In the role of a poor relative, or how to breed a man for money. An easy way to breed men for money How women breed men for money

Tile 25.03.2022

The recommendations below are designed for those women who believe that a man for a woman for money should constantly make expensive gifts and provide the better half of humanity with everything necessary for a comfortable life.

However, modern representatives of the stronger sex do not quite share this opinion. And even those who have diamonds in kilograms are in no hurry to part with their savings, so let's talk about the average. Therefore, women constantly have to contrive and prove to men the opposite.

Let's say right away that any woman can promote a man for money. It's all about skills and special internal beliefs that do not depend on external data, age, intelligence or status.

However, our advice applies only to real men, strong and independent. But first, change your attitude towards the process itself. Do you want to know how to properly breed a man for money?

Then remember the basic rules of behavior, and especially what you absolutely cannot do in the process of unwinding!

1. The first rule is the most important. It's not even a rule, but a feeling. Self-esteem

Never beg or whine, do not complain about the hard life and low wages. If you want to master the art of divorcing men, then forget about self-pity. In addition to the fact that a woman should always look successful and independent, she should allow herself to have everything that she wants. It’s trite, but it’s like in an advertisement for famous cosmetics: “After all, you deserve it!”. Be worthy of all the blessings that a man should give you.

2. A man must understand that next to him is a treasure that needs proper care and careful handling.

Therefore, you should not fall into a fit of violent joy about a small gift. Let's understand men that you are attracted to chic and expensive things. At the same time, you should not rush to extremes, neglecting the small, just always be open to more.

3. To divorce your man for money, you don’t need to pretend to be a poor orphan, whose fate is so unfavorable

Men are not capable of deep feelings and sentimentalism, especially those whose wallets are cramped. At best, he will rejoice at unspeakable happiness and will think that a woman deprived of much in life will be content with small handouts.

4. Kill the feeling of pity for men

Never plant in your thoughts the seeds of groundless pity and thoughts of inconvenience because a man gets money by hard work. The fact that a man works and earns is the norm, not a feat! A real husband, a man is simply obliged to have a beautiful lady next to him, and in the same way he is obliged to satisfy her whims.

5. Don't go from being a bitch to being a spoiled doll.

Being able to lure money does not mean being capricious and turning up your nose in front of gifts. Men do not like spoiled women. For each present, you need to thank your fan so that he understands that you always have to pay for pleasure. If you only demand without stopping and give nothing in return, a man will very quickly find himself less obstinate.

6. Conversely, never show that you are unworthy or cannot afford something.

For example, in the store you see a cool handbag from the new collection. You should not look sad and say with regret that you will never be able to afford one. Maybe a man will buy this handbag this time, but for himself he will brand you as a loser. It is better to say that you want this thing directly. A real man will not allow himself to fall in your eyes and will agree.

7. Feel free to take and ask for money

Accept unconditionally the fact that a man earns money to spend it. He can spend his savings on cars, apartments, on another woman or on you, the one who will give him unforgettable moments of happiness and joy.

8. In the matter of money, stick to the golden mean.

On a first date, you should not be interested in the size of a man’s earnings, as well as the value of his property. In the future, try not to pronounce the word money at all, pretending that they are by and large not interested in you. Your man must be sure that he himself is interesting, and not his money, even if this is not entirely true.

9. Show your independence

For example, you went with a man to a restaurant. When the waiter brings the bill, try to take it first, intending to pay in full. Strong and confident men like independent women like themselves. And, even if there is some risk here, it is better to part with a certain amount and immediately check the man for greed, rather than spend your precious time communicating with him. In fact, a real man would never let a woman pay the bill.

10. Don't be easy prey

Competent promotion for money implies further relationships. Easy prey attracts men, but not for long. If a fan invited you after a date to drink a cup of coffee or watch an interesting movie together, it’s better to politely refuse. You need to make it clear to him that you are not one of those with whom he is used to dealing. Remember, you are a valuable trophy, and in order to get you, he will have to fork out well. Well, you know how to properly promote a man for money, so everything will work out for you!

