Dry food. How to burn subcutaneous fat? Drying nutrition for men and girls Is it possible to eat honey on drying the body

For earthworks 25.03.2022
For earthworks

Drying the body, first of all, involves a gradual decrease in the caloric content of the diet (a deficit of 10 to 30% is created), depending on the progress of fat burning and the ultimate goal of the athlete.

  • Dry food quite strict - you will have to say goodbye to the vast majority of harmful goodies. The first step is to reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates and animal fats. Ideally, remove it altogether.

Diet (drying) also involves the consumption of a sufficient amount of liquid, at least 2.5 liters. If you drink less, metabolic processes will slow down, which in turn will slow down the burning of fat. It is also necessary to observe the drinking regimen because when dehydrated, the blood thickens, which is undesirable for the heart during intense training.

Drink more pure non-carbonated water!

The whole drying process involves mandatory measurements of parameters and weighing of the athlete. If the thickness of the fat folds decreases, and at the same time you lose from 1 to 3 kilograms per month, the diet can be considered effective.

The main rules of drying

In short, drying the body for girls and men is a special principle of nutrition, which is based on the use of mainly low carb And protein food. The diet is gradual reduction of body fat while maintaining muscle mass.

Drying the body is indicated for people who have a sufficient amount of muscle mass, not suffering from obesity.

As a rule, such nutrition is practiced by competing athletes, professional bodybuilders, bodybuilders in order to bring the body into the required form and get into the required weight category. Ideally, athletes lose weight under the supervision of experienced instructors, since the diet is quite strict.

If you decide to “dry out” for yourself, you should remember simple rules:

  1. Start gradually (for a smooth infusion into the process, a special step-by-step guide has been developed, which we will write about below).
  2. Eat small meals 5-6 times a day (every 2-3 hours). Do not eat 2 hours before training and 1.5 hours after (only amino acids and protein). At least 40% of daily protein can be obtained from protein shakes, the remaining 60% from food.
  3. Remember about clean water - at least 30 ml for every 1 kg of body weight (on days of intense training and in the heat, you can have more).
  4. Drying weight loss implies a balanced diet: you need to consume at least 10% of unsaturated fats, fish, Omega-3. Eat cereals, vegetables, nuts, take enough fiber and do not forget about taking vitamin and mineral complexes. The number of fruits and berries for drying is limited, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without vitamins from the store.
  5. During this period, you need to train a lot and diligently, alternating strength exercises with cardio loads. The best option in each case will be a fitness instructor or trainer.
  6. The frequency of the relief diet is no more than 1 time per year.

Only in this case, drying the body at home will be effective and will not have a negative impact on health.

Do's and don'ts for drying: a list of products

During the drying period completely eliminate: confectionery, sweets, pastries, any alcohol, pasta, bread, white rice, smoked, fried and fatty foods, ice cream, mayonnaise and other fatty and sweet sauces, fatty cheese, sausages, canned food, snacks.

In small quantities: cereal cereals, vegetable, olive, flaxseed oil (completely fat-free food - a direct way to the deterioration of metabolism). It can also damage skin and hair. Girls may have problems with the cycle.

Recommended to eat: lean meat (veal, rabbit, chicken breast, turkey), fish, low-fat dairy and sour-milk products, eggs (you can have a lot of protein, a limited amount of yolk), brown and wild rice, beans, lentils, some mushrooms, vegetables and fruits ( in a small amount), greens, sports nutrition.

Drying: menu and meal plan

It is necessary to switch to drying gradually (a sharp transition to protein foods is harmful to your health). To start improving the relief smoothly, developed phased plan to be followed.

  • Drying the body for men and women is somewhat different in drawing up a nutrition scheme: in women, the decrease in carbohydrates is more gradual, and the amount remains slightly larger than in men. The basic principles remain unchanged.

Drying the body for a month. The first stage of the diet

The first stage lasts 4 weeks. BJU - proteins 50%; fats 20%; carbohydrates 30%.

