Akathist of the Mother of God, merciful. Icon of the mother of God "kikk" (merciful) Canon to the virgin the merciful

Sewerage 11.11.2021

An ancient legend claims that the "Merciful" icon of the Mother of God was painted by the Evangelist Luke. Its second name - "Kykkotis" - it got thanks to Mount Kykkos, which is located on the island of Cyprus. Here she is kept in the temple, in the imperial monastery, built in her honor.

Where did this wonderful image of the Heavenly Queen travel before he ended up on the island of Cyprus? At first it was owned by one of the first Christian Egyptian communities. After it was transported to Constantinople, where it was kept until the reign of Alexius Comnenus (early XII century). It was then that the hermit Isaiah, in a miraculous sign, was told that through his efforts the miraculous image, which was written by the Evangelist Luke, would be kept on the island of Cyprus.

The elder spent a lot of energy before fulfilling the Divine revelation. When the "Merciful" icon of the Mother of God arrived on the island, it began to work miracles. And to this day, people possessed by all kinds of diseases come to the abode of an extraordinary image from all directions of the world: they receive healing according to their faith.

It is interesting that not only Christians believe in the miraculous power of this icon, but also foreigners, who also ask her for help in troubles and illnesses. The grace of the Blessed Virgin, the patroness of all those who suffer, is endless: it is not for nothing that her image bears the name "Merciful". The wonderful "Kykkos" icon of the Queen of Heaven has a stunning quality: it is not known from what time it is covered with a shroud up to the middle - from the lower right corner to the upper left. Because of this veil, no one can see the faces of the Virgin Mary and the baby Christ, and they do not even try.

The image of the Blessed Virgin on the icon looks like the image of Hodegetria, as well as the face of the Smolensk image of the Queen of Heaven: her head is crowned with a crown. It should be noted that today the list from this image is especially honored in the Nikolsky Convent in the city of Mukachev.

Kykkos monastery

Let's explore the Kykkos Monastery? This is the stavropegic monastery of the Orthodox Cypriot Church, one of the richest and most famous monasteries in Cyprus. It is called the Sacred Royal Monastery of the Kykkos Icon of the Mother of God.

This skete was founded at the end of the eleventh century by the Byzantine ruler Alexei I Komnenos. It is located near the Troodos mountain range at an altitude of 1140 meters above sea level.

The history of the monastery

Legend has it that an ancient hermit named Isaiah lived in a cave in Mount Kykkos. Once the Byzantine satrap of Cyprus, Manuil Vutomitis, came to the village of Maratas. It should be noted that this person came every summer to rest in this place. And so the governor went hunting in the forest and suddenly lost his way. He was looking for a road leading to the house for a long time, and by chance he met Isaiah. The satrap asked him to help find his way, but the hermit who had retired from worldly life remained silent. Manuel got very angry and hit Isaiah.

A little time passed, and the governor returned to Nicosia, where he was suddenly struck down by the incurable disease of "shatika": it was considered a kind of paralysis. He suffered terribly, every cell of his body suffered from pain, and suddenly he remembered what he had done with the hermit. And at the same hour the unfortunate man began to pray to the Lord for his recovery, because only then he could meet with Isaiah and ask him for forgiveness.

God heard the prayers of the satrap, and he was healed. Soon the Lord appeared to the hermit and informed him that he had met the governor according to God's will. Among other things, the Almighty ordered Isaiah to ask Manuel Vutomitis to bring him which he painted in Cyprus. It is known that this relic was kept in the Imperial Palace of Constantinople.

Hearing the hermit's request, Manuil Vutomitis was very upset, since he considered it impossible to fulfill this request. Then Isaiah told him about the will of the Most High and invited Manuel to go to Constantinople together. They arrived in the capital and walked around it for a long time, but the governor could not gather his courage and appear before the emperor. Not wanting to exhaust Isaiah, he ordered him to go to Cyprus, providing him with various ceremonial decorations and icons. He also reassured him by promising that he would definitely meet with the emperor.

A little later, the daughter of the ruler fell ill with the same ailment that Manuil Vutomitis had earlier. The governor, taking advantage of this opportunity, immediately went to the sovereign Alexei I Komnenos. He informed him about the monk Isaiah and what had happened to him. Manuel assured the ruler that if he allowed the icon to be transported to Cyprus, the child would instantly recover. The emperor was very grieved, so he obeyed Manuel, and soon his daughter

It should be noted that the emperor was very fond of the icon of the Mother of God "Merciful", and he did not want to part with it. Alexey ordered the best artists of the empire to paint an exact copy of it, which he planned to send to Cyprus. At night, the Queen of Heaven appeared to the ruler in a dream: she said that she wanted to see the original of her image on the island, and let him keep copies with him.

The next day, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The Merciful" went by ship to Cyprus, where Isaiah was waiting for her. To the Troodos mountains from the coast, the image was carried on foot: the trees bowed their branches and trunks, greeting him, nodding their heads, greeting him. So, the icon was taken to the island, and the emperor ordered to build a monastery and a prayer house in the mountains from wood to store such a precious relic.

In 1365 a fire broke out and the monastery had to be rebuilt. The second time it was erected from stone and wood. Unfortunately, in 1541 the hermitage was again burnt down, and again it was rebuilt, but now of stone. Previously, the building was one-nave, but in 1745 it was enlarged and turned into a three-nave building. It should be noted that the middle nave was intended for the Virgin Mary: that is why the monastery celebrates the church feast of the Nativity of the Virgin on September 8 and the Dormition of the Virgin on August 15. The left nave is dedicated to the archangels Michael and Gabriel, and the right nave is dedicated to All Saints.

By the way, the bell tower was built in 1882, much later than the monastery. This is due to the fact that during the rule of the Ottoman Empire, the ringing of bells was forbidden to Christians. The bell tower has six bells: one of them was smelted in Russia, its weight is 1280 kg.

State of the art

The buildings of the Kykkos monastery date back to different eras. The temple is located in the center. A cathedral room, the abbot's house, a library, monks' cells, a museum, reception rooms and other buildings were built around it. There is also a well dug in the center of a large paved courtyard. As noted above, initially both the monastery and all its buildings were cut from wood: the peak of Mount Kykkos is located near the Paphos forest, so the area does not lack lumber.

The skete is adorned with frescoes and mosaics created in 1991-1993 by the Kipola brothers icon painters and other masters from Romania and Greece.

The image of the Virgin

For many centuries, the "Merciful" icon of the Mother of God was revered by the locals, who explained the miracles that were happening on the island only by her presence. For example, it is believed that getting rid of locusts in 1760 was due to the influence of this image.

In general, the Kykkos "Merciful" icon of the Mother of God served as a model for a huge number of images of the Queen of Heaven in Orthodox society. In 1975, the image was adorned with a silver frame that completely covered her face, which no one has seen since. The icon of the Virgin Mary is still kept in the monastery, its magical properties attract a huge number of pilgrims there.

Monastery courtyard

The courtyard of the Kykkos monastery is located in a suburb of Nicosia called Metohion Kykkos. Previously, it was the outskirts of the city, but over time, the lands of Nicosia expanded, and the courtyard was located near the city buildings. In this monastery in 1974, Archbishop Macarius III of Cyprus hid from the military junta that was pursuing him: it was for this reason that the buildings were attacked by tanks and some of them were destroyed.


The Kykkos Monastery Museum is a unique repository of the history and culture of Cyprus. Since 1992, this institution has been open daily to numerous pilgrims and travelers: from 10:00 to 16:00 from November to April and from 10:00 to 18:00 from May to October. The museum owns several rooms, which contain works of Christian art. Amazing exhibits: icons, embroidery, shrines, wood carvings, manuscripts, vestments and other relics - express part of the living veneration of the Lord and the history of the monastery. In general, an impressive collection of antiques acquaints visitors with the history of Cyprus. An overview of the treasures of the museum exhibition is accompanied by Byzantine music.

The miraculous icon "Gracious"

So, we found out that the Kykkos "Merciful" icon of the Mother of God has many duplicates. Let's get acquainted with one of them, located in the Cathedral of the Conception Convent. The image is kept in an old icon case in a white-stone tent and exudes currents of miracles to those who come with faith under the grace of the Mother of God.

It is interesting that the monastery legend connects this image with the ancient icon of the Virgin Mary "Merciful-Kykkos". In general, she is called Eleusa, which means "the spring of mercy." This image is one of the basic types of the image of the Queen of Heaven in Russian icon painting.

For the first time the icon of the Mother of God "Merciful-Kikskaya" is mentioned in the monastic catalogs of the 18th century. Before the closure of the skete, this image was in its cathedral church, erected in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin.

In 1909, the abbess of the monastery, Abbess Maria (Box), compiled an inventory, in which the icon "The Merciful Mother of God" was noted as one of the most revered shrines of the Conception Skete. It is written that prayer singing with an akathist was sung in front of her on Wednesdays.

The sisters looked after the icon. For example, the nun Magdalene from a noble family until the closure of the monastery performed obedience to the head of the passport office of the monastery. Until the end of her life, she kept the icon case and the image clean, straightened the lamps. During the divine services, the sisters in the temple always stood in a special place.

Among the monastics, the icon of the Mother of God "The Merciful" was highly revered. Its meaning in their life cannot be measured. The day of the celebration of the image is set for November 25. Every year on this day, the inhabitants of the Conception Skete gathered for service at the Ilyinsky Church. According to the monastery custom, the other day there was an all-night solemn vigil, accompanied by the singing of an akathist.

After the Divine Liturgy, the clergy and the Conception sisters went to a solemn meal at one of the nuns. They kept the monastic custom, constantly reading the akathist to the "Merciful" icon of the Mother of God. The monastery's shrine and the parishioners of the Elias Church were reverently venerated: in the fifties they made a gilded silver robe with precious stones and embossing for it.

In honor of this icon, a sisterhood was created in 1991, and a little later preparations began for the revival of the Conception monastery. Then the sisters began to think about the return of the shrines of the monastery, and first of all they wanted the main relic to return - the icon of the Mother of God "Merciful". What helps her, whether she hears all the prayers and laments brought to her - every nun could tell about her miracles. And after a long wait on November 25, 1999, the image appeared in the monastery.

"The Hearer"

The Prayer of the Mother of God "Merciful" is very often read by believers who come to the Conception monastery under its grace-filled cover. This icon is sometimes popularly called "The Hearer", because the ear of the Virgin Mary in the image is slightly open. The Mother of God all the prayers offered to her hears and shows her motherly love and mercy.

Akathist to the icon "The Merciful" is read when they want to get rid of drought or heal from infertility, bleeding. Saying prayer lines, many ask her to be strengthened in sorrows and needs, for the gift of childbirth, for healing a headache, for the recovery of the relaxed. And this image can also help carry the Ionic cross and relieve family grief.

By the way, the icon "The Merciful" can also be seen in the All Saints Church, which is located in Kulishki. Its exact address is No. 2. A distinctive feature of this image is the bee depicted on the frame.

And in the Rybinsk State Architectural, Historical and Art Museum-Reserve (Rybinsk, Volzhskaya embankment, 2) there is an icon "Our Lady of Kikk." This image was painted by the icon painter Leonty Yakovlevich Tyumenev at the beginning of the eighteenth century. In those days, Leonty served in the Church of the Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ (the village of Borzovo, Rybinsk region). It is noteworthy that the "Merciful" always attentively listens to the prayers offered to her, and fulfills them by faith.

The "Merciful" prayer of the Mother of God ascends from all those who suffer with faith and hope for her omnipotent intercession. For some, help comes immediately, while for others, changes in life occur only after months or years. Sometimes the Blessed Virgin does something amazing, completely unrelated to what is asked or expected. But her love for sinful children is visible to everyone, without exception.

The Mother of God guides and heals, helps in the most desperate everyday situations. Many people, visiting the skete, talk about the blessed help they received from the Queen of Heaven through her image of the "Merciful".

Days of celebration of the icon of the Mother of God "Merciful - Kykkos"

Tradition says that this image was written by the evangelist Luke, and received its name from the Mount Kokkos or Kykkos located on the island of Cyprus.

The following inscription is made on the silver riza arranged for this icon in 1576: Kikkiotissa, that is, Kikkiotyanka.

First St. Luke sent this image along with two other icons to Egypt. When persecution of Christians arose here, the Kykkos icon was sent in 980 to Constantinople. But on the way, the Saracens captured the ship. However, the wicked enemies of the Christian faith were captured by the Greeks, who nevertheless brought the image to Constantinople. Here the Kykkos icon was kept in the royal palaces until the beginning of the 12th century.

