Taisha abelar rejuvenation sun rays. Facial massage from the ancient magicians of mexico

Plaster 09.10.2020

Dreaming uses the state of dreaming to expand awareness of its being, awakening the energy body. The art of dreaming is the practice of systematically moving your assemblage point (finding your hands, etc.)

... that is, a dream allows you to move, move the vehicle

The art of stalking is the ability to fix a shifted assemblage point in a new position, to give reality to the assembled world, to explore it, to take part in it.

... and stalking is fixing it in the achieved position, so that the assembled world is fixed and made available for perception.

Find a new position of the assemblage point relative to the point of view (gaze position) of the energy body, and as a result - actualize this energy body. Use it (when you reach this opportunity). Seal it and act out of it.

… There are often questions like “that was it! ... I don’t know how to repeat ”or“ I left the body, and something is hard to see / hear, interferes with this / that, hands pass through objects ... ”The fact is that all _impressions_ come from a weak, so far, thin" energy body ", and as long as it is flimsy, it will work lousy.

... here is what - the idea of ​​(your) world is the result of an agreement (the same position of the vehicle) of the creatures inhabiting it. There are inhabited worlds nearby, and the concept of them comes from the position of their vehicle. Suppose, for some reason, the human TS has moved beyond the normal limits of a normally human cocoon (by making a bulge on it), and has fallen into the area of ​​emanations perceived by other beings - as a result, the inhuman world (usually inaccessible to humans) will be perceived. But this new situation will turn out to be typical for the creatures who "assembled" their world, and as a result, it all means that you are in another world, and you will be able to contact the local natives.

... accordingly, the energy body has its own perception

    The only way to change the qualities of the energy body is to move the assemblage point, making other fibers (emanations) glow (activate).

... after all, most, even human(included in the cocoon) emanations are not included, and are inactive.

    Remembering can turn on again, awaken various energetic memories.

    Dreaming yourself, it will lift you up.

it's about a dream myself from the dream body

    A person is in anticipation of death, and while he is waiting, he surrounds himself with the beauty and power of "Death as a Worthy Adversary."

    Change comes from within to change the world, the environment, the universe.

... by changing yourself, you change the world around you, and it turns out to be a reality (for you)

    Re-living - make a list of everyone you know and have met, starting with the last one, and work in the opposite direction, inhaling, turning your head from the right shoulder to the left, and exhaling, turning your head back.

    Don't be a "poor baby" yourself.

By using shaking devices, you can help swing the assemblage point up and down.

... it's all in the book.

    The greatest challenge is the practice of controlled stupidity, you see the situation and do nothing to change it - you do not judge, to judge is death.

    Inorganic beings penetrate into the other reality of the universe.

... as well as all sorts of people climb into this one through holes, and can appear right> in front of the nose ... that it is not even necessary to be a seer for this

    New Don Juanovo / Karlos's book The Seven Gates of Dreaming

WHERE??? Didn't it reach us? Maybe someone has it in the original?

    The second gate is where these dudes are - Gargoyles / vampires / shadows, all sorts of them, they dug themselves into the near reality and draw out our power.

The first gate is, roughly speaking, to wake up your "energy body", that is, to put the dreaming body on its feet, drag your awareness into the dream and establish control over its (dreaming body) control ... the gate is "to wake up in a dream," that is, from the dream state to "wake up" not to the usual position of the TS, but to another. It can be carried out either by lying down-sleeping in a dream and waking up there in another dream, or by switching dreams. In this case, the assemblage point falls into the nearest world - the world where inorganic beings are. More precisely, it is on the border of the human world, and there these creatures wander. The fact that these appear before people in an obscene form stems from the fact that, when meeting with foreign energy, a person is frightened, and the force of his fright is used to give the appearance corresponding to this fright. That is once scared means THIS should be bastard, huge, staggering and barking. Well, the force (frightening) is taken away, very happy about this creature.

    Don Juan's allies. Seers can see this energy.

