Fortune telling by name and surname for compatibility. Divination for love compatibility by name. Why do we need fortune-telling for compatibility

Drainage 31.03.2022

Divination on paper is distinguished by its simplicity and minimal preparation requirements. In order to, you need to take a piece of paper and a pen. The accuracy of the prediction depends on how much you believe in this way to find out fate.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen is most often used to also tell about the feelings of the person of interest. In order to check your love compatibility with a partner, take a piece of paper and draw a chamomile on it. There should be exactly as many petals as there are letters in the name of a loved one. On each petal, clockwise, you need to write the letters of the name of your chosen one. After that, write on the petals in order the letters of your name. If your name is longer than your partner's name by the number of letters, then simply do not enter the remaining letters anywhere.

If 1 petal - your union has a future. Even if the feelings fade away, then you will have a warm and kind attitude towards each other.

If 2 petals - the union is unsuccessful. Feelings can quickly fade away, after which disappointment will come.

If 3 petals - you have very good love compatibility with each other. You not only have feelings, but also common interests that bring you even closer.

If 4 petals or more - the union is strong and successful. You are two halves who, by some miracle, found each other. Appreciate each other and take care of your feelings.

You can check your compatibility with a partner in another way, more accurate. To do this, you need to write on a piece of paper the full last name, first name and patronymic of your chosen one. Under his name you need to write your full name. After that, cross out the repeated letters in your name and his. Count the number of letters left and adjust it to a single digit if required. For example, if you have 12 letters left, then you need to add 1 and 2 to get the fortune-telling result. The number 3 in this case will be the result of fortune telling. Having learned the number, you need to decipher it.

Number 1 - you are a good couple, a happy future awaits you, warmth and love.

Number 2 - you are not suitable for each other, disappointments await you ahead.

Number 3 - you are in love, but soon the veil will fall from your eyes, and you will realize that this chosen one is not what you need.

Number 4 - You don't love your partner enough. If he makes all the necessary efforts in order to be with you together, then your future with him is possible.

Number 5 - you are united only by mutual benefit. Most likely, such relations will soon “fade to naught”.

Number 6 - you are a great couple. In your union there is love, and respect, and care. If you manage to keep these feelings, then your future with this person will be long and happy.

Number 7 - you are more likely to be united by friendship and interest in each other, but not love. You could be great friends for each other.

Number 8 - everything is harmonious in your pair, you complement each other. You feel comfortable and comfortable with a partner.

Number 9 - you have good compatibility. However, in order to maintain a relationship, you will have to constantly work on yourself and try to surprise each other. There will be no emotions - love will also disappear.

These, at first glance, simple and quick checks for love compatibility with a partner give accurate and specific results of the future with a particular person. These divinations are based on numerology, the ancient science of numbers and their meanings, which makes them accurate and truthful. Useful article? Then be sure to put

14.10.2013 11:24

Birth date numerology can answer many important issues and shed some light on...

Why do opposites attract? Why are eccentric and restless people drawn to calm and balanced people? What is it, the desire to find in another what is lacking in oneself? Everything is much easier. This is the elementary magic of our names, whether they sound in unison, how much they coincide not according to some linguistic laws, but according to the laws of numbers and destinies. Fortune telling on compatibility by name and surname can be done in different ways.

There are methods based on numerology - the science of numbers and their mutual vibrations. There are various fortune-telling on paper, which are based on ratio graphs and sums of prime numbers.

The magical world of numerology

This science is ancient as the world, like the numbers themselves that underlie it, perhaps even older. Its origins are such outstanding scientists of antiquity as Pythagoras, who believed that everything in life is subject to numbers. He also developed the basic concepts of numerology, combining the knowledge and mathematical systems of the Egyptians, Druids, ancient Arabs and Phoenicians with the sciences that study human nature.

Name parsing

The main principle that determines fortune-telling for compatibility by name and surname is the numerological analysis of the names of two people. To do this, they form a connection between the letters of the alphabet and numbers and, in accordance with a certain set of rules, analyze the result.

