Geometric psychology for 8 figures. Psychological test "geometric shapes". What does it all mean

Pipes 25.03.2022

System-Vector Psychology- the newest direction in psychology, formed twelve years ago. The founder is a psychoanalyst Yuri Burlan, which now systematically conducts its seminars, courses, trainings. It is interesting that they are held, including online mode on the Internet, gathering thousands of viewers and listeners.

Y. Burlan himself says that his the main task- to make a person happy, to make sure that after his training, clients come out with the main skill - the ability to enjoy life and smile, everything else, according to the psychologist, will work out by itself.

Since the main focus in this direction is on unconscious, and the personality typology is based on erogenous zones person, it can be described as branch of psychoanalysis. Although sometimes system-vector psychology is defined not just as a separate direction in psychology, but as a new wide area of ​​knowledge, a complex science of man.

System-Vector Psychology and Systemic Psychoanalysis- This is an extensive system of psychological knowledge about a person, a direction in applied psychology.

Yu. Burlan touches on sociology, pedagogy and even politics, explaining his theory, he comprehensively approaches the understanding of the phenomenon of personality functioning in society.

Species role and vector

In system-vector psychology, a person is considered as an integral complex system in a social system, and this system is not only physical and mental, but also social. Burlan assigns a special role in the formation of personality society and the instinct of procreation.

Human, according to Yu. Burlan, this is a bunch of a living being who wants to have fun, enjoy. This desire and desire for pleasure in the body is expressed through the erogenous zones.

Society pushes for the development of not only a particular person, but also humanity as a species. When in ancient times people began to gather together and live in groups in order to survive, a person developed special properties and desires. Today we say that they were based on two basic unconscious needs, initially, apparently, these were not needs, but group tasks of primitive people. And these needs-tasks:

  • saving life,
  • procreation.

Since human development is a movement in a certain direction, it must have a vector, a landmark. The main thing becomes the vector a wish personality. Desire gives rise to thought, thought forms intention, and intention pushes to action, which formalizes the role of a person in society, species role.

In the primitive flock, each person had his own specific role, duty, work that he performed for the common good.

A person cannot live alone, he has long been united and continues to exist in a single system of relations between people called society. From birth, nature endows a person with everything necessary (intelligence, abilities, feelings, temperament, and so on) so that he can become happy, fulfill all his desires and fulfill his species role.

Along with the development of society, man also developed. The more complex the society, the more multifaceted the mental structure of the individual becomes. Already
so many generations of people have changed that desires, and needs, and behavior, and human relationships have become so complicated that it is difficult to discern behind them those first, primitive, but already conscious actions in the community, the specific role.

Meanwhile, this role unconscious level still continues define personality traits and its social orientation.

Modern man, not realizing his role in society (by and large, his destiny), is moving in the wrong direction or even in the opposite direction from happiness.

The role is determined by the desire to enjoy life. Depending on which erogenous zone is predominant for expressing this desire, eight personality types.

Types of personality orientation

The type of thinking, values, priorities of a person, his sexuality, mental state, physical health and degree of life satisfaction depend on the vector.

Naturally given vector qualities cannot be changed, but it is necessary develop and implement your inner potential. Innate properties and qualities develop from the birth of a person to his full puberty.

Brief description of the eight vectors
that determine the inner world of a person at an unconscious level:

  1. Cutaneous. The species role in primitive society is a hunter and guardian of the territory, functions: prohibitive, restrictive.

Suitable professions: athlete, engineer, inventor, military, businessman.

Personal qualities: responsibility, rationality, discipline, activity, competitiveness, punctuality, ambition, economy. Logical thinking prevails, they are not afraid of change, they strive for leadership, success, wealth, social status, they want to achieve heights in their careers. They are well oriented in time and space.

Approximately 24% of the population belong to this type.

  1. Anal. Specific role - the keeper of the cave, hearth, "rear"; functions: transfer of accumulated experience to the next generations.

Suitable professions: teacher, doctor, housewife/family man.

Personal qualities: stubborn and principled, but easily vulnerable, strong-willed, diligent, executive, reliable, honest, loyal, indecisive, vindictive, conservative. These are intellectuals prone to perfectionism, they strive to do everything perfectly, therefore they can be high professionals in any field. Analytical thinking prevails. These people have great memories.

Approximately 20% of the population belong to this type.

