How to communicate with your guardian angel. How to communicate with your guardian angel. Communication in everyday life. Prayer to the Angel

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As you know, every person is assigned a guardian angel at birth. He is next to a person throughout his life, protecting him from troubles and misfortunes, protecting him from dangers and enemies. But people are different. Some people believe in angels, some don't. Nevertheless, the guardian angel still loves his chosen one, trying to help him in everything.

Can I talk to my guardian angel? Certainly! How to do it?

The easiest way to communicate with higher spiritual forces is through prayer. You need to pray in solitude, putting your soul, feelings into your words, speak sincerely and with good thoughts.

The guardian angel is always there, and he is able to hear the words of the one who addresses him. A person can learn a prayer from special scriptures, or he can make a request or gratitude in his own words. The angel will still hear, the main thing is that the prayer comes from the heart.

Unfortunately, a person is so arranged that he turns to his heavenly helpers only in difficult moments of life. When he is happy, he forgets about the one who helped. It is not right. It is imperative to thank your angel, if possible, every day. The more the angel hears words of gratitude addressed to him, the more he will want to help next time.

Meditation. It only seems at first that meditation is a complicated and incomprehensible thing. In fact, meditation is the ability to relax, preferably in solitude. When a person is in a secluded relaxed state, he is able to hear a lot within himself. And the inner voice is the voice of our guardian angel. He tells us what is right and what is wrong, what to do, what to do.

We hear the inner voice only in very dangerous, even extreme situations. This is also called intuition. So, the angel tells us the necessary information. Through meditation, people are also able to communicate with their guardian angel.

How to do it?

First, you need to find a quiet, peaceful place for solitude. At the same time, you should make sure that no one can distract you. Secondly, we take the most comfortable position, close our eyes, begin to breathe evenly and enjoy the silence. We feel how every cell of the body relaxes. When the body is already completely relaxed, and thoughts are calm and serene, you can try to call on your angel. Just ask him to come. You can imagine yourself in a beautiful garden, in nature. An angel can come in any form. There are suggestions that an angel has come - a relaxed person feels a slight tingling in the body, especially in the fingers.

At these moments, you can carefully ask the angel about everything that excites or interests. That inner voice that you hear will be the voice of the angel himself. It is very important to thank the person who came after the conversation and say goodbye to him. Then slowly open your eyes and focus on your surroundings.

Carrying out such a procedure, you should remember that nothing should bother you. Not a single extraneous noise or lines of thought. Otherwise, all efforts will go down the drain. It happens that guardian angels contact us in a dream or in the moment between falling asleep and waking. Here you need to carefully listen to your own thoughts and try to remember them.

There is also an assumption that angels are trying to contact us with the help of signs and symbols, events and situations that occur in life. These are the so-called signs of fate. They are also worth paying attention to. Conversations with a guardian angel help people strengthen their own faith, gain confidence in themselves and in the correctness of their actions.

Manifested in the form of a disembodied youth. They always try to serve sincere people with good thoughts, instruct sinners on the true path.

Even if you do not see your Guardian Angel, this does not mean at all that he is not around, and he does not help. St. John of Kronstadt said that if we ourselves do not drive away the Angel with our neglect, unbelief, carnality and pride, he will always help in the path of life. All good thoughts and deeds are constantly accompanied by the Guardian Angel.

Who is he and why is a person necessary?

The Lord God Himself is so omnipotent that He personally cannot descend to each person, it is for this purpose that He created the Angels. Unlike man, an angel has no flaws and therefore is able to act from God, representing Him.

An angel is a soul sent to earth, appointed by the Lord God himself to protect people. If a person believes in God throughout his life, loves and honors Him, the Guardian Angel will follow with him from birth to death, instructing him on the path of light.

The very word Angel comes from ancient greece and it sounds like “Angelos”, that is, a messenger or messenger, and in Hebrew, with the same meaning, there is the word Malak, it was he who was taken by the prophet Malachi as his name. church rules recommend contacting your Guardian Angel at home, in personal prayer requests. Adopted in the 17th century by the Ecumenical Church, the day of October 2 is the day of the Angel.

Who is my Angel, how to find out about him by date of birth?

Though common man The angel is not visible, its data can be calculated. Age, character and gender will also be available. First, you need to get your personal number, this is done by adding all the digits of the date of birth, and the resulting number is again added by numbers.

For example: date of birth January 16, 1976. It turns out the following value: 1 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 6 \u003d 31, now we add 3 + 1 and get - 4. This is our number. If it is even, it means that your Angel is a representative of the masculine, if it is odd, it is feminine.

Age of personal Guardian Angel is recognized by adding to your date of birth, the sacred number "4", 16 + 4 \u003d 20, which means your Angel is 20 years old. And that age never changes.

But in order to find out the character of your Angel, you need to take the second digit of your birthday. If it's a single digit, it stays that way. In our case, this is the number 6.

  • The number "1" means Holiness. Those people who have an Angel under this figure are certainly lucky, because this is the most reliable patron. Who will not stand aside, looking at the suffering of man. Such Angels are given to those people who have a weak energy field.
  • The number "2" means Light. It is Angels with the number "2" that can be found in the drawings of ancient masters, depicted with white and large wings. Often, after birth, such Angels kiss their wards, which causes moles or freckles to appear on the face. It is worth listening to such an Angel through dreams and trusting mirror reflections if something in him seemed unusual.
  • The number "3" means Air. It is impossible to see these Angels in reality or in a dream. But you can hear, most often they can give signals with a rustle or other unusual sound. This Angel may move away from a person for some time, but with a great desire, he will be able to fulfill the request.
  • The number "4" means Wisdom. These people are helped by wise patrons who promote achievements in the field of science. People with such Angels have a higher intelligence, are easily trained and rapidly move up the career ladder.
  • The number "5" means Metal. This is a strong Angel for strong-willed people, Angel number 5 helps to take bold, decisive actions.
  • The number "6" means rainbow. The angels of such people help a lot with despondency and decline in creativity. People who met the Angel with the number 6 are very creative, but they can often become depressed, the Angel helps to get out of a dull state and direct a person in the right direction.
  • The number "7" means Energy. Such Angels must certainly be respected and often thanked, because they give their person a source of energy. Thanking the Angel for the past day, you can be sure of a new reserve of strength.
  • Number "8". Angels under this figure are the souls of dead people who very carefully guard their person. Great mercy and constant help are the main features inherent in this type of Angels.
  • The number "9" means Warmth. Angels with the number 9 are optimistic and "good-natured". Their guardian is usually peaceful, calm and lives as if in harmony with the whole world.
  • "0" means fire. These are very strong Angels, ready to help in any situation, be it a trifle or a serious problem.

