Oge geography assignments 28 29. Where the angle of incidence of the sun's rays will be greatest. Which of the listed cities shown

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In the twenty-ninth task of the exam in geography, you need to work with certain statistical data (most often they are presented in the table) - draw conclusions based on them and answer the question from the condition. However, in order to give a competent and correct answer, just reading the table is not enough: you need to know geographical terms and be able to calculate geographical indicators.

Most often, the tables display such indicators as the size and growth of the population, fertility and mortality, the balance of migration: you need to know the formulas for each of them. However, sometimes the condition is not given in a table, but simply in text. Such assignments are usually based either on the specifics of the climate or on the features of the EGP of any country or constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Sometimes it is necessary to compare two points marked on the map - then they usually ask about the difference in the total solar radiation in a certain month of the year. It turns out that in order not to lose possible points, you need to be well versed in almost all aspects of the subject. In the examples, we will look at different types of questions.

Rating system

In a condition, it is always required to indicate two components - two reasons or two features. If the answer contains two correct components, the meaning of which coincides with the expert's answers, 2 points are given, if only one component is correct - 1 point, otherwise no points are given for this task.

Analysis of typical options for assignment number 29 of the exam in geography

The first variant of the task

Based on the data in the table, explain why between 1990 and 2010 the proportion of people over 65 in the age structure of Poland increased significantly. State two reasons for this. If the answer contains more than 2 reasons, only the two that are written first are evaluated.

Index1990 2010
Population, million people38.1 38.4
Share of people over 65,%10 14
Fertility, ‰14 10
Mortality, ‰10 11
Balance of migrations, ‰0 0
Average life expectancy, years71 76
Share of urban population,%62 61

As we can see from the table, the share of people over the age of 65 has increased by 4% over twenty years. We have zero migration balance, so we will not take this indicator into account - it did not affect the change in the number of pensioners. The share of the urban population is also irrelevant in this situation. Let's pay attention to the second column from the bottom: average life expectancy. It has increased by 5 years at once! It turns out that people began to live longer and the proportion of the population over 65 increased. The table also shows that the birth rate decreased by 4 ppm, and the population increased: therefore, there was a decrease in the birth rate, as a result of which the percentage ratio of ages changed: there were more people aged 65 and older.

Let's write the answer:

  1. The average life expectancy has increased.
  2. There was a decrease in the birth rate, due to which the percentage of the ages changed: there were more pensioners and fewer children.

Second variant of the task

The pulp and paper industry is one of Finland's international specialties. What features of the country's natural resource base contributed to the development of this industry in it? Indicate two features in your answer. If there are more than two features, only the two that are written first will be evaluated.

This task is not very difficult. As we know from the course of geography, the development of pulp and paper production requires raw materials in the form of wood, as well as clean water, which is actively used during the production process. In the northern country of Finland, which is also called the land of a thousand lakes, there is no shortage of fresh water. There are also many forests on its territory. A possible answer looks like this:

  1. Finland has a lot of fresh, clean water, which is an important ingredient in papermaking.
  2. There are many coniferous forests in Finland, and this is an important raw material for the pulp and paper industry.

The third variant of the task

Explain why in the point marked on the map under the letter A, the total solar radiation in June will be less than in the point under the letter B. Give 2 reasons in your answer. If you provide more than two reasons, only the first two will be evaluated.

Total solar radiation = direct solar radiation + scattered solar radiation. Direct solar radiation is that that enters the planet directly from the Sun, and scattered radiation is that that is transmitted through scattered clouds and the atmosphere. Direct radiation depends on the angle of incidence of the Sun's rays and the length of the day: the longer the day and the higher the angle, the greater it is. The scattered one depends on the dryness of the air, the height above sea level, the height of the Sun: the higher the Sun, the greater the scattered radiation; if there are clouds that do not cover the Sun, the scattered radiation will be higher than in clear weather, the drier the air, the less scattered radiation.

The map shows that both points - both A and B - are on the lines of the tropics. There is little scattered radiation, because the air is dry. In June, the Sun is at its zenith north of the equator, hence the angle of incidence will be higher there. Also in June, the length of the day is longer in the Northern Hemisphere and shorter in the Southern Hemisphere. Let's write the answer:

  1. In the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun is at its zenith in June; hence the angle of incidence sun rays higher at point B.
  2. In June, the length of the day is longer in the Northern Hemisphere, and point B, unlike point A, is in the Northern Hemisphere.

