Osho Zen Tarot Spreads. Osho Zen Tarot - my book and cards

landscaping 31.03.2022

The Zen Osho Tarot deck was created based on the teachings of Osho. It stands apart from the classic decks and has a special purpose. Let's talk about the features of such cards and how to work with them correctly.

The Osho Zen Tarot deck was created by the followers of the great Teacher after his death in 1995. The author of the drawings for the major and minor arcana was Ma Deva Padma.

For reference: Osho is a well-known spiritual leader in certain circles, who founded his own religious and spiritual movement.

What is the difference between the Osho deck and all the others:

  • The purpose of any fortune-telling is to know the state of a person at the current moment in time. It is believed that it is the state of affairs "in the moment" that has the greatest impact on the future.
  • With this deck, you cannot learn about the past or predict the future, but you can get hints. For example, what should be given special attention, how to prioritize correctly.

If you are a fan of traditional tarot divination, this deck is not for you. But if you need to know yourself and advance deeper in spiritual development, the cards will tell you how to do this.

Differences between the Osho deck and the classic ones

Before you start guessing, you need to understand the main differences between the deck and other Tarot.

The differences are:

  • The names of some arcana differ. For example, the Priestess card in the Tarot deck is the Inner Voice, the Empress is Creativity. But most of the names of the arcana still coincide with the traditional ones.
  • There is no division of the minor arcana into suits and elements, there is no digital classification. There are no Swords and Cups in the Osho deck, but there are Scepters and Denarii. Instead of the usual Twos, Threes and Aces - Trust, Friendliness, Healing.

And finally, the interpretation of cards in fortune-telling layouts is radically different. There is nothing to do with the classical interpretation. Therefore, you should carefully study the decoding of the arcana after purchasing the deck.

How to read Osho Zen Tarot?

The Osho deck is quite unusual. Therefore, if you want to make a layout, you need to know how to do it right.

There are several important points:

  • If the purpose of fortune-telling is to find out the future or reveal the secrets of the past, use a different, classic deck. Osho cards can only tell about the present.
  • The Osho deck is an excellent assistant in spiritual development. Use the cards if you are striving for self-knowledge, spiritual growth, want to know yourself more deeply, determine the source of your emotions and feelings, and understand how they can affect your life as a whole.
  • Classic spreads are not suitable for this deck. You can use special, modified layout options. For example, "Seven Chakras", "Card of the Day" or "Celtic Cross".
  • You can also use the cards for meditation practices.

What problems will the Osho deck help solve:

  • Understand relationships with the opposite sex or improve the union with your current partner. Determine what in your inner state affects your personal life.
  • It is better to understand yourself and to know the world around you in all its manifestations.
  • Get a complete and detailed description of the individual.
  • Work out karma: find out about the presence of karmic debts that need to be worked out, understand your purpose, and so on.
  • Aura Diagnosis: The cards will point to problematic chakras and help resolve energy problems.

The Osho deck will not help if you want:

  • Understand financial problems, attract money and prosperity, find a new job, learn how to increase capital, and more.
  • Learn about the future and options for its development.
  • Find out how the trip will end or which country to go to.

To summarize: any issues that are not related to your inner world cannot be worked out using the Osho deck. To do this, use the classic tarot cards.

Watch a video about an overview of the cards of the Osho deck:


The most popular layouts that are made using this deck:

  1. Breakdown of relationships. Helps to understand the essence of relationships with a partner. This applies not only to love affairs, but also to relationships with parents, children, friends, colleagues and business partners.
  2. "One card" layout. Allows you to assess the problem situation and understand its causes. Gives answers to the most important questions. Answers the question: “What mistakes of yours led to the current circumstances in life?”
  3. "Key". Working with the unconscious. This fortune-telling can bring a lot of surprises, because it “reveals” deep psychological problems.
  4. "Instant" layout. Considers the situation that concerns you from the point of view of Buddhist philosophy. Only one card is used, the value of which will be a complete prediction.
  5. "Here and now". Talk about the most relevant event for you today. It will help you understand that there are no accidents. Indicate what your thoughts and feelings influenced the outcome of cases.