Sample menu:

  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g, whole grain toast, fruit
  • Lunch: steamed fish or stewed breast or beef - 200 g, porridge boiled in water without sugar, milk and butter (any, except white rice) - 100 g, fresh vegetable salad - 100 g
  • Dinner: poultry meat - 150 g, stewed vegetables - 100 g, porridge - 100 g

Second phase (carbohydrate-free)

The second stage lasts only 7 days. BJU - proteins 70%; fats 20%; carbohydrates 10%.

Only complex carbohydrates are allowed (in the morning). Toasts and any bread, even whole grains are excluded, fruits too. The amount of boiled porridge is sharply reduced. Otherwise, you can follow the scheme of the first stage.

Protein salad with squid in 5 minutes

Third stage (removal of water)

Duration - one week (7 days). During this drying period, all carbohydrates are excluded from the menu, and ordinary water is replaced with distilled water. Other products from the first phase remain in limited quantities.

  • Breakfast: fresh vegetable salad - 120 g, boiled egg white - 7 pcs., 1 tbsp. l. a spoonful of any boiled cereal
  • Second breakfast: 2 tbsp. any boiled cereal, chicken breast - 120 g, fresh vegetable
  • Lunch: stewed or steamed fish - 200 g, fresh vegetable salad without salt
  • Afternoon snack: sports nutrition
  • Dinner: boiled or steamed seafood - 200 g, greens

Fourth stage (recovery)


Drying the body for girls at home, as well as for men, is a cardinal measure that should not be resorted to often and unnecessarily. Again, this is usually the lot of athletes preparing for competitions. In addition, only absolutely healthy people can “dry out”.

  • In no case is such a diet allowed for children and adolescents, pregnant and lactating women.

Other contraindications:

  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Yes, drying is effective. Yes, the action plan is simple and clear. Yes, it's inexpensive. There are many advantages, but you should not “get hooked” on this if you are not connected with sports.

Drying body weight is the process of burning subcutaneous fat while maintaining muscle mass.

It was originally used by professional bodybuilders, and is now used by everyone to get rid of extra kilos and give the body relief.

Drying involves a combination of physical activity with proper nutrition. The diet is of great importance and includes a list of certain foods that are different for women of different ages.

For girls, the list of recommended products for consumption will be as follows:

  1. cucumbers
  2. Zucchini
  3. Cabbage fresh or sauerkraut
  4. Various greens, celery
  5. Green/yellow pepper
  6. Boiled poultry meat (without skin)
  7. Boiled lean fish (white) and squid
  8. Boiled eggs (preferably quail), while the number of yolks is more than 2-3 during the day should not be
  9. Skim cheese
  10. Low-fat kefir (in case of intolerance, you can replace fermented baked milk)
  11. Hard cheeses
  12. Macaroni (from durum wheat varieties / wholemeal flour)
  13. Brown rice, unprocessed buckwheat, oatmeal
  14. Mushrooms (but not more than once a week)
  15. Vegetable oils for salad dressing (linseed, olive)
  16. Dried fruits and honey
  17. Clean water (minimum 1.5-2.5 liters daily)
  18. Green and white tea

Strictly prohibited: potatoes / carrots / other root vegetables, products made from first-class wheat flour, milk and yoghurts, sweets (cakes, pastries, milk chocolate), alcohol, smoked meats, mayonnaises and sauces.

The amount of carbohydrates consumed is minimal (about 2 grams per 1 kilo of body weight) and should be gradually reduced (at the final stages of drying, less than 2.5 times than initially).

During the drying period of the body, you can eat dried fruits and honey. From time to time it is allowed to pamper yourself with fruits and berries with a low content of carbohydrates (citrus fruits, strawberries, apricots), natural ice cream, dark chocolate.

However, it is worth remembering that these products are recommended to be eaten only at the beginning of the day, before lunch.

List of products for women

Women from 35-40 years old are recommended a slightly different list of products. This is necessary because over the years, the metabolism in the body loses its intensity and the amount of subcutaneous fat increases.

When drying the body, it is allowed to use:

  1. Lean boiled poultry meat (no skin)
  2. Boiled white fish fillet, squid
  3. Meat broths
  4. Egg white
  5. Unprocessed rice and buckwheat
  6. Only fresh cabbage (especially Beijing)
  7. Fat-free cottage cheese and kefir
  8. Vegetable salads (fresh peppers, cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, etc.)
  9. Any greens
  10. Avocado
  11. Plain water (2 liters per day)
  12. Green tea

The consumption of carbohydrates is minimal, but they cannot be completely excluded.

