Modern problems of nature conservation. Presentation on ecology on the topic "protection and rational use of natural resources" Protection of natural resources presentation

Logs 06.12.2020

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Purpose: To prove the urgency of the problem. Tasks: Find out the main sources of environmental pollution, Ways to solve the problem of environmental pollution.

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Introduction: The natural environment serves as a condition and means of human life, the territory on which he lives, the spatial limit of the ongoing state power, a place for placing objects of industry, agriculture and other objects of cultural and community purposes. A person influences the natural environment of his habitat not only by consuming its resources, but also by changing the natural environment, adapting it to solve his practical, economic problems. Because of this, human activity has a significant impact on the environment, subjecting it to changes, which then affect the person himself.

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Forms of human interaction with the environment: Economic - this is the consumption of nature by man, the use of nature to satisfy man of his material and spiritual needs. Ecological is the protection of the environment natural environment in order to preserve man as a biological and social organism and his natural habitat. Rational use of natural resources. The concept of "rational" includes not only economic, but also environmental content. In other words, rational is the economical, careful use of sources of natural raw materials, natural resources, taking into account the requirements of environmental protection.

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Negative human activity in relation to the natural environment is manifested objectively in three interrelated forms: Pollution of the natural environment. Depletion of natural resources. Destruction of the natural environment.

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Pollution. Environmental pollution is divided into several types: Dust. Gas. Chemical (including soil pollution with chemicals). Aromatic. thermal (temperature change). And many others. The source of environmental pollution is human economic activity (industry, agriculture, transport).

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Of all types of pollution, the main ones can be distinguished: MAIN TYPES OF POLLUTION Physical (thermal, noise, electromagnetic, light, radioactive) Chemical (heavy metals, pesticides, plastics and other chemicals) Biological (biogenic, microbiological, genetic) Informational (information noise, false information, anxiety factors

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Environmental pollution. The main sources of pollution. Major harmful substances Atmosphere Industry Transport Thermal power plants Oxides of carbon, sulfur, nitrogen Organic compounds Industrial dust. Hydrosphere Wastewater Oil spills Vehicles Heavy metals Oil Petroleum products Lithosphere Industrial and agricultural waste Excessive use of fertilizers Plastics Rubber Heavy metals

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The atmosphere (air environment), hydrosphere (water environment) and lithosphere (solid surface) of the Earth are exposed to pollution.

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Depletion of natural resources: Development of minerals to the point of unprofitability of further development. Exceeding the rate and volume of production over the ability of natural renewal of renewable resources. These are deforestation, overfishing, overgrazing and destruction of pastures, non-compliance with agrotechnical measures in tillage and depletion of their fertility, pollution of watercourses and reservoirs with industrial waste so that they cannot be practically used, air pollution in large cities, etc. And. etc. happens naturally. For example, the rapid reproduction of the muskrat in some areas led to the extermination of its food and the death of the animal; reproduction of mink - to the disappearance of some species of fish - its food, etc. With the development and progress of society, the use of natural resources is increasing, so the problem of preventing this process arises.

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Nature protection This form is a reaction to the destructive activity of man in the environment. Unlike consumption, this is a conscious form of social and state activity aimed at the conservation and reproduction of natural resources. As a secondary form of interaction between society and nature, nature conservation arises and improves as consumption and use of the natural environment grows. Protection appears and is improved where there is a threat of destruction of the natural environment, where the consumption of nature arises and develops.

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Rational use of natural resources The concept of "rational" includes not only economic, but also environmental content. In other words, rational is the economical, careful use of sources of natural raw materials, natural resources, taking into account the requirements of environmental protection. Therefore, it is impossible to consider such a careful, economical, effective use natural resources, which leaves a deep negative impact on the state of the environment. In the middle of the XX century. (50-60s) the problem of rational use of natural resources as a form of nature protection develops into protection, improvement of the human environment. Unlike previous forms, where natural objects and their resources were the direct object of protection, here the protection of the natural environment puts forward a person, his life, his health, his genetic future as a direct object of protection.

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The role of nature in the life of human society. For man, as well as for any other biological species, nature is the environment of life and the source of existence. As a biological species, a person needs a certain composition and pressure of atmospheric air, pure natural water with salts dissolved in it, plants and animals, and the earth's temperature.

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The influence of man on nature. As a biological species, a person with his life activity affects the natural environment no more than other living organisms. However, this influence is incomparable with the enormous impact that humanity has on nature through its work. The transforming influence of human society on nature is inevitable; it intensifies as society develops, the number and mass of substances involved in economic circulation increase.

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The influence of man on nature. The changes introduced by man have now acquired such a large scale that they have turned into a threat of disruption of the balance existing in nature and an obstacle to the further development of the productive forces. Long time people looked at nature as an inexhaustible source of material goods they needed. However, faced with the negative consequences of their impact on nature, they gradually came to believe in the need for its rational use and protection.

