Baby before birth. Why dream of childbirth What is a dream book before childbirth

Sealing 06.11.2021

It is difficult to interpret a dream about childbirth unambiguously. The meaning of sleep will depend on the many nuances that need to be remembered for a complete interpretation of sleep.

Dreaming of childbirth

If you had a dream about childbirth that went well, this means that soon you will have a business in which you will not be completely sure of the success, but in the end everything will go very well. If you dreamed of childbirth that ended in complications, or the dream seemed to you a nightmare - the things that you planned to start or complete in the near future should be postponed, as they may not end in success for you.

Dream about childbirth in a pregnant woman

A dream about your childbirth means that in reality the childbirth will take place without complications and you will quickly recover from childbirth. It is worth noting that sometimes dreams about childbirth for pregnant women are only your experiences and thoughts about the upcoming process transferred to a dream. Most likely, you think too much about your condition and this is reflected in your dreams.

Taking birth in a dream - what does it mean

If you are giving birth in a dream, it means in reality that a business awaits you that you pay too little attention to, but it can further affect your life. The birth that you took in a dream was successful - this is a good sign. Soon you will have a person to whom you can entrust your affairs, and be calm that he will cope with them. If the woman in labor with whom you took birth died, this may mean that you will not be able to reconcile with loved ones, or a quarrel awaits you.

I dreamed that you were giving birth to a woman you don’t know, this dream will lead you to new acquaintances.
The dream where you give birth to a man is unfavorable. Your plans may be unsuccessful or destroyed.

Dream about giving birth to a boy

A woman who dreams of giving birth to a boy should expect replenishment in the family. This may apply to both your family and relatives. This is the interpretation of sleep for a woman who is not pregnant.

But if you are pregnant and you dream about the birth of a boy, then this may mean that you will have a girl. However, there are many disagreements and inconsistencies regarding the interpretation of this dream. Another option for the meaning of this dream may be a big financial profit in the near future.

If the birth of a girl is filmed

This dream, for a woman who is not pregnant, means that she will soon make a new acquaintance, which can develop into a long-term relationship.
A dream about the birth of a girl for a pregnant woman can mean the birth of a boy.

It is also believed that if you see the birth of a girl in a dream, then this is surprising.

Dreams about the birth of children for a woman who is not pregnant are also interpreted as futile attempts to solve something in reality. Perhaps you should radically change your attitude to the affairs that you currently have.

Why dream of your own childbirth

If in a dream you saw how you give birth, this dream promises you a change in life. And most likely, the changes will be global. Perhaps you will change jobs, or find a new occupation for yourself that will radically change your life. Definitely a dream in which you give birth can be considered good.

What dreams before childbirth

In anticipation of a child, women become superstitious, and especially sensitive. Before giving birth, a woman tries to understand how the birth of a child will go, and looks for answers in her dreams. And often dreams about childbirth in a pregnant woman are only experiences transferred to your dreams.

Do not accept the interpretation of a dream as an accurate interpretation of your reality.

As you know, all people dream. In night dreams, events, impressions, anxieties and aspirations of day life are whimsically and confusedly reflected. It is not enough for people to see in dreams only a reflection of the past and the present; for a long time they have tried to discern the future in them. To what extent this is possible is debatable. Oneirocriticism - the art of interpreting dreams - has existed for more than one millennium, already one antiquity testifies in its favor - for such a long time, mankind has not been disappointed in this occupation. However, let's leave alone visionary, prophetic dreams that can predict the future: I do not question the very possibility of their existence, but they are rare enough, not to say unique; meanwhile, no less interesting and useful is the analysis and interpretation of our ordinary, nightly dreams. With their help, it is also possible to foresee the future to some extent - insofar as the future depends on the person himself. Attention to seemingly ordinary dreams will make it possible to understand what really worries a person, to bring to the level of consciousness those emotions that a person for some reason displaces into the subconscious, and will help highlight those points that need correction: it is easier to treat when you know the disease, and it's easier to help when you understand what's wrong.