... that is, not in the form of contraptions, the appearance of which is given by our uncontrollably agitated by fear consciousness, but as it is, that is, in the form of energy. And for this you need:

    Restore your integrity, inner stability. Contemplating stones / leaves / moon / clouds. But if you do not have sobriety, the stability gained by re-living, then rare successes are a matter of chance.

... it is important in this matter to have a “calm state of mind”, as among Buddhists - “The moon can only be seen in calm water”, and fluctuations in consciousness distort reflections. Plus, the work of the internal dialogue interferes here, a kind of mechanism for hanging the known on the unknown. In a dream or something else, a person is more willing to see a "woman on a broomstick" than what is actually there in the sky.

    Inorganic beings come through the tunnels, you shouldn't attach much importance to them.

... it is about the fact that in our human world this entire audience is non-utilitarian, as it turned out from the experience of the ancient seers, who killed a lot of time for all sorts of evocations and "communication with spirits." Here they like to talk about themselves, pretend to be omnipotent and torture them with harassment, they say, "All gold is at your feet, oh sovereign!"

    Inorganic beings obey your commands.

You can relive your dreams, but you can also relive in a dream. Normal re-living begins by moving the head from right to left, exhaling forward. In the dream, inhale is done while rotating clockwise and exhale back to the center. There are several layers of re-living.

... that is, you can't scrape everything out at once.

... that is why there is a dump from the public, and therefore information about our problems in _this_ world, received from there, is not of particular value.

    Control is stalker sobriety.

... thus the behavior normal person v dream reality can be compared to a drunken brawl or grunting and popping with a snore.

Level 1 - Energy Body Level 2 - Energy and Physical Body (this requires more energy)

… This is already with a developed dream body - you can move the physical body as well.

Only after (done) re-living, and only now! This makes it possible to distinguish between entering and leaving the collected (coordinated) worlds of the universe. When the assemblage point moves, there will be one of two things:

    Losing friends

    You practice controlled stupidity.

... this is to the question that tormented Carlos, when DH suddenly announced to him that he didn’t love him, he was not interested in him (as, incidentally, he was not interested in anything else). Here, either go to the monastery remains, or practice controlled stupidity.

The world contains an infinite number of realities. True challenge this reality - can you move the assemblage point out of a fixed position?

Stalking is the swinging of the assemblage point to give the energy body a jolt. Pull your leading hand up and use the other. Don't do exercises: walk backwards, run on all fours

    Some kind of trigger - sound / time / smell will make the body remember.

    Cover up the mirrors - (they reinforce the agreement and draw attention to their own person)

... agreement - it means that our perception of the world (usual) is the result of an agreement with ourselves, and under the influence of agreement with the ideas / perception of this world by others, and from this, in fact, it turned out that people have TS in one place ...

    Do not act (about not doing) break the rigid patterns of behavior and start to wake up your energy body (exercise)

Once upon a time I read Taisha Abelar's book "The Magic Passage". In this book, Taisha talks about her experience with the shamans of Mexico, as well as how she herself embarked on the path of a magician. The book is replete with many practical advice, which can be adopted even by a person skeptical about magic. I was interested in the chapter in which Taisha teaches the secrets of facial massage by her mentor Clara.

The ancient magicians, as Taisha says, believed that aging is the result of emotions that remain on the face; in order to look young, you just need to relieve stress from the face in time. How? We read on.


Clara sat on the edge of the patio in a wicker chair, brushing her shiny black hair. Then she stroked them with her fingers so that the hairstyle returned to its usual form. When she finished preening, she put her left hand on her forehead and began to make circular movements with it. She then ran her hand further over the top of her head, towards the back of her head, and then shook her hands and fingers in the air. She repeated these movements and shaking several more times.

I was surprised to see her movements. There was nothing casual or casual about them. She performed them, being in a state of complete concentration, as if she was engaged in a very important matter.

What are you doing? I asked, breaking the silence. - Is it something like a facial massage?