A conversation between two blondes:
- You know, I managed to breed mine for a new mink coat, I gave it today!
- Awesome!!!
- And yesterday he gave me an expensive diamond necklace!
- Awesome!!!
“And this week, a new sports car!”
- Awesome!!!
- What's new with you?
“Yeah, I just finished attending courtesy classes. There they taught me instead of “It’s good to pour!” say "Awesome!!!"

Remember when your beloved man gave you a valuable gift for the last time? For birthday? On the eighth of March? Or maybe last New Year's? Surely among you there will be those to whom nothing special happened during these holidays. And all because some men either do not realize that we need attention in the form of pleasant presents, or simply do not want to spend money. So you have to, like that blonde from a joke, invent generous presents from your loved one and puzzle over how to breed him for an amazing purchase. But you really want to feel loved, surrounded by attention, care and receiving good gifts. What to do, how to push a man to the necessary actions and promote a really necessary, valuable gift?

Is it ethical to breed men for gifts

Surely many women, and even more so men, after reading the title of the article, will frown with displeasure and say: they say, fu, how ugly, is it possible to “breed” the person you love for some kind of gifts? Indeed, is the concept of pure, mutual love compatible with the requirement of material confirmation of the partner's feelings? Or the idea to "divorce" a man for gifts comes to the minds of narrow-minded, selfish women, who in life only need to rake in the heat with the wrong hands?

Let's put it this way: if you and your man have been together for a long time and there is no doubt about the reciprocity of feelings, then small tricks that contribute to receiving a long-awaited gift will not bring anything negative to your relationship. Since childhood, we all love to be adored and pampered, and wonderful presents from the hands of men just make us a little bit happier. And if for some reason husbands or boyfriends are in no hurry to please us with gifts, then why not push them a little to the decision we need and not promote them for a good present?

Of course, there are many such girls around who make acquaintances with men solely for the purpose of acquiring something very necessary and valuable for themselves at their expense. As a rule, their relationship does not last very long, and they flutter from man to man, slowly acquiring everything necessary for a comfortable life. Such ladies are most often called "bitches" - and this is not the most offensive definition. Their goal is not at all mutual, deep love, but the opportunity to breed for material values, to peel off like sticky. For them, such articles, in principle, are not needed: the ability to extract money from men is in their blood.

We are talking about a completely different relationship between a man and a woman. Mutual understanding, respect, dedication - these are the principles that allow couples to be truly happy. Living with a beloved man, we often direct his thoughts and actions in the right direction - whether it be a career, maintaining a healthy lifestyle or behavior in everyday life. No wonder they say that a man is a head, and a woman is a neck. And what is unethical, bad in suggesting to your partner the idea that it is finally time to please you with a good gift? He himself will be glad to see how your eyes burn with happiness.

Only, unfortunately, there is a type of men on whom light hints and soft wishes do not work. Or they understand everything perfectly, but for some personal reasons they do not want to give anything either before or even after the wedding. Why is this happening, what is the reason for such a “tightness” of a seemingly positive young man from all sides? And most importantly, how to deal with it?

Why men are in no hurry to give gifts

The main reason that a man is in no hurry to fork out for an expensive gift is confidence in the mercantile desires of his woman. And he thinks something like this: they say, today I will give a ring, tomorrow boots, and then she will get used to it and will demand a car-apartment-voucher from me almost every day! And he can think so even in cases where during the time of living together (or just meetings) you have never hinted at something more material than flowers and a Christmas card. Men are scared to death that they will sit on their necks, that in the end they will turn out to be a laughing stock among their friends and relatives (they probably have examples of such situations among their friends).

Sometimes the man's mother is to blame for the unwillingness to give something valuable for her other half. As soon as her beloved child began dating representatives of the opposite sex, she inspired him day and night with a “golden” thought: don’t follow her lead, don’t let yourself be twisted into ropes! So he doesn’t allow it: he is suspicious of every request to buy something, and even a real expensive present for a beloved woman is completely taboo (he’s not some kind of henpecked, thank God, my mother explained everything!). It is not at all easy to promote such a man, because the mother’s opinion is much more important for him than your arguments.

But still, it often happens that men do not give gifts for more prosaic reasons. Sometimes they just do not realize that we need something other than hugs and declarations of eternal love. Many are so sure that life with them is already the height of happiness for any woman, and all sorts of presents there are completely useless. In any case, it is much easier to negotiate with such men and make it clear that that evening dress is oh so necessary for the next holiday!