Sofia Onishchenko

Dreams of pregnant women

I will try to illustrate how these provisions apply to the dreams of pregnant women. It is known that during pregnancy dreams become brighter, richer, more emotional. Consider what events become the plots of these dreams and what feelings are reflected in them.

Pregnancy announcement. There are many stories about dreams that women have in early pregnancy, not yet aware of their condition. Moreover, the message about the onset of pregnancy is rarely direct (a woman sees herself pregnant), more often a woman sees / picks up a baby, some small creature (fish, bird, kitten, etc.), she may dream of some other pregnancy women, discovery of a small valuable object (a ring in a box, etc.). From the point of view of psychology, all these “prophetic” dreams are quite understandable: a huge restructuring begins in a woman’s body with the onset of pregnancy, all these processes are not initially recorded by consciousness, and now the subconscious mind “gives us a sign”. It is characteristic that dreams of this kind are more often seen by women for whom pregnancy is, if not planned, then desired.

Erotic experiences. Many pregnant women experience an increase in the number and intensity of erotic dreams. I will not go into a description of examples, I will only try to satisfy the legitimate curiosity (and sometimes anxiety) of dreamers who are trying to find an explanation for this phenomenon. In most cases, it is based on the compensatory function of dreams - pregnancy usually imposes certain sexual restrictions, and in a dream a person can receive what he lacks in reality. In addition, increased attention to the sexual sphere during this period is generally absolutely natural - after all, both pregnancy and erotic experiences are part of sexual experience, and not only every individual experiences the need to comprehend the birth of a new person as a result of sexual intimacy - this stage has passed in its development and all mankind (this may seem incredible, but primitive for a long time did not associate the onset of pregnancy with sexual relations explaining it by other - supernatural - reasons).

Child. However, the largest place in the dreams of pregnant women is occupied by a child. Expectant mothers have special hopes for sleep: they would really like to perceive a dream as a kind of means of communication - communication between two beings who still live in the same body, but have already become different people. It is difficult to say how true this approach is - after all, dreams are still an insufficiently studied phenomenon, so let's turn to what a child is like in a dream. The expectant mother usually wants to know the sex of the child - and these desires fulfill the corresponding dreams. It is difficult to call them prophetic, because usually they do not reflect reality, but the expectations of a pregnant woman. In addition, quite often women who are passionate about predicting the external features and the name of the unborn child have dreams in which a boy or girl has a memorable appearance, they say what their name is. A woman, waking up, can confidently describe the child from her dream (“Such a white girl, and her eyes are dark, small, a bow in a pigtail is so white, I call her:“ Olya, Olechka! ”- and she only laughs”).

But all these, so to speak, private expectations recede before the global need of a woman to make sure that the child she carries in herself is alive, healthy, that everything will be fine with him - fear for the child and impatient expectation are intertwined here, and self-doubt - whether she is ready for such responsibility, whether she can become a good mother. Most often, it is precisely this need that is satisfied by dreams about future children - both those where an incredibly beautiful child appears, and those where the child turns out to be ugly, where he is lost, he is kidnapped, etc. In the latter, maternal fears are more expressed, but such dreams are useful - they seem to reduce conscious and unconscious fears, acting as a kind of protective mechanism. And, by the way, the phenomenon that children are often dreamed of not as newborns, but as adults, is also quite interesting - it reflects women's fear of childbirth, the subconscious desire to bypass ("sleep") everything that seems scary and painful.

