Where to get data on the average wages in the industry by type of economic activity in the Moscow region. Salaries in Russia Salary level by type of economic activity

Where to begin? 20.06.2021
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The indicator of average wages by industry is interesting not only for employees, but also for employers. He is the first to provide information on the correspondence of their salary level to the average level in a particular professional field. Employers, on the other hand, can conclude that it is necessary to index wages if they are below the industry average.

Of course, the average wage indicator should be used with some convention. After all, the average indicator does not take into account the peculiarities of the functioning of a particular employer. Namely, the amount of remuneration of an individual employee actually depends on these specific conditions and factors.

Where to see the average salary in Russia in 2018-2019.

The average indicators across the country are calculated by the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat, formerly Goskomstat). These indicators are calculated based on the processing of static reports submitted by organizations and individual entrepreneurs. Official statistics are posted on the Rosstat website at www.gks.ru.

As of the end of 2018, from the most up-to-date information on wages by industry, Rosstat officially published information on the average nominal gross wages of employees for the full range of organizations by type of economic activity in the Russian Federation for October 2018. At the same time, it is indicated that the average salary in all industries in October 2018 amounted to 42,332 rubles.

The first information on the average monthly salary in 2019 will appear on the Rosstat website no earlier than the end of February.

We talked about what nominal wages are in.

Average wages in the industry

We present data on the average salary of organizations by type of economic activity for October 2018 in the form of a table:

Economic activity Average salary (rub.)
Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming 29 295
Mining 77 382
Manufacturing industries 40 462
Electricity, gas and steam supply, air conditioning 44 901
Water supply, sewerage, organization of waste collection and disposal, activities to eliminate pollution 32 192
Construction 38 750
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 34 424
Transport and storage 46 993
Activities of hotels and catering establishments 26 356
Information and communication activities 60 969
Financial and insurance activities 83 353
Real estate activities 32 034
Professional, scientific and technical activities 65 471
Public administration and military security, social security 43 591
Education 34 082
Activities in the field of health and social services 39 088
Activities in the field of culture, sports, leisure and entertainment 43 061
  • Advocate
  • Salary by type of economic activity
  • Average salary by industry by type of economic activity
  • Average industry salary in 2018 by type of activity Moscow
  • Average wages in the industry by type of economic activity
  • Veteransrussian-tatarstan.ru
  • Wage

Lawyer Important Topic: analysis of the activity of a motor transport enterprise (for example, "NPATP" LLC) Attention Clerk.Ru Accounts department General accounting Wages and personnel records Average level of salaries by type of economic activity PDA View Full Version: Average level of salaries by type of economic activity Tanyok 20.07. 2007, 12:36 We received a letter from the tax office with a request to substantiate the level of remuneration.

Industry average salary for accountants

Dismissal of the parent of a disabled child: there are peculiarities In the case when the organization plans to reduce the staff and, among others, the employee who is the parent of the disabled child fell under this reduction, it may be necessary to postpone the date of his dismissal or keep his job altogether.< … Старые «прибыльные» ошибки иногда можно исправить в текущем периоде Если организация обнаружила, что в одном из предыдущих отчетных (налоговых) периодов при исчислении налога на прибыль была допущена ошибка, исправить ее текущим периодом можно, только если соблюдены два условия. < … Сдача СЗВ-М на директора-учредителя: ПФР определился Пенсионный фонд наконец-то поставил точку в спорах о необходимости представлять форму СЗВ-М в отношении руководителя-единственного учредителя.

So, for such persons you need to pass both SZV-M and SZV-STAGE!< …

Average salary by industry

Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. MM-3-06 / dated May 30, 2007 established public criteria for self-assessment of risks for taxpayers. Average wages in the industry by type of economic activity In the capital, there is a dynamic growth in the average wage compared to previous years. Salary by type of economic activity Attention The higher the average salary for the periods indicated above, the higher the actual pension that will be accrued at the moment.

To calculate the pension by years, the average salary for the periods indicated above and the average salary for the period from 2002 to the current moment are calculated and the final amount is established by applying the methodology.

Are the wages below the industry average? letter from ifns. what to do?


The salary of employees consists of an official salary, which is approximately the same for all (10,000-15,000) rubles, and a monthly bonus, the amount of which is determined by the director depending on the labor contribution of each employee to the volume of services rendered for a paid month (from 0 to 100,000) rubles. Where to find the industry average salary and how to prepare for this challenge? Answer Before going to the commission, make up the explanations. Explanations should be drawn up on the company's letterhead and signed by the manager.

Low wages are not hard to explain. There may be several reasons. For example, in a company, most employees work part-time or their income depends on the company's performance. If the performance indicators are negative, then the salary is below average.

All these arguments can be confirmed by a copy of the staffing table and the regulation on remuneration.

Average salary in the industry

The purpose of the commission is to force the company to abandon envelope salaries. And accordingly increase the income on personal income tax. * Deadline for drawing up the document Explanations must be drawn up before going to the commission. What must be in the document It is necessary to draw up explanations on the company's letterhead and sign with the manager.

