Divination by desire is simple and truthful. Fortune telling on a wish online - will it come true or not Fortune telling on the fulfillment of a wish on cards online

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Our ancestors could not use online fortune-telling. But this does not mean at all that before people were not interested in predictions of fate! There were many ways to perform fortune-telling on a wish - whether or not what you had in mind would come true, you could find out with the help of a coin.

However, the arsenal of amateur oracles was not limited to guessing "heads or tails." Our ancestors did not need to go online to find out if a wish would come true or not. To get a prediction, you just had to get up early in the morning and look out the window! The answer depended on who could be seen on the street:

  • Adult man - a wish will certainly come true
  • An adult woman - the chances of success are extremely small
  • Child (boy or girl) - will come true, but not completely
  • Dog or cat - there will be difficulties or delays in the execution of plans
  • Bird - they will help you to realize your plan

As you can see, divination by desire online is not the only method of predicting your fate. Of course, the listed simple fortune-telling does not allow you to get answers to serious questions or solve complex problems. Those who aspired to become a real oracle also needed to spend a lot of time mastering card layouts.

What determines the accuracy of the prediction

Will online fortune-telling for the fulfillment of a wish be reliable? The answer to this question depends on several factors. To determine the probability of the fulfillment of a particular desire, the Oracle focuses on planetary cycles. But he also senses the mood of the person asking the question. If you want to play a joke on the Prophet, then the answer will also be a joke.

Sometimes an online prophet cannot foresee the future. This usually happens when the influence of Mars or Saturn is activated. If it is currently not possible to make a forecast, then you will see the message "The future is very vague, it is impossible to give an exact answer." In this case, try repeating fortune-telling the next day.

Sometimes, you really want to look into the future to find out whether your wish will come true or not. We will teach you how to read wishes!

To find answers to your questions and find out if fate will help you realize your cherished dream, it is not at all necessary to have special sacred and secret knowledge. To help us in this can simple and accessible to all fortune-telling on desires.

How to guess at desire

Anyone can make a wish. However, in order for fortune-telling to be truly accurate, it is necessary to prepare for it. First of all, you need to choose the right time. The full moon is best suited for these purposes. But guessing should be before sunset, and not at night. Since the night is more suitable for rituals and rituals, rather than fortune telling.

When you need to guess at desire

The day of the week also matters.

  1. On Monday, you can guess absolutely anything you want.
  2. On Tuesday and Friday, you should look for answers to difficult, serious and love questions.
  3. On Wednesday, make wishes related to business, work and study.
  4. Thursday is associated with material well-being, so you can ask fate if it will give you a million.
  5. On Saturday and Sunday, guessing at desire is not accepted.

The meaning of the days of the week in divination

Monday is a universal day when you can ask any question, especially regarding personal development.

Tuesday - favorable for getting answers to questions about whether the wish will come true.

Wednesday is a day suitable for fortune-telling if you are interested in issues of study, career and any development at work.

Thursday - it is worth asking questions about money. Repayment of loans, repayment of debts, receipt of bonuses, etc.

Friday - you can ask the Universe about love moments, intimate relationships.

Fortune telling for the realization of dreams should be carried out on Monday. On issues of conflicts and health, it is worth guessing on Tuesdays. The appeal to the Universe on Friday must be sincere in order to receive what was conceived.

Divination by desire. Ways

Try to take divination seriously. Clear your thoughts, focus on desire, create a calm atmosphere. Divination by desire is usually carried out with the help of cards, books, candles, coins, etc.

Fortune telling with the help of a book

Divination by desire with the help of a book is one of the easiest ways. It also has a beautiful magical name - bibliomancy. For fortune telling, take any book, make a wish. Now, without opening the book, think of any page and line number. After that, open the book, find the intended page and line, read it. This will be the answer. According to the meaning of this line, you can understand whether the wish will come true or not.

Fortune telling with the help of cards

An equally popular way of divination by desire are cards. To do this, you should not go to a fortuneteller or learn complex layouts, because there are simple fortune-telling for desire on the cards. The easiest way is to make a wish and shuffle the deck, concentrating on what you want. Now draw a card from the deck. If the red suit fell out, then the wish will come true, but if the black one does not.

Fortune telling on a wish on the cards can also be done as follows. Shuffle a large deck of cards and arrange 15 cards, suit up, in one row, discarding aces. Then lay out 2 more rows of 15 cards. If during the alignment all the aces come out, then the wish will come true.