Clara gave me a quick glance. I sat in the same chair and repeated her movements.

These circular motions prevent wrinkles from appearing on the forehead, she said. - You may think that this is a facial massage, but in reality it is not. This is one of the magical techniques, hand movements, which accumulate energy for a specific purpose.

For what such purpose? I asked, shaking my brushes the way she did.

The point of magic tricks is to help a person look young and prevent wrinkles from forming, ”she replied. - This meaning is determined in advance, and not by me or you, but by the power itself.


I.P. while sitting, we put the left hand on the forehead and make rotational movements clockwise - 9 times. Then we draw a brush from the forehead to the crown and, as if we shake off the contents of the brush behind the back. We repeat the same counterclockwise.

I had to admit that everything Clara did was really effective. Her face was smooth. She beautifully set off her green eyes and black hair. I always believed that her youthful appearance was due to her Indian origin, and never suspected that she supported him with the help of special movements ...

Knowledge helps to store energy, so knowledge is power. For magic to work, we need to know what we are doing when we express the intention to achieve a result. And pay attention that we are talking about the result, and not about the purpose of the magical action. If with the help of intention we could create the goals of magical actions, we would thereby create, but neither you nor I lack the strength for this.

I don't think I fully understand you, Clara, ”I said, pushing my chair closer to her. - What do I lack strength for?

I am saying that none of us can accumulate so much energy to create a new goal. Nevertheless, each of us has enough energy in order to achieve the result of a magical technique with the help of intention: to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, for example. That's all we can do, because the outcome - keeping us alert and youthful - has already been determined.

She moved her chair so that she was now sitting opposite me, and our knees almost touched. Then she intensively rubbed each thumb against the palm of her opposite hand and placed them on the bridge of her nose.

Then she began to make light movements in different directions along the eyebrows in the direction of the temples.

This technique helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles between the eyebrows, she explained.


I.P. Sitting. Place the thumb right hand in the center of the left palm and begin to rub it intensively until a feeling of warmth, do the same with the thumb of the left hand, and while the fingers are warm we put them on the bridge of the nose (where wrinkles form when we frown). Now we spread our thumbs to the sides, as if stroking this area, from the bridge of the nose over the eyebrows to the temples. Perform 1-2 minutes.

Quickly rubbing her index fingers together like sticks for making fire, she put them vertically to the nose on both sides and gently ran them several times to the sides along her cheeks.

And this one will help cleanse the internal cavities, she said, moving her nose slowly. - Instead of picking your nose, you'd better do these movements.


I.P. Sitting. Three index fingers together until warm. Then we put them vertically (parallel to the nose) on the sinuses and stroke the area from the sinuses to the cheeks (almost to the ears) with them. Do 1-2 minutes. If the fingers are cold, rub them together again.

... The next technique will help prevent sagging cheeks, she said.

She quickly rubbed her palms together, and then ran them with long, strong movements along her cheeks from chin to temples. She repeated this movement six or seven times, making it steady and slow.


I.P. Sitting. Three palms together until warm or even hot. We put hot palms on the cheeks, including the chin. We spread to the sides, stroking the area of ​​the cheeks to the ears. 1-2 minutes.

I noticed that her face turned red, but that was not all. Pressing her thumb against her palm, she brought the inner edge of her hand to her upper lip and rubbed it from side to side with intense sawing movements.

She explained that if you quickly rub the place where the nose and upper lip meet, you can feel the flow of energy in small, even portions. But if you need large amounts of energy, you can get it by tingling the point on the gum above the upper teeth, which is just below upper lip below the nasal septum.

If you feel drowsy, rub the area quickly and it will temporarily return you, she advised.

I rubbed my upper lip and felt it clearer in my nose and ears. I also felt a slight numbness in the palate. It was observed for only a few seconds, but my breath caught in my throat. I got the impression that something previously unknown was about to open up in front of me.


