Why urine is red - causes and possible pathologies. Causes of red urine in women Urine turns red

Plaster 02.01.2022

Every person, at least once in their life, had to take urine for analysis. This analysis is on the list of mandatory medical examinations and just ordinary examinations. Although there are many indicators that determine the norm or vice versa, the occurrence of deviations, the color of urine is one of the most important. By the color of urine, you can approximately determine in which organ or system deviations are possible. Red urine is also common. The reasons for a woman can be different. We will analyze them in more detail in this article.

Normally, in a healthy person, urine has a straw-yellow color. Therefore, staining urine in any other color or shade is a reason to see a doctor.

Before you panic, you need to remember what foods were included in your diet in the coming days and what drugs you took in the near future.

Possible reasons for which urine staining is a variant of the norm:

  • The use of certain foods that can affect the color of urine (beets, blackberries and foods that have food coloring in their composition);
  • The use of drugs that can affect the color of urine and stain it red (antipyrine, phenolphthalein, sulfazol, as well as drugs used in chemotherapy and in the treatment of tuberculosis).

Red is cause for concern

If you have not eaten foods that turn urine red, and have not taken any medications, then this is a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor.

Hematuria is the presence of blood in the urine, it is divided into macroscopic and microscopic. Macroscopic hematuria can be seen independently, microscopic, can only be seen by a specialist under a microscope.

The causes of hematuria in women can be many:

  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • mechanical damage to the bladder;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system of infectious and inflammatory etiology.

During pregnancy, blood may also appear in the urine. The most common cause of hematuria in this condition is gestational pyelonephritis. In addition to the main symptoms of hematuria, edema may appear and blood pressure may rise.

Symptoms of hematuria

By some symptoms, you can approximately determine which disease could cause the appearance of red urine:

  • With urolithiasis, hematuria will be combined with the release of sand;
  • With problems associated with the liver or, there are also changes in the color of the skin and sclera. They acquire a yellowish-green hue;
  • Omission of the kidney, its injury and inflammation, is manifested by hematuria in combination with pain in the side, lower back and under the shoulder blades;
  • With glomerulonephritis, hematuria appears quickly and spasmodically;
  • With hemorrhagic cystitis, the presence of stones in the bladder and uric acid crises, hematuria is accompanied by severe pain during urination.

By the shade of urine, you can also determine the level of damage to the disease. Urine that is red-brown or brown in color indicates that blood entered the bladder from the kidneys. A bright scarlet color, with the presence of clotted blood, indicates that the blood comes from the genitals or urinary tract.

If hematuria is a consequence of the development of an infectious process in the body, then it is accompanied by such symptoms: sweating, the presence of fever or subfebrile body temperature, pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urge to urinate.


In addition to the obvious manifestation of hematuria (macroscopic), which can be determined visually, to detect microscopic hematuria and determine the cause of this phenomenon, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations:

  1. general urine analysis;
  2. urinalysis according to Nechiporenko;
  3. a complete set of studies aimed at identifying possible diseases associated with the kidneys;
  4. Ultrasound of the genitourinary system;
  5. general and blood;
  6. complete gynecological examination.

Gynecological examination in women should be carried out regularly. Since the manifestation of hematuria associated with diseases of the reproductive system is a fairly common occurrence.

In women, redness of the urine can be caused by such pathological processes of the reproductive system as: uterine bleeding, erosion, the development of an ectopic pregnancy, oncology of the uterus or cervix, endometrial collapse, cystitis, after cesarean section.


And just a symptom, so you should immediately seek qualified help.

After the therapist collects an anamnesis, prescribes the necessary clinical studies and detects any pathological processes, you may need additional consultation of such specialists: gynecologist, nephrologist, hepatologist, gastroenterologist.

With gross hematuria, hospitalization is required. Since the patient should be provided with maximum peace and restriction in physical activity. In addition, only in a hospital setting can bleeding be prevented, which can cause hemorrhagic shock.

There is no definite way to "independent" treatment of hematuria. It is impossible without additional tests and specialist advice to accurately determine the cause of this phenomenon, so in no case ignore this symptom and immediately seek qualified help.

Health is the greatest value. It is impossible to enjoy life, feeling even the slightest feeling of discomfort. As Ovid once correctly wrote: “Counteract the disease at the beginning; it is too late to think about medicines when the disease has taken root from a long delay. Do not self-medicate, take care of your body, eat right and be healthy.