Deck Composition

The Osho deck includes:

  1. Major arcana: 22 pieces.
  2. Minor arcana (56 pieces) - 4 suits: Fire, Water, Clouds, Rainbows.

Each card has its own unique name.

Consider the interpretation of the prediction using the example of decoding the Awareness card (major lasso):

  • You live at the minimum of your possibilities. Mistakes of the past and fears of the future hinder development and progress. You do not burn brightly like a fire, but smoke like a candle that is about to go out.
  • You need to work with your thinking, get rid of negative thoughts and attitudes, then most of the problems will go away. You will open the flow of positive energy, and life can change dramatically.
  • You act on the basis of your mind only. But forget to listen to the voice of your soul. Learn to hear yourself inside, to understand the needs not of the brain, but of consciousness. Develop awareness.

Use the Osho deck when you need to understand yourself and your own life. If chaos and anxiety reign in your soul, there are a lot of thoughts, questions too, and the answers do not come by themselves, the magic arcana will help resolve the situation and work with the mind.

▪ Osho Zen Tarot Spreads ▪

22 cards of the Major Arcana exhaust the conceptual stages of knowledge of the world, at least within the framework of human perception. From the first step to the last, of course, understanding that this is conditional. If the cards of the Major Arcana are found in a layout, special attention should be paid to them - the deep tones of the soul vibrate in its eternal Path through time and space. The major lasso is karmic by definition, and this is how it should be interpreted - the transfer of knowledge about eternal truths, transcendental experiences of the soul, movement outside the Ego, needs outside of logic.

The cards of the Lesser Arcana in the layout are no less important than the cards of the Greater - this is the connection of times, spirit and matter. There is no one without the other. The cards of the Minor Arcana will show both positive and negative feedbacks of your destiny. Knowledge of the world does not separate spirit from matter, on the contrary, it unites. In the composition of the Major and Minor Arcana, one should find the center and periphery.

The absence of the Major Arcana cards in the layout does not mean that everything in life is safe and there are no problems at a deep level, perhaps the turnover has so absorbed your entire being that you have lost touch with your spirit.

The abundance of cards of the Major Arcana in the layout, most likely, indicates that a change of course is taking place in your life, a crossroads has arisen, you have to make a difficult choice.

The 56 cards of the Minor Arcana are divided into four suits (fire, water, clouds and rainbow), which are better not to be compared at all with the traditional suits of the classic Tarot.

suit of fire correlates with the descending strength of the spirit. transcendent energy of creation. Higher knowledge.

Water suit personifies the link between everything that happens, susceptibility to the dictates of the spirit, intuition, an irrational understanding of what is happening.

suit of clouds correlates with mental activity, rationality. The image of clouds symbolizes the obscurity of consciousness, somewhere ignorance, somewhere the illusion of matter.

rainbow suit includes such aspects as the joy of being, material wealth, creativity of external forms, interest in life, everything visible that vibrates under the rays of the Sun, creating a kind of bridge between earth and sky.

Golden rules of divination:

1. Be extremely calm, but do not hibernate. Divination is a dialogue with the Absolute.

2. Drop all desires, get ready for any answer, and most importantly - bring it to life. If you find the answer unacceptable for yourself, do not accept it for execution - you will be denied the right to access information forever.

3. Never ask a question again, even if it seems to you that fortune-telling has gone astray - you have been distracted, a card has fallen, etc. What happened is right.

4. Enjoy the very process of divination and deciphering symbols.

5. After completing the divination, warmly thank the Absolute for the information provided.


It is used to clarify any issues, but still you should not use it to find out something global - the meaning of life, marriage, large investments, etc. The “Instant” layout is good where some information is missing or in cases of local predictions, for example, for the coming day, for the upcoming meeting ... Sometimes deep reflections get stuck at some point, “Instant” also helps here.

Osho Zen Tarot Card Spread "Key".

Very good for revealing the deepest psychological causes of events. Somewhere at the very bottom of the subconscious, a block lurked, or, as psychologists say, “repressed material”. This block does not directly give itself away, but invisibly controls a person's life. Blocks can arise both in the present life and in the past, in any case, the “Key” layout will unmistakably show the structure of the block itself and rebound along the main proper areas of the psyche. The final card number 8 will indicate where the person should come after the removal of the block.