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Protection of Nature. Nature conservation is a system of scientifically based international, state and public measures aimed at rational use, reproduction and protection of natural resources, to protect the natural environment from pollution and destruction in the interests of existing and future generations of people.

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Protection of Nature. The main goal of nature conservation is to support the dynamic balance of natural processes, the conservation of the biological diversity of plants, animals, microorganisms, providing favorable conditions for the life of present and future generations of people. The progressive sustainable development of human society is impossible without rational environmental management, which is the totality of all forms of exploitation of natural resources and effective measures for their conservation and restoration.

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Exhaustible and inexhaustible natural resources. Naturally, in connection with different historical stages in the development of human society, the problems of using natural resources and protecting nature also change. Man is a relatively young inhabitant of the Earth; he joined its ecological systems about 3.5 million years ago. Then the impact of people on the environment was insignificant due to their small number.

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Exhaustible and inexhaustible natural resources. About 1.5 million years ago, the number of people did not exceed 500 thousand individuals. People wandered in small groups, collecting edible plants, hunting animals, catching fish. The traces of their influence were quickly smoothed out by nature, as soon as the gatherers, hunters and fishermen left their camps. The wolf was the first to be tamed, helping people to hunt animals, later cattle were domesticated, then horses.

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Exhaustible and inexhaustible natural resources. Approximately 10-12 thousand years ago, in favorable conditions, people switched to a settled way of life and began to engage in agriculture. The initial phase of the transformation of the natural environment is associated with the development of animal husbandry and agriculture. The growth of the transformative activity of human society, associated with the development of industry, continues at the present time.

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Exhaustible and inexhaustible natural resources. So, in the first half of the XX century. of particular concern was the very rapid depletion of natural resources and the possible death of mankind due to the complete exhaustion of ore deposits and oil. Now threatening environmental pollution, violation of natural biocenoses, deforestation, soil erosion, the disappearance of rare species of animals and plants are being put forward in the first place. Natural objects and phenomena that a person uses in the labor process are called natural resources. These include atmospheric air, water, soil, minerals, solar radiation, climate, vegetation, wildlife. According to the degree of their depletion, they are divided into exhaustible and inexhaustible.

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Exhaustible resources Exhaustible resources, in turn, are divided into renewable and non-renewable. Non-renewable resources include those resources that are not revived or are renewed hundreds of times slower than they are spent. These include oil, coal, metal ores and most other minerals. The reserves of these resources are limited, their protection is reduced to careful spending. Renewable natural resources - soil, vegetation, wildlife, as well as such mineral salts as Glauber's and table salts, which are deposited in lakes and sea lagoons. These resources are constantly being restored if the necessary conditions for this are maintained, and the rate of use does not exceed the rate of natural revival.

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Inexhaustible resources. Inexhaustible resources include water, climate and space. The total water supply on the planet is inexhaustible. They are based on the salty waters of the oceans, but they are still little used. In separate areas, the waters of the seas and oceans are polluted with oil, waste from household and industrial enterprises, the removal of fertilizers and pesticides from the fields, which worsens the habitat of marine plants and animals. Fresh water, necessary for humans, is an exhaustible natural resource. The problem of fresh water is exacerbated every year due to the shallowing of rivers and lakes, an increase in water consumption for irrigation and industrial needs, water pollution by industrial and household waste.

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Principles and rules of nature conservation. Economic activity causes numerous changes in nature, the consequences of which must be able to predict. In the process of long-term use of natural resources, general principles and rules for the rational use and protection of nature.

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Principles and rules of nature conservation. The first principle boils down to the fact that all natural phenomena have multiple meanings for man and must be evaluated from different points of view. Each phenomenon must be approached taking into account the interests of various branches of production and the preservation of the restorative power of nature itself.

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Principles and rules of nature conservation. The second principle is the need for strict consideration of local conditions in the use and protection of natural resources. It is called the rule of regionality. This is especially true for the use of water and forest resources.

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Principles and rules of nature conservation. The third principle, arising from the mutual connection of objects and phenomena in nature, is that the protection of one object means at the same time the protection of other objects closely related to it.

1. Create conditions for the formation and deepening of knowledge
students about natural resources, based on their different
2. To form an idea about protected areas, their types and significance.
1. Create conditions for the formation of mental operations:
analysis, comparison, conclusions.
2. Create conditions for the formation of skills to work with
computer programs.
1. Create conditions for the formation of self-education skills
based on independent activities.
2. Create conditions for the formation of an environmental culture

Description of a person:
dependence, desire for independence,
many needs
French mathematician and philosopher of the 17th century
Pascal Blaise

People have long known that
destroy nature
unprofitable, because a person
dependent on nature.
Why are they doing that?