Childbirth. However, women themselves dream of childbirth quite often, and as this event approaches, the frequency of such dreams increases. Among such dreams, there are quite a few, so to speak, realistic ones, similar to how childbirth actually takes place. Dreams are generally characterized by a craving for extremes - incredibly beautiful and infinitely terrible dreams more often than something ordinary. Of the positive dreams of such a topic, a fairly common plot can be noted. easy delivery. A woman sees the birth of a child in a dream, but does not feel pain. Dreaming often enough the birth of beauty healthy child(sometimes twins). However, much more often, a dream about childbirth in women turns into a nightmare: childbirth takes place with unbearable pain, ends with the birth of an ugly child, the child may die, the woman is persecuted, etc. premature birth : a woman dreams that she is giving birth right now, at the moment of a dream, before the due date, and the child is born prematurely. Often a woman sees childbirth in so-called symbolic dreams - she may dream that she is swallowed up by the open earth or sucked in by a whirlpool (by the way, the water element in culture - and dreams - of mankind is traditionally associated with childbirth), dream of a volcanic eruption, etc. About what such disturbing dreams testify and how to treat them? This will be discussed below.

Terrible dreams and bad omens

The anxiety of dreams increases with the duration of pregnancy, and this is due, among other things, to purely physiological reasons- an enlarged uterus puts more pressure on everything internal organs. It is also necessary to take into account the psychological factor: the state of emotional elation that a woman had with the news of pregnancy became habitual in a few months, the joyful sharpness of this feeling dulled, and with the approach of childbirth, the fear of them also grows. (By the way, some psychologists note the following pattern: the more a woman has nightmares about childbirth, the easier it is for her to give birth - experiencing these dreams, she tunes in to something much more painful and terrible than what actually happens. )

AT this case, as in many others, both good and bad dreams speak about the same thing: we hope for the best and fear the worst, these feelings are inseparable, their combination is absolutely natural for a normal person. And if you dream scary dreams, this suggests that, experiencing your fears (including those that you do not even suspect about) in a dream, you get rid of them, win. A dreaming nightmare is not proof that you have a reason to worry (by the way, absolutely everyone always has such reasons, as well as reasons for hope), but evidence of getting rid of subconscious fear.

In this regard, a quote from the ancient dream book of Artemidorus will be very instructive:

The midwife means the disclosure of a secret; trouble and death for those who are sick; for the forcibly detained, the midwife means release; a woman, if she is not pregnant, a dreaming midwife often portends an illness, and for pregnant women, it does not portend anything other than childbirth (highlighted by me. - S. O.).

The ancient author (many of our contemporaries will agree with him) in the interpretation of a dream proceeds from who and what dreamed: the same dream different people may portend different things, but if a person dreams of the subject of his constant thoughts and worries, such a dream is meaningless to interpret, it is just a nightly continuation of daytime reflections. So, if you are pregnant and you dream of giving birth (regardless of what is more in your dream - hope or fear), this first of all means that you will give birth soon. Do not give in to fear, everything will be fine!

Science interprets dreams in different ways and considers them the result of a person’s emotional state during previous days, an excursion into the past or the future, the soul’s journey through the expanses of the universe, or other concepts and hypotheses. The dream book will explain what it means to see.

What is the dream of the birth of a child?

  • If you dream about the birth of a child- a good dream that indicates the beginning of new business.
  • If you have seen the birth of a girl, something unusual, marvelous, unexpected will happen.
  • The birth of a boy in a dream portends undertakings associated with pleasant chores and insignificant problems.
  • Each dream book interprets the birth of a child in a different way. Dream according to Miller's dream book portends an unexpected inheritance, good news.
  • If a dream of giving birth to a young girl, she should be prudent so as not to lose her reputation.
  • Wangi's Dream Interpretation indicates changes in life, pleasant beginnings, solving problems with a positive result.

Why dream of giving birth?

Childbirth, although a pleasant, long-awaited, but painful event. That's why dream of giving birth in a dream according to the dream book - to do some serious business. They can be extremely difficult, requiring a lot of strength and energy.

If you dream newborn baby, the result of your work will come soon and will portend success.

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If a a girl dreaming about her own childbirth, this means that open spaces are opening up for her to decide her fate in a new way. Do not be afraid of emerging difficulties, they are all surmountable and portend a quick, good result.

