Rest on the lake heviz in winter. Medical resort Heviz. Thermal lake Heviz. The silt, which lies in a multi-meter layer at the bottom of the thermal lake, has extraordinary medicinal properties. The bacterial flora of the sludge emits a weak antibiotic, therefore, in

Blocks 31.08.2020

Lake Heviz is located in the west of Hungary in a small town of the same name. This popular holiday destination is open all year round and is the largest thermal lake in Europe.

Its area reaches 47,500 square meters, and the water temperature ranges from +24 ° C in winter to +36 ° C in summer.

Despite its impressive size, the water in the lake is renewed within 48 hours.

The surface of the reservoir is covered with stunning lilies, specially brought from India in 1898 by the professor of the Keszthely Academy of Economics Sandor Lovashshi. Lilies are the hallmark of the lake. It is strictly forbidden to touch or tear them.

History of Heviz

The first bathhouse was built in the 18th century. In 1920, after the signing of the Trianon Peace Treaty, Hungary lost many of its bathing resorts and Heviz became the most significant of them. For several decades, construction work has been carried out here. In 1952, the Ministry of Health established the Heviz State Spa Clinic here. In May 1992, Heviz received the status of a city, and became one of the most popular resort centers in Europe.

Holidays on Lake Heviz: prices in 2020

  • Ticket for 3 hours - 3200 forints;
  • Ticket for 4 hours - 3900 forints;
  • Full day ticket - HUF 5,500;
  • Additional ticket for 1 hour - 1100 forints;
  • Additional ticket for wellness services - 2200 forints;
  • "Hot & Cold" (includes a visit to the lake and wellness services) for 2 hours - 3400 forints;
  • "Relax" (includes a visit to the lake and wellness services) for 4 hours - 5000 forints;
  • "Senior" entrance ticket from 60 years old for 3 hours - 2700 forints;
  • Children under 6 years old - free of charge;
  • Ticket for children 6-14 years old for 3 hours - 1800 forints;
  • Tickets for students for 3 hours - 2700 forints;
  • A ticket to visit the lake (without swimming) for 30 minutes - 1000 forints + 2000 deposit;
  • Group entrance ticket for more than 20 people for 3 hours - 3000 forints / person;
  • Surcharge for exceeding the time - 30 forints per minute;
  • Subscription for 10 hours (valid for 10 days) - 9000 forints + 1500 deposit;
  • Subscription for 20 hours (valid for 20 days) - 17,000 forints + 1,500 deposit.

Some types of tickets are available only with a payment of a deposit, which is returned 72 hours after the expiration of the ticket. If you stay on the lake longer than the paid time, the deposit will not be returned to you.

When buying discount tickets, you must present documents confirming the benefits (pension certificate, student ID, birth certificate).

Hotels near Lake Heviz

There are many hotels in the city, for every taste and wheel. Most of them are equipped with air conditioning and satellite TVs, have their own spa centers, swimming pools, fitness rooms. Judging by the reviews of tourists, the following hotels have the most comfortable rooms and a convenient location relative to the beach:

Lake Heviz weather

The weather on Lake Heviz allows you to swim all year round. In winter, frosts are rare, the water in the lake does not freeze, and the air temperature does not drop below +2 ° C. From April to late autumn, the weather remains favorable for relaxation. The peak of the summer heat is in August, during the day the air warms up to +29 ° C.

Thermal water properties

Since the water is very active, doctors advise to stay in it for no more than 30 minutes, and then take a break for 10-15 minutes. The total duration of bathing should not exceed 1.5 hours. You should not actively swim, because in such water, it will be a great burden for the heart.

Doctors advise to relax, hang on a swimming ring and not make sudden movements. This regimen promotes maximum recovery and stress relief.

There is a separate pool and beach for children.

The healing water of the lake has a unique chemical composition:

  • Potassium - 6.8 mg / l;
  • Sodium - 27 mg / l;
  • Ammonium - 0.32 mg / l;
  • Calcium - 81 mg / l;
  • Magnesium - 36 mg / l;
  • Iron - 0.04 mg / l;
  • Chlorides - 23 mg / l;
  • Bromides - 0.11 mg / l;
  • Iodides - 0.021 mg / l;
  • Fluorides - 1.4 mg / l;
  • Sulfates - 64 mg / l;
  • Hydrocarbonate - 378 mg / l;
  • Sulfides - 3.2 mg / l;
  • Metaboric acid - 0.5 mg / l;
  • Metasilicic acid - 43 mg / l;
  • Free carbon dioxide - 86 mg / l;
  • Dissolved oxygen - 3.6 mg / l;
  • The radon content is 3.8- 0.8 Bq / l.

The total mineralization of water is 754 mg / l.

Indications: metabolic disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis, gout, gynecological diseases, inflammation of the nerve endings, joint pain, polyarthritis, sciatica.

Contraindications: malignant tumors, heart disease, lung disease, increased thyroid function, thrombosis, diabetes, pregnancy.

Before using water, you must consult a doctor!

Treatment in a sanatorium on Lake Heviz

At the bottom of the lake, thanks to the interaction of thermal waters and peat, healing mud is formed, which contains all the ingredients of healing water in a concentrated form. The unique composition of the mud opens up wide possibilities for physiotherapy. At the local sanatorium, you can take courses in mud applications (wraps). Mud therapy is indicated for skin diseases, hormonal disorders, gynecological diseases.

In addition to mud wraps, the sanatorium offers a wide range of services:

  • electrotherapy (iontophoresis, diadynamics, myotest, interference, ultrasound treatment);
  • magnetotherapy;
  • mechanotherapy ( physiotherapy, massage);
  • phototherapy;
  • underwater extension;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • drinking cure.

In reviews, tourists often note that the best time to visit - off-season. Due to the fact that there are a lot of vacationers in the resort in summer, the prices for hotel services and accommodation are noticeably higher. Therefore, if you want to save money, do not plan your vacation in the summer, during the Christmas and New Year holidays.

To buy tickets, you need to stock up on Hungarian forints, as other currencies are not accepted at the box office. After payment, visitors are given electronic bracelets, which must be applied to the turnstile at the entrance. There are three ways to enter the lake: through the Schulhof entrance, through the Festetics bath and through the entrance from Deak Square. You can use any of them, but remember that you need to enter and exit through the entrance where you bought the tickets.

For swimming, it is advisable to take a swimsuit, towel, slippers and a bathrobe. The ticket price includes the service of storing things in a special locker. To use it, you need to attach an electronic bracelet to a special board in the locker room. It will display the number of your locker. It also closes with a bracelet.

Tourists are advised not to take valuables with you, even if you intend to leave them in the luggage room. In the event of a break-in of the locker, the administration is not responsible for the loss of things.

More useful information can be found in best reviews about Lake Heviz on Turistern.Ru:

  • Do your joints ache, your back aches, your nerves are loose and everything is annoying? You urgently need Heviz!

How to get to Lake Heviz

The road to Heviz does not take much time and effort. Those wishing to visit the famous resort can choose the most suitable route and mode of transport.

Taxi, transfer to Lake Heviz

The most convenient way is to use the KiwiTaxi transfer. Unlike a regular taxi, the service allows you to pay for your trip in advance, rather than looking for a currency exchange office at the airport and worrying that the cost will be too high. The order must be made in advance, then upon arrival, a driver with a sign will be waiting for you. This option eliminates the problem of language barriers and long waiting times for the car.