Analysis of tasks of increased complexity

in preparation for the exam in geography

Prepared by: Geography Teacher

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 12"

Chapter: The Earth is like a planet. The shape, size, movement of the Earth.

For example, we solve this task : Determine the geographic coordinates of a point located in North America if it is known that on September 23 at 19 o'clock GMT at this point it is noon and the Sun is at an altitude of 42 ° above the horizon.

We reason like this: North America located in the northern hemisphere in relation to the equator and in the western hemisphere in relation to the prime meridian

Determine the latitude of the point by the formula :

90 ° - 42 ° (the height of the Sun is indicated in the problem) = 48 ° N (because in the northern hemisphere).

Determine the longitude of the point .

The time in the task is indicated at 19 hours, i.e. time differs from Greenwich time by 7 hours. We substitute this time into the formula and we get:

19-12 = 7 hours

In 1 hour, the Earth makes a revolution of 15 ° (360 °: 24h = 15 °

15 ° 7h = 105 ° W (because in the western hemisphere).

Answer : coordinates of the point 48 ° N, 105 ° W.

Place the parallels listed in order of increasing day length on June 1, starting with the parallel with the shortest day length.

Write down the resulting sequence of numbers in response.


The first of June is summer in the northern hemisphere, and winter in the southern hemisphere. The length of the day increases as you move towards the North Pole. Therefore, the shortest length of the day will be on a parallel.

3) 30º S NS. 2) 10º S NS. 1) 40º s. NS.

Answer: 3, 2, 1.

Source: Demo version of the USE-2016 in geography.

Establish a correspondence between the phenomenon and the parallel on which it is observed on August 6: for each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.



A) polar day

B) polar night

C) the zenital position of the Sun

Explanation. The northern hemisphere is better lit in August. Beyond the line of the polar circle is the polar day in the northern hemisphere and the polar night in the southern. The sun is at its zenith from the equator to the northern tropic.

A) polar day - 75º s. NS.

B) polar night - 75º S. NS.

C) the zenital position of the Sun - 17º s. NS.

Answer: 1, 2, 3.

Determine at which point on March 25 the Sun will be highest above the horizon at 18 o'clock on the solar time of the Greenwich meridian.




We apply the formula:

(12 h -… h) · 15 ° =… east longitude. (if in the eastern hemisphere)

(… H - 12 h) · 15 ° =… w. (if in the western hemisphere)


The table shows the western longitude, which means we apply the formula:

(18 h - 12 h) 15 ° = 90 ° W

This means that on the meridian 90 ° W. noon and the sun is above everything. Now we look at the table and choose which point is closest to the equator, the farthest to the south.

Determine in which of the points,

The sun will be highest above the horizon

at 7 o'clock meridian solar time.

Write down your line of reasoning.


determination of the midday meridian.

Highest of all the sun will be where it is noon

(12-7) x15 = 75 ° E

Answer: C

Determine what air temperature will be at the top of the mountain, indicated in the figure with the letter A, if at the foot of the mountain its value is + 12 ° С, and it is known that the air temperature drops by 0.6 ° С for every 100 m.Write the answer in the form numbers.


Which of the following conclusions about the trends of change

volume of livestock products made

based on the analysis of the data shown in the table are correct?

Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

Dynamics of livestock production volumes

(in% to the previous year)






1) In the Novgorod region, in the period from 2009 to 2011, there was an annual increase in the production of livestock products.

2) In the Saratov region, in the period from 2009 to 2011, there was a decrease in the volume of livestock production every year.

3) In the Lipetsk region, in the period from 2009 to 2011, an annual increase in the production of livestock products.

4) In the Kostroma region, in the period from 2009 to 2011, there was an annual increase in the production of livestock products.

Natural increase = Fertility - Mortality

Mortality = Fertility - Natural increase

Migration gain = Immigration - Emigration

Migration gain = Arrivals - Departures

Total population growth = Migration growth + Natural growth

Migration Growth = Total Population Growth - Natural Growth

Natural growth = Total population growth - Migration growth

Population density = Population

Network density railways = Length of railway tracks

The area of ​​the land

Immigration - entering the country

Emigration - leaving the country

The population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is significantly influenced by both the natural movement of the population and migration. The table shows data taken from the official website of the Federal Statistics Service.

Numerical and natural growth of the population of the Vladimir region. After analyzing the data, determine the rate of natural population growth in per thousand in 2006 for the Vladimir region and the value of the migration increase (decrease) of the population of the Vladimir region in 2006. Write down the solution to the problem.

Average annual population, people.

