Learn Italian online for beginners. Italian lessons for beginners: free videos to learn from scratch. Full course of Dmitry Petrov

Glass and glass products 31.08.2020

V modern world the Italian language has firmly taken one of the leading places in the linguistic hierarchy. And not in vain - this language, which is distinguished by its special emotionality, melody and romance, is really worth it.

Italian with Petrov in 16 hours

Dmitry Petrov's courses, which have already become famous in the language circles, will help you learn Italian in 16 hours. Dmitry's lessons are very popular with entry-level users, because, according to this technique, you can really lay a valuable foundation for knowledge of the language in a fairly short time. For users who have an advanced level and want to improve, the technique will be of little interest.
The learning process is facilitated by the fact that several students are in the classroom with the teacher as experimental minds. different ages, abilities and hobbies. This will help clarify typical student questions.

Learn Italian with Lucrezia

Channel visitors will be able to find on the channel both the very basics of the language with grammar at a fairly deep level, as well as the subtleties of using some Italian words and expressions.
In addition to videos on how to learn a language, here you can find videos that talk about the cultural life and history of Italy. In almost all videos, the charming Lucrezia speaks in Italian, sometimes with subtitles.
Channel guests will be able to get acquainted with interesting selections of the author, which will help to delve even deeper into the Italian language sphere. The channel will be of interest to both beginners and advanced users of the language.

Italian in Sgrammaticando

An active author of the channel and a native speaker will talk about the rules Italian and help with pronunciation. This is a good resource to help you improve your Italian, improve your conversational skills and start understanding Italian by ear.
The channel's archive contains a solid video base, and new informative videos are added every week. During the training, you will be able to consider a variety of life situations. These are lessons for those who already know Italian at least at an elementary level.

Italy Made Easy

On this channel you can also find videos teaching Italian. The page contains information for learning from simple to complex, so both beginners and those who already know Italian will find something interesting here. The author of the videos speaks in English, so his knowledge is mandatory for the student. The facilitator is a professional teacher who knows how to teach and loves his job and the learning promises to be clear and consistent.

Italian with Amir Ordabayev

Here they will help you learn the language according to the special method of Michel Thomas for Russian speakers. By studying the video materials on the channel, visitors will be able to raise the level of foreign language proficiency, this place is suitable for both beginners to learn the language, and for those who already have certain knowledge. The author posts materials mainly in the form of presentations, which are accompanied by explanations in Russian. This way you can improve your grammar with vocabulary and pronunciation. The channel contains a lot of videos about traveling around the world, you can replenish not only your knowledge in the field of language, but also world studies.

Amir is a polyglot, he strives to teach his visitors different languages. Channel guests will be able to get acquainted with such popular languages ​​as English, German, French, Dutch, Kazakh and many others.

Situational Italian

On this channel you can find high-quality videos with presentations and detailed comments. The videos will be useful for beginners and those who already have language skills. Those who are eager to learn Italian can get something new at levels A0 to B2. Education in Russian. Apart from teaching materials there is a video of italian songs. Subtitles appear as needed.
The author of the channel is a professional in her field, who independently studied many languages, and now teaches them. There are plans to upload Spanish, French, English and German courses to the channel as well.

Italian with Pablo

Clear and simple presentations are accompanied by explanations in Italian. Together with the friendly teacher Pablo, everyone will be able to improve grammar, replenish vocabulary and set the pronunciation.
In addition to videos for learning Italian, the channel has many unusual and different collections of videos for learning other languages ​​​​Spanish, German, English and others.

Italian lessons with Elena Shipilova

On the channel you can find a basic Italian course, which consists of 19 lessons and a beginner's course of seven lessons, which will take the student much less time and help to master the very basics of the language if only superficial knowledge is required.
Elena will tell you how to behave in typical situations where you might need Italian, help you improve pronunciation and teach you the rules for composing sentences.
The channel contains many videos for learning other languages, presented in the same succinct manner. The lessons are not a complete course, but they will help to build a valuable knowledge base.

Italian lessons with Irina Shi

Positive polyglot teacher Irina Shi talks about many languages ​​on her channel, there is also a corner for Italian. In her teaching, Irina tries to focus on learning grammar and pronunciation.
Materials for learning Italian will be useful for beginners and students of a more advanced level. Lessons in Russian.
On the channel you can find a video where Irina offers to learn the language from songs, teach how to memorize words correctly and share useful tips.

