What is colitis and its symptoms. Inflammation of the colon: symptoms and treatment of colitis. The use of drugs

Overlappings 09.03.2021

Colitis is a disease in which there is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the colon. Inflammation can take place in both acute and chronic forms. It is provoked by both chronic intestinal inflammation and infections that cause viruses and bacteria . Symptoms of colitis sometimes complicate inflammation of the stomach or small intestines. This disease in some cases is mistaken for due to the similarity of symptoms. But with the development of irritable bowel syndrome, there is no connection with the large intestine.

Causes of colitis

The most common cause of colitis is the constant consumption of food that is difficult to digest, alcoholic beverages, spicy food. They also lead to the occurrence of colitis, as a result of which fecal residues accumulate in a person. Sometimes colitis develops as a result of a violation sanitary regulations like an allergy to a certain food. Intestinal colitis often becomes a reaction to emotional stress, to intestinal infections, to their improper treatment.

Acute colitis

Acute colitis often occurs in combination with acute enterocolitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the small intestine. Sometimes the patient is also diagnosed gastroenterocolitis - inflammation of the stomach.

The causative agents of acute colitis are salmonella , shigella , in more rare cases, its occurrence is provoked by other bacteria and viruses. Also, acute colitis can develop as a result of food poisoning of a non-bacterial nature, constant gross errors in everyday nutrition.

To a lesser extent, the occurrence of acute colitis is affected by general infections, toxic substances, and allergic reactions. Inflammation in the colon manifests itself as a result of local exposure to factors that damage the intestinal mucosa. These substances are found in the masses that are contained in the intestine, or can enter there by the hematogenous route, and affect the condition of the intestine after excretion by the mucous membrane.

chronic colitis

chronic colitis rightly considered one of the most common ailments of the digestive system. Often this disease can be combined with inflammation of the small intestine and stomach.

Chronic colitis, which has an infectious origin, is caused by pathogens of intestinal infections, mainly shigella and salmonella. Other mycobacteria, as well as conditionally pathogenic and saprophytic intestinal flora, can also provoke the development of the disease. Inflammation of the intestines can also support helminths . Most often, people are diagnosed with chronic colitis, which is of non-infectious origin.

So, alimentary colitis intestines is manifested due to gross malnutrition, as well as due to poor nutrition. Associated colitis appears as an accompaniment gastritis , chronic enteritis . This form diseases as a consequence of constant irritation of the mucous membrane of the colon, which is provoked by products of incomplete digestion of food. Associated colitis may also occur as a result of dysbacteriosis . Toxic colitis - a consequence of exposure to intoxication chemical compounds. Drug-induced colitis occur due to prolonged and uncontrolled use of certain drugs - , laxatives and other medicines.

Ischemic colitis is a segmental lesion of the colon, which occurs due to a violation of the blood supply to the organ. Allergic colitis often occurs in people who suffer food allergy, as well as in those who cannot tolerate certain chemicals and medicines, has a high sensitivity to bacterial flora intestines.

The diagnosis of "chronic colitis" can be established with the help of a number of studies. For this, irrigoscopy, endoscopic examination, laboratory tests are carried out.

Chronic colitis proceeds in a progressive form, as a rule, the prognosis is unfavorable. As a complication of the disease often occurs necrosis part of the intestine and subsequent peritonitis , intestinal .

Ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis chronic and often relapsing disease. Most often manifested in young people, from 20 to 40 years old, there is also an increase in cases of the disease in patients older than 55 years. With ulcerative colitis, a number of characteristic symptoms are observed: diarrhea, constipation, pain in the abdomen, intestinal bleeding. In addition, nausea is also present, the patient's weight gradually decreases, the person feels severe weakness and fatigue. Symptoms increase if the severity and extent of inflammatory changes increase.

With a severe total lesion of the colon, the patient has profuse diarrhea, in which a significant amount of blood is present in the feces. Often the blood comes out in relatively large clots, cramping pains in the abdomen appear before emptying. A person develops anemia, pronounced signs of intoxication. AT this case the disease is fraught with complications that pose a danger to the life of the patient. This is colon perforation, toxic megacolon, and severe bleeding in the intestines. The most unfavorable course of the disease is observed in patients with a fulminant form of ulcerative colitis.

In the process of prescribing a course of treatment for ulcerative colitis, the doctor is guided by a number of individual factors: the localization of the pathology, its extent, and the presence of complications. First of all, with the help of conservative treatment, the attack of the disease is prevented, its progress and relapses are prevented. Ulcerative colitis of a distal nature ( proctitis , proctosigmoiditis ) are easy, therefore, these ailments can be treated at home. Such diseases are considered the most frequently manifested forms of chronic colitis. They mainly arise as a result of chronic constipation, constant irritation of the rectal mucosa due to the frequent use of suppositories, enemas. With such diseases, pain occurs in the iliac region on the left, as well as in the region anus, flatulence occurs.

With ulcerative colitis, it is recommended to eat high-calorie, mainly protein foods, as well as vitamin-containing foods. At the same time, the amount of animal fats is limited, and coarse fiber of plant origin is excluded altogether.

Colitis symptoms

Symptoms of acute colitis

In acute colitis, a person, first of all, feels an increase in pain, which is pulling or spastic in nature. In addition to pain, in this case, other symptoms of colitis also appear: the patient has a strong rumbling in the stomach, he loses his appetite, suffers from persistent diarrhea, and complains of a general malaise. Constantly stands out liquid stool with mucus, sometimes with blood. If the disease is severe, the stools may be watery, and its frequency can reach up to twenty times a day. In addition, there are often painful tenesmus , that is, false urge to defecate. Body temperature rises to 38 degrees, sometimes rises higher.

