A full-term baby is how many completed weeks of pregnancy? How to give birth to a healthy baby after a miscarriage What to do to bear a baby

Bituminous materials 12.09.2020
Bituminous materials

Pregnancy is the most unforgettable and amazing period in the life of every woman. At this time there are many changes, both physiological and psychological.

How to prepare for pregnancy and bear a healthy baby? Almost every expectant mother asks herself this question, bearing her first child.

If you follow the following 5 rules, you will be able to endure and give birth to a strong, healthy child:

  1. Proper nutrition. Each trimester of pregnancy has its own characteristics. The advice of our parents to “eat for two” is absolutely not true. Food should be as healthy as possible, rich in vitamins and minerals. For example, cottage cheese, fresh vegetables, fruits must be in the diet. future mother.
  2. Forget about your bad habits. Smoking and alcohol adversely affect the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy itself.
  3. Only positive emotions. Avoid stressful situations, do not listen to someone else's negative experience. The installation should be as follows: "I will be fine, I will give birth to a healthy, beautiful baby." You can look at your baby photos, more often imagine what your baby will be like. The child feels the mood of the mother, so during pregnancy you need to spend maximum time with your loved one, listen to pleasant music, watch funny films or even cartoons. Be sure to talk with the baby, read fairy tales, he hears and understands everything. You can do something with your own hands. For example, knit a hat, embroider a shirt, sew a diaper. This is not only an enjoyable activity, but will also be a memory for a lifetime.
  4. Fresh air and activity. Pregnancy is not a disease, you should not lie in bed all day. Training some types of muscles is very useful and even necessary in childbirth. A mom-to-be can sign up for yoga to learn how to breathe and relax properly. Swimming is very useful during pregnancy. In the last month of pregnancy, you can go for a back massage to relieve stress and relieve lower back pain.
  5. Take medications only on the recommendation of a doctor. You can try first folk remedies, herbs, but take it very carefully, after consulting your doctor.

Pregnancy should not cause negative feelings, anxiety and fear. Anything that worries you need to voice the doctor, you can go for a consultation with a psychotherapist.

He will help overcome all your phobias and fears, restore psychological balance, comfort, positive attitude and advise how to bear a healthy baby.

Well-known to all mothers, pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky held a webinar on his website and answered the questions that concern pregnant women the most. "Letidor" has selected for you 14 of the most striking statements.

About vitamins

In fact, the issue of taking vitamins is very much discussed all over the world - there are doctors who are for them and who are against them. I am not at all sure that a huge number of pregnant women have the opportunity to eat fully and varied. A huge problem is the availability of quality products that are well-produced and well-stored. A huge problem is that there are health problems - toxicosis, vomiting, I want it, I don't want it.

Well, in the end, where to get vitamins? For example, vitamin D, if you live in the Arctic Circle, and you do not have access to quality fish.

My position is to take vitamins.

I remember very well how Soviet years my wife was pregnant twice, and the only drug for the whole Soviet Union was gendevit, it was a drug for pregnant women, and we drank it. My daughters-in-law took vitamins and for me this is a completely normal situation, I strongly recommend that all my patients who are planning a pregnancy or who are already pregnant take vitamins.

About lifestyle

In general, I am more than anything afraid when pregnant women change their lifestyle. Because physiologically, pregnancy should not affect your lifestyle in any way.

Imagine you are a member of the pack, and you feel sick. So - the flock will stop roaming? So, the lifestyle did not physiologically affect the existence of the society in which she was and was obliged to live according to the laws of the pack, otherwise you will be left alone and wild animals will eat you.

When, having learned about pregnancy, you drastically change your lifestyle, then this is definitely a stressful situation for the body, it must adapt not only to pregnancy, which is by and large natural for it, but also adapt to changing external conditions.

