgry. The game can be played with a ball.calls the word - the name of the animal and throws the ball to the child, he

connects this word with the adverb "many" and returns the ball.

For example:

One lion - many lions, one giraffe - many giraffes.

Repeat the game if necessary.

The game "Whose, Whose, Whose?"

Goals: form grammaticalspeech structure (the formation of possessive adjectives from


Game progress... The teacher invites children to look at the picturesdepicting animals of the north and hot countries and requests

name the signs of animals.

For example:

The bear's ears (whose? What?) Are bearish, the tail (whose? What?) bearish.

The seal has a head (whose? What?) ...polar fox paws (whose? what?) ... the walrustusks (whose? what?) ... the deer has horns

(whose? what?) ... the penguin has a beak(whose? what?) ...

Game "Who is superfluous?"

Target: develop logical thinking.

The course of the game.

The game carried out using pictures with imagesanimals of the north and hot countries.

The game "Make a diagram"

Objectives: to consolidate the skill of analyzing sentences into words.

The teacher invites the children to listensentences, count the number of words and draw diagrams.

Reminds you that sentences may contain “smallwords "- prepositions that the first word in a sentence is written with

capital letter, at the end of the sentence you need to put a full stop.

For example: The lion is a predatory animal.

Monkeys are very agile. Elephantlifts loads with a trunk. hipposleeps a lot during the day. Giraffe nibbles leaflets .

The game "Scattered syllables"

Target: develop syllabic analysis, synthesis, visualattention visual memory, activate vocabulary

stock on the topic "Animals of hot countries".

Hodgry. Children read verses and compose words fromscattered syllables.

It was Sunday

At the elephant's birthday.

The guests sang, had fun,

In a round dance, everyone was spinning.

So spinning and spinning

That were scattered to pieces.

One, two, three, four, five!

Help the guests collect:





From the manual by L. Gadasina, O. Ivanovskaya

The answers are illustrated with pictures:

antelope, hippo, crocodile, chimpanzee, porcupine, gorilla,giraffe, lemur, cobra, hyena.

Game "Who is the most attentive?"

Goals: develop hearing comprehension, improvephonemic hearing.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME. The teacher calls the words, and the child raiseshand only when he hears the names of animals.

The words: giraffe, count, passed, crocodile, zebra, mop,hat, turtle, gazelle, lawn, parrot, loaf.

Poems for reading and memorizing

Look: hippo

V hot Africa lives.

Sits in the river all day

He eats or sleeps roots.

At night he will not sleep

It will come out to pinch the grass

AND trample all the meadows -

His leg was heavy.

And then sleep again

Climbs into the water

So his days pass

So the years pass ...

S. Vasilieva


Goals: develop auditory comprehension, teach coherentmonologue (interpretation of the riddle).

PROGRESS OF THE GAME. The teacher makes a riddle, the children guess.One of the guys explains its meaning. The rest complement.

And to sing - does not sing,

AND fly - does not fly.

Why then

Is it a bird?


What kind of horses -

All vests.


I am a humpbacked beast

But I like

guys. (Camel)

To those who fell into the river,

Nasal bite ...


He's ugly, perhaps ...

Instead of a nose - a hose fireman,

The ears seemed to fan,

He waved his height as tall as a tower.


V. Zhukovsky

He wears a horn on his nose

And it's called ...


N. Nishcheva

A green log sleeps.

It got tangled in silt.

The log has a large mouth.

Teeth in mouth - just passion.

H ... Nishcheva

Text for retelling


This is a hippo. Only not he, but she is a hippo. Her name isGorgeous. She was brought from Africa. Hippos live there in the river.

They eat grass along the banks, dive into warm water... To fall at the hippopotamushuge. Will open - like a suitcase. The weight of a hippopotamus is one hundred pounds.

And a thin old man commands him in the zoological garden.Poor hippopotamus: he loves warm water.

The old man warms the water for the pool.lets the hippopotamus into the pool so as not to catch a cold.

The hippopotamus, if he wanted, would have walked through the fence - and notdares: the old man does not order.

According to B. Zhitkov


Who is the story about? What is the name of the hippo?

Where did it come from?

What are hippos doing at home?

Describe the hippopotamus.

Who commands the hippo?

How does the old man take care of the hippopotamus?

The fauna of our planet, despite all the efforts of man, is still very rich. Many animal species inhabit all latitudes, from the North Pole to Antarctica. And in hot climates there are especially many of them. Take Africa and its Big Five. This is the name of the five inhabitants of this continent: buffalo, rhino, leopard, elephant and, of course, lion. In our temperate climate, these animals from hot countries are found only in zoos. And Africa is their home for them and you can meet them there in the wild.

