The best folk remedy for back pain. Treatment with folk remedies for back pain. Warming methods of alternative treatment of the lower back

Ladders and railings 01.10.2021
Ladders and railings

Traditional medicine, that is, recipes and methods of healing, passed from mouth to mouth, has already become so widespread that it has become a serious competitor to traditional medicine. Its main advantage is that it is both free and helps. There is a lot of wise, necessary and correct in truly folk recipes. Let's not forget that Nature opened the very first pharmacy for humans and all ancient folk recipes are based on the use of herbs. I bring to your attention a selection of such recipes.

Tincture of pine nut shells helps against osteochondrosis and radiculitis. Preparation: 200 g of pine nut shells pour 1 liter of vodka and let it brew in a dark place for 1 month. Take three times a day, 30 g 30 minutes before meals. One serving is enough for a course of treatment.

Celery root potion. Scroll 2 kg of celery through a meat grinder and mix in a three-liter jar with 1 kg of honey. Put the mixture in a dark place (but not in the refrigerator) for 2 weeks. You need to take the medicine in 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day before meals (until complete recovery). This mixture tastes very unpleasant, but it helps a lot with sciatica and osteochondrosis.

For the treatment of sciatica, an ointment is used, prepared from one part of a strong decoction of hop cones and four parts of petroleum jelly.
Compress. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, mix with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar. Put the prepared mixture on a dried cabbage leaf, tie it to a sore spot, wrap it with a scarf or scarf and go to bed.

For rubbing with rheumatism, radiculitis and neuralgia, you can prepare such a composition. Mix three or four parts of radish juice with two parts of honey and one part of vodka. This rubbing can be used for a long time. Store it in the refrigerator, in a well-sealed china or glass container.

For back pain, lumbago and radiculitis, a healing bath will help. It is prepared from fresh carrot roots. Peel the carrots, squeeze out the juice and mix it with the infusion of sage herb in a ratio of 3: 50. A bath with a temperature of +37 ° C can be taken at any time of the day. The course is 12-14 procedures. After taking such a bath, an extraordinary lightness appears in the body.
For the treatment of sciatica, it is good to rub the sore spot with a fresh leaf of Indian onion (tailed poultry). Its leaves can be used for compresses for abscesses, wounds, bruises, joint pain

A good result for rheumatism, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, articular diseases is given by the use of rubbing from the medicinal plant "adam's root", which is scientifically called "tamus root".
It is necessary to take 200 g of Adam's root, rub it on a grater, pour 0.5 liters of vodka (it is undesirable to use alcohol), leave for 5 days in a dark bowl. Sore spots are rubbed with tincture at night and insulated with woolen clothes. This procedure promotes deep warming and acts locally on the nerve endings, causing the spasms to stop.

For neck aches and headaches, it is recommended to roll with your back in a 1.5 liter plastic bottle filled with warm water. Just lie down on the bottle with your back and roll on it from the back of the head to the tailbone. This should be done every day for at least ten minutes. The longer the better. Gradually, the pain will disappear.

For back and neck pain, the following remedy will help. Grind celandine, aloe, mallow and hot pepper taken in equal amounts in a meat grinder. Add 0.5 liters of dry wine and moonshine, two ampoules of novocaine and ten small ampoules of vitamin B. Lay an oilcloth on the bed, then wet a red rag in the prepared mixture, put it on the oilcloth and lie down, covered with a woolen blanket. Wash yourself with cool water in the morning.

A decoction that helps with sciatica and lower back pain. We must take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fresh chopped sorrel roots, pour 1.5 cups of water and boil for 15 minutes. Insist wrapped for 2 hours, then strain. Take 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times daily before meals.

This medicine helps with sciatica and headache (if it comes from cervical neuralgia). To prepare the grind, you need 0.5 liters of stronger moonshine, 16 tablets of bromcamphor, two bottles of Zelenin drops (heart). All the ingredients are mixed, then the patient is rubbed with rubbing, and compress paper is applied on top and wrapped in a warm woolen scarf. For headaches, rub the neck with a rub and wrap it with a scarf.

With neuralgia of the intercostal nerves, the best remedy is to lubricate the sore spot with a warming rub. You can, of course, use a ready-made ointment, but it is better to prepare the drug with your own hands. You need to pour 100 ml of vinegar essence and 50 ml of vodka into a jar and lower three packs of steel needles there. When the needles dissolve, add a little 50 g of mercury ointment and rub until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then add 50 g of ichthyol ointment, 25 g of bodyagi powder, 3 kg of internal lard, 1 glass of liquid bodyagi and 1 glass of formic alcohol. Mix everything well and rub the sore spots at night, then wrap yourself in a woolen shawl or scarf. After two to three days, the neuralgia subsides. This volume of the drug is designed for a long time, so the ointment must be stored in the refrigerator.

Horseradish leaves compress helps with sciatica: you need to apply them at night to the sore spot.

For gout, headache, pain and lumbago in the lower back, such poultices are used. Take equal parts of chamomile and black elderberry flowers, lightly pour boiling water over the mixture and heat over a fire in a saucepan. Then strain, fill the pads of fabric with the herbal mixture and apply them to sore spots, tying them with a bandage.

The recipe for rubbing against sciatica and lumbago. On an ordinary grater, grate 300 g of horseradish and raw potatoes. Stir well, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Apply the resulting mixture with cakes as thick as a finger on sore spots greased with grease, cover with foil, wrap with a woolen scarf. Keep the compress for at least an hour. If it does not help the first time, then you can extend the treatment for another 3-5 days.

The recipe of the famous Bulgarian healer Vanga for spinal bruises. She recommended treating a pinched nerve due to a fall like this. Spread a cotton cloth with a mixture of olive oil, melted wax and beeswax. Then apply this tissue in the form of a plaster along the entire spine - from the neck to the coccyx. If necessary, repeat the procedure for three days in a row.

Such rubbing helps well against sciatica and lumbago. You need to take 15 g of bodyagi, 60 ml of camphor oil, 200 ml of turpentine, 200 ml of ammonia, 200 ml of the homeopathic remedy "Opodeldok Rus" and 1 bottle of "Flying Ointment" (100 ml) (the last two components are sold in pharmacies). All ingredients should be mixed in one bowl, covered with a lid and allowed to brew for 2-3 days at room temperature. Rub the mixture into sore spots with light pressure (do not lubricate). It is better to do this procedure at night, then cover the rubbed places with a woolen scarf and put a heating pad. This method is quite long (about a month), but the treatment does not cause burns and in the end gives excellent results.

There is a very unusual but effective way to relieve pain in osteochondrosis. The old shingles are finely pounded and sieved through a sieve, then mixed with three well-beaten whites and 200 ml of vodka. The mixture is spread on a linen rag, which is wrapped around the sore spot overnight.

The proven old method of treating sciatica is with yeast dough made from rye flour in the usual way. First, rub the lower back with 1 teaspoon of purified turpentine, then apply a dough wrapped with gauze to the sore spot, and paper for compresses on top. Then wrap the lower back with a woolen scarf or scarf. It is necessary to keep such a compress for at least 40-50 minutes. The procedure should be performed every other day, using the dough again. Mold does not affect its quality. If irritation or burns appear, then the procedures must be temporarily stopped. To reduce the burning sensation, before applying the compress, you must drink warm milk with baking soda (for 1 glass of milk - 1 teaspoon of soda). 3-5 compresses are enough for the course. This method, of course, is radical, but it brings relief even to those patients who suffer from sciatica for a long time.

A very simple method is used to treat sciatic nerve neuralgia. Warm up the stearin and spread it hot on sore spots in layers using a wide paint brush. Layer by layer, and so on up to 40 layers. It will burn a lot, but the skin does not suffer. If someone thinks that stearin is too hot for the procedure, then it can be slightly cooled.
Baths from a decoction of young greenish aspen bark also help well. Pour 100 g of bark into 1 liter of boiling water, boil over low heat for 5-10 minutes and add this infusion to warm water. Bath time - 10-15 minutes. Take baths at night.