To get to the city of Hévíz from Budapest Liszt Ferenc Airport or Sármellek Airport in Ballaton, you can use the transfer service by ordering it from the resort administrator. The road from Budapest takes 2.5 hours. The ticket price includes meeting at the airport and waiting in case of a flight delay. Cost from 39 euros per person one way.

If you want to get to the lake on your own, you can order a taxi through the Uber app, rent a car, or find fellow travelers. It is especially convenient to use the car for passengers with children and large companies.

Route from Liszt Ferenc International Airport - Google Maps

Trains and buses

You can get to Heviz from the Delhi and Keleti railway stations by train. Since there is no direct flight, you will have to change trains in the city of Keszthely, which is 5 kilometers from Heviz. Travel time is 3-3.5 hours. A suitable flight can be found at

From Keszthely you can get to the lake by bus. The bus station is next to the train station. Buses with the Hévíz sign leave almost every hour. The trip takes 15-20 minutes.

There are also buses from Budapest to Heviz. You can buy a ticket at the Nepliget bus station and be at your destination in 3 hours. The bus schedule can be found on the website

Everything about Lake Heviz. Answers on questions

1. At what time of the year can one rest and be treated at Lake Heviz?

The city and lake of Heviz is a unique place that can be visited all year round. The town is really good all year round, and the Heviz lake water is always comfortable. In summer, the temperature of thermal water is 34 - 38 degrees, and in winter it does not drop below 22 degrees. The town of Heviz is filled with vacationers and tourists in spring and summer, autumn and winter. But of course there are much more vacationers in the summer.

2. During what period of the year are the prices for accommodation in hotels, apartments and the private sector in the city of Hévíz higher?

Thermal Hungarian resorts, including Heviz, are popular all year round, so the occupancy of hotels, private apartments and, as a result, the price of accommodation does not experience strong seasonal fluctuations. But if you still want to save on accommodation, then do not plan a trip during the summer months, during the Christmas and New Years. The lowest prices are in the month of February, which is the coldest and most windy month of the year.

3. How much does it cost to enter the territory of the thermal complex of Lake Heviz?

The entrance ticket for a three-hour visit to the lake is two thousand six hundred forints, for four hours - two thousand nine hundred forints, and for one day - three thousand nine hundred forints.

You can buy a subscription for ten hours at the price of seven thousand five hundred forints and for twenty hours at the price of fourteen thousand forints. A ten-hour subscription is valid for ten days after purchase, and a twenty-hour subscription is valid for twenty days.

If you are going to come to the lake every day for several days, then it will be more profitable and more convenient to purchase season tickets than buying one-time tickets every day.

The price of entrance tickets is under the jurisdiction of the non-profit limited liability company "Hevizskaya Healing Bath" and for several years it has changed upwards, but insignificantly.

4. What is desirable to take with you to the lake?

I advise you to bring a handy bag in which you can put a comfortable dressing gown for the season, a towel, changeable shoes (rubber slippers), a swimsuit for women or swimming trunks for men. Pre-purchase for swimming in the lake a colorful swim ring, which is sold in many outdoor shops and stalls in the city. It is not necessary to take a rubber swimming cap.

Leave all silver jewelry at home or hotel, in a safe, as silver darkens under the influence of the thermal water of Hévíz. You can take your camera with you.

If your plans are to have a cup of coffee or a snack at the bar on the territory of the complex, then it would be logical to take some cash forints with you. And if you have already bought a subscription, then do not forget to take with you the plastic watch required to enter the lake.

5. Why do we need a plastic watch, which is issued at the box office of the Heviz complex when paying for entrance tickets and season tickets, and how to use them?

At the time of payment at the box office of the complex, they give out nice magnetic watch bracelets, which it is advisable to put on your wrist. For these hours, if you buy a subscription, an additional deposit of one thousand forints is paid at the box office. At the entrance to the territory of the complex, this clock must be tightly attached to a special electronic turnstile with a round part.

From this minute, the countdown of the time you paid for your stay at the lake begins. When you exit, by placing the clock on the turnstile, you stop the countdown time. If you bought a subscription, then the magnetic clock remains with you until you use all the paid time. After the expiration of the time, the watch must be returned to the cashier and the deposit you left in the amount of one thousand forints will be returned to you. If you bought a one-time entrance ticket, then when leaving the territory of the complex, the watch must be lowered into a special compartment on the electronic turnstile.

6. Where is the entrance to the territory of the thermal complex of Lake Heviz?

The territory of the lake can be accessed through three entrances. The main entrance is opposite the building of the St. András Rheumatology Dispensary. The second entrance is located near the bus station, from the Deak square and is open only in summer.

There is another beautiful entrance in the newly built modern building of the complex, in the Festetics bath, where for those who wish there is a great opportunity to relax in the well-equipped wellness area, having bought an additional thin colored wrist bracelet at the ticket office at the price of one thousand seven hundred forints. If you are by car, there is a convenient and inexpensive parking near the new building of the complex at the price of 200 forints per hour, and in winter parking is free.

Which entrance is more convenient for you to use is up to you, it will depend on where you live in Heviz or its surroundings. Just remember that you need to enter and, accordingly, leave the territory of the lake where you bought entrance tickets, season tickets.

7. Where can I change clothes on the territory of the complex and leave my personal belongings?

After you pass through the turnstile, you need to move on to the changing rooms. In front of the entrance to the dressing rooms and directly in the dressing rooms themselves, you can see small electronic boards on the walls. If you attach a magnetic clock to them, then on the scoreboard you will see the number of your individual locker and the paid time that you have left at the moment.

Remember your locker number, find it in the locker room area, open the locker in the way you already know (by attaching the clock to the lock with a round part), change into a bathing suit (for this, there are special booths in the locker rooms), put your personal belongings in the locker and close it with using the clock. Make sure your locker is closed. Put on a bathrobe, bathing slippers, take a towel with you, a swimming ring and go to the bathing area along the long corridor.

8. Can I leave valuables, documents and money in the lockers in the locker room?

Of course, try not to take valuable things with you to the lake, although we have not heard about cases of loss from lockers even once during these several years of our residence in Hungary. But I strongly advise against leaving cameras, telephones and other valuable items on chairs and sun loungers near the bathing area.

10. Is there an indoor bath in the thermal complex?

If you entered through the central or new entrance, then after you have taken a shower, changed into bathing suits, prepared for swimming, leaving the changing rooms, walk along the long corridor to the central part of the indoor bathing pool.

There are two swimming sections with warm, comfortable water and two sections with rather cool water, for lovers of contrasting water procedures. There are always more bathers in the sections with warmer water, here you can also try an underwater massage, for which there is always a queue on the water. The procedure is quite pleasant, so I recommend giving it a try.

Only if this happens in a cool or cold period of the year, you will hardly want to swim out immediately after the massage, from the closed part of the bath to the lake, into the open air.

11. How to properly take water procedures on the lake?

In some places on the lake, the depth is decent and reaches thirty-eight meters, so be careful, use a swimming circle. You need to know that doctors do not recommend actively swimming on the lake, since the water is very active and the load on the heart is decent. It is better to hang on the circle in an upright position and try to relax without making any sudden movements. This is how the maximum therapeutic effect of staying in the Heviz water is achieved.

