Winter evening in the sky. Scenario of the meeting in the Literary living room "A fairy tale behind a fairy tale ..." "A winter evening wanders outside the window ...". It's a sad time! enchantment of the eyes ...

Sealants 10.02.2021

Sections: Extracurricular work

Target: to form cognitive interest and love for reading.


  • To develop children's interest in the subject "Reading", in literature.
  • Develop interest in the work of Russian storytellers.
  • Develop creative imagination, thinking, vocabulary, students' speech.
  • Develop imagination, memory, auditory perception, associative thinking in children.
  • Foster interest and love for nature.

Preparatory work. The organizers need to prepare a room where the meeting will be held, choose a visual and musical setting, learn poems with the children and prepare a retelling of a fairy tale.

Participation in the event contributes to the development of thinking, speech, memory, attention, imagination of children, their communication skills, broadens the horizons of pupils, develops their general culture, activates the cognitive interest of children in the phenomena of the surrounding world, helps to consolidate the knowledge of students about winter phenomena in nature.


Calm music sounds.
The slide “A. Gerasimov“ In the winter in the forest ”is being demonstrated.


One day autumn became sad
I invited winter to visit.
Two girlfriends met
Young, but like old women.
By the fall, winter has come
I brought a handful of snowflakes,
They all play with them,
Who is the first to be decided.

Leading: Late fall. Outside the city there was a battle between two seasons. Winter was coming, autumn was on the defensive. At first, winter conducted reconnaissance. She sent frosts, winds and snow for a short time. Shrubs and larch trees were bare. The grasses are completely withered. Then the decisive onset of winter began. The clouds were gathering in the gray sky. Everything froze in anticipation. And now the first snowfall. Everything around quickly turned white. The roads were covered with snow. The trees were covered with heavy snow caps. Real winter has come.

Illumination "Snowflakes" turns on.


Mother has clouds, beyond the white mountain,
A snowflake was born cold at times.
A cold storm rocked her daughter,
She swaddled her in the mists of the night.
And the daughter has grown up and asks from the cloud:
- Ah, mom! I will leave the mountain slopes!
Oh, mother cloud, I'll fly down
I want to touch the ground with my palm.
V. Berestov "At Mother Clouds, Beyond the White Mountain ..."


The month with the sun began to be reckoned with,
Who should rise before,
One, two, three, four, five,
The wind came out to fly.
He let the winged birds go,
A cloud of gray and shaggy.
Launched the firmament
It snows day and night.
And between the clouds, under the window
Crying bitterly the Month with the Sun:
One, two, three, four, five,
Who should disperse the clouds?

S. Gorodetsky "First Snow"
The presenter reads an excerpt from the tale of T. Kryukova
Why there are four seasons in a year.
Soundtrack of the song "Winter"
(music by E. Khanka, lyrics by S. Ostrovy) - instrumental version.


Zima lived in a hut at the edge of the forest.
She salted snowballs in a birch tub,
She was spinning yarn, she was weaving canvases
She forged ice bridges over the rivers.

The ceiling is icy, the door is creaking
Behind the rough wall, the darkness is prickly.
As you step over the threshold, there is frost everywhere,
And from the windows there is a blue-blue park.

I went hunting, forged silver,
I planted a thin month in a crystal bucket.
She sewed fur coats for trees, torched a sled path,
And then she hurried to the forest to rest in the hut.


Quiet in the thicket
The winter dressmaker came in.
Birches are very happy:
- Thanks for the outfits!
Fluffy and white
Winter outfits made
Both for forests and fields -
Let them be warmer!
To all the trees in the forest
Winter gave handkerchiefs
And she dressed them in fur coats -
Itself cheered up! A. Ostrovsky "Winter-dressmaker"

The slide "Y. Clover" Winter landscape "is being demonstrated.

Leading: The Russian forest is beautiful, wonderful in winter. Deep, clean snowdrifts lie under the trees. Above the forest paths, the trunks of young birches bent under the weight of frost like white lacy arches. The dark green branches of tall and small firs are covered with heavy caps of white snow. The high tops of the fir trees are adorned with a necklace of purple cones. I. Sokolov-Mikitov

The presenter lights candles.


Everything freezes
on a winter evening.
No crunch is heard outside the window
In the living room
the candles have not gone out,
And the quiet house breathes a fairy tale.
Fluffy snow ground cover
Sparkled bronze in the light.

Cold wind
kind word
I met a beauty - winter.

Katya Minakova, Nizhny Novgorod

The phonogram of PI Tchaikovsky's play "Nanny's Tale" is played.
A slide "V. Maksimov" Grandma's Tales "is projected onto the backdrop of the stage.


A winter evening wanders outside the window.
Shadows scattered across the light.
- Tell me, dear, how Ivan Tsarevich
Riding the Gray Wolf through the forest.

Grandma will put down her needlework.
And the faces will instantly brighten ...
And he will go to the Emelya stove,
And the Firebird will fly over the cloud.

Both adults and children listen,
Let the plot be familiar for a long time.
And the nursing baby absorbs these
Tales with mother's milk.

The mouse dies down over the ceiling
And the cricket falls silent behind the stove.
Only the blizzard howls outside the window
That they are not allowed to listen to her. A. Usachev "Grandma's Tales"

The slide “A. Vasnetsov“ Winter Dream ”is being demonstrated.

Leading: The whole forest is like a magical winter fairy tale ...

The winter needlewoman is again in care -
Let nature dress warmly.
Winter has prepared a lot of yarn,
She knits white things tirelessly:
Sleepy trees - fluffy hats,
Herringbone - knits mittens on the paws.
She sewed, knitted and very tired!
- Ah, spring would come sooner ...
E. Yavetskaya "Winter-needlewoman"

Winter evening in the blue sky
The stars are lit bright.
The branches are pouring fluffy snow
On a blue snowball.
The fairy tale is knocking on the door quietly.
Let her in, buddy!

Children retell the tale of T. Marshalova
"About the Spider, who could not weave a cobweb."


White, delicious snow is falling
Goes straight into your mouth
If I really want to,
I'll swallow the snow all at once!
And then what will happen, brothers! ..

M. Druzhinin "I and the Snow"

What do you guys think will happen? Let's watch the cartoon and learn about the adventures of a cute and funny bear cub.

