Italian language for beginners. Italian language, italy, independent study of the Italian language. A collection of stories to read and retell

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Italian has a special energy and sound. No wonder it is recognized as the language of love: melodic, rhythmic, temperamental, with beautiful phonetic transitions and combinations of sounds. Listening and speaking Italian is a real pleasure. If you want to learn - follow our advice.

How to learn Italian fast

In any endeavor, whether it's skydiving or trying to learn Italian from scratch, the most important thing is attitude and motivation. Whatever way you choose for yourself - on your own, classes with a tutor, courses - the main thing is not to slow down and bring the matter to the end. One of the driving forces is motivation. Below are stimulating facts that will help you learn Italian from scratch on your own and quickly.

One of the national prides is the Italian film fund, or rather the directing school, known throughout the world for such masterpieces as “ Sweet life”, “The Taming of the Shrew”, “The Smell of a Woman”. Adriano Celentano, Sophia Loren, Ornella Muti - you will be able to hear the original speech from the lips of the legendary stars, without translation into Russian.

    You will understand the storylines of opera productions. After all, it is in Italian that the characters of the classical opera communicate. You will perceive music in combination with words, get a double aesthetic pleasure.

    Morandi, Celentano, Ramazzotti- this music is beautiful and subtly touches the strings of the soul. By learning Italian, you will understand the meaning of each song and even be able to sing along.

    Museums- one of the treasures of the country. They store about 70% of the world's art treasures recognized by UNESCO as unique. Knowing the language, you can join any sightseeing tour and learn a lot of interesting things about each of the exhibits to the letter.

    Italy is one of the most picturesque countries which boasts many unique monuments of history and architecture. Rome, Florence, Venice - thousands of tourists from all over the world come to these cities all year round. By learning Italian at home, you will be able to travel freely and make new friends. The dictionary and phrase book will no longer be useful.

Fashion and design. Italians have a sense of style in their blood. If you want to know the intricacies of the fashion industry, you definitely need to visit Milan Fashion Week. Legendary couturiers, current collections, what will be in trend all year, you will be the first to see. If you want to do fashion design - in major cities in Italy there are specialized schools from which beginner fashion designers graduate. In the question of how to learn Italian at home, in this case There is only one answer - to think about the end result and achieve the goal.

cooking. If you have a talent for cooking or a specialized education and want to become a real professional, Italy is the perfect place to achieve brilliant results. This school of chefs and restaurateurs is considered one of the strongest in the world. And you can't do without knowing the language.

  • Italians mostly speak their mother tongue and are reluctant to speak English, French or other European. Therefore, if you are planning to find business partners, you will have to seriously think about how much it will take to learn Italian from scratch. And before proceeding with specific actions, achieve a conversational level - in order to freely communicate with the interlocutor.

    Your travels will become brighter and richer if you communicate with local residents in their own language. They are very hospitable and friendly, they will gladly show you the sights, tell you interesting stories and invite you to visit. At the end of your trip, the list of friends will be enriched with a couple of smiling Italians.

    Another incentive to learn Italian is a promising job as a translator. There are not so many specialists with a profile in italian. Level wages high enough. Mission is noble.

    You dream of marrying an Italian and changing your place of residence - you can’t cope without a language. Learn grammar, replenish lexicon, practice in live speech. A diploma from the RHF faculty is not needed, it is enough to reach a conversational level.

    This language is easy to learn, it has easy and understandable phonetics. If there are many subtleties in French that require training over the years, then here the sounds and letters are in clear correspondence between spelling and pronunciation - this is similar to Russian.

There are many reasons that motivate you to learn Italian on your own for beginners. And each of them is weighty and significant. Still strive for new knowledge - we have collected useful advice to help you achieve the desired result.


most efficient and fast way- Hire a tutor. Nothing can be more intense than private lessons. First, you choose a convenient schedule for yourself. Secondly, the teacher draws up a training program specifically for your level of knowledge, corrects the process depending on the difficulties that have arisen, focuses on mistakes, works out weak sides. The main thing is to find a good tutor who will give you a capacious theory and speaking practice.