  1. Muscular. Species role - warrior and hunter, function: protective.

Suitable professions: factory worker, construction worker, agricultural worker and other representative of the working class, as well as the military.

Personal qualities: diligence, diligence, unpretentiousness, endurance, simplicity (basic basic needs: food, sleep, sex), peacefulness. Thinking is rigid, visual-effective, the mind is activated only in the process of muscle work.

Approximately 38% of the population belong to this type.

  1. Urethral. Species role - leader, functions: responsibility for survival, management, expansion of the pack and its habitat.

Suitable professions: all related to the leadership and management of people, up to the president of the country.

Personal qualities: innate altruism, optimism, activity, initiative, fearlessness, fairness, mercy, cunning, unpredictability. Thinking is tactical and creative.

Suitable professions: psychologist, doctor, teacher, educator, designer, film director and other figures of art and culture.

Personal qualities: kindness, responsiveness, understanding, empathy, amorousness, modesty, conscientiousness, suggestibility, daydreaming, coquetry, emotionality. Such people are dreamers, they think in images.

Approximately 5% of the population belong to this type.

  1. Sound. Species role - night guard of the flock, functions: protection at night, feedback from the root cause.

Suitable professions: philosopher, composer, programmer, translator, writer, poet.

Personal qualities: idealists (and their desires are mostly intangible), reasonable, focused, self-absorbed, self-centered, unemotional, aloof. Thinking is abstract.

Approximately 5% of the population belong to this type.

  1. Oral. Species role - prey beater, herald, jester; functions: danger warning, call for unity.

Suitable professions: cook, singer, commentator, orator.

Personal qualities: cheerfulness, sociability, humor, charm, sense of humor. Such people tend to lie and ridicule. They think when they speak, that is, their thinking is verbal.

Approximately 5% of the population belong to this type.

  1. Olfactory. Specific role - scout, adviser to the leader, sorcerer, "gray cardinal"; functions: strategic intelligence.

Suitable professions: scout, politician, financier.

Personal qualities: melancholic, calm, intuitive, impartial, sometimes immoral and insidious. Such individuals think intuitively, on an unconscious level.

Approximately 1% of the population belongs to this type.

Why do you need to know your vector?

In the primitive flock, each person had one, specific vector, since this society was also primitive. Today, the type of personality orientation usually consists of multiple vectors, on average from 3-4 -X. People whose orientation consists of seven or even all eight vectors, as a rule, are outstanding or brilliant.

The presence of several vectors at once means that a modern person has more possibilities for self-realization and chances for happiness. But the world and man are so arranged that often what should be a source of pleasure turns into a reason for suffering. From ignorance and unwillingness of many people to understand themselves, the system called "man" gives "failures".

Although the author of the concept emphasizes that pure types are very, very rare, by defining your dominant vector type, you can learn a lot about yourself, realize problems and find ways to solve them. The vector of personality is always aimed at self-realization and the achievement of well-being.

A nice bonus: if you learn to distinguish between personality types along the vector, the process of understanding and communicating with people around you will be facilitated and improved.

The description of eight vectors is the basis of the foundations of system-vector psychology and at the same time basic idea. If you "dig" this direction deeper, you can find that Yu. Burlan affects and explains many phenomena of the inner world of a person and external, society.

Systemic psychoanalysis is becoming fashionable in Russia and throughout the post-Soviet space. It is already effectively used not only in psychology, but also in medicine and pedagogy. People are attracted to this direction by that special, systemic thinking and worldview, to which Yu. Burlan “switches” a person. His approach is unusual and ambiguous, but nevertheless popular.

It describes the System of Psychological vectors in the interpretation of M. Borodyansky

At the beginning of the 20th century, Sigmund Freud suggested that a person's character is associated with sensitive openings on the body (mouth, nose, ear, eye, anus, urethra, skin, navel).

At that time, he did not yet know (or was not ready to openly declare) that the sensitivity of these holes determines all spheres of a person's life: from health to sexual addictions, from choosing a profession to the style of doing business.

On the basis of this idea, academicians Vladimir Ganzen and Viktor Tolkachev developed vector (other name - system) psychology - a practical doctrine of 8 vectors in a person's character, called "applied system-vector psychoanalysis".

Test for psychological vectors (Tolkachev-Borodyansky test). As a result, you will find out what vectors are inherent in you from birth, and how productively you are now using this potential.