Do not go for sports swims on the lake, remember that you are not in the pool or at sea. You should be calm, relaxed and try to get the most out of the warm, crystal clear and healthy waters of the lake. A course of daily swimming on the lake will certainly help to cope with the stress that lies in wait for us everywhere in our hectic life.

Do not stay in the lake for more than half an hour continuously. After half an hour, doctors are advised to take a short ten, fifteen minute break. You can drink mineral water, a cup of tea or juice, and lie on the sun loungers, of which there are quite a lot of them on the territory of the complex. If it's hot and sunny, you can sunbathe on the open terraces or on the grass next to the lake. With this mode, it is not recommended to stay in water for more than one and a half hours a day.

12. Are there any contraindications for bathing in Heviz water and for what diseases are water procedures useful?

Doctors do not recommend bathing in Heviz water for children under twelve years old. For children there is a separate beach on the territory of the complex and an outdoor small but very nice children's pool and playground.

Water procedures are recommended for patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteoporosis, ankylosing spondylitis, for the treatment of rheumatism, nervous system, degenerative diseases of the spine and joints, chronic gynecological diseases.

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tagPlaceholder Tags: travel, 2013

  • #1

    Hello Natasha. I am making a small clarification, the cost of a 10-hour subscription for September 2013 is already 7,500 forints. Thanks for the always up-to-date sketches.

  • #2

    Olga Konovalova (Thursday, 10 October 2013 08:25)

    Well, just a wonderful recommendation on how and what to do when you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the miraculous water of the lake. Heviz. This is important the first time you are there. Thank you Natasha! Only now I don’t know how to translate your forints into rubles, for example, to appreciate this pleasure.

  • #3

    Thank you so much for the detailed story. I got all the information I was looking for on the Internet. There is only one question left: it is necessary to book an apartment in advance or you can find an apartment. on arrival just walking around the city or does it also depend on the season?

  • #4

    Natalia, thank you, very interesting!
    And where can you drink healing water directly from the source?

  • #5

    Andrew, in Heviz, the public drinking pump room is located on Erzsebet Kiralyne street, not far from the St. András dispensary. Look for the inscription on the wall next to the Ivókút entrance. And read the note Heviz medicinal drinking water: http: //

  • #6

    Irina, I am of the opinion that it is better to book apartments in advance, and not to run around the city in search of accommodation.

  • #7

    Thank you very much Natalia! Highly useful information, but what if you are hypertensive with problems of the musculoskeletal system? Where can I get advice? Is it possible, and for how much? We arrive in Heviz at the end of November and could prepare (collect the necessary medical documents).

  • #8

    Good afternoon everyone! I would like to add about where you can drink healing water closer to the lake. It is inside the covered entrance to the park by the lake from the city side. There is also the entrance to the clinic. Admission is free, the fountain is free, there is never a queue. There is also a pharmacy where you can buy dirt in a 5 liter bucket at a very ridiculous price.

  • #9

    Be careful! German women steal swimwear from lockers. Tested by our family!

  • #10

    Irina (Thursday, 10 October 2013 20:56)

    I think that for an open reservoir, a water temperature of 22 degrees in winter is very little. What about November and April? Can you swim in the lake for a long time and how comfortable is it? Or should you count on indoor baths?

  • #11

    There are always those who want to swim in the open air in the lake, all year round, but of course there are fewer of them than those who prefer an indoor bath in the cool season. My husband and I often swim in the lake in winter, but not more than half an hour in the open air.

  • #12

    Oleg (Monday, 14 October 2013 01:00)

    Ay, how I missed this information in the summer, especially about the lockers for things. I had to drag my bag around and shove it under the sunbed. Probably it was noticeable that we were Russian. :)

  • #13

    Olga (Friday, 28 March 2014 05:38)

    I heard so much about the lake from a friend. Her sister has been living in Hungary for many years. I'd like to visit this place. Already tried to scout on the Internet what and how. Natasha, what is the approximate ratio of the forint to the ruble, can you tell me?

  • #14

    Olga. if you want, you need to realize your desire and come to relax on Lake Heviz.
    As for the question of the ratio of the forint to the ruble, the Hungarian forint is equal to 0.158 rubles as of March 28, 2014.

  • #15

    Olga Johnson (Sunday, 06 April 2014 18:41)

    It was interesting to read about Lake Heviz. I really love visiting thermal spa centers, we always try to visit them on our trips, if there are any. I have never had a swim in the thermal lake yet. I was in Hungary many years ago and we went on an excursion to the thermal complex, but I don't even remember the name :)

  • #16

    We have already been to Heviz three times, now we are going to meet again in May. Before that we stayed in hotels, but now we decided in apartments, let's see how it goes. In addition to the first time we get to Heviz through Vienna, there are more convenient flights and a little cheaper. I really like Heviz - a calm, pleasant European town, on weekends some concerts and fairs are held on the square near the lake. You can get to Balaton even by public transport, even take an inexpensive car (fox avtorent) or by bike for at least 25 minutes. An excellent place.

  • #17

    Helena (Sunday, 08 June 2014 20:23)

    Oh, thanks for such an article, everything is so good about the "clear. We are going with my husband here to go in a couple of weeks, we are looking for where it is more convenient to rent a house ...

  • #18

    Good article, a week ago we arrived from Heviz, it was nice to read.
    20 hours in the lake now cost 14,000 forints, the rate of 1 euro - 300 forints (+ - 3ph.)
    For those who are traveling for the first time - it is not worth spending a lot of money on a hotel, the villa will provide all the conditions for a much lower price. There are fewer Europeans in Heviz - there is a crisis, they are saving, every second villa has a sign "Free rooms". There are much more Russians than last year, and the staff of shops, salons and restaurants already speaks and understands much better Russian. And another important detail - an absolutely non-shrinking place, average age a health resort visitor - 75-75 years old, no pins, flip-flops and relax! Everyone has excess weight, gray hair, wrinkles and a good mood)))

  • #19

    Even in the lake, you can organize yourself a separate attraction with a swim))) After swimming in the lake, swim into the bathhouse through the cool sector into the hot one. Slowly open the heavy wooden sluice door, see the difference in the color and clarity of the water, and plunge from the cool into the hot. Cold water bright blue, transparent, clean, and hot milky blue, opaque, there are pieces of peat floating in it and a slight smell of hydrogen sulfide.

  • #20

    From this year, you can walk with a bracelet through any entrance. We preferred the distant one, there are much fewer people in the locker room, there is less fuss. Look for a centrifuge in the dressing room near the exit and wring out your swimwear and swimming trunks before leaving.

  • #21

    I arrive \ in the morning in September at Budapest International Airport.
    How to get from the airport to the Nepliget bus station, I learned that buses leave from the airport to Heviz.

  • #22

    Tell me, how advisable is it to buy dirt with you in a 5-liter bucket? is it dry? just wondering if she will last for a long time and if she does not lose her healing properties.. Thanks!

  • #23

    Victoria, the mud is on sale in finished form... Once opened, the bucket is stored like any other. How long it will last for you will depend on the amount of application and coverage areas. You have to buy and try. Dirt can cause allergic reactions, so it is advisable to consult a doctor.