With sciatica, you can use a long-proven remedy - willow broth. It is prepared very simply and does not require special material investments. Leaves should be harvested in summer and bark in early spring. If you did not manage to collect the raw materials yourself, then you can buy them at the pharmacy or on the market. Pour 1 tablespoon of a mixture of leaves and willow bark in equal parts with 1 cup boiling water and heat in a water bath, stirring often. Cool at room temperature, then strain and squeeze out the thick. Drink half a glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals or an hour after meals.
But herbal treatment does not immediately bring relief, so in parallel it is good to do a special rub. Pour crushed steel razor blades (1.5 pieces) into a bottle of vinegar essence (100 ml) and leave for 2 weeks until these pieces dissolve. Sometimes you have to wait more than 2 weeks. This solution is used to lubricate sore spots at night. It is necessary not to rub, but only slightly lubricate to avoid burns. When using a strong infusion, the pain disappears after the first time. If the infusion is not strong, then the procedure is repeated 2-3 times.

To relieve the inflammatory process with neuralgia of the shoulder girdle and radiculitis, birch sap is taken in 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day and celery juice (from the roots and leaves) 2 times a day one hour after meals. Birch leaf compresses also relieve pain. Horseradish root tincture also gives a good result. It is necessary to crush 50 g of horseradish roots and pour 200 g of vodka, then insist for three days. It is applied externally. Oilcloth is placed on the bed, which is covered with a layer of gauze dipped in tincture. Before going to bed, the patient lies down on the oilcloth with his lower back for 10-15 minutes.

A lumbar hernia is often complicated by neuralgia. The pain is very severe, and medications do not always bring relief. For neuralgia, in particular, neuralgia of the sciatic nerve, a simple proven remedy is used. You need to boil a hard-boiled egg, cut it in half and apply it to the place where the pain is felt the most. When the egg cools down, the pain will subside.

An ointment made from bodyagi helps well against sciatica. It turns out that the powder made from dried bodyagi contains silicon crystals, which irritate the skin and cause blood flow. As a result, the pain recedes. Rub the bodyagi powder (it is sold in pharmacies) with sunflower oil in a ratio of 1: 30, rub the sore back with ointment, make a warming compress, bandage the lower back with a woolen scarf. Keep the compress for 40-50 minutes.

There is a very simple way to get rid of back pain and muscle pain. Pour 1-2 tbsp into 1 liter of warm water. tablespoons of 9% vinegar. Then moisten a linen cloth in the solution, apply to the sore spot and bandage it with a woolen scarf.

From aloe (which is found in almost every home), you can prepare a healing potion that will help cure sciatica. Take 375 g of aloe leaves from a plant of three, five years of age (do not water the plant for 5 days before that), mince it, add 625 g of natural May honey, 675 ml of fortified red wine (best of all Cahors), mix and infuse 5 days. Take on the first day 1 teaspoon 3 times a day one hour before meals; all subsequent days - 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day one hour before meals. The duration of treatment is from 2-3 weeks to one and a half months.

To remove pain symptoms with sciatica, you can use such an unusual remedy. Spread rubber glue on the newspaper. Close it with another newspaper and attach to the sore spot. Hold as much as you can endure. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

Such an ointment helps from pain in osteochondrosis. It is necessary to take a few leaves of aloe, rinse and pass them through a meat grinder. Add 100 g of honey and 150 ml of vodka to 50 g of aloe juice, mix well, put in a jar and close the lid. The finished composition can be stored for a long time in a dark place. Do compresses at night, then wrap yourself in a warm scarf. If it does not become easier in one day, then another 3-4 sessions can be carried out.

There is another inexpensive remedy that helps people suffering from low back pain. Pine turpentine must be mixed with petroleum jelly. Rub the painful area with the resulting ointment. Turpentine can be purchased at the pharmacy. Store the ointment in the refrigerator.

To treat lumbago (lumbago), you can use a room agave leaf. The plant should not be too young or old. Young agave does not have high-quality juice, and an old plant can burn the skin. The agave leaf should be cut lengthwise, the thorns should be cut off and the juice released from the leaf should be rubbed on the lower back. But you need to rub it very carefully, since the agave juice is very strong at first. The skin stings, it starts to burn. But all these unpleasant sensations soon subside. If the skin does not react too painfully, then you can rub it harder. The procedure is recommended to be carried out twice a day. No special wrapping is required after rubbing the lower back with agave juice. Sometimes after the procedure, a rash appears on the sore spot, but it soon disappears without a trace.

An inexpensive method of treatment - rubbing will help from sciatica. For 1-2 rubbing, you need to take 4-5 leaves of the American agave plant (200-300 g) and grate them on a fine grater. At night, rub the mixture into sore spots, which are then tied with a warm scarf and covered with a blanket. Often, after rubbing, burns, even blisters, occur, and severe itching and pain appear. You can repeat the rubbing only after the itching and pain have passed. There are no complications. To reduce skin irritation, the pulp can be applied through a double layer of gauze. You can apply a thin layer of cottage cheese to the sore burned area or sprinkle the irritated skin with starch. Leaves should be taken from a plant at least two or three years old.

Another remedy for sciatica. Peel the radish, grate it on a fine grater. Put the gruel in an enamel bowl and heat. Then take a linen cloth, spread the gruel on one end, and cover it with the other end and attach it to the sore spot. This creates a feeling of slow and deep warming up. You need to keep as long as you have enough patience. It is not recommended to apply a thick layer of radish. Depending on how you feel, the procedure can be repeated every other day. Sometimes several times are enough.

There is a plant that can provide great relief for people suffering from back pain. Preparations from the seeds of the muzzle help in the treatment of sciatica, have a general tonic effect, strengthen muscles in case of paralysis after a stroke and injuries, muscle atrophy.
With sciatica, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, myopathies, neuritis of the facial and trigeminal nerves, you can use the following recipe. Take 1 part of the fruit of the muzzle, 3 parts each of oregano and peppermint, 4 parts of lemon balm. You need to fill in 3 tbsp. tablespoons of the chopped mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, bring to a boil, leave for 4 hours, strain and squeeze out the raw materials. Then mix 1 glass of infusion with 1 glass of alcoholic tincture of poplar or aspen buds (pour 2 tablespoons of chopped buds with 1 glass of vodka, leave for 7 days in a dark place, strain, squeeze out the raw materials) and make compresses overnight every other day. The course is 10-12 procedures.
Mordovnik is a slightly poisonous plant, therefore, the dosage must be strictly observed. With prolonged use, preparations based on the muzzle can increase blood pressure. For this reason, it is not recommended for them to be treated for a long time with hypertension.

Alcohol and water tinctures from scorpion seeds will relieve sciatica. Alcohol tincture is prepared as follows: pour 2 teaspoons of seeds with 100 ml of pure medical alcohol and leave for three weeks, then strain the tincture. Take 20 drops, 2 times a day, morning and evening. With sciatica, nerve function is restored in about 3-4 weeks. For more serious diseases, it is required to extend the course to 3-4 months.
You can also prepare an aqueous infusion. To do this, pour 2-3 teaspoons of seeds with a glass of boiling water. Insist in a warm place during the night. Then fold the cheesecloth in several layers, laying them with cotton wool, and then strain the infusion through the cheesecloth in order to delay the tiny thorns. Divide the daily dose (1 glass) into 3-4 doses.

Lower back pain (and sciatica, and osteochondrosis, and rheumatism) can be cured by rubbing with kerosene. In order to prepare it, you need to take 5-10 pods of red hot pepper, remove the stalk and grind it with seeds in a meat grinder or in a blender, mix with 250 ml of sunflower oil and 250 ml of kerosene, put in a jar, cover with a lid. Infuse the mixture in a warm place for 9 days, shaking well daily. Rub into joints at night, wear warm woolen underwear and woolen socks in the morning. This rub is used for back pain and rheumatism.
Another good ointment on kerosene: take 50 ml of sunflower oil and kerosene each, mix in a 0.5 liter jar, add a quarter of a coarse grated laundry soap and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. The mixture is ground to a mushy state and kept for 3 days, stirring. Rub the ointment into the joints and lower back.