One of these ways is arrangement of letters of the alphabet in the following way:

For example: There is a girl's name - Natalya and a guy's name - Mikhail. Having analyzed the first name, we get H - 5, A - 1, T - 4, A - again 1, L - 2, b - 1, I - 2. The sum that forms the number of the name needed for fortune-telling is 16, the number of the name obtained from the addition of 1 and 6 - 7. Having calculated the name of the guy in the same way, we get the number 5. This means that in such a relationship Natalya will be the main one, since the number of her name is greater than that of Mikhail. To find out how the relationship of two people with such names will develop, you need to subtract the smaller from the larger. We get the number 2.

If you hope that full names (with surnames or patronymics) will give a different, more accurate result, do not waste time in vain. Fortune telling by full name for compatibility is doomed to an incorrect answer, since its main strength is the names of people given at birth.

Alternative way

There is also a way that allows you to tell fortunes on the first and last names of your beloved and gives a result that, on a ten-point scale, will reflect the level of their compatibility with each other. It will help to avoid obviously unsuccessful relationships and protect against possible conflicts that warn two people on the way.

For this:

  • We write down the last name, first name and patronymic of the alleged object of fortune-telling in a line, while repeating letters are entered in a column under each of them.
  • We do the same with our full name.
  • We count the number of letters in each column and if the sum is even, write 0, odd - 1.
  • We sum up to get two numbers.
  • We add these numbers to each other. If the result is two-digit, find out the sum of the composite digits of this number.

The result is a number ranging from one to nine, which will show the compatibility of two people on a ten-point scale.

Plotting love

This fortune-telling is not related to the magic of numbers and is designed to give a more visual result of the development of relationships. It is suitable for both girls and guys who have doubts and uncertainty about the correctness of the chosen companion or are afraid that nothing good will shine with him. All you need is a piece of paper and two pencils (you can use pens) of different colors.

Use pencils to write your first and last name, and then his or hers. Cross out the repeated letters from the names. We build a graph: if the letter is not crossed out, you need to draw a straight line to the right. If not, diagonally up. The resulting drawing will clearly show you what to expect from a relationship with this person.

Lines diverging in different directions do not predict success for your union. Most likely, even if you stay together for a while, it is unlikely to develop into something serious.

If you see parallel lines that can move away from each other, approach each other, but never intersect, only friendship is destined for you with this person. Even if you decide to have a serious relationship with him, you will hardly be able to translate into a love channel. But as friends, you can continue to communicate for many years.

The most favorable view the graph acquires when two lines intersect and then go together. This sure sign the fact that the betrothed is found. Strong, full of love and understanding relationships are destined for such a union. If the lines intersect, go side by side for some time, and then diverge, comments are superfluous here. This union, however beautiful and promising it may look, is doomed. It can be destroyed as a series of quarrels or misunderstandings, but also the death of one of the lovers.

Name compatibility is the key to a harmonious and lasting relationship. Since ancient times, thinkers and philosophers have tried to understand the hidden meaning of the combination of sounds in their digital expression. In our time, modern psychologists have also approved this.

Compatibility calculation by name online

To test for compatibility, enter two names and click the "Find out" button. Be sure to specify full names - the result will depend on this.

first name

second name

Enter names

The sound of a person's name causes a different emotional response in people. Some people like the name, while others have unpleasant associations. What is it connected with? The name of a person creates certain vibrations in space that make a change in the surrounding reality. If these vibrations coincide with ours, the person seems pleasant to us. If they do not match, we cannot perceive it adequately.

Choosing a name is a responsible step, because its meaning determines the future life of a little person. Our Orthodox ancestors were not wiser with the choice of a name, but named the baby in honor of the saint honored on the birthday of the newborn. This determined the further fate of the new man.