The cartoon "Winter's Tale" (based on the tale of S. Kozlov) is being demonstrated.


This is how much snow fell
What covered the whole earth with a carpet?
And the trees, as in a fabulous bliss,
Fired in solid silver ...
I'm walking on this fabulous morning
And all around is a white forest, a white forest ...
Who wrapped life in this fairy tale,
Having shown so many winter wonders?
All the bushes are dressed in lace ...
And fur is fluffed on the pines,
And children admire the tale,
Let laughter ring with overflows. L. Solma "Winter morning - a fairy tale"

The presenter reads N. Sladkov's fairy tale "How the Bear was Turned Over".


Quietly the evening wanders
Winter late sometimes.
A noisy wind falls asleep
Under the snowy mountain.
The silver moon looks out the window.
Winter folded needlework in a basket.
The night enters the houses imperceptibly
It's time to say goodbye to the fairy tale. N. Denisova

Goodbye friends! Until we meet again with a kind and wise fairy tale!


  1. "Big book about nature". Moscow, "DROFA-PLUS", 2008.
  2. "Walks in the Tretyakov Gallery with the poet Andrei Usachev", Moscow, "DROFA-PLUS", 2007.
  3. T.Kryukova"Tales of Pochuchki", Moscow, "Aquilegia-M", 2008.

Winter spell

Winter has embellished:
Fringe on the headdress
From transparent pieces of ice
Snowflake stars.
All in diamonds, pearls,
In multi-colored lights
The radiance is pouring around
Whispers a spell:
"Lie down, soft snow,
To forests and meadows
Cover the paths,
Pull the branches!
On the windows Father Frost,
Scatter crystal roses
Light visions
Tricky plexus.
Enchant the hearts of people
The beauty of their undertakings:
Let the eyes penetrate
In light patterns.
You blizzard, chudi,
Round dances of the backwater
Soar like a whirlwind white
The field is gray!
Sleep, my land, sleep
Keep your dreams magic:
Wait, dressed in brocade,
New heyday! "

(M. Pozharova)


It is not the wind that rages over the forest,
Streams did not run from the mountains -
Frost-voivode patrol
Bypasses his possessions.

Looks - are the blizzards good?
The forest paths are covered up
And are there any cracks, cracks,
And is there no bare ground?

Are the pines tops fluffy,
Is the pattern on oak trees beautiful?
And are the ice floes tightly shackled
In waters great and small?

He walks - walks through the trees,
Crackling in frozen water
And the bright sun is playing
In his shaggy beard.

(N. Nekrasov)

Frost on glass

Saw the artist
In a frosty window
How the deer roams
In a magical land

In the sparkling air
The birds are hovering
Colored lanterns
Are burning in the windows

And where over the sea
The forests are swirling
I unrolled the sails ...

(Yu. Kushak)

Winter meeting

... Hello, guest winter!
Welcome to us
Songs of the north to sing
Through forests and steppes.

We have expanse -
Walk anywhere;
Build bridges over rivers
And spread the carpets.

We won't get used to it -
Let your frost crackle:
Our Russian blood
It burns in the cold! ..

(I. Nikitin)

Blue evening

Winter evening
In the blue sky
I lit the blue stars.
The branches are pouring
Blue frost
On a blue snowball.
Blue frost paints
Forget-me-nots in the windows.
And the blue dog yawns
Near the blue booth.

(A. Fetisov)

Everything is white

Everything is white, oh, everything is white
It blossomed in white.
White hare light trail,
Beret on a birch,
And on the alder grove
White and white downy shawl!
The rowan trees have a white frill,
Nice little red handkerchief ...
Runs well from a hillock
Little Nastenka.


White snow covered everything:
And trees and houses
The light-winged wind whistles:
"Hello, winter-winter!"

The intricate trail winds
Down the hill to the hill.
This hare typed:
"Hello, winter-winter!"

They put feeders for the birds again,
Pour feed into them.
And birdies sing in flocks:
"Hello, winter-winter!"

White snow, fluffy
Is spinning in the air
And quietly to the ground
Falls, lies down.

And under the morning snow
The field has turned white
Like a shroud
Everything clothed him.

A dark forest with a hat
Covered himself with a weird
And fell asleep under her
Strong, soundless ...

I. Surikov

Winter is coming sorceress.
Came, crumbled, in shreds
Hanged on the branches of oak trees;
Laid down in wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills.
Brega with a motionless river
Equalized with a plump shroud;
Frost flashed. And we are glad
The pranks of mother winter.

A. Pushkin

Here is the hostess herself
Winter is coming to us.
Unloaded ...
Painted ...
In bright stars-earrings
Yes, silver boots!
And the boots creak
The braids are white to the toes.
Wave his sleeve to the left -
And the glade turned white.
He waves his right hand -
He will build mountains of snow.
Slightly stomp his heel -
The river is covered with ice.
Decorated the trees,
I gave the hare a fur coat.
Whitewashed all the houses
Ay, yes Winter is winter!

V. Tomilina


Freezing. The last leaves have fallen from the birch,
Frost crept imperceptibly to the window,
And overnight with my silver brush
He drew a magical country.

Now my morning never ends
And the winter cold comes to my house.
The bushes with mother-of-pearl blossom,
And the ate was covered with thick silver.

What if this miracle melts in the sun?
Frost sensitively keeps him from heat.
And even the firebird flies over the forest,
spreading two white radiant wings.

P. Kirichansky


Under the bridge, a stream gurgles,
He knocks on the ice with his fist: -
Well, why are you, Santa Claus,
Did you close the door and take the key away?

E. Kokhan


Bullfinches, bullfinches,
Like shards of dawn
They glow on the path.
- You, frost, do not take them -
Burn your palms!

E. Kokhan

For which day in a row
Blizzards are whistling and sounding.
The trees are bare
They turned black from the cold.

And only an oak to spite the winds
The cast-iron foliage rumbles,
He will only throw it off himself,
When he wants to.

A. Markov


Night ... does not sleep,
Sits under the tree
Santa Claus is embroidering.
He is by the tree
I took a needle
Put on a needle
Light from the stars.

Pulls the thread
Through a crack in the curtains -
The whole window is already in patterns ...

Tomorrow morning
Get up early
And we will see: on the window
The silver sleigh rushes
Through the silver land.