Low wages are not hard to explain. There may be several reasons. For example, in a company, most employees work part-time or their income depends on the company's performance. If the performance indicators are negative, then the salary is below average. All these arguments can be confirmed by a copy of the staffing table and the regulation on remuneration. Low salaries can also be explained by temporary difficulties: falling demand, shrinking market, crisis. * COMMON ERROR Sometimes, due to fear of commission, a company significantly raises the level of salaries.

Salary by type of economic activity 2017

<… Зарплатные комиссии В зону риска попадают компании, сотрудники которых получают зарплату ниже МРОТ или среднеотраслевого уровня.

And also organizations that began to pay less personal income tax to the budget compared to previous periods. The purpose of the commission is to force the company to abandon envelope salaries. And accordingly increase the income of personal income tax to the budget. * WHAT THE TAXERS ASK FOR - Why is the salary in the company lower than the minimum wage or the average level in the industry? There may be several reasons. Low wages are not hard to explain. For example, in a company, most employees work part-time or their income depends on the company's performance. If the performance indicators are negative, then the salary is below average.

  • 2013 - 29 792 rubles.
  • 2011 - 23,369.2 rubles.
  • 2009 - 18 637.5 rubles.

Statistics show that the growth rate of the average wage has slowed down somewhat, which is due to the crisis in the economy and the depreciation of the national currency. The average wage indicator is of little informative value for the layman. The figure of his labor income can differ significantly from the statistical one, both upward and downward. It all depends on the profession, region of residence, size of the settlement. Rosstat data show that the values ​​of the average salary in the regions of the country differ significantly.

Average salary in Russia in 2018


In practice, this postulate is not observed: there is a gap between the two indicators not in favor of the first. The minimum wage is the minimum income of a Russian worker, and the average salary is necessarily higher than this indicator. The minimum wage is established by federal laws, in 2018 it is 9,489 rubles.

The legislation reserves the right to the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to establish their own "minimum wage", which will be no less federal value. If the region has a high standard of living, the minimum wage will be higher than the national average. For example, in Moscow it is 18,742 rubles for 2018.
Salary Average salary in the Russian Federation: current indicator and dynamics According to Rosstat, the average salary for 2017 in Russia was 35,845 rubles. This is a higher figure compared to the data of previous years. For example, consider the values ​​of previous periods:

Average salary by industry

Average salary in Russian regions in 2018 Subjects of the Russian Federation Average monthly salary, rubles Russian Federation 40766 Central Federal District 49390.41 Belgorod Region 30775.93 Bryansk Region 23454.24 Vladimir Region 25687.98 Voronezh Region 29410.87 Ivanovo Region 23826.53 Kaluga region 30527.74 Kostroma region 25439.78 Kursk region 25687.98 Lipetsk region 27797.62 Moscow region 47901.25 Oryol region 18986.76 Ryazan region 24074.72 Smolensk region 22585.56 Tambov region 24198.82 Tver region 22709.66 Tula region 28790.39 Yaroslavl region 30,031.35


Based on this, the salary of 15 thousand rubles can be approximately considered average. The sector is noticeably smaller after 30 thousand rubles, which indicates a relatively small share of the population with salaries above this level. Distribution of visitors by salary received in 2014: Salary ranges: - 5-10 thousand - 10-15 thousand - 15-20 thousand - 20-25 thousand - 25-30 thousand - 30-35 thousand - 35 -40 thousand - 40-45 thousand - 45-50 thousand - over 50 thousand
Are there laws that stipulate that employees (literally - the level of average monthly wages per employee) is determined by the type of economic activity? Our OKVED - 60.21.11. In 2008 we joined the Moscow Transport Union (MTS).

Average salary in Russia and other countries of the world in 2018

Ignoring directives from above entails the imposition of administrative responsibility on the company. An increase in the minimum wage means an increase in benefits for temporary disability and BIR. The initiative of the authorities will contribute to the growth of average wages and will have a favorable effect on the living standards of the population.

The implementation of the program is financed from the federal treasury, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and employers' own funds.

Average Russian wages 2018 Rosstat

The salaries of citizens with the same specialty, qualifications and experience differ in the regions of the country and in the localities. The final amount of monetary remuneration depends on the balance of supply and demand in the local labor market and a number of subjective factors. Average monthly salary by specialty and industry The size of a citizen's income depends on his specialty and position.

Statistics show that the largest income in Russia is received by representatives of the following industries:

  • energy - 80 thousand rubles;
  • financial activities - up to 73 thousand rubles;
  • extraction of minerals - about 65 thousand rubles;
  • fish farming - 65 thousand rubles;
  • real estate transactions - 43 thousand rubles;
  • transport - 40 thousand rubles.

According to official statistics, in 2016-2017.

Salaries in Russia

In Russia, there is a general minimum wage, as well as a regional and a minimum wage strictly in Moscow. Minimum wage in Moscow But it is worth remembering that if the employer has submitted a motivated refusal to apply the minimum wage to the Labor Inspectorate, then he has the right to pay his employees such a salary as he sees fit. Average wages by okVED in 2018 According to Rosstat and data obtained from Internet surveys, the average income of residents of the northern capital of Russia in 20186 changed as follows: in January and February, the average wage in the city of St. Petersburg reached 31 thousand. The accountant must take into account that the replacement must necessarily lead to an increase in the amount of the benefit.