Therefore, it is actually very important that pregnancy does not become a reason to change your lifestyle and a reason to think about pregnancy all the time. I am sure that when you fly somewhere to rest, you think about the rest, about your loved one, who is next to you, about what you will see there, you have a bunch of new emotions. So, new emotions that allow you not to think about pregnancy are normal. It is very good. It is clear that if you are a master of sports in parachuting or rock climbing, well, let's change physical activity a little, but in general, live normally.

Take this not as the beginning of your maternal feat, but as a path to the holiday.

About alcohol

If I tell you that a small dose is possible, then you will occasionally do it once a day and a small dose for you will be 200 g, and you will tell that Komarovsky allowed you to drink. Therefore, I will tell you right away that not a single doctor in his right mind will say that he allows you. I understand that if you are on your birthday or New Year if you can drink 50 g of dry wine, then nothing will happen to you, of course. But I don't want you to do that. In short, I categorically forbid you!

About preparing for pregnancy

The optimal period between pregnancies is three years. This does not mean that if you become pregnant five months after giving birth, then something threatens you. We are talking only about the minimal consequences for the mother and the chances of giving birth to the most healthy child.

Children do not start, but are planned by normal adults, the option from three to five years is gorgeous.

I don't think there are any special restrictions, although at the planning stage it would be very desirable if you can leave at a certain time to relax, work out, get some fresh air, swim. I really like the sea in this situation. And at the end of this vacation, having improved your health, without alcohol, without nicotine, in the fresh air, with a bunch of vitamin D, it’s natural to make a cub, it’s just wonderful!

But once again: a person is such a creature in which the functioning of all internal organs depends on the cerebral cortex. Therefore, if you have a lot of all sorts of thoughts, then you are in great danger. And vice versa: when there are no brains and intellect, there is no stress, then everything always turns out very well.

It's good if you can control yourself, if you get away from stress - you smile, you relax. And generally speaking The best way give birth to a healthy child - mutual understanding with a partner.

About travel

I love traveling while pregnant. Pregnancy shouldn't change your life. She must improve it. A pregnant woman should understand what quality health insurance is. I am not a very big supporter of a pregnant woman going to some kind of track in Nepal, for example.

But resort hotel with access to medical care with quality food and water - it's just great!

Travel! I sincerely envy you!

About snacks

I believe that snacking every two hours is fine if you feel like it. You should eat according to your appetite: there is a desire to eat every two hours - to your health. I understand when the uterus increases in the last trimester of pregnancy, when it already presses the stomach and it’s clear that you don’t eat much, you ate a little, and after two hours you want to again, this is normal. It's not essential.

It is important to know that you do not owe anything to anyone. It is your right to snack or not, it does not affect the child.

About the whooping cough vaccine

In all countries post-Soviet space there is a sharp increase in the incidence of whooping cough and a sharp increase in the number of unvaccinated people.

Unfortunately, we lost the battle against the anti-vaxxers. It's definitely perfect. The most dangerous, deadly dangerous disease for a child of the first months of life - this is whooping cough.

This is deadly, because if a child older than 6 months has whooping cough in the form of severe coughing attacks, then in children of the first half of the year it occurs in the form of respiratory arrest. Therefore, if children become infected in the first two months after birth, their lives are at risk, regardless of the level of the healthcare system. The risk for the child to die is very high.

It would seem that let's vaccinate at the maternity hospital, but this does not work, because in the blood of the child there is a very small level of antibodies inherited from the mother. These antibodies do not provide protection, but they are enough to neutralize the effect of the vaccination.

That is, it is possible to vaccinate against whooping cough starting from 2 months, which is done all over the world.

However, in the first two months, the baby can catch whooping cough from other adults. Adults should be vaccinated every 10 years. Very often, when a child gets sick, it turns out that he was infected by a coughing brother, mother or father. Therefore, the whole world has now adopted a position called the cocoon strategy. The essence of the strategy is that the child and everyone who will be in contact with the newborn in the first 2-3 months of life should be vaccinated. This is fundamentally important. And it is important to vaccinate his mother, because the easiest way to get whooping cough is from his mother.

