Ecological problems. Ecological situation in the Far East Presentation on the topic: Problems of forests in the Primorsky Territory

Colorful compositions 09.03.2021
Colorful compositions

Environmental Factors - Barry Commoner (1917) - American biologist and ecologist. The laws of ecology B. Commoner. Regularities of the action of environmental factors. Environmental factors. The minimum. Mutually beneficial relationship... Abiotic factors of the terrestrial environment (climatic). Abiotic factors of soil cover. Forest. Interspecies interactions characterize the relationship between different species.

"Ways to solve environmental problems" - development of a project for a comprehensive environmental modernization of the Sverdlovsk region. Ecological problems. Sverdlovsk region on the map of Russia. Mining and processing plant "Vanadium". The main task is to reduce the negative impact on the environment. Discharges from city sewage treatment plants - up to 60% Industrial discharges.

"Ecological kindergarten" - Here, in nature, the eternal source of children's mind. " V.A. Sukhomlinsky. The culmination of the lesson was practical work with microscopes. The purpose of the seminar: Improving the work on the formation of environmental views of preschoolers in preschoolers. Comparative experiments were carried out. Children examined the internal structure of the leaf, skin cells.

"Environmental School" - II stage of the project. We taught preschoolers to take care of their health, love sports and physical education. These activities have the aim to form the ecological atmosphere. Preschoolers, together with high school students, have cleared and landscaped the territory of the "Tikhiy" spring. From now on we are together - a big family - Flowers and trees, birds and me!

"Environmental culture" - Participation of children in various competitions. The goals, objectives, forms and methods, as well as the content of ecological education are determined. Children have become more responsible for their actions. Expected results. Students, for the most part, have mastered the practical skills of tourism as part of the program. The ecological problem is one of the most important in the modern world.

"Solving environmental problems" - Thus, a waste processing plant was created in Novokuznetsk. Use the knowledge gained to find ways to solve environmental problems. Air pollution. Water pollution. Actively defend environment... Contamination of the area. You need to be more attentive to the nature and behavior of the people around you.

Ecology of Khabarovsk

Korotkova G.I. Geography teacher of the first category MBOU secondary school number 55

Ecology is our common cause. “I will not believe anyone that there are boring places on our land and that there is no food for the eye, hearing, or human thought. Only by examining a piece of our country can one understand. How good and how our hearts are attached to her every path, spring and even the timid squeak of a forest bird ”/ K.G. Paustovsky Such a dear and dear corner of our heart is the city of Khabarovsk, the capital of DV, the center of the Khabarovsk Territory, the city is located on the largest river in the Far East - the Amur. Population of G. Khabarovsk. according to the 2010 census, it was 580,700 people. The city itself stretches along the Amur coast for 50 km, and 10 km wide (in the airport area - 18.7 km). It is not only a large administrative center, but also an industrial city, therefore, the problems of human interaction with the environment (air, water, soil pollution, forest fires, waste problems, energy and agricultural problems are problems of all large cities.

  • The atmospheric air in Khabarovsk is most polluted by benzpyrene and nitrogen dioxide. The average annual concentration of benzpyrene exceeds the permissible norm by 3 times, which corresponds to a high level of pollution; concentration of nitrogen dioxide - 1.7 times.
  • More than 2 thousand objects have been registered that have sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. The largest contribution is made by transport, heat and power enterprises (72.4), and refining of petroleum products (5.4%). Over the past five years, emissions have decreased by 24%.

The problem in the field of production and consumption waste management in the region continues to be one of the most urgent. Over 23 million tons of waste were registered in the territory of the region. In almost every locality unauthorized dumps are identified

Environmental problems of industries Industry

  • Dalkhimpharm OJSC
  • OJSC "Dalmoststroy"
  • JSC "DGK"
  • JSC "Amur Shipping Company"
  • JSC "Khabarovsk Oil Refinery"
  • OJSC "Amur cable plant"
  • FSUE "Khabarovsk Shipyard"
  • JSC "Distillery" Khabarovsk "
  • JSC "Far Eastern Research Institute of Shipbuilding Technology"
  • OJSC Dalenergomontazh, which is part of OJSC E4 Group
  • Energy Electric and thermal energy for the city is generated by Khabarovsk CHPP-1, CHPP-2 and CHPP-3. On this moment all thermal stations are connected to gas supply (Sakhalin-Khabarovsk gas pipeline).
Environmental pollution emissions into the atmosphere, g / kW ∙ h

