Lugol drops instructions for use. Instructions for use of the Lugol spray for the treatment of throat in adults and children, analogues. Application in childhood

colorful compositions 04.01.2021
colorful compositions

Publication date: 26-11-2019

How to use Lugol ointment in the treatment of throat?

In infectious or inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, Lugol for the throat is considered effective, instructions for use and contraindications for taking the drug are described below. Lugol has 2 forms of release:

  • solution;
  • spray.

The composition of the drug

Regardless of the form of release, Lugol is considered effective in inflammatory infectious diseases throat and nose. The solution is sold in dark glass bottles. More convenient and economical is the drug, produced in the form of a spray. In this case, the bottle is equipped with a special device for spraying, which greatly simplifies the process of applying the product.

The active ingredient of the drug is iodine. The excipient is glycerin. It is he who provides a more gentle and gentle effect of the drug. In addition, the composition of the drug includes potassium iodide, due to which iodine dissolves better, and water.

To date, in pharmacies you can find the remedy in 2 dosages. In the first case, the iodine dosage will be 1%, and in the second - 1.25%.

Lugol with glycerin is presented as a translucent and thick orange-brown liquid. The drug is available in bottles of different volumes, from 20 ml to 60 ml.

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Therapeutic action

Due to the content of iodine, Lugol has a local irritant and antibacterial effect on the oral cavity, nose and throat. The antibacterial property of iodine is that it adversely affects pathogenic bacteria and microbes that lead to inflammatory or infectious diseases of the throat or nose. Lugol not only destroys opportunistic microbes, but also prevents the development of an inflammatory and infectious process.

Lugol effectively fights many types of microbes, so the range of application of the drug is quite wide. Many varieties of staphylococcus are relatively immune to the action of iodine, but with regular and prolonged use, the remedy destroys all microbes and viruses. Lugol is considered ineffective only in the case of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In all other cases, the drug has a therapeutic effect.

The advantages of Lugol include the fact that it is not addictive as an antibiotic. Due to this property, the solution or spray can be used for a long time.

Iodine also has a local irritating effect of Lugol. It increases the secretion of mucus and provokes bouts of coughing and sneezing. The therapeutic effect of the drug is based on the fact that mucus washes away fungi and microbes from the oral mucosa and has a disinfecting effect, so Lugol is considered a real find for patients with inflammatory and infectious diseases of the throat.

The solution is absorbed into the blood through the mucous membrane. With a slight application of the agent, only a small amount of iodine is absorbed into the blood, which is subsequently excreted from the body naturally. If a large area of ​​the mucosa is treated, then a lot of iodine enters the bloodstream, which leads to its accumulation in the tissues of the thyroid gland. In this regard, iodine is actively involved in the metabolism of hormones.

Iodine can also accumulate in the tissues of the thyroid gland if a little solution was accidentally swallowed during the treatment of the throat.

Indications and contraindications

Doctors recommend using Lugol with glycerin for inflammatory and infectious diseases of the throat, for example, for tonsillitis, tonsillopharyngitis or pharyngitis, both for adults and children. As a rule, Lugol's solution is prescribed only for mild forms of the disease. If a patient has an inflammatory infectious disease accompanied by high temperature, then the use of the drug is highly undesirable. In this case, antibiotic treatment will be effective.

Treatment with the drug for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat is not carried out in combination with medications based on thiosulfate, as it reduces the effect of iodine. Lugol with glycerin is also not used with solutions containing essential oil or ammonia, since alkaline and acidic environments reduce the antibacterial effect of the agent. It is highly undesirable to treat tonsils with a purulent infection, since the thick consistency of the drug closes the opening of the lacunae and makes it difficult for the purulent mass to discharge.

As for contraindications, the solution or spray is not used during pregnancy or during lactation. The solution and spray are not recommended for use by persons who have intolerance to iodine.

Inflammatory and infectious processes of the throat should be treated with caution in persons who have pathologies of the liver, kidneys, dermatitis or thyrotoxicosis.

Treatment with a solution is contraindicated in the presence of pulmonary tuberculosis, a tumor in the throat, acne, furunculosis and diseases of the circulatory system. It is undesirable to use the drug in children under 5 years of age.