A unique recipe to help get rid of sciatica. Take 250 g of bee honey, add fine salt, 250 g of pure kerosene, 2 tbsp. spoons of baking soda. Stir well and spread on gauze in a layer of 4 cm, grease the lower back with sunflower oil and apply gauze to it. It is advisable to do this procedure 10 hours before bedtime. You need to keep such a compress for half an hour (until a slight burning sensation). Remove the bandage, wipe the lower back again with sunflower or any vegetable oil, bandage it with a dry bandage (preferably a woolen shawl) and go to bed. After 2 days, you can repeat the procedure again. During treatment, one prerequisite must be observed: do not take alcoholic beverages, do not eat pork and spicy foods.

A simple folk remedy helps well against sciatica and joint pain. Take 1 cup boiling water and dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in it. Then in this solution soak a piece of cotton cloth (the size of the sore spot) and squeeze lightly. Soap one side of the cloth well with laundry soap and sprinkle it with kerosene over the soapy one. Pre-lubricate the sore spot (back, lower back, joints) with goose or pork fat and quickly apply a compress. After that, tie the sore spot with a woolen scarf, cover with a blanket, which you can hold as long as possible. Repeat the entire procedure several times, depending on the patient's condition.

St. John's wort ointment helps with sciatica. The crushed herb St. John's wort should be mixed with any vegetable oil in a 1: 1 ratio. Add turpentine (the amount depends on individual tolerance). Rub into painful areas for joint pain and radiculitis. You can also add steamed sea buckthorn leaves to sore spots. In winter, cabbage leaves are also used for this purpose, and in spring, coltsfoot leaves.

Take on another proven recipe for a healing ointment for pain relief from occipital and other forms of neuralgia. It helps with inflammation of the sciatic and ternary nerves, with myositis. An ointment is prepared from a thick decoction of lilac buds and pork fat. The proportions are determined by eye, best of all 1: 1. Pork fat must be melted and poured over the lilac buds, then mix well. Rub the ointment into sore spots at night and wrap it with a warm handkerchief. You need to apply the ointment for several days, since the first time there is only a slight improvement.

Radiculitis ointment. Take 100 g of camphor powder, mix with 100 g of bodyagi, pour 200 g of boiling butter and mix thoroughly. Smear the lower back once a day. The pain is also relieved by an ointment made from equal parts of crushed lilac leaves and butter.

For the preparation of ointments and rubbing, "burning" plants are suitable. You can grind 2 pods of hot red pepper and pour 300 ml of ammonia into it. Insist for 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking daily, rub the sore spots with upward movements. For the treatment of sciatica, they use thyme tincture (in common parlance, thyme) on vodka in a ratio of 1: 3.

If you have hop cones in stock, you can quickly prepare such a medicine. 10 g of cones need to be poured with 1 glass of boiling water, boiled down to half the volume - and you're done. Rubbing is done with warm hands, gently stroking the sore spot for 10-20 minutes, with severe pain, the procedure should be carried out for 5 minutes. After treatment, the sore spot needs to be wrapped warmly. You can also prepare a decoction from the cones for the treatment of sciatica. It is necessary to take 10 g of hop cones and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. This remedy is used as a pain reliever. When using the hop cones medicinally, care must be taken to ensure that they are not overripe (yellow-brown) or not yet ripe (bright green).

Sometimes, when the back pain is very severe, it is necessary to supplement the treatment with rubbing: pour 50 g of fresh birch buds with 100 ml of ordinary vodka and leave for a week. Then rub your back overnight, lay compress paper or tracing paper on top. Secure the compress with a woolen scarf or shawl.

During an exacerbation of sciatica, you can eat a special soup. He prepares simply. It is necessary to cut clean, unpeeled potatoes as small as possible, into slices 3-5 mm thick. Put potatoes in a saucepan and pour 3 liters of boiling water, simmer the soup for 1 hour. Then put finely chopped greens: parsley, dill, cilantro and celery, and leave on the fire for 1-2 minutes. You need to eat this soup for 7-10 days in a row. This dish, of course, cannot be called very tasty, but sharp back pains disappear in a few days.

A compress from horseradish root relieves pain well. The root must be peeled and grated. To reduce the burning sensation, you can add a little sour cream to the gruel with juice. Apply the mixture to the sore spot and make a warming compress, wrapping the lower back with a woolen scarf. Then go to bed. The product can also be used for children.

The method of treating osteochondrosis (consists of three stages: excretion of salts from the body, removal of inflammation and elimination of a pain symptom). Salts (oxalates) can be removed from the body by taking a decoction of parsley root. It is necessary to thoroughly wash and cut into thin circles 2 thick parsley roots, put in an enamel pan, pour 1.5 cups of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes and let it brew for half an hour. After that, squeeze out the raw materials and strain. Divide the broth into 3 servings and drink 3 times a day half an hour before meals. Every day you need to prepare a fresh broth.
Onion compresses will help relieve pain. Grate a few onions, put this mass on a sore spot, cover with paper for compresses and wrap with a warm scarf. You need to keep the onion compress for 1-3 hours. Compresses should be done 4-5 times a week (more often). The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.
Treatment should be carried out in a comprehensive manner.

A method of treating chronic sciatica. Take one and a half kilograms of cranberries and pour into a three-liter jar. Crush with a wooden (!) Crush, adding 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar. Pour the rest of the volume with vodka. Take 100 g of this infusion in the evenings. The pain will disappear on the second or third day.

For back pain and general weakening, this treatment is used. 2 tbsp. spoons of St. John's wort flowers are brewed in 4 tbsp. tablespoons of melted fresh butter and salt to taste. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of this mixture is stirred into a chatterbox in two glasses of beer and drunk during the day. In stubborn cases, repeat this procedure for several days in a row.

With radiculitis, lingonberry infusion helps very well. To prepare it, take 1 lingonberry bush, pour 1 glass of boiling water and steam for 1.5 hours in a water bath. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day.

A radical method for relieving pain in sciatica. Take a bucket of ordinary red clay (without foreign inclusions), add a little water, heat and stir well to get a homogeneous viscous mass. It shouldn't be very hot. Then add 1 glass of heated kerosene to the clay and mix everything thoroughly again. From this clay, make a cake of such a size that it covers the sore spot. Put the cake on the body, cover it warm and keep it cool until it cools. So repeat several times, trying to avoid burns.

For sciatica, you can try this remedy. Take the leaves of the drop cap - 50 g, the branches of the divine tree (medicinal wormwood) - 35 g, the leaves of the trefoil watch - 20 g, the black elderberry flowers - 40 g. Grind the raw materials and mix everything. Then 3 tbsp. Spoons of the mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water and steam overnight in the oven, in the morning, boil the mixture for 5 minutes. Drink 3 glasses a day.
At the same time, you should rub the sore spot with the following composition: formic alcohol - 4 tbsp. spoons, alcoholic tincture of chestnut fruit - 3 tbsp. spoons, alcoholic tincture of henbane fruits - 2 tbsp. spoons, camphor oil - 1 tbsp. spoon. Treatment must be comprehensive, otherwise the result will not be so good.

The use of alcoholic tincture of white acacia gives excellent results in the treatment of sciatica, rheumatism. In all cases, the tincture is used as an external agent. Sore spots should be thoroughly greased with tincture and rubbed, and then covered with waxed paper and wrapped in a woolen scarf. To prepare the tincture, take 30 g of white acacia flowers and pour in 100 g of alcohol. Keep in a dark place for 3 days.