During the reign of Alexei Comnenus, this image was transported to the island of Cyprus for the following reason. Once the ruler of Cyprus, Manuel Vutomit, got lost in the mountains of the island while hunting and accidentally met a pious monk, the elder Isaiah. Not wishing to be recognized, the elder ran away from Manuel, but this one considered such an act of the monk for neglecting himself and, after catching up with the elder, severely beat him. A little time passed, and Manuel suffered God's punishment: he fell into an incurable disease - relaxation. Recalling his deed with the monk, Manuel realized that his illness was a punishment for his sin. With tears, he turned to the Lord, asking to grant him healing and the opportunity to personally ask the elder for forgiveness.

Meanwhile, the elder received a revelation that everything that happened to the ruler had been sent down by God so that what was written by St. Luke transferred the icon of the Mother of God from the royal palaces to the island of Cyprus. At the same time, the elder was ordered to reveal this to the ruler when he came to him.

The elder fulfilled the command, and when he spoke of his revelation to Manuel, he was afraid and said to Isaiah:

- Forgive me, father! This business is beyond my strength. Who am I, the last of the imperial officials, to dare to say something like that to the emperor? Demand another satisfaction from me.

But the elder answered him:

- If you want to be forgiven, then do just that; fulfilling the command, you will have the Mother of God as an assistant, for this is how it is revealed to me.

Then Manuel promised to assist in the transfer of the image, but asked the elder to go with him to Constantinople. Isaiah agreed, and they both arrived in Byzantium. For a long time Manuel did not dare to tell the emperor about the purpose of his visit and explained this to the elder by the fact that he was afraid to bother the king with his request and was waiting for this opportunity. The elder then decided to return to Fr. Cyprus. Before leaving, he again asked Manuel to quickly fulfill the command of God revealed to him.

Returning to his solitude, the elder indulged in great sorrow over his unsuccessful journey. But one day in a dream he heard the comforting words:

- Do not grieve, old man! The miraculous icon of the Mother of God, draining grace, will soon come to you, as the Lord knows and in whatever way the Most Holy Lady likes.

Encouraged by this revelation, Isaiah set about building a temple in the name of the Most Holy Trinity with the funds given to him by Manuel.

At this time, the emperor's only daughter, who was beloved by him, fell ill with a very dangerous disease.

The affliction of the princess was similar to that afflicted by Manuel. When the latter was informed of the princess's illness, Manuel saw in this circumstance a good opportunity to fulfill his promise. Meanwhile, the doctors despaired of saving the tsar's daughter, and the tsar gave in to inconsolable grief and weeping. Manuel, visiting the palace and seeing the crying king, burst into tears himself. Then the king said to his ruler:

- Is it possible that no one can comfort me and point out a cure for my daughter?

The governor decided to state his request for the transfer of the icon and said to the king:

- Sovereign! I suffered the same illness on the island of Cyprus, and if the Lord had not helped me for the sake of the prayers of the ascetic Isaiah, I would have died long ago. And this elder Isaiah commanded me to announce that you should transfer the icon of the Mother of God that is in your palaces to the island of Cyprus, to the monastery of the elder, as it was revealed in a vision. If you do not do this, then your daughter will not be healed. The elder himself came with me to declare to you the will of God through my mediation, but I, not finding an opportunity, did not dare to speak about this to your majesty; the ascetic has already returned to the island, but before leaving here he bequeathed to me to tell you everything. Do as you please.

The king, hearing these words, was saddened; Promising Manuel to fulfill the will of the Mother of God, he cried out with tears:

- If such is your will, Virgin Mary, then, poor man, can I resist your desire, my Lady and Lady! But I pray to You: save my daughter from an incurable and serious illness, and I will readily release Your honest icon to the island of Cyprus.

And the princess after such a promise from the emperor received healing. But the king hesitated to fulfill his vow, because he did not want to part with the great shrine of his city. Then God's punishment befell the negligent earthly ruler: the emperor fell into a grave illness. In his illness, he saw the action of the Providence of God, commanding him to fulfill his promise. Repenting for the failure to fulfill the vow, the tsar ordered the best painter to make a copy of the icon that was in his palace.But he is sorry to part with the miraculous image, and he decides to cheat. Isaiah is presented with two images to choose froman authentic and accurate list, made by the most skillful icon painter. And then a bee sits down on the frame of the true icon, indicating to Isaiah that it is necessary to choose it (now this beethe symbol of the Kykkos monastery, she is depicted on some copies from the icon of the Merciful).

This is how the Kykkos monastery acquired its shrine.

The monastery burned four times, but the icon of the Merciful was always saved.

Many miracles (recorded in the descriptions of the Kykkos monastery) were shown by this icon. These are rains in dry summers, and miraculous healings, including the gift of children to the barren, and the end of epidemics. Once, during a locust invasion, after turning to the icon of the Merciful, a flock of birds flew in from nowhere and completely destroyed the pests.

When the icon arrived on the island, many miracles were performed here. Isaiah built a large temple in the name of the Mother of God on the Mount of Kykkos and placed the image of the Mother of God in it. Near the temple, he also arranged cells for the monks, chose an abbot, gave a monastic charter and upkeep for the monastery. Manuel presented the monastery with three villages, and this gift was confirmed by the royal charter. The monastery was named Imperial as it was built at the expense of the king.

Kykkos monastery on Mount Kykkos

From ancient times to the present, those suffering from all kinds of ailments have been flocking to the monastery of the Mother of God from all sides and, according to their faith, receive healing. Not only Orthodox, but also non-believers bow before the miraculous grace of the holy icon. Through prayers in front of her, a plentiful rain fell to the ground many times during a drought, barren wives received childbearing, bleeding ones were healed. The dumb lad once spoke at the icon. Another, who was on his deathbed, came to life. Warrior George, who broke his leg on the road, was miraculously healed here. The pagan, who boldly raised his hand to the holy image, was immediately punished: instantly his hand withered, in memory of which an iron hand was hung on the icon.

Entrance to the monastery

The monk, who had labored in obedience on a sultry day, was exhausted from thirst and, in his misfortune, turned to the Mother of God. Then he heard a voice commanding him to strike with his hand on the stone, on which he sank in exhaustion. When the ascetic fulfilled this command, water flowed from the stone, quenching his thirst. At this place, a source was formed, at which many miracles took place. Hieromonk Meletius, suffering from a severe headache and vainly seeking relief from doctors, washed his head in the waters of this spring and immediately received healing. Monk Anthony here was healed from a wound on his leg, and monk Parthenius - from a fever that tormented him for 13 months.

When in 1751 the monastery was resumed after a fire, the vault of the already completed temple suddenly collapsed on the builders. But the intercession of the Mother of God saved them all unharmed. Not long before this miracle, some of the brethren saw the radiant Woman walking around the monastery.

Icon of the Merciful in the Kykkos Monastery

According to the iconographic type, of which three are distinguished: "Eleusa" ("Tenderness"), "Odigitria" ("Guide") and "Oranta" ("Praying"), the Graceful icon belongs to the "Eleusa" type, a characteristic feature of which is the contact of faces Virgin and Savior, symbolizing love without barriers– boundless love.

Icon of the Gracioushas a remarkable feature: it is not known from what time, it is half covered with a shroud from the upper left corner to the lower right, so that no one can and does not dare to see the faces of the Mother of God and the Divine Child.The face of the Mother of God with the baby Jesus is covered with a veil (shroud), which depicts the outline of the image. Even the patriarchs do not dare to open the image, tk. everyone who encroaches on is inevitable God's punishment. Only once, in 1699, GerasimThe Patriarch of Alexandria dared to open the veil, for which he was immediately punished with blindness. But the Merciful granted him healing, after Gerasim, repenting, begged her for forgiveness.

And yet, the face of the icon is sometimes revealed. To help with the harvest, or to send rain, the icon of the Merciful is taken up the mountain for a prayer service and the veil is removed from it, but even then the monks dare not look at the image.

Hand Icon of the Mother of God - Thessalonian copy of the Kykkos Icon of the Mother of God

Soon after the glorification of the miraculous Kykkos icon in XII century, many of her lists began to be made. Many of them also became famous for miracles and became revered shrines in different parts of the Orthodox world. V Greece at the beginning of the XXI century stand out list XIII centuries in the temple of the Mother of God Kivotu, in the community of St. Theodore in Agra; list Xv the century of the church of St. Marina of the village of Kalopanayiotis, which is now kept in the Museum of Byzantine Antiquities at the Foundation of Archbishop Macarius III; list XV century in the temple of the icon of the Mother of God "Desna" in Thessaloniki ... Especially famous is the miraculous Thessalonian copy, known as the "Hand" icon of the Mother of God (Παναγία Δεξιά).

In Russia, lists of the Merciful icon began to appear at the end of the 16th century.

Where can you see this marvelous image?

The best two lists of the ancient shrine belong to the brush of the tsarist iconographer from the Armory Chamber of Simon Ushakov (1626-1686).

The first one is the icon of the Merciful ("Eleusa Kikkotissa") (1668) was painted for the Moscow church in the name of St. Gregory of Neokesariysk (Bolshaya Polyanka, no. 29 a). In 1935, the original icon was moved to the Tretyakov Gallery (Lavrushinsky Lane, 10, Hall 62), to the exposition of the Department of Old Russian Art.

Eleusa Kikkotissa at the Tretyakov Gallery

The image is signed: "In the summer of the Lord 7176, wrote Pimen Fedorov with the call of Simon Ushakov." The baby Jesus on the icon holds in his hand a scroll with the inscription: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, and His is for the sake of the anointing of Me."

And the second one is the icon "Our Lady of Eleusa of Kykkos" (1675) from the Cathedral Church of the Dormition of Florischeva Hermitage (now located in the State Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve).

Icon of the Gracious in the Suzdal Museum-Reserve

There is reason to believe that at the time the icon was painted in Florischeva Hermitage, the future Metropolitan Hilarion of Suzdal and Yuryev, who was a relative of Simon Ushakov, was hegumen.

On the icon of the Merciful, from above, the monograms of Christ and the Mother of God are enclosed in circles, and in the rectangle is written in Greek "Eleusa Kykkotissa". At the bottom, by the hand of Simon, it is inscribed: "7183 wrote Pimen Fedorov son, nicknamed Simon Ushakov, with a disciple to the monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos on the Red Mountains in the Gorokhovets district, to commemorate the baby Michael unbaptized."

There is also an icon of the Merciful in the All Saints Church in Kulishki (Moscow, Slavyanskaya Square, 2). A characteristic feature of this image is the image of a bee on a frame.

In the Rybinsk State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve (Rybinsk, Volzhskaya nab., 2) there is an icon "Our Lady of Kikk", made by the icon painter Leonty Yakovlevich Tyumenev (late XVII– the beginning of the 18th centuries) from the Church of the Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ (1787) (the village of Borzovo, Rybinsk region).

1690/1691 Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in Golutvin

Icon painter: Tikhon Filatyev Kykkos Icon of the Mother of God

Russia Moscow

In 1999, its ancient shrine was returned to the Conception Convent in Moscow (2nd Zachatyevsky Lane, 2)– the icon of the Merciful from the temple of the Prophet Elijah in Obydensky lane, where it has been kept since 1927. This list dates back to the 18th century.

Gracious listener in the Conception Monastery

Infertile couples come to this icon to pray for the gift of a child. The very name of the monastery– "Zachatyevsky" instills hope in people.

The setting of the icon frames the face of the Mother of God so that the left ear is visible, in connection with which the name of the image "The Listener" has become popular among the people, as if the Merciful attentively listens to the prayers offered to her and fulfills them by faith.

The monastic tradition links this miraculous icon with the ancient icon of the Mother of God "Merciful-Kykkos" ("Eleusa, which means" source of mercy ").

The first mention of the Merciful is found in the monastery inventory of the 18th century. Before the closure of the monastery, the image of the Queen of Heaven was in the cathedral church of the monastery in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. In the inventory compiled in 1909 under the last abbess Maria (Box), this icon is called one of the most revered shrines of the Conception monastery. It is indicated that on Wednesdays in front of the miraculous image of the Mother of God "Merciful" a prayer service was performed with an akathist.

In 1918, the Soviet government issued a decree on the nationalization of church lands and property, and the confiscation of church values ​​began. In order to protect the shrines and charitable institutions of the monastery, Abbess Maria founded a brotherhood in the name of the Heavenly Queen, in honor of Her Graceful Icon, under the patronage of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon of All Russia.

Before the closure of the monastery, in 1923, the miraculous image, along with some other revered icons, was transferred to the temple of the Prophet Elijah in Obydensky Lane.