How to see, hear and talk to him?

Meditation is one of the most effective ways, in order to free your mind in order to summon the Guardian Angel. Find a place and time where no one and nothing will distract you. First, choose the most comfortable position, relax and begin to breathe evenly, getting rid of bad thoughts and enjoying the emptiness.

When absolute peace is achieved, you can try to call on the Angel, ask him to appear. It is important to imagine a place for a meeting, it can be a cave, a forest or a beach. Be ready for the meeting, believe in it. Be specific about what you want to know or ask. Be prepared for the fact that the Angel may appear not only in human form.

When you see or feel your Angel, ask his name and after that, you can ask if he has any news from above. After that, ask about your desires, ask questions.

After that, be sure to thank the Angel for the help provided. Start breathing deeply and gradually open your eyes. Let the pupils get used to the familiar surroundings.

Please note that the Angel may not show up for the first meeting. but you can't stop trying. After meditation, the Angel can intuitively suggest a route.

You can also see the Angel with the help of two mirrors. To do this, put two, opposite each other, so that a mirror corridor appears. From the side of one, light the church candles and say: "Guardian angel, appear." But it's already magical ritual and before holding it, think about whether that Angel will come to you?

Meeting in a dream

For an Angel to come to you in a dream, you can read a simple prayer:

“Angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me by God from heaven! I diligently pray to you: enlighten me here and save me from all evil, guide me to a good deed and direct me to the path of salvation. Amen."

Now. After the prayer, close your eyes and mentally ask him to come to you in your dreams.

Here are a few tips at once, all of them useful for achieving the goal: calling an Angel in a dream.

  • Situation. Fresh air, silence, pleasant melodies, flowers and candles. Such an environment is favorable for the Angel.
  • Emotions. Toward evening, and even better - all day, be on a positive wave, try to discard all fears, anger and unpleasant thoughts. The angel will not be able to approach if the soul is negative.
  • Prayers. As often as possible, resort to reading prayers, they calm, purify the soul.
  • Aura. At least once a day you need to bring your breath to a calm state. Breathe deeply, imagine that a golden glow emanates from you.
  • Feel. While meditating, try to feel your Guardian Angel. You should feel a slight breeze as the Angel waved its wing. And if you feel a light touch, it means that the Angel will appear in a dream.

What can and cannot be asked of an angel?

Everyone has a limit, even the Angels, and therefore you can not ask them for everything, they are still not genies fulfilling any whim. Here are a few things you can't ask for:

  1. Can't ask for what can hurt others people or animals.
  2. Don't ask for anything what has to do with feelings, for example: for someone to love you.
  3. Don't wish the good of your neighbor you can't ask someone to take something away and take it into your own hands.
  4. Naturally, you can't ask for the impossible, about what is contrary to the laws of the universe.
  5. Don't ask for what you can't do for yourself. Put in the effort to do it.

What you can ask your Guardian Angel:

  1. At getting into trouble life situation you can ask for advice or help.
  2. You can ask the health of a loved one or even a stranger.
  3. If the financial situation is difficult, you can ask for some money.
  4. You can ask for employment if you can't find a job for a long time. But, the work should not be connected with the war, the army and other things that can harm nature and man.
  5. Can ask to forgive you for something.
  6. Ask about creating well-being for yourself and family.
  7. You can ask guide to finding love.
  8. You can also ask about travel protection or hike.
  9. And you can ask about finding a missing item.

And so, following your heart and taking into account all of the above, you can make desires that do not contradict everything holy, and then the Angel will hear you and do everything to help. Pray more often, call, communicate with the Angels, lead a healthy lifestyle and everything will be fine with you.

An amazing excerpt from Doreen Virtue's book "Angel Therapy" that will teach you to understand the language of your angel

Since your guardian angels are with you all the time, you receive their messages every moment of your life. Whether you notice these messages or not is another matter. The reason that they are most often overlooked is the following: the language of angels is very unusual for human perception.

Like other heavenly creatures, angels communicate with us in four ways:

1. Through visions

Such visions include images, as well as moving objects, flashing or sparkling lights that you see with external or internal vision. Signs or a series of repeated numbers like 444 or 111 may appear before your eyes. Angels can also convey important messages to you in the language of dreams.

This way of communicating with angels is called Clairvoyance.

2. Through the senses

When the angels use this channel of communication with you, you are suddenly overcome with emotions such as joy, delight, or regret; you have bodily sensations that are not caused by physical causes, such as feeling a sudden rush of warmth or a change in temperature and air pressure in a room. You can suddenly feel someone's spiritual presence or touch, catch the smell of real non-existent flowers or cigarette smoke. This method of receiving angelic messages is called Clairsentience.

3. Through thoughts

Here we are talking about knowledge about something that came from nowhere - insights like “Eureka!” And the ability to fix a problem in any technical device. without looking at the manual. You suddenly open your mouth and say very wise words, and absolutely amazing phrases come out from under your pen, as if someone else put them in your head. Brilliant ideas suddenly flash through your head, and you suddenly realize: “I knew that!” This way of communicating with angels is called Claircognizance.

4. Through sounds

If the angels choose this channel to communicate with you, then, waking up from sleep, you can hear that someone is calling you by name. No one knows where you will hear piercing sounds or wonderful music. A disembodied voice will speak words of love and support, or warn you of danger. You may accidentally hear a conversation or program on the radio or television, in which you will find information that interests you. This method of receiving angelic messages is called Clairaudience.