Common burdock helps with back pain. Fresh burdock leaves should be applied to the sore back with the fleecy side down, covered with paper for compresses, then with flannel and left overnight. In the morning, the pain gradually recedes, but it is better to do such compresses for several days in a row.
You can also use steamed burdock leaves for a compress. Stack 6-8 medium-sized leaves on top of each other, light side down. Place a large saucepan with boiling water on the leaves for 5 minutes. Attach the resulting cake to the sore spot with its underside, which was closer to the table, otherwise you can get a severe burn. Put compresses on top and wrap with a woolen scarf. You need to keep the compress for at least two hours. You can do it three times a day, and even leave it overnight.
Burdocks can be prepared for future use, since the leaves do not lose their properties, even when dried. In winter, they are simply soaked in warm water.

With sciatica, a horse chestnut poultice is made. Chestnut fruits, together with a brown crust, are ground into flour in a coffee grinder. Then you need to cut the black bread into thin slices, spread on top with camphor or unsalted butter. Then pour the chestnut flour over the butter. Apply to the sore spot and tie with a warm scarf. The effect of the treatment appears on the third day.
Also, with sciatica, it is good to wear a belt in which horse chestnuts are embedded. They sew it from canvas, make pockets on it, in which they put chestnut fruits. Worn during an attack.

Treatment of sciatica can be done with ice. A piece of ice should be placed on the sore spot for 3 minutes. It must be pressed tightly to the body. You can simply place a pillow or other object on top. This is usually done during bouts of pain. It is enough to repeat the procedure 2-3 times. Instead of pure water for making ice, you can use herbal infusions, such as sage.

It is highly recommended to take a warm bath with a decoction of angelica for rheumatism. To prepare it, you need to take 50 g of crushed dry roots of angelica, pour 1 liter of cold water and leave for 2 hours. After that, boil the infusion for 30 minutes and strain. Add a decoction of angelica to a bath with a water temperature of 36-37 ° C. This procedure is recommended to be taken before bedtime. Course - 12-14 baths.

An ancient folk remedy for the treatment of lumbago, all forms of sciatica and rheumatism. It is necessary to collect earthworms after the rain, put them in a half-liter jar and pour vodka, alcohol or denatured alcohol. Then tie the jar with waxed paper (but not airtight) and expose in the sun for several days, do not filter. Rub sore spots with this potion at night. It sounds, of course, wild, but it helps!

For the treatment of rheumatism, radiculitis, neuralgia, baths with a decoction of fresh straw are used. Take 1 kg of straw in a bath, boil for 30 minutes in a small amount of water, then strain. Add the broth to warm water. Take a bath for 10-15 minutes, and then go to bed and cover yourself warmly.

For back pain, rheumatism 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry herb of yarrow is poured with 1 glass of boiling water and insisted, wrapped, for 1 hour, then filtered. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times daily before meals.

With osteochondrosis, poultices are made from linden leaves. Take 4 tbsp. tablespoons of linden leaves, boil them with boiling water, wrap in gauze and apply to sore spots in the form of a compress. The remedy is not bad, it relieves pain.

With sciatica, you can make a "mesh" on the sore spot. Mix 100 ml of ammonia and 100 ml of iodine in a jar and, wrapping cotton wool around a match, draw a net on the back. If after the first procedure the pain does not go away, then repeat the next day.

Such rubbing helps with sciatica. Prepare 100 ml of denatured alcohol, 100 ml of ammonia, 1 pod of hot red pepper and half a piece of school chalk. Pre-grind the pepper, crush the chalk and pour everything into a bottle with a wide neck.
Pour denatured alcohol and ammonia into the bottle, shake the mixture and refrigerate for 3 days. Wrap cotton wool on a stick, put it in a bottle, wet and rub the sore spot. Then wrap yourself in a warm jacket. Rub at night 3-4 times in a row. After these procedures, all pain symptoms disappear.

Tibetan tea helps with osteochondrosis. You need to take 100 g of chamomile, St. John's wort, immortelle, birch buds and strawberry leaf. Grind raw materials, mix and 2 tbsp. collection spoons pour 400 ml of boiling water. Insist in a thermos overnight, then strain. Take 200 ml in the morning after breakfast. The advantage of this broth is that the whole family can be treated at once.

During an exacerbation of sciatica, a decoction made from a mixture of herbs is taken. It is necessary to take 2 parts of the herb of hernia naked, 2 parts of the grass of the mountaineer bird, 2 parts of the grass of the horsetail, 3 parts of bearberry leaves, 3 parts of the bean shells and 3 parts of birch buds. Chop and mix herbs. 4 tbsp. spoon the mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 12 hours, then stand in a water bath for 5 minutes. Cool for half an hour at room temperature, then strain. Drink half a glass of warm infusion 4 times a day, 1 hour after meals. You need to drink the broth regularly, then the disease will go away.

For radiculitis, such a remedy is used: heated dry flax seeds in bags (or simply wrapped in soft cloth) in the form of compresses are applied to the lower back at night. In the morning, the pain goes away.

Pain with lumbago will effectively relieve an ointment prepared on the basis of phyto-collection. Take in equal parts birch buds, aspen buds, mint grass and chamomile flowers. Grind raw materials into powder, 3 tbsp. collection spoons pour 100 ml of boiling water and boil over low heat with constant stirring for 5 minutes. Then 75 g of melted internal pork fat (can be replaced with butter) and vegetable oil each and mix with the broth, then cool. The ointment is applied to the affected area, rubbing it in for 3-5 minutes, after which this place is well wrapped. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day. Store the ointment in the refrigerator.
It is also useful for lumbago to make compresses with this ointment. To do this, it is lightly rubbed into the skin, covered with polyethylene on top (ideally, it is advisable to cover the sore spot with fresh leaves of lilac, sage, mint or lemon balm, and put 1-2 layers of burdock or cabbage leaves on top), cover with a woolen cloth and fix it.

With sciatica, you can take an infusion of lingonberry inside. For this purpose, 1 tbsp. chop a spoonful of berries, pour 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Then filter and take 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day.

An infusion of thyme (creeping thyme) helps well with sciatica, myositis, neuralgia and joint pain. Dry grass is crushed, 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of thyme with 1 glass of boiling water, insist for 20 minutes and drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. Thickness can be applied to a sore spot as a compress.

For back pain, it is good to apply freshly boiled, warm buckwheat porridge to the sore spot. On top - paper for compresses, and wrap it in a warm scarf or scarf. Perform the procedure at night. When the porridge has cooled down, the compress can be removed.

Baths with pine broth help well with sciatica. You need to take 1 kg of young pine shoots, pour 3 liters of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes in a sealed container. Then leave for 4 hours, then strain. For every 15 liters of water, add 1 liter of pine broth. The water should not be hot, the optimum temperature is 38-39 ° C. Take for more than 15 minutes! After the bath, it is recommended to immediately go to bed so as not to blow out, and wrap yourself in a warm blanket.

For rubbing with back pain, arthrosis, muscle pain, beeswax ointment is used. You will need about 70 g of beeswax (about the size of a matchbox), 1 cup of unrefined sunflower oil, and half the yolk of a hard-boiled chicken egg (preferably from a home-grown chicken, with an embryo). It is better to take wax in an apiary or buy it in a specialized shop "Beekeeping". Heat sunflower oil and wax in an enamel bowl to a boil, then add pounded egg yolk. After cooling, transfer the ointment to a glass jar, store in the refrigerator.

A compress with honey helps well against sciatica. The sore spot should be greased with a thin layer of honey, covered with two layers of toilet paper, and on top put 2 mustard plasters and put paper for compresses. The back should be wrapped in a woolen scarf, held for no more than an hour and a half. The procedure can be repeated for several days until the insidious disease recedes.

The so-called "medicinal dough" is also successfully used for the treatment of sciatica. It is kneaded from rye flour without yeast. And when it becomes sour, spread with a layer 1-2 cm thick on gauze folded in four and apply to the sore spot. This procedure is done for 10 days at night. Pain relieves like a hand!