It is recommended to completely remove from use sweets (except for dried fruits and honey), flour products, white rice, dairy products (except for low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, cheeses), mushrooms, smoked meats and pickles, all kinds of dressings (mayonnaise, sauce, etc.). The use of vegetable oils should be minimal (1-2 teaspoons per day). From fruits, you can leave citrus fruits (especially grapefruits).

Combinations of products for drying the body

For drying the body, not only the name of the consumed products is important, but also their ratio. The main part of the diet must be filled with proteins (50-70%), the consumption of carbohydrates and fats is approximately the same (20-30% each).

On average, drying the body takes 4-5 weeks. In the first week, the amount of carbohydrates consumed will be maximum (about 2 grams per 1 kilo of weight), you need to eat foods that contain a lot of fiber (cereals, vegetables). Gradually, their number decreases (1 gram per 1 kg - in the second week, 0.5 grams per 1 kg - in the next). During this period, the consumption of protein foods increases.

IMPORTANT! In each case, the diet during drying is individual. If there are discomfort, weakness, fatigue, etc., then the diet should be stopped immediately and a gradual increase in carbohydrate intake should be started.

How to dry the body so that it looks perfect? Drying of the body is carried out in 3 stages, and products for drying the body for each stage are selected according to a certain scheme. Rejection of carbohydrates is gradual.

If you do not know how to properly dry the body, you can bring yourself to exhaustion. Drying the body is one of the diets that should be carried out under medical supervision. You cannot overload yourself with physical effort.

To understand how to properly dry the body, you must first imagine what it is? Judging by the name - refusal of liquid? The body really dries up, but the flow of fluid is not limited. From the outside, the one who chose an image similar to life looks like this: an elastic body and muscle relief.

Drying the body is not easy giving up harmful foods and counting calories, although without these actions it is impossible to dry the body. Drying the body is different from a simple diet, which can create a sexy silhouette if you combine physical activity with food restriction. The fat layer is processed into the energy required to create muscle relief. After splitting, it is not displayed.

Those who do not have muscles, albeit not very pumped up, and a fatty layer, will not be able to switch to such a lifestyle. Drying the body for 2-3 weeks is not limited. 2 months of such a diet is the minimum period. At the beginning of the diet, most who decide to use it experience muscle weakness.

This is due to the fact that the body will have to rebuild. It will replenish energy not from carbohydrates - simple and complex, but from protein compounds. The main energy that is required for normal life will be released after the processing of the fat layer.

At the initial stage, you need to take yourself very seriously, constantly analyze your own feelings. With an increase in muscle weakness, the appearance of convulsions, glucose will need to be introduced into the body as an “ambulance”. Otherwise, you can bring the body to a coma.

It is impossible to create an individual schedule for calorie intake for cutting the body. All recommendations are general. Calorie counting is carried out depending on the physique, weight and age. Do not introduce additional fat burners into the body. If the metabolic process is accelerated, then ketone bodies can accumulate in the hematopoietic system. Symptoms of this condition: nausea, weakness, dizziness.

If at this time you do a test for acetonomy - special litmus papers are sold at any pharmacy, then by changing the color of the test it will be possible to understand that acetone is excreted in the urine.

But do not be afraid to try to "dry" the body. Weightlifters and bodybuilders show ideal forms thanks to this diet. The main thing is to adapt to it and understand whether there is enough willpower to follow the required rules by which we dry the body. The diet is divided into several stages.

First, preference is given to foods high in fiber. These include whole grain cereals. You can't skip proteins either. The diet should include lean chicken meat, preferably breast, lean fish, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir, a couple of eggs a week, salad dressing oil. At this stage, fruits and vegetables are not consumed.

Of course, it is impossible to change the habitual diet dramatically. Rebuilt within 1-2 weeks. If we consider the percentage composition of the diet at this stage, it should look like this: half of all food consumed is protein, 20% of fat, which is “extracted” from lean meat and vegetable oil, and the rest is carbohydrates. The right carbohydrates are obtained from raw rice, oatmeal - not in flakes, buckwheat.