I.P. Sitting. Draw out the right hand in front of us. The fingers are extended and pressed together, the thumb is bent to the center of the palm. With sawing movements, we begin to rub the area between the nose and upper lip until a tingling sensation is felt - approx. 30 sec. The hand should be stiff, all fingers are tense and extended. Repeat 2-3 times.

Then Clara moved her index fingers under her chin, again using quick sawing movements. She explained that massaging the point under the chin helps to focus. She also said that we can act on this point while sitting on the floor, resting our chin on a low table.

Following her instructions, I put a pillow on the ground, sat on it and rested my chin on the wooden armrest, which was just at the level of my face. Leaning forward, I lightly pressed the point that Clara was talking about. After a while, I felt that my body was relaxing, and tingling sensations rose up along the spine, which reached the very head. Breathing became deeper and more rhythmic.

Another way to activate the point under the chin, - continued Clara, - is to lie on your stomach, clench your hands into fists and put them under your chin, putting your fists on top of each other.

She said that while doing this exercise, you should tighten your fists in order to create pressure on the chin, and then relax them, relieving this pressure. Tightening and relaxing your fists, she said, creates pulsations that send energy in small batches to the vital center at the base of the tongue. She emphasized that this exercise should be done carefully, otherwise you can cause a sore throat.


I.P. Sitting. Put the index fingers of both hands forward, the rest of the fingers are clamped in the hand. We begin to rub the area under the chin with them, we go along the entire contour of the face. 1-2 minutes.

I sat down again in the wicker chair.

This set of magic tricks that I showed you, ”Clara continued,“ should be done every day until they stop being reminiscent movements and turn into what they really are: magic tricks. Look at me! she ordered.

I watched her repeat the entire sequence of movements shown to me before, with the exception that now her hands and fingers were dancing. Her hands seemed to penetrate deeply into the skin of her face, then lightly stroked it, as if touching its surface and moving so quickly that it was difficult to see them. I watched her dexterous movements as if spellbound.

Clara said that all our emotions are reflected on the face more than in all other parts of the body. Therefore, we must release the tension that builds up here, using magical techniques and the accompanying intention ... "

That's all, massage will take you 7-10 minutes a day, no more, but the result will not be long in coming. By the way, Japanese women also have similar gymnastics for the face.

Some advice from me. Before starting the massage, the face should be cleansed. This is how I do it.

I wash my face with bran or oatmeal.

I wipe my face with salicylic alcohol (not suitable only for those with very sensitive and dry skin).

I apply a nourishing cream that is not immediately absorbed, preferably natural, based on oils or fat.

You can also apply a little cream to your hands, then they will rather warm up when rubbed.

Be beautiful and charming and do not forget that we are all a bit of a witch, which means that we are capable of working miracles!

Health and Beauty Ecology: Taisha Abelard is an American author and anthropologist. In the book "Magic Transition" by Taisha Abelar, the so-called "Magic Techniques" are described in detail - exercises with the help of which one can achieve the disclosure of energy resources, health, youth and, in addition, an understanding of many amazing things hidden from us in everyday life.

Taisha Abelar (née Maryann Simko, pseudonym in 1974 Anna Marie Cater) is an American author and anthropologist. In the book "Magic Transition" by Taisha Abelar, the so-called "Magic Techniques" are described in detail - exercises with the help of which one can achieve the disclosure of energy resources, health, youth and, in addition, an understanding of many amazing things hidden from us in everyday life.

1. Place your left palm on your forehead and make circular motions with it. Then move your hand over the top of your head and further towards the back of your head, and then shake your hands and fingers in the air.

Repeat these movements and shaking a few more times.

These circular motions prevent wrinkles from appearing on the forehead.

There should be nothing casual or casual in your movements. Do them in a state of complete concentration, as if you are doing a very important job.

This is one of Taisha Abelar's magical facial massage techniques, hand movements that accumulate energy for a specific purpose. The point of magical techniques in this case is to help a person look young and prevent wrinkles from forming.