The most common option is language courses. To do this, you need to find a school that suits you geographically and according to the schedule. The group, as a rule, consists of 10-15 people with approximately the same level of knowledge.

The training system is standard: lectures, audio and video lessons, tests, communication. The disadvantage is that you yourself need to pay attention to errors and correct them in time. In group lessons, the emphasis of the teacher is scattered on all students, help is needed - do not hesitate to draw attention to yourself.

Live communication

If you want to learn Italian on your own - find an interesting interlocutor. Live communication- the basis of efficiency. Through dialogue, you will learn speech turns, catch the correct intonation, expand your vocabulary. The second question is where to find such a person. Option two: foreign students from Italy (which is very rare for Russian universities) or through the Internet. Skype conversations are a great opportunity to see, hear and communicate. Tip: agree in advance on the time of communication, take into account the difference in time zones.


An ideal method that allows you not only to delve into the language environment, but also to get a lot of impressions, is a trip to Italy. If your goal is to learn Italian on your own, choose special tours, by analogy with English language camps. Finances allow - you can hire a tutor and combine travel with classes.

without leaving the apartment

If you plan to learn a language at home, choose good online courses. The program should be understandable, classes should be supported by audio and video material. At the end of each stage - testing. Failed to complete the task - repeat the past and try again. Work on mistakes in this case is only on your conscience, strain your willpower.

Whatever method you choose - do not stop, set yourself up for a successful ending. And to make the classes easier and more efficient, we will tell you about little tricks that will simplify the learning process:

    You must learn to hear yourself. This is the only way to understand your speech errors. Try to speak Italian as much as possible. Sing songs, recite poems, express your thoughts out loud - you'll see, loved ones will love it. Italian is beautiful, even if its meaning is incomprehensible.

    Prepare stickers with difficult words, which you can’t remember in any way, and paste them in different rooms - where you most often visit. So you will train your memory and you will not be mistaken.

    Buy books in Italian. It is best to choose fiction and preferably what you read in Russian. Difficulties arise - reinforce the process with a dictionary. Write down the phrases you like and say them.

    Watch movies, TV shows. This is another opportunity to hear live speech. The presentation of information by TV presenters is a speech standard to which one should strive.

    Keep a small dictionary in your pocket or purse at all times. If you want to say a phrase in Italian, but forgot the word, use the cheat sheet. And the more you rely on regulatory framework, the richer and more competent your speech reserve will be.

Italian is a unique language, with its own history and energy. Today he is ardently loved all over the world, but this popularity did not arise immediately. Previously, before the full detachment into the subgroup of the Romano-Germanic languages, Italian belonged to the common people, was used among people of the lower and middle classes. Surprising but true. And this is not the only surprising fact.

Charles V, one of the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, said about Italian a phrase that every third Italian knows today and repeats at every opportunity. Translated into Russian, his words sounded something like this: “Each language is needed for something. I speak Spanish with the Lord, French with men, German with my faithful horse, and Italian with beautiful women.” And today, Italian is considered the language of love, conquering women's hearts.

    The debut in fiction, written and published in Italian, is the famous work of Dante's "Divine Comedy", which instantly spread around the world, became no less popular than Shakespeare's "Hamlet".

    Italian is conservative, having not changed either phonetically or structurally over the past seven centuries. And it's not about the strictness of the standards. The language is convenient and easy to learn, does not require speech and grammatical improvement.

    Italian loves borrowed words. Sometimes even with an overabundance, polluting the original standards. So, at the beginning of the 20th century, Mussolini made rather tough attempts to limit the use of foreign words. For this reason, little Italians know Mickey Mouse as Topolino and Donald Duck as Paperino.

    One of the features is the endings in words with a vowel sound. This rule applies to both categories: common nouns and proper ones. The inhabitants of the North of Italy can be identified by the end of the surname with “o”, and the southerners - with “i”.

The language of terms in the musical and culinary fields is mainly based on words borrowed from Italian. Musicians all over the world know: concerto, sonata, soprano, maestro, piano. And, of course, all chefs are familiar with pasta, mozzarella, pizza, amaretto, cappuccino.