Fortune telling with coins

You can also guess with the help of coins, but it is best to use old coins. They will gladly reveal all the secrets to you if you take divination seriously. Take a handful of coins in the palm of your hand, make a wish and toss them up. Count the number of coins that landed tails and heads up. If more coins lay on heads, then the wish will come true, and if tails - no.

Here is another fun way to divinate a wish using coins. You will need three coins of different sizes. Write a wish on 3 pieces of paper, wrap one coin in them and put them under the pillow. In the morning, pull out the first paper that comes across with your left hand. If you come across the largest coin, the wish will come true. The average coin says that the wish will come true, but not soon. And if a small coin came across, the dream was not destined to come true.

Fortune telling with a mirror

A very interesting divination can be done using a mirror. Light a candle and smear the round mirror with wax. Write a wish on the wax with charcoal and put the mirror in a cold place. After a couple of hours, thoroughly sprinkle the mirror with cold water. If the inscription disappears, then the wish will not come true.

Fortune telling with dice

Divination on dice has become very popular lately. After making a wish, put two bones in a cup, mix and throw on the table. At the same time, hold the cup with your left hand and rotate the bones counterclockwise. Now look at the combinations that have landed.

If 2-1, 6-6, 3-2, 5-5, 4-3, 6-4 fell out, the wish will come true.

If 6-5, 4-1, 6-1, 5-1, 3-3, 5-2, 4-4 - most likely, it will come true, fate gives many chances.

And if 6-3, 2-2, 6-2, 5-4, 1-1, 5-4, 4-2, 5-3, 3-1 falls out, - alas, the desire will not come true.

What fortune-telling do you know? Write to us!

The desire of a person is feasible, if you do not interfere with him, but make efforts. Fortune telling on Tarot cards for a wish will tell you which path you should choose to achieve your dream, what can get in the way, what dangers should be expected from life and others. Usually the alignment lasts for three months, but the fortuneteller can pre-set his own period. What you should know about divination by desire is described in this article.

Distinctive moments of divination by desire

The alignment for the fulfillment of a desire has a certain number of rules and regulations that must be followed in order to get a result. Things to remember:

  • fortune telling is done in the full phase of the moon;
  • alignment should be done before the sun sets;
  • fortune-telling should be carried out without strangers present;
  • you should not use someone else's deck, only your own cards;
  • it is strictly forbidden to talk about fortune-telling and its results.

Equally important is that fortune-telling just for fun is not welcome. Cards may be "offended" and in the future will refuse to provide information to their owner.

What days can you guess?

In addition to these points, it should be remembered that not every day of the week is suitable for fortune telling.

  • on Mondays you can be interested in any question;
  • Tuesday and Friday are suitable for clarifying information related to the love front;
  • the environment is suitable for clarifying issues related to the labor sphere;
  • on Thursday, layouts are made regarding financial well-being, material values.

Spread of desire

How is the Tarot spread:

  1. First of all, the deck is thoroughly mixed. A question of interest is mentally asked, a desire is formulated. It is important to remember that the more clearly a person formulates a thought, the more accurate the Tarot answer will be.
  2. Five cards are dealt. It unfolds one in the middle, one each to the left, to the right, above and below the central one. It turns out the cross.
  3. The value of the central one is dreams, aspirations, the likelihood of their implementation. If a card with a negative value falls out, this means that the desire is not destined to come true in the near future. The rest of the Tarot will tell the reason.
  4. The card to the left of the center - talks about what can help in the fulfillment of desire. person, event or action.
  5. Tarot on the right - shows what prevents you from reaching your goal. It can also indicate someone or something that is in the life of a fortuneteller.
  6. The map at the top shows what efforts a person makes to achieve what he wants. If the Tarot has a negative meaning, this indicates that the fortuneteller himself does not want to achieve the goal strongly enough or makes too little effort.
  7. The last one from the bottom gives advice regarding the question asked. What should be done or what should be avoided in order to get the result that a person is counting on.

Guessing a wish for the New Year

New Year's fortune-telling helps to get answers for the coming year. Tarot divination can be done not only on New Year's Eve, but also on your birthday.

Reliable alignment on desire

This alignment is considered the most accurate. Performing it requires concentration on a given goal. In this case, six cards are used. The deck mixes well and the Tarot six is ​​pulled out of it, it is better to pull them from different sides: the middle, the beginning, the end. Before each card is laid out, it is asked a separate question:

  1. What needs to be done to get what you want?
  2. What obstacles will stand in the way?
  3. What is stopping me from reaching my goal?
  4. What helps me reach my goal?
  5. How long will it take before the wish comes true?
  6. What awaits me at the end?

