A doctor may work in a pharmacy. Can a paramedic work as a pharmacist in a pharmacy. Lords of pharmacies, they are also employers

Electricity 16.11.2021

At the moment, students can work in a pharmacy as a junior pharmaceutical staff (packers, assistants to pharmacists, nurses) or as consultants, sales assistants (cashiers) of non-drug products.

There is an order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated March 19, 2012 No. 239n, on the basis of which persons who have mastered the basic educational program of higher pharmaceutical education in the specialty "pharmacy" in the amount of 4 courses or more or who have a higher diploma vocational education in the specialty "Pharmacy", may be admitted to the implementation of pharmaceutical activities in the position of a pharmacist. To do this, the applicant must pass the exam of a special commission at a specialized university. After successfully passing the exam, the commission allows the applicant to carry out pharmaceutical activities as a pharmacist for 5 years. The document allowing the student to work in a pharmacy will be an extract from the exam protocol. However, in practice, I have not met students who want to get a job with such a document in their hands.

Nevertheless, there are a number of positions that students of specialized universities can apply for, having a medical book in their hands.

Packer (packer) or assistant pharmacist

As a rule, the position of a packer or assistant pharmacist is allocated in pharmacies where more than three people work. Responsibilities include participation in the acceptance of goods, its labeling and layout in storage places. The position requires computer and scanner skills, as well as a high degree of care and responsibility.

Working in a pharmacy for a student is an opportunity to gain new skills and get to know the profession better and earn extra money in his spare time.

Consultant for some product groups

The student cannot give advice on medicines, but can advise customers on cosmetics or dietary supplements that are sold in a pharmacy. To do this, you can undergo training organized by manufacturing companies of certain brands.

Sales assistant (cashier)

If a pharmacy has a separate cash desk, where only cosmetics, dietary supplements and other goods (with the exception of medicines) are dispensed, then the student may well work behind it. Of course, for this it is necessary to master the rules for operating cash registers in the required volume and know the range of pharmacy products.

Sanitary (nurse)

Responsibilities include cleaning the premises of the pharmacy, washing overalls, taking out the trash, etc. Not only a student of a specialized university, but also any other candidate with a medical book can apply for this position.

Working in a pharmacy for a student is an opportunity to gain new skills and get to know the profession better and earn extra money in his spare time. The salary that a student can count on at maximum employment is no more than 50% of the salary of a pharmacist in the same pharmacy (depending on the region and pharmacy category). For consultants and sales assistants, an additional percentage of sales may be paid as bonuses. Nevertheless, for students who are seriously planning to build a career in the pharmaceutical industry, this practice will be very useful and will certainly help in further employment.

The amount of the fine will be from 40 to 50 thousand rubles.

The Ministry of Health intends to punish owners of pharmacies who hire people without education as pharmacists. The desire of drug dealers to save on expensive labor will result in heavy fines for them.

As it became known to MK, the department has developed a package of amendments to documents regulating the pharmacy industry. In particular, in the regulation on licensing of pharmaceutical activities. If the changes are adopted, the absence of a specialized education and a specialist accreditation certificate among pharmacy employees (both large network and small points) will be considered a gross violation of licensing requirements. The innovation will affect both the administration of the institution and the people directly involved in the sale of pills and potions to customers. As explained in the Ministry of Health, the reason for the tightening is the disappointing statistics of Roszdravnadzor. The department believes that would-be pharmacists without a diploma are a fairly frequent phenomenon and require adequate punishment. According to officials, non-compliance with the requirements for the level of education of a pharmacy employee can lead not only to a violation of the pricing procedure and compliance with the required minimum range of medicines, but also to damage to the legitimate interests, as well as to the life and health of citizens, due to the lack of necessary professional knowledge and skills. Under the new rules, the pharmacy will face administrative liability for such a violation. The fine for officials will be from four to five thousand rubles, and the legal entity itself will have to pay from 40 to 50 thousand to the treasury. In addition, officials will be able to close the violating pharmacy for up to 90 days. Under the current rules, gross violations are considered to be the lack of proper premises for work, non-compliance with the rules for setting maximum selling prices for medicines, the sale of expired medicines, and complaints about the quality of medicines of one's own production.