V. Stepanov

Blizzard, snowstorm,
Give us some yarn
Whisk fluffy snows
Like swan fluff.
You nimble weavers -
Whirlwinds and blizzards
Give the rainbow brocade
For shaggy firs.

S. Marshak


Doesn't walk or ride
Because the ice is icy.
Falls perfectly!
Why no one
Not happy?

B. Berestov

Walking along the street
Santa Claus,
Hoarfrost scatters
On the branches of birches;
He walks, shakes his white beard.
Stamps his foot
Only the crackling goes.

C. Yeast

Pours, pours snow in armfuls.
On the fields winter.
Covered up to eyebrows with hats
In the courtyards of the house.
At night the blizzard played tricks
Snow pounded on the glass
Now - look
so funny
And white-white.

S. Marshak

Ponds are chained until March,
But how warm the houses are!
Wraps gardens in snowdrifts
Thoroughly winter.
Snow falls from birches
In a drowsy silence.
Summer paintings frost
Draws on the window.

E. Rusakov


Everywhere there is snow, in the snow at home -
Winter brought him.
She hurried to us as soon as possible,
Brought us bullfinches.

From dawn to dawn
Bullfinches glorify winter.
Father Frost how small
Dancing by the rubble.
I can too
So dance in the snow.

A. Brodsky


At the entrance, a boy was crying:
- Someone bit my finger!
And the other kid yelled:
- Someone kicked my ears!
The third touched his nose and cheeks:
- Who snapped me so painfully?
It became clear to the children -
Invisible in the yard.

L. Sandler


Winter has come merry
With skates and sleds
With a sprinkled track,
With a magical old tale.
On a decorated Christmas tree
Lanterns swing
Let the winter be merry
It doesn't end any longer.

I. Chernitskaya


- Who is in an elegant warm fur coat,
With a long white beard
V New Year comes to visit,
And ruddy and gray?
He plays with us, dances,
With him, the holiday is more fun!
- Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!

I. Chernitskaya


On our tree
Funny toys:
Funny hedgehogs
And funny frogs
Funny deer
Funny walruses
And funny seals!
We are also a little
The masks are funny.
Funny we
Santa Claus needs
So that it is joyful
So that laughter can be heard -
After all, the holiday is today
Cheerful at all!

Y. Kantov


The Christmas tree is burning with lights
Beneath it, the shadows are blue.
Spiky needles
As if in white frost.
She thawed out in the warmth,
She straightened the needles.
And with funny songs
We came to our tree.

L. Nekrasova


Winter evening
In the blue sky
I lit the blue stars.
The branches are pouring
Blue frost
On a blue snowball.
Blue frost
Forget-me-nots in the windows.
And the blue dog yawns
Near the blue booth.

A. Fetisov


The tree looks proudly upward,
He knows - the holiday is coming soon!
The lights lit up on it,
Like traffic lights!

It's snowing over the Christmas tree
The snow sparkles on it
And in its branches lives
Yellow tit.

Games near the tree, laughter,
The cat under the tree squints -
This tree is for everyone
Christmas tree on the street?

V. Viktorov


Didn't chop the Christmas tree
We are under New Year.
Near our house
The herringbone is growing.
Herringbone, herringbone, green needles,
All of you are covered in white frost
Only the sky is blue!
Stars and flags decorate the Christmas tree,
And miracle lights are burning on the Christmas tree.
We are dancing in a circle near the Christmas tree.
Hello, hello, herringbone!
Hello, New Year!

I. Vekshegonova


Look guys
Birds and animals are riding
They're coming from the forest, in a hurry,
And they chirp and squeak.
Beasts crowded at the door:
- Open the doors, children!
We are in a hurry to the Christmas tree,
We will amuse everyone, we will laugh!
We answered the guests:
- We are all very glad to see you!
Let's have fun together
Whirl around the tree!

V. Kudlachev


The sun warms the earth weakly,
Frost crackles at night.
In the yard of the snow woman
The carrot nose has turned white.

Under a birch on a hillock
The old hedgehog made a mink
And under the leaves lie
Two little hedgehogs.

The squirrel hid in a hollow -
It is both dry and warm,
Stock of mushrooms and berries
So much that you can't eat it in a year.

Under a snag in a windbreak
The bear sleeps as if in the house.
He put his paw in his mouth
And, like a little one, it sucks.

Cautious fox
I went to the stream to get drunk.
Leaned over, and the water
Immobile and firm.

The scythe has no den,
He doesn't need a hole:
Legs save from enemies
And from hunger - bark.

Partridge in the meadow
Snow is dug without a shovel.
AND insidious enemy
Do not notice them in the snow.

The titmouse wants grains,
But he is afraid to sit in the feeder.
"Be brave, do not be shy!" -
A sparrow invites.

The cat is at the battery all day
It warms the sides, then the paws.
He's out of the kitchen in the cold
Doesn't go anywhere.

Like a snow maiden, in a white fur coat
Masha rides boldly down the hill.
Vasya is rolling a snowball -
He decided to build a house.

Under the window Tamara with Fedya
They sculpt a polar bear.
Their brother, little Oleg,
He carries snow with a teaspoon.

Lena is skiing
Leaving an even trace
And behind her is Bobka red,
Only Bobka has no skis.

There is a good skating rink on the pond,
Ice sparkles like glass.
Alyosha is running on skates,
And in the cold it is warm.

G. Ladonshchikov


In warm fur coats and earflaps
Snowy winter sometimes
Kids on a fast sled
A whirlwind rushes from the steep mountain.
Childish faces in the wind
They burst into flames with kumach.
Let the thorny snow gather dust
Let the angry frost be angry
All the guys do not care!

N. Belyakov


Hello guest- winter!
Welcome to us
Songs of the north to sing
Through forests and steppes.
We have expanse -
Walk anywhere;
Build bridges over rivers
And spread the carpets.
We won't get used to it, -
Let your frost crackle:
Our Russian blood
It burns in the cold!

I. Nikitin

Out into the open
Take a walk in the frost.
White patterns
In the braids by the birches.
Snowy paths
Bare bushes.
Snowflakes falling
Quiet from above.
Into white blizzards
In the morning before dawn
They flew into the grove
A flock of bullfinches.

E. Avdienko

Pours, rolls
White snow.
Quiet, quiet
As in a dream.
And thick.
We tell him:
Everything is already white
Around -
White forest
And the white house
The field is white
We blind
In a sled
Let's slide down the mountain ...
For kids.