And then, the male mindset is quite different from the female. The fact that he again did not give you anything may not be a sign that he does not love or appreciate you. It's just that guys are often not able to delve into various subtleties and nuances, noticing what you love and what you need. They didn’t say directly, they say, dear, they urgently need a fur coat - they were left without a gift. And they don't usually like to go shopping. Unlike us women, they go there with the clear purpose of acquiring a specific item. They go there three or four times a year. And where else can a wonderful idea come to give your wife a gift, if not in a store?

That is why we, women, have to take the initiative into our own hands in order to teach a man to make worthwhile gifts. Call it what you want: promote, persuade, demand, breed. The main thing is that he himself does not notice how he fulfilled your desire and gave what you have been dreaming of for so long!

How to spin a man for gifts

All men are different, each of them requires a different approach. For example, if your loved one is a romantic, and, moreover, not stingy, then it’s enough to hint to him a couple of times what kind of little thing you expect to receive as a present in the near future. The following tactic is also perfect for such men: you need to properly praise your loved one, or a friend who has just been given something valuable. “Oh, how wonderfully dressed she is! And Seryozhka, her husband, what a fine fellow, loves spoiling her: he knows that she deserves such gifts. How happy I am for them! ”, - something like that. On the one hand, you didn’t ask for anything, on the other hand, you gave the partner the idea that a man who pampers his girlfriend with gifts is worthy of admiration. At least from your side, that's for sure!

And it happens that a man is quite tight-fisted, and does not like to part with money so easily. In this case, forget the word "I want", it should be replaced with a more compelling "must"! Convince such a guy of the need for another pair of expensive winter boots, explain that this is not a whim - but a vital necessity: a girl of your status cannot walk in the same shoes all winter, you are simply not used to it!

In general, asking such a man for money for pleasant little things is a disastrous business, it is better to acquire them yourself. But it is he, the man who counts every penny, who is quite capable of making you happy with a really expensive, and most importantly, necessary gift! It could be a dishwasher, a new computer, or even a car. For him, the main thing is to see the 100% result of his work. And what could be more effective than a thing that you enjoy using every day and without the existence of which you can no longer imagine your life? So calculate the type of your man and act without a miss!

But there are also women who, wanting to receive an expensive gift, are terribly embarrassed to accept it: they blush, are embarrassed, and refuse. If you belong to this category of shy women, then immediately throw this model of behavior out of your head. A man may decide that you don’t like it at all when you are given something, and decides not to “steam” anymore, looking for surprises for you. If you, asking for a gift or accepting it, experience an incomprehensible feeling of guilt, then you will never feel for yourself what male generosity means. Why should you blame yourself for taking a man for a gift, if you yourself are happy to do everything possible and impossible for him? Reciprocity is completely normal in any relationship!

Another good opportunity to breed a loved one for a gift is to show by example what generosity means not only spiritual, but also material. Give him a really necessary, valuable thing - this will show you how nice it is to receive gifts. But if he decides in response to present you with a worthless trinket, try to hide your disappointment and “rejoice” at the present, otherwise the desire to give you something will disappear by itself. It didn't work this time, it will work next time.

On the other hand, ostentatious joy from cheap, unnecessary gifts can become a “double-edged sword”: a man can just get used to the fact that you are satisfied with such trifles. Having received a trifle, you can sigh sadly and say, they say, are you really rich enough to give money for such low quality? Hint that you deserve much more than cheap Chinese knockoffs and low-grade gizmos that you won’t wear after the first wash.

Another problem with women who are left without gifts is that they never tell men that they are waiting for a present. Most of us grew up at a time when a decent girl did not dare to ask for anything material, it was considered shameful and even vulgar. However, now you can forget about this morality: what's wrong with expecting nice presents from your loved one? You yourself are happy to give him wonderful gifts, so why be ashamed of requests of this kind? In the end, a man is not a psychic (as a rule), and he cannot guess what you need now. Tell him about it, and that's it! But you need to do it wisely, and not beg for the thing you like, shedding tears.