Italian lessons with Tatyana Ablyasova

The channel contains over 60 short informative educational videos. The videos won't build a substantial knowledge base, but they're good as supporting material. In addition, the author of the channel will talk about Italian words and expressions that cannot be found in the textbook.
In addition to teaching directly, Tatyana will talk about cultural life, tell funny stories about Italy or the Italian language. The author of the channel teaches in Italian, subtitles appear as needed.

There was a great desire to learn Italian language? Do you want to listen to Luciano Pavarotti and understand him in high tones? Or order in an Italian restaurant with confidence that you are ordering the right one? Statistics show that Italian is the fifth most studied language. On the this moment Italian is spoken by more than 70 million people. Another 150 million speak it as a foreign language. Therefore, Lingust simply could not bypass him. And here is what he offers you.

On the pages of the lessons of this section of the site you will find a specially created for beginners from scratch version of the tutorial from Celeste Zawadska & Maria Majdecka () by learning italian. Its task is to familiarize students with Italian pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary in such a volume that, having mastered the material of the self-instruction manual, they could speak colloquially and independently read journalistic and artistic works of medium difficulty. To this end, both dialogues on everyday topics and adapted excerpts from works of fiction have been introduced into the tutorial. The self-instruction dictionary covers about 3,300 words from various areas of everyday, socio-political and cultural life. Well consists of 52 lessons + phonetics lesson. The keys to the lessons contain translations of Italian texts and assignment resolutions. The key is activated when the mouse is moved over it: .

  1. First, we get acquainted with the meaning of words and idiomatic turns and expressions (it is not recommended to memorize words and turns taken out of context);
  2. Having familiarized ourselves with the vocabulary, we proceed to reading the text and try to understand its content. If there is audio for the text, a player appears on the page, listen to it several times and carefully monitor the pronunciation;
  3. We learn grammatical material and perform oral and written exercises; then we check the correctness of their execution with the help of keys and eliminate the mistakes made;
  4. Having familiarized ourselves with the vocabulary and mastered new grammatical forms, we proceed to an independent oral, and then a written translation of the Italian text into Russian. The translated text must be checked with the help of the translation placed in the keys, and the mistakes made must be eliminated. The Russian translation can then be used to “reverse” translate from Russian into Italian;
  5. The final stage of the work is re-reading the text, playing its content aloud and recording the reproduced text on a voice recorder to compare it with the text of the textbook. In the case of collective learning of the Italian language, the authors advise to reproduce dialogues by roles several times, changing roles each time, and also to use descriptive texts for conducting conversations.

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Reasons for learning Italian

  • Why do you think Mozart composed his operas in Italian and not in German?
  • Many people consider Italian the most beautiful language. You can check this opinion and compare with French.
  • Italian has the most words to describe food - they love it so much.
  • Watch films by Fellini, Visconti, Pasolini without subtitles.
  • You can read "The Divine Comedy" (La Divina Commedia) as Dante wrote it.
  • According to UNESCO, more than 60% of the world's art treasures are located in Italy.
  • Italy is a real magnet for tourists. In 2004, Italy topped the list of favorite holiday destinations in Europe, with a 339% increase in the number of tourists in a year!
  • Italians are an unusual people, very sociable and will gladly show you their country, provided that you will (try to) speak Italian with them!
  • Italian language is closest to Latin, the common progenitor of all Romance languages. In English, a huge number of words of Latin origin, this will facilitate the study of the vocabulary of both languages.
  • The Italian language has the most exact correspondence between letters and sounds (Russian does not count of course). Slightly further away from it is Spanish.
  • Increasing business integration with suppliers and customers from Italy requires knowledge of the Italian language, as they have difficulty or reluctance to speak English.
  • Art, fashion, design, opera, cooking, etc. If you are planning a career in these areas, knowledge of Italian is a must!

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Learning Italian

Italian was formed on the basis of "ignoble" colloquial Latin. The Tuscan dialect, approved in 1861, is considered official. It was on it that several centuries before receiving official status, Dante Alighieri wrote the Divine Comedy, receiving the title of "father" of modern italiano. Now the language is the state language in Switzerland, the Vatican, San Marino, Slovenia, and is popular in America due to the large number of emigrants.