IN modern world not many are named according to the holy calendar, they are mainly guided by the euphony of the name and other criteria. People who want to get married should independently study the meaning of the name of the chosen one in order to make an approximate forecast of the success of their choice.

The numerical code of the name contains all the information about the person:

  • his character;
  • attachments;
  • hobbies;
  • attitude towards people of the opposite sex.

This numerical code is read by the subconscious and determines our attitude towards a person. In this case, it is not necessary to hear the name - you can just read it. The coincidence of the numerical code is important not only for the selection of staff, it is also important for the relationship between a man and a woman. You can make a horoscope of relationships, but numerical vibration makes decisive adjustments to the sphere of people's communication.

The calculation of the numerical code of the name will give an idea of ​​the dynamics of the development of relations, the compatibility of a married couple, and the necessary adjustment of relations. Also, this information will help to understand the mystery of the partner and find out the motives of behavior.

Numerical code of a man and a woman by last name and first name

First, let's start calculating the numerical code of names. It is based on the search for a number that combines names. This calculation is suitable both for determining the compatibility of marriage partners, and for determining the prospects for a business alliance.

To calculate, you need to write the name and surname of a person in a column, and next to each letter put its serial number in the alphabet. For example, the serial number of the letter A is 1, the letter B is 2, and so on. Calculate the numeric code for the name:

14+1+18+10+33 = 76.
76 = 7+6 = 13.
13 = 1+3 = 4.

Now let's calculate the numerical code of the surname - Ivanov.

10+3+1+15+16+3+1 = 49.
49 = 4+9 =13.
13 = 1+3 = 4.

We ended up with two fours. Now you need to add them up to get the final number. It will be equal to eight. Now the same actions are carried out with the name and surname of the chosen one or business partner.

After that, you need to add the final numbers - yours and the chosen one. The harmony of relationships is determined by all even numbers, disharmony is expressed by all odd numbers. The exception to the rule is the number 18 - it symbolizes complete indifference and lack of interest.

Does an odd final number predict an unhappy marriage and a lack of understanding? This is not always the case, and mutual understanding can be. But all circumstances will develop in the most unfavorable way, and the married couple will have to overcome various obstacles on the path to happiness.

An exception to the odd series of final numbers are the numbers 19 and 21 - they predict a harmonious and happy union.

Name change question

How will the name change affect marital relations? In the most direct way. Therefore, before entering into marriage, it is necessary to make a calculation with the name of the future husband and see the result. If it turns out to be unfavorable, there is no point in changing the surname.

The sound of a name

This technique allows you to determine compatibility in a relationship through the perception of a name by ear. How do we perceive the sound of a name, how do we react to sound waves? Sound defines a set of letters - a combination of vowels and consonants.

The more similar sounds in the names of partners, the more harmonious the relationship will be.

The ideal relationship in this case would be matching names - Valentine and, and etc.

Consider what characteristics each letter of the alphabet has.

  • A - carries vibrations of activity, power, inner strength.
  • B - gives the possibility of extrasensory perception.
  • B - allows you to feel unity with the world, and is also characterized by some eccentricity.
  • G - brings secrets and mystery.
  • D - determines the propensity for esotericism, and also gives a person a capricious character.
  • E - gives the gift to see the essence of things, as well as the ability to overcome obstacles on the way.
  • Yo is an emotional perception of the world, a desire to express one's opinion.
  • F - gives a rich imagination and versatile development.
  • Z - endows with an intuitive perception of the world, and also gives dissatisfaction with what has been achieved.
  • And - bestows a subtle perception of the world, responsiveness and extravagance.
  • K - gives insight and gives a sense of support.
  • L - a rich imagination, acting skills, a creative approach to the world.
  • M - conscientiousness, diligence, shyness, attentiveness to others.
  • N - gives a person ambition and claims to success, gives a liveliness of imagination and a desire for the right way of thinking.
  • About - unrestrained in emotions people.
  • P - endows with complexes and superstitions, a person puts on a mask on his face to hide his insecurity.
  • R - unshakable self-confidence, following the established rules.
  • C - gives a person a critical mind, a desire for power and control over everyone.
  • T - bestows sensitivity and the desire for self-improvement.
  • U - endows with developed intuition and the ability to empathize.
  • F - gives tenderness, original thinking and the desire to exaggerate everything.
  • X - defines variability in interests, decency and sexual modesty.
  • C - the desire to dominate, ambition and excessive pride.
  • H is devotion and ambition.
  • Ш - desire for power, lack of tolerance.
  • Щ is a person of an open soul, a developed mind, a sense of purpose.
  • B - the ability to negotiate, loyalty.
  • S - materialism, earthiness.
  • b - the ability to see to the root.
  • E - curiosity, the ability to beautifully express one's thoughts.
  • Yu - sacrifice, willpower.
  • I am a developed mind, creative thinking, pride.