Symptoms of colitis, which occurs in a particularly severe form, complement the signs of general intoxication, dryness of the tongue, lined with a grayish coating. It is observed, but if the diarrhea is very strong, the stomach may be drawn in. During palpation, the large intestine is painful, and rumbling is felt in its different sections. In the process of research by the method of sigmoidoscopy, the doctor determines the patient's hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane in the distal colon. Mucus, sometimes pus is present on the walls of the intestine. It is also possible to have erosions, hemorrhages, ulcerations.

If acute colitis is mild, then improvement may occur on its own. In severe forms of the disease, it has a protracted course. Due to acute colitis, a person may later develop a number of complications: pyelitis , liver , sepsis , peritonitis .

Symptoms of chronic colitis

In chronic colitis, a person most often affects the large intestine as a whole ( pancolitis ). Symptoms of colitis in this case are manifested by a violation of the stool (both chronic diarrhea and constipation may occur). In addition, patients suffer from abdominal pain, painful tenesmus, . As a rule, in chronic colitis, especially right-sided, there is a strong . The chair can occur up to fifteen times a day, while the person feels that the intestines are not completely emptied. If the process escalates, the patient feels a false urge to defecate. He periodically leaves gases, lumps of feces with mucus, sometimes with blood. If a person has spastic colitis , the stool looks fragmented. A similar symptom manifests itself if the distal colon is involved in the inflammatory process. In spastic colitis, defecation occurs at an indefinite time. In addition, patients with spastic colitis present with headaches, insomnia, and fatigue.

In chronic colitis, in the process of X-ray examination in the large intestine, a delay in the contrast mass is observed. The disease lasts for a long time, sometimes for many years.

Pain in chronic colitis is usually aching, dull. They occur in the lower abdomen and in its lateral sections. Sometimes heat can help relieve pain. Painful attacks are often accompanied by the urge to defecate and passing flatus. If the inflammation spreads to the serosa of the colon, then constant pain may increase when walking, and when a person takes a supine position, it subsides. Painful sensations of a aching nature that spread throughout the abdomen, sometimes appear regardless of nutrition, defecation. In patients with colitis, there is also constant flatulence, which occurs as a result of problems with the digestion of food in the small intestine, as well as due to dysbacteriosis. In addition, symptoms of chronic colitis are often nausea, anorexia , belching, presence, constant rumbling in the abdomen. As a result, a person has weakness, reduced ability to work, manifested polyhypovitaminosis and anemia .

Diagnosis of colitis

To determine the diagnosis, superficial and deep palpation of the abdomen is mandatory, during which painful areas on the abdominal wall, affected areas of the colon and other signs of the disease are detected.

Corpological research is also being carried out. As a rule, the stools are fetid, they contain a lot of mucus, undigested fiber. In ulcerative colitis, stools also contain .

In addition, patients with suspected chronic colitis are prescribed irrigoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and colonoscopy. In the process of these studies, it is possible to detect an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the colon, sometimes - purulent, necrotic-ulcerative lesions.

In acute colitis, laboratory tests reveal moderate leukocytosis, low-grade fever, and an increase.

Colitis treatment

Drug therapy for colitis is prescribed depending on what type of intestinal disorder the patient has. So, if a person has spastic colitis, then the treatment of colitis should be carried out in order to reduce peristaltic activity. During an exacerbation of colitis, intestinal antiseptics are recommended. To weaken peristalsis, you should take antispasmodics soft action.

Under the constant supervision of a doctor during treatment in a hospital, it is possible to receive blockers and cholinergic funds. In order to eliminate the excessive production of mucus in the intestines, they are used binders and enveloping drugs that, moreover, protect the intestines from the negative effects of mucus. With a concomitant decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, patients are prescribed of hydrochloric acid or while eating.

In the process of treating colitis, taking multivitamins is important. In the case of spastic colitis, treatment involves taking laxatives. Also in the process of treating colitis, the use of cleansing and medicinal enemas is used.

If there is a concomitant exacerbation of chronic gastritis, then antibiotics are also prescribed for the treatment of colitis.

When treating colitis, it is very important to adhere to diet food, in which baking, fatty fish, meat, eggs, dairy products, legumes, spices, coffee, alcohol are excluded from the diet. However, it is important that the diet must contain all the substances needed by the body.

As folk remedies for the treatment of colitis, you can use an infusion of watermelon peels, decoctions and infusions of herbs of chamomile, sage. Chamomile enemas are also recommended.

The doctors


Prevention of colitis

To prevent colitis, it is important to eat right and eat a healthy diet. Food must be chewed very carefully. Timely treatment of acute colitis is assumed as a prevention of chronic colitis. For this, it is important to apply for medical assistance, stick to a diet, exercise.

Diet, nutrition for colitis

List of sources

  • Belousova, E.A. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease / E.A. Belousova.- M.: Triada, 2002,
  • Vorobyov, G. I. Nonspecific inflammatory bowel diseases / G. I. Vorobyov, I. L. Khalif. - M.: Miklosh, 2008,
  • Ivashkin, V. T Gastroenterology. National leadership / V. T. Ivashkin, T. L. Lapina. - Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2008,
  • Semionkin E. I. Coloproctology / M .: "Medpraktika", 2004.

Colitis of the intestine- a disease in which the mucosa of the colon is affected by the inflammatory process.

The place of “deployment” of this organ is the abdominal cavity, and its key components are: colon ascending, transverse, descending colon, blind, sigmoid, rectum, anus.

The fundamental duties of the large intestine include:

  • absorption of food that has not had time to be processed in the small intestine
  • absorption of a large amount of liquid (more than 90%), amino acids, vitamins that were produced by the bacteria of the intestinal cavity
  • formation of positive prerequisites for the creation of beneficial microflora
  • formation, accumulation, retention of feces, until the moment when they are removed from the body
  • removal of harmful, toxic substances from the blood

In summary, the colon is responsible for the accumulation and storage of residues digestion. Visually, it is a very impressive (90-150 cm) muscular “tube” in which undigested food is pushed to the anus to leave the body forever as a result of the defecation process.