Where to begin

To begin with, you should learn how to say hello, taking into account the form of addressing the interlocutor (you / you), introduce yourself, say goodbye, ask for a name, tell about the origin, learn the alphabet. The alphabet consists of 21 letters, 5 of them (k, w, x, y, j) are used only in words of foreign origin. The lesson contains a list of countries and nationalities, inserts of excerpts from films that help to remember the situation, a natural reprimand.

Three hour course

Each lesson has its own theme (time, days of the week, times). The base is always the verb. The creator of the course suggests starting from verbs, building up new words, sentences, phrases around according to the constructor principle. Students practice conjugation and pronunciation, memorize new words, frequently used phrases. Understanding grammar comes by itself, unobtrusively, in parallel with practice.

Need expression

It is human nature to want something in any situation, from a tourist trip to a foreign country to moving to a permanent place of residence. Explain own desires in Italy, beginners will be able to practice after watching a video lesson. The facilitator offers a choice of more than five designs expressing desire, explains the key points, stipulates possible difficulties, errors.

What time is it now

To ask “what time is it?”, to formulate or understand the answer, a lesson from the itaMedia training channel will help. There are two versions of the question, and the answer almost always begins with the set phrase sono le (there are exceptions). It is easy to remember the construction scheme, and the “decoding” of the dial is similar to the Russian one. You just have to draw an analogy and remember the sound.

Learning to count

A video on the topic of numbers reveals how to count from 1 to 100. The verb "to have" is used when it is necessary to name the age. The author considers the conjugation, gives examples of the sentence. Reinforce new vocabulary effectively with the help of dialogues. Additionally, beginners will learn how to ask for a phone number and dictate your own.

Noun Features

The lesson will introduce the gender and number of nouns:

  • the number of categories of the genus,
  • definition of gender by suffix,
  • education plural by changing the ending
  • features of the formation of the plural in the feminine gender.

Actual words and expressions

The recording is designed to be memorized through continuous listening. The screen contains spelling and text translation for students who prefer visual presentation. What is written is spoken by the announcer several times. Can be turned on at night for subconscious assimilation during sleep. The method is used as a supplement to standard study.

Adjectives and colors

The rules for reading culinary terms differ due to double vowels (risotto, pizza, spaghetti). It is better to memorize adjectives in pairs-antonyms, so everything is quickly deposited in memory. For clarity, the author simulates a dialogue in a restaurant. At the end of the video, students are offered to get acquainted with the colors.

50 colloquial phrases

Viewers have the opportunity to compare two pronunciations, with and without an accent. You can track the erroneous pronunciation of sounds in your own speech, practice speaking correctly. The video contains a selection of expressions that are often used in everyday life. The course is informative and easy to understand.

Full course of Dmitry Petrov

16 academic hours with Dmitry Petrov, simultaneous interpreter, author of the book “Magic of the Word”, native speaker of 30 languages. As part of the intellectual reality show "Polyglot" 8 participants (several actors, director Valeria Gai Germanika, writer Mikhail Elizarov) will learn to speak Italian, understand speech, and learn the basics of grammar. Special guests of the show, Italians, will help you to immerse yourself in the language environment. The advantage of Petrov's system is that students begin to apply the acquired knowledge in practice already at the first stage.

Italian gave the world culinary and most musical terms - pizza, cappuccino, spaghetti, piano, orchestra, soprano. Even flu and quarantine came from Tuscany. As you can see, the hallmark is love. local residents to double consonants, which should be clearly pronounced, without merging into one long sound (as in Russian).

You will need

  • - Italian language textbook (self-tutor),
  • - audio CDs
  • - notebook,
  • - pen,
  • technical means - optional.


Set aside time for yourself every day, an hour and a half. Plan your schedule for the week ahead and correlate all other tasks with it. In order not to forget about classes in a series of household chores, use reminders, a scheduler on your computer, organize your schedule so that by the time you have all your work done. Get yourself cozy workplace where you won't be distracted.

Purchase any textbook or Italian. The difference between them will be only in the form of presentation of the material - in some textbooks it is more interesting or more modern, in some the material will be drier. Beforehand, if possible, familiarize yourself with it, in what form the information is given, and what explanations and exercises are used. But, by and large, with any textbook you will have to do the same repetitive actions - study the rules, grammar, perform exercises to consolidate them and words. So don't waste a lot of time on it. Use the Internet to get acquainted with tutorials and reviews about them.