"Leader number one" - Red vector (freedom, power, primacy, sex, speed, future, risk)

"Leader number two" - Brown vector (honesty, order, past, cleanliness, loyalty)

"Grey Cardinal" - Purple vector (intuition, cunning, depth, manipulation, vindictiveness)

"Man and money" - Orange vector (debt, money, rules, discipline, endurance)

"Flaming leader or imitator?" - Yellow vector (food, communication, creativity, pleasure)

"The most humane person" - Green vector (beauty, kindness, erudition, creativity, openness)

"The smartest" - Blue vector (intelligence, depth, wisdom, isolation, music, space)

"Time of Black people" - Black vector (strength, will, simplicity, collectivism, loyalty, endurance)

Correspondence of color names of vectors and holes:

Black- muscular (navel)
Orange- skin
Brown- anal
Green- visual
Red- urethral
Blue- auditory
Yellow- oral
Violet- olfactory

In the test for psychological vectors, the results are presented as two parameters for each vector: the value of the vector in a person and the degree of its acceptance in oneself (that is, harmony in this vector). This scale is designed to evaluate the results of testing for these two parameters.

Vector value

This parameter is indirectly related to the genetic potential for this vector, therefore, it is little subject to changes during life (“little” does not mean “absolutely”). A person is born with certain inclinations in all eight vectors. This is its potential, which can be realized in life by 0-100%. But, regardless of the degree of implementation, the potential itself will remain virtually unchanged. As you will find, this version of the test finds many more significant vectors in you (those above 70%) than the previous versions. And this situation is much closer to the true state of affairs.

Vector value (%):

50-60 - there is no vector, or the person "avoids" the study;
60-70 - the vector is weakly expressed: occasionally there are individual signs;
70-80 - the vector is moderately expressed: some signs are constantly present;
80-90 - the vector is strongly expressed: most of the signs are constantly present;
90-100 - the vector is expressed extremely strongly ("rolls over"): many signs are expressed excessively.

Acceptance of a vector in itself

This parameter has nothing to do with genetics, but depends on our inner harmony in this vector. Since harmony is a rather volatile entity, the numbers for this parameter can vary significantly for one person. The acceptance of a vector is influenced by many factors: our upbringing, principles learned from childhood, life experience, social circle, health status, success or failure in various areas of life, etc.

Acceptance of the vector in itself (%):

0-20 - lack of acceptance of the vector - is rare, usually accompanied by psycho-somatic diseases, requires the help of a specialist.
20-40 - a very low degree of acceptance: an extremely strong (potentially) vector is "hammered" or "strangled" from childhood, practically does not manifest itself from its positive side, but often manifests itself from a negative side. It may seem to a person that he simply does not have this vector, and those around him, in whom this vector is pronounced, cause him strong irritation and other negative emotions.
40-60 - low degree of acceptance: a very strong (potentially) vector is implemented very little, is practically not developed, sometimes "interferes" with a person.
60-70 - medium degree of acceptance: a rather strong (potentially) vector is realized relatively little, many of its manifestations are unacceptable to humans.
70-90 - a high degree of acceptance of the vector - is typical for most harmonious people. The potential for this vector is generally realized, but some of its manifestations are still not accepted or internally condemned (especially if it is less than 80%).
90-100 - almost complete acceptance of the vector in itself - an ideal state to which one should strive regardless of the value (strength) of a particular vector.
What is a “good” result and what should we strive for?

Since the value of the vector is not subject to our influence (like, for example, the color of the eyes), it remains to influence its acceptance. And the higher it is, the more harmonious and successful we are in life. That is, regardless of the values ​​of all our vectors, ideally their acceptance should be more than 90%.

How can we achieve this?

First, to understand ourselves, to recognize that we have certain traits, even if we don’t like them very much.
Secondly, start to give yourself pleasure, especially along those vectors that are not sufficiently accepted in us. Of course, this becomes possible only after the implementation of point 1.
In fact, these are exhaustive recommendations, which in most cases will certainly lead to success.

Many people get frustrated with vector theory when they find out that the value of a vector cannot be seriously changed: such external predetermination creates a feeling of boundaries beyond which it is impossible to jump.

Interestingly, this feeling occurs mainly in those who find very low acceptance of many of their vectors. That is, speaking of "fatal" restrictions, such people do not even use their potential!

On the contrary, a person who has everything in order with the acceptance of vectors has enough existing opportunities to fulfill himself in all the desired areas. And he is not very bothered by the thought that life has given him some limitations.