Natural population growth, people, the value of the indicator for the year.

Algorithm for solving

  • 1. Determine the relative unit density (in ppm) by the formula:
  • EP (in ppm) =
  • 2. Determine changes in population size as the difference between a given year and the next one.
  • 3. Mechanical growth = the magnitude of the change in the population size - the magnitude of the natural increase (decrease) of the population

P - C (absolute natural increase) × 1000

H (resident population)

  • 1.- 14430: 1472621 × 1000 = - 10% 0
  • 2.1472621-1459574= -13047
  • 3.- 13047- (-14430) = 1383 (human)
  • Answer: the mechanical population growth in the Vladimir region in 2006 amounted to 1383 people.

In the twentieth task of the OGE in geography, the ability of ninth grade graduates to read is tested geographic Maps... The condition is the same - someone chooses a site for a specific purpose (for example, setting up a sports ground or vegetable garden); given those characteristics that he should have. It is necessary to determine which section of the three indicated on the map suits him better, and bring two arguments to the chosen answer. All the symbols necessary for making a decision are indicated on the map.

Rating system

The maximum score for this task is 2. It is given if the site is chosen correctly and two correct, competent reasons for the choice are given. 1 point is given if the site is correctly selected, but only one correct justification is given. If there are no justifications or they are incorrect, the student receives 0 points - even if he chose the site correctly.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 20 of the OGE in geography

The first variant of the task

Boys choose a place to play football. Evaluate which site is best suited for this purpose and provide two reasons for your choice.

Site 1 is in a wetland area and therefore not suitable. The territory of site 3 is located on uneven terrain, in addition, there are holes. Therefore, a suitable option is section 2. Let's write the answer:

Plot 2 is better suited.

  1. It is located on level ground.
  2. There are no trees, bushes, cliffs or holes.

Second variant of the task

Students choose a place suitable for skiing. Determine which of the parcels shown on the map is best suited for this purpose. Give two reasons to support your answer.

Site 1 has a lot of vegetation, so it is not suitable. There are few slopes on site 3. Therefore, the correct answer is 2. We write the answer:

Plot 2 is suitable because:

  1. It is on a good slope.
  2. There are no shrubs on site 2.

The third variant of the task

The forester selects the site that is best suited for the creation of an orchard. He needs a site where the snow melts early in spring and the sun warms up the soil well in summer. It should also be convenient to transport the crop to the cannery from there. Determine which site is best suited for the forester, and provide 2 points to support your answer.

Section 3 is located far from the highway. The slope on which section 2 is located warms up less. Therefore, section 1 is suitable. The answer looks like this:

A suitable site is numbered 1, since:

  1. It is located on a slope that is well lit by the sun during the day.
  2. It is located just off the highway.

2. Countries bordering Russia. Extreme points.

Atlas grade 8... Map "Geographical position of Russia".

Countries bordering Russia: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, PRC (China), Mongolia, DPRK (Korea), Abkhazia, South Ossetia,

by sea -Japan and USA

3. Questions about the climate of Russia.

Atlas grade 8... Climate map.

In summer, the air temperature increases from north to south. In winter, it decreases from west to east (the closer to the west, the warmer). The amount of precipitation increases to the west, in the mountains, on the Pacific coast.

5. Questions on the Russian economy.

Atlas grade 9. Maps, for example, "Mechanical Engineering", "Fuel Industry", etc.

6. Questions about reserves.

Atlas grade 8. Natural shrines of Russia

7. Which of the regions has the highest population density?

Atlas grade 9. Population density map. Correlate two maps: "Population density" and "Administrative map". The population density is higher - the closer to the south and to the European part. (The main zone of settlement: the European part of Russia, except for the north and south of Siberia).

8. Questions on schedules. Determine the required value according to the schedule, table.

9. Questions: determine:

Natural increase = Fertility - Mortality

Mortality = Fertility - Natural increase

Migration gain = Immigration - Emigration

Migration gain = Arrivals - Departures

Total population growth = Migration growth + Natural growth

Migration Growth = Total Population Growth - Natural Growth

Natural growth = Total population growth - Migration growth

Population density = Population

Density of the railway network = Length of railway tracks

The area of ​​the land

Immigration - entering the country

Emigration - leaving the country

10. Which of the cities is in the zone of action of a cyclone or anticyclone.

Question about the synoptic chart. V- anticyclone ( high pressure) H- cyclone (low pressure)

11. Question on the synoptic chart.

In which city is a cold snap possible? (Where the cold front goes)