The expensive silver and gold robe had to be removed and hidden in order to avoid desecration of the shrine. Abbess Maria gathered the sisters for the last prayer service before the miraculous image of the Mother of God. With a feeling of heartfelt sorrow, with tears, the sisters offered fervent prayers to the Heavenly Queen, realizing that a new life, full of trials and suffering, was beginning for them. Having performed the rite of prayer singing, Abbess Maria uttered a parting word, entrusting the nuns and the entire monastery to the care and intercession of the Heavenly Abbess– Most Holy Theotokos. She said that from now on, the Merciful Mother of Godabbess, and mentor, and leader of the sisters. In confirmation of her words, mother left her abbot's rod at the icon of the Mother of God "Merciful".

The entire subsequent history of the Conception monastery testifies to the truth of those words. With the closure of the monastery, many of the nuns were sent in stages to the camps of Kazakhstan and Siberia, others were forcibly evicted from the monastery without providing housing, some of the sisters went to their relatives and friends in the villages. The sisters who remained in Moscow huddled in basements and attics, feeding on the labors of their hands, doing any job they saw. Some were sewing, quilting blankets. A small community of nuns and novices of the Conception Convent secretly continued their monastic life in the world, supporting, if possible, the traditions of the monastery. They were now praying in the Elias Church, where in the right side-altar in the name of the holy foremost apostles Peter and Paul was kept until the time of the precious treasure– the miraculous image of the Mother of God "Merciful". With love, the sisters looked after the icon, bringing the Queen of Heaven their heartfelt reverence and tender prayers for help and intercession, for the preservation of faith and the strengthening of the spirit. Nun Magdalene, one of the nobles, who until the closure of the monastery fulfilled obedience to the head of the monastery's passport office, until the end of her days was relentlessly at the icon, straightening the icon lamps, keeping the icon case and the image clean. The sisters had a special place in the temple, where they stood during the divine services. Every year on November 25, on the day of the celebration of the "Merciful" icon of the Mother of God, almost all the monastics of the Conception Monastery gathered at the Elias Church for services. According to the monastery tradition, the day before, a solemn all-night vigil was performed with the singing of an akathist. After the Divine Liturgy, the Conception sisters with the clergy gathered for a festive meal at one of the nuns. Keeping the monastic custom, in their monastic rule the sisters constantly recited the akathist to the Mother of God "Merciful". The shrine of the monastery was reverently venerated by the parishioners of the Elias Church. In the 50s, by the zeal of believers, a gilded silver riza with embossing and precious stones was cast.

In 1991, a sisterhood was formed in honor of the Merciful Icon of the Mother of God, and soon work began on the revival of the Conception monastery.

From the first days of their new life in the monastery, the sisters began to think about the return of the monastery shrines and, first of all, about the return of the main shrine.– miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Merciful".

Believers who come to the Conception Monastery under the grace of the Queen of Heaven pray with zeal before the miraculous image of the Mother of God "Merciful". And their prayers are always answered. For some, help comes immediately, for others, changes in their lives come months or even years later. There are times when the Queen of Heaven does something unusual, at first glance not related to what is asked or expected. But in everything one can see the love of the Most Holy Lady for Her sinful children, who raise up weak but sincere prayers from their suffering hearts, with faith and hope for Her omnipotent intercession.

The Mother of God heals and admonishes, kindles faith and does not leave in the most hopeless everyday circumstances. Many people, coming to the monastery, testify to the grace-filled help they received from the Most Holy Theotokos through Her image of the “Merciful”.

So, one servant of God, whose old mother-mother fell seriously ill, came to church, poured out her heartfelt need of the Mother of God, saying only three words to Her before the image of the "Merciful", and a miracle happened! Five days later, the patient was discharged, while of her two roommates with the same disease, one died, and the other received serious complications.

One of the already middle-aged spouses, after sudden attacks of severe headache due to vasospasm, the Mother of God ordered in a dream to come to the Conception Monastery. The pains have not recurred since then, and when the couple came to the monastery together, they recognized in the image of the "Merciful" the icon they had married many years ago in the temple of the Prophet Elijah the Ordinary, and the priest who performed the Sacrament turned out to be serving in the monastery now.

One servant of God N, widowed, for eleven years alone raised two daughters and sometimes grieved deeply. When she first came to the Conception monastery for divine services, she saw the icon of the Heavenly Queen "The Merciful", and faith was kindled in her heart and hope was strengthened in the successful outcome of her everyday troubles. Soon the daughter, about whom she was so worried, with the help of the Queen of Heaven, who sent people and arranged the circumstances, entered the university to the great joy of her mother, who found in the Most Holy Theotokos a faithful Intercessor and Helper.

For more than twenty years the servant of God Anna was treated for infertility by various doctors, but to no avail. Finally, she turned to an expensive clinic, where they promised to help using new methods of treatment, but also without success. Putting her hope on Divine help, Anna came to the Conception monastery, ordered a prayer service for health in front of the icon of the "Merciful" of the Most Holy Theotokos, she herself prayed for a long time at the miraculous image. A miracle happened, Anna was able to conceive and after the allotted time gave birth to a daughter.

The servant of God Angelina with reverence presented the image of the "Merciful" Mother of God with one of her adornments in gratitude for the help of the Queen of Heaven, rendered to her son Demetrius. A loving mother prayed with zeal in front of the "Merciful" icon, asked for the arrangement of her personal life and good work for her son, which happened after a while. The son met his future wife and found a decent job.

In our difficult time of the multiplication of lawlessness and the impoverishment of love, the Mother of God does not leave those who sincerely seek the way of salvation, in Her miraculous images giving an invaluable opportunity– to touch the Divine grace that heals, restores, transforms, replenishes the human soul stricken by sin.

Kykkos Icon of the Mother of God with the prophets

Egypt, Monastery of St. Catherine on Sinai, XI-XII centuries, 48.5 x 41.2 cm, wood, gesso, tempera Apostle John the Theologian, ap. Pavel, ap. Peter, John the Baptist, right Joseph the Betrothed, right Joachim, right Anna, Adam, Eve, right Simeon the God-Receiver, Anna the Prophetess, the Prophet Zechariah, the Right Elisabeth, the Prophet. Aaron, prop. Moses, right. Jacob, prop. Ezekiel, prop. David, prop. Isaiah, prop. Daniel, prop. Balaam, prop. Habakkuk, prop. Solomon, right. Gideon

According to legend, the Cypriot image was sent from Constantinople by Emperor Alexei Komnenos in 1084. Probably, unusual iconography arose in this era, the earliest surviving example of which is the Sinai icon, possibly a copy of a miraculous image. The pictorial source of the rare edition was the type of the Mother of God pressing the Infant to the cheek, known as "Tenderness" or "Glycophilus". Above the image of the Mother of God, the image of Pantokrator is presented, seated on an invisible throne and surrounded by heavenly radiance. On the sides are the symbols of the four evangelists (angel, lion, bull and eagle), dating back to the texts of prophetic visions (Ezek. I, 4-28), describing the miracle of the Epiphany. From the same texts, the images of six-winged angels, seraphim and cherubim, praising the Lord in heaven. The Greek inscription "King of Glory" explains the main meaning of the image. At the same time, the images of the Heavenly Sovereign and the sacrificial Child are clearly compared, revealing the dual nature of the Second Person of the Holy Trinity and the liturgical idea of ​​Christ, simultaneously Sacrificing and Accepting this sacrifice in heaven. Under the throne of the Mother of God is depicted St. Joseph, shown full-length, frontally, with an open scroll in his hand. To his left are the parents of the Mother of God, Saints Joachim and Anna, to the right are Adam and Eve, who also raised their hands and heads in a gesture of prayer, addressed to the image of the Mother of God with the Child. The meaning of the unusual scene is revealed by the Greek inscription placed above the saints just below the throne of the Mother of God: "Joachim and Anna conceived, and Adam and Eve were saved (set free)" - a quote from the hymns of St. Roman the Sweet Songwriter (6th century) in the service of the feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, glorifying the role of the Mother of God in the history of salvation. On the scroll of Joseph is written a paraphrase of the Gospel words (Matthew I, 24), which goes back to the same text, reminiscent of the piety of Joseph, who took a wife at the behest of an angel, and the virgin purity of the Mother of God. On the side margins of the icon there are 19 figures with open scrolls, on which detailed texts of biblical prophecies speak of the miracle of the incarnation, the role of the Mother of God and Christ in the economy of salvation. The images of the upper register are associated with "Christ in glory", to whom the quotes on the scrolls are dedicated: on the left, John the Theologian (John I, 3) and the Apostle Paul (Heb. XIII, 8), on the right, John the Baptist (John I, 15) and Apostle Peter (Matt XVI, 16). The middle register is made up of the images of Simeon the God-Receiver and the prophetess Anna, on the scroll of which the text, traditional for the images of the 12th century, "This is the Child who established heaven and earth". Together with the Mother of God, two figures create the image of the "Presentation". The text on the scroll of Simeon (Luke II, 35) is a well-known prophecy about the atoning sacrifice and the future suffering of the Mother of God. On the opposite side, the parents of John the Baptist are shown - the prophet Zechariah in the attire of the Old Testament high priest, recalling the continuity of the priestly ministry of the Mother of God (Luke I, 68), and Elizabeth with a scroll addressing the event of the meeting with Mary (Luke I, 40-44). All other images in the margins represent the Old Testament prophets, next to which are located in the form of visible symbols the prototypes of the Mother of God and the miracle of the Incarnation, verbally confirmed by the inscriptions on the scrolls. In the second register, on the left, Aaron with the "Prosperous Rod" (Num. XVII, 5) and Moses with the model of the "Burning Bush" at his feet (Ex. III, 3), on the right - Jacob with the "Ladder" (Gen. XXVIII, 12). In the fourth from the top register, Ezekiel is depicted with the "Imprisoned Gates" (Ezek. XIV, 2) and David with the "Ark of the Covenant" (Ps. CXXX1, 8), further on the right side of Isaiah with "Seraphim holding out tongs with a burning coal" (Is . VI, 6) and Daniel with the "Mountain of Not Hand" (Dan. II, 34). In the lowest row, also from left to right, are read the images of Balaam with the "Star" (Num. XXIV, 17), Habakkuk with "Mount Paran" (Hab. III, 3), then King Solomon, on the scroll of which the inscription "Wisdom built for Himself house "(Proverbs IX, 1), proclaiming the Mother of God the" Temple of Wisdom ", and the last - Gideon with the" Irrigated Rune "(Judges VI, 37). The images with scrolls on the side margins of the icon are connected by many associative threads with the central images of "The Mother of God with the Child", "Christ in Glory" and "Joseph with the Forthcoming"; they combine the events of Old Testament and New Testament history into one whole, creating a synthesizing image of the economy of salvation, similar to that which is revealed in the text of the liturgy.


Kontakion 1

Chosen by God from the human race to serve the embodiment of the Eternal Word, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, worthy of being sung by an angel in heaven, we are sinners on earth, we dare to bring praise singing hedgehog mercifully received from us, O All-Merciful Lady, free us from all temporary and eternal troubles, yes we call Ti:

Ikos 1

The Archangel Gabriel was sent from heaven from You, the Mother of God, to the humble novice of Mount Athos in a desert cell who sang Ti songs of praise before your holy icon, may he teach him to sing the song of heaven. The angels in Zion with heaven also praise Thee. The same we do, remembering such Thy kindness about people, with thanksgiving cry to Ty sice:

Rejoice, worthy praise from the archangel and the angel;

Rejoice, blessed by all heavenly powers.

Rejoice, ever-blessed and most blameless;

Rejoice, Mother of our God.

Rejoice, most honest Cherubim;

Rejoice, most glorious without comparison Seraphim.

Rejoice, having given birth to the Word of God without corruption;

Rejoice, truly the Mother of God.

Rejoice, magnified in heaven and on earth;

Rejoice, glorified by the high and low.

Rejoice, blessed one in wives;

Rejoice, you who gave birth to the fruit of our belly.

Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the novice, a wondrous deserted stranger in his cell, who has come and a sweet song to You, Lady, who has sung, it is unreasonable to be an angel in him, but greatly delight in his heavenly singing, and ask that he write the words of the song he is singing: when you see, as if under his finger there is stone the board soften, and the words written on it deepened like a fox, a wonderful act is known in this, and cry out to the Word of God born of you: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Opening the mind to the Divine songs, the speech of the Archangel to the novice, as if they sing to Thee Theotokos, the angels of the faces in the inhabitants of the mountains, and command him, that he may announce the words of the heavenly songs with a man, and teach the earthly angelic cry to You:

Rejoice, Blessed Mary;

Rejoice, as the Lord is with You.