X. Gabitov

Snowflakes are flying
Snowflakes are flying.
Covered with snow
Forest paths.
From the cold jackdaws
We hid in the pipes.
And the hares got on
White fur coats.
Hung on naked
Fluff trees ...
Snowflakes are flying
Snowflakes are flying.

A. Tetivkin


Here is frost so frost!
The month is frozen to the cloud!
The smoke is frozen to the chimney
Someone's sled - to the river,
Even felt boots in the hut
Warm up by the stove.

V. Shulzhik

There is a blizzard in the yard
It spreads like white snow.
Very proud to look at
The snow woman is standing.
In festive attire,
Silver, fabulous
She stands in the snow
Near our window.
Important, angry,
She threatens everyone with a broom.
Black eyes are burning:
"Move away," they say.

O. Maruni


The frost is bursting. The rivers froze.
Birches tremble by the river.
It's warm here. In a hot oven
Embers crackle.
They will burn, and soon, soon
In a cozy room warmth
Fine patterns will melt
On painted glass.

P. Obraztsov


Santa Claus slept in bed
He stood up, jingling icicles: -
Where are you, blizzards and blizzards?
Why don't wake me up?
Disorder in the yard -
Mud and puddles in December!
And from grandfather in fright
Blizzards rushed to the fields.
And blizzards came
They groaned, whistled,
All the scratches of the ground
We covered with white snow.

N. Artyukhova


The creak of footsteps along the streets of the whites,
Lights in the distance;
On the frozen walls
Crystals shine.
From the eyelashes hung in the eyes
Silver fluff
The silence of a cold night
It takes the spirit.
The wind sleeps and everything goes numb,
If only to fall asleep;
The clear air itself is timid
To die in the frost.

A. Fet


Today are white blizzards
They wanted to kneel,
And the snowdrifts turned white -
Hundreds of polar bears.
And the spruce rings from the cold,
People put on felt boots,
In the sky the stars turned blue
And shiver from the cold.

N. Kekhlibareva (translation by M. Sergeev)

Everywhere the frost is silvery
Each branch shines.
Tit jumping, jumping
And he does not sit still:
As if the feathers are blue
Are not covered with frost.

E. Chumicheva


Winter vacation!
It has been raining since morning.
Shrunk, wilted
Snow Mountain.
The sparrows are chirping
A warm wind whirls.
During the winter holidays
I stomp through the puddles.
Streams jumped.
The birch came to life.
Winter vacation...
At Santa Claus.

B. Erukhimovich


One sister has hair -
Heavy golden ear
The other has tight braids
Thunder and dew are intertwined.
The third with a fiery scythe
Viet yourself a wreath with foliage.
And the fourth is blonde
Stabbed a curl with an ice piece


Opening the calendar -
Begins in January.
In January, in January
There is a lot of snow in the yard.

Snow - on the roof, on the porch.
The sun is in the blue sky.
Stoves are heated in our house,
Smoke goes up into the sky.

The winds blow in February
They howl loudly in the pipes.
Rushing like a snake on the ground
Light drift.
Rising, rushing into the distance
Aircraft links.
It celebrates February
Army birth.

Loose snow darkens in March,
Ice floes melt on the window.
Bunny runs on the desk
And on the map
On the wall.

April, April!
Drops are ringing in the yard.
Streams run through the fields
There are puddles on the roads.
The ants will come out soon
After the winter cold.
The bear is sneaking
Through the forest deadwood.
The birds began to sing songs,
And the snowdrop blossomed.

Lily of the valley blossomed in May
On the very holiday - on the first day.
May accompanying flowers
Lilacs are blooming.

June has come.
"June! June!" -
Birds chirp in the garden ...
There is only a blow for a dandelion -
And all of it will scatter.

Haymaking is in July,
Somewhere thunder grumbles at times.
And ready to leave the hive
Young bee swarm.

We collect in August
Harvest fruits.
Lots of joy to people
After all the work.

Sun over spacious
Nivami is worth it.
And sunflower seeds
Stuffed with blacks.

Clear September morning
The villages are threshing bread,
Birds rush across the seas -
And the school opened.

In October, in October
Frequent rain in the yard.
The grass is dead in the meadows,
The grasshopper fell silent.
Firewood has been prepared
For the winter for stoves.

The seventh day of November -
Red calendar day.
Look out your window:
Everything on the street is red.
Flags are hovering at the gate
Blazing with a flame.
See the music goes
Where the trams went.
All people - young and old -
Celebrates freedom.
And my red balloon flies
Straight to the sky!

December, December
All trees are in silver.

Our river, as if in a fairy tale,
Paved frost overnight
Updated skates, sleds,
I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.
The tree cried at first
From home warmth.
I stopped crying in the morning
I breathed, came to life.
Her needles tremble a little,
The lights on the branches came on.
Like a ladder, a tree
The lights go up in the air.
Crackers glitter with gold.
I lit a star with silver
Reached the top of the head
The most daring light.

A year has passed like yesterday.
Over Moscow at this hour
The clock of the Kremlin tower strikes
Fireworks - twelve times.

Four colors

Into your magic

And you
Bow -
In water

Keeps at the bottom
The cold is pouring

Transparent clean
Pond in the spring -

The pond has changed
Four colors.
Summer again?


The wind is blowing outside the window.

The wind blows outside the window
Snow sweeps off the roof
In the late sky, a month crumb
The asterisk shakes.

The baby sleeps, she dreams of a dream,
In it she is a fluff
Everything is flying, everything is spinning
A tiny snowflake.

And around the tops in the snow,
Ate turned white
They were decorated by girlfriends
Blizzards and blizzards.

Wonderful picture
How dear you are to me:
White plain
Full moon,

The light of the high heavens,
And shiny snow
And the sledges distant
Lonely run.

Winter sings - hunts

Winter sings - hunts
Shaggy forest lulls
Stozvon pine forest.
Around with deep longing
Are sailing to a distant land
Grizzly clouds.

And in the yard there is a blizzard
It spreads like a silk carpet,
But it's painfully cold.
Sparrows are playful
Like lonely children
Cuddled by the window.