The environment is
set of natural conditions.
Natural Resources - Components
nature, which are used
or can be used in
economic activity

Types of natural resources

Mineral (fossils);

Divide natural resources into groups




Information for thought

Biological resources constantly
restored if saved
necessary conditions for this, and the speed
use does not exceed the rate
natural rebirth (animals -
some years; forests - 60-80 years; soil,
lost fertility - a few
Exceeding the rate of spending over
the rate of reproduction leads to
depletion or complete disappearance

Practical work: Description of the features of various types of protected areas

Identify and characterize the types of protected areas.
Get acquainted with the protected areas of the Khabarovsk Territory.
Continue to develop skills in working with various sources
Equipment: instruction cards, computer, textbooks??????
Working process:
1. Get to know educational material about protected areas on page ??? textbook
"Geography of Russia" and Geography of the Khabarovsk Territory.
2. Study the material about protected areas presented in the folder "Nature Protection",
located on the C drive.
3. Find and read the data on the protected areas of the Khabarovsk Territory on the website
Government of the Khabarovsk Territory on the Internet.
4. Fill in the table:
5. Explain how PAs achieve the best results in
nature conservation? Why?

I've done the work:
Types of protected areas
a park
What tasks are solved
What economic
activity allowed

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Take care of these lands, these waters, even loving every single one. Take care of all the animals inside nature. Kill only the beasts within you. (E. Evtushenko).

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New words of the lesson: natural resources and their types; natural environment; rational use of natural resources; alternative energy sources; protected natural areas.

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natural environment ( Environment) - a set of natural conditions

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Natural resources are components of nature used to meet the material and cultural needs of society.

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Nature management - complex science engaged in the development of solutions to problems that arise in the course of the relationship between society and nature, in which natural properties are extracted from the natural environment. Main directions: preservation and enhancement of natural benefits; maintaining human health and preserving the aesthetic properties of natural complexes is rational (reasonable).

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Types of nature management

1Create a diagram "Types of nature management" (p. 222) 2 Which scientists formed the basis of nature management? rational irrational

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Alternative energy sources:

Internal heat of the Earth; Wind; The sun; Ebb and flow; Surf; currents.

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Protecting nature means protecting the Motherland. M.M. Prishvin

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Protected areas-

These are plots of land, water surface, airspace above them, where PCs and objects of special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health significance are located. Established a special regime of nature protection, withdrawn from economic activity.

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Fill in the chart:

Specially protected territories reserves reserves national parks Reserves of the Chelyabinsk region

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The Red Book of Russia

We must save them! Amur tiger Apollo Golden eagle Desman Mandarin duck Snow leopard Bison

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Ilmensky State Reserve

Ilmensky State Reserve named after A.I. V. I. Lenin of the Ural Branch Russian Academy Sciences - the world's only mineralogical reserve. Created in 1920, as stated in the decree of the Council of People's Commissars: "In view of the exceptional scientific significance of the Ilmensky mountains in the South Urals near Miass ...". On the territory of the reserve, the subsoil and the entire complex of wildlife are under protection, they are being intensively studied. Every year scientific expeditions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, specialists from other countries work on the territory of the reserve, and students of Russian universities have internships. The uniqueness of the subsoil and wildlife make the Ilmensky Reserve the status of a national treasure. Old building

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“Mineralogical paradise”, “Mecca of mineralogists of the whole world”, “natural museum of mineralogical objects”, “reference mineralogical object” - what epithets were not given to Ilmen... Indeed, the mineral world of Ilmen is exceptionally diverse, which is due to the long history of the development of this area crust (2 billion years) and the complexity of its geological structure. The most interesting mineralogical objects are discovered by small mine workings, which are called mines. amazonite corundum tourmaline

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Biodiversity Ilmen. The flora and fauna of the reserve is peculiar. This originality is determined by its position on the border of the mountain-taiga zone (from the west) and the forest-steppe zone (from the east). Flora and fauna include many rare species of plants and animals, as well as endemic Short-eared owl Swallowtail slipper

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National parks of the Chelyabinsk region.

Taganay Zyuratkul

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ARKAIM - architectural monument ARKAIM ARKAIM (Arkaiym), archeol. complex, including a fortified settlement and adjacent economic sites, a burial ground, a number of unfortified settlements. Name "BUT." (possibly from the Turk. (Bash.) "arka" ("arka") - "ridge", "back", "base") is given by the name of the hill and tract. The complex is located in the Chelyabinsk region, (on the territory of the East of Bashkortostan), on the river B. Karaganka, and its lion. tributary of the Utyaganka river, in the foothill valley near the east. slopes of the Ural Mountains. The monument dates back to the 2nd quarter of the 2nd millennium BC. (17-16 centuries BC). Radiocarbon dates are 3600-3900 years ago. The complex has been studied since 1987 by archaeologists. expedition of the Chelyabinsk University under the leadership of G. B. Zdanovich.

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Monuments of nature of the Chelyabinsk region.

Turgoyak Uvildy

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Homework Give specific examples of the influence of the natural environment on various aspects of human life? One of the principles of rational nature management says: "Neither an individual, nor society, nor science has the right to a constant increase in the share of exhaustible resources used." Think about the meaning behind these words. Are there types of protected areas in the Chelyabinsk region? What components of nature are protected in them?

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