In fact, each of us by nature has the necessary set of vectors to achieve success in life. The only thing a person needs to do is learn how to use their vectors.

Therein lies the main problem. For example, many people understand that there are many advantages for both male and female. Using these benefits wisely, most of us can become successful and happy. But there are people who see only limitations in the division by gender. Moreover, they are so busy overcoming these "barriers" that they do not enjoy life and cannot fully realize themselves. If we do not take into account cases of real (biochemical) transsexualism, then most often such people do not have an acceptance of themselves, their bodies. The same happens with other external and internal factors (height, volume, skin color, eyes or hair, musical ear or mathematical abilities).

Of course, our parents play a big role in this, often wanting to see us conform to their ideas, which can be very different from our innate set of vectors. As we get older, we sometimes lose the sense of ourselves, and in adulthood we often cannot distinguish our true needs and aspirations from those that others have imposed on us. It is in such cases that a fairly developed vector may not be accepted by the person himself.

By studying the system of color vectors, many people re-learn themselves, begin to realize their needs, which have long been driven into the depths of the unconscious. And this, as you know, leads to the acceptance of one's vectors, harmony with oneself and others, self-realization and success.

Please note that all test results are a reflection of your answers to questions, and not your true psychological portrait. Since the same person can answer the test in very different ways (with varying degrees of sincerity, seriousness and thoughtfulness), the result can turn out to be reliable in different ways.

Reading time 8 minutes

Modern psychology and psychiatry are no longer limited to classical scientific theories. Disputes and discussions about the truth and objectivity of popular concepts have been going on for centuries, psychological research is constantly being carried out, the purpose of which is to come to the only true result. But besides this, new alternative currents are increasingly appearing, well-known theories are being modified, the teachings of world minds of psychology and psychiatry are being transformed, such as the professional psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud or his no less famous colleague Carl Gustav Jung. In this article, we will focus on just such a new trend, which has made a real revolution in Russian psychology, is called system-vector psychology. You will learn what it is, what is the main idea of ​​this direction, and you will also be able to get acquainted in detail with each of the 8 presented vectors and even independently determine your own personality type.

Ideas of system-vector psychology

To begin with, it is worth saying that system-vector psychology is not a generally accepted trend in modern scientific circles. Some particularly ardent adherents of classical ideas even call this direction "network pseudoscience." But, like any other theory, the psychological concept of eight vectors not only has the possibility of existence, it even managed to acquire its own army of adherents. As the founder of the system-vector theory V.K. Tolkachev said:

The universe is large enough and inexhaustible, which makes it possible to find confirmation of any theory in it. ©

System-vector psychology did not arise from scratch. The theories of Sigmund Freud were taken as a basis, later refined by Vladimir Ganzen and completed by his student Viktor Tolkachev.

In 1908, the psychoanalyst Freud's article "Character and Anal Erotica" saw the world, in which the psychoanalyst concludes that character traits are directly related to human erogenous zones. The publication caused a wide resonance, numerous followers of the Freudian idea appeared. One of them at the end of the 20th century was Viktor Konstantinovich Tolkachev, a psychologist from St. Petersburg. He developed a typology of characters associated with such areas as the eyes, mouth, nose and ears. According to V. K. Tolkachev, he was inspired to develop and refine the theory of Sigmund Freud by the book “Systemic Descriptions in Psychology” by Academician Vladimir Aleksandrovich Ganzen.

The origin and development of the teachings of Viktor Tolkachev

V. K. Tolkachev developed a holistic psychological concept for determining the type of personality using vectors. With the help of the concept of "vector" and a detailed analysis of 8 characteristic types, a theory called "Applied System-Vector Psychoanalysis" was born. Tolkachev has been conducting various trainings, seminars and lectures on this issue for more than 30 years. Thanks to one of his first students, Mikhail Borodyansky, a special test was developed that assesses the individual potential that each of the vectors has, and allows you to determine the personal type of character in relation to the system-vector psychology of eight vectors (Tolkachev-Borodyansky test). Now there are many followers of the vector system who continue to conduct psychological trainings and seminars. The most famous Internet coach in this area is Yuri Burlan.

What is the essence of system-vector psychology

During the development of psychology as a science, many different personality typologies have been developed. These are typologies according to Jung or according to Gannushkin, Erich Fromm proposed his classification. Multiple tests have been developed that determine the psychological type of an individual, for example, the Szondi test or the common 16Personalities test. In fact, V. K. Tolkachev, like many of his predecessors, proposed his own version of identifying a personality type.