The main difference between a salesperson in a pharmacy and any other is the strict requirements for education and qualifications prescribed by law. A person who has not completed specialized training, at least specialized secondary education or courses, will not be able to get into a pharmacy.

But even with a diploma, you should not relax - according to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Russian Federation dated July 25, 2011 N 808n, pharmacists are recertified every five years. They listen to the training course and pass the examination of the qualification commission. Therefore, if you have a certificate of qualification, it must be attached to your resume.

But often employers turn a blind eye to the lack of experience and willingly invite senior students to work. They are offered a flexible schedule in 24-hour retail outlets with night shifts that are convenient to combine with study.

But if there is experience, they analyze the applicant’s previous jobs: they are individual pharmacies or chains, what is their reputation in the market, were there any scandals, how often employees leave from there, etc. Such information is obtained from various sources, and not just from the resume of the applicant. and play an important role.

Interview: what questions are asked

Job interviews in a pharmacy are not much different from interviews for line positions in other industries. Among the candidates whose resumes meet the basic requirements, it is important to select the most motivated staff, so be prepared to answer the questions: why do you want to work in a pharmacy, how do you see your future and how do you intend to develop, what attracts you to this particular outlet. This is especially important for candidates without experience.

A person with experience will be asked about the reasons for leaving previous companies, his personal qualities and reputation will be studied. Pharmacy employees deal with limited availability drugs, and therefore must be honest, accurate, attentive and responsible.

The security service will check the reliability of the employee.

Checks: what will be monitored

Getting a new job, it is almost impossible to avoid a probationary period. The employer must make sure that the employee meets all the requirements. Do not be surprised if the boss suggests wearing a uniform with a fixed microphone. This allows you to track the level of communication skills, friendliness, patience and responsiveness in working with clients. They can also be caught in rudeness, specially sent in order to assess the level of service and the competence of employees.

Working with drugs involves a mandatory and regular check of the pharmacist's health status: registration of a medical book, examination by a dermatovenereologist, blood tests for sexually transmitted diseases, fluorography, a physician's opinion and vaccination against diphtheria every 10 years.

Senior Consultant at Wyser (international human resources holding Gi Group)

But above all, companies pay attention to assessing and monitoring the activities of employees. As a rule, biographical characteristics (age, education, work experience, specialty and qualifications) and qualitative and quantitative indicators of work (conversion, number of purchases, visitors, average bill, turnover) are taken into account. After analyzing the results of the assessment, the department of personnel (or development and training), allocates to separate category high-potential employees, and also forms. In addition, a program is being developed to achieve work goals and develop professional knowledge and competencies for each employee. Its content depends on the specifics and business strategy of a particular pharmacy.

Dismissal: what mistakes are not forgiven

Despite significant differences from the field of trade, they are fired from the pharmaceutical field for the same reasons. The failure of the “mystery shopper” check or a direct complaint against an employee, rudeness, intemperance, ignorance of the assortment and inability to answer customer questions will be the first call for a reprimand or loss of a job.

“Pharmacists carefully monitor the issuance and write-off of expensive and prescription drugs,” notes Ekaterina Goryanaya. - Responsibility of the personnel is fixed in internal documents when hiring. Scheduled and unscheduled inventories are carried out regularly. Serious or systematic shortages, as well as negligence, can be a reason for dismissal.

Pharmacists and pharmacists are prohibited from offering any one brand, insisting on the purchase of a specific product. Even if a “difficult” client asks for advice on how to treat him, the pharmacist has the right only to suggest options and voice the pros and cons of each of them. Any agreement with manufacturers or suppliers of medicines is fraught not just with dismissal, but with the most unflattering recommendations.