Although angels communicate with us in all of the above ways, yet each person has the most developed one of the channels of angelic communication. We call this channel the main channel. The remaining three channels allow you to supplement and clarify the information received through the main channel.
You have probably already heard that, depending on the characteristics of perception and processing of information, people are conditionally divided into visuals, audits, discretes and kinesthetics. Such a classification helps to clarify which sense organs you rely on in the first place, interacting with the material world and perceiving Divine messages.

In order to determine your main channel for receiving angelic messages, answer the following questions (choose one of the answer options for each question):

1. When you see someone for the first time, what do you notice first?

  • a) appearance: clothes, hair, teeth, shoes, as well as the degree of his attractiveness;
  • b) the feelings that you experience in the presence of this person: you are comfortable, fun, safe, and so on;
  • c) whether this person is interesting to you as a person, or how useful he can be to you, for example, in career growth;
  • d) the timbre of the voice or the laughter of the interlocutor.

2. What do you remember most from the events of your last vacation?

  • a) beautiful landscapes, architectural structures, or anything else you see
  • b) feelings. experienced by you on the journey: peace, love, delight;
  • c) important and interesting information about the culture and (or) history learned during the trip;
  • d) silence, the sound of the surf, the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, a melody, or any other sounds.

3. Think of your favorite movie. What do you remember first?

  • a) the beauty of the actors, special effects, costumes or scenery;
  • b) feelings caused by this film, or especially touching moments.
  • c) an interesting script or useful lessons you learned from the film;
  • d) the music used in the film, or the voices of the actors.

Look at your answers. It is most likely that you got two or three answers corresponding to one of the four letters, it is these answers that characterize your main channel for perceiving information or a way of interacting with the physical and spiritual worlds. Here is what the prevalence of the following answers means:

Predominance of “a” answers

Your way of interacting with the spiritual world is clairvoyance.

You are a visually oriented person, and your vision is the most developed channel for perceiving information. You will first pay attention to the visual characteristics of people, environments, and even food, and only then will you notice anything else.

Visual harmony is very important to you and you prefer the aesthetic to the practical. By setting a goal, you are able to clearly see the possibilities of its implementation with your inner vision, and then translate these possibilities into reality. Angels communicate with you through mental images. And not only mental ones - signs that have a semantic meaning for you or a series of repeating numbers (for example, 111 or 444) may appear in front of your physical eyes. You can see butterflies and birds, find money left especially for you, or distinguish colorful halos around people's bodies. Trust your visions - Heaven speaks to you through them!

Predominance of answers “b”

You are clairsentience. In comprehending the world, you rely on physical feelings and emotions. Due to your hypersensitivity, it is difficult for you to be in crowded places of people and cars. You empathize with other people and are able to physically feel their pain, sometimes without even realizing it. You tend to overeat or fall into other addictions in order to drown out the anxiety from overwhelming feelings. Sincerely wanting to help others find happiness, people like you often choose to become a psychotherapist or social worker. You often have to suffer because of your psychic abilities, but this hypersensitivity of yours endows you with a rare talent for communicating with celestial beings.

The angels speak to you through your heart and body, you suddenly become overjoyed if the angels want to assure you that you are on the right track; fear or trembling - when they signal that you need a change in life or treatment; and tiredness when they advise you to rest and take care of your health. You always know if this or that person deserves trust, and your inner feeling is never wrong. By contacting the spiritual world, you feel a change in temperature and air pressure in the room. You can feel the presence of angels or dead relatives, and sometimes even feel their touch on your hair and skin. Do not rush to convince yourself that this is just your imagination.

Predominance of answers “in”

You are claircognizant, and your leading channel for perceiving information is intellectual cognition. You perceive angelic messages in the form of ideas and insights. You often have information on topics that you might not have heard or read about before. It seems that the Lord Himself put this knowledge into your head. Talking about nothing makes you feel out of place - you like deep, meaningful conversations. You are uncomfortable in large companies, you prefer to communicate one on one with an interlocutor on topics of interest to you. You understand technology and electronics without reading instructions. You often have to act as a wise adviser and judiciously handle difficult situations. Most likely, you are very skeptical about communication with angels and your own psychic abilities, until you happen to get into a dangerous situation in which you will be saved in a way incomprehensible to you. With people of your type, angels communicate through thoughts. Mentally asking any question, you receive in response Divine guidance in the form of a sudden insight. In those moments when insight descends on you, angels speak to you. Being claircognizant, you tend to assume that what you know is also known to others. This is not true. You have received your knowledge from above - it is Heaven that answers your questions!

Predominance of answers “g”

This indicates that you are clairvoyant. You are extremely sensitive to all sounds. You internally twitch if you hear false notes and unpleasant sounds. You are able to remember the melody with the same accuracy. with what people with photographic memory reproduce point text. When you go on a trip, you better stock up on earplugs, because due to increased sensitivity to sounds, it is difficult for you to fall asleep in airplanes and hotel rooms. When angels speak to you, you perceive their words with external or internal hearing. If something threatens you, loud voice from the outside, persistently warns you of danger. Unlike auditory hallucinations, the heavenly voice is always filled with love and tenderness. Calling for an act that requires great courage or some, in your opinion, abilities, it instills in us confidence in ourselves and in our success . You probably sometimes hear the sounds of fabulously beautiful music or someone's voice calling you by name when you wake up. Don't worry, these are not hallucinations, even if you hear your own voice. As long as he gently urges you to take some action to improve your life, be sure that a voice from Heaven is speaking to you!

Traveling all over the world with lectures and seminars, I became convinced that most people contact angels through feelings. The second place is occupied by the visual channel of perception of angelic messages. Even more rarely, the main channels are claircognizance and clairaudience.

You can maximize your main channel of communication with the angels, as well as three others.

From Doreen Virtue's book "Angelic Therapy"

“People tend to attribute to themselves some kind of insight, the creation of masterpieces of art, culture, poetry ... However, they should think about whether it was their personal creation, or they simply showed sensitivity, allowing the Divine to manifest through the prism of their mind.
Not everything that you suddenly want - spontaneously, for no reason - is exactly what you want. Sometimes it's a "whisper" of your "guardian angel"...

I put this phrase in quotation marks because it is not quite an angel and not quite a guardian. This is a person who successfully graduated from the "earth school" in his time, the same as you and me - and continuing his evolution in more difficult conditions. And not in the earthly body.