Solid particles

Natural gas

Brown coal


Fuel types


Aerial photography of Korfovskiy Kamenny Quarry OJSC Granodearite mining near Khabarovsk:

  • non-metallic building materials;
  • forest exploitation;
  • water pipes.
Negative changes in the environment during subsoil development Assessment of the impact of the quarry on vegetation Fauna and flora:
    • Fauna and flora:
  • Degeneration of vegetation;
  • Fish death due to deterioration in surface water quality;
  • Violation of the vegetation cover;
  • Burial of grass cover under dumps, waste heaps;
  • Deforestation.
Environmental laws: Law of the Russian Federation "On Subsoil":
  • Everything is connected to everything
  • Everything has to go somewhere
  • Nothing comes for free
  • Nature knows best
  • (B. Kommoner)
  • Provide comprehensive and full study subsoil;
  • The established procedure for the use of subsoil;
  • Full extraction and rational use of mineral resources;
  • Protect deposits from flooding, watering;
  • Development of mineral deposits is prohibited;
  • Prevent contamination during storage of oil, gas, waste disposal.
Reclamation of disturbed areas
  • GOST -83 “Nature protection. Earth. General requirements to reclamation "
  • -complex of works with the aim of restoring disturbed lands.
  • Reclamation objects
  • - lands disturbed during construction; - due to waste pollution; - quarry excavations, dumps; - solid waste landfills.
Reclamation stages:

The result of reclamation of the natural environment at the crushing and screening site

The main types of human impact on the biosphere (according to B. Kommoner, 1974)

  • Simplifying the ecosystem and breaking biological cycles
  • Concentration of dissipated energy in the form of thermal pollution
  • Growth in the amount of toxic waste from industries
  • Introduction to the ecosystem of new species (introduction)
  • The appearance of genetic changes in organisms of plants and animals
Nature's responses
    • Climate warming
    • Eutrophication of water bodies
    • Decreased productivity of ecosystems
    • Accumulation of chemical toxicants in biota
    • Mutagenesis and carcinogenesis
Ecology of the Amur. The Amur is one of the largest rivers in the world, it ranks 10th in the S basin, 8th in length and 17th in terms of water flow. The greatest depth of the Amur near the village. Tyr. Here, almost the entire stream gathers in one channel 900 meters wide. The depth of the river reaches 56 meters. At the same time, about 50 meters of it is below sea level, but the sea water itself does not enter here, because the powerful current of the Amur does not let her in. The greatest width of the river in one channel is 5 km. at s. Troitsky. Residents of Khabarovsk use mainly surface and underground sources for water supply. The total mineralization of drinking water does not exceed 100 mg / l, at a rate of 1000 mg / l. Analysis of the quality of drinking water supplied by the water supply system indicates its deterioration: according to microbiological indications by 30%, according to sanitary and chemical indications - 24.2%.
  • Residents of Khabarovsk use mainly surface and underground sources for water supply. The total mineralization of drinking water does not exceed 100 mg / l, at a rate of 1000 mg / l. Analysis of the quality of drinking water supplied by the water supply system indicates its deterioration: according to microbiological indications by 30%, according to sanitary and chemical indications - 24.2%.
  • Human economic activity has a strong impact on the quality of water in rivers and their water regime. In places where placers of mineral deposits are developed, the turbidity of water increases tenfold, silting of spawning grounds occurs, and pollution of coastal waters. Industry and agriculture (Nekrasovsky pig farm supplies many harmful substances to the river with its tributaries, including organic matter and heavy metals).
  • The average annual concentration of oil products in the Amur exceeded the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) from 1.5 to 5.2 times. The entire river area is polluted with oil products, phenol and mercury compounds coming from China.
Protection of aquatic biological resources from poaching is a priority task. Forests of the Khabarovsk Territory