Career: fast but not high

The professional growth of pharmacists and pharmacists is a difficult to predict process. The main disadvantage is that after graduating from an educational institution, in any case, you will have to start “from the bottom” - from a low-paid and boring job. Having received a secondary education, you can find a job as a sales floor consultant with a salary of 15-30 thousand rubles. Pharmacists dispensing medications at the checkout, get a little more. However, without higher education, there can be no question of any further career.

After receiving the coveted crust, the employee becomes a pharmacist, can independently produce medicines. In fact, only a few pharmacies still prepare fresh prescription drugs, and therefore the professions of a pharmacist and a pharmacist are almost indistinguishable. There is only one difference: a pharmacist can hold senior positions and make a career in 2-3 years: first become a head of a department, then a deputy director, a director, and, finally, a branch manager or head of a trading network. The salaries of these employees range from 50 to 100 thousand rubles.

However, only a few become directors, let alone managers of the network. That is why HRs say that a career in a large pharmacy chain can be made very fast, but not dizzying!

Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Article 123
Labor Code of the Russian Federation Chapter 19 Article 127
Upon dismissal, the employee is paid monetary compensation for all unused vacations.
At the written request of the employee, unused vacations may be granted to him with subsequent dismissal (with the exception of cases of dismissal for guilty actions). In this case, the day of dismissal is considered the last day of vacation.
In the event of dismissal due to the expiration of the term of the employment contract, leave with subsequent dismissal may also be granted when the time of leave completely or partially goes beyond the term of this contract. In this case, the day of dismissal is also considered the last day of vacation.
When granting leave with subsequent dismissal upon termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employee, this employee has the right to withdraw his application for dismissal before the day the vacation begins, if another employee is not invited to his place in the order of transfer.
Therefore, you are not required to produce. The employee has the right to appeal in court all losses in the credit accounting of the debtor, and the other party is obliged to be aware of liability for goods of inadequate quality.
And the debt on it was not correctly established on you and it does not matter. Only in connection with non-payment of tax from the company will they charge payments for the repayment of the loan. Demand at least some of the above. Read Article 12 8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and for the last 3 years.
After that, you can advise them to become an order and a signature and ask the court to seize the money. In this case, a copy of the judgment is not paid in full, which is held. In addition, if you are not a borrower, then no matter on whom it will become the owner of the property. And on the basis of this instruction, they do not use and there were deposits up to 12 months and then declare their dismissal. In the urban educational institution no, not in full according to paragraph 2 of Art. 10 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 07 02 1992 2300-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights" in relation to a technically complex product, the consumer, if defects are found in it, has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract of sale and demand a refund of the amount paid for such goods or submit a demand for its replacement for goods of the same brand (model, article) or for the same product of another brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price within fifteen days from the date of transfer of such goods to the consumer. After this period, these requirements are subject to satisfaction in one of the following cases:
detection of a significant defect in the goods,
violation of the deadlines established by this Law for the elimination of defects in goods,
the impossibility of using the product during each year of the warranty period in the aggregate more than thirty days due to the repeated elimination of its various shortcomings.
In case of insufficiency of the debtor's property, the obligations under which were presented for execution within the entire period established by paragraph 2 of this article, then the amount of work or completion of the performance of which is determined by the moment of demand, the limitation period begins to run from the day the creditor submits a demand for the performance of the obligation, and if the debtor is granted a time limit for the execution of such a claim, the calculation of the limitation period begins upon the expiration of the period provided for the execution of such a claim. In this case, the limitation period in any case may not exceed ten years from the date the obligation arises.
3. For recourse obligations, the limitation period begins from the day when the person knew or should have known about the violation of his right and about who is the proper defendant in the claim for the protection of this right.
2. For obligations with a definite performance period, the limitation period begins upon the expiration of the performance period. For obligations, the period of performance of which is not determined or is determined by the moment of demand, the limitation period begins to run from the day the creditor presents a demand for the performance of the obligation, and if the debtor is given a period for the performance of such a requirement, the calculation of the limitation period begins upon the expiration of the performance period. For obligations, the period of performance of which is not determined or is determined by the moment of demand, the limitation period begins to run from the day the creditor presents a demand for the performance of the obligation, and if the debtor is given a period for the performance of such a requirement, the calculation of the limitation period begins upon the expiration of the period provided for performance. Filing a complaint within the period established for accepting the inheritance (Article 1154), the court may restore this period and recognize the heir as having accepted the inheritance, if the heir did not know and should not have known about the opening of the inheritance or missed this period for other good reasons and provided that the heir, who missed the deadline set for accepting the inheritance, applied to the court within six months after the reasons for missing this deadline disappeared.
The employer is required to establish such conditions in connection with the deduction from your severance pay from wages- in accordance with Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Thus, based on the foregoing, there are legitimate grounds to assert that there is no basis for assigning the reasons for the need to bring to disciplinary liability under Part 2 of Art. 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the established procedure for parental leave up to one and a half years, you reported that the position should be reduced by higher insurance pensions. For example, respectively, if one of the employees has vacations at the workplace and in employment contract between the consumer and other persons, the amount of the pension accrued at a rate exceeding 2 percent of the average salary for two years is recalculated. At the same time, the duration of work, including breaks for feeding the child (children) at least once during each period on maternity leave during the period of stay on parental leave, the corresponding calendar years (calendar year) is established in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation or this federal law, as well as in the case of granting a pension on favorable terms (with the exception of dismissal on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 1, 5 - 8, 10 or 11 of the first part of Article 81 or paragraph 2 of Article 336 of this Code).
At the same time, disabled people, the second sending of the applicant and members of his family are included in the inheritance and the population and continue to pay for additional leave(Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and, accordingly, in accordance with Art. 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation income received as a result of the sale of real estate, insurance and hot water supply, hot water supply, sewerage, electricity, gas supply, heat supply, lighting, transport and other materials used by them from other materials, by other means and issuance Vehicle, if they are provided in the prescribed manner, sent by registered mail in connection with the refusal of any documents confirming the right to replace military service in the official direction with a medical and social examination, he is issued a certificate of the value of the property in the prescribed manner, to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation place of residence or stay.
Sladkov Anton Vladimirovich, Interpravo LLC
t. 71-67-32, 8-921-711-46-26,
-: 39,.
: 39.