Instructions for use

Solution and spray have the same therapeutic effect. Instructions for their use are also the same. The only difference is in the method of application. Spray is considered more convenient and economical. If the drug is in the form of a liquid, then Lugol should be smeared with a cotton swab. To treat a large area of ​​the affected mucosa, use several cotton swabs or swabs, otherwise repeated contact with the inflamed mucosa will only aggravate the situation and contribute to the transfer of microbes from one area to another.

It is necessary to treat the throat 3-5 times a day, depending on the degree of development of the disease. You can carry out such a procedure until complete recovery and improvement of the condition. It is not recommended to treat the throat more than 6 times a day, because iodine in large quantities can lead to burns of the mucous membrane. Instructions for using the product states that after treatment of the oral cavity, it is not recommended to eat food for the next 30-40 minutes. During this time, the solution has time to have a therapeutic effect.

If the drug is presented in the form of a spray, then the instruction recommends using Lugol with the same frequency as the liquid. The spray should be applied by pressing the sprayer while holding the breath so that the solution does not penetrate into the lungs or bronchi.

The liquid is sprayed in a small jet, so do not try to treat a large area of ​​​​the affected surface in one click.

First apply liquid to one area, then point the spray wand to another.

When spraying, avoid contact with eyes. If the liquid somehow gets into the eyes, then they must be rinsed with plenty of warm running water.

Store the drug in a dark and cool place in order to preserve medicinal property iodine.

The use of the drug is not recommended without the permission of a doctor, since Lugol has a number of side effects, for example: profuse salivation, urticaria, rhinitis, tachycardia, nervousness, increased sweating, angioedema and burning in the throat. As a rule, many side effects are allergic in nature, therefore, after discontinuation of the drug unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own.

Lugol should be used according to the instructions, otherwise an overdose of the drug is possible. If a large amount of the agent has entered the body, then this can provoke irritation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory canals. In some cases, a burn or laryngobronchospasm is possible. If the solution enters the gastrointestinal tract, then the patient develops hemoglobinuria and hemosyl. In this case, doctors perform gastric lavage with thiosulfate nitrate or sodium bicarbonate.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Lugol with glycerin has its strengths and weak sides. The advantages of the drug include efficiency in relation to pathogenic microorganisms and infections. In addition, Lugol is a very economical and affordable drug. You can buy it at any pharmacy. It can be used when the first symptoms of the disease appear. In the initial stages, the disease can be overcome in the shortest possible time.

Spray is more convenient to use. For the treatment of the oral cavity, no additional “tools” are needed, such as sticks or gauze swabs. The spray is very convenient in the treatment of throat diseases in children. The procedure for lubricating the throat with Lugol is not the most pleasant, so it is often accompanied by crying and gag reflexes in a child. The use of a spray in this case greatly facilitates the procedure and makes it less painful and nasty.

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The advantages of the spray include the exact dosage of the drug and economical consumption. In addition, the drug does not affect the functional activity of the brain. In the treatment of diseases of the throat by Lugol, the patient can engage in both mental and physical activity.

The disadvantages of the drug include side effects caused by an allergic reaction. With intolerance to iodine, the patient may develop allergic edema of the pharynx or larynx. If not provided in a timely manner medical care, then suffocation is possible. In order to test the sensitivity to the drug, it is necessary to apply a small amount of the solution to the inner surface of the lower lip.

Spray Lugol is a budget drug for the treatment of inflammation of the throat mucosa. Judging by the feedback from consumers, the tool has both positive aspects and is not without some disadvantages.

Let us consider in more detail the instructions for using the Lugol spray, and also make a comparison with other similar means.

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The composition and form of Lugol in the form of a spray

The spray presented in Russian pharmacies is produced by two pharmaceutical manufacturers: Russian (“Lekar”) and Lithuanian (“Valentis”). Domestic medicine can be purchased in bottles of various capacities - from 25 to 60 g. Lithuanian Lugol is available in a volume of 50 ml.

The composition and appearance of the drugs are similar to each other.

Composition of Lugol spray:

  • Iodine (1%);
  • potassium iodide;
  • glycerol;
  • water.

It is a liquid of viscous consistency (due to glycerol) Brown color with a characteristic iodine odour.