In general, never put pressure on pity, do not persuade and do not beg for a present: this is a sure way to failure. This is no longer promotion for a gift, but humiliation. You must make it clear that you yourself are able to purchase the right thing, just such a purchase from the hands of a loved one will be much more pleasant. Do not let him understand that you are in financial difficulties, that you are paying off a huge loan and are not able to buy something for yourself. Perhaps he really will feel sorry for you, but, alas, you won’t have to count on a valuable gift. All he wants to do for you in such a situation is to present small trinkets that should (in his opinion) make you puppyish. You haven't tasted anything sweeter than a carrot for a hundred years, remember?

Please note: small handouts for the poor and beggars, luxurious - for self-sufficient, self-confident women. So even if you are not rich, never complain or whine - this will not add to your pluses. It’s better if he sees you more often in prestigious stores and decent establishments (yes, yes, sometimes you can afford it!) - then giving you ballpoint pens and toy mice bought in the underpass will somehow be out of hand. Try to put yourself in such a way that he considers it an honor to present you with expensive gifts. And believe me, this behavior will benefit you in all areas of life - learn to love yourself.

As soon as you learn to feel self-sufficient, develop a sense of inner prosperity, everything will immediately fall into place. Men will begin to give expensive gifts, work will bring more income, and the attitude of others towards you will change for the better. So value yourself, and it will become easier than ever to divorce a man into material proof of his love. Good luck!

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Effective ways to promote a man for money:

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We all strive to be loved. A loving person will never be stingy with a present. Otherwise, when it comes to comfortable cohabitation, take everything or look for a better option!

Not only women, but also men are bred for money. And they do it very skillfully and competently. So girls, be careful and vigilant! And take a closer look at the one that is next to you: if he has such symptoms. Here is the real story.

Everything was fine, until I noticed that it was not the first time he was interested in the cost of my apartment, that I pay the bill in restaurants, and now we are going to rest again at my expense.

Unfortunately, a man does not always act like a man. Some of them try to take all the benefits from a woman to the maximum, without giving anything in return. When he gets what he wants, he immediately leaves the unfortunate. And she blames herself for what happened and is looking for reasons for parting. But the gigolo cannot be kept, as soon as he gets what he wants, he immediately goes in search of a new victim.

Fortunately, I managed to escape from the tenacious paws of such a man just in time - natural suspicion helped.

In order not to fall into a trap, you need to know the signs that the gigolo possesses.

These men are bred for money very competently. Alphonse cannot look bad, otherwise they will simply not pay attention to him. His main task is to please a woman. He earns his living with a good appearance and gallant manners, so the gigolo hones this art well. Haircuts, good perfume, beautiful clothes - all this requires funds and a woman is happy to allocate money to maintain a presentable appearance of a man. She likes an imposing companion and if she does not pay, he will not look as good as during the acquaintance.

Alphonse "catch" their victims on compassionate stories. The essence is the same: everyone abandoned the unfortunate man, but he does not give up and does not give up, because fate itself gave him a gift in the form of a beautiful woman whom he accidentally met. He assures the woman that all his difficulties are temporary, and he will definitely find a new job. Then it turns out that he has housing problems, and the reason for this is the deceit of a friend or relative. He can tell a story about an unfaithful wife who betrayed him, and he, so that she had a roof over her head, gave his apartment. And you can also hear a story about treacherous relatives who fraudulently took away his housing.

During an acquaintance, the gigolo does not forget about manners, he will always open the door for a woman, and will not forget to thank for the help provided. And gigolos are very attentive to their victim. Such a boyfriend will always appreciate a new hairstyle, make a whole bunch of compliments. Contrary to popular belief, gigolos also give gifts, only small ones that do not need to be spent much. At the same time, he will not forget to mention that he spent almost all his savings on this present. And he can also say that he could not help but please such a beautiful woman, he would rather sit on bread and water than leave her without a gift. At the same time, he will not forget to sigh a couple of times, say a couple of compliments and make promises that when he has money, he will shower the unfortunate with presents.

Such behavior makes a woman's heart tremble. She thinks she's met the man of her dreams and sets out to save him. And the gigolo tightens his lasso even more. He thanks for the help provided, he can say that he is very uncomfortable and in other circumstances he would not accept help. Now he is indebted to her and he will not forget it. As soon as the opportunity arises, he will definitely thank her. In the meantime, he will do whatever she wants for her.