This is simplified.

“Keeper” - it’s more convenient for me to call him that, although the term “Guardian Mentor” is more acceptable here - exists (“is”; in general, the ancients invented sacred languages ​​​​to describe not quite earthly processes, because it is incredibly difficult to express the unearthly in earthly words) in a higher vibration (many times less dense - approximately like a cloud in comparison with a stone) “body” (shell), as it is customary to say now “Body”, this is used out of necessity, which I will touch on below ...

It is almost impossible to fix the presence of such “beings” with modern devices (there were isolated cases, their science cannot explain, unlike esotericists - but in those cases, I believe, it was possible to fix only at the request of this Being, because they control the density of this “body” in this way they know how), but this is not surprising: modern science develops only areas that are in demand by society, and therefore pay off areas. But sensitive people (formerly they were called "psychics", that is, extra-sensitive) easily feel their presence.

To understand the principle of operation of any process, it is enough to realize the original meaning of its existence. What is he for? Let's analyze this question in relation to the "Guardians".

As I mentioned above, the so-called "Guardians" are people who continue their evolution already outside the body. Since I am writing this note for people "in the know", I will not prove the immortality of the "soul", for them it is obvious, and as the "singing lama" Boris Grebenshchikov said: "Those who know, know."

Although, by the way, the human soul is mortal, although it outlives the physical body much, but the principle is immortal. At the end of the “earthly evolution”, a person (more precisely, this is what is usually called “spirit”, but, in my opinion, the word was not chosen quite correctly due to the impossibility of correctly conveying concepts that have never been used by a person; the term “principle of ”) is faced with the possibility of a huge choice of the direction of its further development.

Actually, this choice is made by him even in many earthly lives based on the initial predisposition (esotericists of all times know about the seven-color palette of the rainbow, which includes all the colors of the universe from the very beginning and seven “rays”, under each of which each of the people is born; each “ray” than - something akin to the influence of the "signs of the zodiac", but it does not concern the soul of a person, which changes from incarnation to incarnation, but the real essence of a person, his principle).

So, "mentors-guardians" - this is just one of the possible options for further, "extraterrestrial" human development.

If in order to complete the earthly evolution, a person needs to realize and experience his Unity with the Universe and every living being, simultaneously correcting and atoning for his mistakes made in the process of this awareness (I am not considering the development of Human qualities and his self-realization according to the line of his “ray -destination "- it is understandable, and so), then for the one who has chosen the path of the "Guardian Mentor", the task becomes much more complicated. He begins to act as a prototype of the Creator, who delicately and scrupulously creates circumstances in the life of an individual, without violating the principle of freedom of choice of a person.

In a sense, the spiritual perfection of each person is handmade, the exclusive creation of his "Guardian Mentor".

The task is the most difficult, if you think about it, because the circumstances around a person are constantly changing, plus the almost complete inability of a person to hear the voice of his “Guardian” complicates this task a hundred times for him. Added to this is the need for the "Guardian", like a grandmaster, to calculate the slightest circumstances in a person's life for many moves ahead. And if we take into account the fact that there are only two players at the chess table, and other such “humans” with their freedom of choice constantly interfere in the “Keeper”-human tandem ... The art of creating the right circumstance in a person’s life becomes like archery on a distant moving target into a hurricane astride a furiously rushing horse in the midst of a battle.

The necessary circumstances in a person's life are created with the sole purpose of awakening in a person the awareness of unity with the Universe. From life to life. With all the ensuing circumstances. When this awareness is awakened in a person, the “Guardian Mentor” begins to lead him step by step to begin to sow this awareness around him in the way that is inherent in a person initially, based on the qualities of his individuality (and the “Guardian” should be able to take it into account) . Someone begins to write poems with a deep meaning, someone songs that lead a person to awakening, someone becomes a saint, someone a brilliant doctor ... We can say that after realizing unity with the Universe, God slowly begins to manifest itself in a person ...

It is not necessary to discount the fact that such activities of the "Keeper" together with a person are not to everyone's liking. Here I recall the notorious "battle of light and darkness." Light is everything that is aware of its inseparability with everything that exists and, accordingly, with God. Darkness is what opposes this unity for the sake of egoism.

In a nutshell, let's touch on the "power source" of Light and Darkness. As you know, a “power source” is needed in everything. The organization exists only as long as it is financed, that is, replenished.

If Light - it is clear that it exists due to the awareness of its unity with the Absolute, God (which is the original Source of everything and, therefore, Energy), then Darkness, due to its denial of the Source of Divine Energy (it does not correspond to Him due to dissonance, difference of vibrations) , exists, feeding exclusively on “low” vibrations, the source of which is the emotional shell of a person, his ability to generate emotions. And Darkness is the more viable, the more people retain their belonging to those “low vibrations” and generate them.

That is why Awareness is not beneficial to Darkness in general and its representatives in particular. People knew about this fact many hundreds of years ago, and even in the patristic tradition it was formulated that “a battle is being waged for the soul of a person.” Traces of this awareness can be found in almost all religions and esoteric currents. Even Castaneda described the "flyers" as "feeding on the human awareness of entities."

And at the moment when a person, due to his repeated free choice of the “side of the World” (such opportunities repeatedly arise for each of us during the day, both in small things and in a big way), drew the attention of his “Guardian Mentor” to the direct leadership, the attention of the opposite side also falls on this person - she is not interested in further Awareness and development of a person.

It begins what the Orthodox elders call the “battle for the soul”, and this battle has an absolutely multifaceted look - starting from “throwing” unusual thoughts to a person (the expression “the demon beguiled” is not mysticism and not the nonsense of fanatics) and ending with physical influence on him - in exceptional cases.

By the way, this is why the “Guardian” needs a compacted body, and for this function he was nicknamed the “Guardian Angel”, because he literally removes danger from a person. But the danger is removed only if the person is “useful” for the further evolution of both himself and those around him, on whom he can influence with the help of the “Guardian-Mentor”.