Instructions for use Lugol in the form of a spray for adults

The Lugol bottle is equipped with a spray tube. When pressed, a certain dose of the drug is ejected. The agent is sprayed in a jet by mechanical atomization. When spraying, a fine mixture is not formed, as with most sprays.

  1. Before using the bottle, remove the cap from it and put on the spray nozzle.
  2. In the future, the nozzle is not recommended to be removed, even if the drug is supposed not to be used for a long time. Otherwise, the product remaining inside the spray system will dry out and the medicine will not be able to be used.
  3. Unpack the bottle and prepare it for use carefully: iodine leaves stains on clothes and hands.
  4. When spraying the drug, always hold your breath: the product should not enter the lower respiratory tract.
  5. Lugol is sprayed up to 6 times a day.
  6. For proper spraying, point the spray tube to the affected area of ​​the mucosa and press the spray nozzle once.
  7. If necessary, spraying is repeated as many times as required.
  8. Do not drink or eat food for 30-60 minutes after injecting the product.
It should be borne in mind that after spraying the drug, a person swallows reflexively, as a result of which the agent spreads more evenly along the throat mucosa. Therefore, you do not need to spray Lugol many times at one time.

Instructions for use for children

Lugol is used for children according to the same rules as for adults. Since the spray nozzle ejects the liquid pointwise to the required areas, the injection of the drug should be done by an adult.

Be guided by the following instructions for the use of Lugol spray for children:

  1. Before spraying, inspect the child's throat and decide on which places the drug should be applied.
  2. Ask the child to hold their breath.
  3. Aim the spray tip at the desired area and press once.
  4. Re-spray if necessary by changing tip direction.
  5. Check that the child does not drink or eat anything after taking the drug for at least 30 minutes.

This medicine does not have a very pleasant taste, sometimes it causes a burning sensation. Mom should keep this in mind and be prepared for the possible whims of the child.

From what age can children

Instructions for use of the Lugol throat spray does not impose age restrictions on the use of the drug.

It is known that iodine necessary for the body element. As part of the thyroid hormone, it affects numerous metabolic processes, is required for proper development, to ensure thermoregulation.

Data about daily requirement children in iodine:

  • Up to 1 year - 0.05 mg;
  • up to 2 years - 0.1 mg;
  • older than 2 years - 0.15 mg.

1 dose of Lugol contains approximately 1 mg of iodine. Despite the fact that the absorption of the drug from the mucosa is insignificant, some of it often enters with saliva into digestive system, where it is well absorbed and then stored in the thyroid gland. For this reason, many parents are distrustful of this drug.

One way or another, in accordance with the instructions for using the Lugol spray, the only restriction for its use is the inability of the child to hold his breath.

Thus, this remedy is not suitable for the treatment of young children.

Is it possible to Lugol during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimesters

The drug is dangerous to the fetus during the entire period of pregnancy.

Instructions for using the spray Lugol does not recommend using the product for pregnant women for more than 4 days in a row.

When breastfeeding

When absorbed in the digestive system, iodine penetrates well into the blood and further into breast milk. FROM highly likely may affect the thyroid gland baby. Instructions for use of the spray Lugol recommends using the product during lactation only after consulting a doctor.

Indications for use in sore throat

Everyone is well aware of the antiseptic properties of iodine. It has a toxic effect on most bacteria, as well as on fungi, viruses. By binding to proteins, iodine leads to their coagulation, making the microorganism unviable.

In the instructions for use of Lugol spray, it is noted that the agent is moderately effective against (80% with prolonged use) and ineffective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. But since staphylococcus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa rarely cause sore throat, Lugol is indicated for:

  • stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;
  • surgical operations on the pharynx and mouth and in the postoperative period.
In addition to the antiseptic effect of iodine, the drug has the ability to relieve swelling of tissues, by preventing water retention in them. This property is associated with the presence of glycerol in the composition, which, in addition to the noted, having a viscous consistency, is able to envelop the surface and form a protective film.

Due to the local irritating effect of iodine, the drug has a mild analgesic effect and is indicated for sore throat relief.

Lugol with angina

The drug can be used for angina as an adjuvant.

In most cases, it is caused by streptococci that are sensitive to iodine. However, the agent that gets on the tonsils acts locally, without penetrating the tonsils themselves. Thus, Lugol, like other antiseptics, fights bacteria on the mucous membrane. For this reason, the aseptic action of the agent should be supplemented by those that penetrate the tissues and fight inflammation more thoroughly.