Many of them know how to give flowers beautifully, even sing ballads, write poetry. Such behavior is able to strike on the spot any woman. What can we say about those ladies who are desperate to find a decent man. They begin to take care of the man, prepare food for him, wash his things, and do various household chores. That is, a kind of exchange takes place: the gigolo gives ballads and attention, and the woman supports him and takes care of him.

Much more dangerous gigolo-swindler. He is an excellent psychologist, well versed in legal matters. His goal is to rob a gullible woman to the bone. The enchanted lady shares her dreams with him, which he then uses against her. Often lends money under various pretexts. If a woman wants a child, he “feeds” her with promises about the baby, but finds excuses that make her wait a little. But it doesn't have to be that way. There are times when gigolos really make a child for a woman, and then leave them just before the wedding, taking all the valuables from home. Many of them justify their chosen one to the last, believing that a child will stop him.

These unprincipled personalities are gigolos. These men are bred for money, regardless of the feelings of the chosen one. They play their role perfectly, and some victims, even after deception, look for an excuse for his actions. It is one thing to read about such scammers and quite another to meet them in real life. So be careful - even the smartest and most cautious women fall under their spell.

Reading time: 1 minute

Hello, I want to tell my story, I admit that my experience and small experiments will become interesting to someone. My name is Dasha, I'm pretty pretty, I easily make new acquaintances, I have a certain amount of experience and a strong interest in adventures with men. I ask you to treat all the recommendations below as little female tricks. You can even consider them stupid and not waste your attention on them. And all those who believe that spiritual and moral norms and values ​​are being violated here, I ask you not to bother reading at all. I understand that the dissatisfied will bring down a flurry of criticism, condemning for commercialism. This is their right, but first they want to "fend off" - whether their actions are always so pure. It is far from a secret for anyone that men, after all, also do not always act honestly and nobly in relation to women. Everyone knows that men do not part with their money voluntarily and how to divorce a man for money is a problem that has always overcome me.

I was prompted to write this by the thought that if I had difficulties (to divorce a man for money), it means that other girls may have the same difficulties in relationships with guys. I do not call on unfortunate girls, deprived of male attention, to strictly follow my advice, but occasionally allowing yourself to cheer up a little tricks will not hurt.

Personally, I always had difficulties how to beg for money first from my parents, then from my older brother, and later from men. And the point is not that I experienced an acute shortage of money, I wanted to assert myself in this way, but it turned out the other way around, for some reason I felt humiliated at that moment when I begged for money. My upbringing was in a strict family and far from compliments flew to the opposite sex. I was taught about modesty, pride and the need for myself to earn for the necessary needs. But asking for money from men was considered indecent, even if it was a regular replenishment of a mobile phone.

I listened with pleasure to the stories of my girlfriends, how their gentlemen gave gifts and easily parted with banknotes. I think this is the norm when a guy, as a sign of sympathy, love, on holidays and just like that, is ready to part with a certain amount of money. Whats wrong with that? The value of love is measured by the amount of spending on your beloved half. What girl would not be pleased to receive a ring on her finger with a cherished stone as a bonus to a flower. Such an act, in my opinion, will testify to the depth of feelings. Of course, beautiful words are also nice to hear from your gentleman, but in order to conquer a girl's heart and keep a girl near you, there are never too many gifts. And to give a girl strictly on holidays is trite, although this is necessary, since an exchange of impressions between friends about gifts, for example, on Valentine's Day always happens. And I want to feel loved, talking about my gifts, and not silently pout at my prince deep down, considering him a miser.

I also had a boyfriend who thought that gifts were not the main thing. A real miser: flowers from a summer cottage, ice cream with jam at home in the kitchen under a lampshade, pizza at home - that's the whole romantic. Girls, run away from such guys right away, it will only get worse - this type of man will not part with his hard-earned money, even if he has prosperity. As a result, he will begin to give flowers in pots, buy an ice cream maker for the house, and ask him to cook pizza for you personally, explaining this is not the expediency of spending. In principle, at some point it will even seem that he is right, but the feeling of discomfort from such a relationship will remain.