Such a dream instructs the girl to reconsider her position in life.

Dreaming of contractions- changes in life along with difficulties came.

If a contractions are painful, then in reality, not everything will be smooth in solving their problems. When everything goes fast and painlessly, so it will be in reality. The issue will be resolved relatively quickly and without any special obstacles.

If a girl sees herself pregnant in a dream, in dream books there are several interpretations:

  • difficulties and problems will “fall down” on a young lady, a lot of things to do;
  • fraud or other trouble may occur, resulting in the loss of funds;
  • take a better look at your boyfriend;
  • you will really get pregnant soon.

To give birth to a child in a dream - the meaning of sleep for a woman

If a woman dreaming about the birth of a child- this is a good sign that predicts the emergence of important life changes, release from some obligations. These changes will come very quickly.

By modern dream book childbirth in a dream for a woman- a progressive stage in her life, which can significantly affect her financial condition.

If you dream of events, where will you be breastfeed a baby, beware of "freeloaders" who encroach on your property or money.

What does it mean in a dream to give birth to a boy?

The birth of a boy in a dream prophesies success in business, prosperity and expansion of business, financial profit. Such a dream is favorable for those who "stand firmly on their feet" and have good experience in their field, as well as for beginner girls.

This may be a kind of prophecy for the appearance of a newborn boy in due time.

Dreaming about the birth of a girl, what does it mean?

The birth of a girl dreamed of by a woman or girl in a dream, often associated with the appearance of "wonderful" events. The interpretation of these phenomena may be different. It depends on whether a woman has a husband, what her emotional state is, plans for the future.

But in general, this is a pleasant dream, portending a happy and cloudless life. It is quite possible a real pregnancy with the birth of a girl.

Why dream of giving birth to a pregnant woman?

Childbirth for a pregnant woman is an irreversible phenomenon. This process will occur, regardless of the circumstances.

A woman and her husband know the approximate date of birth of their "child", the gender of the unborn child. The expectant mother often thinks about this, therefore, to see a baby who has not yet appeared in a dream is an ordinary dream that corresponds to the special state of a pregnant woman.

If she dreams childbirth with abundant blood- expect material and spiritual support from relatives.

To take birth in a woman's dream dream book

Take delivery of a woman in a dream is typical for the fairer sex. Such "dreams" can appear in men.

Different dream books interpret such an event in different ways.

For a girl it- acquaintance with a young man who can make up for her perfect couple. Otherwise, the loss of innocence.

For a married lady such a dream may indicate an imminent pregnancy.

Such a dream for men speaks of a new acquaintance and further friendship. But at the same time, he may face a lot of problems that will soon be resolved in his favor. New goals may also arise in front of him, which he will certainly overcome.

Alien childbirth why dream

Alien childbirth is dreaming when solving important cases that lead to a positive result.

When you dream giving birth to a non-pregnant girl Yes, it can be interpreted in two ways.

First, it may happen that the lady herself may soon become pregnant or is already pregnant, but does not yet know for sure. Such a dream may indicate the solution of important matters and tasks.

Why dream of having twins

If the dream speaks give birth to twins, then it is an auspicious omen. Your long-awaited desires will come true, you will receive double success.

And if you dream birth of twins: girls and boys, prosperity will be observed in family life and at work.

unmarried girls childbirth and the birth of twins promise the successful passing of exams and the meeting of your lover.

If the twins are of the same sex, successes concern only business or only personal relationships. Depending on the gender of the children born, success can be of a different nature.

The birth of twin girls may indicate the appearance of two gentlemen at once. And both are quite attractive and cute.

Seeing in a dream the birth of twin boys in most often indicates the appearance of problems at work, study, in business. However, all of them are quickly resolved in your direction.

Many young women, preparing for the main event in their lives, the birth of a child, face many problems. One of these problems was insomnia before childbirth.