Red and even just reddish or pink urine can appear for various reasons. It can be stained by foods consumed the day before and medications taken. But most often, reddish urine in men is a symptom of a certain disease, often a serious threat to health. In this situation, we are no longer talking about random pigmentation of urine, but hematuria - the penetration of red blood cells into the urine, which should not be normal.

In a normal physiological state, the kidneys excrete urine, which has a yellow tint. Why did the urine turn red? Among the possible causes, the development of the following pathologies is most likely:

  • Tumors of malignant and benign etiology. It compresses the adjacent vessels of the genitourinary system (MPS) and causes them to overstrain. The result is an increase in the permeability of the walls of blood vessels or their complete rupture. This is followed by the penetration of red blood cells (erythrocytes) into the urine and staining of the urine in pink, reddish or dark red color - according to the severity of vascular damage.
  • Congenital cystic malformations of MPS, similar to tumors in terms of dysfunctional effect.
  • Stones in the kidneys, bladder and ureters, mechanically traumatizing the urinary tract and provoking bleeding. The same consequences can be caused by injuries inflicted on this area from outside the body.
  • Infectious lesions of the genitourinary organs, leading to bacterial destruction of their tissue and vascular structure.
  • Anemia, leukemia, insufficient blood clotting, prostatitis and nephritis also cause red blood cells to enter the urine and stain it in various shades of red.

Color change in the absence of pathologies

Red urine can appear in men and for quite harmless reasons. Consider the most common of them.


Eating beets, especially in large quantities, inevitably leads to the removal of part of the pigment through the excretory system, including urine. At the same time, it is painted in the corresponding color.

To verify this, it is enough to do a simple chemical procedure yourself. It is necessary to pour part of the urine into a small sterile vessel, add a little baking soda there, shake the liquid and pour 9% vinegar from a spoon. The urine should eventually turn white and then turn red again. If this does not happen, then there is the possibility of another cause of redness. This may already be the reason for a visit to the doctor.

Another differentiating sign of alimentary pigmentation is the absence of pain during urination.


Urine acquires a reddish color after taking large doses of alcohol, most often in a state of binge. In addition to the typical somatic disorders associated with orientation in space, ethyl alcohol affects the kidneys: due to its hydrophilic properties, it draws fluid from the tissues into the walls of blood vessels, causing them to swell and narrow the internal lumens.

The result is an increase in pressure in the circulatory system, in particular in the renal glomeruli. It is from there that the erythrocytes, constrained by the compressed space of the blood flow, infiltrate into the urine.

Usually this phenomenon is short-lived. A few days after taking alcohol, everything passes without a trace. With chronic binge drinking, the picture gradually changes. Changes in the kidneys take on an organic character, and medical intervention is indispensable here.


The mechanism for changing the color of urine after prolonged exercise is due to dehydration and is similar to alcohol intoxication. The consequences are also temporary.

Directly on the shades of urine affect:

  • Duration of physical efforts and their intensity;
  • Individual adaptability of the organism;
  • Subjective factors of perception (sometimes a fright from a slight pinking of the urine inclines to emotional exaggeration).

In addition, in men involved in sports, untreated inflammatory diseases can cause the appearance of red urine.

Medications and selected foods

Among pharmacological agents, urine can be colored in various shades from pink to dark brown: phenolphthalein, quinine, potassium permanganate, rifampicin, metronidazole.

Foods that can pigment urine include colored soft drinks, coffee and tea, blackberries, rhubarb, blueberries, and paprika.

Diagnostics of MPS

The main objective of this event is to find out the cause of reddening of male urine for pathology and anatomical localization of the source of bleeding. The non-pathological factors mentioned above should be excluded at the outset. To do this, before conducting basic tests, the patient is strongly advised to refrain from taking the appropriate products and drugs.

The simplest diagnostic methods include taking an anamnesis - finding out the patient's history of the disease from the moment the first symptoms appeared. This is followed by an external examination of the patient in order to find any anatomical abnormalities, palpation of the problem area - the identification of pain.

More objective data is provided by the analysis of urine and blood, as well as ultrasound (ultrasound), which allows the diagnostician to trace changes in the localization and anatomical shape of the kidneys, bladder, ureters and genital organs.