In which city is warming possible? (Where the warm front goes)

Where precipitation will fall - where is the cyclone or the atmospheric front

12. Environmental issues

Acid rain is promoted by coal combustion, non-ferrous metallurgy

Greenhouse effect - increase in carbon dioxide (transport, fuel combustion)

Smog is generated in ferrous metallurgy centers

Natural resources

Exhaustible inexhaustible (energy of the Sun, wind, tides

Non-renewable Renewable

(minerals) (forest, water, soil, living world)

13. Which statement refers to the process:

Urbanization - increasing the role of cities and urban lifestyles

Migration - movement of the population from one place of residence to another

Reproduction of the population is a process of continuous generational change

Natural population growth - the difference between fertility and mortality

River mode - change in the water level in the river according to the seasons of the year (freezing of the river, breaking the ice cover)

The sectoral structure of the Russian economy is a set of industries that satisfy the homogeneous needs of society and form a single economy of the country.

14. Determine coordinates.

If the city - Atlas 7 class - the political map of the world. (Atlas grade 8 - cities of Russia)

If a mountain, a volcano - Atlas 7 grade - physical map of the world (Atlas 8 grade - Russia)

Coordinates: for example, 40 0 ​​N .; 80 0 v.d.

Latitude: north and south Longitude: western and eastern

16. Calculation task

Tasks for determining the share (%). We make up the proportion. Integer (common) -100%, what to find x%.

20 - 100% x = 8 x100

Determine the relative humidity (make up the proportion).

Determine the temperature at the top of the mountain.

Determine the salinity (Measured in ppm% 0, if the salinity is 15% 0, then 15 grams of salts are dissolved in a liter of water)

17. Arrange cities in order of increasing (decreasing) population size.

Atlas grade 9. Kata population density. We look at the cities in circles.

Cities millionaires of Russia:

Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara,

Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Volgograd, Voronezh

18. Determine the distance on the topographic map.

1. Measure the distance between objects with a ruler 2. Multiply by the scale value (for example, 100 m)

4 cm x 100 = 400 m

19. Determine the direction from one object to another. Topographic map

20. Determine which site is suitable for:

Sledding, downhill skiing (1.There is a slope 2.No shrubs, holes)

Football field (1. Smooth terrain 2. No holes, bushes, forests)

Orchard (1. South slope 2. Near the road)

21. Determine which profile is suitable

By the height of the points, by the lowering of the relief, etc.)

22. Maps of which area you need to choose for tog to explore the territory….

Atlas grade 8 "Administrative map", grade 9 "Economic zoning"

24. Arrange the regions in the order in which they meet New Year

Atlas grade 8. Administrative card. Find the regions or cities you need. New Year starts on east .

26. Arrange the rock layers shown in the figure in order of increasing age

(from the youngest to the oldest).

How above layers of rocks - the younger

28. Tasks on tables. Analyzing tables

29. - In the capital of which of the listed republics the Sun rises above the horizon first of all Moscow time? The farther east, the earlier it rises above the horizon.

- Where the angle of incidence of the sun's rays will be greatest.

The closer to the south, the greater the angle of incidence of the sun's rays will be.

- Highest above the horizon

On the day of the summer solstice, the sun is at its zenith over the northern tropic. Winter solstice Sun at its zenith over the southern tropic

Task 15.

Special attention should be paid to this task. For its implementation, you need to get 2 points.

Traditionally, task 15 can be represented by several options:

    Explain the causes of frequent earthquakes, active volcanic activity, tsunamis in certain regions of the planet.

    Explain the cause of landslides or mudflows.

    Explain the reason for the high swampiness of the territories.

    Explain the features of the precipitation regime.

    Reasons for the formation of permafrost.

    Explain possible environmental impact human activities: soil pollution, water bodies, the formation of ravines, air pollution.

Let's consider each of the options.

To solve the task, you need to provide a justification. The answer is recorded on a separate form. The wording should be clear and straightforward: disclose causal relationships.

Option 1. Explain the causes of frequent earthquakes, active volcanic activity, tsunamis in certain regions of the planet.

To solve the task in which it is necessary to reveal the causes of earthquakes, volcanism, tsunami threat, follow these steps:

1. Determine which region you are talking about. V this case about the west coast of South America.

2. Find this region on the physical map of the world (class 7 atlas).

3. Find the same region on the map of the structure of the earth's crust (class 7 atlas).

4. Determine on the map, within which lithospheric plates the region is located.
The task requires the wording that the territory is located in the contact zone of lithospheric plates.