Everyone knows the lion, the "king of beasts". Previously, these predators roamed the vastness of Eurasia, North America and throughout Africa. But people exterminated many representatives of this "royal" species. And in our time, these animals of hot countries are found only south of the Sahara Desert and in India, where only a small population of these predators has survived.

The lion, unlike other felines, has pronounced sexual characteristics. The male from the female is distinguished by the presence of a large mane. And the saying that a cat walks by itself does not apply to these representatives of the feline world. These animals of hot countries live in prides, that is, in a kind of social groups. The largest male is at the head of the pride. As the head of the clan, he is only concerned with protecting his territory and, of course, extending the clan. This group also includes several females and young offspring.

And on the "shoulders" of females lie the difficult duties of obtaining food and raising the younger generation. The lioness's gestation period lasts within 100-108 days. And each of them can bring 2-3 kittens. It happens, but rarely, that a lioness brings four or even five cubs. Immediately after lambing, she feeds the babies away from the pride, in some secluded place. But the lioness does not stop ties with her group. Then, when the kittens get stronger, she brings them to the pride. And due to the fact that the lion cubs smell like their mother, they are freely accepted into the group.

Growing up, young males begin to "look closely" to the leader of the pride. Each of them wants to take this place. And when the young male is strong enough, he challenges the leader. There is a struggle for the "throne" and the winner takes everything, and the loser leaves the pride.

These wild animals of hot countries feed on the hoofed inhabitants of the African expanses. These are antelopes, zebras and gazelles. If there is a chance, then the lion can drag away the pet. Also, these predators can cope with young hippos, rhinos and even elephants. Lions have a very good appetite. For a sitting, he can overcome up to 30 kg of meat, and then sleep for almost a day. But the average daily diet of this predator is about 5 kg of meat.

There are also other animals of hot countries that are quite noticeable on the African continent. These are the largest animals living on the surface of the earth - elephants. The weight of females of these herbivores is within 2.8 tons. Males weigh about five tons. But there are also champions among them. The largest one weighed 12.2 tons.

But not only by weight can you distinguish a female elephant from a male. The sizes of their tusks are also significantly different. In some males, they can reach four meters in length. And this is the curse of the entire "elephant family". Some poachers find it lucrative to hunt ivory. Animals of hot countries, such as elephants, were on the verge of extinction because of this. And now they occupy not the last page in the International Red Book.

There are many more interesting features that African elephants possess. For example, the huge ears of these animals. And during the African heat, these body parts replace a fan for elephants.

The diet of African elephants consists only of plant foods. And for three quarters of their lives, they are engaged in the fact that they constantly chew. But these giants sleep relatively little. They only spend 15% of their time on vacation. And this is two times less than that of people. And they sleep only while standing, leaning on each other. Also, African elephants have one feature that no one can explain. They feel the approach of their death and themselves go to the "cemetery", which is not very easy to find. There are also many more animal species in Africa that make this continent so colorful and unique.

When it comes to what animals live in hot countries, most people think of elephants, lions and crocodiles. However, these are far from the only representatives of the animal world living in hot climates, whose lifestyle and appearance can be interesting.

Wild animals of hot countries are monkeys, and hippos, and mongooses, and jackals, and representatives of the feline family, and even bears. The list of names of inhabitants of a hot climate will take more than one or even two pages. Some of them are more interesting, since they are almost absent in our zoos, which means that it is almost impossible to see them even in enclosures. These animals include mongooses, baboons, lemurs and buffaloes.


These animals, whose name is familiar to everyone who read the works of Kipling, live in Asia, India, Africa, and even on the southern borders of Europe, they are also found. V modern world scientists count 35 varieties of mongooses. Zoologists divide them into 14 genera.

Regardless of what genus and species mongooses belong to, their lifestyle and habits are the same. These animals do not like loneliness and prefer to live in communities. The number of such a community can reach 50-60 individuals.

They settle both in burrows and in hollows of trees. Burrows can be dug on their own or used abandoned.

These animals of hot countries are predators. They hunt in the same way as they live - together. And looking out for prey, they get up on their hind legs in a funny way, stretching out in line and swaying a little. At this point, mongooses are very reminiscent of gophers and marmots. Although in India in this moment the similarity is seen not with these rodents, but with the natural enemies of the mongooses - snakes. The animals are both daytime and nocturnal. They choose to hunt at night if it is too hot during the day.

What else is interesting about the mongoose?

Interesting facts about animals in hot countries in relation to mongooses always start with such moments as omnivorousness and high adaptability. In the absence of prey, the animal does not begin to migrate, as many predators do. He simply changes his diet.

If there is no one to hunt, mongooses eat larvae, large insects, crustaceans. And if they are not there, then they quite calmly switch to plant foods, starting to feast on nuts, fruits, roots and everything that they can get.