In the instructions for use of the Lugol spray, attention is drawn to the fact that the aseptic activity of iodine decreases in the presence of pus and blood. It is no coincidence that when iodine is used externally for wound treatment, the agent is applied, avoiding getting into the wound itself.

Thus, with a pronounced purulent plaque on the tonsils, this spray is less effective than other antiseptics.

Other types of drug Lugol

Lugol spray Vialine

Spray Lugol Vialine is produced by the Ukrainian manufacturer Flory Spray. The drug is not related to the drug considered in this article.

The composition of the Lugol Vialine spray according to the instructions for use:

  • Triclosan;
  • glycerol;
  • seaweed extract;
  • potassium iodide;
  • sweetener;
  • water.

As you can see, there is no iodine in the Vialine spray. The antiseptic effect is provided by triclosan, an antibiotic widely used in the production of antibacterial soaps, some types of toothpastes, and deodorants.

Lugol's solution with glycerin

The solution is produced by Russian (EKOlab, Yuzhpharm) and Latvian (Rigas pharmaceutical factory) companies. The composition of the solution is similar to a spray (1% iodine + excipients). It is used to lubricate the mucosa, when this method of applying the drug is more appropriate: for example, in dental practice. In addition, vials with Lugol's solution are equipped with:

  • sprayer;
  • spray tip;
  • dispenser;
  • dropper cap.

This allows you to use the solution in the way that is necessary in each case.

What is better Iodinol or Lugol

- a Russian-made drug, produced in the form of a solution for lubrication and washing, as well as a spray.

  • alcohol;
  • potassium iodide;
  • water.

The presence of alcohol in the drug slows down and lengthens the antiseptic effect of iodine.

The antimicrobial activity of Iodinol is the same as that of Lugol. However, unlike the second, Iodinol does not form a glycerin film on the mucous membrane, which reduces its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

In accordance with the instructions for use in case of angina, the tonsils are washed with Iodinol using 50 ml of solution per wash.

At a price, Iodinol is several times cheaper than Lugol.

What is better Yoks or Lugol

Yoks-Teva is produced by an Israeli pharmaceutical company in the form of a spray and solution for topical use.

Iodine is contained in a complex with polyvinylpyrrolidone (povidone-iodine). Upon contact with the mucosa, iodine is released. Damage to the shell of microorganisms leads to the coagulation of their proteins and death. That is, it acts in the same way as Lugol.

Iodine is released from the complex with polyvinylpyrrolidone more slowly than from alcohol complexes (eg, Iodinol). Interaction with biological material occurs for a longer time.

Additionally, it includes:

  • Allantoin (anti-inflammatory agent);
  • levomenthol (gives mild pain relief);
  • medical alcohol (additional antiseptic effect);
  • flavoring additives;
  • water.
As you can see, Yoks is characterized by a richer composition and a wide spectrum of action. The antiseptic activity of iodine is reinforced by the alcohol included in the preparation. An additional analgesic component makes Yoks preferable to Lugol. However, the cost of Yoks is 2 times higher than that of Lugol.

When deciding what to use - Yoks or Lugol - you need to consider that the first drug has more contraindications, including that it is not used for children under 8 years of age.

For the treatment of inflammation in the oral cavity and throat, various local preparations are used, the action of which is based on the destruction of bacteria in the focus of the disease and the removal of the inflammatory process. To achieve such results, both modern, well-advertised formulations and time-tested well-known products can be used. Spray Lugol is an antiseptic drug, and is an improved form of a product that has long been known to everyone. Its use is possible for both children and adults, and the effectiveness in any case will be high.

The composition of the drug

The product is available in dark glass vials with a dispenser in volumes of 25, 30, 50 and 60 milliliters. Lugol's action is based on the inclusion of molecular iodine in the amount of 1%. Auxiliary components of the composition are potassium iodide (required to dissolve iodine in water), purified water and glycerol. The substance has a rich red-brown color and a specific iodine aroma. Spray belongs to the group of low-toxic agents.

What helps spray Lugol with glycerin

The drug in question has a local irritant effect, and also acts as an antiseptic, due to which it destroys bacteria in the application area. The use of the product in the form of a spray allows you to get a pronounced local effect, which is especially important for angina to combat unpleasant symptoms.