1. That which is suppressed
2. The structure of the Anima (the female part of the soul)
3. The structure of the Animus (the male component of the soul)
4. Key Meditation to Remove Blockage
5. Revelation of the body
6. Revelation of the heart
7. Revelation of being
8. Understanding what you need to come to

Osho Zen Tarot Card Spread "Paradox".

It gives excellent results for understanding the general tendencies of the past life and their influence on the present incarnation. Who you were in a past life, the alignment, of course, will not show. You can say this - the “Paradox” alignment reveals the evolutionary results of the past incarnation and that the most valuable thing is to understand the paradoxical conflict between the freedom of the present, your desires and karma.

1. Past incarnation
2. Current incarnation
3. Paradoxical action of karma

Osho Zen Tarot Card Spread "Bird in flight".

It gives an integral picture of mental processes from the perspective of overcoming the conditioning of consciousness by matter. The Bird in Flight layout is especially useful for those striving for spiritual growth, however, for ordinary earthly projects (large projects), it will also provide valuable information, both about the causes of complications and about what should be done. In general, the “left wing” of the alignment reveals aspects of receptivity - female, the “right wing” reveals active volitional aspects - male.

1. Here and now. Rise Map
2. Map of resistance - Fear of flying
3. Ability to respond to fear
4. Inner support (intuition)
5. External support (reasonable actions that respond to intuition)
6. Relaxation and acceptance
7. The arrival of a new level of awareness

Osho Zen Tarot Card Spread "Mirror".

Represents an integral picture of the relationship between two people. It can be spouses, friends, colleagues, relatives... Gives an understanding of connections (bindings), energies of interaction and, most importantly, gains or, on the contrary, losses as a result of these relationships.

1. Your body
2. Your heart
3. Your mind
4. The body of another
5. The heart of another
6. Mind of another
7. External manifestation of your merging (intimacy)
8. Alchemy (transformation) of both of you on the outer plane
9. Material benefit for both of you (Blessing of the world)
10. Inner manifestation of your fusion (intimacy)
11. Alchemy (transformation) of both of you on the spiritual plane
12. Spiritual Benefits for Both of You (Blessing of the World)

Osho Zen Tarot Card Spread "Rhombus".

A more advanced alignment compared to the "Instant". It is used to clarify any issues, both worldly and spiritual. Good for making important decisions.

1 question
2. Inner Influence You Can't See
3. External influence that you are aware of
4. What is needed to solve
5. Decision, understanding the issue

Yuri Yar. Center for Practical Magic "Raido".

Stop thinking about how to get love and start giving. By giving, you receive. There is no other way... Osho

When you think you are deceiving others, you are only deceiving yourself. Osho.

If you have lied once, then you will be forced to lie a thousand and one times to cover up the first lie. Osho.

When you are sick, call a doctor. But most importantly, call those who love you, because there is no medicine more important than love. Osho.

The head is always thinking about how to get more; the heart always feels like giving more. Osho.

No one has to follow anyone, everyone has to go into their own soul. Osho.

Don't run from yourself, you can't be anyone else. Osho.

Before knocking on the right door, a person knocks on thousands of wrong doors. Osho.

Love is patient, everything else is impatient. Passion is impatient; love is patient. Once you understand that patience means love, you understand everything. Osho.

Miracles happen every moment. Nothing else happens. Osho.

Don't take life as a problem, it's a mystery of amazing beauty. Drink from it, it's pure wine! Be full of it! Osho.

Get out of your head and into your heart. Think less and feel more. Do not get attached to thoughts, immerse yourself in sensations... Then your heart will come to life. Osho

Inside every old person there is a young person wondering what happened. Osho.

Until you can say "no", your "yes" will not make any sense. Osho

Bliss is the only criterion for life. If you do not feel that life is bliss, then know that you are going in the wrong direction. Osho.

Only occasionally, very rarely, do you allow someone to enter you. That is what love is. Osho.

Just watch why you create a problem. The solution to the problem is at the very beginning, when you first create it - don't create it! You don't have any problems - just understand that.

The only person on earth we have the power to change is ourselves Osho.

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end, it only matters whether you are a happy person or not? Osho.