A proven remedy for osteochondrosis is an alcoholic tincture with pepper. Take half a glass of dry chopped black radish peel (we leave the pulp for salads), half a glass of dry chopped horseradish leaf, 2-3 dry pods of bitter, finely chopped red pepper, one handful of walnut partitions, one handful of pine nut peel, 500 ml of triple cologne (you can replace with alcohol or vodka). Mix everything and leave for 7-9 days. Rub the body dry from crown to heels. Then wrap the patient in a warm blanket. Perform the procedures until complete recovery.

You can try this remedy for osreochondrosis. Chop wormwood and mix in half with curdled milk, apply in the form of a compress to a sore spot. Put compressed paper on top and tie a woolen scarf around the lower back. The compress is best done at night.

With sciatica, rheumatism, sciatica, "ant" rubbing will help. In a half-liter bottle, pour honey over 2 fingers and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar, then place the bottle in a bunch of red forest ants. When more than half the volume of the bottle of ants has been filled, close the bottle tightly, bring it home and fill it with heated sunflower oil. Insist 12 days in a dark place, then strain. Rub the sore back with this rub, then put waxed paper on top and tie it with a woolen scarf. After a day or two, the pain relieves like a hand.

The Russian bath is able to cure many diseases. With radiculitis in a well-heated bath (without preliminary washing), for a long time, rub the lower part of the body with centrifugal honey (this is drain honey, which is obtained from combs when pumped out at a honey extractor), allowing it to be absorbed into the pores of the skin. Thirst is quenched with a warm infusion of black elderberry flowers with honey to taste and without restrictions. Naturally, in this case, there can be no question of any "swimming" in the snow after the bath. You can chill your back even more. You need to go home immediately and go to a warm bed. To enhance the effect, it is good to rub your back with a warming rub or ointment. Wake up healthy and refreshed the next morning.
Attention. Before going to the bathhouse, you need to consult a doctor. It is not recommended to be treated with a bath for women who have fibroma, fibroids and other gynecological diseases. In this case, you need to use such gentle methods as herbal and falcon therapy.

With radiculitis and to relieve the inflammatory process with neuralgia of the shoulder girdle, take birch sap 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day. Birch leaf compresses also relieve pain.

With paralysis, osteochondrosis, after a stroke, as well as children suffering from cerebral palsy, treatment with sand (preferably sea sand, but river sand is also possible) helps. Make small pads, fill with sand, warm them up and cover the sore spot. To keep it cool, put a piece of cloth on your back. For the treatment of children, you can take 3-4 buckets of washed river sand, heat it in a basin on the stove, put it in a bathtub and put the child in clothes right in clean sand, with toys. He can be in this sand for several hours, playing, and even sleeping there. If he will sweat, change his clothes often. You just need to make sure that the sand is not too hot and to avoid drafts.

For the treatment of sciatica and articular rheumatism, a stinging nettle broom is used. Although this procedure is very unpleasant, it helps to get rid of even advanced forms of this disease.

With a severe form of radiculitis, the following collection of medicinal plants helps well: black poplar buds - 3 tbsp. spoons, blue cyanosis - 2 tbsp. spoons, medicinal rosemary - 3 tbsp. spoons, Russian mordovnik - 3 tbsp. spoons, spike lavender - 1 tbsp. spoon. For one liter of boiling water, take 3 tbsp. collection spoons. Take 30 g seven times a day.
From the same collection, you can make a tincture for rubbing the lumbosacral region (mix 250 g of alcohol and 1.5-2 tablespoons of the mixture and leave for 48 hours). Rub your lower back overnight, put on compress paper and wrap your back with a warm handkerchief.

If the back is "shot", peel and grate the ginger root. Then spread vegetable oil on the back and apply ginger gruel. Cover with compress paper on top, wrap with a woolen scarf and cover with a blanket. Leave the compress overnight.

With osteochondrosis, you need to take medicinal baths. Pour 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate into a bucket of warm water to make the water pale blue. Pour several buckets of such water into the bath and immerse in it for 40 minutes. The procedure should be done for 10 days in a row at night. The pains will subside.

There is a very simple and easy-to-prepare recipe for severe bruises, joint pain and shoulder aches. Grind ten aspirin tablets, dissolve in 100 ml of triple cologne and lubricate sore spots with this composition. Then make compresses with the same remedy. Enough from three to ten sessions, depending on the neglect of the disease. Attention. Before the procedure, check how the skin reacts to this mixture. If there are rashes or other side effects, then treatment should be abandoned (although this is very, very rare).

Lower back pain with sciatica is strong and excruciating enough. Very simple and affordable remedies, for example, parsley, often help alleviate the condition. In the evening, wash the herbs and peeled parsley root, mince, so that the mass takes up 1 full glass by volume. Pour the parsley with 2 cups of boiling water in an enamel bowl, cover with a towel and leave to infuse until morning. In the morning, strain the infusion through cheesecloth, squeeze out the rest and add the juice of 1 lemon to the infusion. Take orally 1/3 cup a day in 2 divided doses. Reception scheme: drink the infusion for 2 days, take a break for 3 days. Take this remedy until the back pain is completely gone. A fresh portion of the infusion should be prepared every day.

For grinding with radiculitis, you need to take 100 g of eucalyptus leaves in half a liter of water, boil and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Then cool the infusion slightly and rub it into the sore spot with gentle movements. After that, wrap the lower back with a woolen scarf. Dried eucalyptus leaves are sold in pharmacies.

Such a recipe for the treatment of sciatica is effective. In a glass jar with vinegar essence, lower a cleanly washed fresh chicken egg so that it is covered with the essence, and leave for three days. When the shell is completely dissolved, and the egg becomes like a hard-boiled one, you need to take it out, remove the film from it and grind it thoroughly into a homogeneous mass. Pour 1-2 tbsp into this mixture. tablespoons of sunflower oil, and mix everything. Pour the mass into a jar with vinegar essence, in which the shell is dissolved, mix thoroughly, pour into a bottle and close tightly with a stopper. It is recommended to store this product in a dark place. Shake before use, rub sore spots and tie with a woolen scarf.

If radiculitis "piled on" suddenly, then for treatment you can use the pharmacy tincture of valerian. Pour the tincture in a saucer, wet the gauze in it, put it on the sore spot and make a compress. Hold as long as you have enough patience.

Sciatica can be dealt with with the help of white cabbage, which is always at hand for any housewife. Remove the top green leaf from the cabbage head, wash it, remove the thick protruding streaks, flatten the leaf with a crush and put it in hot water for a few seconds. The water temperature should be around +60 ° C.
Take the leaf out of the water, dip it in hot water again and repeat this procedure 3-4 times. Then dry the sheet with a towel and apply to the sore spot, covering it with gauze and a woolen scarf or scarf. When the sheet darkens, replace it with a new one. Repeat the procedure until the back pain subsides.

With sciatica, you can make a compress of mustard. Grind in water heated to about 40 ° C, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard powder until the consistency of sour cream. Spread a piece of cloth with the resulting gruel, attach it to a sore spot and make a warming compress. Keep it on for a few minutes. Then wrap your back with a woolen scarf and go to bed. If the remedy does not help the first time, then repeat the next day. It is better to do the procedures at night so as not to blow out.

Onion ointment very effectively relieves pain in sciatica, osteochondrosis and other diseases. You need to take 5 medium-sized onions, 7.5 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil and a piece of beeswax (the size of a small onion). Chop the onion and fry for 35-45 minutes with oil and wax, stirring slightly, until the onion turns light brown. Then squeeze it out with a spoon, drain and cool. In case of pain in the joints and lower back, intensively rub the ointment into the sore spots. In the presence of dilated veins, it is advisable to replace rubbing with light stroking. Dressings with this ointment are also used for abscesses. For a toothache at night, a tampon with ointment is placed between the gum and cheek at the diseased tooth. With light rubbing into the chest area, pain in the heart stops. Repeated rubbing of onion ointment relieves rheumatism.