Rejoice, Blessed Child of the Heavenly Father;

Rejoice, Unmarried Parent of God the Word.

Rejoice, immaculate village of the Holy Spirit;

Rejoice, thou who didst reveal the unspeakable conception.

Rejoice, you who showed the incorruptible Christmas;

Rejoice, dwelling in Matter and the Virgin.

Rejoice, in both you have kept yourself blameless and holy;

Rejoice, having exalted the angels in Thy purity.

Rejoice, ceaseless astonishment of heavenly minds;

Rejoice, exaltation of the human race.

Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

Kontakion 3

By the power of God Gabriel the Archangel transform a hard stone into soft wax, and on it with your finger will write the words of a song praising You, the Mother of God, so that everyone will know a great miracle, and will undoubtedly believe, as this is how they truly sing Thee of the power of heaven, and imitatingly, we sing of Your greatness. Virgin, and in spiritual joy cry out to God who glorified Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a simplicity of soul and an immaculate heart, a humble novice, worthy of the angelic conversation and contemplation of the official of the higher powers, we, with cunning and anger of obscurity, do not dare to look at Your holy icon, Lady, and we pray to Thee diligently: turn us from our wicked right hands and teach us in humility and meekness of spirit to say to you:

Rejoice, you sanctified Mount Athos with Your favor;

Rejoice, thou who didst fill her with the glory of Thy miracles through her hills and thickets.

Rejoice, for the angelic apparition worthy of her wilderness;

Rejoice, monastery of the monastic, in it you have multiplied the souls of men for the salvation.

Rejoice, for those who ascend in her in fasting and prayer, who promised Your intercession;

Rejoice, for saving Thy chosen ones from the disturbance of the sea of ​​life here.

Rejoice, the mercy of Thy Son and God, which sought this place until the end of the age;

Rejoice, mental paradise showing this mountain as a desert-loving monk.

Rejoice, for you have made a safe haven in her for all who seek salvation;

Rejoice, for those who are needed for the fasting life are always lovingly supplying.

Rejoice, God-pleasing giver of temporal and eternal blessings to those who live here;

Rejoice, intercessor of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

Kontakion 4

A storm of bewilderment in the confusion of an elder monk, when he hears a new and wonderful song in the mouth of his disciple, and he sees a stone board, miraculously inscribed with an unearthly finger: when he has heard of the visit of a wondrous visitor, Gabriel called, reason, as this is, and is more ancient than good , Virgin, seedless conception of God the Word. The same magnifying Your majesty, Queen of the heights and the valley, singing joyfully to angels and men to the Creator: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing about the visit of the Archangel to the monks of Mount Athos, flocking to see the board miraculously inscribed with the letters of the heavenly song, and singing this reverently before Thy holy icon, Lady, before Neyuzha, the Archangel Yu is sung. Accept the All-Merciful and our prayers before her earnestly offered to you, with such singing:

Rejoice, for the angelic council rejoices in You;

Rejoice, for the human race triumphs in You.

Rejoice, in Thy hand wore the Eternal Word;

Rejoice, for you have not cramped the Creator of heaven and earth in your womb.

Rejoice, for Thy Creator the flesh gave me pleasure;

Rejoice, you who have embodied the reddest one more than the sons of men.

Rejoice, set up the red one, you who wearied the garment of the flesh of Christ;

Rejoice, for you made up the purple of the King of kings from Your virgin blood.

Rejoice, praise of virginity;

Rejoice, glory to mothers.

Rejoice, for you have preserved your virginity at birth;

Rejoice, you copulated Christmas with virginity.

Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

Kontakion 5

The God-seer Moses sometimes on the stone tablets the Law of God inscribed on Mount Sinai, receive the monks of Mount Athos, the heavenly song for the glory of the Mother of God, inscribed on the stone tablets from the Archangel, priyasha, and this teaching, angelic praise to Thee, the Most Pure, so praising them, calling out to them. : Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the headmistress of Mount Athos, a miracle of greatness in the appearance of the Archangel and a new song, revealed to the whole Church of Christ, a board miraculously inscribed with the writings of the song, sending it to the king and patriarch of Byzantium, in order to assure the truth of this glorious miracle: tii joyfully accepted yu, as a pledge of heavenly favor, and Throughout the Orthodox Church, chant the angelic song in praise to You, the Theotokos, calling Ty in deep emotion with deep affection:

Rejoice, adorned with the babble of all virtues, Virgin;

Rejoice, Unbride Bride, shining virginity with purity.

Rejoice, growing unfading flower, Christ;

Rejoice, verbal paradise, the tree of life in the midst of those who have, Sweet Jesus.

Rejoice, heavenly hay, keeping us from the heat of striving;

Rejoice, covering the world, widening the clouds.

Rejoice, tree of blessing, giving saving coolness to all.

Rejoice, source of living water, who do not die of poor drinking.

Rejoice, supplication of the Righteous Judge;

Rejoice, forgiveness of our sins.

Rejoice, abiding in the glory of heaven at the right hand of God;

Rejoice, for you do not forsake the earthly by your mercy.

Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

Kontakion 6

The Holy Church preaches the majesty of Thy miracles, Mary the Theotokos, and flaunts the glory of Thy song of angels, miraculously from heaven to earth brought by the chief of heavenly powers and Thy fair servant Gabriel: pray with him, O Most Pure Lady, to Thy Son and God, so immutable in piety and Orthodoxy will preserve His Church, and shame all the heretical uprisings, but we, her faithful children, will vouchsafe to sing to Him without condemnation: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Thou hast shone with many rays of miracles from Thy Merciful Icon, Lady, and with these Thou didst bless the entire Mount of Athos: for Thy mercy streams, inexorably for all those who demand from her, exude, Virgin, and suspend everyone to call You:

Rejoice, our holy Joy, who ever comforts us with Thy icon;

Rejoice, our good intercessor, always speeding up to help us.

Rejoice, who gave us a pledge of salvation in Thy icon;

Rejoice, for you glorified Mount Athos by it.

Rejoice, our well-known hope;

Rejoice, our unashamed hope.

Rejoice, consolation of our sorrows;

Rejoice, satisfaction of our sorrows.

Rejoice, affirmation of the Orthodox faith;

Rejoice, shame of unbelief.

Rejoice, Divine manifestation of love;

Rejoice, the accomplishment of glorious miracles.

Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

Kontakion 7

For those who want to reap salvation in the deserts of Mount Athos, the Merciful Patroness and Helper appears to the Mother of God, and always intercede for them to Thy Son and God: even if someone is there and falls into some kind of sin, we embarrass the weakness of the flesh, You receive a rise in salvation, as if everyone wants be saved and come to the mind of truth for those who live in your lot, and ceaselessly sing to Christ, King and God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new heaven and a new earth have been prepared by Thy Son and God, who loves Him, the All-Merciful Lady, to whom Thou will be the Guide and Tutor, if only we listen to Thy Divine suggestion. We pray to Thee, the All-Merciful Queen, do not let us perish in the wilderness of sinful ones, but lead us along the right path to the land of light and eternal joy, and cry out to You with praise:

Rejoice, the first adornment of Zion of the almighty;

Rejoice, ready intercession for the abodes of the valley.

Rejoice, good earth, the saving class of the world who has grown;

Rejoice, now unrepentant, impregnated by the Spirit.

Rejoice, receiving the fire of the Divine into Thy womb;

Rejoice, thou who didst satisfy the gladness of fallen mankind with the Bread of Life.

Rejoice, Cherubic King to the throne;

Rejoice, Master of Seraphim, adorned with purity.

Rejoice, in the temple animated by the Trinity of God;

Rejoice, receptacle of the Divine.

Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

Kontakion 8

A strange and glorious appearance of the Archangel, sometimes on Mount Athos, the gaze was Divine, and Thy name was glorified, Mary Theotokos, and all faithfulness learned to chant Thee, the most honest Cherubim and Seraphim the most glorious Mother of our God, about her, and every creature rejoices human gratefully cries out to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

We put all our hope in Thee, Mother of God, and in our sorrows we diligently flow to Thy holy icon, longing for her to receive grace-filled consolation, Thy merciful participation to us, All-merciful. Help us to the Lady, with patience and thanksgiving to endure all sorrows, and instead of the murmur of the cowardly, pleadingly cry to You:

Rejoice, Joy of all who grieve;

Rejoice, Consolation of all the sad ones.

Rejoice, you who are toiling and burdened with sweet peace;

Rejoice, life-giving joy to those who are sick and grieved.

Rejoice, in the hour of mournful bewilderment a good thought in your heart;

Rejoice, in days of despondency, inspiring with the hope of eternal blessings.

Rejoice, Thy helping hand extending to the tempted;

Rejoice, you divert the wrath of God from our heads.

Rejoice, giver of peaceful dispensation overwhelmed by adversity;

Rejoice, in our good desires, wonderfully fulfilling.

Rejoice, crowning patient sufferers with gifts of grace;

Rejoice, vouchsafing the blessedness of heavenly monks.

Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

Kontakion 9

All the angels of heaven, with ceaseless praises of Thee, please the Queen and Lady of all creation, but we will bring earthly and rings worthy praise to Ty, the All-Singing; both who hope for your uncountable mercy, we urge you with love for you, we sing your miracles, we preach your good deeds, we glorify your name, and zealously falling down to your multifunctional icon, slavishly crying to the God-child Christ depicted on it together with you, to the God-child Christ: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vetiy rhetorical verbs, dissatisfied with the singing of Thy miracles, Mother of God, the Good One, our faith, instead of rhetorical blessing, mercifully accept our love and love, our hearts for You are filled with it. Even so, heartily hear our simple songs, and we dare to praise Ty Sice:

Rejoice, O thou who didst contain the Word with the Father in Thy valleys;

Rejoice, O thou who didst give birth to the inexorable Light.

Rejoice, you who gave eternal life to the world through your birth;

Rejoice, angelic King, as if you carried a baby in your hand;

Rejoice, animate city that reigns;

Rejoice, holy tabernacle of the Living God.

Rejoice, you who combined the lower one with the higher ones;

Rejoice, Divine Peace Filled with Divine Peace.

Rejoice, guilty good;

Rejoice, change of the wicked.

Rejoice, weapon against enemies is all-powerful;

Rejoice, invincible shield of the faithful.

Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

Kontakion 10

A salutary refuge from the vanities of the delightful world, Thy earthly lot appears, truly holy Mount Athos, the Virgin Mary, consecrated by Thy many miracles, filled with Thy icons of the sacraments of grace, and inhabited by monks who faithfully serve in reverence Thy Son and not God, Him beseech , His grace does not recede from this place, Thee and the beloved, in the same age from ancient times a song of praise is sung to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou art a wall of intercession for virginal vicissitudes, Blessed Virgin, and the pillar is strong from the face of hostility to all ascetics of purity: You have been given great power, the dark hellish power to conquer, and from the temptations of their soul-destroying people to save most of those who are chaste and holy on earth. For this, for the sake of virginity, according to You, the workers call:

Rejoice, shining with purity more than the sun;

Rejoice, virginity is the beginning and sanctification.

Rejoice, kreen, who has fallen off fallen humanity;

Rejoice, in Thy humility, overshadowed by the grace of the Most High.

Rejoice, faithful servant of the Lord;

Rejoice, for all the birth of you is blessed.

Rejoice, pillar of confirmation to all ascetics of purity;

Rejoice, crown of kindness, braided by the right hand of the Almighty.

Hail sign God's favor to people;

Rejoice, boldness of sinners to God.

Rejoice, dressed in a bright robe of mercies and bounty;

Rejoice, filled with compassion and love for the Christian family.

Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

Kontakion 11

Our singing, even if it was numbered, does not suffice for the worthy glorification of Thy mercies and mercies, Blessed Mother of our Lord, in the image of constantly benefiting our kindred: so do not be ungrateful, we will appear before You, our Benefactor, according to the power of our song of thanks to Thee. by faith and love, and glorifying your innumerable miracles, crying to the Supreme Creator of miracles God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

With the light-bearing rays of miracles, your "Merciful" icon, the Lady, on the holy Mount Athos, shines imperishably, and the whole Orthodox world blessedly enlightens. For this reason, from the ancient years, Orthodox cathedrals are coming to her to worship, with compassionately singing before her the praises of Ti as follows:

Rejoice, you have revealed the King of Christ to the world;

Rejoice, depicted on Thy icon together with Him.

Rejoice, mysterious tick, provided by Isaiah;

Rejoice, burning Kupino, foreseen by the God-seer Moses.

Rejoice, watered fleece of Gideon;

Rejoice, more often the suspended Avvakum.