In the presence of active bleeding, their intensity can be determined by yourself with the help of three glasses containing portions of urine from three consecutive urinations. An unchanging, stable color indicates heavy bleeding. If the color gradually fades, the process is weaker. But, one way or another, a visit to the urologist is necessary.

To determine the localization of the source of bleeding, they are guided by external signs verified by experience:

  • Blood stains on underwear and red urine in the complete absence of pain in the lower abdomen leads to the suspicion of the presence of a tumor;
  • Brown urine indicates some kind of renal pathology;
  • Scarlet urine - about damage to the lower ureters;
  • Red stools accompanied by severe pain suggest that kidney or urinary stones (possibly infections) are the most likely cause;
  • Constantly changing shades of urine, a frequent desire to empty the bladder, temperature, chills incline to a diagnosis that speaks of inflammation of the prostate.

How to get rid of hematuria

The red color of urine in men is an urgent indication for contacting a urologist. After a thorough examination of all parts of the genitourinary system and the identification of the immediate focus responsible for vascular bleeding, conservative therapy is prescribed. It facilitates the removal of sand or stones from the MPS.

If the latter cannot be achieved by therapeutic methods, a surgical operation is prescribed. The same is done in the presence of resectable tumors.

Methods and terms of treatment of hematuria depend on the reasons that caused it. If these are sports or the use of contraindicated drugs, then to return to normal, it is enough to simply ease the rhythm of training and exclude drugs that cause allergies.

Inflammations of an infectious nature, causing the appearance of blood in the urine, effectively remove antibiotics. Traumatic injuries are treated comprehensively: physiotherapy and massage are added to the medical effects. The results of treatment largely depend on the severity of the injury.

The greatest difficulty is the treatment of urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis, prostatitis and prostate adenoma - pathologies that are the most common source of blood in urine. In this case, you need to tune in to long-term therapy. Its effectiveness is higher, the earlier the patient turns to the urologist.

As a preventive measure for MPS, men are advised, first of all, to avoid excessive physical exertion. You need to drink more fluids, especially in hot weather. And most importantly, limit yourself to smoking and drinking alcohol, leading to vasoconstriction and an increase in the permeability of their walls.


The appearance of reddish urine in men does not always indicate the development of pathology in the urinary organs. The absence of pain in this case may simply indicate physical overwork or the use of products containing red pigment.

An alarm signal is not a one-time, but a constant hematuria, accompanied by aching or sharp pains. This is where the help of a doctor is needed.

Red urine released during urination can act as the main symptom of a number of dangerous diseases of the genitourinary system and internal organs. In some cases, urine is stained by individual food products that have an increased concentration of reddish pigment in their composition, as well as drugs that affect the change in the biochemical composition of urine.

In this article, we will consider the factors due to which urine becomes colored in such a bright shade, as well as methods for restoring the normal functioning of the excretory system.

Pathological causes

Why is urine red? The most common factor affecting urine staining is the development of a disease such as hematuria. Blood cells, erythrocytes, enter the composition of urine, due to which urine can acquire a color from light pink to a rich burgundy hue. This pathological condition of the genitourinary system is caused by the following types of diseases:

In older people, the red tint of urine indicates both the natural aging process with the gradual destruction of the capillary vessels of the renal tissues, and may indicate serious diseases of the excretory organs. Regardless of what reasons influenced the decrease in the filtration function of the kidneys, or the ingress of blood secretions into the composition of urine under the influence of other factors, the pathology requires complex treatment so that severe complications do not develop in the work of the genitourinary sphere.

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Factors unrelated to disease

In addition to pathological causes that can make urine bright red, there are a number of other factors that affect the color of urine in women and men:

  • taking injectable and tablet medicines, many of them contain iron oxide (drugs of this group are prescribed for people suffering from anemia, blood diseases associated with an insufficient number of red blood cells or with reduced performance of bone marrow tissues);
  • red urine in women may appear after sexual contact if there were microscopic cracks and damage to the mucous membrane of the vagina, the surface of the labia minora;
  • some products containing natural natural pigment, its molecules are not broken down by the enzymes of the human digestive system, go through the entire metabolic pathway, make feces and urine red (these include table beets, dessert grapes with a dark purple hue, black mulberry, currant, prunes , cherries);
  • blood entering the urine during menstruation (reddish urine is normal for women if their reproductive system is in the active phase of self-purification, since a small amount of blood comes out of the vaginal cavity during urination);
  • heavy physical exertion associated with daily lifting of loads, overstrain of muscle fibers located in the lumbar spine;
  • the use of industrially processed food, in the course of its preparation, synthetic dyes of a coloring effect are used (most often the products of this category are confectionery, sweets, cream-filled cakes);
  • marching hematuria is a specific condition of the body, in which a person's own blood cells - erythrocytes, are able to color urine in a rich crimson hue (marching-type hematuria is not considered a pathology, as it occurs as a result of a long stay in a static position on the legs, does not entail serious complications and passes independently after a good physical rest);
  • long-term use of strong alcoholic beverages, synthetic-based drugs, their constituents cause a change in the biochemical balance of the blood, the rapid destruction of liver cells, a decrease in the filtration function of the kidneys (varnish red is a sign of intoxication).

Medical statistics suggests that red urine in women can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, or premature fetal rejection in the first trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, its presence can mean serious pathologies that require emergency medical care.


What causes red urine and what does it mean? Solely on the basis of a visual examination and listening to the patient's complaints, the urologist is not able to determine the true cause of the pathology. It is only possible to suspect the presence of a potential disease due to the influence of a number of negative factors on the body. To make a final diagnosis, you will need to undergo the following types of examinations:

  • delivery of morning urine, it is taken on an empty stomach from 7-00 to 10-00 hours (in the biochemical laboratory, specialists check it for the presence of blood cells - red blood cells, bacterial, viral, fungal infections, protein compounds, toxic substances);
  • smears from the urethra to exclude infection of the genitourinary system with infectious microorganisms that are the causative agent of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • urinalysis according to the Nechiporenko method, when the delivery of biological material is performed during the current day with fixation of the time of urination and the volume of excreted fluid (each container is analyzed separately to establish the causes that affect the appearance of a red tint);
  • ultrasound examination of the bladder, kidneys, reproductive organs in men and women (factors of the tumor process, urolithiasis, inflammation of unknown origin, ulcerative formations on the mucous membranes are excluded);
  • blood from a finger and a vein for clinical and biochemical research.

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After receiving the results of a comprehensive diagnosis of the body, the urologist develops an individual treatment regimen for the patient, which may include traditional medicinal medicines in tablet and injectable forms, surgery or chemotherapy.


It is important to remember that the change in the color of urine from golden to red is not a separate pathology, but acts as a symptom of one or several diseases of the genitourinary system and internal organs. Therefore, the appearance of an ailment that provoked pigmentation of urine has a great influence on the therapeutic process.

In medical practice, the following types of treatment are used:

  • antibacterial drugs, if the cause of the disease is infection of the urogenital organs with infectious microorganisms, the rapid division of which led to the formation of erosion of the mucous membrane of the urethra, the walls of the bladder, the vagina in women (the drug Furagin has proven itself in the best way, it is indicated for pyelonephritis, cystitis, vulvitis) ;
  • anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agents, indicated if the discharge of red urine is accompanied by pain (Urolesan or Fitolizin is most often used, since these drugs are universal medicines in the field of urology, promote the release of stones and sand without pain, destroy the simplest microorganisms of bacterial etiology, relieve swelling of the mucous membrane , remove itching, burning, stop the inflammatory process in the kidneys);
  • surgical intervention, if, according to the results of the examination, a tumor formation was found in the organs of the genitourinary or reproductive system;
  • chemotherapy drugs to destroy and contain the spread of cancer cells throughout the body;
  • medicines sorbents intended for patients if they begin to excrete red urine due to intoxication of the body with heavy metals, chemical compounds and other harmful substances.

Treatment is always individual, which makes it difficult to predict the total duration of therapy. It is believed that the restoration of the normal functioning of the excretory system with the elimination of the underlying pathology can take from 10 days to several months if a serious disease is detected.


What to do to prevent the appearance of red urine, as well as what preventive measures to take so that the genitourinary system remains healthy? It is quite simple to prevent the admixture of red blood cells in the composition of urine.