It is overtaken by the United States, Belgium, France, Germany, Norway, etc. According to official data, the average annual income of a Russian is comparable to that of a Swiss.

Difficulties and errors in determining the average Russian salary The all-Russian indicator is the “average temperature in a hospital”.

It varies significantly for different parts of the country and has calculation errors. Among the difficulties that do not allow to determine the value 100% correctly, the following applies: 1. Different climatic zones on the territory of the country Wages in the northern regions are always higher than in the southern ones, because workers are entitled to bonuses and compensations for difficult natural conditions. 2. The gap between the incomes of residents of small and large cities One specialty and one skill level will be assessed differently in a large city, regional center and small village.

Average salaries in the world

  • 1 What affects the average salary?
  • 2 Average salary in the Russian Federation: current indicator and dynamics
  • 3 Difficulties and errors in determining the average Russian salary
  • 4 Average monthly salary by specialty and industry
  • 5 Prospects for changes in the average salary in the Russian Federation

What affects the average salary? When calculating the average salary, Rosstat takes into account the following elements:

  • salaries of employees;
  • bonus payments;
  • compensation and allowances;
  • social payments from employing firms.

The current methodology differs from the algorithm that existed earlier, when the "bare" salary was taken into account. To calculate the average wage rate, Rosstat uses information on the annual payroll received from domestic companies.

By the way, let us remind you that in June the All-Russian Public Opinion Center (VTsIOM) found out that at present Russians are most worried about low salaries. Age category of the site 12+ Average Russian salary for calculating alimony 2018 Determination of the alimony arrears based on the average salary indicator is carried out on the basis of the following legislative acts: Average salary in the regions of Russia The average salary in the Russian Federation is 27,339 rubles as of 01.01.2018. The average salary in the regions of the Russian Federation may differ significantly.

Due to frequent changes in legislation, information sometimes becomes outdated faster than we can update it on the site. All cases are very individual and depend on many factors.

But, unfortunately, the letter in the mail was delivered a week after the date of the invitation. Our organization operates with the Federal Law of 19.06.2000 No. 82-FZ "On the Minimum Wage", the legislation of the city of Moscow (tripartite agreement of 24.12.2008, resolutions of the Moscow government) and Art. 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Are there laws that stipulate that the salary of employees (literally - the level of the average monthly wage per employee) is determined by the type of economic activity? Our OKVED - 60.21.11. In 2008 we joined the Moscow Transport Union (MTS).

Average level of wages in the industry in 2016 by okved

All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities (OKVED 2) - OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2) Approved and put into effect by Rosstandart Order of 31.01.2014 N 14-st This group includes: - wholesale trade in fuel, lubricants, lubricants, oils , such as: charcoal, coal, coke, firewood, solvent gasoline, crude oil, crude oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, fuel oil, heating oil, kerosene, LPG, butane and propane, lubricating oils and grease, refined petroleum products Code 46.71 OKVED 2 is included in the following branch of the classifier of types of economic activities (interpretation of the higher codes): G - Section “Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles ". 46 - Class "Wholesale trade, except wholesale trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles".

Average salary in the industry

Of course, the average wage indicator should be used with some convention. After all, the average indicator does not take into account the peculiarities of the functioning of a particular employer.

Namely, the amount of remuneration of an individual employee actually depends on these specific conditions and factors. Where to look at the average salary in Russia in 2017 Average indicators across the country are calculated by the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat, formerly Goskomstat).

These indicators are calculated based on the processing of static reports provided by organizations and individual entrepreneurs. Official statistics are posted on the Rosstat website at www.gks.ru.


These are remuneration for work, depending on the qualifications of the employee, the complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work performed, as well as compensation payments (additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature, including for work in conditions deviating from normal, work in special climatic conditions and on territories exposed to radioactive contamination, and other compensatory payments) and incentive payments (additional payments and incentive payments, bonuses and other incentive payments). Article 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that the salary of each employee depends on his qualifications, the complexity of the work performed, the quantity and quality of labor expended, and is not limited to the maximum amount.

The salary of employees consists of an official salary, which is approximately the same for all (10,000-15,000) rubles, and a monthly bonus, the amount of which is determined by the director depending on the labor contribution of each employee to the volume of services rendered for a paid month (from 0 to 100,000) rubles. Where to find the industry average salary and how to prepare for this challenge?

Salary level by type of economic activity 2018

Answer Download a handy cheat sheet "Why you will be called to the salary commission" Before going to the commission, make up an explanation.
Explanations should be drawn up on the company's letterhead and signed by the manager. Low wages are not hard to explain. There may be several reasons.

For example, in a company, most employees work part-time or their income depends on the company's performance. If the performance indicators are negative, then the salary is below average.