  • #24

    Natalia, I once wrote a story about Budapest, I often look at your site.
    My husband and I are going to Hungary for 2 weeks. I am collecting information, we are planning a trip for the beginning of August, for 10-14 days. I wrote an ad on your website about renting housing, but there is no answer, the hotel has not yet been ordered. You don’t rent an apartment for an hour? I really need information about restaurants, cafes in Heviz, Keszthely, Veszprem, Szekesfehervar and Tikhon, location, prices, reviews, where it is delicious. Is it possible to go by boat from Keszthely to Tikhony and back? I know that this type of transport goes around Balaton, but I can't find ticket prices or timetables, although I understand Hungarian. What else can you see there besides the abbey and the sunset. Thanks for the info about the lake, although there are a couple more questions. Sun loungers for free or take a towel for rest, and an umbrella, or take a hat with wide brim from the sun, is it possible with your own swimming circle? Can I use sunblock? :) I look forward to hearing from you.
    I would be glad to meet you in Heviz.

  • #25

    Hello. Please tell me about contraindications. I read in one of the reviews that varicose veins are also a contraindication. And I started planning the trip, though I haven't bought tickets yet. Judging by the information you give, you are a real special. Please answer, is it worth going to Lake Heviz in the presence of varicose veins?

  • #26

    What is the weather in May and the water on Lake Heviz? who will tell you.

  • #27

    Great tips! Thank you very much! I received all the answers to the questions that tormented me!

  • #28


  • #29

    I can't understand - you buy a subscription for 10 days and you can stay every day for how many hours you want? But the subscription is called ten-hour for 10 days. How to understand - this is an hour for every day?

  • #30

    Tatyana, The subscription is designed for 10 hours and can be used for 10 days. If you want to relax in the bath for an hour for ten days. but want 5 days for two hours. As it is convenient for you.

  • #31

    Please tell me how to get to Heviz from Vienna? There are direct flights from Ufa to Vienna.

Treatment, reviews and rest on which we are interested is one of them. In general, healing springs can be found literally in every corner of this country. However, the most famous of them are located precisely on the shores of Heviz, the largest warm-water lake in Europe. Due to the unique composition of its water, it attracts many tourists.


Heviz is a lake located 200 km from Budapest. The resort is 6 km away from a small town called Keszthely. The lake is quite large. 4.7 hectares - its area. This reservoir is nestled comfortably among the protected forest, so tourists have the opportunity to enjoy not only the healing warm water, but also walks through the forest. Heviz is also a renowned scientific center. Conferences and symposia are held here.

Lake water temperature

Heviz is a lake fed by 3 sources: one with mineral water and two thermal ones. +17 ° С is the temperature of mineral water, +38 ° С - the temperature of thermal waters in the first and +48 ° С - in the second spring. It evaporates continuously to moisturize and cleanse ambient air... Therefore, even a walk along the shores of this picturesque lake will be useful for the respiratory system.

At its bottom lies a layer of curative mud. They are saturated with various minerals. The reason for the paleness of flora and fauna here is the unusually high water temperature in such a body of water as Lake Heviz. A photo of Indian water lilies is presented below. They were brought to the territory of the resort about a century ago. Water lilies have taken root and are today one of the highlights of this place.

You can go on vacation at any time of the year to Heviz. This lake is always distinguished by warm water. Its temperature reaches + 33 ° С in summer, and in winter it can drop to + 26 ° С. The air in July warms up to + 24 ° С and drops to -2 ° С in the cold season. However, in winter, the number of tourists does not decrease, since it is pleasant to swim in hot water enveloped in steam, admiring the winter landscapes.

The miraculous power of water

Even ancient people determined the amazing power of the water of this lake. They realized that with its help it is possible not only to quench thirst, but also to cure various diseases. Today Heviz is a lake, which is a huge bath, an open-air inhaler and a drinking pump-room. In its funnel, reaching a depth of 38 m, flows of cold and warm waters... Nature mixes them in proportions just necessary so that they, while remaining pleasant to the taste, have the ability to eliminate various diseases.

Many elements are found in water, such as radon. Ionizing radiation in small doses increases the activity of immune cells in the body. As a result, the immune system becomes more effective against infectious agents, as well as transformed cells in various autoimmune diseases. In addition, radon baths have an analgesic, sedative, desensitizing effect. They restore the functions of the joints, improve cardiac activity, and normalize blood pressure.

Heviz mud has a unique composition. They possess therapeutic action due to the content of sulfides, hormone-like and organic biologically active substances and low radioactivity. By linking individual chondrocides with each other, restoring the destroyed molecules of chondroitin sulfate, sulfur forms a strong elastic tissue. Hormone-like substances have a positive effect on the hormonal system in men and women.

What can be cured in Heviz?

The medical indications of the treatment courses in Heviz cover a variety of diseases. These are, first of all, ailments of the musculoskeletal system, disturbances in the work of the peripheral nervous system... The waters of Heviz have a calming effect due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide in them. In the central nervous system, under the influence of this element, inhibition processes begin to prevail over excitation processes. Magnesium has the same effect, which is why it is called the anti-stress element.

Balneotherapy for gynecological diseases prescribes a reduced ovarian function to be treated with sulfide mud, and radon therapy - an increased content of estrogen. Therefore, Heviz mud is used to treat various inflammatory diseases.

Also, swimming in this lake is useful for diseases of the musculoskeletal system: reactive and post-infectious artopathies, psoriatic arthropathy, rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, idiopathic gout, inflammatory lesions of soft periarticular tissues (myositis, epicondylitis, bursitis, synovitis, tendovitis). Its waters significantly improve the condition of patients with osteochondrosis of the spine, scoliosis of 1-2 degrees, ankylosing spondylitis, with lesions of the intervertebral discs, etc. If you have any of these problems, we advise you to go to Lake Heviz (Hungary).


Treatment helps with many diseases, but it also has contraindications. This applies, first of all, to people suffering from heart failure, malignant tumors, infectious diseases. Heviz therapy is also contraindicated in patients with hypothyroidism, suffering from thyroid diseases, circulatory failure, unstable arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus (subcompensated), heart disease, hemophilia, people with a tendency to thrombosis, patients with thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, bronchial asthma, anemia, anemia organs. If you have any of these problems, you should not swim in a body of water like Lake Heviz.

Contraindications also apply to patients who have skin diseases accompanied by profuse lesions of the integument, as well as pregnant and lactating women, persons who have undergone X-ray therapy less than 6 weeks ago or have had myocardial infarction. Treatment at this resort is not recommended for people who have professional activities be exposed to microwave and UHF currents for a long time, or radioactive radiation. In this case, it is better not to choose Lake Heviz (Hungary) for recreation. Contraindications should not be ignored - it is very important for your health.

Unique therapy

The Karoy Mall (vertical underwater traction) method is the real pride of this resort. It was developed in 1953 by Karoi Moll, a physician from Heviz. Since then, he has held a leading position among others. therapeutic techniques for which Lake Heviz is famous. Reviews about him contributed to the fact that this method gained great popularity. Thanks to modern research, today it has been possible not only to prove its effectiveness, but also to develop a number of differentiated approaches that make it possible to apply this method in each specific case with the greatest efficiency. Since 1953, it has undergone several changes, but it is still used today. Thanks to this method, tens of thousands of people who came for treatment to the thermal lake Heviz were saved from serious operations. He returned them free and painless movement.

The suspension method involves moving the vertebrae apart from each other. This stretches the spine. Thanks to this, it is possible to restore the healthy state in which the intervertebral discs were originally located.