Colitis symptoms

I think that the number of people who have never encountered is not so great. I am sure that many are familiar with such pain. Here are the main symptoms of the disease:

  • constant bloating, rumbling - a clear indicator of impending trouble, probably colitis is on the way
  • systematic variability of “stool”, when diarrhea with constipation often alternates with each other

A little more general information. The composition of the wall has several important layers. On the outside, lies the responsibility for squeezing food that hasn't been digested.

With intestinal colitis, the danger lies in wait for the inner layer, or secondarily referred to as the mucous membrane. Its healthy, normal functioning is extremely important, because, in contact with liquids, it has a beneficial effect on the absorption of water and electrolytes, which in turn contribute to the rapid thickening of feces.

The inflammatory process, affecting exactly the inner layer of the wall of the large intestine, provokes the occurrence of colitis. In addition, disturbances in the processes of blood supply to the large intestine are also capable of giving all the prerequisites for the onset of such a disease.

For some people, colitis can be considered a temporary, episodic phenomenon, but an impressive number of patients who once got acquainted with this disease experience bowel problems regularly, on an ongoing basis.

Causes of colitis

There are plenty of factors provoking the emergence of such an ailment, they are very diverse. Classify according to the cause different kinds colitis. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

1. Infectious - by name, I think it becomes clear that the main culprit for the appearance of this species is considered to be an intestinal bacterium or microbes.

They enter the body from dirty water, since many people ignore the process of controlling the quality of the fluid they consume.

In addition, vegetables, fruits, greens, which were dishonestly washed, can be sources of ingestion into the body. As soon as harmful microorganisms enter the colonic mucosa, the process of gradual damage begins, usually accompanied by inflammation. There is an occurrence of edema on the surface of the intestinal walls, a stable contraction is at risk. Toxic substances, which are the result of the activity of microbes that have occupied the intestines, carry out “illegal” penetration into the blood.

Due to this, there is a rapid increase in body temperature.

Very often, the process of inflammation occurs due to the influence of chronic infectious foci, for example, the places of dislocation of such can be the oral cavity, pancreas. In addition, inflammation may be due to intestinal infection transferred in the recent past.

2. Next on the list is the ischemic form of colitis, the main cause of which is poor blood circulation. Problems with blood flow are the result of narrowing of the intestinal vessels, which can occur in the event of an inflammatory process, atherosclerotic problems.

If circulatory problems are chronic, then pain can be expected to occur approximately in the time interval of half an hour to an hour after eating. In other words, at the peak point of the digestion process.

A large amount of food consumed can cause a prolonged, sometimes up to several hours, attack of pain, the intensity of which can be very impressive.

The maximum danger from this type of colitis is the possible occurrence of thrombosis. The chain of negative actions is as follows. A blood clot detached from the vascular wall is able to arrange an “impenetrable blockage” in the vessels that feed the large intestine with blood. The probability of "blockage" of the inferior mesenteric artery increases.

When the blockage becomes extreme, the vessel is completely clogged, then the most sad consequences are necrosis of the large intestine. A characteristic feature in this case is a “dagger” pain attack, loudly declaring itself in the left side of the abdomen. In addition, with this bowel problem, there is a whole range of symptoms of intestinal obstruction, probably bleeding. The case may end with peritonitis - an inflammatory process of the membrane, which covers the walls of the abdominal cavity.

With a more positive development of events, when the inferior mesenteric artery is not completely clogged, we are talking about an episodic form of ischemic colitis. This passing form of the disease is referred to for the second time as intermittent intestinal claudication.

The characteristic features include:

  • pain in the abdomen, localized on the left or in the middle
  • usually an attack of pain starts after a short time interval after eating
  • diarrhea,
  • nausea, vomiting

Therapy for the chronic form of the disease, mainly medicinal, the main task is to eliminate spasms.

3. It happens that the cause of inflammation is the systematic use, over a long period of time, of laxatives, based on medicinal plants. For example, this can include a senna leaf, buckthorn root, joster fruit.

4. Sometimes, the cause of colitis is toxic poisoning of the body with toxic substances (lead, mercury, arsenic).

5. Finally, the last thing worth mentioning is ulcerative colitis, which is considered one of the most dangerous varieties of this disease.

Diagnosis of ulcerative colitis is usually taken only after they are finally convinced that there are no other factors provoking the disease. Especially this statement concerns the infectious form of colitis.

Untimely, and most importantly, unqualified therapy for ulcerative colitis is fraught with serious complications, up to malignant tumors.

This type of disease leads to malfunctions in the functioning of the immune system. The cells of the "native" mucous membrane are perceived as hostile, as a result of which antibodies replenish the composition of the blood serum. Ulcers begin to form on the surface of the mucous membrane, and the final result is the intensive development of colitis.

In addition, in the future, a secondary infection, intestinal microflora, is connected to the pathological process. The nervous "branch" of the intestinal apparatus experiences an impressive damaging effect.

chronic colitis

Before dwelling on chronic in more detail, just a few words are worth mentioning about the acute stage of colitis. It, as well as any acute inflammatory process that occurs in the depths of our body, is distinguished by three characteristic features:

  • sudden onset of illness
  • extremely aggressive course of the disease
  • duration can vary from one day to a couple of weeks

The acute stage of the disease, as a rule, occurs jointly with others or the intestines. For example, with enterocolitis, when the process of inflammation affects the small intestine.

As for the chronic stage of the disease, the attacks of pain are characterized by their monotony. Basically, the pain sensations are aching, however, sometimes, the spastic nature of the manifestation is likely.

The favorite place of localization, first of all, is the lower abdomen.