A woman in love with you can inspire you to such heights that you never even dreamed of. And she asks for nothing in return. She just needs love. And this is her natural right. Osho.

I don't have any biography. And everything that is considered a biography is absolutely meaningless. When I was born, in what country I was born - it does not matter. Osho.

The greatest fear in the world is fear of the opinions of others. The moment you are not afraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar resounds in your heart - the roar of freedom. Osho.

The most inhuman act that a person can commit is to turn someone into a thing. Osho.

Learn to laugh more. Laughter is as sacred as prayer. Your laughter will open a thousand and one roses in you. Osho.

To fall is a part of Life, to rise to one's feet is its Living. Being Alive is a Gift, and being Happy is your CHOICE. Osho.

Don't expect perfection, and don't ask or demand it. Love ordinary people. There is nothing wrong with ordinary people. Ordinary people are extraordinary. Every person is so unique. Respect this uniqueness. Osho.

People believe in the immortality of the soul, not because they know, but because they are afraid. The more cowardly a person is, the more likely it is that he believes in the immortality of the soul - not because he is religious; he's just a coward. Osho.

Sin is when you don't enjoy life. Osho.

In this very moment, you can drop all problems because they are all created by you. Osho.

To die for anyone, for anything, is the easiest thing in the world. Living for anything is the hardest thing. Osho.

Make life around you beautiful. And let every person feel that meeting with you is a gift. Osho.

Everything that is experienced can be stepped over; what is suppressed cannot be overcome. Osho.

Reasons are within ourselves, outside are just excuses... Osho

If you can wait forever, you don't have to wait at all. Osho.

Without you, this universe will lose some poetry, some beauty: there will be a lack of song, there will be a lack of notes, there will be an empty gap. Osho.

Suffering is the result of taking life seriously; bliss is the result of the game. Take life as a game, enjoy it. Osho.

If you can't say "No", your "Yes" is worthless too. Osho.

If you are calm, the whole world becomes calm for you. It's like a reflection. Everything that you are is fully reflected. Everyone becomes a mirror. Osho.

If you don't change right now, you will never change. No need for endless promises. You either change or you don't, but be honest. Osho.

The child comes clean, nothing is written on it; there is no indication of who he should be - all dimensions are open to him. And the first thing to understand is that a child is not a thing, a child is a being. Osho

Any borrowed truth is a lie. Until it is experienced by yourself, it is never true. Osho.

Don't teach others, don't try to change them. It is enough that you change yourself - this will be your message. Osho.

What's wrong with someone laughing for no reason? Why do you need a reason to laugh? A reason is needed to be unhappy; you don't need a reason to be happy. Osho.

Osho Zen Tarot are not traditional tarot in the sense that you play with predictions. Rather, they are an all-encompassing Zen play that reflects the moment, representing what is here and now without judgment or comparison. This game awakens you to sensitivity, intuition, compassion, receptivity. The emphasis on mindfulness is something that has been added to the old systems and old ideas about tarot. You will see this for yourself once you start working with the Osho Zen Tarot cards.

Obviously, while you can ask the tarot about anything, it is really a vehicle for revealing what you already know. Any card drawn in response to a question is a direct reflection of what you are unable or unwilling to realize at that time. But only through awareness (without judgment as right or wrong) from a position of non-involvement can you begin to most fully live your ups and downs - the whole spectrum of your colorful existence.

Remember to stay in the moment as you choose the cards, allowing your inner response to bring clarity to your outer circumstances. Be creative - the possibilities are endless. Be as silent and focused as possible. The deeper you understand this process as a gift for your individual development, the more meaning you will find in these messages.

In practice, you will make sure that the images of Osho Zen Tarot are alive. Their impact is undeniable. They speak to us in a language understood by our deepest being. They awaken understanding. They bring clarity.

On these pages of our site there are several layouts, or models, with which you can play. Be as silent and focused as possible. The deeper you understand this process as a gift for your individual development, the more meaning you will find in these messages.