Each card will answer the given question in accordance with the basic desire.

Interpretations of the drawn cards

The responses received should be interpreted correctly. Often, beginners make common mistakes and misinterpret the presented alignment. It is required to draw a conclusion not only by the value of a single card (positive or negative), but also based on the overall picture. One Tarot compensates or enhances the effect of another. Fulfillment of desires tarot cards, what they mean.

  1. The magician means that the wish will come true. It is the personification of abilities, talents.
  2. The jester is a positive outcome. Map of truth.
  3. Empress - the dream will come true. Tarot, talking about the material essence.
  4. Emperor - a positive outcome if a person changes priorities. The emperor points the right way.
  5. The hierophant indicates knowledge, experience, wisdom. He speaks of the fulfillment of desire, if the fortuneteller is guided by common sense.
  6. Lovers - a crossroads, doubts, life's difficulties and obstacles. The implementation of the plan is only in the hands of the fortuneteller.
  7. The Chariot is a positive card. The highest sign that speaks of the realization of a dream.
  8. Justice - karmic debts, duties. It is unlikely to achieve the desired, it remains only to understand why.
  9. Hermit - loneliness, analysis of oneself. You need to set your priorities right.
  10. Wheel of Fortune - undoubted luck, luck, all your plans will come true.
  11. Strength is the effort required to achieve a goal.
  12. Hanged Man - the desire will not be fulfilled. The card speaks of problems that a person cannot solve on his own. Outside help required.
  13. Death is in the hands of man. Map of changes, a new stage in life.
  14. Equilibrium is a card of harmony, idyll. The fortuneteller will reach his goal.
  15. The devil says that the desire will not come true. The reason is the circumstances on which a person is not able to influence.
  16. Tower - Tarot says that a person is waiting for a change in life, the implementation of the plan depends only on him.
  17. Star - you should listen to your intuition and everything will come true.
  18. Moon - doubts, illusions. A person does not correctly relate to reality, incorrectly assesses the situation, this prevents him from achieving his goal.
  19. The sun is happiness, warmth, light. Everything will be fine, you just need to believe in it.
  20. Revival speaks of a new stage in life, the implementation of the plan.
  21. Fool - dreams will not come true. The fortuneteller overestimates his strength too much, reacts incorrectly to the situation.
  22. Peace - Tarot, symbolizing harmony and well-being.

Online divination "wish tree"

A more complex layout consisting of 9 cards. With the correct interpretation, it helps to understand not only the question asked, but also the prerequisites for the fulfillment of the plan. This divination is available in the online version.

Card interpretation

It will take time to properly understand the answers presented by the cards. You should slowly disassemble each Tarot, individually and together with the others laid out.

  1. The first and second cards make up the trunk of the tree. They talk about the causes of this issue.
  2. The third and fifth are the right branch. What will help in the implementation of the plan.
  3. The fourth and sixth cards are the left branch. What prevents the desire from being fulfilled.
  4. Seventh and eighth - what will be the consequences if the desire is fulfilled.
  5. The ninth is the top. Tarot gives advice: what should be done to achieve the goal.


As already mentioned, Tarot fortune-telling for desire is not done for the sake of momentary entertainment. This is a complex, ancient rite that should be approached with responsibility. The cards will help their owner to understand themselves, the surrounding reality and choose the right path.

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Jester card. There is no exact answer, the result is unpredictable. Things will not turn out the way you think now. To get what you want, you need to try something new or start from scratch. In this situation, a non-standard approach will help. You may need to take a step into the unknown. Trust your intuition and follow the signs sent from above.

Map Mag. Most often the answer is “yes”. To get it, you need to be active. Your passivity and inactivity will lead to the answer "no". Now you have every opportunity to get what you want. Show your mind, ingenuity and all your skills.

High Priestess card. The answer is uncertain. If you listen to your intuition, the answer is yes. If you are guided by logic and do not pay attention to the inner voice, the answer is “no”. The card advises to wait, go with the flow or take the advice of a wise woman.

Empress card. The answer is yes. Now it is very important for you to make broad gestures towards other people and gratefully accept the gifts of fate. Live an abundant life and give the world your love.

Emperor card. The answer is yes. However, if you are hesitant about the question, the answer is probably no. The situation requires clear planning and perseverance in achieving the goal. It may be worth enlisting the support of an influential person.