Lugol is active in both Gram-positive and Gram-negative media. Regarding Staphylococcus aureus, the effect of the remedy is not pronounced, however, with prolonged use, a pronounced positive effect(according to research data, in the vast majority of cases of therapy for staphylococcal tonsillitis, the result was positive). But against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, iodine is completely ineffective. Glycerol in the composition acts as a means of preventing fluid retention in tissues, relieves swelling of the treated area, and also contributes to the formation of a protective film on the mucosa.

When using the spray, there is no excessive absorption of the product through the skin and mucous membranes, negative effects can occur only if the product is accidentally swallowed in large volumes.

Indications for use for the throat

Based on the directions of activity of the drug, it is obvious that its use is advisable in various infectious and inflammatory processes localized in the oral cavity and pharynx. The effectiveness of the drug is high with purulent tonsillitis, but when elevated temperature usefulness is lost. Also, the drug can not be combined with thiosulfate, as it neutralizes iodine. The use of the spray is not recommended along with essential oils. The product has an exclusively local effect, therefore it cannot act as the only method therapy.

Instructions for use for children and adults

Before you start using a new bottle, you need to make a few presses of the sprayer into the air so that the liquid can rise through the tube and the sprayer gives out a full dose. The patient needs to position the nozzle of the dispenser towards the affected area (it is desirable to achieve the most accurate hit on the affected areas) and make the prescribed number of sprays. Usually 5 procedures are required during the day. In order to avoid getting the drug into the lower respiratory tract during spraying, it is worth holding your breath.

After the procedure, the tip should not be removed from the vial again, as there is a risk of spoiling the spray system and making the vial unusable. It is worth considering that storage of the drug at temperatures above 40 degrees and in sunlight is prohibited, since under such conditions active iodine quickly decomposes.

How to spray on the skin

The product can be used, by analogy with a solution, as part of the treatment of skin lesions during infection, as well as for the treatment of burns, both chemical and thermal. The drug is sprayed several times on the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin in order to achieve complete coverage of the affected area with the spray. Sometimes more effective method it turns out to be the creation of lotions from fabric cuts previously moistened with a spray.

Applications for the treatment of angina, tonsillitis and laryngitis

With pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis and other types of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and pharynx, it is most convenient to use the spray. The treatment is carried out one spray 4-6 times a day throughout the entire period of the disease - this dosage is standard and suitable for all patients, but it can be adjusted by the attending physician. It should be understood that this form of the drug has clear advantages:

  • accurate dosing, which makes the use of the product harmless in childhood;
  • economical consumption;
  • high efficiency due to point local impact.

When irrigating the throat, it is worth preparing for the fact that the drug has a specific aroma and taste, and can also provoke a slight burning sensation. That is why spraying sometimes provokes a gag reflex.

From what age can the medicine be used for children?

The instructions for use of the drug indicate that it can be used only after reaching the age of 5 years. This limitation is due to several factors. So, for children, especially up to a year, the form of drug administration spray is dangerous with a high degree of probability of the formation of laryngospasm. Secondly, iodine easily penetrates into the general bloodstream and easily spreads throughout the body, which, given the small weight of the baby, increases the risk of developing an overdose reaction. In addition, Lugol is a rather active drug, and in children it can cause irritation and even burns of the mucosa. For children over 5 years old, the usual dosage is 1 injection three times a day.

Is it possible to swallow Lugol spray?

Spray Lugol is intended for topical use, but given that it processes the oral cavity, the likelihood of swallowing is not excluded. It should be understood that a slight ingestion of the composition into the digestive system, although undesirable, will not cause harm. Only swallowing the drug in large volumes, which can cause severe irritation and burns of the mucous membrane, is considered dangerous.

Lugol during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The instructions for the drug clearly indicate that its use may pose a potential hazard to the developing fetus, but only if it is used. future mother in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy and for a period exceeding 4 days. The local action of the drug makes possible its short-term use on early dates pregnancy.

Concerning breastfeeding, then the use of Lugol will have to be abandoned. Iodine (especially when the dosage is exceeded) passes into breast milk, and can potentially affect the function of the baby's thyroid gland.

