Butcher's broom Pontic (prickly) medicinal properties and contraindications. Butcher's broom: medicinal properties, side effects, dosage

Heating 27.07.2020

The leaves and branches of the needle have a very interesting structure. The leaves are reduced and almost invisible, as they are scaly films. The function of photosynthesis perform Phyllocladia are spiky, leathery shoots that look like leaves. They grow up to 2 cm in length.

Inflorescences appear on phylloclades, consisting of small flowers. Round berries ripen in their place. They are usually bright red or Orange color. During long period The plant bears both flowers and fruits at the same time.

Ruscus is a dioecious plant. On the shrub there are unisexual and bisexual flowers, which are pollinated during rain or dew. Droplets carry pollen from male to female flowers.

Ruscus fruits are edible in the same way as young shoots. The seeds are used in the preparation of a coffee substitute. All parts of the plant are also used in folk medicine. Some species are used as pet food. In England, brooms were made from ruscus.

Recently, the number of plants growing in the wild has been greatly reduced.

3 species were listed in the Red Book: Colchis (R. Colchicus), Sublingual (R. Hypoglossum) and Hyrcanian (R. hyrcanus).

Because of this, the butcher's needle began to be used in landscaping garden plots, and also grown as a potted plant at home.

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There are several types that are the most popular.


The plant reaches a height of 45-55 cm. It has erect stems with large oblong phylloclades, slightly pointed. The lower ones are opposite, and the upper ones alternately.

The inflorescences appear on the underside of the phyllocladia. Berries ripen quite large, about 10 mm in diameter, bright red. There are two seeds inside. Blooms open during the fall and winter months. By the end of spring, the fruits of the Colchis needle ripen.

In the wild grows coniferous and deciduous forests, also along the gorges. Prefers clay or loamy, well-drained soil. Propagated by seeds or division of the rhizome. The Colchis needle is listed in the Red Book. The photo below shows the "Colchian needle":

Pontic (spiky, prickly)

The needle of this species grows from about 60 cm to 1 m. It has erect stems with leathery, lanceolate, slightly elongated phylloclades. Small flowers bloom from February to April. Fruits, 8-10 mm in diameter, ripen in December.

Natural habitat - juniper and pine forests, rocks. The condition of the soil is not particularly demanding. The spiny needle propagates vegetatively, as well as by seeds.

This species is widely used in folk medicine. Tinctures and decoctions treat venous insufficiency, varicose veins veins, atherosclerosis, arthritis, bronchial asthma. Pontic (spiky, prickly) needle is shown in the photo below:


Ruscus perennial shrub grows up to 40 cm. It has an upright stem with leathery lanceolate phylloclades. In length, they reach 5-7 cm. In May, 3-5 flowers bloom on each phylloclade. In their place, fruits are formed, by December they become bright red.

It grows in the countries of Central Europe, the Mediterranean and Asia Minor. Prefers moist soil of forests or rocks.
The needle will not bring much trouble in care, but it is still important to follow some rules. In the photo below you can see what the "Hyoid needle" looks like:

Home Care

Post-Purchase Care

After acquiring a ruscus in a pot and bringing it home, it is provided with good care.

First of all, you need to choose the right place for permanent growth. If the purchase of a shrub fell on the summer months, then it is better to take the pot out to the balcony or garden.

The place must be protected from sunlight.

Due attention should be paid to soil moisture. If necessary, after 10-14 days, you can transplant into a new pot.


Trimming should be done as needed.

The potted needle is quite compact and neat. Dried shoots are subject to mandatory removal.

Twigs are used to decorate bouquets.

IMPORTANT! Pruning branches should not be carried away. In a year, you can cut no more than 30% of the entire green mass of the plant.

Pruned healthy twigs are used for vegetative propagation.


In the summer months, a period of increased growth, watering is carried out at least 3 times a week.

In winter, it is worth reducing to 1-2 times.

The soil in the pot should be moderately moist.

The green part of the shrub is periodically sprayed with settled water.

This will not only wash away the dust, but will also promote pollination.

Also spraying is the prevention of the appearance of pests.


For planting, you can use a ready-made earthen mixture for lemons. When self-preparation in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1 is mixed:

  • sod land,
  • peat,
  • humus,
  • sand.