Average salary by industry

This means that it is more convenient to order at the bank once. - Why did the employee come to you for a lower salary than he received before? The company has no obligation to keep track of the employee's salary at the previous place of work. The employee himself has the right to choose where to work. So, he was satisfied with the conditions of the new employer of the company.

For example, opening hours, location, benefits package, etc. - Why does your organization issue so much cash on account? Tax officials suspect that the company is using the accountable amounts for salaries in envelopes.
Does this mean that the average salary in our organization should correspond to the average salary of organizations participating in MTS? Was this what the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia had in mind in the notification? Minimum wage or OKVED To date, there is not a single normative legal act that would establish the obligation for the employer, when determining the amount of wages, to be guided by the average monthly wage per employee by type of economic activity. Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. MM-3-06 / dated May 30, 2007 established public criteria for self-assessment of risks for taxpayers. This document says that if the tax burden of the taxpayer is below its average level for business entities in a particular industry (type of economic activity), it will be included in the plan of field tax audits.
From the article of the journal "Accounting. Taxes. Law" No. 33, September 2014 Tricky questions of inspectors that they ask at the commissions (with ready-made answers)<… Зарплатные комиссии В зону риска попадают компании, сотрудники которых получают зарплату ниже МРОТ или среднеотраслевого уровня. А также организации, которые стали платить в бюджет меньше НДФЛ по сравнению с предыдущими периодами.

The purpose of the commission is to force the company to abandon envelope salaries. And accordingly increase the income of personal income tax to the budget. * WHAT THE TAXERS ASK FOR - Why is the salary in the company lower than the minimum wage or the average level in the industry? There may be several reasons.

Low wages are not hard to explain. For example, in a company, most employees work part-time or their income depends on the company's performance. If the performance indicators are negative, then the salary is below average.
For example, in the nuclear power industry, the monthly wage rate of a worker of the 1st category should not be less than the subsistence minimum of the working-age population of the constituent entities of Russia, on the territory of which the organizations are located (clause 6.2.2 of the Branch Agreement on Nuclear Energy, Industry and Science for 2015-2017). For commercial organizations, sectoral agreements are binding only if they join them (Article 48 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The chief accountant advises: do not pay salaries lower than the average industry earnings established in your region (if such information is communicated to organizations). The organization's taxes will not be charged additionally (see, for example, the letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Moscow Region dated July 23, 2007 No. 18-19 / 0372, resolutions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Volga District of October 16, 2008 No.

No. A55-1720 / 2008, Moscow District dated July 30, 2007
Type of economic activity Average wages (rubles) Agriculture, hunting and forestry 21 616 Fishing, fish farming 54 524 Mining 65 199 Manufacturing 35018 Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water 37 657 Construction 32 295 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, household goods and personal items 28 708 Hotels and restaurants 21 691 Transport and communications 40 061 Financial activities 73 209 Real estate operations, rent and provision of services 43 830 Public administration and military security; social insurance 41,918 Education 29,008 Health care and provision of social services 29,552 Provision of other communal, social and personal services 31,546 Subscribe to our channel in Yandex.


KA-A41 / 7118-07, West Siberian District of October 30, 2008 No. F04-6627 / 2008 (15063-A45-25)). However, an on-site tax audit can be appointed (order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 30, 2007 No.

№ ММ-3-06 / 333). * From the article of the journal "Accounting. Taxes. Pravo" № 14, April 2014 Safe wages have been updated in the Urals New industry average indicators for each type of activity are presented in the table. * New safe wages in the Ural region as of 01.01.14 * How salaries will be checked In the course of a survey of eight Ural departments of the Federal Tax Service, we found out that the tax authorities of all these regions pay attention to the salaries of employees and, at low salaries, are called to commissions. But the reasons for calling the commission are different for the inspectors.

1 Noskova A.R. 1

1 Perm National Research Polytechnic University

The article is devoted to the analysis of indicators of the nominal average monthly wages of employees of organizations by type of economic activity in the Russian Federation. The average monthly wage is calculated by the Federal State Statistics Service based on information received from organizations about the accrued wages fund and the average number of employees. The article highlights the territorial units of the Russian Federation with the highest and lowest average monthly wages. According to the all-Russian classifier, the types of economic activities are given. Comparison of the levels of the average monthly wages of the sectors of the economy in 2015 was made, the sectors with the highest and lowest levels of the average monthly wages were identified. It also shows the dynamics of the average monthly wages of the economy as a whole and those types of economic activities that are most covered by the employed population.

nominal average monthly wage

economic activities

dynamics of average monthly wages

1. On the adoption and implementation of OKVED: Resolution of the Gosstandart of Russia dated 06.11.2001 N 454-st (as amended on 31.03.2015). URL: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_34086/ (date of access: 07.07.16);

2. Federal State Statistics Service. Employed population by type of economic activity. URL: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/wages/labour_force (date accessed: 07.07.16);

3. Federal State Statistics Service. Average monthly nominal accrued wages of employees of organizations by type of economic activity in the Russian Federation. URL: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/wages (date of access: 07.07.16);

4. Federal State Statistics Service. Average monthly nominal accrued wages of employees in the economy as a whole in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. URL: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/wages (date accessed: 07.07.16);

5. Yurkova T.I., Yurkov S.V. Economy of the enterprise. / GATsMiZ. Krasnoyarsk, 2006 .-- 116 p.

Labor is a commodity, and like any commodity, labor has a price. Salary is the amount of monetary compensation paid to an employee for performing work over a period of time. Wages undoubtedly play a significant role, since it is they who are the main source of income for most members of society.