5. In the zone of contact of lithospheric plates, a seismically active zone is always formed; area of ​​folding, which will be characterized by earthquakes, volcanism, tsunami threats. Determine from the map of the structure of the earth's crust what folding is formed in the contact zone of the lithospheric plates you specified. Since we are talking about modern mountain building, the active Cenozoic folding should be indicated (see conventional signs).

1. Territory (instead of the word territory, you must specify a specific region, in this example Chile) is located in the contact zone of lithospheric plates.

2. The area of ​​the Cenozoic folding is formed here.

Option 2. Explain the cause of landslides or mudflows.

We solve the task.

Landslides are the sliding displacement of rock masses down a slope under the influence of gravity. They arise as a result of slope erosion, waterlogging (especially if there is an alternation of water-resistant and aquifers, seismic shocks, etc.)

Landslides occur when the stability of the slope is disturbed by natural processes or people. The forces of binding of soils or rocks are at some point less than the force of gravity, the whole mass starts to move and a catastrophe can occur.

Attention! The wording of the answer in such tasks is as follows:

1. A landslide occurs as a result of an increase in the weight of permeable rocks and the formation of an aquifer on the surface of the first water-resistant layer.

2. As a result of torrential rains, the upper layers of permeable rocks became heavy, an aquifer was formed under them on the waterproof layer, therefore, a sliding surface was formed, along which the upper layers slid downward due to the force of gravity.

The question of the formation of mudflows may be similar. The answer is formulated similarly to the causes of landslides.

Mudflows are stormy streams with mud and boulders. The main component of this mixture is water, it is it that determines the movement of the entire mass. The immediate causes of the onset of mudflows are heavy rainfall, washing of water bodies, intensive melting of snow and ice, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, deforestation, rock explosions during road construction, improper organization of dumps. Mudflows carry either small particles of solid material or coarse debris. In accordance with this, stone, mud-stone and mud streams are distinguished.

Option 3. Explain the reason for the high swampiness of the territories.

To solve such a task, you need to know that the main cause of waterlogging is exaggeration. And excessive soil moisture, in turn, occurs under the influence of a complex of zonal factors, the main ones being the climate, geological structure, relief and hydrogeological conditions of the area.

Climate: in the zone of excessive moisture, where precipitation exceeds the total evaporation, more than 70% of all waterlogged lands are located.

The geological structure has a huge impact on the water regime of the territory. The most swampy are the large troughs of the earth's crust, composed of a thick stratum of sedimentary rocks, into which surface and underground waters flow from the adjacent uplands. These waters are a source of excess moisture in addition to atmospheric precipitation. Such large depressions include the Belarusian and Ukrainian Polesie, Meshcherskaya, Barabinskaya, Kolkhida and other lowlands. Swamping of lands is facilitated by the subsidence of the surface of the plains under the influence of tectonic movements.

Relief: the least swampy are elevated relief elements (watersheds, steep slopes), from which precipitation flows down the slopes in the form of surface runoff, waterlogging the land. The most swampy are endless, low-flow depressions and steep flat plains on which surface waters stagnate, especially with insufficient natural drainage of the territory.

Natural drainage. It is characterized by the density of the river network (the length of rivers, streams and ravines per unit area), the depth of the river network, the slopes of the earth's surface, and the permeability of soils and rocks. The swampiness of the territory is the less, the greater the density of the river network, the deeper the channels of rivers and streams are cut, the more permeable the soils.

Lithological conditions. The nature of the structure of soils and underlying rocks, which determine lithological conditions, also affect the formation of excess moisture. Influenced not only by the surface layers (soil, subsoil), but also by deeper sediments, which affect the rate of absorption of precipitation into the soil and the conditions for the formation of groundwater. The water permeability of rocks is the main indicator. Well-permeable soils (sands, sandy loams) are rarely excessively moistened, since precipitation is quickly absorbed into them and does not overmoisten the soil. But on heavy soils (clay, loam), in areas of permafrost soils, water can stagnate.

Hydrogeological conditions. A distinctive feature of waterlogged lands is, as a rule, shallow occurrence of groundwater levels. Groundwater is formed by absorbed atmospheric precipitation.

Based on materials from the site: http://goo.gl/hpgs3i

Attention! The wording of the answer in such tasks is as follows (it is required to indicate one reason related to the climate, and one - to the relief):

Climate-related reason: excessive moisture as a result of the excess of precipitation over evapotranspiration.