It is very good to rub the sore back with alcohol tincture from a fresh plant of large-root alocasia. Take one sheet of 0.5 liters of alcohol and infuse in a bottle for a week. This alcoholic tincture is used as an external remedy for the treatment of sciatica and sciatica, as a soothing and resolving in case of bruises, as a wound healing agent, relieving neurological suffering. Attention! The juice of the leaves, stalks and roots is poisonous, therefore, precautions must be taken when working with it. Hands should be thoroughly washed after contact with the plant and make sure that children do not touch the moisture on the tips of the leaves of alocasia.

When shooting, rubbing made from fly agarics helps well. Caps of these mushrooms are used for her. You need to take 50 g of fly agaric raw materials and pour 200 g of vodka, leave for three days, keep in a dark place. Rubbing at night to rub the lower back and wrap up well. Attention! Keep the tincture away from children, wash your hands thoroughly after use. She is very poisonous!

Amanita ointment also helps with radiculitis. Chop bright red mushrooms finely, fill a liter bottle, cork and put in a warm place overnight. In the morning the next day, shake out the contents of the bottle, rub it through a sieve and put in a glass jar. Rub sore spots at night and wrap very well. From the fly agaric, pounded in half with sour cream, you can make an ointment, which is applied to the tissue on the lower back, to the sore spot.

Back pain can poison the life of any person and almost everyone is familiar with it. It is this reason that ranks second among the reasons for going to the doctor (the first place belongs to a cold or flu). The following article presents folk recipes for treating back pain.

Back pain is a symptom of various diseases and sometimes a detailed examination is required to establish the true cause of the pain. Most often, back pain is associated with disorders in the functioning of the spinal column. Also, this signal can be given by a muscle with a cold, and only in some cases, the back hurts due to diseases of the heart, lungs and abdominal organs.

For the correct treatment of back pain, it is imperative to establish the cause of its occurrence. In some cases, medical treatment is necessary, but many causes of back pain can be effectively dealt with by traditional medicine recipes and special exercises that can be performed at home.

Traditional medicines for local treatment

Prescription for the treatment of osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia

Prepare cling film, a piece of cotton or linen cloth, and a warm woolen cloth or scarf. Mix in a separate bowl one teaspoon of honey and aloe juice. If you are allergic to honey, then this component can be excluded. In a separate bowl, mix 100 g of blue clay and three glasses of warm (not higher than 40 ° C) water - the mass should be homogeneous and resemble cream in consistency. Add a mixture of honey and aloe juice to the clay mass and mix everything thoroughly. Apply the resulting composition to the affected area of ​​the back and wrap it with cling film. Put a cotton napkin on the cling film and wrap it with a warm woolen cloth.

Soak the compress for about an hour and remove. Clean the skin with a warm, damp cloth from the remains of clay and wrap it up again with a warm cloth. Such a compress made of clay can be done if necessary, but the best effect is obtained by using it three times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Treatment of sciatica with clay

In a ceramic bowl, mix 100 g of green or blue clay with 2-3 glasses of apple cider or wine vinegar. Warm the resulting mass slightly to 38-40 ° C and apply to the lower back or thoracic spine (i.e., to the area of ​​sciatica). Cover the clay with cling film, cotton cloth and wrap with warm woolen cloth. Soak the compress for an hour and wash off the remnants of clay with a cloth soaked in warm water, put on warm clothes and wrap the affected area with a handkerchief. Such procedures must be repeated 3 times a day for 2 weeks.

Clay does not give not only beauty, but also health

Recipe for Fast Relief of Low Back Pain with Incense

Mix 50 g of incense and 50 g of apple cider vinegar. Moisten a piece of woolen cloth with the resulting solution, attach to the lower back and wrap it up. The compress can be kept until dry. This procedure helps to get rid of lower back pain in three days.

Relief from acute back pain with fresh horseradish root and leaves

Grind horseradish root in a meat grinder and apply the resulting mass to a piece of cotton cloth. Gently apply the cloth with horseradish to the area of ​​pain. Warm up the iron slightly and apply it to the horseradish fabric for 3 minutes. After that, the tissue with horseradish root gruel is removed, and horseradish leaves are applied to the back, which can be fixed with a woolen cloth. The patient can dress and wrap a warm blanket around his back. The wrapping should last at least 15 minutes.

During the next session, you can apply a heated iron for a longer time - 4.5-5 minutes, and extend the wrapping time to half an hour. Such warming procedures will help you forget about back pain for a long time, and the effect of them will become noticeable after the first or second procedure.

Getting rid of sciatica with mustard

Mix 100 g of mustard powder with 100 g of table salt and add so much refined kerosene to the resulting powder to make a gruel. Stir all components until dissolved and rub the area of ​​pain with the resulting mixture. Rubbing can be carried out until the symptoms of sciatica disappear.

In the absence of kerosene, a solution for vodka compress can be prepared from mustard powder and table salt. Mix 100 g of mustard powder and 200 g of table salt and pour the mixture with 500 ml of vodka. Infuse the resulting solution for 1-2 days. Apply to a piece of cotton cloth and apply to the lower back, wrap and hold the compress for 2-3 hours. Treatment can be continued for a long time - about 1-2 months, depending on the severity of symptoms and the frequency of relapses.

Mustard will warm your back and relieve pain

Treatment of back pain with honey mustard plasters

Lubricate the area of ​​back pain with liquid honey and cover with napkins. Moisten mustard plasters in warm water and attach to napkins. Wrap your back with a warm woolen cloth. After an hour, remove the mustard plasters and napkins, and clean the back skin with a damp warm napkin. Wrap up the patient and put him in a warm bed. The procedure can be carried out 1-2 times a day until recovery.

Treating acute back pain with snow and salt

For this very effective recipe, you need to take 2 cups of dry snow and 1 cup of coarse table salt. Mix the ingredients and place on the back, covered with a cotton cloth. The exposure time to the pain site is no more than 5 minutes. This procedure can only be used as a one-time treatment. Further, it is recommended to use other recipes of folk or traditional medicine to treat the underlying disease.

Low back pain treatment with salt and lamb's wool

In order to quickly get rid of acute back pain, you will need a piece of cloth or knitted wool from sheep's wool (you can take another wool fabric, but sheep's are more healing and effective for such treatment). The size of the piece of tissue should completely cover the area of ​​pain. Sew an elastic band to the upper and lower edges of the fabric so that you get a kind of belt that you can put on yourself. The length of the elastic should be adjusted so that it does not overly pinch the body and injure the skin.

Dissolve a large handful of salt in a bowl of hot water and place the sewn belt there for an hour and a half. During this time, the fabric will absorb the salt. Wring out the belt and dry. Such a salt belt can be worn and worn all the time.

Salt practically "draws out" all the pain, and sheep wool creates the necessary heat and a special electromagnetic field, which helps to eliminate the inflammatory process and improves blood microcirculation and lymph outflow in the pain zone. The belt can be worn for several weeks. It is invisible under clothing and does not restrict movement. After 1-2 weeks, the pain will disappear.

Balm "Zvezdochka" and foil for all back ailments

A roll of foil and the popularly beloved Zvezdochka balm will help get rid of back pain. The area of ​​pain must be massaged with a balm and covered with a piece of foil, which can be secured with a regular gauze bandage. Wrap such a foil compress with a warm cloth and leave overnight. This procedure can be performed during the day, but then the patient should not go out into the cold air.

Balm massage

Alcohol tincture of dandelions for back and joint pain

Pour fresh dandelion flowers into a liter jar and pour 500 ml of vodka. Close the jar with a lid and insist in a dark place for 10 days, shaking the jar occasionally. Apply to rubbing back pain or joint pain. Such rubbing can be done 3-4 times a day.

Black radish compress for the treatment of myalgia and radiculitis

This healing and burning compress can be used to treat many ailments of the back: myalgias (chilled muscles), intercostal neuralgias (pains of a shingles, which are provoked by inflammation of the intercostal muscles and nerves), lumbago and radiculitis. To implement it, you will need: a piece of thick cotton cloth, a grater, black radish, cling film and a warm cloth for wrapping.