A hanging bath is a completely painless procedure, since the buoyancy of the water allows the patient's body to be relaxed. Very carefully weights stretch the spine. The patient "hangs" in the pool during the procedure. Grips are attached under the arms and / or at the neck. Depending on the disease, weights are attached to the ankles and / or waist. Usually the weight of goods is 2-3-5 kg. The duration of this procedure in most cases is 20 minutes.

Rules to be followed

Water procedures, like any treatment, should be carried out after consulting a doctor. You should also observe the following rules:

1. It must be remembered that, first of all, a therapeutic procedure is swimming in such a body of water as Lake Heviz. Treatment will be less effective if you view your stay here as a beach holiday.

2. To enhance the effect of bathing, you should move during the procedure. The water of Lake Heviz helps to relax spasmodic muscles, activate respiratory processes, and expand skin capillaries. Across Airways and skin into the human body from water useful material come in more intensively.

3. A circle should be used for swimming, even for those who swim well. This creates a vertical traction effect, which is very beneficial for sufferers. various diseases joints and spine.

4. Do not try to swim in Heviz at a fast pace. The waters of this lake are not too mineralized, but they feel quite heavy.

5. It is important to understand that active ingredients contained in water, acting on the body, lead to an additional load on it. Therefore, therapeutic bathing without additional doctor's recommendations should not last more than an hour a day. And people with circulatory diseases can swim for no more than half an hour.

6. For those who have suffered myocardial infarction or were a participant in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as for other people from risk groups, it is best to recuperate in Heviz in spring and autumn.

7. Children under the age of 14 are not recommended to carry out water procedures for a long time. For the little ones, there is a separate beach on the territory of the complex, as well as a playground and a small pool, which makes it interesting for them to relax on Lake Heviz (Hungary).

Things to take with you

Bring a handy bag where you can put a seasonable robe, a change of shoes (rubber slippers are best), a towel, swimming trunks for men, and a swimsuit for women. Purchase a swimming ring in advance for swimming. They are sold on the lake in open shops, as well as in stalls in the city. It is not necessary to bring a rubber swimming cap with you.

All silver jewelry should be left at home or in the hotel safe, as silver darkens under the influence of Heviz thermal water. You can also take a camera. If you are planning to have a snack at the bar located on the territory of the complex, or just have a cup of coffee, it would be logical to have some forints with you. If you purchased a pass, do not forget to bring the plastic watch you need to enter the lake.

How to carry out water procedures

The lake has a decent depth in some places, reaching 38 meters. Therefore, do not forget to use a swimming ring. You should know that doctors do not recommend active swimming, otherwise the water in Heviz can make a decent load on the heart. It is better to hang in an upright position on the circle and try to relax, while avoiding sudden movements. This is how you can achieve the greatest therapeutic effect from bathing.

Do not go sports on the lake. Remember to be relaxed, calm. Doctors advise taking a short break after half an hour of bathing (for ten to fifteen minutes). You can drink a cup of juice or tea, mineral water, relax on the sun loungers. There are a lot of the latter on the territory of the complex. If the weather is sunny and hot, you can sunbathe on the grass near the lake or on open terraces.

Local Attractions

Many attractions are located in this region of a country such as Hungary (Lake Heviz). Treatment, with consistently positive reviews, is not the only thing to do here. In addition to swimming in the lake, you can explore local attractions. Take some time to do a sightseeing tour of Keszthely and get to know the architecture of this unique place. The Museum of Africa, located in Balatonederice, is also waiting for you. It features many trophies from the hottest continent. Go to Mount Kovacs. Here is the Human Rights Park. As you can see, you will not be bored by arriving at Lake Heviz (Hungary).

I read about Heviz at Exler. I had never heard of the existence of this place before. I read about a healing thermal lake, after which the lame throw away crutches and begin to actively cut circles in the surrounding pine forest and thought: "Oh, I should get there to heal my legs and spine!"
And then, when we had the idea to go on vacation to Hungary, I immediately decided: we will also visit Heviz! Even if we have only 8 days in Hungary (half of which is for Budapest itself) and usually they go to the sanatorium for three weeks, but still!
And we were very pleased!

From Budapest to Heviz about 2.5 hours by bus. Heviz is located just 6 km from the western end of the famous Lake Balaton (once they were one body of water).

Road to Heviz. Sunflower fields. On the horizon is Lake Balaton (we circled it for a long time in a wide arc).

Heviz is a small southern town. There are about four and a half thousand permanent residents there. Even the school seems to be only one. But this is a popular year-round resort, because they go there for the sake of a healing lake, and the temperature in it is +24 in winter, and up to + 35 in summer.

Apart from several multi-storey sanatoriums, Heviz is a town of two-storey cottages. "Villas" as they are usually called there. Locals live in cottages and rent out cottages to visitors. The town is extremely nice and picturesque. All the cottages were built with imagination, with decorations, all different, they all stand on well-groomed areas, literally drowning in flowers and greenery. We would say about the owner of any such cottage that "a businessman, a rich man, stole." And there everyone lives like this, there is no other place to live. Perhaps some of these cottages are for several apartments, I don't know.
The town is very clean and green. Additional picturesqueness to the town is given by the fact that it is located at the foot of the mountains and itself stands on hilly terrain. Streets go up and down. And suddenly from the next intersection you will have a gorgeous view of the valley below, and beyond it - the mountains.

"Villa Natalia", where we lived. The two-storey building has six "apartments", three per floor. Very cozy. Two rooms - "living room-hallway-hall-she-kitchen" and a bedroom. We got a room on the second floor with skylights. The ceiling is naturally sloped. Someone at the booking office complains about such rooms, but on the contrary, we really liked it. On each floor there is a large common veranda with plastic tables and chairs and each room has its own dryer for swimwear and towels. And swimming circles were attached to the numbers.

The owner of our villa speaks good Russian and many Russians stay with him. That he had prudently considered. :) An interesting choice. ;)

Any other houses.

Attila utza.

Here is such a decoration - a showcase with cacti, right on the street. Nothing has been written about any sale, so it's just that.

And this is the decoration of the site. Take a closer look at what the flower pots are attached to. ;)

This is also a street. Leads to the lake. The town is on the hills.

We didn't have hats, so when we went for a walk, we took a bottle of water with us and constantly moistened the top of our head - my mother's old way. There were no troubles with heatstrokes. It was very hot though. In order not to forget about the precautions, I had to remind myself: "we are almost in the Crimea."

There is no public transport. It's just not at all. ;) The area of ​​the entire town (something pulls me into numbers) is about 8 square meters. km, why do they need transport. ;) Everyone has their own cars. From a small, quiet bus station, buses run several times a day to Budapest and to the nearby town of Keszthely, which is located on the shore of Lake Balaton. It is only 5 km away. If we had an extra day, we would just walk there on foot.
The only "public transport" in Heviz is a children's train with several trailers, like we have in parks.

Once every half hour, he leaves the main square and makes a circle around Heviz. The cost of the "circle" is 1000 forints (a little more than 200 rubles). But it is not children who ride it, but adults. It is especially in demand in the late afternoon, when the swimming pool on the lake closes, and tourists (naturally, locals do not ride it) go to the "wine slide" to restaurants.
Although ... to whom the "wine slide", and to whom - the ancient village of Egred ... This is the outskirts of Heviz. The way there is an ascent up, but the ascent is not particularly steep, and you can walk in 25 minutes. Small family vineyards are located at the top. Locals are engaged in winemaking, and also run restaurants. This is where the people go in the evenings to have a fun with a gorgeous view of the valley.
It is good to walk in Egrei in the morning, while there are still no tourists there. We walked on Sunday, set out at 11 o'clock, and were rewarded - everything around was as extinct, quiet, beauty, and all this belongs to us alone. ;) More details will follow.