    26 letters in the longest word in italian. This is precipitevolissimevolmente, which means “very quickly” in Russian.

    The number of tenses in Italian can be confusing at first. There are 15 of them, but not all of them are used in modern speech. So, for example, Passato remoto and Passato prossimo can be observed territorially - among the inhabitants of Tuscany. These forms of the past and near past tenses are used today only when writing official documents.

    Not all Italians have the same pronunciation. However, this phenomenon is also characteristic of other languages. Our northerners okayut, southerners - swallow vowels in syllables and pronounce the fricative “g”, and so on. Synonymous speech mutations also occur in Italian. For example: Coca-Cola from the lips of the inhabitants of Tuscany will sound like Hoha-hola.

Many words consist of two parts, the first of which is constant, and the second is adjoining and changing the meaning. Sometimes similar-sounding word forms have contradictory meanings: bellissima is translated into Russian as “beautiful”, but bellona is faded.

Summing up

Italian is beautiful, popular and easy to learn. If you want to achieve a conversational level, start with self-study, learn the basics of grammar and phonetics. The next step is to practice. Talk more, find an interlocutor who will help you correctly place intonations, speech and semantic accents. And the ideal way is to immerse yourself in the language environment, go on a trip to Italy. So you will reinforce the knowledge base, improve your skills, spend time brightly, richly and with benefit.

Italian language is one of the most beautiful and romantic languages ​​in the world. One has only to listen to the speech of the Italians, and immediately peace of mind comes, the heart is filled with joy and peace.

How to start learning Italian?

To begin with, I propose to determine for yourself why you need the Italian language.

  • For tourism. Everything is much simpler here. You can only learn elementary level , i.e A1-A2. You will take all the necessary vocabulary (“Acquaintance”, “What do you do in life?”, “How did you spend your vacation?”, “Shops”, “In the city”, etc.). Of the grammar topics you study present time (il presente indicativo), completed past tense (il passato prossimo), future (il futuro semplice). You can take another past L'imperfetto (descriptive past tense). And you can safely go to Italy.
  • "Just" , that is, you just want to start learning a language. Perhaps you chose Italian because of its beauty and simplicity, as many believe. and then decide if you like it or not.
  • You are a polyglot. Learn the structure of the language and have fun!
  • Studies. On the website of many Italian universities you can find information on what level is needed. Basically, the minimum level IN 2 and higher. There is a lot of preparation ahead of you. Grammar in Italian is far from simple. You have to study a lot, read a lot, write a lot and talk a lot. You may need to find an experienced teacher.

Learn Italian online on your own

If you decide to learn the language on your own, then you probably have a question “Where to start learning Italian?”. Looking for the right channel Youtube or buy some books from scratch. If you're lucky to find right material from the first time, you will find the learning process easy, and you will happily continue to learn this beautiful language.The main thing is not to stop there, constantly strive to improve the acquired skills.

Where I prepare step by step video tutorials with exercises.

Introduce language into your life!

Join various conversational Italian clubs.Spend at least 15 minutes a day practicing the language.

The advantage of this method is that you can find pen pals with any level of Italian proficiency. This approach will be of particular interest to those who do not have the opportunity to personally observe the life and way of life of Italians.

Italian online or with a tutor?

Individual lessons in mastering the language are of great benefit. Contact a tutor to quickly understand a new speech. Do not underestimate the value of even a couple of lessons a week.

Both a teacher from a linguistic university and a student who speaks the language at a sufficient level can become your tutor.

The help of a tutor online will not be superfluous. Lessons with a teacher are possible via Skype or other messengers.

Benefits of Italian media resources

Films in Italian, which you will watch first with subtitles and then without, will help you improve your speech and improve understanding.

The best motivation is that the sooner you understand the language, the sooner you will know what the actors want to convey to you.

Language practice in Italy

As you know, for better language acquisition it is necessary to stay in the native country as much as possible.

Find out everything about student exchange programs from your school.
If your profession is related to the arts or agriculture, you can learn Italian while working in the country.
While in Italy, try not to speak English, even if native speakers are willing to give in to you. Good practice is the key to successfully overcoming the language barrier.