Planting containers should contain drainage holes. Because the bush does not love stagnant water, then the bottom is additionally covered with a good layer of expanded clay or crushed red brick.


Ruskus does not need an annual transplant, only if necessary.

To give a special shape, various landing containers.

For example, a high and narrow container is used to give the needle a tree shape, and a wide container is used to grow a bush.

When transplanting, all dried branches are removed. The transplant procedure, if necessary, should be done in the spring months.

Growing from seeds at home

This breeding method is one of the most difficult. Seeds for planting must be fresh. Before planting, the seeds are soaked and placed on 5-7 days into the refrigerator compartment. An earthen substrate is poured into the seedling box with a layer of 5-8 cm. On the surface of the ground fit seeds and sprinkled with sand, the layer of which is not more than 1 cm. Put glass on the box or cover with foil and ensure the temperature is 19-21 degrees.

Periodically, spraying and airing of planted seeds is carried out. Seeds germinate very slowly. Sometimes it takes up to 10-12 months. After the sprouts grow by 6-8 cm, they need to dive into separate pots.


Most effective way breeding - rhizome division.

This procedure is carried out spring. Adult, overgrown shrubs are used.

When dividing the rhizome, you need to know that from each separated part should depart green shoots.


Ruskus good develops at room temperature. In the summer months, it is advisable to take the plant to fresh air, for example, to the garden or to the loggia. It also normally tolerates temperatures as low as 13 degrees. There are frost-resistant species that are suitable for landscaping garden plots, as well as loggias and balconies.


Iglitsa loves diffused light, also grows well in the shade. It is impossible to leave the shrub under the direct rays of the sun, young phylloclades can be severely affected by them. The most successful placement on windows facing east or west.

Benefit and harm

All parts of the needle are used in medicine, including folk medicine. Preparing tinctures and decoctions with anti-inflammatory properties. They are used to treat arthritis, arthrosis, and restore metabolism. Also, needle tinctures are used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots.

ATTENTION! With caution, needle-based preparations should be used by pregnant women and people suffering from high blood pressure.

Before use, be sure to consult a doctor.

Diseases and pests

Ruskus- A hardy shrub and rarely exposed to diseases. Often the cause of plant disease is improper care. Waterlogging soil can lead to rotting of the roots of the needle, and insufficient amount of moisture- to dry.

Among the pests, the most danger for the plant are scale insects and spider mites. To get rid of them, the entire plant is treated with a solution of insecticides. When processing shrubs, you should follow the instructions and safety rules.

Iglitsa- a very beautiful plant and quite rare. Some species are listed in the Red Book. Therefore, the owners of this plant will not only enjoy the beauty, but also prevent their complete disappearance.

Useful video

How to care for "Iglitsa" at home is described in the video below:

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Its root and rhizome are valued in folk medicine because they contain various active compounds, including flavonoids and many more ().

These compounds may be why butcher's broom is associated with several potential health benefits, such as improving circulation and treating hemorrhoids.

This article discusses medicinal properties and side effects prickly needles.

Butcher's broom - medicinal properties, potential side effects and optimal dosage

Medicinal properties

Butcher's broom and the compounds it contains have been linked to several potential health benefits.

May reduce inflammation

Inflammation is your body's natural way to heal itself and fight infections.

However, chronic inflammation can cause health problems as it increases the risk of developing certain diseases ().

Butcher's broom contains compounds such as ruscogenin that may help suppress inflammatory signals and potentially treat damage caused by inflammation.

For example, in test-tube studies, ruscogenin reduced markers of inflammation and stopped the production of an enzyme that promotes cartilage breakdown in people with osteoarthritis ( , ).

An animal study showed that ruscogenin reduced inflammatory markers associated with diabetes, and heals the damage caused by such inflammation ().

However, there are no studies on the effects of butcher's broom extracts on the human body. More research is needed before firm conclusions can be drawn.

May treat poor circulation

Butcher's broom has the ability to treat conditions that affect circulation.

For example, it can fight chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) - a painful condition in which the veins in your legs have difficulty returning blood to the heart ().