System-vector psychology is positioned not as a branch of classical psychology or a certain trend, but as a separate science of studying personality typology. A vector is a symbiosis of physiological and psychological qualities, such as, for example, character, temperament, health, habits of the individual and other similar properties. In fact, the vector is the center of pleasure. The vectors are associated with a certain hole on the human body, which is also an erogenous zone. Each personality may have several vectors (from 1 to 8, in practice, the largest number of vectors present is the number 5).

The presence of a vector determines the number and degree of human aspirations and needs for self-realization, aimed at obtaining pleasure. The inability to implement the existing vector, according to the developers of the theory, leads to depression and a feeling of dissatisfaction, which makes it impossible for a person to achieve inner harmony with his "I".

Vector steps (quartels) of personality development

System-vector psychology identifies 8 main vectors in personality typology. Namely: visual, skin, sound, muscle, oral, olfactory, urethral and anal vectors. They are located in four main quartels (steps) that form the way of life of a person.

The principle of the arrangement of vectors:

  • Information stage. The sound (inner part of the quartel) and visual (outer part) vectors are responsible. At this stage, the process of development and self-knowledge of the individual takes place.
  • Energy Stage. The oral (outer part) and olfactory (inner part) vectors are responsible. The purpose of this stage is to predetermine the place of the individual in the social system, the construction of a clear hierarchy.
  • Time step. Respond anal (inner space of the quarter) and urethral (outer space) vectors. Temporary division of life into stages: past and future. At this stage, there is the acquisition and processing of experience from past generations, as well as the desire for progress and development of society.
  • Spatial step. The muscle (inner part) and skin (outer part of the quartel space) vectors are responsible. The stage responsible for the physical shell is the labor realization of a person, the use of physical strength, etc.

Characterization of vectors

A more detailed vector characteristic looks like this:

  1. skin vector. People with a vivid manifestation of this type are pronounced extroverts. They realize themselves on the spatial level. The main direction of kozhnikov is the protection of territories.
  2. muscle vector. Introverts. The type of thinking is practical and visual-effective. The main direction is hunting, participation in hostilities.
  3. anal vector. Introverts with systems thinking. Typical occupations for the owners of the anal vector are the protection of the hearth, the accumulation and transmission of information from previous generations.
  4. urethral vector. 100% extroverts. They have out-of-the-box thinking. Born Tactics. The life purpose of people with a pronounced urethral vector is to be leaders, commanders in chief, leaders.
  5. visual vector. Extroverts with a figurative type of intelligence. They are at the information stage of development. Main activity: protection of territories (during the day).
  6. Sound vector. Absolute introverts with an abstract type of thinking. Activity: protection of territories in the dark.
  7. oral vector. Representatives of this type are mostly extroverts. They have an inherent verbal method of thinking. Main occupation: organization of events (in peacetime), danger warning (during hostilities).
  8. Olfactory vector. Introverts, characterized by an intuitive type of thinking, prefer non-verbal ways of conveying information. The main direction: intelligence, drawing up strategies.

System-vector psychology divides vectors into more important, so to speak, basic ones, and those that are of lesser value in the development of a personality. The olfactory, urethral and sound vectors are dominant, they dominate the other vectors. These three vectors do not overlap with other available ones, and also cannot be eradicated by external social factors, such as upbringing or social system.

Each individual himself determines which vectors are the main ones in the psychotype of his personality. For each vector, even such characteristics as certain external data, psychic features inherent in a particular vector archetype have been developed. Each of the eight vectors is assigned a specific geometric shape and color.

The vectors are also divided into lower (urethral, ​​anal, muscular and skin) and upper (visual, sound, olfactory and oral). System-vector psychology shows that the lower vectors are responsible for libido, human sexual desires, while the upper vectors are looking for a connection with the spiritual world. The upper vectors are available to absolutely every person, in contrast to the lower ones, which not all personal archetypes are endowed with.

System-vector psychology: its purpose

There is not a single person who is able to refuse pleasure; even religion itself has to justify the demand to give up pleasures in the near future with the promise of incomparably greater and more valuable joys in the other world. © Sigmund Freud

What is eight vector psychology for? What is its function and benefit to humans?