Average monthly wages are calculated on the basis of information received from organizations about the accrued wages fund and the average number of employees. The average monthly wage in the Russian economy as a whole for 2015 is 34,029.5 rubles. Moreover, the territorial unit with the highest average monthly salary is the Far Eastern Federal District, where the average monthly salary for 2015 is 43,164 rubles. In particular, the average monthly salary for the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, which is part of this federal okrug, is 79,531 rubles, which is the highest average monthly salary in the entire country. The territorial unit with the lowest average monthly salary is the North Caucasian Federal District, with an average monthly salary of 21,720 rubles for 2015. The Republic of Dagestan, which is part of this federal district, has the lowest average monthly wage in the country in the amount of 19,239 rubles.

The Russian economy covers a wide range of types of economic activities, which, according to the classifier of types of economic activities (OKVED), form the following sectors:

· Agriculture, hunting and forestry (section A);

· Fishing, fish farming (section B);

· Extraction of minerals (section C);

· Manufacturing (section D);

· Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water (section E);

· Construction (section F);

· Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, household goods and personal items (section G);

· Hotels and restaurants (section H);

· Transport and communications (section I);

· Financial activities (section J);

· Operations with real estate, rent and provision of services (section K);

· Public administration and military security; social insurance (section L);

· Education (section M);

Healthcare and provision
social services (section N);

· Provision of other community, social and personal services (Section O).

The levels of average monthly wages in different sectors of the economy differ significantly, as can be seen in the histogram shown in Figure 1.

Rice. 1 - Levels of average monthly wages of types of economic activities in 2015

Based on the data for 2015, the highest average monthly salary falls on financial activities, it is 70,087.7 ​​rubles, mining is also relatively highly valued, the average monthly salary in this sector of the economy is 63,695.3 rubles. The smallest average monthly wage in the amount of 19,721.1 rubles is accounted for by agriculture, hunting and forestry. Moreover, the trend of the highest level of average monthly wages in financial activities, and the lowest level in agriculture, hunting and forestry, has been continuing for more than 10 years.

According to the Federal State Statistics Service, the largest share of the employed population has been in the manufacturing sector for 10 years. The share is decreasing from year to year, giving way to other sectors of the economy. If in 2006 the share of people employed in manufacturing was 18% of the total employed population, then in 2015 it is 14.3%. After manufacturing in 2015, a large share of the employed population is employed in transport and communications (9.5%), education (9.2%), healthcare and social services (7.9%), construction (7.6%) ...

Let us analyze the average monthly wages of workers in manufacturing, transport and communications, education, health care and social services, construction, since it is these sectors that are most covered by the employed population. The level of average monthly wages of workers in these types of economic activities increases from year to year, but at different rates. The dynamics of the average monthly wages in these sectors of the economy, as well as the economy as a whole, in the period from 2006 to 2015 is shown in Figure 2.

Rice. 2 - Dynamics of average monthly wages

Thus, in the period from 2006 to 2015, the average monthly wages in manufacturing increased by 3.12 times (up to 31,910.2 rubles), in the transport and communications sector - by 2.91 times (up to 38,982.2 rubles), education - 3.86 times (up to 26,927.8 rubles), healthcare and social services - 3.5 times (up to 28,179 rubles), construction - 2.76 times (up to 29,960 rubles). Moreover, in the manufacturing sector, the largest average monthly wage belongs to the production of coke and petroleum products, it is 81,605.2 rubles, the smallest, in the amount of 15,757.6 rubles, belongs to the textile and clothing industry.

In the economy as a whole, the nominal average monthly wage increased by 3.2 times by 2015. Its growth is also observed in 2016, as of April 2016 the average monthly wage of employees in Russia is 36,497 rubles.

Bibliographic reference

A.R. Noskova ANALYSIS OF THE AVERAGE MONTHLY WAGE BY ECONOMIC ACTIVITY // International Student Scientific Bulletin.

Average salary by industry

– 2016. – № 2.;
URL: http://eduherald.ru/ru/article/view?id=16616 (date accessed: 09/07/2018).

Actual on: February 22, 2017 The indicator of average wages by industry is of interest not only to employees, but also to employers. For the former, it provides information on the correspondence of their wages to the average level within a particular professional field.

Salary by type of economic activity

The employer, on the other hand, can conclude that it is necessary to index wages if it is below the industry average. Of course, the average wage indicator should be used with some convention. After all, the average indicator does not take into account the peculiarities of the functioning of a particular employer. Namely, the amount of remuneration of an individual employee actually depends on these specific conditions and factors. Where to look at the average salary in Russia in 2017 Average indicators across the country are calculated by the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat, formerly Goskomstat).