The region has huge forest resources. total area The territory of the region is 78.8 million hectares, of the directly forested lands - 52.5 million hectares, that is, the forest cover of the region is 66.6%, which is almost one and a half times higher than the average forest cover in Russia. The area of ​​forest lands is 73.7 million hectares. By designation, protective forests account for 9.3 million hectares (12.6%), operational 30.4 million hectares (39.7%) and reserve forests 34 million hectares (46.1%)

… More than 300 species of trees and shrubs grow. The main forest-forming species are Daurian larch and Ayan spruce.

The problem of forest fire hazards The most important factor affecting the state of forest resources is forest fires. The fire season is April 20 to November 16. Since 2005, 2510 fires have burned out 13 million cubic meters of standing forests. The area covered by fires in 5 years has increased by 158%. The reason is poorly unregulated uncontrolled forest use, the human factor. Poaching

Losses from illegal forest use worldwide amount to about 15 billion dollars annually. Involvement of a significant part of residents in criminal activities, undermining the moral foundations. Polls show that 1/3 of the population is tolerant to felling.

We are witnessing a large-scale clash between civilization and nature. Our impact on nature turned out to be much stronger and this imposes on us a moral obligation: to improve the ecological situation by all means. MBOU SOSH №55 Our school pays serious attention to environmental education of students, throughout all school years an ecological culture is being formed. Culture is a characteristic of human life, behavior and communication, it is the ability of a person to interact with nature. From the 1st grade, students and their parents plant greenery in the schoolyard and the territory of the city assigned to the school. , Improve the sports and playground. They know for sure that ecology and health are inseparable concepts. Nature is Healthy and wholesome rest

Every year, school students go to a tourist rally in the suburbs of Khabarovsk.

Environmental troopers in action

An important place in the protection of nature is occupied by the issues of cleanliness of the city.

Landing. Ecological trail to Voronezh. Resting place for Khabarovsk residents.

As a result of this work at school, our children became winners of the all-Russian drawing competition "Ecology in digital", the flyer competition "Save the forest - save the tiger" and winners of the city photo competition "favorite corner of the native land"

Together with students of DSGU, students of 6-7 grades, participated in the design and defense of the projects "Khabarovsk - the city of the future."

As a result of the work on this topic, a scientific and practical conference "Step into Science" was held, in which students of the 7th - 11th grades took part.

Nature is a perfect world! So it was, is and should always be. We wish you the Earth: bloom, grow and FORGIVE!

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Presentation on the topic: Forest problems in Primorsky Krai

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The ecology of the Far East has not yet suffered greatly due to human activities. Despite the fact that this area occupies almost 40% of the territory Russian Federation it is not attractive to industrial founders. The ecology of the Far East still remains more or less favorable, since in this region there are not the best climatic and natural conditions for living and active activity of people. In addition, the remoteness from the industrially developed regions of Russia saves the ecology of the Far East. However, in those parts of the Far East, where people have nevertheless established production, the ecology is simply terrible.

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Forest resources are a rich biological source. They are renewed, but it will take about a century before the forest can naturally grow on the site of the cutting area again. Man needs forest resources very much. Firewood, the manufacture of wooden products, raw materials for industrial enterprises working with this resource are far from the entire list. Forests are cleared to free up territories for the needs of the population. Construction of houses, railways and ships will not do without timber. The aggregate needs are extremely high and deforestation problems arise. Irrational use of forest resources can lead to serious consequences for the ecology of the planet. Overcutting is the main detrimental effect that affects the forest resource. Mostly healthy trees are pulled out of the ecosystem. An undercut is also harmful, with it the forest grows old quickly. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carry out not only primary, but also secondary processing of wood raw materials, engage in selective felling, the volumes of which will not disturb the natural growth of trees, and restore the forest by planting additional plants.