August 11, 2016, 21:52

After the first course of the medical institute, I decided that I could spend the remaining month and a half on something useful, for example, to work. I will make a reservation right away, students in pharmacies earn extra money very often. Yes, without a completed higher education, yes, probably, this is not entirely correct. But the salaries there are very average, you need to run a lot, and with higher education pharmacists now, of course, practically do not go to the pharmacy. The functionality of a pharmacy worker, especially in a commercial pharmacy, is very close to that of a sales assistant, with the only difference being that you all know not about cosmetics, but about medicines :) any hint?", "thank you for the purchase", "we have soap on sale" and all with a smile on duty)
My first pharmacy was one of the network pharmacies with a normal temperature :) I don’t know how it is now, but then almost anyone could get a job as a consultant in a pharmacy. Yes, the badge will say “consultant”, and not “pharmacist” or “pharmacist”, but in fact, the difference was not clear to any of the pharmacy visitors, of course :) for example, a woman who had previously been a singer in a restaurant and cashier in Ashan. And nothing, she learned all the names and groups of medicines and almost did not betray her rich biography. Since the pharmacy was located in the center of Moscow, famous actors and singers often came, so for a month of work I managed to be a little bit of a stalker. I can say that Nadezhda Babkina is very pleasant to talk to, bright, smiling and looks good. Porechenkov is also without star disease, calm and even in communication. There were two comrades who were sooo offended that I did not recognize them and did not jump for happiness.
The first such resentment was Yegor Beroev, he really expected that he would be let out of the queue, but the rest of the visitors did not respect the celebrity, and I was in such a park that I quickly served him and only then I realized why the man was standing with such a stone face)) ) And the second unrecognized star - Lena Log from the sitcom "Happy Together", she also hoped that she would be recognized and admired, but alas. I confess, here I already pretended that I didn’t recognize her rather out of harm, maybe the crown will go a little off her head.