Average salary in the industry

February 24 036 26 620 29 255 March 25 487 28 693 31 486 April 25 800 30 026 32 947 May 26 385 29 723 33 272 June 27 494 30 986 33 726 July 26 684 30 229 32 515 August 25 718 29 226 30 763 September 25 996 29 346 31 929 October 26 803 30 069 32 439 November 27 448 30 290 32 546 December 36 450 39 648 41 985 Dynamics of salaries according to official data - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 Average monthly accrued wages (excluding payments of a social nature) by type of economic activity in 2013 and 2014 is presented in the table below.

Important The level of salaries in 2014 is 9-10% higher than the level of salaries in 2013. When will the salary of your employees raise questions from the tax authorities?

  • December 14, 2017 / Internet State, budgetary, autonomous institutions: Features and innovations of the formation of the annual financial statements of 2017.

Activities for the end of the financial year.

Average salary by industry

Salary by type of OKVED in 2018 Average industry salary in 2018 by OKVED Leningrad region Salary level by OKVED in 2018 Important Content:

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Mrot value in 2016 (by region) Dependence of business profitability on the size of investments For this type of business, there is such a feature that with a high attendance of the entertainment center, the profitability of the business will be the greater, the larger investments were initially made in the project.

Average salary by OKVED codes in Moscow

Home → Accounting consultations → Labor remuneration Actual on: February 22, 2017 The indicator of average wages by industry is of interest not only to employees, but also to employers.
For the former, it provides information on the correspondence of their wages to the average level within a particular professional field. The employer, on the other hand, can conclude that it is necessary to index wages if it turned out to be below the industry average.

Of course, the average wage indicator should be used with some convention. After all, the average indicator does not take into account the peculiarities of the functioning of a particular employer.

Namely, the amount of remuneration of an individual employee actually depends on these specific conditions and factors.

Average industry wages by type of economic activity

Attention Urgent Special

  1. The procedure for calculating average earnings has been changed
  2. In May, due to the new minimum wage, recalculate payments to employees
  3. Chief accountants ordered to pay the debts of the company
  4. Sun allowed accountants to lose sick leave

Download the special issue for free According to some industry agreements, employees' salaries should not be less than the living wage right now. For example, in the nuclear power industry, the monthly wage rate of a worker of the 1st category should not be less than the subsistence minimum of the working-age population of the constituent entities of Russia, on the territory of which the organizations are located (p.

6.2.2 Sectoral agreement on nuclear energy, industry and science for 2015-2017). For commercial organizations, sectoral agreements are binding only if they join them (Art.
48 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Average industry salary in 2016 by okved

For commercial organizations, sectoral agreements are binding only if they join them (Article 48 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The chief accountant advises: do not pay a salary lower than the average industry earnings established in your region (if such information is communicated to the organizations). The organization will not charge additional taxes (see, for example, the letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Moscow Region dated July 23, 2007 No.
No. 18-19 / 0372, regulations

Average industry salary in 2017 by type of activity

Where to look at the average salary in Russia in 2017 Average indicators across the country are calculated by the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat, formerly Goskomstat). These indicators are calculated based on the processing of static reports provided by organizations and individual entrepreneurs.

Official statistics are posted on the Rosstat website at www.gks.ru. As of January 25, 2017, from the most relevant information on wages by industry, Rosstat has officially published information on the average nominal gross wages of employees for the full range of organizations by type of economic activity in the Russian Federation for November 2016.

At the same time, it is indicated that the average salary of organizations in all industries in November 2016 was 36,195 rubles. We talked about what nominal wages are in our separate consultation.

Numerical value average wages in the RF used to determine the amount of alimony. This is due to the fact that the unit of wages calculated in this way determines the average level of wages for a certain group of the average population. Accordingly, the resulting numerical value can be used to calculate the average amount of alimony payments, the final amount of which should partially or completely satisfy the financial needs of the recipient of the amounts.

However, there are many nuances and peculiarities associated with the calculation of alimony based on the average salary. This is due to the fact that these calculations can be applied both by attracting “high” and “low” indicators. Of course, for groups of the population with a minimum income, the national average salary may be overstated, which can provoke an increase in debt. As well as for regions where the average wage level is very high, the average value is the optimal profitable amount.

As a rule, the arithmetic value of the average salary is most often used when it is necessary to determine the amount of debt for the payment of alimony for the past period. This option is optimal in view of the fact that the final amount of debt is determined based on the annual indicators of the average salary in the period when payments were not made.

According to the RF IC, debt collection for the payment of alimony can be made over the past 3 years, or from the moment when the debt was formed. The first option is applied if the plaintiff is the direct culprit of the debt. For example, if the writ of execution was not presented for execution. The second option is used when the debtor is the direct culprit.

To make the final calculations of the amount of the alimony debt, the following aspects are applied:

  • First of all, the amount of alimony, which was determined initially, is taken into account. In this case, it is not important that the moment in which the specified size was established: by means of a settlement agreement, or when a court decision is made.
  • In addition to salaries, the amount of alimony arrears also includes shares from other types of earnings or income received by the defendant.
  • If the defendant does not have an officially registered income during the period of formation of the debt, the average salary is used to determine its final size. which was adopted by the region and by the country.