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Deforestation and, as a consequence, the disappearance of the habitat of living beings; Insufficiently developed system of forest protection and the resulting problem of increasing fires in which people are guilty; Forest soil erosion; Transformation of felling sites into swamps; Contamination of wastewater with waste from treated wood, which contaminates the natural environment; Drying of water bodies through deforestation, leading to disturbance water balance; Decrease in animal populations living in areas affected by deforestation; Dividing the natural environment into small parts that do not communicate with each other, which destroys the ecosystem, forcing nature to adapt to human needs; Change and redistribution of animal migration.

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Great efforts are needed to resolve all the difficulties associated with the conservation of forest resources. It is necessary to increase the number of forestry, which will perform a number of functions. To preserve the environment, to protect the positive properties of nature for their further use for the benefit of man. It will take care not to deplete forests, but to meet the needs of people in wood and other sources within reasonable limits. Forest farms can help produce quality plants and increase their productivity. Align forest policy across the world. Apply inventions of scientific and technological progress to rational use resources. Maintaining biological diversity is another important step in the development of forest ecosystems. It is necessary to carry out procedures to prevent the reproduction of insects in excess of the norm and the spread of diseases. For this, the carriers are exterminated. Specialists should examine the forest and its inhabitants, and identify the places of emergence of large populations. Action should be taken based on the results.

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The forest is the “lungs” of the planet. The destruction of this resource without control will affect all of humanity. There will be less oxygen, as the number of plants producing it will decrease. Reduced groundwater pollution, leading to soil poisoning. Forest is the basis for the development of the Earth's biosphere. Up to ninety percent of all plants on the planet are located within forest zones. The leaves of the trees absorb solar radiation and maintain the background radiation. The sanitary and hygienic function makes it possible to produce medicines... The aesthetic value of forests plays a role in the tourism sector, health improvement of the population. Forest plants serve as a regulator of the balance of atmospheric air, maintaining normal oxygen, carbon and nitrogen levels. Derivatives of trees - needles, leaves, bark - are utilized in the soil layer, fertilizing it. During photosynthesis, plants release special chemicals: ethers, oils and others that contribute to a special fragrance. Forests oxidize substances that pollute the atmosphere and absorb various harmful elements in the air thanks to industrial enterprises. Phytoncides produced in the forest destroy pathogens by disinfecting the air. The forest zone maintains the hydrology of rivers and water bodies, prevents droughts, and reduces the effects of wastewater pollution.

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One of the most important problems in the Far East is still the ineffective use of the raw material base and resources in general. A significant national economic complex has been created in the Far East. However, the needs of the economy dictate the need to further increase the scale of the economic potential of the Far East. The fact is that the western regions, where the main part of the national economic complex of the Russian Federation is concentrated, in their development can no longer rely only on their own resources of many types of raw materials and therefore need supplies from the East. One of the most important problems in the Far East is still the ineffective use of the raw material base and resources in general. A significant national economic complex has been created in the Far East. However, the needs of the economy dictate the need to further increase the scale of the economic potential of the Far East. The fact is that the western regions, where the main part of the national economic complex of the Russian Federation is concentrated, in their development can no longer rely only on their own resources of many types of raw materials and therefore need supplies from the East.

At the same time, the task of meeting the needs of the economy of the European part of the country in natural resources does not at all mean that the economy of the Far East should have only a highly specialized raw material orientation. The problems of the development of the Far East should be considered, first of all, not only from the point of view of the current situation in the western part, but also from the standpoint of a distant perspective, that is, as a major long-term regional comprehensive program, on the successful implementation of which the growth of the country's economic potential depends, its territorial proportions and, ultimately, ensuring the successful functioning of the entire national economic complex of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the task of meeting the needs of the economy of the European part of the country for natural resources does not at all mean that the economy of the Far East should have only a highly specialized raw material orientation. The problems of the development of the Far East should be considered, first of all, not only from the point of view of the current situation in the western part, but also from the standpoint of a distant perspective, that is, as a major long-term regional comprehensive program, on the successful implementation of which the growth of the country's economic potential depends, its territorial proportions and, ultimately, ensuring the successful functioning of the entire national economic complex of the Russian Federation.