Overdose and side effects

Given the specifics of the form of the drug under consideration and the experience of its use by patients, the occurrence of an overdose situation is unlikely. But in the event that the drug accidentally enters the body in large quantities, unpleasant consequences may occur:

  • severe irritation respiratory tract, which threatens with a chemical burn and the development of spasm;
  • upon penetration into the digestive tract, there is a pronounced irritation of the mucous membranes and a violation of the thyroid gland may occur.

An overdose is treated by the standard method - gastric lavage or intravenous administration of an iodine neutralizing agent (sodium thiosulfate).

Prolonged use also threatens the development of side effects from the drug, namely, an allergic reaction. It can manifest itself as a skin rash, runny nose, swelling of the respiratory tract, increased excretion tears and saliva. If you experience any of the above symptoms, it is recommended that you seek medical attention immediately.


The first point in contraindications to the spray is an individual intolerance to products with iodine. Also, the restrictions include:

  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • dermatitis on the background of herpes;
  • thyroid disorders.

The use of the product on the skin is prohibited in the presence of acne, boils and urticaria.


Spray Lugol is many times more expensive than a simple solution, but still its price remains affordable for most patients, especially compared to other remedies prescribed for sore throat. The spray is produced by various companies, and the product itself remains completely replaceable. So, on the shelves of pharmacies you can find drugs manufactured by Lekar (Russia), Valensis (Lithuania), Vialine from IPOK Cosmetics (Russia), etc.

Lugol has no analogues in composition, therefore, only a few products can be distinguished that can also be used as antiseptics in case of infection of the oral and throat mucosa: Ajisept, Vokasept, Geksoral, Rinza, AngiSept, Hepilor, etc.

Lugol is a local antiseptic drug.

Release form and composition

Lugol is produced in the form of a spray for topical use (25, 30, 50, 60 g in bottles, 1 bottle in a cardboard box complete with a sprayer and dispenser).

The composition of 100 g of the drug includes:

  • Active substance: iodine - 1 g;
  • Auxiliary components: glycerol - 94 g; potassium iodide - 2 g; purified water - 3 g.

Indications for use

Lugol is prescribed for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and oral cavity in adults and children.


Lugol is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The use of the drug by pregnant women is not recommended. During breastfeeding, Lugol can be used only in cases where the potential health benefits of the mother are higher than the risks to the child.

Caution should be observed when using the drug in patients with dermatitis herpetiformis, thyrotoxicosis and decompensated kidney and liver diseases.

Method of application and dosage

Lugol apply the place. The spray is sprayed with one touch of the spray head, irrigating the mucous membranes of the pharynx, the membranes of the mouth, and the pharynx. At the time of injection, hold your breath.

Multiplicity of application - 4-6 times a day.

Contact with the drug in the eyes should not be allowed. If this occurs, the eyes should be flushed with sodium thiosulfate solution or plenty of water.

Side effects

During therapy, allergic reactions may develop. With prolonged use, phenomena of iodism can be observed, manifested as salivation and lacrimation, rhinitis, angioedema, urticaria, acne.

special instructions

Before starting the use of Lugol, as well as in cases of development of uncharacteristic symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Temperatures above 40°C and sunlight accelerate the breakdown of active iodine.

drug interaction

Iodine, which is part of Lugol, oxidizes metals, which can lead to damage to metal objects.

Iodine is inactivated by sodium thiosulfate.

The drug is pharmaceutically incompatible with ammonia solutions and essential oils. An acidic or alkaline environment, the presence of pus, fat and blood weaken Lugol's antiseptic activity.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a place protected from light, out of the reach of children, at temperatures up to 25 °C.

There are many medications available to help deal with this problem. One of the most common, as well as effective, is Lugol.

This is a rather old and proven remedy for years, used in adults, children with various inflammatory, purulent processes in the pharynx, oral cavity. Its antiseptic properties help to cope with various types bacteria that cause serious illness.

Composition, release form, packaging

The active ingredient in Lugol's preparation is water solution iodine. To mitigate the effect, another component, glycerin, has been added to the composition of the drug. Potassium iodide, which ensures maximum dissolution of iodine, can also be attributed to auxiliary substances.

Lugol is a half-transparent liquid of bright orange or brown color. To date, the drug Lugol is available only in the form of a solution.