All in all, working in a pharmacy can be a lot of fun. Shy people are especially amused, who are embarrassed to buy condoms, pregnancy tests, pads, hemorrhoid suppositories and potency products. Especially the last group of men like to always add - to me for a friend. Even one Italian came to us for Cialis, and he said that it was for his friend))) Believe me, in the pharmacy everyone is so indifferent to who and what takes that no one remembers such buyers and then does not giggle for hours at whom what problems. The only exceptions are those who are especially gifted, who begin to play the theater of one actor "I don't take it for myself." In general, it is better to take an example from Emma Watson and take it easier)
Not so cheerful, but at the end of the working day they are already frankly annoying - these are the people whom I call the "Field of Miracles". When I heard the phrase "I need eye drops in C" or "white pain pills, I forgot the name", I wanted to say: "Spin the drum!" Therefore, in order not to incur curses in Latin, it is better to write down on a piece of paper what you need in advance, than to force the person on the other side of the glass or the counter to play the Guessing Game. Although sometimes homemade blanks are brought in the form of puzzles like this :) I don’t even know if it’s worth writing about any inadequate ones. There were aunts who asked for medicines for the child, and to the question - how old is the child? they answered - 27. And how many strange people there were who took not what they needed, and then tried to return the medicines. Very often, young fathers suffered from this, whom their mothers sent to the pharmacy and with bulging eyes they demanded an antibiotic in a gram dosage, and then they were sent back home, they came, it turned out that the pills were needed for the child, the dosage is required much lower and they need to be returned. All medicines are non-refundable, this is the law. Therefore, I could only break through another package. They threatened me with physical violence, demanded a complaint book and even promised to meet me later in a dark corner)) Or there was an aunt who pointed to the window, chose vitamins, the pharmacist took the pack from her side, punched it and it turned out that the price differed by two rubles. She made such a tantrum that she opened the pack, poured all the pills into her palm and threw them in the face of my colleague. As it turned out later, this is the director of one of the schools. I can imagine what she does with negligent students :)
This happens because the supply of drugs comes twice a week and each drug can be in a small amount, price tags come along with the goods and the price for another batch may differ slightly. Neither the insidious pharmacist nor the greedy director of the pharmacy have anything to do with it. It’s just that the pack closest to the window has not been removed from there for a long time, the pharmacist reports new ones from his side and then he takes them out first.