However, sometimes, alarm bells can be felt in the left hypochondrium.

The intensity of pain can decrease after the act of defecation, gas discharge.

In addition, thermal exposure, the use of antispasmodics, can slightly weaken the “power” of the pain syndrome.

Very often, an active manifestation of key dyspeptic phenomena is likely:

  • vomiting and nausea
  • belching
  • constant feeling of bitterness in the mouth
  • flatulence
  • rumbling in the stomach

General symptoms, for patients diagnosed with chronic colitis:

  • frequent headaches
  • fatigue, constant weakness of the body
  • rapid decline in performance

In order to avoid an increase in the manifestation of the disease, patients diagnosed with chronic intestinal colitis are simply afraid to consume the required amount of food. The result of such actions is an increase in the rate of weight loss. Besides, possible cause weight loss can be a long, overly light diet.

Unsystematic, uncontrolled intake of antibiotics, which have an extremely detrimental effect on the healthy intestinal microflora, which is an active participant in the synthesis of vitamins, biologically active substances, leads to hypovitaminosis and anemia.

Also, pathologies that are very characteristic of colitis.

If the symptoms described above occur, an immediate medical examination is strongly recommended.

Nutrition for colitis

In the treatment of this disease, it is necessary to stock up on a large portion of patience, since this process is lengthy. Question proper nutrition with colitis, can be considered one of their profiling.

A qualified dietary diet is indicated for use, in which there is no place for fatty fried meat, spices, sauces, mushrooms, raw vegetables, sweets. During the acute phase of the disease, the diet is usually broken on the second or third day, since during the first day, it is usually recommended to completely refuse to eat food, only drink water.

The vast majority of the daily diet should be in the first half of the day.

Eat before bedtime (dine), preferably no later than seven in the evening.

Acceptable products are: soft boiled vegetables, mucous porridges (oatmeal), juices (orange, tomato), mashed potatoes, lean meats, fish in boiled, steam form, pears without skin.

Of course, given that the body of each person differs in its individual characteristics, it is still not worth fanatically, at 100%, to follow all dietary recommendations. You need to learn to “listen” to your body. For example, if any component (product) of the diet makes you diarrhea, or other unwanted symptoms, then you should inform your doctor about this, adjust your diet.

Alternative treatment of colitis

In addition to drug treatment, which is based on the use of drugs with analgesic, antibacterial, enveloping, enzymatic effects, intestinal therapy with folk remedies is acceptable. However, in order to protect your intestines from further deterioration of the situation, it is strongly recommended to consult a gastroenterologist before using home medicine recipes.

1. With pain during colitis, aspen ash can help. Strongly hot water(one liter), you need to pour 4 tbsp. l of raw materials, and in a place where sunlight is not available, withstand for ten days. It should be consumed within a similar time period, three times a day, five tsp each. After that, taking a break for three weeks, repeat the course again. At the same time, salty, spicy, spicy dishes are categorically contraindicated.

2. It is required to take 200 ml of kefir, add purified powdered sulfur, minimally, literally at the tip of a knife. It should be consumed before meals, together with butter, which I note should be unsalted and honey. For a day, do a similar event three times. The course duration should be ten days, and then repeat. This treatment long, time interval of one year.

3. Its weighty positive word, in the treatment of colitis, is able to say fish oil, as well as some medicinal herbs: St. John's wort, chamomile, plantain.

4. Fill an ordinary glass with rice, add water (400 ml), boil until cooked. After that, having previously prepared 1/2 lemon (removing the peel, seeds), finely chopped, add to rice porridge. It is better to eat in the morning.

5. Infusion, which is based on a strawberry leaf - excellent prophylactic against colitis, as well as others. After washing thoroughly, it is necessary to grind thoroughly. Next, art. l, combined with boiling water (400 ml). Provide the opportunity to brew for a third of an hour. After filtering, use 100 ml, twice a day, after eating.

Colitis of the intestine has a high degree of damaging effect, capable of causing impressive damage digestive system in general and the large intestine in particular. Given this, it is necessary to be familiar with at least the key signs and main causes of this disease in order to minimize possible problems.

Take an interest in your health in a timely manner, goodbye.

Colitis (inflammatory process of the colon mucosa) is, according to statistics, the most popular disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Many patients mistake intestinal colic for colitis, but these two concepts have nothing in common. Intestinal colic is an intense pain attack, characterized by a short course. Intestinal colic is not an independent disease, but a symptom of many pathologies of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Colitis is a completely independent pathology, which manifests itself with certain symptoms and develops against the background of an infection.

Table of contents:

Colitis classification

The classification of the disease in question can be called complex - doctors distinguish both certain forms and specific types of colitis.

acute form

Most often, it is with such colitis that patients seek help from a doctor. Acute colitis is characterized by the sudden onset of characteristic symptoms, which increase over time. It is noteworthy that with this form of the disease, certain symptoms do not subside even after taking antispasmodic drugs. If a patient with an acute form of colitis was not provided on time health care, then the symptoms will become subtle over time, and subsequently completely “leave”. But this does not mean recovery - just colitis has acquired a chronic form of the course.

Chronic form

It always develops as a result of ignoring the symptoms of acute colitis, but doctors believe that the cause of chronic colitis is an improper / unbalanced diet. Most often, this form of the disease in question is diagnosed in people aged 25-40 years. Distinctive feature chronic colitis - frequent relapses, during which all the symptoms appear very brightly, but even during periods of remission, low-intensity manifestations will be present.

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It is characterized by the appearance of ulcerated areas on the background of the inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the large intestine. Doctors call the reasons for the development of this type of disease in question:

  1. genetic factor- there is an assumption that the body's immune system "fails" when the body's cells themselves begin to produce antibodies that "devour" the intestinal epithelium.
  2. hereditary factor- the theory that ulcerative colitis is inherited has a place to be. Moreover, it even has evidence at the scientific level.
  3. infectious factor- Ulcerative colitis can develop against the background of an infection or ingestion of pathogenic bacteria. True, so far a specific strain of bacteria has not been identified.