Accordingly, the average indicator is used only in cases where the debtor cannot document his own income.

Useful video: Average salary in Russia. Modal and median salaries

Online calculator for calculating alimony

Number of common minor children: 1
3 or more
Second parent's salary: rub.


Subtract personal income tax from salary: Yes
Other income of the second parent: rub.



Family relations, including the procedure for deducting alimony, determining arrears, methods of payment, are regulated by several basic regulatory legal acts. So, the Family Code of the Russian Federation is called as the main ones. In carrying out any calculations of alimony, Article 113 is mainly applied.

Carrying out the procedure for collecting debts, its norms, rules, the procedure for the final calculation of alimony by the executive authorities implies the use of the Federal Law “On the Executive Power”.

Useful video: what is the amount of child support established by law?

Average salary table by regions of Russia in 2018

The average level of wages in the country in 2018 was about 42,115 rubles. However, these indicators are rather arbitrary. Each of the regions of the Russian Federation has its own average indicators, which may differ significantly from those indicated above.

The table below shows the average salary in Russia in 2018 according to Rosstat data for alimony by regions of the Russian Federation. You can always look at the most up-to-date information on the official website of Rosstat.

Average wages by regions in January, August 2018

Region January 2018, RUB August 2018, RUB Height,%
Central Federal District, including: 47 453 51 383 8,28
-Ivanovo region 23 300 24 941 7,04
–Lipetsk region 28 966 31 107 7,39
- Moscow region 46 410 47 837 3,07
- Moscow city 70 251 77 618 10,49
Northwestern Federal District, including: 46 775 46 757 -0,04
- Pskov region 23 175 26 075 12,51
- Republic of Karelia 34 733 36 305 4,53
- Nenets Auth. district 80 362 83 628 4,06
- St. Petersburg 58 598 56 100 –4,26
Southern Federal District, including: 28 686 30 769 7,26
- Republic of Kalmykia 23 635 24 802 4,94
- Rostov region 27 594 29 480 6,83
- Astrakhan region 29 138 34 133 17,14
North Caucasian Federal District, including: 24 389 25 878 6,11
- The Republic of Dagestan 21 699 22 886 5,47
- Karachay-Cherkess Republic 23 653 23 947 1,24
- Stavropol region 26 343 29 001 10,09
Volga Federal District, including: 28 758 31 209 8,52
- Saratov region 25 275 26 075 3,17
- Orenburg region 27 499 30 452 10,74
- Perm Territory 32 009 34 257 7,02
Ural Federal District, including: 43 099 45 192 4,86
- Kurgan region 25 548 26 981 5,61
- Tyumen region without author. constituencies 40 176 42 635 6,12
- Yamalo-Nenets auth. district 88 232 90 869 2,99
Siberian Federal District, including: 33 910 35 334 4,20
- Altai region 22 546 25 091 11,29
- Zabaykalsky Krai 35 272 35 681 1,16
- Krasnoyarsk region 40 617 41 219 1,48
Far Eastern Federal District, including: 49 341 50 781 2,92
- Jewish Auth. region 35 292 36 889 4,53
- The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 60 825 57 252 -5,87
- Chukotka Aut. district 90 105 91 654 1,72

Average salary table for different specialties in 2018

Profession average salary
Scope of sales
Sales Representative 33,000 rubles
Cashier 26,000 rubles
Salesman 26,000 rubles
Merchandiser 33,000 rubles
Courier 24,000 rubles
Trading floor administrator 27,000 rubles
Construction sphere
Foreman 43,000 rubles
Handyman 24,000 rubles
Painter-plasterer 30,000 rubles
Mason 33,000 rubles
Concrete worker 30,000 rubles
Crane operator 40,000 rubles
Industry and "blue-collar" professions
Welder 40,000 rubles
Loader driver 35,000 rubles
Special equipment driver 37,000 rubles
Electrician 32,000 rubles
Plumber 32,000 rubles
Locksmith 30,000 rubles
Apparatchik 35,000 rubles
Loader 25,000 rubles
Carpenter 35,000 rubles
Office specialties
Secretary 30,000 rubles
Accountant 33,000 rubles
Manager 35,000 rubles
PR manager 35,000 rubles
Marketer 33,000 rubles
HR specialist 33,000 rubles
Service industry, beauty
Cosmetologist 35,000 rubles
Visagiste 33,000 rubles
Hairdresser 33,000 rubles
Masseur 33,000 rubles
Waiter 25,000 rubles
Manicurist 33,000 rubles
Cook 35,000 rubles
Transport, logistics
Driver 27,000 rubles
Trolleybus, electric train driver 32,000 rubles
Metro driver 46,000 rubles
Train driver 52,000 rubles
Taxi dispatcher 30,000 rubles
Bus (minibus) driver 30,000 rubles
Truck driver 50,000 rubles
Truck driver 35,000 rubles
Healthcare sector
Nurse, nurse 25,000 rubles
Pediatrician 37,000 rubles
Surgeon 47,000 rubles
ENT 45,000 rubles
Ultrasound specialist 40,000 rubles
Venereologist, dermatologist 50,000 rubles
Gynecologist 45,000 rubles
Urologist 40,000 rubles
Dentist 50,000 rubles
Therapist 40,000 rubles
The sphere of education
High school teacher 32,000 rubles
Teacher at the school 28,000 rubles
Lecturer at the Institute 45,000 rubles
Kindergarten teacher 26,000 rubles