The main goal of vector psychology is to know yourself and enjoy life using your internal vectors. This system is aimed at self-knowledge of the individual, determining his role in society, in order to avoid moral dissatisfaction with himself and his life. If a person cannot realize himself in society, does not know his true needs and desires, then a constant feeling of dissatisfaction can lead to a depressive state.

System-vector psychology is also aimed at revealing the sexual desires and needs of a person. Can be used as professionally oriented tests.

The psychological theory, developed by Viktor Tolkachev on the basis of Freud's postulates, allows you to discover the secrets of the subconscious, to realize what exactly is the driving force of a person, the root cause of all his actions and deeds. The benefit of studying the vectors of system-vector psychology is also in building communication links with people around you: employees, relatives, friends. If two people have the same vectors, then often this is the key to friendly relations. And vice versa - the contrast of vectors explains the incompatibility in couples and the hostility of individuals to each other. In the words of the unwitting founder of this doctrine, Sigmund Freud:

We do not choose each other by chance ... We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious. ©

System-vector psychology is not proven or absolutely true. This is just one of the methodologies for identifying a certain type of personality. The amount of criticism by experienced specialists regarding the teachings of V. K. Tolkachev proves the imperfection of this psychological concept. Discussions and disputes do not subside between adherents of classical psychology and Tolkachev's students.

The former tend to consider the vector approach to personality determination as sectarian and hypnotic-obsessive (supposedly, trainings on teaching this technique are carried out exclusively for commercial purposes). The latter sincerely believe in the objectivity of system-vector psychology and prove its benefits for individuals and humanity as a whole. To learn more about the theses and concepts of this doctrine, you can watch the video of Yuri Burlun's introductory lectures on the system of vectors. Only by bringing together a complete picture of the doctrine, each person will be able to independently draw a conclusion about the truth of the ideas put forward.

Psychogeometry is a relatively young personality analysis system that allows you to predict and evaluate some character traits, a model of behavior and a person's lifestyle using the simplest geometric shapes. It was developed in the USA by Dr. Susan Dellinger, who worked with the staff for many years and summarized her experience in psychogeometry.

What is the point:

Psychogeometry is based on five types of personality, which correspond to geometric figures. Look at the photo below for 10 seconds and from the suggested shapes ( square, triangle, rectangle, a circle and zagzag) choose the one you associate yourself with. Number the remaining figures in descending order of preference. The chosen figure determines the main character traits. And the last figure, in your numbered list, may indicate the person with whom it will be most difficult for you to contact. It should be noted that we are talking not so much about personality types, but about habitual attitudes and ways of behavior for a person. Also keep in mind that the result works "here and now", and not throughout life.


Interpretation of results:


The main character trait of those who chose the square is diligence combined with organization, perseverance, patience and firmness, as well as punctuality, cleanliness and practicality. The choice of a square as the main figure may indicate a penchant for analytical thinking and rationality. Such a person strives to do all his affairs as well and efficiently as possible. And since he knows how to manage himself and organize others, he can occupy leadership positions.

The square man is distinguished by conservatism, strict adherence to rules and regulations, and a lack of spontaneity and creativity. Strives to streamline and systematize everything around him - space, things, any information with which he works. He likes it when information is presented in accordance with rigid logic. The person who has chosen the square likes the speech to be replete with facts, figures and theses, preferably with links to the source from which it was taken. Prefers order, planned life. Picky in dating, does not like noisy parties. In conflicts, he often avoids a direct confrontation. This is a good administrator and performer. Loses in efficiency of actions, contact with different persons.

Women who choose the square are organized, punctual, picky, and attentive to details. They are patient, industrious, persistent in achieving goals, firm in decisions and prone to strict adherence to rules and regulations. They don't like to stand out.

Square people tend to speak quietly, preferring not to raise their voice unnecessarily. And they do not tolerate raised tones in others. At the same time, their speech is distinguished by clarity, accuracy, logic and thoroughness. It is, as a rule, somewhat monotonous, “mechanical”. They are characterized by the use of speech stamps.

Pedantry, scrupulousness and consistency are also manifested in the choice of clothes. These people prefer a strict, classic style, restrained, soft colors. They are lean, lean. The reluctance to stand out is also manifested in gestures that are stingy and inexpressive.


Those who associate themselves with the triangle are certainly strong personalities, very self-confident and active. They do not like to sit still, they always strive to be in the thick of things. The choice of a triangle as the main figure may indicate a developed ambition and power at any cost. They are born leaders. Impatience is one of the main traits of their character. Triangles can interrupt you in mid-sentence, but only because they have already caught the essence of your thoughts.