The considered type of colitis does not occur on its own and suddenly - this must be some kind of push. For example, the appearance of symptoms of ulcerative colitis and its progression can provoke a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition (namely, a lack of vegetables and fruits on the menu), and dysbacteriosis. Note:ulcerative colitis can occur in three stages, the most dangerous is the third / severe. It is with this course of the disease that intestinal perforation (rupture) can occur - this leads to sepsis, peritonitis, and in the absence of emergency measures of assistance, this condition can quickly lead to the death of the patient.

Spastic type of colitis

A distinctive feature of this type of disease under consideration is the occurrence of pathology against the background of significantly reduced bowel function, weak peristalsis. Most often, doctors categorize spastic colitis as a bowel disorder. The main symptom of this type of colitis is considered to be stable, chronic constipation - it is not possible to empty the intestines and resume its normal operation even when using drugs with a laxative effect. When examining a patient using ultrasound, the doctor will definitely find spasmodic areas of the large intestine - against the background of the general picture, they will be significantly narrowed. Note:if spastic colitis has been progressing for a long time, then not only swelling of the large intestine may appear, but also dryness of its walls. And this, in turn, provokes the formation of cracks - they can be mistaken for manifestations of ulcerative colitis. Therefore, the doctor must conduct not only digital and ultrasound examination of the intestine, but also rectoscopy.

Catarrhal type of colitis

This type of disease under consideration cannot be called a separate disease - catarrhal colitis, most likely, is a certain stage in the development of pathology. It can be diagnosed only at the beginning of the progression of the disease, proceeds rapidly within 2, maximum 3, days and is characterized by pronounced symptoms. This type of colitis is very easy to diagnose - it is characterized by certain symptoms that allow you to do without a complex instrumental examination of the patient. But a visit to the doctor should be mandatory - if catarrhal colitis is not diagnosed in time and adequate treatment is not started, then it can turn into an ulcerative form. Note:catarrhal colitis can develop not as a disease, but as a manifestation of food poisoning or alcohol intoxication. In this case, well-conducted therapy will completely heal the patient without going into a chronic form of colitis.

Atrophic type of colitis

Atrophic colitis usually accompanies the spastic appearance of the same disease and appears in the later stages of its development. Due to too long a stagnant process (we remind you that the main symptom of spastic colitis is chronic / persistent constipation), atrophy of the smooth muscles of the intestine occurs. Over time, if there is no professional treatment, atrophic colitis turns into ulcerative, the number of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestine does not decrease, and this leads to serious consequences - perforation of the intestinal wall and sepsis or peritonitis. Note:all of the above types and forms of the disease in question are inherent in both the small and large intestines. And only atrophic colitis is localized exclusively in the large intestine.

Erosive type of colitis

Erosive colitis is not classified by all specialists as an independent disease, a specific type of colitis - they believe that this is just the initial stage of the development of ulcerative colitis. The most important difference between the erosive form and the ulcerative one is that the pathological changes in the mucosa and epithelium of the intestinal walls are not so pronounced, they are easily diagnosed and never lead to perforation. The peculiarity of erosive colitis lies in the fact that with all the standard symptoms of the disease in question, patients always complain of pain in the stomach. An inexperienced doctor may suspect the development of gastritis - this will entail the appointment of a radically wrong treatment.

This is perhaps the most severe type of the disease in question - it affects both sections of the intestine (both thin and thick), so the symptoms will be unusually bright from the first hours of the development of the pathology. Complaints of the patient can send the doctor on the wrong path in diagnosis - they may indicate the simultaneous development of gastritis and enteritis. Nevertheless, with proper medical experience, it is possible to diagnose diffuse colitis with minimal examinations.
Note:in some cases, the patient on the 2nd-3rd day of the disease may complain of acute attacks of pain in the right hypochondrium or lower abdomen. In this case, the doctor must differentiate the disease and exclude acute.

Reasons for the development of colitis

The true causes of the disease in question have not yet been identified, despite the possibilities of modern medicine. Nevertheless, doctors identify several factors that, with highly likely lead to the development of different types/forms of colitis. These include:

  1. malnutrition. These are the so-called alimentary reasons - the constant use of fast foods, food "dry food", an insufficient amount of vegetables and fruits on the menu, abuse alcoholic drinks, exclusion from food of meat or fish.
  2. Taking medication. In this case, colitis can develop against the background of forced long-term use of drugs - they negatively affect the intestinal microflora. The most "dangerous" drugs in this regard include antibacterial drugs (), aminoglycosoid and anti-inflammatory drugs. medicines, some oral use.
  3. Infectious diseases. It is no secret that people often eat low-quality foods - pathogens enter the body with them. Or, earlier, the patient was diagnosed with dysentery - in this case, there is also a danger of developing colitis, since under the influence of pathogenic bacteria, irritation of the intestinal walls occurs. But no matter what infection is diagnosed, colitis will not be a contagious disease anyway.
  4. The presence in the body of other pathologies. This applies mainly to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract - for example, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa), / duodenum, and so on.
  5. Toxic poisoning.
  6. Allergic reaction.
  7. Mechanical impact. Here we are talking about excessive enthusiasm for enemas and suppositories - this acts irritatingly on the walls of the large intestine, negatively affects the composition of the microflora and provokes the development of colitis.

Symptoms of acute and chronic colitis differ from the first day of the disease. There are some features in clinical picture and some types of the disease in question, so you need to navigate in such a variety.