Be sure to drink enough water. Women 2-2.5 liters, men up to 4 liters per day. All food should be unsalted. Until the body is completely rebuilt, it is not recommended to proceed to the next stage.

The body has to readjust again. The amount of protein in the diet increases to 80%. But carbohydrates are personally limited. If it is very difficult to tolerate a diet, then energy costs can be replenished by eating bran: wheat, rye or oatmeal.

The calculation of carbohydrates is as follows: 1/1 g / kg of weight.

Fresh vegetables are introduced into the diet: cucumbers and cabbage, tomatoes. Protein products are milk, kefir, hard cheese and cottage cheese. All of the above products have low fat content.

Some nutritionists believe that dairy products should not be consumed when drying the body. But it also depends on the individual tolerance of the diet, and on how the body is dried. For quick weight loss and perfection of the silhouette, or the formation of muscles.

The third stage of drying is carried out with some precautions. You should always carry a bag of sweet juice with you. If weakness, dizziness appears, then this will be a sign that ketone bodies are starting to accumulate. When the juice is drunk, the acetonomia disappears.

The body thus responds to a decrease in carbohydrates by a factor of 3 compared to the previous stage. The food at this stage is low-fat dairy products and skinless chicken breasts. Salt is excluded completely, all drinks are replaced with distilled water.

Additionally, vitamins and minerals from the tablet complex are introduced. A beginner at 3 stages of nutrition requires 9 to 10 weeks. You can not drive yourself into a rigid framework. A beautiful body is wonderful, but maintaining health is more important.

If acetonomia occurs periodically, others feel a sweet smell from the mouth, within a week the body cannot adapt to each stage - the diet must be interrupted and slowly returned to the usual diet.

It should not be forgotten that, despite strict food restrictions, physical activity cannot be abandoned. It is best to work with an instructor who will select a balanced complex that includes cardio, anaerobic and strength exercises. It is preferable to exercise on simulators designed to strengthen muscles of different groups. It is desirable to introduce swimming into the complex of exercises.

Products for drying the body are introduced into the body at least 5 times a day. Such a diet is called the principle of fractional nutrition. It is impossible that the interval between meals was more than 4.5 hours.

If you really want sweets, you can treat yourself to honey. A couple of teaspoons a day, no more. Dark chocolate, which is considered a “health food” for many diets, should not be eaten.

On non-carbohydrate days, you can afford a handful of nuts. Cedar, walnut, cashew. But quite a bit. Before training for 2 hours and after it for about one and a half, you can not eat. It is very important to pay attention to eating before bedtime - the formation of muscle relief depends on it in many ways.

The dinner menu looks something like this: buckwheat with a small piece of steamed chicken breast or 150g of low-fat cottage cheese. Porridge is washed down with distilled water, cottage cheese - with milk. If carbohydrates are introduced into the diet, muscle relief will be lost.

Not everyone can use drying of the body to form a figure. The diet has contraindications. Pregnant and lactating women should not even think about this method of weight support. If the expectant mother was on such a diet, she should be abandoned during gestation.

During endocrine diseases of any type, it is required to choose other methods of losing weight. It is especially dangerous to refuse carbohydrates for people suffering from diabetes or any diabetes. Problems of the hematopoietic system and the gastrointestinal tract exclude the use of a diet for unloading. Drying the body is a diet for healthy people.

All body drying products should be natural. And no hungry days, accelerating the weight loss process. Drying the body is not so much a diet as a struggle for the perfection of one's own body.

Drying the body for girls is a very common technique not only for effectively combating extra pounds and accumulated fat, but also for creating a more embossed and lined body. Previously, this technique was used by athletes-bodybuilders, who were engaged not only to satisfy their aesthetic views, but also seriously participating in international competitions. So, the main goal was to eliminate fat and pump relief and powerful muscles. For this, a special system of nutrition and training was created. Let's look at the principles of carrying out this very drying of the body.

As you know, « Drying the body ”is a set of measures aimed at reducing subcutaneous fat, without sacrificing muscle mass, which, after drying, becomes more prominent.