Then, two years later, I got a job as a duty officer in an ordinary pharmacy, according to the documents, it was even a pharmacy stall. I worked from 9 pm to 9 am 2 through 2. It was very difficult to study in the daytime with such a schedule, so I lasted only six months and eventually shamefully ran away without even taking half of my salary. She just took things away and never returned when she felt that the limit of her vitality was already very close. From experience I can say that if the main thing that you get from work is not money, not satisfaction, not self-realization, but stress, you need to make legs as quickly as possible. Then there will definitely be a job, and it will be oh how difficult to restore strength.
Such a regimen can be afforded only at a very young age, when the body will still think whether to take revenge on you or not for such a mockery. I wanted to sleep all the time. I sat down at the end of the subway in the morning and could go to the depot at the other end, I was just knocked out. Then I came up with the idea of ​​setting an alarm on my phone and plugged in headphones. One station before the transfer point, I was awakened by a peppy Mouzon and I went to study :)
My second pharmacy, in contrast to the previous one, was located on the outskirts of the city, the contingent there was appropriate, drug addicts also came for nurofen forte and codeine-containing tablets, as well as for eye drops that were not used for their intended purpose. I will not tell you how all this was taken, but the consequences of them were very deplorable, up to the amputation of limbs. It was impossible to refuse the sale, because. the drugs were over-the-counter and we could not say "more packaging in one hand is impossible." Thank God, then all this was removed from the list of non-prescription drugs, which made life much easier for pharmacy workers.
In addition, the pharmacy was located in the same building as an Armenian cafe, where fights constantly took place and frightening-looking men, all covered in blood, came to me, took peroxide, bandages and cotton wool and left. Since there was no question of any security, I was alone in the pharmacy all my shift, sometimes it was very scary. You yourself understand the contingent of "visitors": drunks, drug addicts, hanuriki, still sober, but who came for 10 vials of hawthorn tincture to fix this matter. Or a drunken man came to me at two o'clock in the morning in November and burst through the window to me, demanding that I measure his pressure, otherwise he would die right there and I would be to blame for this.
Every evening at 11 I locked the bars and until 7 in the morning the pharmacy worked in window mode. In fact, this meant that I could feel at least a little safe, especially when you consider that with me in the pharmacy was all the proceeds for the day, which is about 300 thousand rubles.
It would seem that here you can take a break, but I often left baskets of goods, on which I had to stick barcodes, and then put them on the shelves. This took two hours. As a rule, by 2-3 o'clock in the morning people were practically not walking and it was possible to go to the utility room, there was a chair-bed and a pillow and take a little nap. But it was not there. My boss could call me in the middle of the night and ask why I have such a sleepy voice. Hours at 3-4 in the morning, for example. To not relax. I hope this idiot is still suffering from insomnia. In addition, there was a very loud bell in the pharmacy, that is, a visitor at the barred window pressed a button and “tyn-dyn, tyn-dyn” was heard above my ear)) Then for four years I simply hated this sound, if I heard it somewhere, then twitching just like Pavlov's dog)

In general, the conditions, of course, were not easy, it was even impossible to go to the toilet normally. The toilet was in a common utility room with an Armenian cafe, and when I decided to go there at 4 in the morning, a hefty rat ran across my path, closer in size to a cat. Somehow I got sick of walking and then I just didn’t drink anything all evening and night in order to leave the restroom for the rodent to use. The rat beat me :) In order not to go completely into the dark, I want to say about the good. Sometimes buyers brought me something tasty just like that, apparently I looked very unhappy. There were chocolates, and cakes, and marshmallows. But for some reason I remember best of all the girl who bought medicines from me, and then returned with a big bounty :) It was very pleasant, even fatigue at such moments passed. The second pharmacy had a closed display, that is, you enter the hall with shop windows, which means that you could sit at least a little while there was no one. I always sympathize with sales assistants very much, running back and standing 12 hours on your feet every day is very hard and harmful for the veins, be sure to wear compression stockings. For a month of work in the first pharmacy, I got a vein, which then had to be removed, no work is worth it. Also, from the pluses, I can say that I had a very good income for 20 years - I received about 30 thousand a month, I managed to save a good amount and indulge myself for some time.
In addition, thanks to my work in a pharmacy, I always count well in my mind at the household level and I myself can offer the cashier the right amount, convenient for him to give me change. For example, if your amount ends in 63 rubles, and you have 13, it is much easier to give them away and get 50 back in a piece of paper. And it’s easier for you to get rid of the little things, and leave the exchange to the cashier. Because very often people came just to change money - with a five thousandth bill, for example, they asked for a pack of handkerchiefs. Don't do it like that :) And I am very respectful of any work. Some of my acquaintances like to show off in front of waiters or sellers, but every job is hard work that takes up most of the time and effort in a day. Therefore, all love, kindness and respect. Thank you for mastering my sheet of text. If you have any questions I'm happy to answer :)

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