The little birds are chilled,
Hungry, tired
And they huddle more tightly.
And a blizzard with a mad roar
Knocks on the hanging shutters
And he gets angry more and more.

And the tender birds doze
Beneath these whirlwinds, snowy
By the frozen window.
And they dream of a beautiful one
In the smiles of the sun is clear
Spring beauty.


White birch
Under my window
Covered with snow
Like silver.
On fluffy branches
With a snowy border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.
And there is a birch
In the sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In a golden fire.
And the dawn, lazily
Walking around
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

It is not the wind that rages over the forest,
Streams did not run from the mountains -
Frost-voivode patrol
Bypasses his possessions.

Looks - are the blizzards good?
The forest paths are covered up
And are there any cracks, cracks,
And is there no bare ground?

Are the pines tops fluffy,
Is the pattern on oak trees beautiful?
And are the ice floes tightly shackled
In waters great and small?

He walks - walks through the trees,
Crackling in frozen water
And the bright sun is playing
In his shaggy beard.


Snow flutters, whirls,
It's white on the street.
And puddles turned
Into cold glass.

Where the finches sang in the summer
Today - look! -
Like pink apples
Bullfinches on the branches.

The snow is cut with skis
Like chalk, squeaky and dry,
And the red cat catches
Cheerful white flies.

Everything is white, oh, everything is white.
It blossomed in white.

White hare is a light trail.
On a birch beret,
And in the alder grove
White and white downy shawl!

The rowan trees have a white frill,
Nice little red handkerchief ...
Runs well from a hillock
Little Nastenka.

How much color do water lilies have -
So on Nastenka fluffs.
How many chips are there among the yard -
So on Nastya silver!

Frost on glass

Saw the artist
In a frosty window
How the deer roams
In a magical land

In the sparkling air
The birds are hovering
Colored lanterns
Are burning in the windows

And where over the sea
The forests are swirling
I unrolled the sails ...

Winter meeting

... Hello, guest winter!
Welcome to us
Songs of the north to sing
Through forests and steppes.

We have expanse -
Walk anywhere;
Build bridges over rivers
And spread the carpets.

We won't get used to it -
Let your frost crackle:
Our Russian blood
It burns in the cold! ..


Pours, pours snow in armfuls
Winter on the fields.
Covered up to eyebrows with hats
In the courtyards of the house.

At night the blizzard played tricks
Snow pounded on the glass
Now look how fun it is
And white-white!

Blue evening

Winter evening
In the blue sky
I lit the blue stars.
The branches are pouring
Blue frost
On a blue snowball.
Blue frost paints
Forget-me-nots in the windows.
And the blue dog yawns
Near the blue booth.


Snow, snow is spinning
The whole street is white!
We gathered in a circle
Spun like a snowball.


Making a fairy tale
Trees and houses
Came to the guys white-
Chilly winter.

Merry, desired
It's frosty time -
Rosy from the cold
The kids are laughing.

We drew skates
The whole pond,
But we want -
Swift-winged eagles
We will fly on skis.


I went out on a sled
Ride from the mountain.
And the cold is shameless
Can't wait -

Runs up immediately
And for my nose
With a running start is enough
It hurts more than fire.

I was not shy -
I rushed up the hill.
And the cold is angry
I stayed under the hill.


Fluffy white snow

Is spinning in the air

And quietly to the ground

Falls, lies down.

And in the morning with snow

The field has turned white

Like a shroud

Everything clothed him.

Dark forest that heaped

Covered himself with a weird

And fell asleep under her

Strongly, soundly ...

The days have become short

The sun shines a little

Here came the frosts

And winter has come ...


This is my village;
This is my dear home;
Here I am rolling in a sled
Along the steep mountain,
Here the sleigh is rolled up,
And I'm on my side - bang!
Swaying head over heels
Downhill, into a snowdrift.
And friends are boys
Standing over me
Have fun laughing
Over my misfortune.
Whole face and hands
He covered me with snow ...
I am in a snowdrift grief,
And the guys laugh!

From the novel "Eugene Onegin"

Here is the north, catching up with clouds,
He breathed, howled - and now she
Winter is coming!
Came, crumbled; shreds
Hanged on the branches of oak trees;
Laid down in wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills,
Brega with a motionless river
Equalized with a plump shroud;
Frost flashed. And we are glad
The pranks of mother winter.

From the novel "Eugene Onegin"

Winter! .. The peasant, triumphant,
On the logs it updates the path;
His horse, smelling the snow,
Weaving at a trot somehow;
Exploding fluffy reins,
The daring wagon flies;
The coachman sits on the beam
In a sheepskin coat, in a red sash.
Here is a courtyard boy running,
Putting the bug in the sled,
Transforming yourself into a horse;
The mischief has already froze his finger:
He is both hurt and funny,
And his mother threatens him through the window ...
(Reins are furrows.)

From the novel "Eugene Onegin"

Prettier than fashionable parquet
The river is shining, it is dressed with ice.
Boys are joyful people
She cuts the ice with her skates;
The goose is heavy on red legs,
Having conceived to swim in the bosom of the waters,
Steps gently on the ice
Slips and falls; happy
The first snow flashes,
Falling like stars on the shore.

Winter evening

The storm covers the sky with darkness,
Whirling snow whirlwinds;
How a beast she will howl
It will cry like a child
Then on the dilapidated roof
Suddenly it will rustle with straw,
How a belated traveler
He will knock at our window.
Our dilapidated hovel
And sad and dark.
What are you, my old lady,
Has it fallen silent by the window?
Or howling storms
You, my friend, are weary
Or do you doze under the buzz
Your spindle?
Let's have a drink, good friend
Poor youth of mine,
The heart will be more cheerful.
Sing me a song like a tit
She lived quietly across the sea;
Sing me a song like a girl
In the morning I went to fetch water.
The storm covers the sky with darkness,
Whirling snow whirlwinds;
How a beast she will howl
It will cry like a child.
Let's have a drink, good friend
Poor youth of mine,
Let's drink from grief; where is the mug?
The heart will be more cheerful.


The janitor drives the winter away.

Under the window in the morning

The clatter of steel is heard

- Knock-Knock!


This is a work of good hands.

The janitor drives the winter away

Our little courtyard is in the puddles.

The sky became pigeons.

A sparrow looks into a puddle,

Spring is walking in the yard

The brown snow will melt soon.