Getting vaccinated during pregnancy is the right thing to do, no matter when you got vaccinated before.

It is not necessary during pregnancy or without it to conduct experiments on your body.

Ventilate the room, rinse the nose with saline solution, drink liters of water. Lots of fluids and don't force yourself to eat, fresh air- all. This is how SARS passes, the world has not come up with another.

About gadgets - is it harmful for a pregnant woman

Some kind of genocide! Phones, Wi-Fi and laptops have no direct impact on the health of the mother and fetus. They are dangerous only in the sense that you, pregnant women, need to think about physical activity more than ever.

If instead of walking you are sitting in front of your laptop, I would like to remove it from you. That's all. There are no other hazards - use it to your health.

There is some kind of maternity hospital, where the head physician is the king, who can afford to take a laptop or phone from a woman. This cannot be tolerated, this is a humiliation of human dignity. This is unacceptable in the 21st century.

They will ban you from using toilet paper so soon.

Gotta go to medical institution with your head held high, no matter how hard it is. You can't let someone in a white coat humiliate you.

Cat and pregnancy: how to avoid allergies

To avoid an allergy to a cat, you need to introduce your immune system to the cat as early as possible. Therefore, if a cat lives in your house, you communicate with him, your immune system is familiar with the cat, it will share protection with the fetus. A newborn baby will communicate with a cat, his immune system will be formed next to the cat, and the cat will be normal for her.

So calm down, leave the cat alone. You are responsible for those you have tamed and for those you have given birth to. Let them be together, it's okay, nothing really threatens you.

About physical education

The best exercise during pregnancy is walking and having sex with your beloved husband.

About saunas and baths

We also have people who engage in genuine extremism in the sauna, who after the bath dive headlong into the hole. You must understand that the air in the sauna is very dry, especially in winter during heating season when the air is already dry all around, you don’t use a humidifier, you don’t walk much, and even a sauna, this is not very good for you. If you have a sense of proportion, there is no risk of injury, if after the sauna you do not beat your head on the ice, then for God's sake.

Pregnancy is considered difficult if there are various pathologies, poor physical condition and well-being. It usually ends with heavy ones.

Causes of miscarriage

One of the problems of modern obstetrics is miscarriage. This term refers to spontaneous abortion for up to 37 weeks. If it happened before 22 weeks, the interruption is considered a miscarriage, if later - premature birth. Doctors will save a child born after 22 weeks, but even here the chances are small, and leaving such a baby, various developmental pathologies due to prematurity are not excluded. Signs include pain in the abdomen and lower back, copious discharge with blood.

One of the causes of miscarriage is considered a hormonal disorder. The body does not produce enough female hormones necessary to maintain a pregnancy, or it produces too many male hormones that do not allow it to be maintained. The cause is also often sexually transmitted diseases - chlamydia, herpes, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis and other common infections. They can cause uterine contractions and cross the placenta to the fetus. Illnesses such as influenza, rubella, and even colds can cause irreparable harm to pregnancy - causing fetal abnormalities or spontaneous abortion.

There are many reasons for miscarriage - isthmic-cervical insufficiency (the cervix cannot cope with the increasing load on it and opens), various malformations of the uterus, tumors, advanced adhesions, diseases of internal organs, chronic diseases (diabetes, hepatitis, AIDS), genetic abnormalities, bad habits, unfavorable environmental conditions.

How to endure

For a successful pregnancy, it is necessary to follow the instructions of the attending obstetrician-gynecologist throughout the entire period. After all, only he knows the characteristics of the reproductive health of a particular woman and will be able to prescribe adequate treatment if necessary.

Before pregnancy, both spouses should be examined to identify possible diseases- take tests, check for the presence of sexually transmitted infections, since it will no longer be possible to treat them during pregnancy. Conduct a study of the hormonal background and exclude malformations of the organs of the female reproductive system.

