Fortune telling on cards 73 ways. How to guess with playing cards? The value of simple cards in fortune-telling

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It is generally accepted that for fortune telling you need to use special cards, and playing cards cannot tell the whole truth. But this is a myth - there are proven ways of fortune telling on playing cards, which are in no way inferior to the classical methods. Let's talk about the most popular layouts and meanings of playing cards.

Online fortune telling on playing cards

To lay out a deck of cards, click on it:

Dropped Cards:

You can see the decryption of all cards.

There are certain rules that must be followed if you decide to read fortunes on playing cards. Here they are:

  • You must have one, your own deck - only its owner can guess on playing cards: other people's cards will be "deceived"
  • Before a fortune-telling session, you need to concentrate and clearly imagine your goal - what exactly you want to know. A correctly formulated question is the key to success
  • You need to believe that the cards will tell the truth. Skeptics and unbelievers, because of fortune-telling, people are better off trying to tell fortunes.

It's simple - tune in, prepare a deck, clearly decide what to ask, and go!

The meaning of the cards

After you receive the layout, you will need to decrypt it. Here's what each card means:

  • Six - portends an important meeting or romantic date
  • Seven - promises luck and extraordinary luck in all endeavors
  • Eight - falls to difficulties, troubles, problems and difficulties
  • Nine - the image of a rival, rival, a woman who is negatively disposed towards you: envies or wishes evil
  • Ten - in the life of a fortuneteller, a situation will arise in which you have to do important choice that will affect the course of later life
  • Jack is a familiar young man from your circle
  • A lady is a girl from the inner circle of a fortuneteller: a relative, a beloved woman, a friend
  • The king is a man from the inner circle of a fortuneteller: beloved, husband, friend, brother, father
  • Ace is the personification of love, and mutual: you don't have to suffer from unrequited feelings

The suit of the card also matters:

  • Hearts mean mutual feelings of a romantic nature: falling in love, love, strong sympathy
  • Diamonds cards portend important news in the life of a fortuneteller. Moreover, the news will be pleasant and bring a lot of joy.
  • Tref (cross) cards - personify the material side of the fortuneteller's life, can talk about financial matters, attitude to money
  • Peak cards always lead to something negative - problems, difficulties, conflicts and troubles.

Popular layouts

Arbitrary divination for the future

Take a deck of playing cards in your hands and clearly formulate the question, the answer to which you are interested in. It is important that the question is closed, that is, you can only answer “Yes” or “No”.

For example: "Will a young man (name) call me on a date"? Or: "Will I get money for the business that I have in mind"?

Draw one of the cards at random. If the card comes up with a heart suit, the answer is yes. The peak is negative. Diamonds indicate that you can get a positive answer, but you have to work hard. Clubs warn: you are not thinking about that, you turn your attention to more important things.

Fortune telling by one card

Also a very simple fortune-telling option. Do everything as in the previous case, but you can ask an open question - then the drawn card will tell you what to look for and what awaits you.

For example, you asked: "What awaits me tomorrow" and the jack of spades fell. This means that the next day promises a meeting with a young man from your environment who has a negative attitude towards you (see the meanings of the cards that we described in the first section).

Divination for love

This option of fortune telling is suitable for those who want to find out what awaits in their personal life. How to guess:

Shuffle the cards carefully. Choose a card in advance that will represent the person you are interested in. For example, if your chosen one is a dark-haired man of age, he will be the king of spades. If this young blonde girl is a lady of hearts

Draw this card and place it in the center of the table. Divide the remaining deck into 9 parts at random and place the top card face up:

  • Three piles are above the center card. This is what was in the past in your relationship.
  • Three piles are under the center card. This is what awaits you and the other half in the future.
  • The remaining three piles are your current relationship.

See the meanings of the cards in the first section of the article.

See in the video about fortune telling on playing cards:

Another option for the future

Before starting fortune-telling, you need to remove all sixes from the deck. Then you have to guess any card that comes to mind first.