Italian language - what is its peculiarity?

Italian differs from other European languages ​​primarily in that it leads in terms of the number of speakers. However, it is officially recognized as the main one only in Italy.

In addition, the Italian language has an intuitive word formation, students quickly learn the rules of division into gender, the formation of tenses, and conjugations.

Once you learn Italian online and put your skills into practice, you will be free to talk about your life and hobbies. See for yourself that talking to Italians is much easier than it might seem!

This site is dedicated to self-learning Italian from scratch. We will try to make it the most interesting and useful for everyone who is interested in this beautiful language and, of course, Italy itself.

Interesting about the Italian language.
History, facts, modernity.
Let's start with a couple of words about current status language, it is obvious that Italian is the official language in Italy, the Vatican (simultaneously with Latin), in San Marino, but also in Switzerland (in its Italian part, the canton of Ticino) and in several districts in Croatia and Slovenia, where many Italian-speaking population, Italian is also spoken by part of the inhabitants on the island of Malta.

Italian dialects - can we understand each other?

In Italy itself, even today you can hear many dialects, sometimes it is enough to drive only a few tens of kilometers to encounter another of them.
At the same time, dialects are often so different from each other that they can seem like completely different languages. If people from, for example, the northern and central Italian "outback" meet, then they may not even be able to understand each other.
What is especially interesting is that in addition to the oral form, some of the dialects also have a written one, such as the Neopolitan, Venetian, Milanese and Sicilian dialects.
The latter exists, respectively, on the island of Sicily and is so different from other dialects that some researchers distinguish it as a separate Sardinian language.
However, in everyday communication and, in particular, in large cities, you are unlikely to experience any inconvenience, because. today the dialects are mostly spoken by older people in the countryside, while young people use the correct literary language, which unites all Italians, the language of radio and, of course, television.
It may be mentioned here that until the end of the Second World War, modern Italian was only a written language used by the ruling class, scientists and administrative institutions, and it was television that played a large role in spreading the generally accepted Italian among all residents.

How it all began, origins

The history of the formation of modern Italian as we all know it is closely connected with the history of Italy and certainly no less fascinating.
Origins - in ancient Rome, everything was in the Roman language, commonly known as Latin, which at that time was the official state language of the Roman Empire. In the future, from Latin, in fact, the Italian language and many other languages ​​\u200b\u200bof Europe arose.
Therefore, knowing Latin, you can understand what a Spaniard is saying, plus or minus a Portuguese, and you can even make out part of the speech of an Englishman or Frenchman.
In 476, the last Roman emperor Romulus-Augustula abdicated, after the capture of Rome by the leader of the Germans Odoacar, this date is considered the end of the Great Roman Empire.
Some also call it the end of the "Roman language", however, even today disputes still do not subside, because of what exactly Latin language lost its relevance, due to the capture of the Roman Empire by the barbarians, or was it a natural process, and what language was actually spoken by the end of the Roman Empire.
According to one version, in ancient Rome by this time, along with Latin, it was already common colloquial and it is from this folk language of Rome that the Italian that we know as Italian of the 16th century comes from, according to the second version, in connection with the invasion of the barbarians, Latin mixed with various barbarian languages ​​and dialects, and it is from this synthesis that the Italian language already originates .

Birthday - first mentioned

960 is considered the birthday of the Italian language. The first document is associated with this date, where this "proto-folk language" is present - vulgare, these are court papers related to the land litigation of the Benedictine abbey, the witnesses used this particular version of the language so that the testimony was understandable to as many people as possible, up to this point in all official papers we can see only Latin.
And then there was a gradual spread in the ubiquitous life of the vulgare language, which translates as a folk language, which became the prototype of the modern Italian language.
However, the story does not end there, but only becomes more interesting and the next stage is associated with the Renaissance and with such, all famous names like Dante Alighiere, F. Petrarch, J. Boccaccio and others.
to be continued...