Thus, what we call the “meaning of life” for Beings called “Guardians” is, in fact, the creation and formation of spiritual and evolutionary circumstances in the life of a particular person (by the way, one “Mentor” can have several wards, but this is rare). The "Keeper" works only with the spiritual essence of a person and does not interfere in the "worldly" affairs of a person. Intervention is possible only with a direct threat to the ward.

The expediency of the existence of such a branch of evolution as the "Guardians" is due to the fact that the Law (or, to put it simply, the program) is not able to thoroughly regulate the changing circumstances in the life of an evolving person. The "X factor" is too great, including both sometimes spontaneous decisions of the person himself, and the intervention of other people. And the "Guardian" assumes the obligation of spiritual guidance of a person in his earthly life.

How difficult this task is - we humans can only guess approximately ...

Of the instruments of influence not only of the "Mentors", but also of any other "disembodied" entities, the following can be distinguished on a person:

1. introduction into the mental activity of a person (the appearance of thoughts unusual for a person out of nowhere - as an “insight”, for example),
2. power, "energetic" influence on a person, his environment and circumstances.

The difference between the "light" and "dark" approaches in influencing a person is that the "light" Essences influence a person exclusively with his permission and request. While the “dark ones” ignore the desire of a person, guided solely by their own egoistic desires.

It should be noted that the desire and request for help on the part of a person can be both non-verbal (when the essence of a person, or, as psychologists like to say, the subconscious, literally screams for help, even if the person himself does not say a word), and verbal (as in prayer, for example). The power of "Their" influence is great. I myself witnessed a few years ago how my acquaintance, a very talented poet, who suffers from many years of binge drinking, his "Mentor" "encoded" within one minute. Since then, he has not drunk for several years, and, in his words, he is not drawn at all.

This is how he described what happened to me: “Not yet waking up, somewhere half asleep, I saw a huge white pillar near my bed, going up, above the ceiling of my apartment. I looked at him in amazement, there was no fear. Inwardly, I understood that this was not just a pillar, but a person, but much wiser and stronger than me. I silently, mentally asked why he was here. And he received the same mental answer - "I came to help." For some reason, I realized that this help would concern my alcohol addiction.

It was as if he pointed me inside myself, and I understood his thought: my soul screamed that it could no longer endure my drunkenness, that it wanted Light, it was tired of my poisoning ... Strange, then I thought, because in principle I everything suited. Well, I drink ... But I earn money, I have enough, I don’t have children, I don’t have a wife, who should I spend on?! And He pointed to my soul, and I realized that during this time I had never heard the soul. She was crying and screaming for help somewhere inside of me. And He came to help. I saw a semblance of a hand, with which he instantly grabbed some reddish tentacle in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmy head, tore it away from me, threw it somewhere and put his hand to the place where it used to be attached. I passed out in a sweet rapture. I woke up with a clear thought: I don’t drink anymore.”

Now this poet is an absolute teetotaler and under the pseudonym of "vegetative origin" (is there a funny-ironic smiley somewhere?!) is working on publishing his very wise, beautiful poems. He himself does not hide the fact that he wrote them "under the stream." Like Richard Bach his "The Seagull" ...

This was an example of the energy impact of the "Keeper" on a person non-verbally asking for help. By the way, the example is far from isolated even among very famous people.

As I mentioned, the "Guardian" works exclusively with the spiritual sphere of a person - he is forbidden by the Law to touch other spheres of human life. Law in this case- this is not a set of prohibitions, but something akin to an automatic program (thanks to which, the “Guardian” sees and interacts only with the spiritual sphere of a human being and cannot see and influence other human spheres, unless they threaten the spiritual sphere or the life mission of a person) .

However, there is a factor here, at the appearance of which this Law fails. This factor forces (in exceptional cases, which are infrequent) the "Guardian" to see and intervene even in what He has no right to interfere and cannot see. This factor has been known to mankind for a long time, and its name is prayer.

True, not all of them. Only the one that screams with every cell of the soul. It is screaming and it is the soul ...

Why is there a Law that prescribes to the “Guardians” the impossibility of seeing and influencing other spheres of a person? Its expediency lies in the fact that a person must go through an earthly school on his own, just as a schoolboy must solve a problem without the prompting of a teacher. But a person who has gone through earthly evolution and has become a "Guardian Mentor" for someone is, by definition, much more compassionate than the most compassionate person. This law was created by even more Higher Beings in order to exclude the manifestation of compassion out of compassion for a person on the part of his “Guardian” and is ultimately aimed at making a person stronger.

How exactly prayer works in these cases, a sincere appeal of a person to the Higher Beings, and what compensation mechanisms work in this case - I will analyze in the next publication.

Now, I'll just suggest thinking about them. About the Guardians. About their work. And about whether we are always open to what they want to tell us...

Communication with Angels

“When you are alone, listen to the space around you. You can feel that next to you is not emptiness at all! There is a presence in this space.

To many of you own fear makes it difficult to feel this presence. Fear becomes a barrier preventing you from connecting with the angels. But if you pass through this barrier, you will understand that the presence of angels never brings fear with it.

You will feel only warmth and immense love.
Remember that you are family. When addressing angels, address them as one of your own incarnations.
Remember that their strength is your strength. They are part of you.

Feeling this presence, you can address the angels with any words. You can tell them, for example:

My dear angelic helpers, help me to start doing what is best for me now.

I ask my angelic family to tell me where I need to go and how to act so that it is for the good of me and everyone.

You can find your words in every situation of your life. And then just shut up and listen to the space. You will definitely get an answer. It may appear to you as your own thoughts or a sudden insight.

But it may be otherwise: the answer will come in the form of some situation that has unfolded in your life, or perhaps a book that has fallen into your hands. One way or another, if you tune in to receive an answer, you will receive it.

You can turn to angels constantly and with a variety of questions and requests!

  • You can ask for healing. You can give the angels the opportunity to touch you - and perhaps you will feel this very light, very loving and healing touch.
  • You can ask to be wrapped in a mantle of Light and Love to feel protected.
  • You can ask to be guided and guided. You can ask for help in difficult times and protection from troubles.
  • You can ask the angels to guard your sleep and send you only pleasant dreams.
  • You can just be with your angelic family when you feel lonely - and the loneliness will melt away like a fog.