In the context of the transition to mass development natural resources In the Far East, the scale of shipment of goods from the East to the West of the country is sharply increasing, which makes it necessary to constantly expand the network of transport communications. However, the historically established remoteness of the raw material bases of the Far East from consumers makes it difficult to transport raw materials from the eastern region of Russia. In the context of the transition to the mass development of the natural resources of the Far East, the scale of dispatch of goods from the East to the West of the country is sharply increasing, which makes it necessary to constantly expand the network of transport communications. However, the historically established remoteness of the raw material bases of the Far East from consumers makes it difficult to transport cargo flows of raw materials from the eastern region of Russia.

The sectoral structure of the economy of the Far East has a number of specific features. The period of large-scale development of mineral resources began in the northern zone back in the 1900s. In our time, this process does not have the same pace as in years, but nevertheless it continues. However, the extreme conditions of the zone, the spatial remoteness from large industrial centers, the lack of permanent transport communications and social infrastructure caused a sharp increase in the cost of building economic facilities. Therefore, the most expedient here is the preferential development of specialized extractive industries in combination with the industries serving them (transport, repair services, etc.). The sectoral structure of the economy of the Far East has a number of specific features. The period of large-scale development of mineral resources began in the northern zone back in the 18's. In our time, this process does not have the same pace as in years, but nevertheless it continues. However, the extreme conditions of the zone, the spatial remoteness from large industrial centers, the lack of permanent transport communications and social infrastructure caused a sharp increase in the cost of building economic facilities. Therefore, the most expedient here is the preferential development of specialized extractive industries in combination with the industries serving them (transport, repair services, etc.).

The regions of the Far East have at their disposal many ecologically absolutely clean energy resources, which are superior in power to those already known. But, unfortunately, these environmentally friendly resources are not used now in the economy. The reserves of only geothermal energy in Western Siberia and the Far East exceed the energy potential of oil, gas and coal taken together. Very little is known about the wind energy resources of the eastern territories, but even according to rough estimates, they are at least not inferior to any of the traditional fuel resources. Even less is known about the energy potential of the ocean, and they are many times greater than hydropower resources. The regions of the Far East have at their disposal many ecologically absolutely clean energy resources, which are superior in power to those already known. But, unfortunately, these environmentally friendly resources are not used now in the economy. The reserves of only geothermal energy in Western Siberia and the Far East exceed the energy potential of oil, gas and coal taken together. Very little is known about the wind energy resources of the eastern territories, but even according to rough estimates, they are at least not inferior to any of the traditional fuel resources. Even less is known about the energy potential of the ocean, and they are many times greater than hydropower resources.

Speaking about the tasks of the long-term development of the Far East, the complexity of the implementation of the program for the social and economic development of territories should be emphasized, since the scale of economic development here is quite large - all-round efforts of the entire country will be required to allocate various resources: labor, financial, material, scientific and technical. But still, this region can be saved, although you will have to try. Speaking about the tasks of the long-term development of the Far East, the complexity of the implementation of the program for the social and economic development of territories should be emphasized, since the scale of economic development here is quite large - all-round efforts of the entire country will be required to allocate various resources: labor, financial, material, scientific and technical. But still, this region can be saved, although you will have to try.

On the territory of the Far East federal district(Far Eastern Federal District) it is proposed to introduce a special regime of state administration, informs newspaper "Kommersant"... This follows from the draft regulation on the Ministry for the Development of the Far East, aimed at approval by the government on June 1, which the publication managed to get acquainted with. The department, the head of which has been appointed the plenipotentiary envoy of the president to the Far Eastern Federal District, Minister Viktor Ishaev, intends to limit or completely abolish the interference of other federal bodies in the affairs of the Far Eastern Federal District.

Experts of our Center have already discussed a bill on the creation of a state corporation for the development of Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Now we present to you our vision of the main problems of the Far Eastern region (for more details, see the monograph "The National Idea of ​​Russia", chapter "Territorial Integrity")

Far East problems

The Far East is the most remote region from the capital and the historical center of the country. This fact alone creates quite serious problems, given the size of the state. In Soviet times, a lot of efforts were made to develop the Far East - to increase the population density, develop infrastructure, build naval bases, and develop resources. As a result of the collapse of the USSR, the Far East found itself in a very wounded position: the local Russian population began to leave the region, industry degraded, and there is an acute shortage of jobs.