  • Shuffle the deck thoroughly and divide into two equal piles
  • Choose one of the stacks to which the heart lies more
  • Set aside one card from the pile, divide the rest into three equal piles.

As a result, you will have four stacks of cards:

The fact that in the first is the personification of the person himself, who is being guessed at. His desires, aspirations, goals. Second stack - family life, predicts the events that will take place in the house. The third contains maps that will indicate in which direction to move. And the fourth - unexpected events that will happen in the very near future.

How to check cards before fortune-telling?

To be sure that the cards will tell the truth, they need to be checked before fortune-telling. To do this, shuffle the deck, close your eyes and mentally transfer your energy to the cards. Then ask the question: "Will you tell the truth or a lie?" and draw any card. If she is red, you can guess. If it is black, it is better to postpone the fortune-telling until a more opportune moment.

Traditional methods of fortune telling

Here we describe the traditional methods of fortune telling on cards that can be used at home. Maybe these methods are similar to others, but the interpretation of these methods is completely different.
Fortune telling with a deck of 36 cards. The deck is carefully shuffled and the conspiracy is read: "36 sisters, godfathers and daughters-in-law, brothers and comrades. Serve me faithful service, friendship unchanging. 36 cards of four suits tell me the whole truth, what to expect, what to expect, what to fear, what business is not I urge all of you, I call and pronounce: The word is strong and good for cards. Amen. "

1st fortune-telling. We take a shuffled deck of cards, remove with our left hand to ourselves, make a wish and lay the cards face down in an arc (fan). We take out 9 cards in total. We look at the meaning of each in the interpreter.

2nd fortune-telling. We take the shuffled deck of cards, remove it with the left hand towards us. We take out any card from the deck and, depending on the suit of this card, we choose the same suit of the king (the man is thinking) or the lady (the woman is thinking). After that, we lay out 9 cards around the king or queen. Then we determine the fate of what was conceived by the interpreter.

3rd fortune-telling. We take the shuffled deck of cards, remove it with the left hand towards us. Next, we think of a king or queen of any suit and lay out the cards in 4 rows of 9 cards. Maps that surround the intended person and determine what happens to him. If the conceived card is not in the layout, then we collect the cards, shuffle, remove and lay out again until the conceived card appears.

4th divination. We take a shuffled deck of cards, remove one card after another on the table, saying out loud: "six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king, ace." We put all the cards that coincided with the words aside. We do this 3 times, after which, using the deferred cards, we determine the fate of the person who was laid out.

5th fortune-telling. We take a shuffled deck of cards, remove with our left hand to ourselves, lay out the cards with a cross: put the first in the middle, and then one on each side. The values ​​of the cards are determined by the interpreter, and the time when this will happen is as follows.

Top card- which should happen immediately.
Right card- which will not happen soon.
Bottom card- past tense.
Left card- predicts various obstacles.

6th fortune-telling. We take a deck of cards and remove sixes from it. We guess one card. Next, we carefully shuffle the deck, remove it with our left hand to ourselves and then put the cards aside, counting to seven, put the seventh card aside. Thus, we iterate over the deck 3 times, until there are 12 cards on the side. After that, 12 cards are laid out in one row without breaking the order. In this row there must be a conceived card, otherwise we repeat the layout anew. As soon as 12 cards contain the hidden card, then we shuffle them, remove them, and divide them into 4 piles of 3 cards each. The first pile will mean predictions to the person who is being guessed, the second - his house, the third - various circumstances, the fourth - accidents.

7th fortune-telling. We take the deck and remove the sixes from it, we have 32 cards left, divide the deck into 2 equal piles of 16 cards. The person to whom we are guessing must choose one of the piles. From the selected pile we take the first card, which means an accident, and put it aside, the remaining 15 cards are carefully shuffled and laid out on 3 piles of 5 cards each. From each of these piles, take the top card and place it on the very first card representing an accident. Thus, we get 4 piles: the first refers to the fortuneteller, the second refers to his house, the third refers to circumstances, and the fourth refers to an unexpected event. The meaning of the cards is determined by the interpreter.