  • drink at least 2-3 liters of water throughout the day;
  • prevent hypothermia of the body;
  • timely eliminate foci of chronic infection;
  • give up alcohol, tobacco products, do not take drugs;
  • do sport;
  • do not lift weights;
  • rest at least 8-9 hours a day;
  • do not eat spicy, salty, pickled, fried, excessive amounts of protein foods.

When the first symptoms appear, indicating an inflammatory process in the organs of the genitourinary system, immediately contact a urologist. It is urine that is an indicator and the first sign of the initial development of a serious disease, which is better to prevent in time than to engage in long-term therapy in the future.

Any pain gives us a lot of inconvenience. Especially if they appear in the process of daily natural needs of a person.

What to do if urine suddenly changes color and.

What disease carries such a symptom? How to get rid of? Let's discuss these questions.

Urine color analysis for disease diagnosis

Urine is a liquid excreted by the kidneys and contains metabolic products.

The kidneys, along with the ureters, urethra, and bladder, form the urinary system.

Normally, human urine should be clear, a shade of yellow, without impurities.

To some extent, the food and drugs consumed affect the color of the urine, but do not strongly deviate it from the norm.

If the color of this fluid has changed, abdominal pain and urination appear, which means that the genitourinary system does not function fully due to some kind of inflammatory process.

To make it easier for the doctor to determine the diagnosis, you need to tell him your complaints and the color of your urine. It is this indicator that will tell a lot to a specialist even without passing the main tests.

Therefore, when you see red urine in yourself, feel frequent urges or any other signs, you need to see a urologist as soon as possible.

It's not always dangerous

There are cases when red urine does not at all mean the presence of any diseases in you and this is quite normal:

  1. Redness of the urine can be caused after excessive consumption of red foods(beets, blackberries, juices), or taking any medication. The pigment components present in red foods are excreted from the body by the kidneys - this is how they enter the urine.
  2. Also when using certain drugs for tuberculosis hematuria also occurred, as did laxatives based on phenolphthalein.

Red urine is a harbinger of disease

There are two types of diseases that cause urine to change color:

  1. The reasons, caused by metabolic disorders in the human body. Characteristic diseases: hemolysis, jaundice, hyperlipidemia.
  2. The reasons, caused by the presence of inflammatory diseases of the urinary system: , .

In particular, the red color of urine in most cases means that blood has entered there. Such a phenomenon is called.

This can occur both due to trauma to the genitourinary system or rupture of the vessel, and due to the presence of a tumor in the body or.

Urine with a tinge of red may indicate the presence of a disease such as hemolysis, in which red blood cells are destroyed, and hemoglobin first enters the bloodstream and then into the urine.

This can lead to development, since hemoglobin in the blood filtered in the kidneys leads to their pollution.

Extended list of possible diseases:

  • porphyria;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • hemoglobunaria;
  • lumbar injuries.

Information for women

It happens that during pregnancy women have red urine, what can be the reason for this?

During this period, any negative changes in the body of the expectant mother are of great danger, posing a threat to the baby. Especially such as the appearance.

During pregnancy, this may mean infection of the urinary organs, since in this condition the bladder is compressed and the outflow of urine is impaired.

In addition, this condition in pregnant women may be the result of diseases such as:

  • lupus;
  • tubal pregnancy;
  • anemia;
  • diabetes.

If such a symptom appears, as well as in the presence of accompanying symptoms, it is necessary to urgently contact the obstetrician observing you.

Why is there red urine, in particular, in non-pregnant women:

  • endometriosis;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • cervical erosion;
  • cervical tumor.

One of the most common infectious diseases of the genitourinary system among women is inflammation of the bladder, accompanied by frequent urges, pain in the genital area, and the inability to fully empty.

The causes of the disease are injuries of the bladder, lack of vitamins, hypothermia, stagnation of blood in the veins. As a result, the immune system cannot cope with bacteria (mainly E. coli) that inhabit the urogenital canal.

Antibacterial treatment is prescribed along with diet and plenty of fluids. In chronic cystitis, tests are done to identify the pathogen, and an appropriate antibiotic is prescribed.

Men's problems

Red urine in men is a consequence of a violation in the functioning of the genital organs and the prostate gland. Often red urine indicates the presence of blood in it.

Reasons, in addition to those already listed:

  • injuries of the prostate canal, scrotum:
  • prostatitis and stagnation of blood in the prostate;
  • oncology of the prostate;
  • vascular pathology;
  • papillary necrosis;
  • weak blood clotting.