The presence of growling consonants in the name determines the rigidity of the character. Also, the rigidity and complexity of the character is determined by the length of the person's name.

What role does patronymic play in the fate of a person? The sound series of the patronymic makes its own adjustments to the general numerical code - it strengthens or weakens the bright sides of the character. For example, a hard name with a soft middle name significantly softens the overall final version. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the qualities of a person by name and patronymic.

What to do if the name of a partner forms his unsightly qualities of character? In this case, numerologists advise you to come up with an affectionate nickname, having thought through the combination of all sounds in advance. If people do not match each other by name, you can always find a way out by applying ingenuity.

You can determine how much you and your loved one fit each other in terms of character, temperament, life values ​​and principles, you can already after a couple of weeks of close communication. But in order to find out whether your destinies are connected, or whether this person just happened to be on your life path, in this matter should refer to .

There are several simple formulas, with the help of which you will find out not only your compatibility with your partner, but also how your relationship will develop in the future and what should be given more attention in order to maintain love and mutual understanding in a couple.

How well do men and women fit together?

One of the easiest and most reliable ways to determine how well you and your partner fit each other is name compatibility calculation. For a more accurate result, many numerologists also add the last name and patronymic of the person to the formula.

It is believed that these data have an impact on our lives in the same way as the sign of the zodiac, astrological houses, date and time of birth. The name is given to a person at the moment of his birth and its meaning is clearly traced through the rest.

In order to calculate compatibility with a guy, put a blank sheet of paper in front of you and write your last name, first name and patronymic on it. According to the numerological principle, you should translate each letter into its numerical code. To do this, use a special table:

Under each letter, on the line below, write its numerical value.. You need to calculate your full name number. You can do this by adding up all the numbers. For example, a girl's name is Smirnova Maria Fedorovna:


2+8+1+3+3+5+6+2+8+2+3+1+6+9+4+1+5+3+5+6+3+2 = 88.

Having received a two-digit or three-digit number as a result, it should be reduced to simple meaning . Add together the numbers that make it up until you get a number from 1 to 9:

So, the full number of the name in this case the number 7 is obtained. Now, according to the same principle, you should calculate the number of your partner. Let's say in our case it will be equal to 3.

To find out the compatibility number of your couple, you should multiply these two values ​​\u200b\u200bwith each other and add to the result the number 7, which in numerology is responsible for unions between people, creating a family, and love. The result obtained must be reduced to a single digit.


In our example, the partner compatibility number is the number 1. To find out exactly what this will mean for your relationship and how favorable the forecast is, let's turn to the numerological meaning of the numbers.

Meaning of the results

    Nine, as a number of compatibility, indicates irreconcilable differences between partners. In such an alliance, people have completely different temperaments, characters, life values ​​and principles. It is difficult for them to maintain a warm relationship with each other, but they try very hard.

    The partner is insanely interesting precisely because it is absolutely not like them. Nine may indicate a stable and strong relationship, but quarrels and conflicts cannot be avoided. so please be patient.

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