Principles of body drying

The principles of this technique is to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, which in excess enter the body, accumulate and turn into body fat. But this does not mean that carbohydrates should be completely abandoned, not at all. As you know, carbohydrates are simple and complex, it is precisely the latter that should be emphasized, but simple carbohydrates should be discarded or, in extreme cases, reduced to a minimum, they are the culprits of the problem areas on our figure. In order to control the content of carbohydrates, learn to read, and most importantly, which ones you eat.

In the principles of nutrition, when drying the body, emphasis is placed on protein foods, because protein is the main "builder" of muscle mass. This does not mean at all that, consuming protein, the muscles will begin to swell to unprecedented sizes, like those of bodybuilders, in order to exclude this, the “drying the body for girls” technique focuses on, however, not excluding strength exercises, but reducing the load level and increasing the number of repetitions .

Drying the body for girls at home - basic rules

In the method of drying the body for girls, there are basic rules, if you do not follow the complete system of which you will never be able to achieve positive results.

  • Fractional nutrition. Perhaps, both the method of drying the body is based on fractional nutrition. Your daily diet should be divided into 5-6 meals. They should be distributed in such a way that you have time to eat two hours before and two hours after the scheduled workout, as well as the last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime. It is very important!
  • BJU. Drying nutrition principles focus on protein foods. The foods consumed should be low in carbohydrates, especially simple and fats, especially saturated ones.
  • Water consumption. Although the technique is called "drying the body", this in no way concerns the amount of water consumed, because the body is dried from fat, while in no case violating water balance in the body. To do this, you need to consume at least 2-2.5 liters per day. water.
  • Calorie count. First you need, and then strictly control their daily consumption. This should be consumed with various dishes and foods separately.
  • Cardio loads. Drying the body does not stop at one nutrition system, it needs to be supported by physical activity, namely, intensive cardio training, alternating with light power loads to keep muscles in good shape.

What foods can you eat while drying the body?

When following nutrition for drying the body, it is important what foods you eat in your daily diet, let's take a closer look at which of them are acceptable when following a diet.


  • egg whites;
  • chicken breast;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • lean beef;
  • cottage cheese;
  • kefir (no more than 500g per day);
  • milk (no more than 100 ml per day)

Carbohydrates (complex):

  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • legumes (beans, lentils, peas);
  • pasta made from whole grain flour;
  • vegetables (cucumbers, celery, carrots);
  • fruits and berries (strictly in moderation and careful calculation of calories).

Fats (unsaturated):

  • fatty fish (salmon, trout, catfish) (no more than 2 times a week);
  • nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds) (observing the total calorie content of the diet);
  • oil (refined sunflower, olive, linseed).

This, of course, is not a complete list of products that are allowed during drying, you can safely add it with other names, while taking into account all the principles and basics of drying the body. Just do not forget to stick to the right amount of calories, their consumption should be less than their consumption.

Drying the body - prohibited foods

Forbidden products during drying of the body are any sweets (sweets, cookies, cakes, sweet drinks, etc.) you can replace them with fruits and honey, but do not forget the sense of proportion and the total daily calorie intake. Flour products and pastries are also prohibited, forget about your favorite pies, buns and cakes, believe me, “tastier” than a slender body, there can be nothing! Forget about canned and semi-finished products in general, after reading the composition on the label, you will understand why.

Drying workouts for women

As we have already found out during sports when drying the body, girls need to focus on cardio training, however, in order for the body not to seem sagging and exhausted after the drying process, it is necessary to add strength loads to intensive cardio. However, here you need to know the measure, you should not take huge weights and make the load too heavy, unless of course your goal is to build muscle.

Running, cycling, swimming, doing exercises are perfect as cardio loads. It can also be fitness, aerobics and step aerobics, which in their structure already alternate between strength and cardio loads. Also, yoga, body flex and tai-bo are becoming increasingly popular, during which you will not only use cardio, but also be able to keep your muscles in good shape.

As you can see, the variety of sports suitable for drying is very large, so you can choose the one that suits your tastes and preferences. Do cardio at home, in gyms, fitness centers or just on the street running or cycling distances.

Contraindications for body drying

  • various kidney diseases;
  • liver disease;
  • disorders of the pancreas and the gastrointestinal tract in general;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the immune system;
  • diabetic;
  • postoperative or postpartum periods;
  • lactation period.