Several compounds in butcher's needle help veins contract, helping blood return to the heart ().

In fact, studies show that Ruscus acupunctum significantly reduces tension and swelling in the lower legs and ankles in adults with CVI ().

In addition, an analysis of 20 studies showed that a supplement containing butcher's broom significantly reduced pain, cramps, and swelling in adults with CVI ().

May reduce symptoms of orthostatic hypotension

Orthostatic hypotension (OH) is a sudden drop in blood pressure that occurs when you stand up too quickly (this is a common problem in older people) ().

Common symptoms of OH include lightheadedness, dizziness, weakness, and nausea.

Normally, your reflexes counteract this effect by constricting the blood vessels in your lower body. However, these reflexes appear to weaken with age, which can cause OH.

Since butcher's broom helps constrict veins, it can prevent moderate cases of OH ().

However, there have been no studies of butcher's broom in people with OH. Such studies need to be carried out before recommendations can be made.

May reduce the risk of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a common problem, especially among the elderly.

To avoid hemorrhoids, many people turn to natural remedies such as broomstick.

Butcher's broom is used in alternative medicine to treat hemorrhoids and other vascular diseases, because it seems to reduce swelling and help the veins shrink ().

In one study, 69% of people who took a supplement containing butcher's broom rated it as an effective treatment for hemorrhoids that reduced pain, swelling, and other symptoms ().

However, only a few studies have investigated the effectiveness of butcher's broom for hemorrhoids, so more research is needed.


Butcher's broom can help relieve conditions such as CVI, OH, hemorrhoids, and chronic inflammation. Keep in mind that more human studies need to be done.

Side effects

Despite few human studies of butcher's broom, this herbal remedy appears to be safe as it causes only minor side effects ().

In rare cases, this medicine may cause stomach discomfort, nausea, diarrhea, or vomiting ( , ).

There was one report of a diabetic woman who developed diabetic ketoacidosis, a potentially fatal condition, after taking broomstick. However, it is unclear whether the prickly needle was the cause or if there was another factor that caused this condition ().

Butcher's broom contains saponins, plant compounds that can act as anti-nutrients. Saponins can impair the absorption of minerals such as iron ().

People taking medications for kidney disease or medications to lower high blood pressure should talk to their doctor before taking butcher's broom as it may interact with these medications.

If you have problems with butcher's broom and your current medication, it's best to check with your doctor before taking it.


Butcher's broom appears to be safe for most people, although if you are taking certain medications or have a medical condition, it's best to check with your doctor before taking it.

However, in studies, the following doses are most effective ():

  • dried root: 1.5-3 g per day.
  • Tablets or capsules: 200 mg (4:1 concentrate) 2-3 times a day.
  • Liquid extracts and tinctures: 3-6 ml per day of extract with a ratio of herbal agent to liquid 1:2 or 7.5-15 ml per day of tincture with a ratio of herbal agent to liquid 1:5.

Many scientific studies on the use of butcher's broom contain a combination of this plant, hesperidin methyl chalcone and ascorbic acid.

These capsules often contain 150mg of the dried extract and are taken 2-3 times daily.

Keep in mind that it's best to follow the directions on the individual drug's packaging.


  • Butcher's broom is a herbal remedy that can relieve the symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency, orthostatic hypotension, hemorrhoids, and chronic inflammation.
  • It appears to be safe and has several side effects.
  • However, before you start taking it (especially if you are on kidney or blood pressure medications), talk to your doctor. Dosages may vary depending on your condition.

Butcher's broom is a medicinal plant culture that has beneficial properties. For example, the antibacterial effect is most pronounced. It is often used for medical purposes and in cosmetic procedures. It has many names, one of them is "butcher's broom" because in ancient times butchers used it to clean their cutting boards. The bacterial action reduced the risk of meat infection, and the spines on the plant cleaned the work surface well.

Features of the impact on the human body

This plant was known in antiquity and successfully used as follows:

  • prepared on its basis medications who provided positive action on blood vessels;
  • it is able to increase the tone and strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • acts as a blood thinner, therefore it is used as a prevention of thrombosis;
  • used as a complex therapy for varicose veins and hemorrhoids;
  • helps in metabolic processes;
  • cleanses the body of toxic substances that can cause a lot of harm;
  • restores blood flow;
  • stabilizes the water balance.