Rejoice, shutted door of Ezekiel;

Rejoice, city of Daniel.

Rejoice, many times foreshadowed by the prophet;

Rejoice, you who brought forth prophetic utterances.

Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

Kontakion 12

Your icon, the Virgin Mary, communing with grace, as though the utensils were dragging to the Church of Christ would be given from Your mercies, All-Merciful, in it you promised to be with us until the end of the century, rekshi about your first-painted icon: "My grace and strength are with her!" We believe the All-singing, as if this verb of yours will not become scarce even now, in your icon of saints in every place, where a song of praise is truly sung to your Son and God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Thy miracles, Mother of God, we fall zealously to Thy merciful and miraculous icon, kiss yu with heartfelt love, and as if ever-present Thy with us we pray Thy diligently: look at us with Thy mercy, Mother of God, and as if You are not depicted in the icon now , so grant us to behold Thee at the hour of the terrible mortal, who snatches us from the hand of the devil and brings us into the Kingdom of Christ, with Thy sovereign right hand, so we cry out to Thee with gratitude:

Rejoice, according to Bose, we are a strong refuge and protection;

Rejoice, embracing the whole Christian world with Your motherly compassions.

Rejoice, you who affirm all virtues;

Rejoice, the good Christian end for those who blessed You, giving.

Rejoice, deliverer from the power of the world-ruler who hopes in Thee;

Rejoice, in the air ordeals glorifying Thee, interceding.

Rejoice, Divine goalkeeper, mercifully opening the gates of heaven to us;

Rejoice, the kingdom of higher things to those who love Thee, intercessor.

Rejoice, in the glory of heaven, crouching down to Thy Son and God;

Rejoice, behold the glory of His Divine honoring Thee, honoring Thee.

Rejoice, health of our bodies;

Rejoice, salvation of our souls.

Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

Kontakion 13

O All-chanted Mother, who gave birth to the saints, the Most Holy Word, sung from an angel in Heaven, and glorified from man on earth! Graciously accept this little prayer of ours, and grant bodily health and spiritual salvation to all who faithfully praise Thee and sing to the Triune God about You: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Icon of the Mother of God, called "the Merciful" Palekh. XX century

Prayer before the Gracious Icon

O Most Holy and Most Blessed Mother of the Lord, God and Savior of our Jesus Christ, Merciful Theotokos and Ever-ever Mary!

Falling to Your holy and miraculous icon, we humbly pray to You, our Good and Merciful Intercessor: listen to the voice of our sinful prayers, do not despise the sighs from the soul, see the sorrows and misfortunes of us, and as if the loving Mother, who is truly loving, sweats to help us, crying to those who have fallen into many and grievous sins and who have always angered our Lord and our Creator, pray to Him, Our Representative, may not destroy us with our iniquities, but show us His benevolent mercy.

Ask us, Lady, from His goodness, bodily health and spiritual salvation, a pious and peaceful life, fruitfulness of the earth, goodness of air, rains are in time and blessing from above for all our good deeds and undertakings, and as if in ancient times you have graciously looked upon the humble Aphonology of the novice who sang a song of praise to Thy in front of Thy most pure icon, and you sent the Archangel Gabriel to him to teach him to sing the Heavenly Song, the angels praise thee with it, accept graciously and our prayer, which is now fervently offered to You, and bring it to Thy Merciful Son and God He will be sinners for us, and will add His mercy to all who honor Thee and worship Thy holy image with faith.

O All-Merciful Queen, All-Merciful Mother of God, stretch out your God-bearing hand to Him, in His image, as if you were carrying a baby, and beg Him to save all of us and deliver us from eternal perdition.

Show us, Lady, Your bounties: heal the sick, comfort the grieving, help the needy, make good haste to all of us to bear the yoke of Christ in patience and humility, grant us this pious life of this earthly end, receive the Christian incontestable end, and let us take the Heavenly Kingdom of Mother All glory, honor and worship, now and ever, and forever and ever, befits all glory, honor and worship, born of Thee, Christ our God, Himself with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy Spirit. Amen.

Troparion, voice 1

As a dear, people, with boldness to the Merciful Queen Theotokos, and tenderly cry to Her: send down, Lady, rich Thy mercies, keeping Thy sinful servants in health and prosperity. Heal the sick, comfort the afflicted, and help the needy. And grant us, Merciful, a pious life of this earthly end, receive a Christian, shameful death and inherit the Heavenly Kingdom. Deliver our city from every evil of the situation, protecting it with Your merciful intercession. World peace grant and ask for salvation to our souls.


We magnify Thee, Most Holy Virgin, and we honor the image of Thy saint, and even our illnesses heal and raise our souls to God.

This article contains: the Kikk icon of the mother of God prayer akathist - information taken from all over the world, electronic network and spiritual people.

The image of the Most Holy Theotokos has been considered miraculous since ancient times. On the day of veneration, the Akathist to the Merciful Icon of the Mother of God is solemnly sung in all churches.

Not only Christians, but also those of other faiths who resort to the intercession of the Heavenly Queen came to believe in the great power of the Mother of God.

What to ask the Mother of God

In the Russian capital, an icon is revered, resting in the Conception Monastery. It was miraculously saved during the revolutionary unrest. For many decades she stayed in the temple of Elijah the Prophet, and only in 1999 was she transferred to the Conception monastery.

The Virgin Mary is prayed for:

  • getting rid of drought;
  • the birth of a long-awaited child;
  • healing from marital infertility;
  • consoling the mourning;
  • complicity in carrying out monastic exploits;
  • helping the poor and needy.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the "Merciful" icon

Chosen from all generations the Virgin Mother of the Lord God the Most High, in the radiant glory of Heaven above the Cherubims and Seraphims to the Queen Lady, incline Thy mercy to us sinners, quench the sorrow of our hearts; Stretch Your honest veil over us, visit our sorrowful life, not imams of more help, not imams of more hope, unless you, Mother of our family. In fear and trembling before the greatness of Thy mercy, kneeling, we ask Thy intercession before Thy immortal Son, with tenderness we call:

The archangel evangelist from Heaven was sent to righteous Joachim to announce the joy of your Nativity, and the rejoicing elder, saint, foreseeing Your majesty in the world of God, the same we are to the Mother of God, with him joyfully crying to You:

Rejoice, Lady of the whole world; Rejoice, Queen of Angels.

Rejoice, Most Pure One; Rejoice, most fragrant of all flowers.

Rejoice, loving one; Rejoice, teaching meekness and mercy.

Rejoice, spreading Your holy cover over all of us; Rejoice, radiant maiden.

Rejoice, Merciful Mother of God, pouring out Your mercy on us.

Seeing Thee on the cloud, Thy honest cover, extending, and thus observing us, gratefully crying to God: Alleluia.

Our minds are overwhelmed by carnal thoughts, crushing earthly fetters in vain. Weak and lazy in our sins we wallow, but tearfully we cry out to Your mercy: raise us from the abyss of sin, guide us on the path of salvation, but from the angels to You, Mother of the Most Pure, we glorify:

Rejoice, our protection and salvation; Rejoice, teach us to be piety.

Rejoice, prayer book of sinners; Rejoice, you who do not reject our sighs;

Rejoice, wiping away our tears; rejoice, Mother of mercy.

Rejoice, Life-Receiving Source; Rejoice, you heal many of our infirmities.

Rejoice, Merciful Mother of God, pouring out Your mercy on us.

You keep the power of the Most High, when you did the ascent of the ladder of the temple of the Lord with your infant feet, and we sinners, relying on Your Mother's mercy, sorrowfully pray: lead us up the ladder of salvation; let us approach the Throne of the glory of God, crying gratefully: Alleluia.

Possessing the heart of all virgins is the purest and the mind, striving to the Higher, Virgin Mary, dwelling in the temple of God, not thinking about the earthly, you have prepared your whole being for the perception of the King of Kings. The powers of Heaven bow down before Your purity, and the whole human race sends You a joyful song:

Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin of all virgins; Rejoice, for you have not harmed the mind by carnal sin.

Rejoice, meek lamp shining to the whole world; Rejoice, Thy heart is the purest of all hearts.

Rejoice, God-chosen youth; rejoice, beauty indescribable and indescribable.

Rejoice, adornment of all Heaven and earth; Rejoice, joy to all the saints.

Rejoice, Merciful Mother of God, pouring out Your mercy on us.

Desperate storms in our hearts enduring, in sins our life dependent on You, we resort to the Mother of God and humbly pray: give us strength of spirit, give us meekness and humility, patience and wisdom to endure all our sorrows, let us sing to God: Alleluia.

You humbly accepted the good news brought by the Archangel Gabriel and, realizing this holy hour, advertise: "Behold the servant of the Lord, wake me according to Your word" may our souls be purified by the fire of suffering; may all the filthiness of our sins be removed from our hearts; Let us rise up vigorous and pure in heart, sending to God thanksgiving praises: we thank Thee God, King of Heaven and Earth, build all Thy wisdom and intimate people who are forerunners in reality, all worthy in our work is acceptable. Thy holy will be over us. To you, Blessed Virgin, who gave birth to God of all, we glorify with affection:

Rejoice, humble servant of the Lord; rejoice, you encouraging us by your example.

Rejoice, Most Holy Virgin; rejoice, you dedicated your youth to God.

Rejoice, unspeakable meekness; Rejoice, unshakable pillar of faith.

Rejoice, hope of all the ends of the earth; Rejoice, immeasurable sea of ​​love.

Rejoice, Merciful Mother of God, pouring out Your mercy on us.

The divine star appeared to the Magi in heaven, and illuminated the marvelous nativity scene, showing the King of glory in the manger; and with him is his Mother, a pure and holy virgin, in her heart she composes songs like an angel. Oh, Virgin of meekness and humility, lift up to the Lord our praise also: Alleluia.

Seeing the Magi the glory of the eternal baby Christ, for the sake of the flesh born for us, they gave Him Divine worship. But the Angel of the Lord appeared to elder Joseph, commanding the immortal Child and His Mother to Egypt to save Herod from the wrath of Herod. Thinking with tenderness, the Mother of God, about Thy arduous path, we, sinners, humbly resort to You: ease our earthly path, filled with sorrows, lift up those who are falling in spirit, support the weak and the sick, stretch out the hand of salvation to those in despondency, strengthen Orthodoxy in our country, which is bleeding ... Oh, Most Holy, All-Singing Virgin Mary, be merciful now to us sinners crying about their sins; beg Thy Son to pour out His mercy on us sinners and the weak: let it be joyful in the tenderness of our hearts, crying out to Thee:

Rejoice, Mother of God, quenching maternal sorrow; Rejoice, covering widows and orphans.

Rejoice, salvation of Thy people; Rejoice, praise of the prayer books.

Rejoice, consolation of the elders; rejoice, youth, encouragement.

Rejoice, poor charity; Rejoice, joy to the whole world.

Rejoice, Merciful Mother of God, pouring out Your mercy on us.

The preaching of love, meekness and all-forgiveness to the world proclaiming with Christ, Thy Son, enduring all the sorrows of the earth. The Apostle John and with him the whole Christian family adopted her mother's heart. Oh, Ever-Virgin Immaculate, wake us our Heavenly Matter, the consolations and motherly warmth of those in need, but with gratitude we call the Lord: Alleluia.

Shining through the whole universe, like a wondrous fragrant temple of God, filled with Divine glory and grace, oh, Virgin Mother of the Most Pure, Queen of Heaven, Queen of men and angels, apostles and martyrs; wake us up as a guiding star in the darkness of our sorrowful days, cheer up our hearts, embraced by the darkness of passions; build up our strength in our passions withering away; multiply our faith, strengthen our hope and warm our bitter and embittered souls with the fire of fiery love, let us call Ty with affection:

Rejoice, Mother of the Christian clan; Rejoice, defender of our country.

Rejoice, the ambulance who calls Thee; rejoice, hope of sinners.

Rejoice, gladness of the righteous; Rejoice, shining more than all the luminaries.

Rejoice, blessed one.

Rejoice, Merciful Mother of God, pouring out Your mercy on us.

Wanting to be inseparable with your only-begotten Son until the death of the cross, You followed the innocent Sufferer until Golgotha ​​and at the foot of the Cross heard the screams of the angry host, and you suffered in silence. And to You, to Your very soul, fill this great sorrow. We, wondering at Your unspeakable maternal courage, call: Alleluia.

The archangel of the Lord to erect a new message to You, the Mother of God, about the Resurrection of Your Son; with him, all the armies of Heaven glorify the immortal Christ in a loud voice. Grant us, O Christ God, to rejoice now in Thy Mother, tenderly exclaiming:

Rejoice, Blessed One, as the Lord is with You; rejoice, virgin pure.