Acute colitis

chronic colitis

  • Increased gas formation even without the use of specific products.
  • constipation. They will be spastic in nature, flow hard.
  • Loud rumbling in the stomach that occurs 40-60 minutes after a meal.
  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen a. Occur after physical exertion or psycho-emotional disorders (for example, transferred).
  • Rash on skin . This is a consequence of toxic poisoning of the body due to stagnation of feces in the intestines.
  • Headache. General weakness is possible.

Note:the listed symptoms appear both during periods of remission and during periods of exacerbation of chronic colitis. Only in the second case they will be more pronounced.

Ulcerative colitis

  • Diarrhea (diarrhea). The urge to defecate is too frequent (up to 15 per day), a small amount of liquid feces is excreted from the intestines.
  • Spontaneous constipation. They occur only in the case of the spread of the ulcerous disease in question in the small intestine.
  • Body intoxication. Patients complain of the usual symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections - nausea, headache, mild fever, drowsiness, lacrimation.
  • The presence of foreign matter in the stool. Ulcerative colitis is characterized by the presence of greenish veins in the feces, traces of blood. Moreover, at the beginning of the disease, blood can be seen only on toilet paper, but with progression, this impurity can be seen with the naked eye and in the feces.

Doctors use various methods to diagnose the disease in question - from a banal patient survey to an instrumental examination of the intestine. As part of the diagnosis of colitis, doctors use the following examinations / studies:

  1. Laboratory methods:

  1. Instrumental Methods:

To get rid of colitis, the patient must not only undergo drug treatment, but also adhere to a strict diet - a dietitian and a gastroenterologist will help with this.

Diet for colitis

In order for the treatment of the disease in question to be effective, patients must reconsider their diet - some foods must be completely excluded from the diet, and some, on the contrary, should be introduced. Remember what you need to enter into the daily menu for colitis:

  1. In the acute phase of the progression of the inflammatory process in question, you need to drink astringent drinks - black tea, jelly, berry compotes. Blackcurrant and bird cherry have the desired effect - they can be used not only in the form of compotes, but also fresh.
  2. Eating vegetables is possible, even necessary, but only in the form of mashed potatoes - in another form, fiber can irritate the inflamed intestinal walls. Has a calming effect on the intestines cauliflower- it must be present in the menu of a patient with a diagnosis of colitis.
  3. It would be appropriate to regularly consume pears, apples,. But keep in mind - they should also be in the form of mashed potatoes!
  4. Kasha and soups. They are prepared exclusively on water - during the treatment of colitis, it is necessary to minimize the load on gastrointestinal tract. That is why you should not cook these dishes in meat broths and use frying in cooking.
  5. Of the dairy products in the acute phase, you can only use cottage cheese, milk and cheeses - always low-fat!
  6. Meat and fish. They cannot be excluded from the menu, because this will lead to an imbalance useful substances in the body - this will provoke a more severe course of the disease in question. From these products you need to make minced meat and cook from it steam cutlets and meatballs with the addition of pearl barley.
  7. Of the offal, you can enter the menu but not fried, but only boiled. For a variety of nutrition, pastes are made from it.
  8. Bakery products can be consumed only daily prescription and cooked on flour from durum wheat.
  9. Sweets are allowed, but only in small quantities - no more than 1 chocolate or 2 caramel. Sugar per day should be no more than 2 teaspoons.
  1. Dairy products. Sour cream, whole milk, fermented baked milk and other products - they should not be consumed, even if they have a low fat content.
  2. Muffins, pastries and fresh bread. These products improve the process of gas formation, provoke an improvement in peristalsis - this acts aggressively on the inflamed intestinal walls and worsens the patient's condition.
  3. Preservation, pickles. We are talking about any type of preservation - from homemade marinades to industrial canned food.
  4. Lots of raw fruits and vegetables. It is worth completely abandoning them only because the fiber contained in these products will provoke active work intestines, increase gas formation, cause flatulence.
  5. Pasta and all representatives of legumes. They overload the intestines, give it an extra load.

Naturally, you need to give up fast food, fried potatoes, sausages and any sausages, seasonings and spices, mayonnaises and sauces.

Treatment of colitis with folk remedies

  1. Honey and water are mixed in a glass in proportion of a tablespoon of honey and 200 ml of warm boiled water. Such a "sweet water" should be drunk 1/3 cup 3 times a day. The duration of use is at least 45 days.
  2. Half a teaspoon of bee bread three times a day - you need to eat it with a small amount warm water, before eating. Duration of use - 30 days.
  3. Mix 1 tablespoon of honey and 200 ml of apple juice. Drink half a glass twice a day. Duration of admission - 30 days.

Note:if doctors diagnosed, in addition to colitis, gastritis and / or gastric ulcer, then Apple juice categorically contraindicated for use.

  1. 3 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers pour 700 ml of boiling water and leave for 4-6 hours. Then 100 g of honey is added to the resulting infusion. The drug is taken 150 ml 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment is 45 days.
  2. 2 tablespoons of dry St. John's wort pour 500 ml of boiling water and cook the product at a low boil for 15 minutes. Infuse the decoction for at least 2 hours, then strain and take 1/3 cup three times a day half an hour before meals. Duration of treatment 0 30 days.
  3. 3 tablespoons of blueberry leaves (or fruits) pour 600 ml of boiling water, leave for 10 hours. Then strain and take 200 ml three times a day.

Any folk remedies that are taken for colitis should be prepared from raw materials purchased from pharmacies. Do not forget to get permission for such therapy from your doctor, and do not "discount" the possibility of an allergic reaction. Colitis is a disease that can begin with innocent constipation and pain in the intestines, and end with perforation of the intestinal wall, sepsis or peritonitis. Only timely medical care will be the guarantor of successful prognosis. Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category.

Gastrointestinal diseases are the most common pathologies today, since poor nutrition, stress and many other factors contribute to the disruption of the normal functioning of the digestive system. One of the typical diseases is colitis. This term refers to acute or chronic inflammation of the intestine, which in some cases can lead to atrophy of its mucosa.