Here and there

Rooks make nests.

The first thunder.

Angry thunder muttered a little,

And then, after a minute,

Knocked on every window

Thin fingers of the rain.


The snow is already melting, streams are running,

Spring breathed through the window ...

The nightingales will swear soon

And the forest will be clothed with foliage!

Pure sky blue

It became warmer and brighter

It's time for blizzards of evil and storms

Again for a long time passed.


The grass turns green
The sun is shining;
Swallow with spring
Fly to us in the canopy,
The sun is more beautiful with her
And spring is sweeter ...
Tweak out of the way
Hello to us soon!
I'll give you grains
And you sing a song that from distant countries
I brought with me ...


Blue clean
Snowdrop is a flower.
And next to it is clear
The last snow ...

A.N. Maikov


The dark forest turned red in the sun,
In the valley the steam turns white thin,
And sang an early song
The lark is ringing in the azure
He is loudly high above
Sings, sparkling in the sun:
Spring came to us young
Here I am singing the coming of spring;
It's so easy for me here, so welcoming
So boundless, so airy;
I see the whole world of God here.
And my song praises God.

Spring is coming

It was sunny in the morning
And it's very warm.
The lake is wide
It flowed through the yard.

It froze at noon,
Winter has come again
The lake has dragged on
A crust of glass.

I split the thin
Resonant glass
The lake is wide
It started flowing again.

Passersby say:
- Here comes the spring! -
And this is me working
I break the ice.


Willow, willow, willow,
The willow blossomed.
This means - right,
That spring has come
This means - right,
That winter is over.
The very, very first
A starling whistled.
Whistled in the birdhouse:
Well, now I'm from here.
But don't believe in spring
The wind whistle is heard.
Wind, wind, wind
Twirls along the roads
Last year's leaf.
All jokes for April!
Rural Kindergarten
In the morning he took off his fur coats,
Snowfall at noon.
But not so bad
Things are going,
If willow, willow
The willow blossomed.

Spring arithmetic.

Of all streams and rivers
Subtract both ice and snow.
If you subtract snow and ice,
There will be a bird flight!
Let's add the sun with the rain ...
And let's wait a bit ...
And we get herbs.
Are we not right?


Go away, Winter is gray!
Already beauties of Spring
Golden chariot
Rushing from the mountain heights!

... She has no bow, no arrows,
I only smiled - and you
Having picked up his white shroud,
Crawled into the ravine in the bushes!

May they find it in the ravines!
There are already swarms of bees,
And flies the victorious flag
A squad of colorful butterflies!


Awakened from sleep
Brush soft spring
Draws buds on the branches
In the fields - chains of rooks,
Above the revived foliage
- The first stroke of the thunderstorm,
And in the shade of a transparent garden
- Lilac bush by the fence.


You see, changing the uninhabited YESTERDAY,
TODAY has appeared in a new guise.
It's time, it's not time - I'm leaving the yard:
To freedom, to search, to the sound and the word.

You see, spring is coming again.
It comes on us, goes on the offensive.
Still its distance is impenetrable, cloudy -
But then its population appears:

From pores, from crevices, from cracks in the bark
Comes out into the light, white and burning.
In a hurry, inhabits yards and worlds,
Lives - and does not know the fate of the best.

What a cool winter is behind!
In what grip we dwelt frosty!
Everything is in the past, and no matter how you judge or row,
We are south, and warm to us is like food and air.

We are south, but still inhospitable south.
Here is a bush tossing, shaking with chills:
"Hurry, Hurry!" - patience, my friend!
How long have you been not a bush, but a snowdrift?

"Quicker!" - although life is not very long, -
"Hurry, Hurry!" - the soul repeats,
Time is carried away - and only spring
It reconciles us with its transience ...<;/p>

Spring waters

The snow is still white in the fields
And the waters are already rustling in the spring -
I run and wake up the sleepy coast,
They run and shine and say ...
They read to all ends;
“Spring is coming, spring is coming!
We are the messengers of the young spring,
She sent us ahead! "
Spring is coming, spring is coming -
And quiet, warm, May days
Ruddy, light round dance
The crowd is merrily behind her!

The month of May

Now in the birch branches
The nightingales also sing
Dragonflies sing in the meadows
Streams sing in the fields.
And there are many, in the sky there is a roar,
Singing flocks of birds -
All the months louder
Merry month of May!

This is the last snow

Now the last snow in the field is melting.
Warm steam rises from the ground.
And the blue jug blooms
And the cranes are calling each other.
Young forest, dressed in green smoke,
Waiting impatiently for warm thunderstorms.
All springs are warmed by breath,
Everything around and loves and sings.

Song about spring

Go away, shaggy frost!
Do you hear, old or not?
And above the garden and above the hut
Blue spring light.
The sun laughs tenderly
Shines brighter, hotter.
And it pours loudly from the hillock
A talkative stream.

Driven by the spring rays

Driven by the spring rays
There is already snow from the surrounding mountains
Escaped by muddy streams
To the sunken meadows
A clear smile of nature
He meets the morning of the year through a dream;
Blue, the skies shine.
Still transparent, forests
As if they are turning green in rest.
A bee for a tribute to the field
Flies out of the wax cell.
The valleys dry and dazzle;
The flocks are noisy, and the nightingale
I was already singing in the silence of the nights.


A good day

What a good day:

A light breeze blows

Summer suns

So deliciously hot!

And it is not necessary

No tyzhypki,

No galoshes ...

What a good day!


- What will you give me, summer?
- Lots of sunshine!
Rainy-arcane in the sky!
And the daisies are easy!
- What else will you give me?
- The key ringing in silence,
Pines, maples and oaks
Strawberries and mushrooms!
I will give you a kykushky,
So that, going out to the forest,
You shouted to her louder:
"Tell me quickly!"
And she answered you
I've been guessing for many years!


Everyone was exhausted from the heat.
It's cool in the garden now
But this is how mosquitoes bite
That at least run out of the garden!

Marina, older sister,
Fights mosquitoes.
The stubborn disposition of a mosquito
But hers is stubborn!

She will drive them away with her hand
They circle again.
She shouts: - What a shame,
They attacked the chest!

And mom sees from the window
Like the brave Marina
Fights alone in the garden
With a detachment of mosquitoes.

There are two mosquitoes again
On the kid's finger!
Marina, brave sister,
Clapping the blanket!