In anticipation of a baby, a woman is often prone to insomnia before childbirth. Several main causes of sleep disturbance in pregnant women are recognized, they can be divided into two groups.

Psychological reasons:

  • stress, fatigue, not only physical, but also emotional
  • poor sleep, mostly nightmares
  • domestic disagreements and conflicts
  • worries about the future

Physiological reasons:

  • hormonal changes in the body (increase in progesterone and, as a result, increased sweating)
  • indigestion, heartburn, this may be due to fetal pressure on the digestive tract or
  • toxicosis
  • frequent urge to the toilet "in a small way"
  • itchy patches of skin (skin stretches as the body gains weight and becomes rounder)
  • hypersensitivity of the skin to external irritants (bed linen, blanket, etc.)
  • uncomfortable position for sleeping (due to the increasing volume of the abdomen)
  • constant and sometimes painful movement of the baby
  • breathing problems (shortness of breath), due to pressure on organs, an enlarged uterus

Another is sleep disturbance. Most pregnant women feel constant drowsiness during the day and, succumbing to the promises of the body, the woman gets enough sleep during the day and therefore at night the rested body does not want to sleep.

All of these reasons can cause insomnia. Moreover, the signs are both singly and in the aggregate. Insomnia before childbirth is a very unpleasant and exhausting ailment that can manifest itself at different stages of pregnancy and for various reasons.

Insomnia in early pregnancy

The first period of pregnancy or trimester, as doctors call it, is considered the most dangerous. Since the fetus is just beginning its development, it is not yet sufficiently strengthened and in some cases there may be a threat of loss of the fetus. To avoid the negative development of the fetus, you need to rest more and sleep at the right time.

All this can be broken if insomnia sets in.

Most often, in the early stages, the cause of pregnancy before childbirth can be hormonal changes and emotional outbursts, early toxicosis is often observed, which also interferes with restful sleep.

Hormonal changes take place on early dates pregnancy, the body prepares to "grow" the fetus, processing and giving the child the elements necessary for its development. The female hormone of the menstrual cycle, estrogen, decreases in quantity, giving way to progesterone, the hormone responsible for pregnancy (bearing the fetus depends on the amount of progesterone in the blood). An increase in progesterone is the cause of sleep disturbance, since it is this hormone that sets the body to bear a child.

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The expectant mother has not yet fully realized her position and is only psychologically adjusting. Emotional outbursts may be due to the restriction of the usual way of life. If a young mother was engaged in active sports or abused harmful substances, food, drinks, then when learning about pregnancy, use is limited or prohibited altogether. Therefore, irritability or psychosis may occur, which will lead to sleep disturbance.

Usually, all economic and domestic problems, as well as problems with the future father (if any) occur at the beginning of pregnancy. Excessive experiences also disturb sleep.

Insomnia before childbirth

Most of the gestation has passed and the deadlines are coming to an end, that is, to the immediate resolution of the burden. But insomnia still torments me. What's the matter?

Approaching childbirth is a very exciting moment, a woman begins to get nervous, especially if she will give birth for the first time. Another cause of nervousness for a woman may be doctors. For example, if a child has a disability or is about to C-section. The expectant mother worries not only about her baby, but also because of the birth process. As it will be? Will it hurt? Will the baby be born healthy? All these questions torment the future woman in labor, making her worry and worry, and as a result, sleep disturbance comes.

From the physiological point of view, last dates pregnancy is hindered by a noticeably grown tummy and the activity of the baby. The inability to take a comfortable position is very unnerving and frustrating for a woman, and moving the child only exacerbates the problem. Constant pain in the lumbar region.