It also helps with inflammatory processes, is able to narrow the dilated vessels, it is used as a diuretic. But it is also able to remove sand and stones from the body. Therefore, people with this problem should not use it.

The use of plants in cosmetology

Butcher's needle Pontic in cosmetology is used only as an external agent. It helps to reduce puffiness, remove bruises under the eyes. But for this it must be combined with other medicinal plants (ivy, chamomile and others). Using a cream based on it, you can remove harmful substances from the tissues.

This is very good remedy in the treatment of rosacea. After all, it has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. If such a disease has arisen due to impaired blood flow, then this therapy will be most effective. Because it will help to cope with external and internal problems.

Butcher's broom is often used as a venotonic agent. It helps to cope with the stagnation of blood in the vessels of the legs. It also stops the process of further development of diseases.

In cosmetology, it is used in the fight against cellulite and stretch marks. Usually it is part of a cosmetic cream. It will restore blood flow and metabolic processes. It will remove toxins from the body and give the cells an impetus to regeneration.

- a plant not very popular with flower growers and rarely found in our homes. It is a pity, because the needle can not only decorate the interior, but also bring practical benefits to its owner. First, the needle is considered medicinal plant, secondly, with the help of needle branches, you can create spectacular flower arrangements, and, finally, the needle is perfect for the role of a Christmas talisman: thin shoots look like Christmas tree needles, and bright red berries decorate them like New Year's toys.

If the needle already lives in your house or you want to buy it, find out more about it.

Butcher's broom, ruskus, or mousethorn (popular name) - this plant belongs to the Asparagus family (Asparageceae). In some sources, a separate family of Iglitsevs is singled out or included in Lileynye. The Crimean peninsula, the Caucasus and the Mediterranean are considered the birthplace of culture. In the wild, Ruscus prefers coniferous forests, hiding in the partial shade of large trees.

This is an evergreen shrub or shrub with a creeping rhizome, bluish-green in color, can reach a height of up to one hundred centimeters. Stems finely furrowed, erect, finely rough along the ribs. The flowers are small, located at the bottom of the phylloclades (modified leaves) of a small lanceolate bract. The fruits are red, two-seeded, 8–10 mm in diameter.

Berries (fruits) of needles are very decorative and are a real decoration of the plant. Unfortunately, at home, berries rarely appear: the needle is a dioecious plant, which means that male and female specimens are needed for ovaries. However, in some cases, one plant can bear fruit.

Types of needles (ruscus) suitable for growing at home

(lat. Ruscus aculeatus)

Grows in valleys and mountains Western Europe among oak, coniferous, heather, pistachio trees and shrubs. In the southern part Russian Federation, European countries, the Crimea and the Caucasus, it is grown as an ornamental crop. Culture easily tolerates persistent frosts.

The height of the stems of the shrub is not more than seventy centimeters. Small flowers with a multipartite perianth are located in the lower part of the pointed phylloclades replacing leaves of a lanceolate membranous bract. In pistillate flowers there is a capitate stigma and a 3-celled ovary, which is surrounded on all sides by stamen filaments fused into tubes and not having anthers. In the autumn season, red berries appear on female bushes if there are male specimens nearby. There are also species with natural hermaphroditism, when flowers of 2 sexes are formed on the plant. For this reason, it bears fruit due to self-pollination.

I. prickly

(lat. Ruscus hypoglossum)

It grows in the southern regions of Crimea (from the southern outskirts of Alushta to Batiliman and the northern spurs of the Yalta Yayla), Northern Europe, the Mediterranean and the Balkan Peninsula. They are found in small groups or in a single specimen between stones, on wet slopes and in shady, damp forests. A perennial herbaceous plant 20 to 40 cm high with large pointed dark green phylloclades. Their length is up to 7 cm, and their width is 3–3.5 cm. Greenish flowers are located in the upper part of phylloclades in the foliate sinus of the bract. Berries are deep red. The plant is dioecious. The flowering period lasts from April to the end of May, and fruiting - from July to December.