For thirty years, talking with friends and students, Osho answered questions, commented on the teachings of the great sages and scriptures.
His conversations make you take a fresh look at everything - from the writings of the Vedas to the familiar sayings of Jesus. He speaks equally authoritatively of Hasidim, Sufis, Bauls, Yogis, and Buddhists. Ultimately, Osho focuses on transmitting the unique wisdom of Zen, because he considers Zen to be a spiritual tradition whose approach to the inner life of a person has stood the test of time and is important for modern humanity.
Unlike other religions that have fallen prey to cult and dogmatism, Zen insists on the unique ability of each person to achieve enlightenment or freedom from the delusions of ego created by the mind. The teaching claims that this ability can be realized only through meditation - neither by following certain rituals, nor by adherence to rules, nor by imitation of other people, even the most worthy, but only by vigilance and non-judicial attention to one's own thoughts, actions and feelings.
When we practice this vigilance, this meditative approach to life, it soon brings us the realization that in every person there is a constant, unchanging, unflappable center of observation, a center that has the ability to see life as a great adventure, a game, a school of mystery, and, finally, a blissful journey with the sole purpose of enjoying every step of the way. According to Osho, this ability not to worship the buddhas but to become a buddha, not to follow others but develop awareness within ourselves, can bring a quality of light and love into everything we do. Osho has always been more than just a speaker or a philosopher. For the friends around him, he created an atmosphere in which the truths he preached could become direct experience. Traveling with Osho does not mean retreating to the mountains, leading an ascetic life and moving away from the bustle of the world. On the contrary, it means dedicating oneself completely to the task of awakening through a variety of meditation techniques, body healing and psychological therapy, laughter, play, and a healthy combination of creativity and physical labor.

Washing floors can be as much meditation as sitting silently in the presence of a Master, and arguing about kitchen duty is as essential as understanding the Diamond Sutra of Gautama Buddha. Even the vicissitudes of love relationships play a role in the journey of discovery. It was in an effort to contemplate life as a whole that these tarot cards were created. And they are dedicated to the buddha within each of us.

Buddha is not anybody's monopoly, nobody owns it. This is the secret essence of everyone.
You don't have to be a Buddhist to be a Buddha. Buddhahood transcends all religions; it is the right of everyone from birth. Let it come to you, into your daily activities, so that everything in your life becomes meditation, grace, beauty and benediction.
Osho No-mind: flowers of eternity.
Ma Deva Sarito

Tarot cards have been around for thousands of years since ancient Egypt, or even much earlier. For the first time in the West, tarot began to be used in the Middle Ages. In those troubled times, tarot images were used as a code in the transmission of the teachings of the medieval secret schools. At different times, tarot was used in different ways - to predict the future, as a "salon" game, as a way to obtain invisible occult information about various situations. Some sources say that the number of cards is equal to the number of steps taken after the birth of the child Siddhartha, who later became Gautama Buddha. He walked seven steps forward and seven steps back in each of the four main directions, says the legend, and this became the model for the minor cards in the tarot. In addition to these 56 Minor Arcana cards, the tarot includes an additional 22 cards, or Major Arcana, which tell the full story of a person's spiritual journey. From the first innocent step of the Fool to the culmination of the journey represented by the card of Completion, we find in the Major Arcana the archetypal images that bind us all as human beings. They tell of a journey of self-discovery that is completely unique to everyone, regardless of race, gender, class or religion.
In the traditional tarot deck, this journey of self-discovery seemed to be a kind of spiral, leading with the Completion of each turn to a new level of the path, to a new beginning with the next entry of the Fool. But a Master card has been added to this deck. This card allows us to leave the spiral, jump out of the wheel of death and birth. The card of the Master symbolizes the highest transcendence of the journey itself, a transcendence that becomes possible only through the disappearance of the separate individual ego in enlightenment.
Definitely Osho Zen Tarot are not traditional tarot in the sense that you are playing with predictions. Rather, they are an all-encompassing Zen play that reflects the moment, representing what is here and now without judgment or comparison. This game awakens you to sensitivity, intuition, compassion, receptivity. The emphasis on mindfulness is something that has been added to the old systems and old ideas about tarot. You will see this for yourself once you start working with the Osho Zen Tarot cards.