Put the cloth on your back so that it covers the entire area of ​​pain. Grate the radish and put the resulting gruel on a cloth. Cover fabric with radish cling film and wrap with warm cloth. You need to keep such a compress until you feel a strong burning sensation. Then the compress is removed, and the skin of the back is cleansed of radish juice with a warm, damp cloth. The procedure can be repeated 2 times a day or 1 time, alternating with other recipes, until complete recovery.

Nettle leaf recipe for back pain

This rather painful method of treating back ailments has been practiced for a long time by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. It was appreciated for its efficiency and availability - after all, nettle grows everywhere in all CIS countries. To implement it, you will need young shoots of nettle and a glove to protect the skin of the hands from the "bites" of this medicinal plant.

The glove is put on the hand and several shoots of freshly harvested nettle are taken into it. The sore spot is quilted with shoots 5-6 times until several blisters appear. After that, the patient can get dressed. Consider the sensitivity of your skin to stinging nettle when using this remedy, as excessive blistering will not be beneficial. You can repeat this procedure daily.

Cherry pits for back ailments

This folk remedy for back pain has been used for centuries in many countries - it is appreciated for its availability and effectiveness. To begin with, you need to sew a square bag with sides about 30 cm from a dense fabric. Fill it with collected and dried cherry seeds and sew up.

When back pain occurs, the bag is heated in an oven, oven or microwave to 50 ° C and applied to the affected area. As a rule, 2-3 such procedures completely eliminate pain.

Horseradish and raw potatoes for back pain

To prepare this folk recipe you will need: potato tubers, horseradish root and honey. The mixture for the compress is prepared fresh every time. Potatoes and horseradish are grated and mixed in equal proportions. A spoonful of honey is added to the resulting mass and everything is thoroughly mixed until a sticky and viscous mixture is formed. Put the resulting paste on the pain areas with a layer that will be equal to the thickness of the finger, and wrap it with a thin cling film and warm cloth.

In order to withstand the compress, you need to be patient, since it gives a strong burning sensation. It is necessary to withstand this procedure for an hour. Then the compress is removed and the skin is cleaned with a damp warm cloth. Potato and honey compresses are made daily until the back pain completely disappears.

Back pain can be cured with folk recipes

Birch bud oil for back ailments

You can buy birch bud oil at the pharmacy. It is used as a rub for the back pain area, which can be applied several times a day. After the procedure, you can attach fresh birch leaves to the back, securing them with a bandage. Such applications help to "pull out the pain from the back" and additionally warm up the affected area, enhancing the healing effect of birch bud oil.

Badiaga pharmacy from radiculitis and osteochondrosis

Bodyaga has long been used in Russia to treat various closed injuries of the joints and spine. You can buy it today at the pharmacy and prepare a solution for rubbing with back pain from this healing powder.

In half a liter of vodka or moonshine, pour a bag of pharmacy bodyagi. To enhance the warming effect, add a small pod of hot red pepper. This tincture should be infused in a dark place for a month. It is necessary to rub this solution into the place in which the pain is felt most acutely. After rubbing, wrap your back with a warm cloth.

Traditional medicine for treatment from the inside

Aspen kidneys from sciatica

Pour 1 tablespoon of aspen buds with a glass of boiling water, wrap the container with the solution with a warm towel and insist for an hour. Strain the infusion and take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

Parsley root for osteochondrosis

Place 3 teaspoons of chopped dry parsley root in an enamel bowl and pour 500 ml of water. Close the container with a lid and boil the broth over low heat. Strain the resulting broth and take 1 tablespoon twice a day.

Collecting herbs for chest osteochondrosis

Mix in equal proportions lemon balm leaves and dry crushed orange peel. Pour 1-2 teaspoons of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water and insist under a closed lid for an hour. Add 1 teaspoon of valerian tincture and a teaspoon of honey to the infusion. You need to drink such an infusion 200 ml twice a day for a month.

Collecting herbs for cervical osteochondrosis

To prepare this healing collection, you need: dry nettle leaves - 100 g, dry burdock leaves - 200 g, dry oregano herb - 100 g. Mix herbs and pour boiling water, cover the container with a gauze napkin and insist in a shaded place for 3-4 days. Drink an infusion of 1 tablespoon twice a day.

Collecting herbs will help you forget about back pain

Infusion of spring adonis from myalgias

Pour a teaspoon of spring adonis with a glass of boiling water. Cover the container with a warm towel and leave the infusion for an hour, strain and drink a tablespoon three times a day.

Exercises and postures to treat back pain

If back pain occurs, it is necessary to stop the activity that caused them and take a position in which the pain is least noticeable. It should be remembered that complete immobility is also harmful - stagnation of blood circulation only enhances the inflammatory process.

In order to ensure the necessary microcirculation of blood in the affected area of ​​the back, simple and effective postures and exercises can be used. There are many reasons for spinal pain, and you can choose the exercise or posture that is necessary for a particular person with the help of careful tests. This can be understood by evaluating the sensations that arise after the exercise. If the pain has become weaker, the exercise is suitable.

Pain Relief Pose

    Lie on your stomach and stretch your arms at your sides.

    The pain has not disappeared? Then you need to put a small pillow under your stomach and try to find the least painful position. To do this, you can try placing your hands under your head or turning your body onto your left or right hip.

Then you can move on to the exercises. In the first 2 days, exercises should be performed three times a day, but no more than 3 times each. The amount of exercise can be gradually increased as the pain subsides.

Remember! If one of the exercises causes increased pain, it should be stopped immediately!

Exercise number 1

Lie on your back, bend your legs at right angles at the knees, feet on the floor. Bend the lower back, lifting it off the floor, and then press it back into the floor. When performing this exercise, it is necessary to monitor the immobility of the chest - it should not turn from side to side.

When standing up, take breaks and spend time in a comfortable sitting position.

During sedentary work, get up periodically (every 40 minutes) and do exercises to improve blood circulation in the muscles of the back.

Do not wear high-heeled shoes or limit wearing them to the optimal time (2 hours a day).

When buying a work chair or chair, choose models with an orthopedic back.

When organizing a place to sleep, take care of a medium hard mattress and a comfortable orthopedic pillow.

Do not lift heavy objects.

12 Quit smoking.

    Do not forget about the motor mode: physical education, sports, swimming, walking.

    Proper and balanced nutrition: limiting salt, eating fresh vegetables and fruits, drinking enough fluids.

    Timely seek help from a doctor and conduct preventive treatment courses.

Back pain can be prevented with simple measures

Acquaintance with the recipes and practical advice on physiotherapy exercises and preventive measures described in the publication will allow our readers to be fully armed and not only to cope with back pain, but to prevent their occurrence.

This is a universal reaction of the body to any "breakdown" in it. Most often, painful sensations occur in the back and head.

Try to understand the possible causes of acute pain, which is almost always a symptom of a medical condition.

You can not themselves find the cause of the pain?

Complete a comprehensive examination. Remember: behind the banal back pain, serious diseases of the kidneys, pancreas, and organs of the reproductive system can be hidden. The effectiveness of their treatment depends largely on how timely it is started, and accurate diagnosis requires close interaction of a neurologist, therapist, endocrinologist and urologist.

Kerosene heals

Experts at the Medical Center of Vertebrology and Orthopedics believe that pain in the back can cause more than 30 ailments. Therefore, while the cause of the disease is unknown, it is better not to treat yourself. Bath, warming up, hot baths, mustard plasters, pepper patches, warming ointments and even massage can be a disservice for inflammation of internal organs, tumors, hernias.

First of all, see an orthopedic traumatologist or a good chiropractor.

It is also advisable to do:

Primary blood and urine tests,

X-ray and electromyogram (the study shows if there is a pinched nerve somewhere).

And only when you are sure that the cause of the pain is in the spine itself, you can start treatment with kerosene.

The spine (vertebral column) consists of a series of vertebrae located one above the other;

has a slightly curved shape, which makes it possible to move in an upright position and withstand sufficiently large axial loads, be flexible, and change the position of various parts of the body. The vertebral column has five main divisions: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal.