Card of the High Priest. For questions of a spiritual nature, the answer is yes. To material questions - in most cases - "no". In the question, you should adhere to certain moral values, take the advice of an older person, or look for an answer in spiritual sources.

Lovers card. Most often, yes. There is some duality or alternative in the situation. The card advises you to follow the path that your heart tells you.

Chariot card. After difficulties, you will achieve victory. The answer is "yes" if you don't quit halfway through. When it comes to travel, you have to go. The card advises to act decisively, keep the situation under control and, if necessary, go on a road or travel, literally and figuratively.

Strength card. The answer is yes. If you act too aggressively and persistently, thoughtlessly waste energy, indulge your instincts, the answer is no.

Hermit card. To questions about marriage, close relationships, money, the answer is no. To questions about purpose, solitude, knowledge - “yes”. The card advises you to solve the issue alone, to go your own way in solving it, to look for the meaning of what is happening inside yourself.

Wheel of Fortune card. The answer is yes, but there may be some mystery hidden in the situation. In your question, some event must occur, in which fate itself intervenes, and very little will depend on you. Circumstances will change. Ask the question again, wording it differently or specifying details. Often the Wheel of Fortune indicates luck and fortune.

Justice card. Most often - "yes" if you have acted honestly before, "no" - if you have behaved unfairly in a situation. To even out the situation, you will need a stage of weighing all the pros and cons, as well as an objective assessment of the issue.

Map of the Hanged Man. At this stage, most likely "no". Unexpected difficulties or difficulties may arise. You may feel in limbo. You need to do a soul-searching and return to your true purpose.

Death card. The answer is no, things will change many times over. It is necessary to consider not the situation, but the options for solving it, or to formulate the question more precisely. Perhaps the information is closed - at the moment you should not know it. There may be a period of stagnation or a feeling of stopping life, but this is necessary for change, transformation and resolution of the issue.

Card Temperance. The answer is "yes", but a little later, or not in the way we would like. Set this question aside for the time being and try different approaches later. Higher powers will take care of the fulfillment of your ideas.

Devil card. To questions about the material sphere and relationships - the answer is "yes", but with a warning about "free cheese". It can mean the confusion of the situation, the unknown. You are probably wishful thinking.

Map Tower. The answer is no. For questions about real estate - usually "yes". The card symbolizes limitations and unforeseen circumstances leading to total destruction.

Star card. The answer is yes, but a little later, or you need to try. Sometimes not in the way you think. Everything will come true if you believe in it. In this case, you are guaranteed the support of higher powers. The card advises not to stand still in achieving your dreams.

Moon card. Map of the unknown. The question is asked incorrectly or the situation is unpredictable. If the question is about women, the answer is yes. Your question is accompanied by some inner fear or doubt. In the situation there are moments of some self-deception or deception on the part of others.

Sun card. The unequivocal answer is "yes". No matter how circumstances develop in the present, a happy and successful development is expected for you in the situation.

Court map. The answer is yes, but it will take some effort. In any case, the card symbolizes transformation and change, which will eventually bring long-awaited changes and a happy stage in life. Often warns of fateful moments.

Map World. The answer is “yes”, if you go peacefully, or are ready to expand your horizons and opportunities, travel, travel a long distance.

Many wonder if the wish will come true, if it will happen soon and if there will be unexpected obstacles. Turning to higher powers, mentally concentrating on an exciting task and finding out the exact answer is not difficult at all.

You can quickly and completely free of charge tell fortunes on a wish, whether it will come true or not, at home. Seeking help from the Delphic oracle will show not external superficial, but deeply hidden facts about the life situation. Virtual fortune-telling will not only clarify whether the plan will work out, but also tell you what efforts to make so that the dream becomes a reality.

The most accurate and truthful fortune-telling will help you get answers to the questions:

  • health status;
  • success in a new endeavor;
  • meeting with love
  • receiving a long-awaited gift;
  • promotion guarantee.

The alignment of desire will give answers to controversial questions and suggest a simple and short way to achieve the goal.

Attention! An exact 100 percent recall comes if you make a secret wish. No need to ask about meaningless problems, to bother the Universe in vain.

Before you start the ritual of divination for the fulfillment of a desire, you need to move away from the fuss and fully concentrate on the exciting issue.

To get a more accurate and truthful result, the person, object or event with which the thoughts are connected must be presented in detail. Do not worry about time: the clearer and more expressive the “image” you can create, the more truthful the answer of higher powers will be.

Not only girls, but also men can use the most accurate fortune-telling for desires.

Important! You can use the most accurate wheel 1 time per day.

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