Another possibility of their appearance is their excessive exercise, leading to an increase in blood pressure and a large blood circulation in the kidneys.

Urolithiasis is also caused by injuries, metabolic disorders, intestinal diseases and physical inactivity.

The causes of tumors of the prostate and bladder can be smoking and contact with carcinogens. Pathologies in the development of the kidneys, infectious and even cardiovascular diseases lead to the appearance of glomerulonephritis.

We can say that in many of these diseases, redness of the urine is almost the only symptom, and for an accurate diagnosis, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

What is the risk?

The answer to this question must be considered in terms of all the symptoms present in a person. Indeed, in rare exceptions, the redness of urine is in no way associated with the disease.

But often this means a violation of some body functions, and sometimes even the presence of tumors.

Everyone knows what oncology is fraught with, and in an advanced case, a feeling of severe pain and death is possible.

The sooner the problem is diagnosed, the more successful, faster and cheaper the recovery will be. Therefore, it is impossible to pull with an appeal to the doctor!

Diseases of the kidneys and male genital organs are within the competence of the urologist. Women's problems are solved by a gynecologist. A general health consultation, a narrowing of the range of potential problems, a referral to a specific specialist is issued by a therapist.

What to do?

If this violation is detected, you need to go to a specialist as soon as possible and pass the appropriate tests, because most often the redness of the urine is due to the presence of blood in it.

If, in addition, you have, you can alleviate your condition by applying warm heating pad. In extreme cases, you can take an anesthetic drug.

It is necessary to describe to the doctor as accurately as possible all complaints and concerns, your pain sensations and the time of their appearance. Depending on the type of disease, certain tests and specific treatment will be prescribed.

It will definitely be, perhaps, a urine test according to Nechiporenko will be added, in addition, the doctor may prescribe to donate blood, undergo an ultrasound scan, visit other specialists (oncologist, surgeon).

It is important to quickly and reliably determine the diagnosis and receive treatment. We strongly recommend that you follow all the recommendations of your doctor! And then you will not only get rid of pain, but also eradicate the cause of the problem.

Human urine should normally be light yellow in color. If color changes occur in it, various impurities appear and the smell changes, this may indicate pathological changes in the body.

Blood in the urine (hematuria) is a sign of a health problem. In women, it can be a symptom of various inflammatory processes in the urogenital area, a consequence of medication, trauma. To get rid of this problem, you need to undergo a thorough examination. Only an experienced specialist, based on the results of the diagnosis, can prescribe an effective treatment.

Reasons for changing urine colors

Why is urine red? More than a hundred pathological conditions can cause such a symptom in women as hematuria. It can be a signal for immediate surgical intervention or a sign of a chronic infection that requires long-term conservative therapy and lifestyle changes in general. Consider the most common conditions that can cause female hematuria.


In women of reproductive age, this is the most common cause of blood in the urine. - inflammatory process in the bladder. The prevalence of this disease among the female audience is due to the peculiarity of the structure of the urethra. Pathogenic organisms freely enter it during intercourse, hypothermia, bathing in dirty water. Blood in the urine is more often found in the hemorrhagic form of cystitis and is accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain in the lower abdomen when urinating, general malaise.

Gynecological pathologies

Blood enters the urine right during the emptying of the bladder due to the very close location of the vagina to the urethra. And if a woman has gynecological diseases, then urine can turn red.

These pathologies include:

  • endometriosis;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • erosion.

On a note! If the cycle is disturbed, menstrual flow in urine can be mistaken for hematuria caused by pathological changes in the body.

Urolithiasis disease

Kidney inflammation

Such inflammatory diseases of the kidneys as are accompanied by damage to the vascular walls and a deterioration in the filtering ability of the kidneys. Through them, red blood cells easily enter the urethra and into the urine.

Usually with inflammation of the kidneys, hematuria is insignificant. But if the disease is severe, macrohematuria may develop. During the study of urine, an increased number of leukocytes and bacteriuria are also detected, which is a sign of inflammation.


Oncological pathologies also cause damage to the vascular walls. Often in the urine in the presence of a tumor in the urinary tract, in addition to discoloration, blood clots appear. For a long time, the presence of a neoplasm may not be accompanied by any more accompanying symptoms. Urination is painless. There may be weight loss, fever, residual urine in the bladder.