Mongoose is easy to tame. In many Indian villages, this is not a wild animal at all, but a completely domestic animal, living with people for generations. Home mongooses are a cross between a cat and a dog. They catch mice and other small rodents, drink milk from saucers, ensure the safety of dwellings from poisonous snakes, but at the same time they also protect settlements from strangers, can look after grazing goats, drive away predators and sleep curled up with a person.


Animals from hot countries like baboons are not just a species of monkey. The baboon is the largest monkey in the vastness of Arabia and on the African continent. It is there that their habitat in nature is located.

In addition to their size, baboons are distinguished from other monkeys by the following qualities:

  • endurance;
  • aggressiveness;
  • rationality;
  • the ability to adapt.

The intelligence of baboons lies in their cunning. This monkey never forgets anything and is able to wait for the right moment for years to, for example, take revenge on the offender.

Baboons are nomads. They do not lead a sedentary life in one place, they are not inclined to become attached to the territory or fight for it. These monkeys are in constant wandering, and their physical endurance can give odds to this quality in many other representatives of the fauna.

About the external differences of baboons

These animals of hot countries differ from other monkeys in appearance. They have a different head structure - the upper jaw bones are very wide and developed. The mouth of a baboon is also difficult to confuse with the mouth of monkeys of other species - this animal has protruding powerful fangs, giving it a resemblance to painted vampires.

But the most important external feature of the baboon, which is simply impossible not to pay attention to, is its bare buttocks. Moreover, the skin on them is painted brightly and, as a rule, in red shades.

About social relationships of baboons

They live and travel in large families. The family is headed by the strongest, most beautiful and experienced baboon. However, the aggressiveness of these animals forces the youngsters to periodically challenge the leader's right to leadership.

An interesting fact is the inequality in the female collective of baboon families. The female preferred by the leader enjoys much more authority and popularity with the rest of the pack, as well as her cubs. But as soon as the main baboon pays attention to the other female, all respect is lost.

Baboons feed mainly on plant foods, but they are absolutely omnivorous and do not disdain anything.


Animals of hot countries sometimes have names specific to the European ear, similar to any words. For example, a lemur. The name of this animal in pronunciation is identical to the French word for "love". However, the animal is named not at all from the French word, but from the Greek. V Ancient Greece it meant "night spirit."

Lemurs are the most poorly studied animals. At the end of the last century, scientists knew about thirty varieties of these animals. Today, zoologists are talking about a hundred different species.

The smallest of the lemurs is the microcebus. This animal is often called the mouse lemur. Its body length reaches a maximum of 13 centimeters. And the largest of the known species is a semi-mat. It grows to half a meter.

These animals of hot countries feed mainly on plant foods. And they are active in the evening and at night. Their habitat is the Comoros and Madagascar. The animals live for 30-40 years, and prefer to settle in large communities.

The lemur, like the mongoose, is well tamed and feels good in captivity. However, unlike the mongoose, it does not bring any practical benefits - it does not catch anyone, does not protect anything, moreover, from boredom it can begin to put its own order in the house.


The buffalo is a huge wild bull, differing from the domesticated in the framing of the head or crowning the shape of the horns and more phlegmatic disposition. These artiodactyls live in the African expanses and in India.

Buffalo horns can reach a couple of meters. The most famous images of these horns adorn the walls of Egyptian buildings. The mythical bulls carrying the sun between their horns are buffaloes.

Although these animals have a rather phlegmatic disposition, they are completely devoid of fear. It is not so important who, in the opinion of the buffalo, is threatening him - a man, a tiger, a lion, a flock of hyenas or jackals, this bull will fight. This feature is inherent in all types of buffaloes.

They live in large herds, numbering hundreds of heads and more. Although a lone buffalo never retreats, the herd, at the signal of the leader, always embarks on an organized flight. What caused this interesting fact by scientists has not been clarified.

Buffaloes live on average for about 20 years. They feed exclusively on plant foods. In India, they are domesticated and are real working animals - they carry heavy loads, harness to plows, children ride on them. Unlike a cow, a buffalo is not considered a sacred animal in this country.

What are the features of animals in hot countries?

The peculiarities of animal life in hot climates are due to climatic conditions. The absence of cold weather conditions that they:

  • do not store food;
  • do not dig deep holes of many meters;
  • do not hibernate.

Most of the animals living in hot latitudes have such qualities as laziness, lack of desire to hunt constantly, calm attitude towards humans. It is on these properties that safari parks are based. That is, animals, seeing another biological species that is not the subject of their hunt, calmly continue to do their own business, not paying any attention to tourists. And when traveling through the savannas, you can observe such a picture - lions lounging on the grass in the immediate vicinity of grazing antelopes or buffaloes.

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