I. sublingual

Butcher's broom(lat. Ruskus ponticus)

It grows in the Mediterranean, on the rocky terrain of the southern coast of Crimea (up to 1000 meters above sea level), among the trees and shrubs of heather, as well as in the Caucasus, mainly in the forests of the Black Sea coast. A bluish-green shrub with a finely furrowed, erect stem, finely rough ribs and even, slightly deviated branches. The height of the ruscus does not exceed 100 cm.

The plant's phylloclades are long, narrowly subulate, with mid and lateral veins, their length is 2–3 cm. Small green-purple flowers are located in their lower part, more precisely in the axil of a small pointed bract. The fruit is a red berry. The culture is dioecious. The flowering period lasts from September to the end of January, it bears fruit from November to February, the duration of fruit ripening is 1 year. Needle blossoms from the age of 10.

[!] Butcher's broom is grown in the botanical gardens of Russia, in cities such as Krasnodar, Omsk, Sochi and some others. This species is listed in the Red Book, as it is on the verge of extinction.

How to care for a needle?

In order for the needle to grow and develop without problems indoors, it should be provided with proper care. It consists in the fulfillment of the following conditions:


Ruskus feels good both in diffused light and in the shade. Of course, in the cold season, when the duration of daylight hours is reduced, it is better to place it on the windowsills of the southern windows. In summer, it is necessary to move the shrub to a more shaded place, since direct sunlight can damage the foliage.

Temperature and humidity

At home, the needle is able to grow in the following temperature range:

  • in spring and summer - 18–20ºC;
  • in autumn, the temperature should be gradually reduced;
  • in winter - 13–15ºC.

Also, the culture is resistant to drafts and short-term temperature fluctuations below 0ºC. Humidity in the room does not play a big role in this case, because ruskus tolerates dry air normally. During active growth, it should be sprayed with water or wipe the foliage with a wet woven material.

Watering, fertilizing, soil

During the growing season, needles need to be watered systematically. When the shoots are fully formed, the amount of moisture can be reduced. The main thing is to prevent the soil coma from drying out.

From the beginning of spring to the end of autumn, complex mineral fertilizers must be applied to the soil around the needle. In winter, the plant is at rest, so it does not need to be fed.

Ruscus is undemanding to the type of soil, in nature it grows even in mountain valleys and slopes. However, it should be borne in mind that the substrate should not be too dense so that water does not accumulate. A shrub is planted in a mixture consisting of sand, turf and leafy soil in a ratio of 1: 1: 3.

transplant, reproduction

The best time for transplanting Ruscus is considered to be the spring period. This technique is used only as needed, for example, if the plant has grown. The size of the new container for the shrub will depend on its shape. The bottom layer should be drainage, it is needed in order to avoid stagnation of water in the soil during irrigation. The plant is transplanted into a mixture consisting of sand, humus, deciduous and soddy soil in a ratio of 1:1:1:2.

There are two ways to propagate needles:

  • seeds;
  • dividing the bush.

Ruscus seeds are planted in containers with moistened soil, covered with glass and set in a bright place. The first sprouts are formed after 2-3 months, and the fruits - after about one year.

A second breeding option is possible. Seeds are embedded in the prepared mixture (perlite and peat) and transferred to a room with an air temperature not higher than 20ºС. The duration of the growing season is at least a year. To accelerate the growth of seedlings, it is necessary to do cold stratification. When they reach a height of 8 cm, you should pick the seedlings and plant them in separate pots.

The division of the bush is carried out in the spring season before the start of the growing season. First you need to wash off the earth from the root system, remove the old shoots, and then cut it with a sharp knife into a number of pieces. After that, plant each root in a separate container with new soil, water it, and then take care of it as an adult plant.


Butcher's broom is affected by the following pests: scale insects, mealybug, thrips and spider mites. When the first signs are found, treatment should be started immediately.

Spider mite. Damage symptoms are small white dots and cobwebs braiding the plant. Then the leaves dry up and curl.

Fighting methods:

  • Spraying with tincture of garlic. To prepare it, you need to put 2 chopped heads of garlic in an airtight container, pour 1 liter of water and leave for 5 days. Before processing, dilute the composition with water in a ratio of 1: 1.
  • Wipe the ruscus leaf cover once with medical alcohol.
  • Treat the aerial part of the shrub with the Fitoverm biopreparation.