The concentration of iodine in the solution can be 1% or 1.25%. The solution is bottled in tinted glass bottles with a volume of 20 to 60 ml and placed in a cardboard box. Lugol can also be released in a spray format.


In pharmacies, the drug is mainly produced by two well-known manufacturers. This is the Russian "Lekar" and the Lithuanian "Valentis". The Lekar company produces the product in dark bottles of various capacities (25-60 ml), while the Lithuanian pharmaceutical company only has a volume of 50 ml.


Most often, Lugol is prescribed for the detection of inflammatory, infectious processes in the oral cavity, larynx and pharynx. This drug is used mainly for uncomplicated.


Apply Lugol with angina is contraindicated for people who are hypersensitive to the components of the drug. Most often, adverse reactions are caused by molecular iodine, but if other components are intolerant, the drug should not be used either.

With caution, Lugol is prescribed to patients with kidney or liver disease, as well as (herpetiform), thyrotoxicosis.

During pregnancy, the drug poses a serious risk to the developing fetus, especially during the 2nd-3rd trimester of pregnancy when used for more than 4 days. Molecular iodine is able to penetrate into milk, then affect the performance of the thyroid gland in an infant. Therefore, its use by nursing mothers is not recommended.

Mechanism of action

The drug has a powerful antibacterial, antiseptic effect. Lugol works with both gram-negative and gram-positive flora. It is able to destroy pathogenic microorganisms, including yeast fungi. With proper use, even those resistant to iodine preparations die.

With angina, it is most convenient to purchase Lugol spray. The medicine is evenly distributed over the inflamed surface, penetrates into the most inaccessible places. Antimicrobial action begins immediately, so the recovery time is significantly reduced. But since Lugol is medicine, without consulting a doctor, it is not recommended to use it.

How to treat a child's throat with Lugol, see our video:

Instructions for use

Lugol is applied topically several times a day (4-6). In order to anoint the pharynx with Lugol with angina, gauze swabs moistened with a drug are used. The drug has a pungent taste and slightly irritates the surface of the mucous membranes.

Perhaps that is why it will be necessary to process in several approaches if the area of ​​\u200b\u200binflammation is extensive. With sore throat with follicles, traces of pus remain on cotton or gauze swabs.

Applying the drug in the form of a spray is much easier. It is sprayed gently into the oral cavity (about 4-5 injections in different directions are enough). At the time of treatment, you should hold your breath for a few seconds to avoid getting the product into the upper respiratory tract. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days.

It is necessary to prevent the medicine from getting into the eyes. If it was not possible to avoid such a nuisance, you should immediately rinse your eyes with plenty of water or a special solution of sodium sulfate.

How to use Lugol correctly

Side effects

Although Lugol has practically no contraindications, it can cause a number of some side effects:

  • lacrimation;
  • rhinitis;
  • hypersalivation;

Almost all side effects are signs. If any of these reactions take place, you should immediately stop using the drug, seek the advice of a doctor.


With excessive use of Lugol as a cure for angina, the following symptoms may appear:

  • irritation of the upper respiratory tract;
  • or trachea;
  • if ingested, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • laryngobronchospasm;
  • signs of hemolysis and its further development;
  • 300 ml of the drug is considered a lethal dose.

In case of an overdose, the treatment is as follows: gastric lavage with solutions of sodium bicarbonate and thiosulfate. Also, 30% sodium thiosulfate is administered intravenously (about 300 ml).

special instructions

When treating large areas of mucous or skin drug, its rapid absorption into the bloodstream is possible, followed by the deposition of excess iodine in the thyroid gland.

This information is important for people with diseases of this organ.

Lugol is not able to influence the functioning nervous system therefore, activities that require concentration of attention during treatment are not contraindicated.

Driving Vehicle also allowed.

drug interaction

With the simultaneous use of Lugol's solution with drugs containing sodium thiosulfate, the effect of the application is reduced to almost zero. Pus, blood on the surface of the mucous membranes with angina also reduce the effectiveness of the remedy.

Iodine, which is part of Lugol, is able to oxidize metals, therefore it is completely incompatible with medicines containing various metal compounds. Also, the product is not recommended for use with essential oils, as well as pharmaceutical solutions of ammonia.

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