And summer is on the doorstep:
Impatient bees soar,
Majestically guard
Attractive hives,
To all sorts of anxiety
Drowned in a measured hum
Like alarm bells are drowning in the gospel,
And in June,
And in July,
And especially
In August.


Already the sun is a red-hot ball
The earth rolled off its head,
And the peaceful evening fire
The sea wave swallowed.

Already bright stars have risen
And gravitating above us
The vault of heaven was raised
With their wet heads

The air river is fuller
Flows between heaven and earth
The chest breathes easier and freer,
Freed from the heat

And a sweet thrill, like a stream,
I ran through the veins of nature,
Like her hot legs
We touched the spring waters.


Long-awaited summer!
Sun, river and sand
The shadow of a birch tree, a trickle,
Mosquito ringing and squeaking
Orioles whistle quietly,

The thrill of the wings of a dragonfly
And the satin silk of the grass,
Bluebells bouquet,
Nightingale sonnet of the night,

Strawberries and raspberries,
Boletus by the stump,
Blue spider web
At dawn at the beginning of the day

The heat of the midday sun
The smell of hay and grass
And well water
A drunk glass to the bottom,

A quiet rustle from the rain
Rainbow arc over the field
Cloud caravels
On the heavenly blue sea!


I am lying on the bed.
There is no hygy in heaven.
The clouds are floating in the distance
Like a dumb river.
And in the grass, on the ground,
On a flower, on a stem -
Singing and whistling everywhere
And every leaf lives:
There is a fly and a beetle,
And a green spider.
A bee has arrived
And crawled into the flower.
There is a grasshopper mustache
Cleans for beauty
And the murmur groans
At work.
Bumblebee shaggy buzzing
And looks angrily
Where is the flower,
Where the honey is more pleasant.
And the man-eating mosquito,
Like a friend or a neighbor,
As if on a visit,
He flew to me in pykav.
Will sting and sing.
What! We must endure:
I will kill you
I can’t help anyone.

What does who like

"Hey, look - by the river
The little men took off their skin! " -
The young siskin shouted.
He flew up and sat on the tower, -
Looks: naked kids
Squealing water splashes.

Siskin opened its beak in excitement,
Chizhik is full of surprise:
“Ay, what kids!
Legs are long talkers
Instead of wings - two sticks,
There is no fluff, no feather! "
A hare looks out from behind a willow
; And shakes like a Chinese
Surprised head:
“What a scream! here's the fun!
There is no tail, no fur ...
Twenty fingers! My God…"
And the crucian carp in sedge hears
Eyes bulging and breathing:
“Stupid hare, stupid siskin! ...
Fur and fluff, tell me perhaps ...
Here the scales would not interfere!
No scales, brother, you are naughty! "

Summer afternoon

Silence in the garden and in the house,
The calf sleeps by the fence.
Near the cellar in the straw
Sparrow fuss.
Behind the fence
Dusty canopy
The breezes bend
The air is soft
Like lye
From the river ...

Summer rain

Summer shower of lies poured -
Whole seas!
The dacha got up and started
Casting an anchor.
Only my ship is brave
Fights the wave
It doesn't matter what papery
The pair is above me.

About hot summer

To be
Difficult day -
All the way
Lift up
Have to…

Mustachioed pod

I got out of the garden
Mustachioed pod,
Usami opened
There is a hook on the gate!
And here is a truck
Appeared on the road,
And climbed on a mustache
Mischievous in the truck!

- I will come to the city
And I will walk
Mustache green
Flaunt there!
With these
Beautiful mustache
I have many more
I will create miracles!

- But still
Not miracles, but miracles! -
Corrected the driver
And climbed into the back. -
And who are you
If you please answer me:
You are uncle peas
Or Aunt Beans?

- I'm a mustache pod! -
The pod answered,
And the sonorous one rang out
And immediately jumped
Lots of beans
Not baleen at all
And very funny!

- Oh, how you behave
Leading undignifiedly! -
Told them
Whiskered aunt!

Junna Moritz


Clover ripens
In the field the spirit -
like honey is spilled around.
Dexterously bee every ball
and inspect and search,
and heavy bumblebees
clover bent to the ground.
Any flies
and different flies
a whole cloud swirls.
Sweet - sweet red clover,
like ripe raspberries.


Rosy dawn
covered the east.
In the village across the river
the light went out.
Sprinkled with dew
flowers in the fields.
The herds have awakened
on soft meadows
Grizzly Mists
float to the clouds.
Goose caravans
rush to the meadows.
People woke up
hurry to the fields.
The sun has appeared.
The earth rejoices.


More joyful than a guest
Let's face it, no
On the first day of vacation
Summer comes to us
Mischievous summer
Young summer,
Summer is all freckled
Gold color.
Children generously
Distributes gifts:
June will give a cool
And July, wow, hot!
August will give us
Warm and rainy
And teach you how to fry the first mushroom



Autumn is damp - crazy friend.
The wind drives the leaves in a circle.
All in golden beautiful colors
Here is a burdock caught on the pants.
The hedgehog is puffing in preparation for wintering.
The squirrel will lay the blanks in the hollow.
A wedge of cranes is visible in the sky.
So they all removed the bread from the fields.
Children put on boots, windbreakers.
In a hurry to school -
The rustling of the leaves is clever!
And there is a parade at the mushroom bazaar.
Everyone in the fall, glad to the beauty!

Mushroom autumn.

Autumn, sly cheat.
Here, skill is needed in everything.
Here we entered the magical forest.
Well, in it is the Land of Wonders.
Milk mushrooms, mushrooms, boletus
We don't have enough baskets.
We looked at all the meadows
Here is the king - a mushroom, and here are the white women.
Boletus big
He waves his hat like a hand.
Boletus buds
Flushed like a flag.
We are from a fairyland
Came out all full full.
Oh yes, autumn, that's beauty.
What miracles!


In baskets, fruits are brought into the house,
When the summer goes by

And left in the rain
Outside the door, the garden is stripped.
And there will be banks until spring
Full of pink jam

And there will be apples in the chest
Fresh as if in September
And drunken cherries scarlet juice
Will color granulated sugar.

And the garden remained there, outside,
Stand up to your waist in a black puddle.
A cold whirlwind overtook him -
The garden coughed and groaned.