Although you will read about Lake Heviz that this is the largest thermal lake in Europe, but compared to their hefty (and famous) Balaton (which is marked on any map of Europe), Heviz, as the famous song says, "spat like God." ;) On the Internet it is written that the area of ​​the lake is 47,500 square meters. But for example, this does not tell me much, I normally imagine square meters in my imagination only if it is about the order of magnitude of the rooms in my apartment. ;) Let's just say, if Lake Heviz had the shape of a regular circle, then the diameter of this circle would be 122 meters - this is roughly the length of a standard football field + on both sides of the stands for about 12-14 rows. Here is a lake. :)
The word viz means "water". He-vis is some kind of water. I wanted to ask the locals, but didn't get ready. The Internet claims that this is a "warm spring", "hot spring", "current hot water".

Picture from Wikipedia.

The depth of Lake Heviz is from 2 to 38 meters. There are warnings about this everywhere, so that the people calculate their strength. It is impossible to get to the bottom even at the very shore. The maximum is that your legs will sink into the silt, which a person will not be able to withstand. The thickness of the silt layer is about half a meter. It is soft, pleasant to the touch, and if you stomp on it, bubbles with a faint smell of hydrogen sulfide will go up.
Where the bottom allows, handrails are made on the lake, fixed in the bottom with supports. A lot of them. They are absent only in the main crater of the lake, which is located next to the central bath house. At the bottom of the crater is a source that feeds the lake. The bath has a mini-museum telling about the history of the lake. It's a shame that I didn't take pictures there. I was sure that everything was on the Internet, but in the end I hardly found one picture that someone took in the same museum.

But in the park there is a model of the lake and the adjacent territory, where the bottom relief is clearly visible. (Especially when the water dries up in the evening, which is poured there "for clarity").

The bottom of the crater ends with a channel leading into a cave, which was explored by Hungarian scuba divers in the 70s. They found that the cave is divided in half by a layer of mud, and in one part of it there is a "cold" spring (about +17), and in the other - about a dozen hot springs (with temperatures from +23 to +38). All of them, mixing, feed the lake. Two canals flow out of the lake. It is written that in about a day, the water in the lake is completely renewed. Its temperature does not depend at all on the time of day. We went swimming both in the morning and by the end of the day (a hot southern summer day) - we did not feel the difference in temperature.

People go to the lake to swim in circles. The water in it is warm, the body in the water immediately becomes covered with bubbles, like the walls of a glass of soda. Mineral water bath. ;) Immediately you relax, and you don't really want to swim. Both circles and handrails are needed so that people can use the entire area of ​​the lake. Well, for safety too. There are a lot of elderly and disabled people. For disabled people there are special slopes to the water, even something like a wheelchair lift. And the lifeguard on duty floats on the lake all day on something in between a boat and a catamaran. ;) With us, he did not have to save anyone, but he sometimes whistled to the naughty teenagers.

Sociological digression. ;) In general, Heviz is a very calm resort, by no means a "bydlokurort". He has the fame of healing, so they go there not to come off. There are very few young people. Children are also much less numerous than in ordinary seaside resorts. Obviously, they just take their children with them if there is nowhere to attach them. Dogs are taken in the same way. ;) There are a lot of tourists in Heviz who have come with their dogs. Of course, they are not allowed into the lake;), but in a cafe, giving a dog a bowl of water while the owners are having dinner is not a question.

As for the nationalities of tourists, in Heviz, of course, Hungarian is the most audible. In second place are German and Russian. Many Russians, yes. And this is very convenient in such a place. Russian grandmothers always know everything in great detail - where is it, what, how, where is better, etc. :) Less often, but also more than once, we heard Polish speech. Finally, our neighbor in the villa told us that he is a Croat. That's all. In general, we did not see a single Chinese, Japanese (there are a lot of them in Budapest) or African (but there are very few of them in Budapest).
The retreat is over. :)

It is written everywhere on the Internet that it is not recommended to be in the lake for more than 30 minutes in a row. And we understood why. After 30 minutes, you are already so wet, warmed up and softened that you yourself will want to dry out and cool down.

By the way, at some point I was worried if we would get pleasure from swimming in such heat in a thermal lake, and not in refreshing cool water. Okay, we got it. ;) It's nice to swim. It is very pleasant to go into the lake, you do not have to get used to the water. :) It's nice that it is entirely warm, and not just the upper, heated layer, as in the reservoirs we are accustomed to. It's nice that it's good to just sit in it (well, that is, to hang), you don't have to move. And then you lean out on the surface - and the air is cooler than water. ;)

There is a separate mud bath in the lake, where a shallow pool is specially made, where silt is raked (or deposited itself) from the bottom. There, everyone is smeared with healing mud up to their ears, and many men even smear their bald head. The depth there is such that if you kneel, your shoulders protrude out of the water. Many stand there - their knees and feet are kept in mud.

The water in the lake is not salty, fresh in taste. It is full of mineral salts, but not sodium chloride. They not only bathe in the medicinal water, they also drink it. Near the lake itself, a good prestigious place is occupied by the St. András hospital (which is called St. Andrew's hospital on Russian plaques, it touched me separately). And in the lobby of the hospital, everyone has free access to such a beautiful pump room.

Due to some peculiarities, the water from the lake cannot be bottled, only drunk on the spot. Apparently, it is only passed through the simplest filter in order to retain pieces of silt and all that. The taste is the most common, like plain water, but when you drink you can smell hydrogen sulfide. They drink medicinal water on an empty stomach, it is recommended to drink it slowly, in small sips, while walking. Therefore, before breakfast, people reach for the pump room, fill the dishes, and then slowly disperse to their homes, sipping some water on the way. For the first time in the process of drinking, I very quickly got a feeling, like during gastroscopy, when the stomach is "inflated" with air in order to expand. Then this gas gradually leaves you for another half a day. ;) The next times the feeling was weaker.
But the most interesting thing! I went to the lake without any prior conviction about the healing effect. In general, I am the kind of person (tested by experience) for whom the placebo effect does not work. If the drug or procedure itself works, then it does. But convincing my body of something is almost impossible. ;)
In general, I did not feel any orthopedic movements after swimming in the lake. Logically, we were there only 4 days, went swimming only 5 times. But ... I came to Hungary with a slight exacerbation of gastritis and pancreatitis (and, accordingly, a supply of drugs). So, after two days of drinking this water from the lake, I suddenly woke up joyfully and bewilderedly in the morning without a girdle pain in the middle of the abdomen, and after eating there were no more problems. Everything passed, how cute.

About flora and fauna.

Lotuses grow in the lake all year round. There are two varieties - originally local, lilac (which for some reason in the museum is called "white lily") and bright pink, brought in in the 19th century from India. The Indian guest perfectly settled down in Heviz and became a symbol of the city, flaunts both on the coat of arms of Heviz and on numerous postcards-magnets-souvenirs. Which is not entirely fair at all. ;) Indian lotuses bloom at night and close around 11 am. Therefore, I could not really photograph them - I took my camera to the lake only when we went there in the evening. But local lilies bloom all day. I really wanted to photograph them larger. In the end, I decided on such an adventure: I put on two circles, carefully took the camera down and slowly, paddling only with my feet, swam to the flowers.