If you notice an increase in pressure and swelling in the legs or arms, you should consult a doctor to take a urine test for the presence of protein in it. Its presence will speak of such a pathological condition as preeclampsia - a violation in the functioning of the kidneys and blood vessels. With such symptoms, hospitalization and treatment are indicated.

A pregnant woman should be especially careful about body hygiene, since the accumulation of dirt and sweat can cause the reproduction of pathogenic flora that is harmful to health. Taking a warm, not hot shower instead of a bath, which can provoke premature birth. Baths and saunas should also be avoided.

The clothes of the expectant mother should be loose-fitting, not restricting movements and made of natural fabrics. Try not to wear belts and stockings, shoes with heels. It is necessary to organize a comfortable sleeping place, an eight-hour night's sleep, and, if possible, a daytime one. Daily walks in the fresh air will also benefit.

A pregnant woman should eat small portions, fresh foods containing a maximum useful substances and minimum fat. Excess weight can further complicate the course of pregnancy. smoking and alcoholic drinks are categorically contraindicated. A light exercise is useful to maintain the tone of the body.

And for any doubtful symptoms and feeling unwell you need to see a doctor immediately. It is better to once again conduct an examination that will not reveal problems than relying on chance and dismiss problems. After all, not only the life and health of the mother, but also her future baby is at stake.

We are planning a child: everything that young parents need to know Nina Bashkirova

Is it possible to endure and give birth to a child without special costs? (economical option)

1. Planning for pregnancy

Analyzes, x-rays, specialist consultations - all this can be done free of charge in your district clinic, and for both potential parents. True, ultrasound is often prescribed free of charge according to indications, that is, if something hurts you, and you will have to wait six months for your turn. And most often they are sent to a commercial clinic or diagnostic center to a self-supporting department.

Tests for urogenital infections are given free of charge at the ARC in the direction of a urologist or gynecologist. You can take free tests in the antenatal clinic.

Analysis for RV infections, HIV, hepatitis for two - 1100x2 = 2200 r.

Vaccinations against rubella and hepatitis - 400 r.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs - 2500 rubles.

Dentist - 1000–3000 rubles.

2. Pregnancy

When conception has occurred, and you find out that you are pregnant, the first thing you simply have to do is register with the antenatal clinic. And it is desirable to do this before 12 weeks of pregnancy. In this case, you will receive additional, albeit small, material assistance from the state - a lump sum.

If the pregnancy is going well, then you will visit your gynecologist at the antenatal clinic every 3 weeks.

In total, about 14 tests are to be taken and 4 times to undergo an ultrasound examination - at the 16th, 24th, 30th and 39th weeks of pregnancy. You have the right to do all these procedures absolutely free of charge. But there are situations when the device breaks down or the necessary specialist is on vacation. Then you will be offered commercial laboratories. You can check the quality of research yourself in a private clinic if you do not fully trust free medicine. But this is your own choice.

In case of complications, for example, toxicosis, a woman is sent to the maternity hospital free of charge for preservation. You don't have to pay a dime there. But this is an ordinary multi-bed ward with appropriate conditions. The quality of medical care at the level of a regular hospital. Food too.

Tests for thyroid hormones - 3 times (on the 18th, 26th, 34-35th weeks) (each analysis from 290 to 400 rubles) - 870-1200 rubles.

Tests for RV infections, HIV, hepatitis - 3 times (on the 13th, 30th, 37th weeks) (each test for 1100 rubles) - 3300 rubles.

3. Vitamins and drugs

What will really require money is for medicines (if they are needed), vitamins and good nutrition.

True, from 30 weeks, according to the birth certificate, free vitamins and medicines are prescribed by doctor's prescription.

Vitamins, folic acid (5-9 packs of 230 rubles each) - 1150-2070 rubles.