Online translator

I suggest that all guests of my blog use a convenient and free Italian online translator.
If you need to translate a couple of words or a short phrase from Russian to Italian or vice versa, you can use the little translator on the sidebar of the blog.
If you want to translate a large text or need other languages ​​- use the full version online dictionary, where more than 40 languages ​​are on a separate blog page - /p/onlain-perevodchik.html

Italian self-instruction manual

I present a new separate section for all learners of the Italian language - Italian Tutorial for Beginners.
Of course, it is not easy to make a full-fledged Italian tutorial out of a blog, but I try to give the most convenient and logical sequence of interesting online lessons so that you can learn Italian on your own.
There will also be a section - an audio tutorial, where, as you might guess, there will be lessons with audio applications that can be downloaded or listened to directly on the site.
How to choose an Italian language tutorial, where to download it, or how to study it online, you will find information about this in my posts.
By the way, if someone has ideas or suggestions on how best to organize such a tutorial on our Italian blog, then be sure to write to me.

Italian via Skype

Secrets of how to learn Italian via Skype for free, whether a native speaker is always needed, how to choose a teacher, how much it costs to learn Italian via Skype, how not to waste your time and money - read about all this in the section "Italian via Skype.
Come, read and make the right choice!

Italian phrasebook

Free, Fascinating, with a native speaker - a rubric for those who want to learn words and phrases on certain topics.
Join, listen, read, learn - voiced Italian phrasebook for tourists, shopping, airport, everyday situations and much more
in section "

You will need

  • - Italian language textbook (self-tutor),
  • - audio CDs
  • - notebook,
  • - pen,
  • technical means - optional.


Set aside time for yourself every day, an hour and a half. Plan your schedule for the week ahead and correlate all other tasks with it. In order not to forget about classes in a series of household chores, use reminders, a planner on a computer, organize your schedule so that by the time you have all your work done. Get yourself cozy workplace where you won't be distracted.

Purchase any textbook or Italian. The difference between them will be only in the form of presentation of the material - in some textbooks it is more interesting or more modern, in some the material will be drier. Beforehand, if possible, familiarize yourself with it, in what form the information is given, and what explanations and exercises are used. But, by and large, with any textbook you will have to do the same repetitive actions - study the rules, grammar, perform exercises to consolidate them and words. So don't waste a lot of time on it. Use the Internet to get acquainted with tutorials and reviews about them.

Set yourself short-term goals. For example, learn 50 - 100 lexical units per week. This will help keep track of small successes and keep you motivated, feeling satisfied with yourself, and will not depend on the brightness of book illustrations.

Purchase CDs so that you can listen and repeat the material after the speakers. It is desirable that they be from the same set with the textbook. For this, you can also use the Internet, there are many educational audio recordings available for review.

Alternate memorization of the rules with practice - do exercises, watch Italian channels, listen and translate songs, memorize and sing the songs yourself. Getting emotional pleasure from classes is very important, it significantly contributes to the memorization of new material.

As you advance in skills, read literature in Italian. Start with simple and short stories. First use bilingual texts with parallel Russian translation. Gradually, by practicing reading and memorizing words, you will stop paying attention to the Russian translation, and the need for it will disappear.

Use online lessons on the Internet. Meet Italians by interests. Visit Italian Internet resources, be interested in what is happening in the country, read the news. Receiving information in the target language from all sides, the brain adapts to the language faster and easier, this simulates the situation of “immersion”, when language acquisition is faster.

This site is dedicated to self-learning Italian from scratch. We will try to make it the most interesting and useful for everyone who is interested in this beautiful language and, of course, Italy itself.

Interesting about the Italian language.
History, facts, modernity.
Let's start with a couple of words about the current status of the language, it is obvious that Italian is the official language in Italy, the Vatican (simultaneously with Latin), in San Marino, but also in Switzerland (in its Italian part, the canton of Ticino) and in several counties in Croatia and Slovenia, where there is a large Italian-speaking population, Italian is also spoken by a part of the inhabitants on the island of Malta.

Italian dialects - can we understand each other?