Rejoice, the glory of the Lord ascends upon you; rejoice, for the uprising of Thy Christmas.

Rejoice, impenetrable dawn of Truth; rejoice, guiding star.

Rejoice, leading us to the truth of God; Rejoice, calming soul of ours.

Rejoice, Merciful Mother of God, pouring out Your mercy on us.

The great and glorious sacrament by Thy ascension, O Christ God, who manifested to the world and at the right hand of God the Father, sit and sit with us, who live on earth, about the villages of paradise to the mourners, send down the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth and instill in us, the Life-Giver, through the prayers of Thy Mother, let us call: Alleluia.

Our entire earthly path of trials and sorrows is filled, but to You with a cry, Virgin Mary, have mercy on us, our Divine patroness, and shelter us under Your honest cover, strengthen the weak elders, heal the sick, feed us hungry, give us drink to the thirsty, inspire the youth to bright exploits striving, give reason to parents raising their children, save babies from all trouble, autumn by Thy grace of our spiritual shepherds, lift up our prayers to the Throne of the Most High, let us glorify Thee Mother of God calling:

Rejoice, our joy and consolation; Rejoice, bright joy of those who grieve.

Rejoice, Mother, to all who seek salvation; rejoice, fence of virginity.

Rejoice, Heavenly champion of righteousness; rejoice, inexhaustible source of holiness.

Rejoice, nourishing us with grace; Rejoice, ceaseless intercessor for our souls.

Rejoice, Merciful Mother of God, pouring out Your mercy on us.

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, and on all flesh I will pour out my Spirit,” the Lord said. On You, Mother of God, the grace of the Holy Spirit is poured out beyond any measure. Thou didst contain the Zane of our Creator and Creator. Pour out the mercy of Thy Son on our suffering souls, and cry out with a relieved heart: Alleluia.

The holy apostles, thinking of nothing earthly, glorify Your glorious Assumption with reverence and trembling. The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, descended to earth, receive Your holy soul, and in great glory ascend Her to Heaven, where He is ready for the right hand of His Throne for You. We, however, to Your mercy, Mother of God, cry out: give shelter to us homeless people, gather together all of us, send us peace and blessing, so we sing to You:

Rejoice, you who save us who are perishing; rejoice, praying for us.

Rejoice, divine protection by your servant; Rejoice, salvation of your people.

Rejoice, praise of the prayer books; Rejoice, Thy face of light does not turn away from us.

Rejoice, for you do not leave the world after your Dormition; Rejoice, for the Christian race boasts of You.

Rejoice, Merciful Mother of God, pouring out Your mercy on us.

To save the world though, the Good Shepherd who calls everyone to salvation and draws everyone to himself; righteous love and sinful mercy, save us sinners with the prayers of the Mother of God, let us sing: Alleluia.

Protection and intercession of all repentant sinners, accept our repentance, O All-merciful Virgin Mary, soften our hearts, heal the painful wandering of our minds, cast our pride into the abyss of humility, raise our eyes to grief, bound by the earth; open our mouth, and let us sing this praise:

Rejoice, Life-Giving Source; Rejoice, sprinkle us with life-giving dew.

Rejoice, listening to the voice of those praying; Rejoice, extending the hand of salvation to those who perish.

Rejoice, suffering human sorrow; rejoice, for you will give us your consolation.

Rejoice, beautiful paradise color; rejoice, door to our salvation.

Rejoice, Merciful Mother of God, pouring out Your mercy on us.

Angelic singing accompanies the righteous who depart after death. How we, sinners, will find salvation, how we will appear before the righteous Judge; but on Thee, the Mother of God, we hope with affection, we ask: save our singing souls with Your Mother's intercession: Alleluia.

Sing about Thy mercy, Graceful among women, one blessed one, Who bestowed the Savior of the world, and thereby acquired eternal glory and worship, be an intercessor and intercessor for us, sinners, and pray to Thy Son: Lord, cover them with Thy gracious providence and fill their hearts with joy and consolations, we thank You, Lady, exclaim:

Rejoice, Heavenly Light, inextinguishable; Rejoice, from Thee the Sun of righteousness has risen, Christ our God.

Rejoice, incomprehensible mystery of the Incarnation; rejoice, thou who didst contain the incompatible God.

Rejoice, sitting at the right hand of Thy Son God; rejoice, exceeding the Heavenly Forces.

Rejoice, consolation of simple minds; Rejoice, you who elevates sinners to Heaven.

Rejoice, Merciful Mother of God, pouring out Your mercy on us.

The grace of Thy Son of the world has shown Thou Ever-ever Most Immaculate, save us sinners, who call for Thy mercy: Alleluia.

Oh, All-merciful Mother of God, You pour out Your Motherly love on everyone who flows to You, and fill our hearts with Your love. How we, sinners, will thank You for Your inexpressible mercy to us as an unworthy child of Yours; let us sing to you with reverence and humility:

Rejoice, connecting our hearts with love; Rejoice, teaching us Thy Son with one mouth and one heart.

Rejoice, pouring out tenderness and joy into our souls; Rejoice, and you will love those who hate us.

Rejoice, for cleansing our souls from sins and diseases with love; Rejoice, our hope is in You.

Rejoice, and on earth you give heavenly bliss to those who love you; Rejoice, put a gracious sweetness into the hearts of those who pray to You.

Rejoice, Merciful Mother of God, pouring out Your mercy on us.

Oh, all-chanted Mati, about Mati full of grace. Accept our tearful prayers to You, even at this time for Your mercy boldly, from the depths of our souls we bring You a song: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos and the 1st kontakion.

Oh, the intercessor of the world, Mati the all-chanting. With fear, faith and love, we fall before Thy honest icon and earnestly pray to Thee: do not turn Thy face away from those who are running to Thee. Beg, merciful Mother, Thy Son and our God, the sweetest Lord Jesus Christ, may he preserve our country in peace, may he affirm our state in prosperity and may save us from internecine strife, may he strengthen our Orthodox Church and keep us inviolable from unbelief and schism , and heresies. We are not imams for other help, except for You, Most Pure Virgin. Thou art the all-powerful Christian intercessor before God, softening His righteous anger. Deliver all who pray to You from sinful falls, from evil slander, from gladness, from sorrows. Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of our sins, and all gratefully praising Your majesty, let us be vouchsafed to the Heavenly Kingdom, and there, together with all the saints, let us glorify the honorable and magnificent name in the Trinity of the One God - the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

An excursion into history

Tradition says that Lik belongs to the brush of the Evangelist Luke. Its second name is the Kykkos Mother of God, derived from the name of Mount Kykkos, located in Cyprus. It is called merciful because the Mother of God begs Jesus for the salvation of the Christian race.

Until the 10th century, the icon remained in Egypt, where it was transferred by the Apostle Luke himself. During the time of the persecution of Orthodoxy, the holy image was taken to Constantinople, where it rested until the 12th century.

Once, during the reign of Emperor Alexis Komnenos, his daughter fell ill with a serious illness. But at the same time, the city was visited by the ruler of the Cyprus island, who was ordered from Above to take the icon and hand it over to the monastic parish on the Cypriot mountain of Kykkos.

After a positive response from the Tsargrad emperor, unexpectedly for everyone, his daughter recovered, who was already dying. But suddenly Alexy felt sorry for giving the image, and he, as best he could, delayed the fulfillment of the promise.

Suddenly, anger from Heaven descended on Alexy in the form of an unexpected and serious illness. In a dreamy vision, the Mother of God herself appeared to him and strictly ordered him to give what was promised. The court artists urgently made a copy of the miraculous image, and the original itself was taken by ship to the monastery located at the temple on the Mount of Kykkos.

The chronicles of the monastic monastery over the centuries have recorded many miracles that occurred from the Face of the Blessed Virgin Mary. His power admonishes, admonishes and heals every person who is converted.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos, in front of the icon called "The Merciful" (Kykkos).

They pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for deliverance from drought, for healing from bleeding, infertility and the gift of childbirth, for strengthening in needs and sorrows, for help in bearing the monastic cross, for healing from headaches, for healing the relaxed and in family grief.

Chosen by God from the human race to serve the embodiment of the Eternal Word, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, worthy of being sung by an angel in heaven, we are sinners on earth, we dare to bring praise singing hedgehog mercifully received from us, O All-Merciful Lady, free us from all temporary and eternal troubles, yes we call Tee: Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

The Archangel Gabriel was sent from heaven from You, the Mother of God, to the humble novice of Mount Athos in a desert cell who sang Ti songs of praise before your holy icon, may he teach him to sing the song of heaven. The angels in Zion with heaven also praise Thee. The same we do, remembering such Thy kindness about people, with thanksgiving cry to Ty sice: Rejoice, worthy praise from the archangel and the angel; Rejoice, blessed by all heavenly powers. Rejoice, ever-blessed and most blameless; Rejoice, Mother of our God. Rejoice, most honest Cherubim; Rejoice, most glorious without comparison Seraphim. Rejoice, having given birth to the Word of God without corruption; Rejoice, truly the Mother of God. Rejoice, magnified in heaven and on earth; Rejoice, glorified by the high and low. Rejoice, blessed one in wives; Rejoice, you who gave birth to the fruit of our belly. Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

Seeing the novice, a wondrous deserted newcomer in his cell, and a sweet song to Thee, Lady, who sang, the foolishness of being an angel in him, but greatly delight in his heavenly singing, and ask that he write the words of the song he is singing: when you see, as if under his finger there is stone dska soften, and the written words on it deepened like a fox, a wonderful act is known in this, and cry out to the Word of God born of you: Alleluia.

Reason to the Divine, opening songs to the Archangel, speaking to the novice, as if they glorify Thee Theotokos, the angels of the faces in the inhabited mountains, and command him, let a man announce the words of the heavenly songs, and teach the earthly angel-like cry to Thee: Rejoice, Blessed Mary; Rejoice, as the Lord is with You. Rejoice, Blessed Child of the Heavenly Father; Rejoice, Unmarried Parent of God the Word. Rejoice, immaculate village of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, thou who didst reveal the unspeakable conception. Rejoice, you who showed the incorruptible Christmas; Rejoice, dwelling in Matter and the Virgin. Rejoice, in both you have kept yourself blameless and holy; Rejoice, having exalted the angels in Thy purity. Rejoice, ceaseless astonishment of heavenly minds; Rejoice, exaltation of the human race. Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

By the power of God Gabriel the Archangel transform a hard stone into soft wax, and on it with your finger will write the words of a song praising You, the Mother of God, so that everyone will know a great miracle, and will undoubtedly believe, as this is how they truly sing Thee of the power of heaven, and imitatingly, we sing of Your greatness. Virgin, and in spiritual joy cry out to God who glorified Thee: Alleluia.

Having a simplicity of soul and an immaculate heart, a humble novice, worthy of the angelic conversation and contemplation of the chief of the mountains of powers, we, with cunning and darkened malice, do not dare to look at Thy holy icon, Lady, and pray to Thi diligently: turn us from malice ours with Thy right hand and teach us in humility and meekness of spirit to say to Thee: Rejoice, you sanctified Mount Athos by Thy favor; Rejoice, thou who didst fill her with the glory of Thy miracles through her hills and thickets. Rejoice, for the angelic apparition worthy of her wilderness; Rejoice, monastery of the monastic, in it you have multiplied the souls of men for the salvation. Rejoice, for those who ascend in her in fasting and prayer, who promised Your intercession; Rejoice, for saving Thy chosen ones from the disturbance of the sea of ​​life here. Rejoice, the mercy of Thy Son and God, which sought this place until the end of the age; Rejoice, mental paradise who showed this mountain as a desert-loving monk. Rejoice, for you have made a safe haven in her for all who seek salvation; Rejoice, for those who are needed for the fasting life are always lovingly supplying. Rejoice, God-pleasing giver of temporal and eternal blessings to those who live here; Rejoice, intercessor of the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

A storm of bewilderment in the confusion of an elder monk, when he hears a new and wonderful song in the mouth of his disciple, and sees a stone dsku, miraculously inscribed with an unearthly finger: when he has heard of the visit of a wondrous visitor, Gabriel called, reason, as this is, and is more ancient than good , Virgin, seedless conception of God the Word. The same magnifying Your majesty, Queen of the heights and the valley, singing joyfully to angels and men to the Creator: Alleluia.