These people are decisive, energetic, unstoppable, they know how to set clear goals and achieve them, concentrating on the main thing, deeply and quickly analyze the situation. These are excellent managers and politicians. They are eager to be the first and manage the state of affairs, to decide not only for themselves, but also for others, to defeat competitors. They feel good about the benefits. Triangles love risk, are impatient and intolerant, hardly admit mistakes. Self-centered, but people are drawn to them and follow them.

Women who choose the triangle are focused on achieving the goal, self-confident, decisive and impulsive. They are characterized by a high level of self-esteem, risk-taking, overflowing energy, high performance and craving for entertainment.

Triangle people are very sociable and, without experiencing any discomfort, they can start a conversation with anyone. Their speech is logical, intelligible and aphoristic. It is, as a rule, emotional, colorful, fast and clear. They are given the ability to hurt the interlocutor "to the quick." They are characterized by a loud voice and low timbre, the use of slang words and expressions, jokes. Accordingly, the gestures of those who associate themselves with the triangle are quite relaxed.

They prefer fashionable, elegant clothes, designed in a classic style. They differ in grooming, the ability to take care of themselves and love for expensive things. Gait - confident and uninhibited, with smooth movements.

A circle

The main value for this type is people and communication with them. These are extremely contact and friendly representatives of the human race, occupying the position of a peacemaker in any conflicts. Even in business negotiations, they cannot resist asking their opponent a personal question.

The choice of a circle as the main figure may indicate gullibility, sociability, orientation to the opinions of others and indecision. The circle man is an excellent listener, he can always “cry in his vest”. He experiences someone else's pain as his own, because emotional perception is developed in him. And rejoice, share happiness like no other. By the way, thanks to the subtle mental organization of the "circles" downright walking lie detectors, subtly feel when they are being deceived.

Those who have chosen the circle eschew responsibility, preferring to shift it to others. Afraid to spoil the relationship, they do not know how to refuse, give vague promises.

Women who choose the circle are friendly, generous, sensitive. They are characterized by a tendency to empathize and a desire to care for others. They are distinguished by melancholy, sentimentality and aspiration to the past.

Circle people love intimate conversations and a warm atmosphere. Their speech is characterized by inconsistency, illogicality and frequent deviations from the main theme. It is, as a rule, emotional, smooth and somewhat slow. These people love jokes, are cheerful, sometimes to the point of frivolity, generous. They are characterized by a juicy, thick voice of a low timbre, the use of rave reviews and compliments.

They prefer informal clothing. Prone to fullness, feminine and charming. The gait is light, smooth, with relaxed body movements.


The choice of a zigzag as the main pattern may indicate impulsive thinking, inconstancy of views, variability of mood and relationships with others. These are creators, generators of ideas, in a word, creative and creative personalities. They prefer to think in images and rely on sudden insights that are completely devoid of logic. Consistency is alien to such people by nature. Expressiveness, intemperance, eccentricity - these are the features of their character. They are also idealistic, impractical and naive. However, they are witty, sometimes even sarcastic.

Zigzags need high stimulation of activity. Generating ideas in large numbers, quite often they give them at the mercy of others, since they themselves are not able to bring the matter to the end. They do not tolerate subordination, love freedom and independence, and do not lend themselves to organization, either in everyday life or in activity. Chaos is the organic state of zigzag people. And it's also the most sexy figure.

They are characterized by a sharp change in mood. Today a zigzag person can smile at you, but tomorrow he will not notice. Ignores conventions and accepted norms. Extremely intolerant of other people's weaknesses. At the same time, he himself is greedy for flattery.

Women who choose the zigzag are dreamy, enthusiastic, impractical and spontaneous. They are characterized by a positive attitude towards everything new, aspiration to the future, a rebellious thirst for reorganization. They are characterized by a lack of self-discipline, carelessness in financial matters and self-sufficiency.

Speech is figurative, bright, inconsistent and associative. It is, as a rule, emotional, hasty and incendiary. The voice has many shades, its timbre varies from very high to low. The vocabulary is rich and varied, characterized by the use of evaluative words and expressions.

They prefer fashionable extravagant outfits. Prone to mixing styles and casual dressing. They can appear in society in a crumpled suit and feel comfortable at the same time. Swift, mannered, with lively facial expressions and gestures.