Average salary table, dynamics by year

Year Average salary in the Russian Federation, thousand rubles Dollar equivalent at the exchange rate for the same year
1999 1523 56
2000 2220 79
2001 3250 107
2002 4350 137
2003 5500 185
2004 6750 243
2005 8550 300
2006 10600 404
2007 13600 554
2008 17300 590
2009 18650 615
2010 20900 687
2011 23400 725
2012 27000 885
2013 30000 915
2014 32600 827
2015 33900 550
2016 36703 605
2017 39085 678
2018 42115 687

World average salary table

To compare the data, below we give the average values ​​of salaries around the world (selectively), the data are indicated in US dollars, relevant for 2018.

In 2007, the FTS disclosed the procedure for selecting companies for on-site inspections. For this purpose, the concept of their planning system was approved by order No. MM-3-06 of 30.05.2007. In accordance with it, before making a decision to conduct an audit, the supervisory authority analyzes the activities of the company. In order for the organization to independently assess the riskiness of its activities, including by such a criterion as the level of wages according to OKVED, in Appendix 2 to order MM-3-06 / there are publicly available criteria. The FTS in its analysis is guided not only by these criteria, but they are the most important.

Clause 5 of the criteria states that the reason for the check, among other things, is the payment of wages that are lower than the average wages by type of economic activity in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. If such a fact is revealed, the FTS inspectorate will send a request to the company demanding an explanation of the reasons for this situation. Also, to give explanations to the IFTS, the management of the organization is called.

How to find out what is the average salary in your area

For information on the average salary in the industry, the Federal Tax Service recommends referring to the following sources:

  • sites of the territorial bodies of Rosstat;
  • collections of economic and statistical materials published by Rosstat;
  • websites of territorial offices of the Federal Tax Service;
  • the company's request to the territorial bodies of Rosstat and the Federal Tax Service.

Data on the level of average wages by industry (OKVED) in Russia as a whole are published on the website of the Federal State Statistics Service in the section “Labor market, employment and wages”.

The average industry level of wages according to OKVED and by region in 2020 will become known in mid-2020. Data for earlier periods are now published.

Report on the average salary in St. Petersburg by type of activity

To understand where to look at the average industry salary for 2020 according to OKVED, you will have to turn to the official website of the territorial body of Rosstat in the region of the company's operation. Each subject of the Federation has its own. Mosgorstat collects and processes information on the city of Moscow. Voronezhstat - across Voronezh. This body also posts information about the average level of wages in the industry.

Average monthly nominal accrued wages of employees of organizations by type of economic activity in the city of Voronezh, rubles


Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming


Manufacturing industries

Electricity, gas and steam supply; air conditioning

Water supply; sewerage, organization of collection
and waste disposal, activities to eliminate pollution


Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles

Transport and storage

Activities of hotels and catering establishments

Information and communication activities

Financial and insurance activities

Real estate activities

Professional, scientific and technical activities

Administrative activities and related additional services

How tax authorities find out the level of wages at the enterprise

The assessment criteria do not say how tax inspectors determine the average salary paid in the company. But it is obvious that the information for the assessment comes to the IFTS as part of the reporting provided.

So, the number of employees of the organization is determined based on the report on the average number of employees as of January 1, which companies are required to provide annually.

Information about the income paid to employees is obtained by tax authorities from 2-NDFL certificates, based on insurance premiums. The supervisory authority will compare the data obtained from the company's reporting with the average wage level by type of economic activity.

Thus, the inspectors will determine the level of wages in a year. For an internal review to determine if the criterion is met, the organization should consider information for the most recent closed reporting year.

How to respond to a request from the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate to reduce risks

A lower level than the average wage according to OKVED, wages are sometimes the result of objective reasons. It is determined as a whole for the region. Obviously, incomes paid in the regional center will always be higher than those paid in rural administrative units.

It is also possible that your company is just starting to operate, and employees were recruited only by the end of the year. Or there are many part-time employees in the company. In addition, organizations sometimes have temporary difficulties, as a result of which they had to send workers to idle with the payment of 2/3 of the average earnings. Or, as a result of low revenue, employee bonuses were canceled.

For a competent answer, the tax authorities need to analyze all the reasons for paying salaries lower than the average salary by industry, and state them in the most detailed and reasoned manner.

Sample response of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate to a request

Obviously, a separate payment of wages that are lower than the industry average wages in 2020 by type of activity will not be a reason for an audit. All the criteria are considered in a complex by the tax inspectors during the pre-check analysis. But you should still monitor the level of this indicator. Moreover, a good salary level will increase the attractiveness of the company for potential employees.

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