8th fortune-telling. We take a shuffled deck of cards, remove it with our left hand to ourselves, ask a question or make a thought, and take out any card. We determine the value of this card by the interpreter.


Card values

♠ Peaks
Ace- sad letter.
King- enemy.
Lady- fulfillment of desire.
Jack- vain chores.
10 - disease, illness.
9 - loss of a friend.
8 - danger.
7 - quarrel, skirmish.
6 - unhappy road.

♣ Clubs
Ace- a false step.
King- true friend.
Lady- a worthy reward.
Jack- sadness, good luck in business.
10 - big money.
9 - sad news.
8 - illness of a loved one.
7 - news from the government house.
6 is a useless road.

Ace- the wish will not come true.
King- deception, lie.
Lady- an insult.
Jack- monetary troubles, jealousy.
10 - present.
9 - an obstacle.
8 - good news.
7 - treason, betrayal.
6 - fun road.

Ace- You are loved.
King- you will succeed.
Lady- hide your feeling.
Jack- a pleasant guest.
10 - news of love.
9 - amorous explanation.
8 - Your fate will be decided by this person.
7 - danger.
6 - troubles.

Card combinations

4 aces- fulfillment of dreams, desires.
4 kings- a large society.
4 ladies- rumors, talk, gossip.
4 jacks- great efforts.
4 tens- new love, wedding.
4 nines- life changes.
4 eights- troubles.
4 sevens- tears, death.
4 sixes- long road.
The lady with the king - married woman, mistress.
The king is at the feet of the lady- marriage proposal, love explanation.
Lady between tens- loyalty to someone.
King, queen, 10 (all of the same suit)- the king is responsible for the relationship with the woman.
Lady and 8- gossip, rumors, chatter.
Ace of spades and 7- illness of a relative.
King between ace and ten- promotion.
Second card in a row of hearts- a good and pleasant evening. If the second is followed by a third card: a tambourine - a matter about which no one has dared to guess; clubs are an empty joke; peaks - displeasure, disappointment.
The king next to the lady of tambourine- the lady's wish will come true. If a jack of tambourine is under the queen, then the lover belongs only to her.
An ace between two queens- the prediction for two ladies will not come true soon. If in addition to these cards in the row there are most of the cards of the following suits, then: clubs - one of the ladies will have to leave; peaks are a pipe dream; tambourines - money, interest, desire.
A lady between two tens- pleasant proposals will be made to the lady.
2 kings and 2 jacks in a row with a queen is the number of this queen's lovers.
Queen of hearts in front of 8 of clubs is the jack of clubs- a lady is loved by a military man. If a queen is between four spades, then a lot of trouble awaits her. If there is 7 spades to the left of the queen, and ace of spades to the right, then this means the illness of some relative.
4 spades to the left of the Queen of Hearts- death of a relative. If the first among these four is a lady, then a relative will die, if a jack, then a young man, if a king, then an important relative.
Queen of hearts between 7 diamonds and 8 of any suit- a fortuneteller is expected to have a wrong relationship.
Queen of hearts between two kings- the lady has important friends and patrons.
King of hearts between two ladies- one of the ladies deceives the king.
King of hearts between ace and 9 clubs- the king will be promoted to rank or promotion.
King between four sevens- disorder of love relationships, if the king lies between 9 spades and an ace, then he will have a big loss or an accident, a duel is possible.

Beginners should read this section carefully. Traditional rituals increase the quality of divination and form a proper attitude towards the process.

  • The location plays an important role. You will need a table, candles (electrical appliances should be turned off). Make sure that no one distracts you while you are guessing.
  • It is imperative to purchase a new deck of playing cards. After purchase, you need to assign it. Take a large flat dish and place the deck in the center of the plate. Fill with plenty of salt and place lighted candles in the four cardinal directions. This ceremony is performed once, then playing cards become a personal working tool.
  • Before fortune-telling, wash your face and wash your hands. This will refresh your mind and make your hands "lighter".