Tablets "Magne B 6" or others (13-18 packs, each about 250 rubles) - 3250-4500 rubles.

Tea for pregnant women (2 packs of 150 rubles each) - 300 rubles.

4. "Dowry" for the baby and clothes for mom

You can save a lot on a crib and clothes for a newborn if you use used ones. Girlfriends whose children have already grown up are usually willing to give out beautiful, almost new little things. Moreover, after repeated washings, the fabric becomes softer and more pleasant for the delicate skin of the child. Therefore, do not neglect such gifts. But, of course, you still can’t do without new overalls, caps and blouses.

But it is better to buy a stroller: it must be reliable.

Hygiene supplies will also have to be bought. Choose clothes according to your taste, but it is better to update your wardrobe. You are unlikely to fit into old jeans at the seventh month, and walking in the same oversized sweater and grandmother's skirt means forgetting about yourself as a woman. Meanwhile, it is pregnancy that allows a woman to open up in a new way, to show her femininity.

Clothing for a woman to a minimum

Pants from 1000–3000 rubles

Two blouses for 900 rubles. - 1800 r.

Skirt - 1000 r.

Underwear - 2000–2500 rubles.

"Dowry" for a child

Stroller - 5000 r.

Crib - 10,000 rubles. ^ Mattress - 1000 rubles.

Chest of drawers or changing table - 1500–4500 r.

High chair - from 3000 r.

Bath - 200 rubles.

Kangaroo backpack - 1000 rubles.

Car seat - 5000 r.

Blanket, duvet covers, sheets, diapers, towels - 4000 rubles.

Overalls - 1500 rubles.

Blouses, vests and sliders - 3200 rubles.

Hats or bonnets - 800 r.

Diapers - 500 r.

Other little things - 2000 rubles.

Baby feeding and care items

Bottles (3 pcs. 200 rubles each) - 600 rubles.

Pacifier (2 pcs. for 90 rubles) - 180 rubles.

Thermal bag for bottles - 500 r.

Bottle brush - 20 r.

Bib (5 pieces for 50 rubles) - 250 rubles.

Children's hygiene products and first aid kit - 2000 rubles.

Do not forget about courses for pregnant women (10,000 rubles).

Now about childbirth. Childbirth will be accepted completely free of charge according to the birth certificate, which will be issued at the antenatal clinic. This document is a guarantee of free medical care. Of course, the conditions will be the most common - the same multi-bed ward, a general delivery room, one midwife for several women in labor, etc. But the professionalism, as well as the warmth and attention of the attendants, does not depend on money, but on people. Therefore, even in the case of free childbirth, you may well be satisfied. There will be only the comfort that you are used to at home, and the constant presence of a husband or loved one.

As a rule, if everything goes well and the baby is born healthy, women tend to thank doctors, midwives and nannies. Therefore, a certain amount must be planned in the case of completely free childbirth (from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles).

In total it turns out about 6500 r. However, this figure is also conditional, because you can exclude something, and add something, something will be presented to you by relatives with whom you can agree in advance. You can not refuse only tests, medicines and vitamins. In addition, the cost of improved nutrition is not included here, because a pregnant woman needs a lot of fruits, fresh (better market) cottage cheese, etc. All this is worth a special cost.

This text is an introductory piece.

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Unfortunately, miscarriage today is a fairly common occurrence. Weakened health of women, disregard for their well-being, accelerated rhythm of life, deplorable ecological situation- all this greatly affects the statistics of miscarriages.

Lose a child even on early term- this is the strongest stress, and it can be extremely difficult for both mother and father to survive it. Many have to turn to a psychologist for help in order to accept a new situation, and find the strength to live on, and, most importantly, to try to conceive and bear a child again.

Pregnancy after a miscarriage requires increased attention. In the end, a miscarriage is not only psychological, but also physiological stress.