Sleep during the last trimester can be divided into several stages:

  • initial insomnia (starting) ─ this is the inability to sleep calmly and soundly for some time
  • interrupted sleep, that is, after falling asleep, sleep is constantly interrupted, preventing the body from moving to a deep phase of sleep
  • early awakening, when the body wakes up too early, before the time worked out, thereby dooming a woman to lack of sleep

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Another type of insomnia can be direct labor activity, that is, the first contractions, albeit infrequent, but noticeable. Again, the psychological mood of a woman does not let her sleep. Against the hormonal background, “reverse” changes also occur, progesterone becomes less, and estrogen increases. Especially the amount of the hormone multiplies just before childbirth, this causes the uterus to contract and contractions occur.

What to do if you suffer from insomnia

Women who have gone through the entire period of gestation and childbirth can tell you many ways to avoid insomnia during pregnancy. But it is worth remembering that such “tips” must be chosen individually, since organisms are different and methods are also different.

Popular ways:

  • the simplest and effective way- drink warm milk before going to bed with (if you have milk intolerance or do not like its taste, then you can limit yourself warm water with honey), soothing tea from herbs allowed for pregnant women will help well
  • having sex (if there are no contraindications and you want, you should not deny yourself)
  • in the early stages, you need to develop a kind of diet and sleep
  • spend more time outdoors (hiking, very useful for a pregnant woman)
  • very useful for sleep disorders light sports, such as yoga or gymnastics for pregnant women
  • if the cause of insomnia is itchy skin, then you can smear the areas with a soothing lotion, you can even with a cooling effect
  • be sure to ventilate the room before going to bed, fresh air will help you fall asleep
  • before going to bed, you can dream about pleasant topics

If insomnia sets in:

  • do not overexert yourself because general fatigue may not always lead to sound sleep
  • do not eat heavy meals at night, this will only make the body work harder
  • no need to work physically or mentally, in the evening
  • Watching movies with aggressive content or experiences should also be completely excluded at least before going to bed.

Choosing one or another way to deal with insomnia, do not overdo it. Normal night sleep in pregnant women should not exceed seven to eight hours. This amount of time is enough for the body to come in and completely rest.

If nothing helps

If none of the methods and tips helps, then you should resort to the help of a specialist. The first doctor to visit is a psychologist. In every antenatal clinic there is this specialist who works specifically with pregnant women.

Psychologists' advice:

  • during the day you should not be nervous, especially over trifles
  • if there are reasons for stress, then it is worth developing a technique for dealing with stress, visualization of pleasant moments or thoughts can help here
  • many psychologists recommend listening to pleasant music before going to bed or the sounds of nature
  • Proper breathing also often helps. In schools, mothers are taught this technique.
  • a psychologist may advise you to purchase a special pillow or mattress for pregnant women.

For a stronger effect, tips should be combined.

For example: turn on birdsong, relax, take the most comfortable position and dream, you can just do breathing exercises. Collectively, the prescriptions of a psychologist work much better than individually.


  • the most common remedy is glycine. It is a herbal preparation that has a calming effect.
  • sleeping herbs are also very popular. Melissa, thyme, motherwort, mint or valerian are great for sleep, you can combine them and add a little honey for sweetness
  • another reason is the lack of sugar in the blood, so doctors often recommend eating a sweet dish before going to bed, the main thing is that it should not be heavy

Treatment of insomnia with medication is an extreme measure, usually more gentle means and advice. Before prescribing any treatment, the expectant mother is completely, finding out the cause of insomnia, and after that complex treatment is already prescribed.

Restful and sound sleep is useful not only expectant mother but not to a born baby. In no case should you self-medicate or try dubious advice, it is better to consult a doctor. Try to figure out what exactly causes insomnia.

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    See child girl in dream is a good sign. Pregnant women such dream promises quick and easy childbirth. People working long time in one company - promotion. me dreamed the girl is a baby, she told me her name (double for some reason), I asked who her mother was, she answered me that I myself would soon find out everything. This all happened in my house…. and by the way… before this sleep I had an abortion dreamed my not born child?