Grandma's alignment helps to predict love relationship, near future, money opportunities. There are several ways of alignment, but everything is united by one rule: setting the significator. If the person of interest is a man, the figure of the king is chosen, if the woman is the ladies. The suit is chosen by appearance:

  • Blond hair, white skin and expressive eyes - Tambourines.
  • Dark hair and eyes are a cross suit.
  • Light brown hair and light eyes - worm.

The spades suit is not used by the significator in divination by the grandmother's method. Shuffle the deck with thoughts of the chosen person. You can also guess on yourself, for this ask a certain question. Consider grandma's alignment in examples.

Method one

After shuffling, the deck is placed in front of you or on the right palm. With the little finger of the left hand, part of the stack is removed (towards you) and inserted back in an arbitrary way. Next, three cards are removed from above and laid out in three vertical rows.

The counting is carried out from left to right, and triplets are placed from top to bottom. The first column refers to the past, the second to the present, and the third to the future.

In the presented scenario, the significator (lady of hearts) is located in the second row. Two eights in the neighborhood, will tell information about the current state of affairs of the object of fortune-telling. More often only a triplet with a hidden figure is deciphered.

Let's decipher the grandmother's layout by the first method.

  • Interpretation of the first row. Close person(queen of hearts) participates in a money transaction (eight of tambourines). Personal life in perfect order - recently received a declaration of love (eight hearts).
  • The second row is considered as an exception to the rule. In the layout under the hidden card there is a triplet with a comparable figure (king of hearts). In such cases, it is imperative to interpret adjacent cards. It is explained by the close relationship of people. The color indicates love, marriage. The "king" is so careful about his "lady" that even when fortune-telling on playing cards, he is nearby. The alignment informs about a short, but problematic path.

Method two

The method is original in its form - the grandmother's layout resembles a cross. A playing card is chosen - the significator and placed face down on the center of the table. The cards placed before and after the significator are taken out of the deck. The first is put down, and the second is on top (both face down). The rest are laid out in small piles at the cardinal points. First south, then north, west and east. The order is observed, three cards are removed from each part from above - one on the table, two are placed on it.

  • The upper part of the layout symbolizes the thoughts of the questioner.
  • The bottom three cards deal with the present.
  • The left side is the past
  • The right side is the future.

The rest of the deck is distributed in a similar way, but between the edges of the "cross". The stage should start between west and south. Move clockwise.

  • The first triplet tells how the past affects the thoughts of the questioner.
  • In the second position - the influence of thoughts on the future.
  • The third triplet describes the influence of the present time on the future.
  • The last position indicates the mistakes of the past, from which the present was formed.

For decryption, use the playing cards located on right side from diagonal triplets.

Grandma's alignment is the second method.

  1. The face down cards are revealed first. The bottom card is “what is hidden under the heart”, the top one is “what is on the heart”. Decryption occurs along with the main card.
  2. Calculate which suit "dropped out" more than others. Determines the direction of life or the main problems of a person.
  3. The maps around the significator are analyzed. First of all, single, and then paired (lying on top). Start from the north of the layout. Move clockwise.

The order of interpretation of the second method

  1. Bottom card, K ♣, then top. ♠ ♣ ♦
  2. 7 ♦; 9 ♠; 7; 8 ♠; 6; D ♦; 9 ♣; T .
  3. D ♣ K; K ♦ 10 ♦; K ♠ 7 ♠; 8 D ♠; 8 ♦ T ♠; T ♦ 10; 9 ♣ 6 ♦; B ♣ 6 ♣

The interpretation of playing cards

Aces- buildings, messages, news.

Diamonds means letter, document, receipt of money.

Trefa - work, commitment.

Hearts own or parental home.

Peaks portend stress, problems, bad news.