Hearing about the visit of the Archangel to a monk of Mount Athos, flocking to see the dsku, miraculously inscribed in the letters of a heavenly song, and singing this reverently before Thy holy icon, Lady, before Neyuzha, the Archangel Yu is sung. Accept the All-Merciful and ours before her earnestly offered to You the prayers, with the singing such: Rejoice, for the angelic council rejoices in You; Rejoice, for the human race triumphs in You. Rejoice, in Thy hand wore the Eternal Word; Rejoice, for you have not cramped the Creator of heaven and earth in your womb. Rejoice, for Thy Creator the flesh gave me pleasure; Rejoice, you who have embodied the reddest one more than the sons of men. Rejoice, set up the red one, you who wearied the garment of the flesh of Christ; Rejoice, for you made up the purple of the King of kings from Your virgin blood. Rejoice, praise of virginity; Rejoice, glory to mothers.

Rejoice, for you have preserved your virginity at birth; Rejoice, you copulated Christmas with virginity. Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

The God-seer Moses sometimes on the stone tablets the Law of God inscribed on Mount Sinai, receive the monks of Mount Athos, the heavenly song for the glory of the Mother of God, inscribed on the stone tablets from the Archangel, priyasha, and this teaching, angelic praise to Thee, the Most Pure, so praising them, calling out to them. : Alleluia.

Seeing the head of Mount Athos, a miracle in the appearance of Ar-Khangelov and a new song, revealed to the whole Church of Christ, a deca miraculously inscribed with the writings of a song, sending it to the king and patriarch of Byzantium, in order to assure the truth of this glorious miracle: tii joyfully accepted yu, as a pledge of the favor of heaven , and throughout the Orthodox Church, chant the angelic song in praise of Thee, the Theotokos, calling Ty in deep emotion: Rejoice, adorned with the babble of all virtues, Virgo; Rejoice, Unbride Bride, shining virginity with purity. Rejoice, growing unfading flower, Christ; Rejoice, verbal paradise, the tree of life in the midst of those who have, Sweet Jesus. Rejoice, heavenly hay, keeping us from the heat of striving; Rejoice, covering the world, widening the clouds. Rejoice, tree of blessing, giving saving coolness to all. Rejoice, source of living water, who do not die of poor drinking. Rejoice, supplication of the Righteous Judge; Rejoice, forgiveness of our sins. Rejoice, abiding in the glory of heaven at the right hand of God; Rejoice, for you do not forsake the earthly by your mercy. Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

The Holy Church preaches the majesty of Thy miracles, Mary the Theotokos, and flaunts the glory of Thy song of angels, miraculously from heaven to earth brought by the chief of heavenly powers and Thy fair servant Gabriel: pray with him, O Most Pure Lady, to Thy Son and God, so immutable in piety and Orthodoxy will preserve His Church, and shame all the heretical uprisings, but we, her faithful children, will vouchsafe to sing to Him without condemnation: Alleluia.

Thou hast shone with many rays of miracles from Thy Merciful Icon, Lady, and with these Thou didst gracefully grace Mount Athos: for Thy mercy streams, infinitely for all those who demand from her, exude, Virgin, and suspend everyone to call us: Rejoice, our holy icon. ever comforting; Rejoice, our good intercessor, always speeding up to help us. Rejoice, who gave us a pledge of salvation in Thy icon; Rejoice, for you glorified Mount Athos by it. Rejoice, our well-known hope; Rejoice, our unashamed hope. Rejoice, consolation of our sorrows; Rejoice, satisfaction of our sorrows. Rejoice, affirmation of the Orthodox faith; Rejoice, shame of unbelief. Rejoice, Divine manifestation of love; Rejoice, the accomplishment of glorious miracles. Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

For those who want to reap salvation in the deserts of Mount Athos, the Merciful Patroness and Helper appears to the Mother of God, and always intercede for them to Thy Son and God: even if someone is there and falls into some kind of sin, we embarrass the weakness of the flesh, You receive a rise in salvation, as if everyone wants be saved and come to the mind of truth for those who live in your lot, and ceaselessly sing to Christ, King and God: Alleluia.

A new heaven and a new earth have been prepared by Thy Son and God, who loves Him, the All-Merciful Lady, to whom Thou will be the Guide and Tutor, if only we listen to Thy Divine suggestion. We pray to Thee, the All-Merciful Queen, do not let us perish in the wilderness of sinful ones, but lead us along the right path to the land of light and eternal joy, and to Thee we cry out in praise: Rejoice, Zion of the almighty first adornment; Rejoice, ready intercession for the abodes of the valley. Rejoice, good earth, the saving class of the world who has grown; Rejoice, now unrepentant, impregnated by the Spirit. Rejoice, receiving the fire of the Divine into Thy womb; Rejoice, thou who didst satisfy the gladness of fallen mankind with the Bread of Life. Rejoice, Cherubic King to the throne; Rejoice, Master of Seraphim, adorned with purity. Rejoice, in the temple animated by the Trinity of God; Rejoice, receptacle of the Divine. Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

A strange and glorious appearance of the Archangel, sometimes on Mount Athos, the gaze was Divine, and Thy name was glorified, Mary Theotokos, and all faithfulness learned to chant Thee, the most honest Cherubim and Seraphim the most glorious Mother of our God, about her, and every creature rejoices human gratefully cries out to the Lord: Alleluia.

We put all our hope in Thee, Mother of God, and in our sorrows we diligently flow to Thy holy icon, longing for her to receive grace-filled consolation, Thy merciful participation to us, All-merciful. Help us to the Lady, with patience and thanksgiving endure all sorrows, and instead of the murmur of the faint-hearted, graciously cry out to Thee: Rejoice, Joy to all who grieve; Rejoice, Consolation of all the sad ones. Rejoice, you who are toiling and burdened with sweet peace; Rejoice, life-giving joy to those who are sick and grieved. Rejoice, in the hour of mournful bewilderment a good thought in your heart; Rejoice, in days of despondency, inspiring with the hope of eternal blessings. Rejoice, Thy helping hand extending to the tempted; Rejoice, you divert the wrath of God from our heads. Rejoice, giver of peaceful dispensation overwhelmed by adversity; Rejoice, in our good desires, wonderfully fulfilling. Rejoice, crowning patient sufferers with gifts of grace; Rejoice, vouchsafing the blessedness of heavenly monks. Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

All the angels of heaven, with ceaseless praises of Thee, please the Queen and Lady of all creation, but we will bring earthly and rings worthy praise to Ty, the All-Singing; both who hope for your uncountable mercy, we urge you with love for you, we sing your miracles, we preach your good deeds, we glorify your name, and zealously falling down to your multifunctional icon, slavishly crying to the God-child Christ depicted on it together with you, to the God-child Christ: Alleluia.

Vetiy rhetorical verbs, dissatisfied with the singing of Thy miracles, Mother of God, the Good One, our faith, instead of rhetorical blessing, mercifully accept our love and love, our hearts for You are filled with it. Likewise, hear gratifyingly our simple songs, we dare to praise Thy sitsa in our image: Rejoice, the Word of the Father who is present with the Father in Thy vaults; Rejoice, O thou who didst give birth to the inexorable Light. Rejoice, you who gave eternal life to the world through your birth; Rejoice, angelic King, as if you carried a baby in your hand; Rejoice, animate city that reigns; Rejoice, holy tabernacle of the Living God. Rejoice, you who combined the lower one with the higher ones; Rejoice, Divine Peace Filled with Divine Peace. Rejoice, guilty good; Rejoice, change of the wicked. Rejoice, weapon against enemies is all-powerful; Rejoice, invincible shield of the faithful. Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

A salutary refuge from the vanities of the delightful world, Thy earthly lot appears, truly holy Mount Athos, the Virgin Mary, consecrated by Thy many miracles, filled with Thy icons of the sacraments of grace, and inhabited by monks who faithfully serve in reverence Thy Son and not God, Him beseech , His grace does not recede from this place, Thee and the beloved, in the same age from ancient times a song of praise is sung to Him: Alleluia.

Thou art a wall of intercession for virginal vicissitudes, Most Blessed Virgin, and the pillar is strong from the face of hostility to all ascetics of purity: You have been given great strength, dark hellish power to conquer, and from the temptations of their soul-destroying people are most likely to save those who are chaste and holy on earth. For this, for the sake of virginity, according to You, the workers call: Rejoice, shining with purity more than the sun; Rejoice, virginity is the beginning and sanctification. Rejoice, kreen, who has fallen off fallen humanity; Rejoice, in Thy humility, overshadowed by the grace of the Most High. Rejoice, faithful servant of the Lord; Rejoice, for all the birth of you is blessed. Rejoice, pillar of confirmation to all ascetics of purity; Rejoice, crown of kindness, braided by the right hand of the Almighty. Rejoice, sign of God to people of good will; Rejoice, boldness of sinners to God. Rejoice, dressed in a bright robe of mercies and bounty; Rejoice, filled with compassion and love for the Christian family. Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

Our singing, even if it was numbered, does not suffice for the worthy glorification of Thy mercies and mercies, Blessed Mother of our Lord, in the image of constantly benefiting our kindred: so do not be ungrateful, we will appear before You, our Benefactor, according to the power of our song of thanks to Thee. by faith and love, and glorifying your innumerable miracles, crying to the Supreme Creator of miracles God: Alleluia.

With the light-bearing rays of miracles, your “Merciful” icon, to the Lady, on the holy Mount Athos, shines imperishably, and the whole Orthodox world blessedly enlightens. For this reason, from the ancients years, Orthodox cathedrals are coming to her to worship, compassionately singing before her the praises of Ti such: Rejoice, the King of Christ revealed to the world; Rejoice, depicted on Thy icon together with Him. Rejoice, mysterious tick, provided by Isaiah; Rejoice, burning Kupino, foreseen by the God-seer Moses. Rejoice, watered fleece of Gideon; Rejoice, more often the suspended Avvakum. Rejoice, shutted door of Ezekiel; Rejoice, city of Daniel. Rejoice, many times foreshadowed by the prophet; Rejoice, you who brought forth prophetic utterances. Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

Your icon, the Virgin Mary, communing with grace, as though the utensils were grabbing the Church of Christ would be given from Your mercies, All-Merciful, in her you promised to be with us until the end of the century, rekshi about your first-painted icon: “with her my grace and strength!” We believe the All-singing, as if this verb of yours will not become scarce even now, in your icon of saints in every place, where a song of praise is truly sung to your Son and God: Alleluia.

Singing Thy miracles, Mother of God, we fall zealously to Thy merciful and miraculous icon, kiss it with heartfelt love, and as if ever existing Thy with us we pray Thy diligently: look at us with Thy mercy, Mother of God, and as if You are not depicted now on the icon , so grant us to behold Thee at the hour of the terrible mortal, who snatches us from the hand of the devil and brings us into the Kingdom of Christ, by Thy sovereign right hand, so we gratefully cry to Thee: Rejoice, according to Bose, we are strong refuge and protection; Rejoice, embracing the whole Christian world with Your motherly compassions. Rejoice, you who affirm all virtues; Rejoice, the good Christian end for those who blessed You, giving. Rejoice, deliverer from the power of the world-ruler who hopes in Thee; Rejoice, in the air ordeals glorifying Thee, interceding. Rejoice, Divine goalkeeper, mercifully opening the gates of heaven to us; Rejoice, the kingdom of higher things to those who love Thee, intercessor. Rejoice, in the glory of heaven, crouching down to Thy Son and God; Rejoice, behold the glory of His Divine honoring Thee, honoring Thee. Rejoice, health of our bodies; Rejoice, salvation of our souls. Rejoice, Christian Merciful Helper.

O All-chanted Mother, who gave birth to the saints, the Most Holy Word, sung from an angel in Heaven, and glorified from man on earth! Graciously accept this little prayer of ours, and grant bodily health and spiritual salvation to all who faithfully praise Thee and sing to the Triune God about You: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her "Merciful" icon.

Popular akathists:

Akathist to Maron the Hermit of Syria Akathist to Euphrosyne of Moscow Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos Sovereign Akathist Artemy of Verkolsky the Wonderworker Akathist to the Guardian Angel Akathist Ambrose of Optina

I love the sea and Europe! Been to Cyprus 10 times, delighted with Mallorca and the islands.

High in the rocky gorges of Troodos, in the west of the island of Cyprus is the richest monastery of Kykkos. Real miracles happen there. The history of the abbey is filled with incredible incidents. In the holy place there is a world legend - the Kykkos Icon of the Mother of God.

The celebration of the Divine Kykkos image is held on December 26 (January 8, new style). The image of the Heavenly Queen is carefully preserved in the imperial monastery, erected in her honor.

According to the most ancient legend, the Kykkos Icon of the Mother of God was created by the Apostle Luke during the earthly existence of the Virgin Mary. She blessed this shrine with her own hand.