At the same time, the birth rate continues to grow in neighboring Japan and China, and the economy is booming. These states are experiencing serious economic and environmental problems due to extreme overpopulation, while in the neighborhood there is a huge and practically uninhabited territory rich in natural resources.

It is also important that Japan has territorial claims to Russia, and in China, dissatisfaction with the borders drawn by the tsarist government in the 19th century is spreading more and more.

Due to its geographical location and economic situation in the country, the Far East exists in the conditions of a number of negative factors. These are, first of all, difficult, including extreme climatic conditions, poor development and remoteness of the region from the industrialized regions of the country, impassable roads, instability and population outflow. In this situation, the Trans-Siberian Railway and the BAM play an important role, although now the Baikal-Amur Railway, the construction of which required huge state capital investments and was carried out by all republics the former USSR, loaded lessthan half of its carrying capacity.
One of the main constraining factors is the existing structure of the national economy. Ineffective sectoral structure of the economy, in which the share of extractive industries in the volume of production is 30%, and industries of specialization (fish, non-ferrous metallurgy, forestry) with backward technologies and equipment - more than 50%, causes an extremely unfavorable situation right now, during the transition to market relations in the economy.

This also creates numerous additional environmental problems.

The chronic backwardness of the production infrastructure, primarily transport and energy, was reflected and supplemented by the difficult situation in the industries of specialization. The gold mining industry is in a depressed state, where, due to a sharp reduction in appropriations, geological exploration is being curtailed, there is a massive exodus of workers from enterprises and a significant drop in production in its main regions - Magadan Oblast and Yakutia.

Failed to stabilize the situation in the fuel and energy complex. A significant number of enterprises in Transbaikalia and the Far East operate under severe restrictions on the supply of energy resources due to a lack of funds to pay for them. An extremely difficult situation has developed in the mining industry, which is aggravated by the lag in the growth of proven reserves of mineral raw materials, a sharp decrease in the pace of geological exploration. In essence, the process of reproduction of the region's mineral resource potential has been disrupted. The forestry and fishery complexes are in a state of crisis.

The decline in production, chronic insolvency, inflationary processes have had a catastrophic effect on the financial situation of enterprises. All this has a particularly painful effect on the Far Eastern territories with resource specialization, where, due to the weak investment opportunities of enterprises, the main burden of financing production, infrastructure and social programs falls on the federal and regional budgets. But local authorities, of course, cannot cope with the huge number of problems existing in the region, including environmental ones.

The most difficult living conditions, raw materials orientation of the economy, high capital intensity of economic development of the territory and increased transport costs due to geographical remoteness in modern, dramatically changed conditions put the region in a deliberately disadvantageous position.

In the context of the independence of producers and the unsettled practice of contractual relations, the shortage of food supplies to the Far East has become chronic. At the same time, the share of local food production does not exceed 30% of needs.

Weak support for farms, and sometimes just a shortage of food, forces the population to engage in poaching. Poaching is flourishing in the Far East, causing significant environmental damage. Due to the general crisis in the country, most enterprises in the 1990s. was idle, while others were not working at full capacity, which, however, slightly improved the state of the environment. But the consequences of the same crisis (the spread of poaching, the difficult social situation of the population, etc.) worsen it. Many diseases are spreading: for example, Vladivostok has one of the highest rates of cancer incidence.

So, the Russian Far East is in a rather precarious position and requires special attention from the federal center. Otherwise, Russia risks geopolitically losing this region and, accordingly, losing access to the Pacific Ocean, which means losing its last hopes of being reborn as a superpower.

Ecological problems

Many of the environmental problems in the Far East are related to the economic problems described above. The general state of the environment in the Far East is characterized by an imbalance in the use of natural resources in almost all regions.

The unique spatio-temporal variability of natural conditions, especially the hydrotechnical regime, the widespread development of seasonal and permafrost determine the significantly lower stability of the Far Eastern ecosystems relative to the western regions of Russia. Instability increases from south to north, which can be seen at least from the example of the climate.