The reason related to the relief: the Polistovo-Lovatskaya bog system is located in the Priilmenskaya lowland, therefore, the territory is characterized by a low (difficult to runoff) flat relief, as a result of which the water stagnates.

Option 4. Explain the features of the precipitation regime

A similar question may be related to the Atacama Desert in South America. Both deserts, Namib and Atacama, are located along the western coasts of the continents (Africa and South America, respectively), both within tropical latitudes.

It must be remembered that the formation of precipitation is influenced by:

intense evaporation,

ascending air currents.

In this case, both factors are absent, since cold ocean currents pass along the western coast of Africa and South America, therefore, the evaporation rate is low; tropical latitudes are characterized by anticyclonic weather, therefore, downdrafts of air prevail, preventing the formation of clouds.

Attention! The wording of the answer in such tasks is as follows:

A cold current runs along the coast of the mainland (determine the name from the map), which prevents intense evaporation, hence the formation of moist air masses.

The desert is located in tropical latitudes, which are characterized by anticyclonic weather, therefore, downdrafts prevail, preventing the formation of clouds.

Option 5. Reasons for the formation of permafrost

Permafrost - rocks of the upper part of the earth's crust, which are constantly frozen and thaw in summer only from the surface
Permafrost is common in areas where the average annual temperatures are negative and there is very little precipitation. In such conditions, soils and rocks of the upper layers of the earth's crust are practically constantly frozen.
The main reason for the formation of permafrost is very low temperatures(in winter) during long winters with little snow and short summers, when the ice does not have time to melt and accumulates in the soil.

Attention! The wording of the answer in such tasks is as follows:

Norilsk is located in the subarctic climatic zone.

Natural conditions are characterized by very low temperatures (in winter) with long winters with little snow and short summers, when the ice does not have time to melt and accumulates in the soil.

Option 6. Explain the possible environmental consequences of human activities: pollution of soils, water bodies, the formation of ravines, air pollution

Option 6.1.

Attention! The wording of the answer in such tasks is as follows:

We consider all the proposed conditions:

Mining products can get into the soil: contamination with copper, nickel is possible, which will also reduce soil fertility.

The use of large volumes of water will change the wetting regime of the territory. incl. soil.

Option 6.2.

Attention! The wording of the answer in such tasks is as follows:

The question is similar to the previous one, but the consequences are not considered in relation to soils, but in relation to water resources(rivers). We consider all the proposed conditions:

Extraction of copper-nickel ores will be carried out underground (construction of mines, mines), therefore, the integrity of the soil cover will be violated, the structure of soil horizons will be destroyed.

Equipment for waste rock dumps involves the withdrawal from use of valuable agricultural land.

The products of mining can get into the soil, and then into the groundwater: the pollution of rivers with copper, nickel is possible, which will cause the death of fish.

The use of large volumes of water will change the moisture regime of the territory, possibly shallowing rivers.

Option 6.3.

Ravines are a form of relief in the form of relatively deep and steep, non-sodded (no vegetation) hollows formed by temporary trails.

The process of ravine development is facilitated by: clearing plantations on the slopes and in the ravine basin, plowing and mining on steep slopes of clay and sand, lack of regulation of surface runoff, especially in the presence of abandoned ditches, etc.

Climatic conditions have an unconditional effect on the formation of ravines, in particular, cold, long winters with deep freezing of the ground and with the accumulation of thick snow cover. All this entails the formation of cracks in the soil and their destruction. When the snow melts, the intense and abundant flow of water into these cracks causes the formation of ruts. In arid regions, intense drying and cracking of soils can also cause cracks in the soil.

Attention! The wording of the answer in such tasks is as follows:

The assignment deals with the Stavropol Upland. We consider all the proposed conditions:

The Stavropol Upland is hilly, with elevation differences, located in the steppe zone, therefore, the slopes of the hills are plowed up.

The lack of vegetation and human agricultural activities (plowing the territory) led to soil erosion and the formation of ravines.

Option 6.4.

We consider the factors affecting the circulation of air masses:

wind intensity;

the nature of the circulation of air masses (cyclonic or anticyclonic windless weather);

sources of air pollution.

Attention! The wording of the answer in such tasks is as follows:

Minusinsk is located in the center of the Minusinsk Basin - a depression in the relief. The air polluted by emissions from CHP plants and boiler houses stagnates.

In winter, the Siberian anticyclone operates over Minusinsk, therefore, calm weather is established.

The amount of emissions into the atmosphere in winter increases, because the main sources of pollution are thermal power plants and heating boilers.

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