Sixes- path or journey.

Diamonds predicts a short road, upcoming profits.

Trefa - business trip, evening trip.

Hearts talk about the near road and the imminent appearance of love.

Peaks promise way in the night, flight delays and problems on the road.

Sevens are interpreted as meetings, acquaintances.

Diamonds portends a gift, probably expensive.

Trefa predicts a business meeting.

Hearts portend a pleasant acquaintance, a date.

Peaks mean deception, distrust on the part of loved ones.

Eights - communication, conversation.

Tambourines - this is a talk about money.

Trefa predicts an urgent meeting, business conversation.

Hearts predict a declaration of love, romantic communication.

Peaks talk about a quarrel, an unpleasant interlocutor.

Nines- love, joy, pleasant surprise.

Diamonds talks about the love of money, the unexpected acquisition of money.

Trefa shows hard work.

Hearts promises sincerity in a love relationship.

Peaks predict suffering, jealousy, unrequited love.

Dozens- interest, desire.

Tambourines - commercialism of views, entrepreneurial resourcefulness.

Trefa - specific, business proposal, thirst for knowledge.

Hearts- passion, love.

Peaks - parting is approaching, an unpleasant surprise, curiosity about other people's affairs.

Jacks- care, wasted work.

Tambourines - frugality of money.

Hearts - vanity, help to a loved one.

Trefa - problems at work, error correction.

Peaks - a waste of energy, an unfair outcome.

Ladies- the beautiful half of humanity.

Tambourines - blonde, close friends.

Hearts - close relatives, vulnerable soul.

Trefa - brown-haired women, aged ladies.

Peaks - brunettes, envious people surrounded.

Kings- this is a man.

Diamonds- a blond, wealthy person.

Hearts- fair-haired, in love, careful.

Trefa- brown-haired, influential man in years.

Peaks- brunette, stranger, ill-wisher.

Deck rules

  • Purity. For each divination technique, a special deck should be used. Decide on an arsenal of layouts. The deck used for the grandmother's layout will not work on the "gate of fate". The wrong approach to business will mislead the fortuneteller. Keep the cards out of the reach of strangers. Someone else's energy will devastate all the accumulated experience.
  • Communication. A working deck without practice should be saturated with your energy. Place the cards on the table, hold your left hand over it. Remember the layouts carried out with its help. It is recommended to count them, to give each a little attention. Thus, energy saturation will occur.
  • Health. Magic rituals must be carried out in a good mood. Negative emotions, feelings distort the picture of fortune-telling, bring chaos to the process. Excessive positive emotions... You won't get the information you want. In case of pain or discomfort, postpone the alignment.

Magical rituals require respect. Concentration - best friend... A serious attitude to the alignment, a desire to comprehend the secrets of fortune-telling will help to perform a high-quality rite. Having learned some simple rules, having learned how to correctly interpret the meanings of the cards, you will get an advantage over the "uninitiated". Remember, magic is easier to learn when you truly believe in it.


The basics of fortune telling on playing cards.

This is perhaps the most common type of fortune telling. It requires a deck of ordinary playing cards. A deck of 36 cards is most often used for fortune telling, although there are options for fortune telling with a deck of 52 cards (joker cards are not used in fortune telling). Initially, fortune telling on playing cards appeared on the basis of. When the Tarot first appeared in Europe, this somewhat simplified and adapted version of fortune-telling allowed many to learn this great science of fortune telling. Of course, gypsy fortune tellers, who over the centuries have earned the fame of the best fortune tellers and fortune tellers, played an important role in the spread of fortune telling on playing cards. It must be remembered that for fortune-telling you need to use only a new deck, you cannot play fortune-telling cards. Fortune-telling is a delicate process and must be taken seriously.