Wherever energy is concentrated, as happens in the case of the use of magical techniques, magicians call it power. Strength is concentrated energy that has accumulated by itself or by someone else's will. Useful knowledge helps to accumulate energy, so knowledge is power. In order for the magic to work, it is important to understand what we are doing when we express the intention to achieve a result.

And we are talking about the result, and not about the purpose of the magical action. None of us can accumulate so much energy to create a new goal. And, nevertheless, each of us has enough energy in order to achieve the result of a magical technique with the help of intention: for example, to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

That's all we can do, because the outcome - keeping us alert and youthful - has already been determined. The intention of all magical actions is already programmed. And now we just have to connect our awareness to it.

2. Now rub each thumb vigorously on the palm of your opposite hand and place your fingers on the bridge of your nose.

Now begin to make light movements in different directions along the eyebrows towards the temples.

This technique helps to prevent the appearance of wrinkles between the eyebrows.

3. Quickly rubbing your index fingers together, like sticks for making fire, place them vertically to the nose on both sides and gently slide them several times to the sides along the cheeks.

This will help cleanse the internal cavities. Instead of picking your nose, it's better to do these movements.

4. Quickly rub your palms together, and then use long, strong strokes to run them across your cheeks, from chin to temples. Repeat this movement six or seven times, making it even and slow.

This technique will help prevent sagging cheeks.

5. Pressing your thumb against the palm of your hand, bring the inner edge of your hand to your upper lip and rub it from side to side with vigorous sawing movements.

If you quickly rub the place where the nose and upper lip join, then you can feel the flow of energy in small, even portions.

But if large amounts of energy are needed, they can be obtained by tingling a point on the gum above the upper teeth, which is just below the upper lip below the nasal septum.

In general, remember this technique very well: when you feel that you are overwhelmed by sleepiness, quickly rub this place, and this will temporarily restore your vigor.

6. Move your index fingers under your chin, again using a quick sawing motion.

Massaging the point under the chin helps you calm down and focus.

We can act on this point while sitting on the floor, resting our chin on a low table.

After a while, you may feel that your body relaxes, and a tingling sensation rises along the spine that reaches the very head. Breathing becomes deeper and more rhythmic.

7. Another way to activate the point under the chin is to, while lying on your stomach, clench your hands into fists and put them under your chin, placing your fists on top of each other.

During this exercise, you should tighten your fists in order to create pressure with them on the chin, and then relax them, reducing this pressure.

The tension and relaxation of the fists creates a pulsation that directs energy in small portions to the vital center at the base of the tongue. This exercise should be done carefully so as not to cause a sore throat.

This set of magical techniques should be performed every day, consciously, until they cease to be massage-like movements and become what they really are: magic techniques. Then this ritual will turn into a daily physical need, and you will no longer have to control yourself.

Your hands and fingers should seem to learn to dance, sometimes deeply penetrating the skin of the face, then as if touching its surface and moving so quickly that it is difficult to see them.

It `s Magic. It requires an intention that is significantly different from the intentions that operate in the ordinary world. While doing all these movements on our face, we must use some other intention if we are going to relax the muscles and act on the centers that are here.

When a child is born, his Assemblage Point is very mobile, he cannot perceive the world as a human being. As he interacts with the adults around him, his energy body begins to copy their Assemblage Point position.

Energetically, he makes himself a copy of those around him. We all have the assemblage points in more or less the same position, this allows us to perceive the same reality. Recapitulation allows you to shift this point with the help of a mental process, using the breath in order to reclaim all the energy that you have spent during your life. Each epoch is characterized by what don Juan called the "modality of time" - a particular set of ideas and predominant cultural properties.

The modality of our time is what is shown on our television, what is written in our books and newspapers. We are constantly bombarded with the same themes and ideas that we must adhere to. Sorcerers call the prevailing cultural properties of our day the “me, unhappy child” syndrome, because everyone is absorbed in this very feeling.