Sometimes the nature of inter-resource links, aggravated by the low stability of ecosystems, extremely complicates, and sometimes completely excludes the exploitation of several resources in one territory at the same time. For example, the development of alluvial deposits and the extraction of red fish, the development of the chemical industry in coastal territories and the creation of mariculture plantations on the shelf, etc. These examples are typical for the Far East region, since the seas and rivers are very important for it.

Many mining and chemical industries dump their waste directly into wastewater, which is a major source of marine pollution. Moreover, the shelf of the Far Eastern seas, and especially the South Primorsky one, of all the water areas of our country is the most favorable for the cultivation of mariculture.

Almost all the beaches of the Ussuri and Amur bays are contaminated with heavy metals. The equipment of the Far Eastern ports with treatment facilities is extremely unsatisfactory, so oil seeps into the beach areas.

Serious pollution occurs due to obsolete and outdated equipment. At present, about 70% of the fleet of the fishing industry of the Far Eastern basin is finalizing its standard operating life. There are many decommissioned and abandoned ships in the bays of the Far East. Outdated and overcrowded naval bases contain large amounts of radioactive waste.

In the Far East, illegal felling of virgin forests, the main treasure of the region, is carried out, and wood, entering the water body, emits highly toxic phenolic compounds.

Among the environmental problems of the Far East are also forest fires, the consequences of typhoons and earthquakes, floods, crashes of oil tankers, accidents at oil and gas fields and other industrial facilities. It should be noted that only 75% of the sites can be reclaimed.

The emergence of some additional environmental problems is currently inevitable due to the economic crisis, but further deterioration of the environment will only exacerbate the general crisis, and will hit primarily on the population and non-renewable resources.

Extensive, exhausting nature management has undermined the potential for self-reproduction of renewable natural resources and, along with the development of environmentally harmful industries, has led to the emergence of potential hotbeds of social tension.

Political situation

In September 2007, the second Far Eastern International Economic Forum was held in Khabarovsk. The forum was attended by 19 delegations from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and 16 delegations from foreign states. The subject of discussion was the economic development of Siberia and the Far East. However, after several years, no radical changes in the situation have occurred.

With the growing awareness that Russia's pressing problems are not being addressed, protest sentiment is on the rise in the country. The Far East plays a special role in this. Traditionally, along with the Kaliningrad region, this region, as the most distant from Moscow and experiencing fundamental economic problems, is a mouthpiece of protest sentiments.

Of symbolic significance is the fact that in the case of national protests, they, for natural reasons, start precisely in the Far East.

At the same time, the authorities demonstrate complete disregard for the opinion of the inhabitants of the region. Moreover, it uses armed violence against civilians.

A striking example is the demonstration action staged by the Moscow, Khabarovsk and Dagestan OMON in Vladivostok at the end of 2008, when OMON fighters brutally dispersed people, who gathered to protest against the growth of duties on foreign cars.

An important problem is the uncertainty in relations with the largest power in the region - China. Russian-Chinese relations are broad and diverse. Steadilythe trade turnover between both countries is growing. China is Russia's largest trading partner, and military cooperation is also developing. A huge number of Chinese specialists and students are studying at Russian universities.

Still, it would be a stretch to talk about a strategic partnership between the two countries. Despite the coincidence or similarity of positions on a wide range of issues, China and Russia do not have a coordinated position even on the situation arising in the common geostrategic space - within the SCO. There is also no long-term economic cooperation program.

The main drawback of bilateral relations is the lack of trust in each other among the elites of both countries. Pro-Western liberal propaganda in Russia has spent a lot of effort to create an enemy image of the Chinese, emphasizing the problem of the “yellow threat”. For a long time, the Russian mass media, engaged by Western and domestic oligarchs, have been implanting in the minds of Russians the myth of the malicious Chinese trying to "quietly" seize the Far East and Siberia.

Zbigniew Brzezinski in his book "The Grand Chessboard" unequivocally spoke about the desirability of partnership with the PRC at the expense of a weak and doomed Russia, and even offered to pay off the Chinese for their loyalty with a part of Russian territory - Amur and Primorye. It is possible that similar proposals were also voiced in the backstage conversations of American diplomats with some Chinese leaders.