This is a genetic disease in which there is a violation of the production of hemoglobin. The kidneys filter out porphyrin, a substance that precedes the formation of hemoglobin, and is excreted in the urine. A high content of porphyrin can also be observed with lead intoxication.

Causes of hematuria can also be:

  • lower back injuries;
  • taking medications (hormonal contraceptives, drugs with amidopyrine, acetylsalicylic acid).

In some cases, urine staining red is not caused by the presence of diseases, but by the use of certain foods:

  • beet;
  • blackberry;
  • raspberry;
  • currant;
  • food coloring products.

Clinical manifestations

Red blood cells enter the urine at different levels. There are 3 forms of hematuria:

  • initial (initial);
  • terminal;
  • total.

Depending on the cause of hematuria, the accompanying clinical symptoms may be different. The nature of urination and the shade of urine may also differ. If hematuria is false, that is, caused by the accidental ingress of menstrual blood into the urine or the use of coloring products, then other symptoms are usually not observed.

If there is an inflammatory process of the urinary system, the woman is accompanied by:

  • frequent urination;
  • change in the smell of urine;
  • increased sweating;
  • temperature rise is possible;
  • pain in the abdomen or lower back.

Brown or reddish urine may indicate a source of bleeding high in the kidneys. Bright scarlet color is possible with stones in the bladder, infection of the urethra.

If the problem is in the urethra, blood usually becomes visible at the very beginning of emptying. If hematuria is observed during the entire process of urination, then the cause of the problem must be sought in the kidneys.

Without the necessary examinations, it is very difficult to determine the cause of hematuria, since it can accompany many diseases.


When staining urine red, there is no need to panic. It does not always pose a health risk. It is necessary to contact a nephrologist (possibly a gynecologist), who will prescribe all the necessary studies to make the correct diagnosis.

Diagnostic manipulations:

  • general clinical analyzes of urine and blood;
  • , according to Nechiporenko;
  • smear examinations;
  • Ultrasound of the genitourinary system;
  • CT, MRI.

Find out about possible complications after and about the rules of the procedure.

About how to prepare a tincture of elecampane for the kidneys and how to take it is written on the page.

At the address, read about how dangerous a kidney cyst is in wives and what to do so that the formation resolves on its own.

Effective Treatments

Depending on the disease that caused hematuria in women, the doctor may prescribe conservative or surgical methods of treatment. If necessary, consultation with other specialists may be required.

With cystitis, drug therapy is prescribed, which consists of several groups of drugs:

  • antibiotics (cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones);
  • uroantiseptics (Nitroxoline, Furomag, Furadonin).

Inflammatory processes in the kidneys (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis) require medical treatment, which includes a whole range of drugs, physiotherapy, and lifestyle changes. The purpose of certain methods of treatment depends on the form of the disease, its severity and causes.

Urolithiasis, in which the walls of the bladder and ureters are traumatized by stones, is recommended to be treated surgically. The most effective and safest method is (lithotripsy). Tumors and cysts, in which blood enters the urine, are eliminated only promptly.

In most cases, the presence of pathologies of the urogenital area is a prerequisite for the correction of nutrition and drinking regimen, the rejection of bad habits and products that exacerbate the pathological process. For different diseases, nutritional habits may differ. Therefore, the list of allowed and prohibited products, their daily intake should be adjusted by a specialist.

Preventive measures

Blood can acquire a red tint for various reasons, and it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of hematuria. But you can reduce the risk of this phenomenon if you follow some recommendations. First of all, you need to protect your body from the inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, which become common causes of hematuria.

Expert advice:

  • eat properly;
  • drink enough pure water;
  • empty the bladder on time;
  • do not overcool;
  • monitor the hygiene of the genitals;
  • do not use medicines without a doctor's prescription;
  • avoid stress and excessive physical exertion;
  • avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

Red urine in women can indicate various changes in the functioning of the body. This can be either a staining of the color of urine due to taking certain medications or eating foods, or a symptom of serious diseases that require immediate attention. It is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own. The first manifestations of hematuria should alert and become a reason for contacting a specialist. The sooner you find the cause of red urine, the higher the chance to get rid of the problem faster.

How is urine formed in the body? What diseases can be a signal of red urine in women? Useful information from a specialist in the following video:

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