Trees hunch, wheeze,
Shaking from head to toe:
"We would all scatter now,
Yes, we have one leg!

Oh, it's bad to get cold in the rain
And take us to a warm home! "
How can you not help the trees?
What if the night will be frosty

They carry matting and sacks -
Stockings for the trees for the winter.
Feet warm, clothed everyone
And the heads will be covered with snow.


Here is a maple leaf on a branch.
Today it is just like new!
All ruddy, golden.
Where are you going, leaf? Wait!


There is in the autumn of the initial
A short but wondrous time -
The whole day is like crystal,
And the evenings are radiant ...
The air is empty, you can't hear the birds anymore,
But far from the first winter storms
And clear and warm azure pours
To the resting field ...


When the end-to-end web
Carries the threads of clear days
And under the window of the peasant
The distant gospel is heard more,

We are not sad, scared again


The forest, as if we are looking at a painted one,
Purple, gold, crimson,
Cheerful, colorful wall
Stands over a bright glade.
Birch yellow carving
Shine in the blue azure,
Like towers, Christmas trees are darkening
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there in the foliage through
Clearances in the sky, that little window.
The forest smells like oak and pine,
Over the summer he dried up from the sun,
And Autumn is a quiet widow
He enters his motley tower ...


The tree has become more noticeable in the forest,
It's tidied up before dark and empty.
And naked like a broom
Clogged with mud by the dirt road
Covered with hoarfrost gold,
The vine bush trembles, whistles.


Already the sky was breathing in autumn,
Less often the sun shone
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
She bared herself with a sad noise.
Fog fell on the fields,
Noisy caravan geese
Stretched towards the south: approached
Quite a boring time;
It was November already at the yard.


Autumn has come
The flowers have dried up
And they look sadly
Bare bushes.

Withers and turns yellow
Grass in the meadows
Only turns green
Winter in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky
The sun doesn't shine
The wind howls in the field
The rain is drizzling ..

The water rustled
Fast stream
The birds flew away
To warm lands.

SAD TIME! OUR Fascination ...

It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the lush wilting of nature,
Crimson and gold-clad forests,
There is noise and fresh breath in their canopy,
And the heavens are covered with a wavy mist,
And a rare sunbeam, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winters are threats.


The heavens are transparent
Like a river stream.
The leaf is spinning.
In the field there is a cobweb
Like a string
And a blade of grass is sad
That winter is near


Autumn! Our entire poor garden is sprinkled ...
Yellow leaves fly in the wind;
Only in the distance they flaunt, there, at the bottom of the valleys,
The brushes are bright red wilting mountain ash.


Lingonberry ripens,
The days got colder
And from the bird cry
The heart is only sadder.
Flocks of birds fly away
Out beyond the blue sea.
All the trees shine
In a multi-colored headdress.
The sun laughs less often
There is no incense in the flowers.
Autumn will wake up soon -
And she will cry sleepily.

Autumn is a yellow time

Loves autumn yellow:
Dawn with yellow rain
Yellowed grass
And fallen leaves
Leaves are yellow pages
When the birds fly away
Loves to be sad in the morning
Autumn is a yellow time.

When autumn comes

Here is a mountain ash on fire,
The aspen is also turning purple,
Juicy grapes beckon
Ripe aroma of apples,
Yellow leaves in the garden
The clouds are floating in the pond.
Every year it happens
When autumn comes to us.

Colorful autumn

"The time has come" - the autumn decided
I put my things all together
Threw to the bottom of the basket
Golden showers
I put yellow paint
And I didn't forget about the red one,
She covered everything with a gray wind
And hurried to the road.

Mistress Autumn

Autumn said goodbye to summer
She remained mistress in the forest.
She has a lot of work -
Worries begin:
We need to paint the forest,
Collect mushrooms and cones,
Birds on the road,
Invite winter to visit.

Sad rain

September suddenly became sad,
The rain invited me to visit
Birds took everyone to the south.
The rain is sad,
Soundly spanks through the puddles,
And he doesn't need anyone.
He has been crying since morning
Autumn is a sad time.

Golden autumn

The yellow leaves are spinning
Birds are scurrying in the garden
The sun hid behind the clouds -
Its ray does not play
Sad over the river
Willow with a yellow braid.
Only the wind just walks
Gathers leaves in flocks.


Quiet, warm, gentle autumn
carries withered leaves everywhere,
colors in lemon, orange color
On sidewalks, lawns, alleys
she pours them, not at all regretting, -
hanging over the window in the cobweb
Open the window wide. And a gullible bird
It sits in my palm, spinning around,
light and cold, gentle and clean
Wind gust. The leaf takes off from the palm,
here he is already on the next balcony,
moment - and, bypassing the wide cornice,
way down!

Autumn is a funny fortune-teller, snub-nosed ...

Autumn is a funny fortune-teller, snub-nosed
With a fan, she scattered leaves like cards,
She promised the birds the way to the south,
The wind meets the sweet birch.

The rain - in the twilight - quick chores ...
(Wind, do not laugh with contemptuous laughter.)
The red-haired fortune-teller's predictions are true,
A maple leaf fell out goodbye.

As by the hand, by the veins I recognized:
There will be a lot of meetings and partings in life,
Gloomy sky today without lightning,
So the predictions of autumn have come true.

Autumn in the forest

The bear hid in a den,
White frost on the road.
Birds fly to the sea
Bored, cold fox,

Hedgehog stomping sad
On a gray, cold path.
A scattering of cranberries in the swamp,
The wind bends branches in flight.

A window between the clouds:
The sun will look out a little,
It will immediately hide a thin ray
In the soft cotton of dark clouds.

The days are getting shorter
The nights are colder
As a harbinger of the winter cold
The first ice covered the puddles.

Hedgehog Autumn

Autumn has come
The birds fly away.
Get lost in a flock of birds
Hedgehogs dream.

Fly to those countries
Where is the heat all year round
Where is their second cousin brother -
The sea hedgehog lives.

Sit on a palm tree
Chew bananas;
View Span
To other countries.

It’s a pity that they don’t know how
Hedgehogs fly
They will have to at home
Winter to hibernate.

Blizzard again soon
Will sweep the tracks
Will be by the fireplace
Warm the hedgehog's legs.

// December 2, 2008 // Views: 93 186

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