Set yourself short-term goals. For example, learn 50 - 100 lexical units per week. This will help keep track of small successes and keep you motivated, feeling satisfied with yourself, and will not depend on the brightness of book illustrations.

Purchase CDs so that you can listen and repeat the material after the speakers. It is desirable that they be from the same set with the textbook. For this, you can also use the Internet, there are many educational audio recordings available for review.

Alternate memorization of the rules with practice - do exercises, watch Italian channels, listen and translate songs, memorize and sing the songs yourself. Getting emotional pleasure from classes is very important, it significantly contributes to the memorization of new material.

As you advance in skills, read literature in Italian. Start with simple and short stories. First use bilingual texts with parallel Russian translation. Gradually, by practicing reading and memorizing words, you will stop paying attention to the Russian translation, and the need for it will disappear.

Use online lessons on the Internet. Meet Italians by interests. Visit Italian Internet resources, be interested in what is happening in the country, read the news. Receiving information in the target language from all sides, the brain adapts to the language faster and easier, this simulates the situation of “immersion”, when language acquisition is faster.

Italian language is one of the most beautiful and romantic languages ​​in the world. One has only to listen to the speech of the Italians, and immediately peace of mind comes, the heart is filled with joy and peace.

How to start learning Italian?

To begin with, I propose to determine for yourself why you need the Italian language.

  • For tourism. Everything is much simpler here. You can only learn elementary level , that is A1-A2. You will take all the necessary vocabulary (“Acquaintance”, “What do you do in life?”, “How did you spend your vacation?”, “Shops”, “In the city”, etc.). Of the grammar topics you study present time (il presente indicativo), completed past tense (il passato prossimo), future (il futuro semplice). You can take another past L'imperfetto (descriptive past tense). And you can safely go to Italy.
  • "Just" , that is, you just want to start learning a language. Perhaps you chose Italian because of its beauty and simplicity, as many believe. and then decide if you like it or not.
  • You are a polyglot. Learn the structure of the language and have fun!
  • Studies. On the website of many Italian universities you can find information on what level is needed. Basically, the minimum level IN 2 and higher. There is a lot of preparation ahead of you. Grammar in Italian is far from simple. You have to study a lot, read a lot, write a lot and talk a lot. You may need to find an experienced teacher.

Learn Italian online on your own

If you decide to learn the language on your own, then you probably have a question “Where to start learning Italian?”. Looking for the right channel Youtube or buy some books from scratch. If you're lucky to find right material from the first time, you will find the learning process easy, and you will happily continue to learn this beautiful language.The main thing is not to stop there, constantly strive to improve the acquired skills.

Where I prepare step by step video tutorials with exercises.

Introduce language into your life!

Join various conversational Italian clubs.Spend at least 15 minutes a day practicing the language.

The advantage of this method is that you can find pen pals with any level of Italian proficiency. This approach will be of particular interest to those who do not have the opportunity to personally observe the life and way of life of Italians.

Italian online or with a tutor?

Individual lessons in mastering the language are of great benefit. Contact a tutor to quickly understand a new speech. Do not underestimate the value of even a couple of lessons a week.

Both a teacher from a linguistic university and a student who speaks the language at a sufficient level can become your tutor.

The help of a tutor online will not be superfluous. Lessons with a teacher are possible via Skype or other messengers.

Benefits of Italian media resources

Films in Italian, which you will watch first with subtitles and then without, will help you improve your speech and improve understanding.

The best motivation is that the sooner you understand the language, the sooner you will know what the actors want to convey to you.

Language practice in Italy

As you know, for better language acquisition it is necessary to stay in the native country as much as possible.

Find out everything about student exchange programs from your school.
If your profession is related to the arts or agriculture, you can learn Italian while working in the country.
While in Italy, try not to speak English, even if native speakers are willing to give in to you. Good practice is the key to successfully overcoming the language barrier.

Italian language - what is its peculiarity?

Italian differs from other European languages ​​primarily in that it leads in terms of the number of speakers. However, it is officially recognized as the main one only in Italy.

In addition, the Italian language has an intuitive word formation, students quickly learn the rules of division into gender, the formation of tenses, and conjugations.

Once you learn Italian online and put your skills into practice, you will be free to talk about your life and hobbies. See for yourself that talking to Italians is much easier than it might seem!

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