And remember: everything that happens, happens for your good. Angels see everything that happens to you. They know all your paths ahead. They will tell you if you are going astray. They will help you get back on the most favorable path for you.

Angels are very delicate. They will never do anything that can scare you or make you uncomfortable. Therefore, the answers, tips and help from the angels will come to you exactly in the form in which it is most acceptable for you.

If you do not want, then the angels will not appear to you in a visible form. This happens, but very rarely, and only to those people who are ready to accept it.

For most people, angelic prompts come in the form of the voice of intuition, or a solid knowledge of what and how to do. We just know it, that's all. And at the same time we feel a pleasant warmth in the chest.

If this happens to you, do not hesitate: your knowledge comes from your loving angelic helpers.

I know people who are the most different ways make contact with the angels.

  • Some formulate their question, stop the internal dialogue in one way or another - for example, by focusing on breathing or counting, and then listen to space and receive an answer in the form of their own thoughts or just a phrase that sounded in the brain.
  • Others get answers in the form of sensations in their own body: any discomfort, sudden tension corresponds to the answer "no", and pleasant, comfortable feelings of warmth and relaxation - the answer is "yes".
  • Still others write down those fragments of phrases and random thoughts that are spinning in their heads, and then they look to see if some kind of picture emerges from this.
  • Fourth, after asking a question, after a while they simply understand that they know the answer.
  • Fifths imagine some kind of visual image - a creature of light, or just a bright light, and judge the answer by changes in this visual image.
  • There are those who receive answers in their dreams.
  • And it even happens that a person himself writes answers to his questions on a piece of paper - while he has a clear feeling that an angel is leading him with his hand.

Choose what is closer to you. And remember that in the angelic presence all fears are dispelled. After all, these beings are close to you as you are close to yourself.

Call on the angels every morning and every evening. Your life will become much smoother and more enjoyable.

Technique 2

There are only two requirements for this technique: to be able to go into a deep trance and to concentrate.

1. The practitioner sits or lies down, assumes a comfortable position and closes his eyes.

2. He begins to relax the muscles of his face and body, gradually falling into a meditative state.

3. Feeling that he has fallen into an altered state of consciousness, the practitioner concentrates on his breathing and allows himself to fall asleep.

4. After some time, he will feel himself in the state of the gap in which he begins to work.

5. A person mentally turns into space with a request to the patron spirit and Guardian Angel to get in touch.

6. Soon he senses the presence of another being (or beings). At the same time, this can be accompanied by different pictures and images. The practitioner asks these beings to sit side by side on the left and on the right hand.

7. Feeling the connection and emotions of beings from the subtle worlds, he starts a conversation with them, asking all the necessary questions and asking for advice or help.

8. At the end of the conversation, be sure to ask the creatures if it is possible to meet with them in the future.

You need to remember - these are not projections of the mind, these are living beings, and you need to treat them as if they were alive.

9. Before ending the contact, the person thanks the patron spirit and guardian angel. He then returns to his normal state of consciousness.

10. Immediately you need to write down all the answers on paper. The fact is that in trance states, short-term memory is used, which does not linger for a long time in the normal state.

In addition to the fact that this method of developing superpowers can bring success to life and develop extrasensory perception, the ability to communicate with an Angel and spirits can harmonize a person: Guardian Angels will help to gently work off your karma, healing subconscious blocks that cause negative emotions.

Communication with mentors takes place at higher, subtle levels, at the level of the space of the World of Souls.

Basically, our Higher Self (that part of the soul that is always present in the World of Souls, even when a part of it is embodied in matter) interacts with the Mentors when planning the incarnation, designating tasks, discussing the path of the soul and its development.

And then the Mentors participate in the analysis and analysis of the lived life with summing up, what worked out, what did not work out, what conclusions and further decisions the Soul makes.

So they accompany the Soul on the path of its development, prompt and support, guide and instruct.

When we are in embodiment, we can remember these moments of communication with mentors and what was discussed in order to understand what is happening in our lives and where to move on if we are “stuck”. It's kind of a cheat sheet.

Meditation can also help you tune in to thin world, vibrations of the World of Souls and their Mentors and come into direct contact with them. It can be exactly the same as when communicating with Angels or Souls of other people.

You just need to understand what level your questions are and to whom to ask them: Angels or Mentors, in order to get an adequate and comprehensive answer.

Technique for communicating with the inner mentor

1. Identify an area of ​​your life or situation where you need wise help.

2. Think about the fact that somewhere there is your inner mentor who can help you in this particular context.

3. Think about what imaginary place he is most likely to be. It can be a secluded place in nature, an ancient temple, a high tower or castle, a cave, a spaceship, a skyscraper, or some other fantastic place.

4. Close your eyes and imagine this place in full detail. What surrounds you there? What are the things around? What sounds are heard? Is it warm or cold there?

5. Mentally repeat to yourself your question with which you came to this imaginary place.

6. Imagine that somewhere near you in this place a door, a portal opens or, as if from a certain glow, a figure of a wise mentor begins to form, who can help you in your question.

7. At first it may be a fuzzy figure, just a certain feeling of the presence of this wise entity nearby. Start with interest to explore the figure that has arisen in front of you. Is it a man or another rational being, or maybe an animal? What is his age? What does it look like? Are there any attributes on this entity (clothes, jewelry, amulets) that would let you know that this is your mentor who can help you?

8. If you feel cozy and comfortable in the presence of this entity, this is your inner guide. If not, then return to the ordinary world, look around and start the search from the very beginning.

9. Ask your mentor what his name is. Tell him your situation. See how he reacts to your words and thoughts. Ask him to help you.

10. Pay attention to everything that your mentor will tell you through words, symbolic gifts and gestures. Accept his advice with gratitude. Track how your perception of the situation has changed, how you feel now, think about what and how you will do now.

11. Agree with him about how you will continue to keep in touch with him if you need it.

12. Smoothly return to the present. Look around, take some deep breaths in and out. Re-evaluate the prompts your inner guide has given you.

Why do you think that angels do not always help?

Angels are always by your side. They are happy when they manage to protect you or help you. Every moment of your life, they are doing everything possible for this.

Why might you feel like the angels didn't help you? That they were not there in difficult times?