The very first question that arises for those who want to lose excess fat and maintain muscle mass is what do they eat when drying the body?

Indeed, all these newfangled diets - with counting carbohydrates and fats, high in protein and fiber, detox diets and fasting days - are very complex and confusing. The diet should be simple and affordable, and ideally come down to two concepts - what is possible, what is not possible when drying the body. By eating the right foods and following a few simple rules, you can quickly lose weight (more precisely, fat cells) while maintaining muscle mass. At the same time, all diet recipes are prepared easily and quickly, and most of the products are publicly available.

General drying rules

The main rule of drying is simple - eat fewer calories than the body burns during the day. The best way to do this is through diet and exercise.

The second important rule is to eat often (5-6 times a day) in small portions. This means that you should have 3 full meals and 2-3 snacks, between which there should be about 3 hours.

What can you eat while drying the body?

Foods that can be consumed throughout the day in unlimited quantities:

  • Spinach;
  • Celery;
  • cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower);
  • Green lettuce and other leafy vegetables;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • cucumbers;
  • Apples;
  • Green beans.

Foods that can be consumed in the amount of two to four servings per day:

  • Carrot;
  • Bananas;
  • Plums and peaches;
  • Citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, grapefruits);
  • Any berries and fruits that you like.

Products that can be consumed with each meal in the amount of 100-170 grams:

  • Chicken or turkey fillet (breast is best, it has less fat);
  • Lean pork or beef;
  • A fish;
  • Eggs.

All this is best steamed, grilled, or stewed. When drying the body, it is best to avoid fried or breaded foods.

If you list what products you can dry the body for girls, then it is better to exclude dairy products from the list. However, if you cannot do without them, then eat them during snacks.

Here are some examples of healthy snacks:

  1. Nuts (walnuts, cashews, almonds);
  2. Peanut butter without added sugar and salt;
  3. natural yogurt;
  4. Skim cheese;
  5. Low fat milk.

There are different opinions about whether it is possible to dry the body nuts. But most experts believe that they should still be included in the diet, as they have a high energy value and allow you to fight bouts of hunger. Eat 10-15 nuts per meal as a snack.

Foods that should be consumed in very limited quantities (preferably only after a workout):

  • Oatmeal and oatmeal;
  • Brown rice;
  • legumes and grain products;
  • Potatoes;
  • Whole wheat bread and pasta.

And don't forget bran. On drying the body, this will be reflected extremely positively.

Products that should be completely abandoned or consumed very rarely and in limited quantities:

  • Butter;
  • Mayonnaise and other oil or fat salad dressings.

Products that should be strictly excluded:

  • Carbonated drinks (kilograms of sugar and empty calories);
  • Alcohol (increases appetite and leads to overeating, in addition, it is also very high in calories);
  • Sugar, including in the composition of finished products and dishes;
  • Fast food food.

Approximate diet for weight loss and body fat

6h. 00 min. Cardio workout

7h. 30 minutes. Omelette cooked without oil, with the addition of onions and sweet peppers. 1 whole grain toast. A plate of fruits or berries. A cup of coffee without milk and sugar.

10 a.m. 30 minutes. A handful of almonds, an apple.

13h. 00 min. Grilled chicken breast. Large bowl of cucumber, spinach and celery salad. You can season with lemon, vinegar, Italian herbs.

16h. 00 min. Walnuts (about 8-10 pieces), orange or grapefruit.

18h. 30 minutes. Grilled lean meat steak, garnished with stewed asparagus, tomato and lettuce salad, a little bit of sauce.

21h. 00 min. Four celery sprouts with peanut butter.

This is an exemplary diet that shows what you can eat while drying the body. You can replace the products in this diet with similar ones from the list that we have offered you.

And a few more important points:

Drink a large glass of clean water before every meal and snack.

Prepare food for the next week. For example, on Sunday. This is much easier to do if the diet contains repetitive dishes every day.

Keep a food diary where you write down your menu and how much weight you have lost. Normally, you should lose about a kilogram per week. If your indicators are less, give up the third snack.

Knowing what you can eat on drying the body, you can easily get the figure of your dreams with minimal effort!

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