Thrips. The first signs are the formation of light dots and spots, the upper part of the sheet becomes Brown color with a silvery sheen, it subsequently dries and twists upwards.

Fighting methods:

  • Insecticide treatment 3 times with an interval of 10 days. Also, a good result shows the addition of flea shampoo for animals to them.

Mealybug. These insects can be seen on the shrub with the naked eye. They suck out the juices of the plant, which slows down its growth. Symptoms of the lesion are the formation of dry black plaque and sugary secretions.

Fighting methods:

  • Removal of damaged parts and treatment of the plant with drugs such as Actellik, Tsvetofos, Lepidocid and Intavir.
  • Spraying with a soap-alcohol solution. To prepare it, you need 1 tsp. laundry soap dissolve in 1 liter hot water, add 1 tbsp. l. vodka and 2 tbsp. l. alcohol. The aerial part of the needle should be processed 3-4 times, covering the soil in the container.

Shchitovki. The first signs of an insect attack are the appearance of a sticky liquid on the leaves, red-brown, yellow spots and flying.

Fighting methods:

  • Treatment with chemical insecticides such as Arrivo, Fitoferm, Fufanon or Aktellik.
  • Remove insects with a soft toothbrush, then wipe the plant with grated onions and spray with soapy emulsion.

The legend of the needle

Once a forest nymph invited plants living in the forest to her ball. On it, the guests communicated with each other, danced, showing their the best sides, only the needle stood aside all alone. The hospitable hostess of the holiday came up to find out why she was sad. Needle said that her outfit is not as beautiful as the others and she has nothing to brag about. At that moment, the nymph decided to help - she gave her red berry beads and made her leaves green throughout the year. Needle refused this gift and said that she wanted to benefit people. All the plants sat down with the nymph and began to think which of its parts to make medicinal and decided - those very bright red beads. It is worth noting that Virgil, who was born 100 years BC, and later the famous historian Pliny, who was born in the 1st century AD, mentioned in his works the healing properties of needle berries. So the nymph kept her promise and made the fruits medicinal!

Butcher's broom is a perennial half-cusp plant belonging to the Asparagus family.

The shrub can grow up to one meter in height. The flowers of the butcher's needle are small in size, located in the axil of the lanceolate bract. Berries are considered fruits on small legs, which are painted in a red tint and grow up to 20 mm in diameter.

The plant begins to bloom from February to April, and the first berries appear in early November.

The shrub grows in the Krasnodar Territory, also on the coasts of Turkey and the Republic of Crimea.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of the evergreen shrub have been known since ancient times. Useful properties possesses only the root, which is widely used in medicine. Based on it, medicinal extracts are made, which are used as a medicine. After assembly, the roots are dried and made into a powder, which is added to tablets, ointments, solutions and gelatin capsules.

AT chemical composition plants contain saponosides, which have a positive effect on blood vessels.


Butcher's broom is used in the form of alcoholic extracts, which help to normalize venous and peripheral circulation. An extract made from butcher's root and alcohol is used to reduce the formation of blood clots, reduce permeability, and strengthen the walls of venous and capillary vessels. It is also used for respiratory disorders.

Butcher's broom root is used in Alzheimer's disease. As tests have shown, a drug based on this plant improves the condition of a patient with this disease.

Folk healers use an extract from the rhizome of the plant to treat edema, gout, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, gangrene, jaundice, and thrombosis.

In addition to the extract, in the pharmacy you can find a cream that contains needles. It helps with swelling.


In the course of long-term clinical trials, it was found that drugs made from the needle are non-toxic, therefore, with long-term use, they will not cause serious damage to human health. Despite this, it is strictly forbidden to take butcher's broom preparations for pregnant women, especially those whose pregnancy is at the last stage, as well as people who have increased arterial pressure or there is an individual intolerance to this plant.

At first admission medicinal product from this plant is possible gastrointestinal

intestinal discomfort.

If the disease could not be cured with the help of preparations from butcher's broom, then we recommend that you consult a doctor and also stop taking these medications.

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