Basically, colitis occurs due to infection in the intestines. However, factors such as:

  • irrational nutrition (dry food, abuse of fast food, food with chemical additives, spicy, sour and spicy food);
  • congenital disorders;
  • dysbacteriosis - lack of beneficial microflora due to prolonged use of antibiotics and other drugs;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • diseases of neighboring organs, due to which there is a lack of necessary enzymes (pancreatitis, cholecystitis, splenitis);
  • the use of drugs that violate the acid-base balance in the intestine.

Often the disease occurs due to several causes at the same time.


Depending on the cause of inflammation, colitis is divided into the following forms.

It occurs due to frequent constipation, the constant use of laxatives, the use of enemas.
Inflammation leads to irrational or prolonged use of any medications.
The main reason is the specific reaction of the body to any products, medicines.
Subdivided into:

exogenous, when poisoning occurs with hazardous substances that enter the body from the outside (arsenic, mercury);

endogenous, when the organism is poisoned by the products of its own vital activity (for example, an increased amount of urates accumulates or peritonitis occurs).

It occurs when certain types of fungi, microbes and bacteria (salmonellosis, tuberculosis) penetrate.
Occurs when eating unhealthy food.
When the intestines are affected by helminths (pinworms, round, tapeworms).

Also, colitis can be divided into:

  • acute - symptoms occur abruptly, they are pronounced;
  • chronic - the symptoms are often hidden, the disease proceeds slowly and often disguises itself as other types of gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • specific of unclear etiology - the cause of such colitis cannot be fully elucidated.

Types of colitis.

  1. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis- inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, accompanied by its ulceration. The main reasons for its development are assumed to be immune failure or genetic predisposition. Such colitis is divided into: left-sided, when the colon or sigmoid colon is affected, proctitis, when the rectum is affected, and total, when the entire intestine is involved.
  2. catarrhal- the initial stage of inflammation of the intestine. Mostly manifested as a consequence of another disease. The most common causes of such colitis are: beriberi, stress, weakened immunity.
  3. diffuse(pancolitis) - not only the large intestine is affected, but also the sections of the small intestine. Symptoms are pronounced and similar to signs of gastritis.
  4. erosive- with this variant of the disease, the intestinal mucosa is eroded, but perforation and ulceration does not occur. Symptoms of this type of colitis include all the typical signs: pain, flatulence, heartburn, nausea, loss of appetite.
  5. Spastic- characterized by a decrease in the function of the large intestine, in some places, moreover, it can be narrowed, and in others expanded. This is the least severe form of the disease and it is expressed mainly in persistent constipation.
  6. atrophic- is a direct consequence of spastic colitis. Due to prolonged stagnant processes in the intestines, smooth muscles atrophy. Over time, this type can turn into ulcerative.

For reference! Some forms of colitis can progress to a disease such as bowel cancer. Therefore, timely treatment and the implementation of all medical instructions are necessary.


At first, the symptoms are mild, and sometimes the disease proceeds completely hidden. A person may be disturbed by periodic skin rashes, dry mouth, untimely defecation.

With the development of the disease and the symptoms take on a different color. The following signs of colitis:

  • heaviness in the abdomen;
  • bloating;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • false urge to defecate;
  • the presence of mucus, blood or pus in the stool;
  • painful cramps after eating or on palpation of the abdomen.

Pain sensations are dull and aching in nature, often the pain spreads throughout the abdomen, then during attacks it is localized in one place.

Attention! The symptoms of acute colitis are similar to those of appendicitis. It is necessary first of all to exclude inflammation of the appendix in order to prevent peritonitis.


Diagnosis is carried out primarily with the help of an oral questioning of the patient. It is necessary to find out if he has chronic or hereditary diseases, what is his diet and lifestyle.

After that, the doctor palpates the abdomen and prescribes a number of laboratory tests.

It is necessary to pass tests:

  • urine (general and for bacteriological culture);
  • blood (general and biochemical);
  • feces (coprogram);
  • on the ovary.

To clarify the diagnosis, procedures such as:

  • irrigoscopy - examination of the intestine with a contrast agent introduced into it using an x-ray;
  • colonoscopy - examination of the intestines using a flexible probe, at the end of which there is a camera;
  • biopsy - taking a small sample of intestinal tissue to test for cancer;
  • finger examination.

You can start gradually expanding your menu only after the relief of acute colitis and with the permission of the doctor.

Of the medications, the following drugs can be distinguished.

Physiotherapy is also used for treatment, which includes:

  • electrophoresis;
  • mud applications;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • ultraviolet irradiation.

In some cases, if conservative treatment has not brought results, surgical intervention is required, for example, to remove ulcers and neoplasms.

The use of folk remedies is permissible only with the approval of a doctor and after a clear diagnosis has been made, otherwise you can only do harm. The following recipes are especially popular in the treatment of intestinal inflammation:

  1. Mint infusion. Around 2 st. l. dried leaves pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for at least an hour, strain. Take 2 tablespoons before meals.
  2. Parsley root. Pour the parsley root grated on a fine grater with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 5 hours (preferably in a thermos). Strain the resulting infusion and take ¼ cup before each meal.
  3. Alder cones. It is necessary to pour a handful of cones with boiling water (2 cups) and cook over high heat for about 15-20 minutes. Then the broth must be filtered, add about a glass of boiled water to it. The tool can be used like regular tea, add sugar and even honey.

To prevent colitis, it is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, do not use uncontrolled drugs (especially antibiotics), and avoid constipation.

Like any disease, it is better to detect colitis in the early stages and undergo treatment in a timely manner than to deal with complications later. read our article.