This is not only the world of unfortunate children, it is a whole universe of unfortunate children, with black holes devouring constellations and planets. Sorcerers see that our energy is constantly being absorbed by various things. In order to get where we want to go, we need energy.

In our waking state, all of our energy is used for our cares, our work, our family, or anything else. In order to move away from this position, we must have an enormous amount of energy. Recapitulation is the primary means of storing this energy.

K.N: How to recapitulate?

Taisha Abelar: First, you make a list of all the people you have known in your life, all the people you have interacted with. This, in itself, will require a lot of concentration on your part. Simply writing a list simplifies things and allows your attention to focus on something specific. Once you've made your list, find a spot where pressure will be exerted on your energy body. Sit back and start with the first person on your list.

Work with the list, starting with the last person and ending with the first, recapitulating or visualizing the situations in which you interacted with these people, those relationships during which there was an exchange of energy. observe how you interacted and how you went through all types of energy maneuvers in order to maintain the situation. We are all energetically constructing our reality.

Even if we are just driving down the street in a car, then we are designing. We take it for granted and say that the street is always here. But in fact, we are all magicians, we create the world around us and come to an agreement about its existence. Through recapitulation, you collect your energy from the past, which is lost in your personal history and surrounds you like trash in the tail of a comet.

To untangle yourself from past memories, place your chin on your right shoulder and inhale while moving your head from right to left. Then exhale, returning your head from left to right, bringing back everything that you no longer want to be associated with. Then turn your head forward again. You do not feel any feelings in relation to these images, with your deep breathing you sweep everything away, sending out energy threads with each exhalation.

After you have drawn all the energy back in, continue doing this until there is no energy left in this scene. This stage will become empty because there will be no more energy components in it.

KN: What effect did recapitulation have on your life?

Taisha Abelar: You are finding that your attachment to your family and friends will diminish. You can continue to interact with them, but you no longer feel attachment to them, because you do not want to be energetically dependent on them ... "

Clara took a handful of water and splashed it in her face. I was surprised again that there were no wrinkles on her skin. This time I told her how she looks.

How a person looks depends on how he has coordinated his life with the world around him, ”she said, shaking off the water from her hands. - Everything we do affects this consistency in one way or another. We can be young and energized, or we can be old and sick, like frozen lava in the Arizona mountains. It all depends on ourselves.

Unexpectedly for myself, I asked her if it was possible to restore this harmony if it was lost. You might have thought that I believed her words.

She nodded affirmatively and said:

Of course you can. And you will do it with this unique exercise that I am going to teach you. It's called remembering. (...)

She patiently explained to me that remembering is an action aimed at returning energy that we have already used up sometime in the past. Recollection means remembering everything that has been lived. We have to re-create in our imaginations all the places we have ever been, all the people we have ever met, and all the feelings we have ever experienced. So you need to walk through your whole life, starting with the present and reaching the earliest memories and purifying them one by one with the help of a special sweeping breath.

I listened with enthusiasm to her, but I was more than sure that all her words did not say anything to me. Before I could say anything to her in return, she firmly took my chin in her hands and ordered me to inhale through my nose, while turning my head to the left, and then exhale, turning it to the right. Then I should have turned my head from left to right again without breathing. She said that such breathing is a wonderful way of cleansing, which is also the key to successful remembering, because inhaling allows us to regain lost energy, and exhaling makes it possible to expel from ourselves the hostile, unnecessary energy that has accumulated in us over the years. communication with other people.

In order to live and act, we need energy, - continued Clara. - As a rule, the energy that we have used up leaves us forever. Therefore, if it were not for remembering, we would not have been able to regain what we once lost. Remembering our lives and sweeping away our past with cleansing breath work together.

To recall everyone I knew and everything I had ever felt seemed to me an absurd and pointless task.

It could take the rest of her life, ”I said, hoping that this practical note would help Clara take a more sober view of things.

Maybe leave, ”she agreed. “But I assure you, Taisha, that by practicing remembering, you will not lose anything, but you can gain something that exceeds all your expectations.