In the world of Christianity, there are three types of images of the Mother of God: "Eleusa" ("Merciful"), "Oranta" ("Offering prayers") and "Hodegetria" ("Guide to the path").

The Kykkos legendary icon of the Mother of God, kept in Cyprus, belongs to the Eleusa. The difference is that the faces of the saints touch each other on the image. This symbolizes the boundless love for all living things on earth.

It is here, in the Kykkos monastery in Cyprus, that a wonderful icon is kept


Before the Merciful shrine found itself in the rocks of Kykkos, it was owned by the Christian community in Egypt (the first in the lands of the pharaohs). The holy image was transferred there by the Apostle Luke. After the beginning of Christian persecutions (980), the image of the Mother of God was transported to Byzantium (Constantinople) and carefully preserved until the reign of Alexy Comnenus (XII century).

The path of the shrine to Cyprus

The governor of Byzantium in Cyprus, Manuel Vutomis, who was reputed to be a tough and heartless man, hunted in the dense forests of Troodos. He lagged behind his escorts and got lost in the forest thicket. Wandering along the mountain paths, he came across the hermit monk Isaiah. The elder was so busy with his prayers that he did not notice the approaching Manuel Vutomis and did not greet him.

The angry governor beat Elder Isaiah and soon found his way back to his retinue. After some time, a strange illness overcame him - he was weakening, wasting away with every minute.

When Manuel Vutomis was already on his deathbed, he called a priest to confess. Talking about his sins, Manuel Vutomis recalled the old man beaten by him. The cleared mind prompted the governor that his strange illness was a punishment for insulting a monk. The ruler urgently sent people to find the monk Isaiah to apologize to him.

Divine providence

Monk Isaiah at this time was reading prayers next to a spreading oak tree. Suddenly, during the service, a bird of divine beauty flew to the tree and chirped, perching on a branch:

“Rock of Kykkos, Kykkos mountain. The Monastery will be erected in the Kik gorge. The Heavenly Virgin will go there and never leave again. "

The elder at the same moment had a vision that this beautiful bird was the messenger of God and he, the servant of Isaiah, had a sacred mission - to create the monastery of the Kykkos Icon of the Mother of God in the rocks of Troodos, which must be transported to Cyprus, taken from Byzantium.

The old man's difficulties

By this time, the entourage of the governor arrived in time for the monk and brought Isaiah to the chambers of Manuel Vutomis. He healed Vutomis with the power of his prayer. And then he made a petition. The monk wanted the Merciful Icon to be delivered from Byzantium to the island. Manuel Vutomis hastened to his emperor Alexy with a petition. Alexy Komnenos’s adored daughter fell seriously ill the day before. Her illness was exactly the same as that of Manuel Vutomis.

Manuel Vutomis told his emperor about the incident with him and advised him to call Isaiah to the palace so that he would heal the imperial child with prayers.

Isaiah, who immediately arrived at the royal temple, asked for the image of the Mother of God in return for the recovery of his daughter Alexy. After his appeal to God, the heiress of Alexia Komnenos went on the mend.

But Alexy Komnenus was sorry to say goodbye to his beloved image. He made a copy of it and presented both faces to Isaiah, asking him to guess which of the images is the Merciful. Isaiah asked the Lord for help in a difficult choice. Immediately after the prayer, a bee flew into the palace and sat on the true holy face, marking it.

From this time on, the bee became the distinguishing mark of the abbot of the Kykkos monastery.

Even after the miraculous sign from above, Alexy Komnenos did not want to give up the Mother of God, he hesitated to send her to the monastery, which was to be created in Cyprus. In a dream, the Mother of God herself came to him with the command to fulfill the promise. Alexy Komnenos immediately prepared a rich ship and with honors sent the sacred image to the island.

In the center of the gilded iconostasis, there is a shrine under a red velvet veil, hidden from prying eyes

The icon came to Cyprus

The gracious icon was greeted by the inhabitants of the island with great happiness. Up to the Kykkian heights, the shrine was accompanied by a procession of the cross. Not only Christians honored the image. Nature also worked wonders. Trees bowed before the sacred face and pearl shells rose from the depths of the sea.

And now on the mountains of Tirillia, on the way to the monastery, there are bent trees - a unique testimony to the reverence of nature for the divine.

At the personal expense of Manuel Vutomis, a monastery was erected on the Kykkos peak in honor of the Mother of God who came. A bell tower built in 1882 is located next to the monastery. Tsarist Russia presented the monastery with a huge bell, weighing over a ton with a dedication.

Neither the Arabian tribes, nor the Crusaders who plundered Byzantium, nor the Ottomans could denigrate the legendary monastery. The monastery was subjected to terrible fires many times, each time the monastery burned to the ground. But the Merciful Icon remained intact.

In 1750, during the restoration of the monastery after a strong fire, the arch of the almost finished church collapsed on the builders. But all the workers survived - they were protected by the Holy Mother of God. Miracles began with the appearance of the Virgin Mary to the monks.

Many images were written from her face, which are now stored in Georgia, Russia, Ethiopia, Bulgaria, Egypt and Greece. In 1577, the face was covered with a silver felonne with gilding. The robe was renewed in 1976. An iconostasis was installed in the church in the middle of the 18th century. The merciful icon is located in its central part.

Miracles of the holy image

The images of the Child and the Mother of God are hidden under the lining, repeating the contour of the image (cut through). The salary itself is securely covered with a precious, heavy, velvet shroud. The face of the Mother of God is not visible to anyone and is never revealed. This gives rise to a lot of legends and rumors:

  • It is believed that this was the order of the Emperor Alexy Komnenos.
  • The merciful icon carries such a powerful energy that it can dazzle.
  • The shrine is too old and inspires great respect, its face was hidden for storage.

Our Lady of Kykkos is a unique phenomenon. After all, all icons like her have open faces of the Baby and Mary. Only once a year does she leave the monastery and open her face. The monks take the shrine to the top of the neighboring Mount Throne and leave it there for prayer. And even at this time, they have no right to look at the images.

Some elders say that a richly decorated canopy can rise a little by itself in front of some pilgrims. This is regarded as a special grace sent down by the Mother of God on these people.

There is a legend that the Alexandrian Patriarch Gerasim in 1670 dared to open the veil in order to look at the divine faces. For serious blasphemy, he went blind and with tears asked forgiveness from the Almighty day and night.

To the great regret of the visitors of the monastery, the icon cannot be seen - it is always hidden under a veil. But if one day you find yourself in Cyprus, in the Kykkos monastery, then you can safely ask the miraculous shrine for help. She will always help.

How does the shrine help?

The people worship the Mother of God. There are many songs of praise in her honor. The merciful icon is the most sacred thing on the island. The ancient monastic chronicle testifies to numerous miracles originating from the Kykkos Icon of the Mother of God, various miracles still occur today.

Pilgrims, marching to the Holy Land, necessarily visited Cyprus to honor the legendary shrine. And today a huge number of believers of different religions from all over the world come to the monastery.

Its divine power helps to heal not only Christians, but also gentiles. The Mother of God listens to everyone who comes to her in sorrow, sorrow and ailments. It is not for nothing that they call her "Gracious". Entering the monastery, you can see numerous offerings, evidence of the miraculous power of the Mother of God.

  • A piece of mystical swordfish tongue. According to legend, this creature destroyed a ship with pilgrims in 1720, and it began to sink. The Mother of God helped everyone to get out and be saved.
  • One pagan wanted to destroy and desecrate the image, he paid with his hand (it dried up). The evidence of this (a cast of the defiler's hand) is located next to the image.
  • It was in the power of the Sacred Face to call rain during droughts, the Kykkos Mother of God helps infertile women to conceive, to heal the sick (here one mute was cured, the other, who was dying, came to life).
  • The islanders asked the monks to bring the shrine to the villages in order to stop epidemics, natural disasters, and adversity. The mere presence of the shrine was enough to end all troubles.

The merciful icon bestows goodness on everyone who comes to the Mother of God, what the asking one needs, helps to heal from infertility, headaches, bleeding. She fulfills requests to end family quarrels, adversity, lack of money. Its miraculous power is sung in numerous verses.

Poems about the Kikk Mother of God have been published many times in separate collections published for the general public. To this day, a mass of believers flock to the shrine with requests and prayers. The Kikk Merciful Mother of God helps everyone!

Icon of the Gracious Mother of God (Kykkos) depicts the Mother of God pleading with the Lord for the salvation of Christians.

It is known that at first the holy image was transferred by the apostle to Egypt, where it was kept until the 10th century. But in 980, after the persecution of Christians, the icon was transferred to Constantinople, where it remained until the XII century in the royal palaces.

How does prayer in front of the icon of the Mother of God of Kykkos help?

Through prayer to the Merciful Icon of the Mother of God, the daughter of Emperor Alexy Komnenos, suffering from an incurable disease, was cured. The ruler of Cyprus, Manuel Vutomit, then arrived in Constantinople, intending to ask the emperor for an image for a monastery on Mount Kykkos. Emperor Alexis agreed, and his daughter was miraculously healed. Then the emperor regretted giving the icon to the monastery and he himself was ill.

In a dream, the Mother of God appeared to him, commanding him to immediately send the icon to Cyprus. The emperor, leaving himself an exact copy of the icon, equipped the ship. On the island there is not only a monastery, but also an Imperial temple, built with the money of a wise ruler. Prayer to the Merciful Icon of the Mother of God continues to help people.

The monastic chronicle speaks of numerous miracles. It is known that the icon helps even the Gentiles who turn to the Mother of God and read the Akathist to the Merciful Icon of the Mother of God.

Akathist to the Gracious Icon of the Mother of God read in Moscow, in the Conception Monastery. The image survived after the revolution and was kept in the temple of the prophet Elijah in Obydensky lane, and in November 1999 it was transferred to the Conception Monastery.

Prayer in front of the miraculous icon helps in everything! Believers also ask for deliverance from drought, for healing from bleeding, infertility and the gift of childbirth, for strengthening in need and sorrow, for help in bearing the monastic cross, for healing from headaches, for healing the relaxed and in family grief.

Icon of the Mother of God "Merciful" (Kykkos)

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon "Merciful"

O Most Holy and Most Blessed Mother of the Lord, God and Savior of our Jesus Christ, Merciful Theotokos and Ever-ever Mary! Falling to Your holy and miraculous icon, we humbly pray to You, our Good and Merciful Intercessor: listen to the voice of our sinful prayers, do not despise the sighs from the soul, see the sorrows and misfortunes of us, and as if the loving Mother, who is truly loving, sweats to help us, crying to those who have fallen into many and grievous sins and who have always angered our Lord and our Creator, pray to Him, Our Representative, may not destroy us with our iniquities, but show us His benevolent mercy. Ask us, the Lady, from His goodness, bodily health and spiritual salvation, a pious and peaceful life, fruitfulness of the earth, goodness of air, rains are in time and blessings from above for all our good deeds and undertakings, and as if in ancient times you have graciously looked upon the humble Aphonology of the novice , who sang a song of praise to Thy in front of Thy most pure icon, and you sent the Archangel Gabriel to him to teach him to sing the Heavenly Song, the angels praise thee with it, accept graciously and our prayer, which is now fervently brought to You, and bring it to Thy Merciful Son and God He will be sinners for us, and will add His mercy to all who honor Thee and worship Thy holy image with faith. O All-Merciful Queen, All-Merciful Mother of God, stretch out your God-bearing hand to Him, in His image, as if you were carrying a baby, and beg Him to save all of us and deliver us from eternal perdition. Show us, Lady, Your bounties: heal the sick, comfort the grieving, help the needy, make good haste to all of us to bear the yoke of Christ in patience and humility, grant us this pious life of this earthly end, receive the Christian incontestable end, and let us take the Heavenly Kingdom of Mother All glory, honor and worship, now and ever, and forever and ever, befits all glory, honor and worship, born of Thee, Christ our God, Himself with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy Spirit. Amen.

Troparion, voice 1

As a dear, people, with boldness to the Merciful Queen Theotokos, and tenderly cry to Her: send down, Lady, rich Thy mercies, keeping Thy sinful servants in health and prosperity. Heal the sick, comfort the afflicted, and help the needy. And grant us, Merciful, a pious life of this earthly end, receive a Christian, shameful death and inherit the Heavenly Kingdom. Deliver our city from every evil of the situation, protecting it with Your merciful intercession. World peace grant and ask for salvation to our souls.


We magnify Thee, Most Holy Virgin, and we honor the image of Thy saint, and even our illnesses heal and raise our souls to God.

Icon of the Mother of God "Merciful" (Kykkos)

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