A miscarriage is the termination of pregnancy under the influence of the state of the fetus and the mother's body, without intervention from doctors. The reasons for miscarriage are very different. More about miscarriage

Now the consequences of a miscarriage are much more important. No matter how long the pregnancy is terminated, your body is waiting for a real hormonal storm. The hormonal background changes even more dramatically than at the beginning of pregnancy, which cannot but affect the state of the body, the functioning of the ovaries and other organs.

In addition, if after a miscarriage it was necessary to perform curettage, damage to the mucous membrane occurs. Injured endometrium can not always accept a new fertilized egg, and even more so, is not always able to keep it.

A miscarriage may be accompanied by heavy bleeding. Blood loss is also an unpleasant situation that requires a long rehabilitation.

When can you give birth?

Can you get pregnant after a miscarriage? If you put the question from the side of physiology, then, of course, you can. And literally in the first month. The fact is that the day when the miscarriage occurred is also the beginning of the next cycle. Accordingly, in 2-3 weeks the next ovulation will occur - this is the answer to a simple question, when can you get pregnant after a miscarriage. Another thing, is it worth the haste?

Many couples think that the sooner they have a baby, the sooner they will cope with the consequences of the current situation. In fact this is not true. Of course, when carrying a new child, you will not remember the tragedy that has already happened. However, everything has its own nuances.

Pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage, and specifically after 3 months, may well be successful. Pregnancy a month after an early miscarriage is highly likely to end in a miscarriage again. In general, the trend is this: the less time has passed since the miscarriage, the greater the risk of a recurrence of the situation.

When can I plan a pregnancy after a miscarriage? It's believed that female body It takes about a year to fully recover. At this time, it is worth rescheduling new attempts to conceive a child. What to do during this year? Trust me, that's enough.

Examinations after a miscarriage

First of all, it is necessary to undergo several serious examinations, the purpose of which is to determine the cause of what happened. In particular, doctors will definitely send an embryo for examination in order to determine whether it was initially viable, whether it had any pathologies and developmental abnormalities. If possible, the cause of deviations is also determined.

Only after that, the doctors will take up the mother. First of all, it will be checked for various infections and complications after them. Untreated infections quite often cause miscarriage. If any are found, they will need to be treated.

The next step is a sex analysis. hormones . Often the cause of a miscarriage is an excess of certain hormones. If in your case the reason was precisely this, then they will work with the hormonal background.

Will definitely take place and ultrasound . The ovaries, appendages, fallopian tubes, the uterus itself and its inner mucous layer are carefully examined. Bends of the uterus, the presence of partitions in it, endometrial insufficiency - all this could provoke a miscarriage

What should be given up?

In the process of planning a pregnancy after a miscarriage, it is necessary to abandon all bad habits . And if in any other case it is still more of a recommendation, then in this case it is a requirement. Smoking and alcohol weaken the eggs and sperm, which means it reduces the chance of pregnancy and makes the embryo less viable.

It is necessary to minimize and taking medication . Talk to your doctor and decide which medications to stop and which to reduce the dosage. Preparing for pregnancy after a miscarriage is a serious and lengthy undertaking. Do not neglect the little things.

What to do to bear a child after a miscarriage?

How to keep a pregnancy after a miscarriage? She must be treated with great care. No physical loads, stress, infections . Do not disregard the advice of a doctor. And in no case do not hide from him any features of your well-being.

Very important eat properly . The diet should be balanced, with the necessary amount of calories and nutrients. In some cases, it makes sense to take additional vitamins. Including folic acid. Also, if the results of a blood test reveal a lack of iron, it is necessary to receive it additionally in the form of tablets or capsules.

Pregnancy after a spontaneous miscarriage is, of course, possible. But first you have to decide when it will happen. There are only two criteria: your physical readiness for a new pregnancy, and, of course, moral and psychological. Leave no room for fear. With proper preparation, the chances of bearing a healthy baby are no less than those of any other woman.

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