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  • Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    See birth child in dream. means the following: if a woman often dreaming that she gives birth- desire to have child.If a pregnant woman dreamed that she gave birth child boy or girl, son or daughter, is dreams- preparation for childbirth. They are dreaming almost always to all future mothers, as all pregnant women worry and worry before childbirth.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation give birth 8 children dreamed, for what dreaming in dream give birth 8 children?Dream interpretation - childbirth. Process childbirth seen in dream before

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    if you had a dream child, which has no limbs, then such dream indicates that the Earth is in real danger. Because of environment very heavily polluted, a lot of children with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disabilities. Publish your dream free in the section Interpretation dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can tell you what dreaming wash your hair to kid before mirror in dream.

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  • Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Meaning sleep childbirth: To you dreamed childbirth what is it for - If you are really pregnant, dreams about childbirth may be some kind of mental rehearsal of this event. If you don't expect child Or are you a man dreams, most likely refer to a new project, at home or at work, that is about to begin. in dream childbirth (birth child) - To profit. Imagine having twins or triplets. And while all children- girls. Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sonnikolaev"

    childbirth is primarily a physical process culminating in the birth child. childbirth in dream is a fairly common occurrence. Depending on the circumstances and details in which you dreamed childbirth, interpretation sleep will be different. childbirth heavy with blood in dream mean difficulties and obstacles on the way to the implementation of the plans. Sometimes for women dream can warn of difficult upcoming childbirth, but most often for pregnant women - it's just fear before childbirth.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Birth child. to me dreamed as if I giving birth child at home and subconsciously know who it is from. childbirth passed very easily and quickly, I gave birth sort of like a girl. Good evening, Alina! Dream before afternoon birth

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation give birth 6 children dreamed, for what dreaming in dream dream interpretation give birth 6 children? To choose an interpretation sleep enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing dream image (if you want to get Dream Interpretation - childbirth. Process childbirth seen in dream, can have the following meanings: if you see yourself being born - this marks the emergence of new knowledge, you will appear before surrounding in a new quality. If another is born, someone new will appear in your life.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Birth child. to me had a dream dream, as if I find out that I am pregnant and, moreover, already for a long time, but the stomach is not visible. This made me very upset, I understood that this child from my husband, and I left him because fell in love with another. Then me dreaming themselves childbirth, I'm trying to push while standing. Good evening, Alina! Dream before afternoon birth always very important, like the day itself, since this is the most critical day for a person, because a new life cycle begins - not everyone survives this day, as folk wisdom says. I think that... Dmitry.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    And at this moment, my feeling of happiness from the fact that my son was born is suddenly suppressed by a picture that clearly stands up before eyes: I see this small key, to which a plastic circle is attached, and in it I clearly see the number 21. I once had a dream my son. And I'm only 20 years old children I don't have one and don't intend to. dreamed how did you go childbirth. then we were already at home, he was very tiny, probably he was not even a month old, I swaddled him, and my boyfriend (who in dream turned out to be my husband) walked along ...

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretations sleep childbirth(1) Dream Interpretation childbirth. dreams and dreams grandma Child childbirth Interpretation dreams childbirth. childbirth, deceased children in dream. dreamed, what am I gave birth children, but there were a lot of 7-8 pieces, they were the size of a kitten. Interpretations sleep childbirth(1) Dream Interpretation childbirth. dreams and dreams childbirth Pregnancy. how do i take childbirth in dream. I am in a small bright room, but it seems to be locked (you can’t just leave from there or come to someone else (such as a waiting room, dream before this was about how I fly in an airplane).

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Birth child. Thursday to Friday had a dream such dream. I lie in maternity hall, getting ready for childbirth.(in real life I don't expect child). I do an ultrasound and they say that child very big. Good evening, Alina! Dream before afternoon birth always very important, like the day itself, since this is the most critical day for a person, because a new life cycle begins - not everyone survives this day, as folk wisdom says. I think that... Dmitry.

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