Video - Symptoms and treatment of ulcerative colitis

Colitis is an inflammatory or dystrophic changes large intestine. According to statistics, the symptoms of colitis appear in almost all adults at different times. This disease ranks first among all intestinal diseases, in terms of the frequency of visits to clinics.

Possible acute and chronic course of the disease.

Why does colitis occur?

The causes of colitis are very diverse. One of the features is the connection with other digestive organs. Colitis develops secondary to chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. The general failure of the digestive processes in the initial stages leads to damage to the large intestine. Therefore, treatment and diet for colitis are always consistent with the state of other organs.

A primary disease is considered if the cause acts directly on the intestines. These include:

  • Various infectious pathogens - they cause an acute illness, spread through dirty hands, non-compliance with the sanitary rules of culinary food processing and slovenliness in everyday life. Most often, dysentery infection, salmonellosis, campylobacter, E. coli are detected. Giardia and worms also cause a picture of colitis.
  • Dysbacteriosis caused by the use of antibiotics or other strong anti-inflammatory drugs. Violating the ratio of the normal intestinal flora, they contribute to an increase in the proportion of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • An autoimmune reaction to one's own intestinal cells, leading to their destruction. This is one of the explanations for the course of nonspecific ulcerative colitis.
  • Impaired blood supply to the colon can be caused by atherosclerosis of the mesenteric artery, thrombosis of its branches. Reduced nutrition of the intestinal walls leads to atrophy, ulcerative lesions, areas of infarction and necrosis. This type of colitis is called ischemic. Typical for the elderly. Develops with heart failure. In younger people, it is possible as a complication of surgical interventions on the vessels, with injuries, extensive blood loss.
  • Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory lesion of the entire digestive tract that causes pronounced changes in the large intestine.
  • Chemical effects - occur with increased sensitivity of the colonic mucosa to the agents used in enemas.
  • Heredity is considered a predisposing factor for the development of the disease, although the specific gene responsible for colitis has not yet been identified.
  • Postponed stressful situations - cannot be excluded, since patients often indicate an existing relationship with an exacerbation of the disease. Hard work, nervous overload cause a breakdown of immunity, contribute to the development of the disease.


Signs of colitis are due to the leading cause and have distinctive features.

Common to all types of inflammation of the large intestine are the following manifestations:

  • Abdominal pains are constant or paroxysmal, localized throughout the abdomen or in a specific place, they radiate to the back, sacrum, shoulder blades. Appear after eating, physical activity, when traveling in transport.
  • Alternating diarrhea and constipation.
  • Painful urge to stool (tenesmus).
  • Impurities of mucus, blood and pus in the feces, sometimes spontaneous leakage of the contents of the rectum.
  • Bloating, rumbling. The diet for colitis takes into account this feature.
  • Increase in body temperature.
  • With prolonged diarrhea, the manifestation of dehydration of the body: dry skin, tongue, mucous membranes.

Features of manifestations of acute colitis

Acute infectious colitis caused by certain pathogens has characteristics which is used in diagnostics.

Dysenteric colitis - affects the rectum and sigmoid colon, causes severe general intoxication with fever, chills. Excruciating tenesmus, mucus and blood in the stool are characteristic.

E. coli, salmonella - causes food poisoning in organized groups of people. The clinic is the same for everyone: diarrhea, intoxication, dehydration.

Clostridia produce a toxin that causes fever, diarrhea (usually without blood).

Giardia can also cause diarrhea. Severe toxicity is not typical.

Stages of the disease

Treatment and nutrition for colitis depend on the nature of the inflammatory reaction, the degree of damage to the intestine. There are 3 stages of the disease:

  • catarrhal - swelling and inflammation are expressed on the mucous membrane;
  • fibrinous - there are areas of ischemia and necrosis due to impaired blood supply to the intestine;
  • ulcerative - defects are determined in the form of ulcers of different depths, shapes and sizes.

Such signs are detected only when examining the intestines using endoscopic equipment with optics. Treatment of colitis without a detailed preliminary examination can not only have no effect, but also harm.


A diet for colitis is prescribed in order to maximize the unloading of the intestines during an exacerbation. You need to eat 5-6 meals a day in small portions.

The diet of table No. 4 is used, the features depend on the specific symptoms and stage of the disease. It is completely necessary to exclude spicy, fried foods, canned food, mayonnaise, and reduce the amount of fat. Meat and fish dishes are allowed only boiled or steamed. In the acute stage, everything is prepared pureed. Low-fat soups, cereals on the water, jelly, rosehip broth are recommended.

It is forbidden to use culinary products with cream, black bread. Fresh vegetables, fruits during the period of exacerbation are contraindicated, they are gradually connected in stewed and mashed form.

With bloating, all foods that cause increased gas formation (legumes, cabbage, mushrooms) are canceled. With a tendency to constipation, 1-2 tablespoons of bran are added to cereals and soups.

The diet for chronic colitis should be followed for life, after acute infectious colitis 2-3 months.


The treatment of colitis requires a painstaking attitude to the intestines, the selection of drugs that act gently, with the least damaging properties on the microflora.

To prevent constipation, mild laxatives are prescribed (Trimedat, Resolor). For diarrhea - Loperamide.

With heartburn, Maalox, Omeprazole are used.

If an infection is detected, course treatment with Enterofuril, Sulfasalazine is carried out.

In order to improve the intestinal flora, Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Bifikol are prescribed.

Insufficiency of pancreatic and intestinal enzymes requires the use of Pancreatin, Creon, Mezim.

With ulcerative colitis, it is necessary to use anti-inflammatory hormonal agents, surgical methods of treatment.

There are other drugs, their choice and dosage are determined by the doctor. Treatment is prescribed only by the attending physician.

For mild catarrhal colitis, a decoction of cumin seeds can be used.

Chronic colitis with more pronounced changes is treated with viburnum berries with honey, wild rose, currant and nettle leaves.

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