These 22 cards of the deck are numbered with Roman numerals from 0 to XXI. They represent the central, archetypal stages of a person's spiritual journey. The Master's card, symbolizing transcendence, has no number.
When a Major Arcana card appears in a spread, it has a special transcendent and deep significance compared to the cards of the Minor Arcana. She tells how our current circumstances give us the opportunity to explore one of the central themes of our individual spiritual journey. This is especially useful in exploring other cards in relation to the central theme. For example: “What does the fact that I worked too hard (Exhaustion) tell me about my need to express myself (Creativity)? How am I hindering my creative progress by wasting all my energy on making the “machine” work? If there are no Major Arcana cards in the spread, most likely the current situation is a passing subplot of a larger play in your life. This does not mean that it is unimportant, or that it is stupid to worry about it. But the very absence of the Major Arcana cards may remind you that “this too shall pass,” and you may later wonder just how much fuss there was about this.

Finally, if there are Major Arcana cards in the spread, this may indicate that there is a significant change of scenery and characters in your play. Sometimes the abundance of Major Arcana cards is so overwhelming that you may want to choose just one of them - the one that strikes you with the clarity of the message - as the basis of a new interpretation to help you understand what you are facing.

These 56 cards are divided into four suits, representing the four elements, each of which is marked with a diamond of a special color and the dominant color of the suit. The cards of the Water suit have a blue diamond, the Fire suit has a red diamond, the Clouds have a gray diamond, and the Rainbow has a rainbow diamond. Each tarot suit contains "court cards" (similar to "king", "queen" or "jack" in a regular deck of playing cards). Their hierarchy has no meaning in this case, but is needed only in order to represent the various possibilities of owning the four elements in which they are located.
The suit of Fire corresponds to the Wands of the traditional tarot and represents the area of ​​action and reaction - the energy that draws us into a situation and then takes us out of it. When we follow our intuition rather than our mind or emotions.
The Water suit replaces the traditional Cups, representing the emotional side of life. This is a more "feminine" and receptive energy than Fire.
Clouds were chosen to replace Swords, the traditional suit of air representing the mind. This is because the nature of the unenlightened mind is like clouds in the sense that it blocks the path of light and casts a shadow on our surroundings, preventing us from seeing things as they are. .
But there is also another side of the clouds that needs to be remembered - they come and go, and therefore should not be taken too seriously!
Finally, the Rainbow suit in this deck takes the place of the traditional Disk or Pentacle suit representing the Earth element. Traditionally, this is an element representing the practical, material side of life. But in keeping with the Zen approach, in which even the simplest earthly activities contain the opportunity to celebrate the divine, the Rainbow was chosen for this. By using the Rainbow, which connects heaven and earth, matter and spirit, we remind ourselves that in reality there is no division between lower and higher, and that in fact it is a continuous flow of common energy. And heaven is not some distant place high in the sky, but a reality waiting to be discovered here on earth. A journey of discovery awaits you, and a path to transcending everything. Walk lightly and playfully from the peaks to the valleys and again to the peaks, enjoying the step of the way. Learn from your mistakes and you can't do wrong.

Fortune telling Osho online for free is the best way to find out what to do in this situation. Osho Zen Tarot allows you to guess for free online, to penetrate into the soul of a person.

This way of predicting the future is very different from any other practice using maps. Those who practice this type of divination are able not only to see the events of the future, but also to determine exactly how to behave in any situation.

Such a ritual will allow you to find out:

  • how to act in a love relationship;
  • how to overcome the crisis;
  • how to resolve the conflict;
  • what drives a person;
  • what needs to be done to achieve success, etc.

A fortuneteller should not be asked questions that relate to money and do not relate to emotional experiences. To help in this situation, the usual deck is not able to. Therefore, if a person asks such a question, he will not receive any information.

Sage Osho was sure that a person already knows what awaits him, how to act in any situation. But this knowledge is hidden by our subconscious and needs to be awakened.

Your task: both at and online - close your eyes, concentrate, clearly pronounce the question to yourself, look at the cards laid out in front of you. Intuitively, you will be drawn to the very picture that will be able to give the right advice.

Zen tarot divination free is not just a standard method of predicting the future. The rite is based on the parables of Osho, which makes it special.

The more you believe in the success of the ritual and are ready to look into your soul to get the right answer, the more accurate the information that the cards will give. Therefore, having concentrated and tuned in to the desired wave, you can begin to conduct the ceremony.

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