In the first photo, both varieties are clearly visible side by side.

Ducks are also found in large numbers on the lake. They are used to swimming almost among groups of tourists, resting on the handrails in the middle of the lake. The stands clearly warn: do not tear lotuses, do not chase ducks. :)

Part of the area around the lake has been turned into a relaxation zone. There are many comfortable loungers, chairs, small cafes, some slides for kids. There people dry up and sunbathe in between bathing.

And there is no access to a part of the coast. There is beautiful wildlife and places for ducks. :)

In the lake, fry swim in huge numbers. Several species of fish live there. I remembered carp and pike perch. True, there are no fishermen on the lake. Maybe, of course, some watchmen go fishing at night? ;)

There are also many swallows. Two types - the classic "city swallow", black and white, and "country swallow" with a yellow neck and bluish underwings. Swallows make their nests under the floor of the bath, where there are supports. You can only see them from the water.
Somehow relaxing in the lake under the bathhouse itself, I noticed several quite adult swallows sitting on a bracket above the bathhouse supports. One sat in the nest, and two - on the "perch". From time to time, another swallow flew up there, and then all of them there began to scream loudly. Looking closely, I saw that the swallow that had flown in was feeding those who were sitting there. They open their mouths wide and scream, and she shoves food into their beak. At the same time, the sizes of the sitting swallows and the arriving ones were exactly the same - not any chicks. What kind of lazy old people are they? ;) I decided to restore justice. First I threw a piece of silt at them. The silt did not fly, and the swallows, as A. said, looked askance at him in bewilderment and indifference and remained in place. "Ah well!" - I said and splashed water in them. With an indignant squeak, the swallows broke off and whistled very cheerfully over the surface of the lake somewhere to the shore. It's full of dragonflies and other insects. That's right, big already, there is nothing to count on daddy-mommy.
She did not touch the one in the nest. Although time has passed for little chicks, but in the end, you never know ...

And here is such a beautiful main entrance to the bathhouse and the alley leading to it.

Heviz is a dream come true for everyone who wants to hide from the hustle and bustle and plunge into a measured, comfortable and carefree life at least for a while, improve their health, enjoy the moment. This is a charming European town with all the attributes of it: neat streets, flower beds, cozy cafes. But the center of universal attraction is the thermal lake of the same name, the largest not only in Hungary, but throughout Europe. It is fed by a powerful underground source that provides and high fever water, and its constant renewal, and dense vapor above the surface.

You can swim in Heviz at least all year round, admiring the lilies imported from India and observing how well-being and mood improve. If you wish, you should go on an excursion to the surrounding palaces and fortresses or to the nearby Lake Balaton. The main thing is not to strain: here they even swim in inflatable circles - this is what the doctors recommend, and the holiday-makers are happy to give up the only possible care here.

How to get to Heviz

Heviz is located 190 km from Budapest, which means that first you need to get to the Hungarian capital by plane, train or bus. The trip from there to the resort takes about 3-4 hours, you just need to choose a suitable means of transportation. There is no railway station in Heviz itself, the closest is in the city of Keszthely, which is 5 km from the lake. Trains from Budapest (from the South and East stations) depart regularly, the cost of tickets is 3400-4500 HUF one way, the timetable can be found at the office. the Hungarian railways(in English.). It is not difficult to get from Keszthely to Heviz: buses run frequently, tickets are 210-280 HUF, travel time is 20 minutes. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

The railway and bus stations in Keszthely are located on the same square, so you definitely won't get lost when changing trains.

In addition, the city has its own airport, although it does not accept direct flights from Moscow.

Another way to get to Heviz is by bus. Routes from the capital are owned by Volanbusz (official website in English) - the main Hungarian intercity carrier. Buses leave from Nepliget Station and travel to their destination within 3 hours. Service intervals depend on the season, ticket prices are 3700-4000 HUF one way.

You can also get to Heviz by a rented car in Budapest (from 7000 HUF per day plus gasoline at the rate of 380-400 HUF per 1 liter). The road will take 2-3 hours and will run along the most beautiful highways in the vicinity of Lake Balaton.

Search for flights to Budapest (closest airport to Heviz)


Heviz is a small city, so you have to walk between the hotel, the lake, restaurants and attractions. And this is only for the best: walks in the picturesque area in pleasant weather are a very special pleasure. But if you want to explore the surroundings, you cannot do without public transport. Most of the routes to the neighboring cities - Tapolza, Siofok, Marzali - run through Keszthely. There is a railway station, a bus station and a pier, from where pleasure boats leave regularly to literally all settlements on the Balaton coast.

A boat trip from Keszthely to Balatonlelle or Sigliget will cost 2400-3800 HUF round trip.

If necessary, you can use the services of a taxi, finding a parking lot in the center or calling the car by phone. The cost of the transfer to Keszthely is 2500-3000 HUF.

It is also pleasant to explore Heviz and the nearby attractions by bike. Moreover, a new HeBi rental system has recently been launched here: several automatic stations have appeared in the city where you can rent a bike. To begin with, you will have to look at the Turinform office for a special plastic card, leaving 1000 HUF as a pledge. Leaving Heviz, the card can be returned and the full amount returned. Cardholders can take a bike to any of the stations and travel around the city for up to 4 hours a day.

Heviz Maps

Rent a Car

There is only one car rental point in Heviz, owned by the international company Hertz. You can also rent a car at Sarmellek Airport in the vicinity of Lake Balaton. Renting an economy class model will cost from 11,000 HUF, a standard car - from 15,000 HUF, an SUV - from 26,000 HUF per day. Discounts are provided when making a contract for several days. The list of required documents includes a driver's license (driving experience - at least 1 year) and a passport, in addition to full prepayment, distributors also require a deposit. The price of gasoline in Hungary is 380-400 HUF per 1 liter. The roads in the vicinity of Heviz are of high quality, the views from the window are breathtaking, there are no traffic jams, there will be no problems with parking - in other words, carte blanche for fans of independent travel.

Connectivity and Wi-Fi

There are no mobile offices in Heviz, you will have to connect in Budapest or neighboring Keszthely. There are 3 main operators to choose from: Telenor, Vodafone and T-Mobile. Their prices are about the same, the average cost of a prepaid SIM card is 500-800 HUF, you need a passport when registering. The balance can be replenished via the Internet, as well as at any gas station, at a press kiosk or post office.

Several payphones are installed in the center of Heviz, from which it is convenient to call both within Hungary and abroad. T-Com cards are sold in newspaper stands and in the post office, and have a face value of 500-1800 HUF. Discounts for all negotiations are valid from 20:00 to 8:00.

It is better to look for free Wi-Fi in the lobbies of hotels, cafes and restaurants: signs on the windows will not allow you to make a mistake. There is no Internet café in the town, so to be on the safe side, it is worth connecting a SIM card with mobile traffic.

Weather in Heviz

Treatment in Heviz

Lake Heviz is of volcanic origin, the mineral springs feeding it are hidden in a cave at a depth of 38 m, while the depth of the reservoir itself is no more than 2 m.The surface area (47.5 thousand square meters) and the water temperature ( in summer +33 ... + 36 ° C, in winter +24 ... + 28 ° C). You can swim in the lake all year round: an indoor swimming pool has been built here for the maximum comfort of tourists. The water, saturated with carbon dioxide, radon, sulfur and thorium, is completely renewed every 48 hours. It is not surprising that it is useful to take it inside as well: the spa guests visit the pump room no less often than the bathing house. Dense steam also has a healing effect on the body, constantly enveloping the lake surface.