In Italy itself, even today you can hear many dialects, sometimes it is enough to drive only a few tens of kilometers to encounter another of them.
At the same time, dialects are often so different from each other that they can seem like completely different languages. If people from, for example, the northern and central Italian "outback" meet, then they may not even be able to understand each other.
What is especially interesting is that in addition to the oral form, some of the dialects also have a written one, such as the Neopolitan, Venetian, Milanese and Sicilian dialects.
The latter exists, respectively, on the island of Sicily and is so different from other dialects that some researchers distinguish it as a separate Sardinian language.
However, in everyday communication, and especially in large cities, you are unlikely to experience any inconvenience, because. today the dialects are mostly spoken by older people in the countryside, while young people use the correct literary language, which unites all Italians, the language of radio and, of course, television.
It may be mentioned here that until the end of the Second World War, modern Italian was only a written language used by the ruling class, scientists and administrative institutions, and it was television that played a large role in spreading the common Italian language among all inhabitants.

How it all began, origins

The history of the formation of modern Italian as we all know it is closely connected with the history of Italy and certainly no less fascinating.
Origins - in ancient Rome, everything was in the Roman language, commonly known as Latin, which at that time was the official state language of the Roman Empire. In the future, from Latin, in fact, the Italian language and many other languages ​​\u200b\u200bof Europe arose.
Therefore, knowing Latin, you can understand what a Spaniard is saying, plus or minus a Portuguese, and you can even make out part of the speech of an Englishman or Frenchman.
In 476, the last Roman emperor Romulus-Augustula abdicated, after the capture of Rome by the leader of the Germans Odoacar, this date is considered the end of the Great Roman Empire.
Some also call it the end of the "Roman language", however, even today disputes still do not subside, because of what exactly the Latin language has lost its relevance, due to the capture of the Roman Empire by the barbarians, or was it a natural process and in what language itself spoke towards the end of the Roman Empire.
According to one version, in ancient Rome, by this time, along with Latin, the spoken language was already widespread, and it is from this folk language of Rome that Italian comes, which we know as Italian of the 16th century, according to the second version, in connection with the invasion of the barbarians Latin was mixed with various barbarian languages ​​and dialects, and it is from this synthesis that the Italian language already originates.

Birthday - first mentioned

960 is considered the birthday of the Italian language. The first document is associated with this date, where this "proto-folk language" is present - vulgare, these are court papers related to the land litigation of the Benedictine abbey, the witnesses used this particular version of the language so that the testimony was understandable to as many people as possible, up to this point in all official papers we can see only Latin.
And then there was a gradual spread in the ubiquitous life of the vulgare language, which translates as a folk language, which became the prototype of the modern Italian language.
However, the story does not end there, but only becomes more interesting and the next stage is associated with the Renaissance and with such well-known names as Dante Alighiere, F. Petrarch, J. Bocaccio and others.
to be continued...

Online translator

I suggest that all guests of my blog use a convenient and free Italian online translator.
If you need to translate a couple of words or a short phrase from Russian to Italian or vice versa, you can use the little translator on the sidebar of the blog.
If you want to translate a large text or need other languages, use the full version of the online dictionary, where there are more than 40 languages ​​on a separate blog page - /p/onlain-perevodchik.html

Italian self-instruction manual

I present a new separate section for all learners of the Italian language - Italian Tutorial for Beginners.
Of course, it is not easy to make a full-fledged Italian tutorial from a blog, but I try to give the most convenient and logical sequence of interesting online lessons so that you can learn Italian from them yourself.
There will also be a section - an audio tutorial, where, as you might guess, there will be lessons with audio applications that can be downloaded or listened to directly on the site.
How to choose an Italian language tutorial, where to download it, or how to study it online, you will find information about this in my posts.
By the way, if someone has ideas or suggestions on how best to organize such a tutorial on our Italian blog, then be sure to write to me.

Italian via Skype

Secrets of how to learn Italian via Skype for free, whether a native speaker is always needed, how to choose a teacher, how much it costs to learn Italian via Skype, how not to waste your time and money - read about all this in the section "Italian via Skype.
Come, read and make the right choice!

Italian phrasebook

Free, Fascinating, with a native speaker - a rubric for those who want to learn words and phrases on certain topics.
Join, listen, read, learn - voiced Italian phrasebook for tourists, shopping, airport, everyday situations and much more
in section "

We recommend reading