Dear ones, angels are always with you. But there are two reasons why you may not feel their presence and not receive their help.

First reason: you don't ask for it . Angels cannot interfere in your life against your will. This is a law that cannot be broken. If you don't ask, then you don't want this help. Angels respect your will.

You have come to Earth to transform the energies of materiality. You are free to do it the way you want. Angels cannot do what is contrary to your will and your desires.

Sometimes you do things that can hurt you or hurt you in some way. The angels may warn you in one way or another. But they cannot prevent you and force you to abandon your intentions.

Second reason: you you need to take a certain class . For example, there is a certain energy of gross vibrations in your life, and you need to learn how to transform it. You are still learning and looking for different ways to do it.

Some ways of transforming this energy can be very painful and bring trouble! Angels can you suggest other, safer ways . But they cannot do this job for you. Because in this case, your lesson will not be completed and you will not learn anything.

Angels are always there, and they always try to protect you, give you hints, envelop you with their love, and, if necessary, soften the blow.

But understand, if your own intention led you to receive this blow, and you did not hear the prompts of the angels who offered you other paths, then angels can't stop realization of your intention!

Otherwise it will be a violation of your free will.

Imagine a caring mother who is so worried about her baby that she does not allow him to learn to walk, if only he would not fall and get bumps. Can you call her a loving mother? It is unlikely, because she dooms her child to crawl on all fours or sit in a chair all her life.

And here is another mother who understands that the child can fall and get bumps - but allows him to be independent, because she knows that there is no other way to learn what every person should learn.

She is always there, protecting him as best she can, and even blowing on his abrasions and bruises - and yet allows him to fall, and get up again, and try again.

Such is the learning process that is true loving mother will let her child pass, even if it hurts her to watch him make a mistake.

So are the angels. They love you so much that they can't stop you from taking your own classes. Even if these lessons are painful. But remember that this is your own choice!

And now - the most important thing. Your lessons are doesn't have to be painful! Trust me, it's up to you.

You can request the help and support of angels at any time. Following their tips, you will go through your lessons in the most gentle way possible.

Claim the help of angels! Angels cannot even touch you without your desire. And you can't hear their clues unless you express your will. If you do this, your path will be much smoother and more enjoyable!

Guard, angels, my child
From all sorrows and hardships irreparable
Let him walk the earth jokingly
With support from above and invisible protection!

Keep, Angels, my parents,
Let them not get sick and do not know alienation,
Let for everything that they have done in life
They will always be rewarded with respect!

Keep, angels, my friends
Let them be near and in wealth and in sorrow,
Let them love life, go through it easily
Problems and difficulties not noticing at all!

Keep, Angels, my enemies -
I go through humility lessons with them,
Keep, Angels, my love -
So that I loved even with my last breath!

Keep, Angels, and all people!
Save all mankind from wars!
Our planet and its children
Keep, I beg you, keep!

"I am a king - I am a slave - I am a worm - I am God!"
"God" (1784) G. R. Derzhavin.

Tell me, Angel, what is our death?
In rank and conscience, let's answer.
Well, why do some people live as they want,
Although their souls and deeds stink for a long time,
Another one will definitely not hurt a fly in life
But, alas, he does not foresee his own death?

One baby enters the world very easily,
Does the other die before being born?
An old man with the hands and deeds of an executioner,
Lives and his blood is still hot?

And he took "he put himself for others",
Although he lived only a little?
One is a traitor, always full and always drunk,
Does this person have a flaw in his soul from birth?

Why is soullessness and evil so happy?
And there is no heart, and conscience, that's lucky.
No need to suffer for a long time, suffer, endure,
Worry about loved ones and hurt the soul.

Here a delicate, thin man died,
And the rude will live easily for a whole century.
What's mixed up in your skies
And everything on earth is wildly so confusing?

And the Angel sighed sadly and heavily,
Wings from fatigue barely flapping,
He rose very quietly, quietly above me
And illuminated by the pale moon, he said:

Oh foolish man, oh how tired I am!
Which age I answer the same thing,
But I'm just following God's will
You see only one tip of the iceberg
Do you really know the reason for your fate?

That another is not behaving righteously
Another, suffering, hymns to beauty sings?
No, brother, don't ask for an answer, I won't give it,
Him, you understand, only Himself knows.

In his hands the planets fate and due fate,
It is up to him to decide who still completed the lesson.
Which? Well, brother, ask your conscience

Many people believe that it is simply impossible to communicate with their guardian angel, while asking him for intercession. An erroneous opinion has formed in the minds of the current generation about the essence and nature of those who keep us throughout the earthly journey. Winged boys and girls, often referred to as cupids, actually have nothing to do with them. And the handsome men and young ladies depicted in the pictures also do not correspond to the truth.

Who is a Guardian Angel and how does he help?

Unlike the heroes of science fiction novels, the angel has no gender. They are given to people at the time of the passage of the rite of baptism by God's command. Their task is to provide support and help to their ward, to protect his soul, to take care of the purity of the human essence. Perhaps this will seem cruel to someone, but in fact the angel does not protect the temporary and mortal shell that will remain on the earth's firmament when the eternal soul goes to the Creator.

The Lord does not need the help of a guardian angel, but gives it to us out of His goodness, giving them a place in the fulfillment of God's Providence. The task of these blessed spirits is as follows:

  • protect righteous souls (Ps. 90:11–13; Heb. 1:14);
  • violate demonic plans to seduce them (Tov. 8, 3);
  • to offer the prayers uttered by the wards to the Lord (Comrade 12, 12);
  • accompany the soul to the afterlife (Lk. 16, 22);
  • separate good and evil deeds during Doomsday(Mt. 13, 49).

Life is given to man for its study and approach through the passage along the thorny path to God. All the events that a mortal is given to experience, he will have to experience on his own. The angel will not remove all burdens and problems from the road, but he will help to carry them through, overcoming obstacles.

The very first thing that a person needs to understand and accept is that an angel will never help in an evil undertaking. He will never agree to harm other living beings in one way or another. But requests sent to the keeper from a pure heart always find a response.