The meaning of divination cards:

6 - trip
7 - meeting, date
8 - conversation
9 - love date, love
10 - hopes, interests (if together with 10 peak - then rather unrealizable)
Jack - problems, troubles
A lady is a friend, a lover, perhaps a mother
King - male, married or divorced
Ace - home, family hearth


This is an easy way of fortune telling that will allow you to clarify the events that may happen to you in the near future. Why can they? Because the cards describe the intended scenario of events, depending on your behavior and character. Cards will allow you to lift the veil of secrecy over and prepare for possible difficulties or avoid possible troubles. That is why fortune telling on playing cards is so popular not only in our country, but also in other countries of the world.
For gypsy fortune telling on playing cards, you need a standard deck of thirty-six cards. Focus on yourself, drive away all unnecessary thoughts. You need to achieve that state of calm, which will allow you to hear the information that interests you. The correct attitude plays a huge role in fortune-telling on the cards. By relaxing and focusing on divination, you can correctly understand what the cards are trying to tell you.


This is an easy way of fortune telling that will allow you to learn a lot about your loved one. Pre-shuffle or shuffle the deck, focusing on your loved one. Try to drive away extraneous thoughts. Fortune-telling on playing cards on a loved one is easy to carry out, but it, like other types of fortune-telling, requires seriousness and concentration.


The method of fortune telling on playing cards for love (layout in a circle)

This is one of the simple and popular methods of fortune telling on playing cards on an eternal theme - of course, this is divination for love. First, you need to shuffle the deck (if you do not prefer using the method of shuffling cards, which we talked about in the Basics of Fortune-Telling on Playing Cards section), remove the top cards with your left hand, then find the king or queen - you will guess on them. The suit of the card is determined by the person for whom the fortune-telling is performed.


Fortune-telling option on cards for love

Classical fortune telling - "Loves - does not love." This fortune-telling allows the girl to find out how the young man treats her. Take a deck of cards in your hands, carefully shuffle (or mix, as we talked about in the Introduction to Fortune Telling Using Playing Cards), focusing your thoughts on the hidden person. Try to introduce your young man, this is very important for establishing the correct connection of fortune-telling with him and with your relationship.


Divination "Betrothal". This is an ancient method of divination that came to our country from France; it is designed to find out the "success" of a marriage. To make it, you need to take a deck of playing cards (designed specifically for fortune telling, as we said in

Fortune telling on playing cards online

You can guess fortune telling on cards online for free in the same way as when fortune telling "live". Be clear about your question. The virtual unfolding of the deck is carried out in compliance with the rules of the layout, where each card has its own meaning. But if you want to read fortunes online, you do not need to memorize them, the interpretation of the alignment is displayed on the screen, the values ​​of the cards and their dependence on the combination with other cards that have dropped out are taken into account.

Focus on fortune telling, and it's time to tell fortunes on the cards online for free.

Fortune telling on playing cards:

You can tell fortunes on other cards by choosing solitaire:

Osho Maps:

Indian maps:

Lenormand cards:

Swedenborg Maps:

Josephine Solitaire:

Madame Recamier's cards:

Fortune telling on tarot cards:

Divination by tarot

By choosing another virtual fortune telling, You can

Now on the Internet you can find a lot of virtual fortune telling, but sometimes you want to tell fortunes on the cards online for free, on ordinary playing cards. Fortune telling on playing cards sometimes evokes more trust as a traditional prediction of the future. Wanting to tell fortunes on the cards, we, as it were, wish to regain the romance of old fortune-telling of the past centuries, when the most accessible and truthful was fortune-telling on ordinary playing cards, when the girls were long winter evenings laid out the cards and bending over them in a circle, tried to comprehend the sacred meaning of the alignment for a loved one, when ladies in magnificent outfits secretly went to fortune-telling salons or to fortune-tellers' grandmothers to lay out cards for the future. On our site you can read Tarot, choose solitaire and tell fortunes, tell fortunes for the future on playing cards and Lenormand cards. Nowadays, it has become very easy to tell fortunes on the cards online for free, find out your future and penetrate the secrets of the past and the present, but this fortune-telling has not become less truthful.


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