At the same time, objective logic suggests that cooperation with Russia is more profitable for China than cooperation with the United States. Russian energy resources and high technologies (of course, provided that the degradation of the scientific and industrial potential of the Russian Federation is overcome) can serve the Chinese economy better than American securities.

Demographic situation and Chinese immigration

One of the main demographic characteristics of the Far East is its insignificant population in comparison with its area (36.4% of the RF area). In this regard, since the 19th century. the government of tsarist Russia attracted the population there to raise virgin lands and create infrastructure. The Soviet government attracted the population to the Far East with the help of high wages and better conditions life. However, after the collapse of the USSR, state support ceased, and the region lost its attractiveness to the population.

If in 1991 the population of the Far East was 8 million people (5.4% of the total population of the Russian Federation), then by January 1, 2004 there were already only 6.6 million people in the region (4.62% of the total population of the Russian Federation) ...According to the results of the 2010 census - 6.3 million people.

Before the collapse of the USSR, the Chinese border areas in the northeast of the PRC were very poor. After the abolition of barter in 1996, in order to raise the economy in these regions, the State Council of the PRC decided to make some of the border cities of the northeast and northwest free economic zones, in the manner of Chinese coastal cities (Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, etc.) ...

Cross-border trade companies were established in China's free economic zones. Gradually, the companies of cross-border trade, taking advantage of the imperfection of Russian legislation, ousted their Russian partners from the market and, opening their own branches on the Russian side, began to engage in trade with themselves.

The shortage of labor in sectors of the economy in which it is necessary to perform manual labor-intensive work became noticeable in the Far East back in the 1980s. Having learned about the hard work of the Chinese, their simplicity in living conditions, and consent to a small wages, employers began to prefer the Chinese labor force to guest workers from the CIS countries. Vwhy the Chinese labor force currently outnumbers the labor force from other countries in the Far East region.

In addition, the serious problems of the region are crime, smuggling, large-scale export of cash currency and the plunder of the resources of the Far East. As for the products imported from China, they often contain a high content of pesticides and nitrates in those imported to Russia from China.

Economic features

With the beginning of the implementation of the economic reform in the Russian Federation, the foreign trade of the Far East received an impulse of intensive growth. If in the pre-reform period the average annual growth rate of exports was about 5%, then in the post-reform period it exceeded 17%. At the same time, as the reform progressed, foreign trade began to acquire a special, previously uncharacteristic significance.

In the context of a sharp reduction in centralized financing for the economic development of the Far East, as well as a colossal increase in transport costs, which led to a decrease in the competitiveness of Far Eastern products in the domestic market of the country, foreign trade has become a factor of survival.

The transition to an open economy that began with the collapse of the USSR, along with a sharp change in the geopolitical position of Russia, significantly increased the role of border regions with a high share of the extractive industry in the country's foreign trade cooperation, thereby predetermining changes in the territorial structure of Russia's foreign economic relations. One of these regions is the Far Eastern Economic Region, as evidenced by the positive dynamics specific gravity its exports in total Russian exports.


Thus, the situation in the Far East requires the prompt intervention of the state and the adoption of measures in a number of areas. These are economics, politics, administration, migration policy, ecology, demography, transport policy, energy supply, etc.

Otherwise, Russia with a high degree of probability may lose this region in the medium term, especially since neighboring states are showing an increasing interest in it - primarily Japan and China, as well as the United States of America and transnational corporations.

First of all, it is necessary to radically correct the economic situation in order to stop the outflow of the population from the region, as well as to take measures aimed at improving the demographic situation. It is necessary to tighten control over Chinese immigration in the Far East, provide more reliable transport links between the region and Siberia and the rest of the country, and create attractive conditions for small and medium-sized businesses.

Until now, the significant recreational potential of the Far East is practically not used. The ecological and sanitary situation in the region requires urgent action, since the region is experiencing a general decline in life expectancy and deterioration in the health of the population.

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