It is known that:

  • an angel can help the afflicted by directing him on the right path, saving him from irreparable mistakes;
  • for lovers who need his help, the angel will help connect life paths;
  • when danger appears on the way, naturally, the angel will warn his ward;
  • the angel will help you find and suggest a compromise solution that will make it possible to avoid misunderstandings in communicating with your loved one;
  • he will give advice and tips on important questions, as well as answers, guiding you along the right path;
  • help from a guardian angel in any business makes it much easier and simpler;
  • with the help of a guardian angel, health is restored much faster (there are cases of getting rid of even serious ailments).

Preparation for contact with the Guardian Angel

The human soul is burdened with all sorts of sins throughout the day. Someone did not like outwardly - and the person already condemns him. Little and big lies in everyday life, at work, laziness and aggression, gluttony and much more - all these are far from always noticeable at first sight irregularities. At the same time, such dark spots on the light background of the soul block the way to pure thoughts and close communication with the angel.

The first thing people need to do when preparing for contact with their guardian angels is cleansing. Enough daily evening prayers. Thus, it is best to establish contact with him in the evening hours. Having fully read all the prayers of the evening daily cycle, having repented of your sins and having cleansed the soul of all the stains that a person can see at this stage of the development of the soul, you can begin to communicate with the guardian.

Cigarette smoke, alcohol intoxication, dope, loud music and other manifestations of immoral behavior will not allow the soul to fully contact the guardian angel.

If a person wants to really communicate with the God-given protector, it is necessary to fill his soul with other values, such as love and goodness, with which it is necessary to respond to similar manifestations. It is even better if these spiritual qualities are also manifested in relation to those who could not direct them towards them. The more love and kindness a person gives to the world, the purer the soul and the easier it is to maintain contact with your guardian angel.

Reflections on the Guardian Angel

The human consciousness does not visually perceive the one who keeps us throughout life path. And yet, human souls can feel them on an intuitive level. Every time when unpleasant events occur, while the soul becomes unbearably heavy, the defender reaches out his hand, taking on part of the burden. This allows the soul to stay on the edge, survive and look around again, choosing a new path.

The main thing is to believe! Nothing will happen without faith. Faith is a common truth that actually works. Faith in the help of God and the angels will support Him in any situation, because there are no obstacles for Him, and He will show the right path.

A small miracle is always present in every house where believers live. The help that angels provide to such families cannot be overestimated. Love, mutual understanding, fidelity, a sense of shoulder and other spiritual values ​​always reign here. Avoiding problems, finding a way out of seemingly hopeless situations, and simply living according to the Word of God comes out intuitively, without unnecessary stress. And all because they believe God and communicate with their angels.

Everyone knows cases when, for unknown reasons, people changed their plans and saved lives. Some call it foresight, others consider it a coincidence. In fact, the angel pushes for actions that become key in such situations. For example, the emergence of a strong desire to move away for a few minutes for any reason can prevent a brick or icicle from falling on the head. Returning home for a forgotten phone, you can be late for a minibus that will have an accident. There are an incredible number of such cases.

Constantly maintaining communication with your guardian angel helps you better feel his clues. Separate prayer requests to him are used in cases of a difficult period in life, the need for intercession on the road, from illnesses and accidents.

A guardian angel is a creature given to us by God to protect us from the negative effects of the material world and dark forces. They are invisible. It is not given to a person to know the name of his particular guardian. In this regard, there is no separate day of remembrance of a specific guardian angel, but there is only a common day of remembrance of all angels ( November 21), which is called the Cathedral of the Archangel of God Michael and other heavenly powers.

Do not confuse the guardian angel and the patron saint. Giving us a name, parents ask the saint for help and protection, support and intercession. People used to call the day of veneration of this saint the day of the angel, but this is an erroneous opinion. Prayers to the angel and the patron saint are completely different.

Communication in everyday life. Prayer to the Angel

All human deeds and thoughts are open before the Creator and His angels. Turning to the guardians in any situation has a beneficial effect on the state of the soul, as it allows you to avoid dark decisions and paths. Thus, a whole system of communication with your angel is created.

The beginning of the day is the time when all the upcoming things are planned. You should not spend these hours on mediocre bickering with relatives, as well as your unwillingness to wake up. You can do it differently - ask for help from the guardian angel in morning prayer. You can create it without even opening your eyes, lying under the covers.

There are 2 options for doing this:

Such an appeal is not at all difficult if love for its guardian angel has settled in the soul, and the essence itself feels his presence nearby.

The soul, exhausted during the day, needs to find purification in the evening hours in order to turn to the angel for help and protection. It is necessary to light a candle bought in the temple and turn to the heavenly patron with words coming from the heart. Prayers for the coming dream include an appeal to the guardian angel. If you read everything according to the Orthodox canon, then this prayer will be the 11th in the list.

It sounds like this:

In addition, before going to bed, you can turn to your keeper with the following words:

Throughout the day, you often have to deal with troubles and difficulties. At times like these, we need the help of an angel the most. It is worth turning to him for support with such a prayer:

Additional Information

The work of the guardian angel is especially clearly visible in childhood. No wonder it is said that God preserves children and the blessed. Existence in a state close to merging with divine power is clearly seen in such people. They also manifest themselves in the absence of aggression on the part of wild animals towards babies, and in such manifestations of “mystical” phenomena as the enormous physical strength of parents in the event of a threat to the baby, as well as in keeping the body and mind intact in seemingly hopeless situations. Are these not clear signs of protection from a guardian angel?

The appearance of diseases, incurable or simply severe, in human life is also a manifestation of God's care for our souls. Only He knows what will be useful in each case. And every time such obstacles are created for those who need to purify the soul, make it stronger.

Do not think too much about the need and properties of communication with a guardian angel. No matter how skeptics doubt, but every believer can hope for help in any matters. You can keep in touch all the time. You just need to follow a few rules:

  • always keep your heart open and filled with love;
  • do not lose faith;
  • look around and notice any little things, because clues can be everywhere: in newspapers, TV, just in the conversation of strangers or in a state of mind;
  • do not forget to attend church regularly and partake of the sacraments;
  • Confess during the service as often as possible.

When the soul is pure and ready to communicate, the advice and support of the guardian angel will not be long in coming.

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