I took a few deep breaths, shaking my head from side to side, trying to do it the way she showed me. By this I wanted to calm her down and let her know that I was listening to her carefully.

Smiling askance, she warned me that remembering is not a casual leisure activity.

As you practice remembering, try to feel the long, stretched fibers that come out of the solar plexus, ”she explained. - Then match the movement of the head with the movements of these subtle fibers. They are conductors through which the once lost energy returns to you again. In order to become strong and regain your integrity, you must release all your energy, which was captured by the world during your life, and again absorb it into yourself.

She assured me that during remembering we spread these long energy fibers through space-time, connecting them with those people, places and events with which we dealt in the past. As a result, we are able to return to every last moment of our life and act in it as if we were really living it once again. (...)

I asked her if the order in which a person remembers his past matters. She replied that the most important thing is to learn to vividly live in the imagination the events of the past, remembering as many details as possible associated with them, and clearing them with the help of sweeping breath, which releases the energy trapped in them. (...)

I'm just going to give you some preliminary directions on how best to practice remembering.

When we finished eating, Clara handed me a notebook and pencil. I thought that she decided to accept my offer to paint her portrait. But when the writing supplies were in my hands, she said that I would have to start writing down the names of all the people I had ever met, starting from that day and going back in memory to the most distant past.

It's impossible! I exclaimed. - How can I really remember everyone I saw in my life, starting from its first day?

Clara pushed the plates aside to make room for me to write.

True, it is not easy, but nevertheless it is possible, ”she said. - This is an integral part of remembering. This list will become a matrix for your mind to hold on to when working with memories.

She explained that the initial stage of remembering involves two things. Firstly, you need to use the list, and secondly, try to visualize in front of you all the details of events in your memory as vividly as possible as they appear before the inner gaze of the recalling person.

As soon as you have recalled all the elements in your memory, begin the cleansing breath. Head movements in this case resemble a fan that blows the whole picture with a stream of air, she said. - If you remember a room, for example, breathe clean the walls, ceiling, furniture and the people you see in it. Do not stop doing this until you have absorbed all the energy that you left there, to the last drop.

How do I know that there is no more energy left? I asked.

Your body will tell you when to stop and move on to the next event, ”she assured me. - But do not forget that you must have a clear intention to absorb all the energy that you left in the past and exhale all the hostile energy that others imposed on you then.

I was so overwhelmed by the need to make a list of everyone I knew and start recollecting that I couldn't think of anything at all. The negative involuntary reaction of my mind manifested itself in the fact that all thoughts and feelings completely left it. Then a flood of memories flooded me, and I didn't know where to start. Clara explained that we should begin remembering by focusing primarily on our past sexual experiences.

Why should we start with these particular memories? I asked suspiciously.

Because they contain the most of our energy, - explained Clara. “That's why we have to free her in the first place! (...)

It took weeks of stress to make the list. mental labor... (...) All these long days I have been working alone and in silence. (...) When I got over it, she immediately put aside her sewing and walked with me into the cave. It was just four o'clock in the afternoon, and early morning and late afternoon, as Clara said, are best time to start large-scale work.

At the entrance to the cave, she gave me some directions.

Stop at the first person on your list, and remember everything that is connected with him, - said Clara, - from the day you met, and ending with the day when you last saw him. Or, if you want, you can work in the opposite direction - from the moment you last met until the day you met.

Armed with the list, I went to the cave every day. In the beginning, remembering was not an easy job. I could not concentrate, because I was afraid to stir up the past. My mind wandered from one, in my opinion, painful memory to another, or I was just resting, indulging in daydreams. But after some time, I began to be impressed by the clarity and detail of my recollections. I even became more objective about those of them that have always been taboo for me.

To my surprise, I really began to feel stronger and more optimistic. Sometimes, as I inhaled, I felt the energy flow back into my body, warming and filling the muscles with strength. I was so carried away by the process of remembering that it took me less than a month to become convinced of its importance.

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