Heviz's sanatoriums offer patients a whole range of health procedures: mineral water intake, massage, mud applications, carbon dioxide baths, remedial gymnastics, electrotherapy, exposure to contrast temperatures and other effective methods.

Indications: diseases of the musculoskeletal system (including ankylosing spondylitis, arthrosis, gout, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, lesions of intervertebral discs), diseases of the peripheral nervous system (neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, etc.), gastrointestinal disorders, gynecological diseases, diseases of the ENT organs, post-traumatic and postoperative rehabilitation.

The mud settling to the bottom of the lake is half composed of organic deposits (mainly of plant origin) with a high content of iodine and estrogen, has good hydrophilicity and high heat capacity, therefore it is also excellent for treatment.

Contraindications: malignant tumors, heart failure, uncompensated thyroid diseases, subcompensated diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis, hemophilia, bronchial asthma with frequent attacks, diseases of the hematopoietic organs, radiation sickness, pregnancy and lactation.

Heviz Hotels

Several dozen hotels are open on the coast of Lake Heviz, almost all of them with high-quality rooms, excellent service and modern opportunities for health improvement. Most of the hotels are of 3-4 * category, the most fashionable is Lotus Therme Hotel & Spa, while the only "five" in the resort. Accommodation rates usually include breakfast or half board. Healing procedures - baths, silt wraps, massages, etc. - for an additional fee.

A room in a 3 * hotel within a 5-minute walk from the lake will cost from 8000 HUF per day. In hotels of a higher class, you can stay for 14,000-20,000 HUF per day. For a vacation in a luxury "five" you will need to pay from 35,000 HUF per night. An alternative to hotels is apartments in private houses and family hotels: prices here start from 7000-7500 HUF per day.

The mains voltage in Heviz, as well as throughout Hungary, is 230 V, sockets are the usual European ones, type C and F, which do not require an adapter.


In Heviz, there are both fashionable boutiques with designer products and souvenir shops where you can choose pleasant little things to remember. Both those and others are concentrated on the pedestrian streets of the center. Small shops display collections of clothing from Hungarian and international brands, as well as footwear, jewelry, and optics. On the territory of the hotels there are salons of luxury brands of the Escada level. The best souvenir shops are located in the bus station area. Textiles embroidered with traditional patterns, hand-painted porcelain, wooden dolls, and carvings deserve special attention.

The Heviz counters also offer the most popular souvenir in Hungary - paprika in elegant packages. Kalochaiskaya and Segedaya are the most appreciated.

Of the edible gifts, marzipan sweets and, of course, alcohol are also good: world-famous Tokaj wines, Unicum bitter balsam, Palinka fruit vodka, fresh - a mixture of wine and soda pop in a painted siphon. And at the farmers' market, open three days a week, you can buy fresh pastries, honey and jam, made by local craftsmen according to centuries-old recipes.

Heviz cuisine and restaurants

In Heviz, food is Hungarian: generous, tasty and satisfying. There are many cafes, taverns and restaurants in the city for guests of any budget. In the morning, it is best to look into one of the coffee houses: have a cup of a fragrant drink, treat yourself to pastries or ice cream. Lunch is the time for acquaintance with traditional dishes: obligatory goulash (it is prepared here by dozens different ways from different varieties meat, even venison), stew, baked pork in pots with a garnish of vegetables. Also good are chicken and pepper paprikash, langos flatbreads, and fezelik vegetarian soup made from zucchini, cabbage, potatoes and lentils.

In Heviz there are inns with a relaxed atmosphere, sandwich cafes, restaurants in ethnic style, establishments with live music. Some eateries offer vegetarian menus and free Wi-Fi, and there are discounts on certain days. The most pleasant thing is to dine on cozy verandas overlooking the lake: restaurants with such a bonus are often open at hotels.

Lunch in a cafe will cost 1500-2000 HUF, dinner in a restaurant - from 3000-5000 HUF per person.

We recommend combining dinner in Heviz with tasting excellent Tokaj wine and other alcoholic beverages for which Hungary is famous. There are several bars with interesting cocktail lists in the city, private wine cellars are open on the coast of Lake Balaton, but a decent range of alcoholic beverages will be offered in almost any cafe or restaurant.

The best photos of Heviz

In the 17th century, it served as the ancestral estate of the count's family, today you can get acquainted with the interactive exhibition, stroll through the magnificent park and even spend the night in a mini-hotel.

There are other places worth visiting in Keszthely. The Balaton Museum tells about the history of the lake, the Georgikon houses agricultural implements of the Bronze Age. Guests of the Marzipan Museum will be offered to enjoy the famous sweets, and visitors to the Panopticon run the risk of getting lost among the very realistic wax figures.

On the street Kossuth, not far from the Museum of Dolls, there is a unique art object - a model of the Budapest Parliament, made of 5 million shells. Height - 2.5 m, length - 7.5 m, fidelity is amazing.

Several medieval fortresses have survived in the vicinity of Heviz. One of them, Shumegskaya, was built in the 11th century and is considered the oldest in Hungary. Tourists will find entertainment for every taste: excursions to the weapons museum with guns, pistols and armor different eras, riding lessons, and most importantly - knightly tournaments, held on a special scale and ending with meals according to ancient customs. The ruins of another famous fortress are located in Sigliget. She is a little younger (13th century), but keeps no less amazing secrets. However, what exactly is hidden in secret passages and echoing wells remains to be learned only after the ongoing restoration.

The nature of the fertile land can also be considered an independent attraction. Tapolca Caves, National park The Balaton Upland and other picturesque corners will surely remain in the memory of the traveler for a long time.

5 things to do in Heviz

  1. Take a dip in the lake and say goodbye to bad health for a long time.
  2. Choose the most pleasant from the whole list of wellness procedures, whether it be a massage or taking mineral water.
  3. Taste all varieties of Balaton wines, combining tastings with hearty meals.
  4. Visit the knight performance in the Shumeg Fortress.
  5. Go to Keszthely and compare with the original the model of the parliament, created from millions of shells.

Heviz for children

Not far from Heviz, there are several places that will appeal to both young and old travelers. One of them is a buffalo sanctuary on the territory National park Balaton Upland. It contains about 100 animals living in their natural environment. Special walking paths with wooden flooring have been laid for visitors: the animals are absolutely not afraid of people and calmly approach the fences.

In Keszthely, the largest in Central Europe Museum of Ethnic Style Dolls is opened (official site). More than 700 exhibits in folk costumes, exactly copying the traditional outfits of the Hungarians, live on three floors. Ceremonial, casual, wedding, work - national clothes, albeit sewn for dolls, are presented in all its colorful variety.

And, of course, where without water attractions in the lake district! If the kids get bored with swimming in Heviz or Balaton, we recommend taking them to the Kehida entertainment complex in the nearby village of Kehidakushtan. While the parents relax in the sulfur baths, jacuzzis and saunas, the kids frolic in the water park with pleasure. By the way, the 100-meter slide built here with sound and light special effects has no analogues in the whole of Hungary.

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