The rectangle is often chosen by people who are in the transition phase from one state to another. This situation, reflecting some kind of personality crisis, as a rule, does not last long, and the person chooses a more specific type of behavior, described from the four above. In a word, this is someone who is looking for a better position or has just changed it, or anticipates changes. But there are individuals for whom it drags on for a long time.

A characteristic feature inherent in a person of this type is a pronounced internal dissatisfaction with how his life is developing at the current moment, and a desire to change something. Often this state of affairs is complicated by a state of confusion, confusion of thoughts, lack of understanding of one's own desires and lack of guidance in further movement.

The choice of a rectangle as the main figure may indicate inconsistency, a tendency to make impulsive decisions, non-punctuality and nervousness. The mood of a rectangle man can change many times even within one day, which entails a change in his behavior.

Those who prefer the rectangle tend to be inconsistent, insecure, and have low self-esteem. They are in dire need of communication. At the same time, these people are brave, inquisitive. They are open to new ideas, values, ways of thinking and living, they easily learn everything new. A sense of their own imperfection encourages them to look for ways of self-development and change: read more, attend various courses.

Women who choose the rectangle are painfully inquisitive, suggestible, trusting and naive. They often fall victim to other people's manipulations. They are characterized by haste in resolving issues.

There are no particular preferences in clothing. Rectangle people are not neat and are characterized by a complete lack of style.

How to communicate with them, how to quickly determine what a person's strengths and weaknesses are. In what cases it is worth counting on a person, and in which not, what can be entrusted and what cannot.

In addition, we are all interested in who we are, what we are and what strengths and weaknesses we have. Knowing this, we can reduce the influence of the weak.

We may simply not notice our weaknesses if we are not aware of them. And vice versa, something can irritate us in our acquaintances, friends, close people. And it is very useful to understand that these people are just different from us, and they have their own advantages and disadvantages .

There is a simple and visual system, which is so visual and practical that every person can easily remember and apply it in their daily life. This system is called Psychogeometry.

She was created in 1989 Doctor of Psychology, specialist in socio-psychological training of managerial personnel, . Being engaged in the selection of people for managerial positions, she has already prepared more than 100.000 followers worldwide . This practical system psychological analysis of personality, psychogeometry, which allows you to attribute a person to one of the personality types, is very accurate. In America, this technique has been used for more than 500 companies, during the psychological analysis of personality during hiring, and they consider psychogeometry to be a more accurate system of psychological analysis of personality than traditional testing in such cases. System Accuracy — 85% , and the error may arise due to a frivolous or negative attitude towards the test, or a simple preoccupation with other matters.

When you understand psychogeometry You, after talking with a person, can immediately determine what psychological type of personality this person belongs to. Each will become an open book for you. It will be easier for you to relate to the shortcomings of other people, you will begin to notice their virtues. You will understand yourself and understand what traits of your character you will need to work out.

So let's start testing

Take a pen and a small piece of paper. There are five figures in front of you: square, triangle, rectangle, circle, zigzag . Choose the figure that is closest to you, with which you can associate yourself. There is no need to think much or apply any logic. Rely on feelings and intuition. Write it down on sheet number 1. Mentally remove it from the row, or cover it with something, and look at the remaining four figures. Again, choose the figure from the remaining ones that is closest to you. Write it down as number 2. So number all the figures in order of preference, from 1 to 5.

What does all this mean?

First figure The one you have chosen is the main figure of your personality. It determines the main, predominant features of your character and behavior.

Shapes 2 to 4- additional figures that add semitones to the main melody of your behavior. Moreover, their significance decreases with increasing serial number. Figure #2 is more significant for you than figure #3, and figure #3 is more significant than figure #4.

The last, fifth figure , makes itself felt when you are not yourself, upset, when you are depressed or in a bad mood, when you are preoccupied, confused, aggressive. It also indicates the type of people with whom it is most difficult for you to establish contacts. And therefore, you need to work especially with this figure in order to understand the reasons for your conflicts or the reasons why you sometimes behave differently than usual.

Optionally, you will also have only one figure dominant. There are also combined types of personalities, which have the features of two figures.

It can be a triangle in a square, a zigzag in a circle, and so on. So if you cannot determine which figure is your first, most likely, your psychological personality type is combined. But, in any case, some figure will still dominate, and the other will go at number two.

When you finally decide on the figures, put them in order, feel free to follow the link below to decipher your results.

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