I had to get down to earth, stop expecting surprises from this miserly man and be content with little, if not nothing, because, no matter how I tried to explain with tricks or directly, that it is important for me to feel loved and gifts are the fastest way to make me happy - I didn't get anything. Being in such a relationship is uncomfortable, they did not suit me. I don't really want to remember them. Men have this feature: the less they invest in their loved ones, the less they value them. This was very noticeable in the relationship with my miser Roma. He didn't even care about our parting. Probably, he calculated his expenses for me and quickly recovered psychologically, one joy from the fact that his condition was preserved - he warmed his soul.

For a long time I could not understand why I have a persistent desire to breed men for money. Over time, I came to the final conclusion that money and gifts give me positive emotions that I cannot fill in another way from the outside world. Yes, I love shopping, visiting salons, comfortable travel. I see it as a need. If a man gives me the opportunity to fulfill my desires, I love him even more.

I can afford personal expenses within reason, but this does not bring me the desired emotions that I experience when I breed boyfriends for money. This excitement gives me a release of dopamine, from which I get high.

Some will argue that communication, understanding in a relationship is much more important than the thickness of the wallet. For me, everything is significant, because the essence of women is the desire to spend money and get tremendous pleasure from it. Only for a start it is necessary to breed a man for the coveted amount. And when you succeed, you will experience incredible satisfaction from the fact that this was done. Then comes the realization: that it is not difficult at all. At first, there is a certain psychological barrier that prevents you from deciding on certain actions and words, but every time a divorce for money is easier - as a matter of course. Initially, I was embarrassed to ask men for money, but any skill can be trained, and this one too.

It is important to be creative in the process of divorce for money. In the beginning, I made a big mistake when I complained about my financial situation, whined and begged. Then she changed tactics, realizing that this was not true. Not that they would refuse me and not give me money - they did, but a much smaller amount than I would have arranged. I endured the following experience - asking for money, you should maintain self-esteem. After all, winning a girl who demonstrates her independence is much more difficult and interesting. In such a situation, a man is ready to part with his money more easily. And talking constantly sadly about a difficult financial situation can only cause pity and a lack of desire in a man to continue building love relationships with you. Help something - he will help, but constantly listening to whining will strain him. A man wants to see a woman always cheerful, he is charged with positive energy from her.

It is necessary to ask for money gently, femininely, as if you are giving the right to a man to take care of you. This should be done with a certain frequency, so you morally teach your loved one, for example, once a week plus or minus a couple of days to part with a certain amount. At the moment when you ask, forget about the principles of morality and education. This will act as a hindrance and the fear of rejection will be read on the face.

I noticed that my self-sufficient man likes to give money. He was flattered when I asked him for them. I think he likes to feel that I depend on him, thereby showing that I recognize his importance. You should only ask gently, politely, correctly, for example: “Will you buy me a chain? Then I will be the most beautiful with you. If you want boots, I honestly admit that I haven’t had such boots yet and therefore I really want them! It is important to thank for gifts sincerely and with joy. You can jump to the ceiling, kiss a man, give compliments. Putting on a chain, you can brag about everything that her loved one bought.

Starting a conversation about money when a man is in a bad mood, he is unwell, hungry, immersed in problems is a losing option. In this state, he may refuse.

Many men believe that we, women, are with them only because of money, so you need to initially convince your loved one that your feelings are sincere. And immediately asking for money will look arrogant. Initially, let the man himself take the initiative - maybe he himself will want to show his generosity. Breeding for money must be done carefully so that the young man thinks that this is his initiative. You should not always accept material support, you can create the appearance that you do not need it, then the man himself will ask to accept a gift from him.

As soon as you notice that a man is in love, that's when you need to start acting. You can try this technique, when a man is busy with something, tell him about the need to make an urgent purchase, for example, shoes. In this situation, to be left alone, he will count the required amount. In the future, when your appetite kicks in, the main thing is not to overdo it with the amount and not to demand too much, but only casually voice your desires, but not more than once every ten days. My advice is suitable only for adequate, non-greedy men who understand women and their needs. Good luck to all girls! Do not be afraid to ask, if a man is in love, then he will not be able to refuse. Use this!

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