Let's consider the main diseases of each department.

Neck. Pain can signal a host of health problems. The most common cause is cervical osteochondrosis. If you start this condition, then soon constant headaches in the occiput and temples, chronic fatigue, cerebral hypoxia (cerebral circulation worsens, little oxygen enters the tissues), memory impairment, increased blood and intracranial pressure, and decreased vision are inevitable.

Also, neck pain can be caused by inflammation of the lymph nodes after untreated sore throats and colds.

Fall-winter tip: do not leave your neck open, always wear a scarf, beware of drafts, otherwise you will get myositis (muscle inflammation) and cervical neuralgia.

Thoracic spine. One of the main troubles of this department is kyphosis (hypertrophied backward bending of the spine). They come from childhood. The child begins to hunch over, at first they do not pay attention to this. And one day a person realizes that he simply can no longer straighten out.

It is also possible that the pain is associated with cervicothoracic radiculitis (radiculitis: damage - with compression or inflammation - of the roots of the spinal nerves).

Pain in the thoracic region can be given from a sick heart with angina pectoris (or, conversely, a sick spine causes heart problems), from the stomach with an ulcer, from the pancreas with pancreatitis, from the bronchi and lungs with bronchitis and pneumonia.

Small of the back. The most common causes of back pain are osteochondrosis and sciatica. But in many cases, pain can be provoked by diseased kidneys, bladder, ovaries in women and prostate in men. So never treat "lumbago" in the lower back on your own, first go through an examination (X-ray, ultrasound, blood and urine tests).

Pelvic region. The most common cause of discomfort is sciatica, which is characterized by pain in the lower back (lumbago) and legs (more often on the back of the thigh and lower leg). This sciatica is often associated with sciatic nerve neuritis (sciatica), which weakens the legs.

Also, pain can be caused by diseases of the genitourinary system.

Coccyx. Dull and mild pains can persist for a long time after a bruise. Burning, paroxysmal pains, in which it is normal to neither sit nor lie down, speak of sciatic nerve neuralgia (sciatica).


1. For sciatica, sciatica, lumbodynia, walnut-kerosene extract, prepared at home, is recommended to be applied externally - in the form of rubbing. The procedure is carried out daily, 1-2 times a day. After using the drug, the patient must remain at rest for 1-1.5 hours. The duration of the course of treatment is not limited.

2. In case of arthritis (inflammation of the joint), especially if it occurs in a chronic form, use ordinary kerosene with the addition of fir oil. The mixture is applied to areas of soreness and rubbed into the joint area in a circular motion: the duration of rubbing is 10-15 minutes. Rubbing is carried out daily, at night, for a long time.

3. An infusion of apricot kernels on ordinary kerosene has a good effect on bruises, sprains, dislocations. Apricot kernels are crushed and poured with kerosene - 2 tablespoons of raw materials per 200 ml of kerosene. Insist the product in a dark, warm place for 14 days, shaking the container periodically. Used as an external lubricant to lubricate damaged areas.

4. To relieve pain in sciatica: prepare ordinary yeast rye dough, put on parchment, cover with gauze. Rub 1 teaspoon of purified kerosene into the lumbar region (in case of hypersensitivity, dilute 1: 1 with vegetable oil) until the skin becomes red. Apply a compress based on the dough - gauze to the body. Warm the top with a woolen scarf. Keep the compress for up to 40 minutes, do every other day. The course is 3-5 procedures, then a break for one week and can be repeated.

5. From rheumatism. Mix 200 g of salt, 50 g of dry mustard and so much kerosene to get a mixture of sour cream density. Rub this product dry, insulate. Do every other day for 10 days.

6. With sciatica, it is good to slowly rub kerosene into painful areas (can be diluted with vegetable oil), for 5 minutes, then wrap in a warm scarf, hold for up to 20 minutes and grease well with baby cream.

7. Recipes G. Malakhov.

Beetroot and kerosene compress

Take a regular sheet and cut it into 4 pieces, you need 1 piece. Take a piece of plastic wrap of the same size. Prepare a fairly large towel (enough to tie it around the body) and some unnecessary rags, rags that you can use and throw away. Grate 3 medium beets on a fine grater (do not peel the beets, but rinse them thoroughly). Squeeze the beet juice through cheesecloth, you can pour it out, since you only need beet cake. Spread a towel on the bed, then two layers of rags, then plastic wrap. Put the beet cake on the film in the form of a rectangle and sprinkle it with kerosene several times (do not water, but sprinkle it). Then lay a piece of sheet on the cake so that the compress is on the sore lower back. Tie the ends of the towel around your stomach. First, you will feel a coldness in the lower back, and then a slight warmth and then a burning sensation. It is necessary to keep the compress for 1-2 hours. Quite unpleasant, but you have to be patient. After the procedure, the back may turn red, wipe it with a damp swab and lubricate with petroleum jelly.


a) Take 5-10 pods of red pepper (depending on the desired strength), grind them into meat

chopped, mix with 250 g of sunflower oil and 250 g of kerosene. Insist in a warm place for 9 days. Shake well daily. Rub into the pain area at night. Put on warm woolen underwear in the morning.

b) Mix 50 g of kerosene, 50 g of sunflower oil, 1/4 of a piece of laundry soap, grated on a coarse grater, 1 teaspoon of baking soda without top. Stir well to get a homogeneous mass. Leave to infuse for 3 days. Stir from time to time. Spread on sore spots.


Herbal remedies

In everyday life, fruits and vegetables are often called vitamins. For thousands of years, ancient doctors called them "medicinal food" and were widely recommended as a remedy for a number of diseases.

You should always remember the wise advice of the ancient healers of the East: "Rheumatism licks the joints and bites the heart."

The following are recipes for medicinal products from a wide variety of plants.

White birch, drooping (buds, leaves, juice)

For 1 glass of water 5 g of birch buds.

Boil for 15 minutes. over low heat. Having wrapped it up, leave for 1 hour, then strain. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day one hour after meals.

For 1 glass of boiling water, 1 tablespoon of dry leaves. Having wrapped up, leave for 6 hours, then strain. Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day.

Alcohol tincture of birch buds is used for rubbing and compresses on sore joints. Inside take 15-20 drops 3 times a day with water.

Birch preparations are used for rheumatism, gout, and various joint lesions.

Do not use in case of acute inflammation of the kidneys.

Birch sap. In the spring, use the juice 1/2 - 1 glass 3 times a day as an exceptionally good blood purifier, as well as for gout, rheumatism, arthritis.

Lingonberry (berry, leaves)

For one and a half cups of boiling water, 1 teaspoon of leaves.

Having wrapped, leave for 1 hour, then strain, take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals with gout and lingering articular rheumatism.

Traditional healers advise using fresh, soaked and boiled berries for rheumatism, gout and as a diuretic.

Common cherry (fruit)

In folk medicine, cherries with milk are used for joint inflammation - arthritis. The most valuable quality of cherries is the presence of ascorbic acid, which is important for the normal functioning of the body.

Meadow geranium, blood red, forest, marsh (grass)

For 2 cups of cold boiled water, 2 teaspoons of dry herb.

Insist for 8 hours, then strain. Take (drink in small sips) with rheumatism, gout.

Highlander snake (rhizome)

Cook in one and a half glasses of water for 20 minutes. 1 teaspoon of rhizomes, leave for 2 hours, then strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times daily before meals for neuralgia, gout, rheumatism and as an effective diuretic.

Gentian yellow (rhizome with roots)

In 3 glasses of water 20 min. boil 3 teaspoons of rhizomes and roots. Having wrapped up, leave for 2 hours, then strain. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals for gout, rheumatism and arthritis of various origins.

The cross-leaved gentian has the same effect. Brew in the same way. Take 1/4 cup 3 times daily before meals.

Elecampane tall (rhizome with roots)

For 10 g of burdock roots, 10 g of elecampane (rhizomes with roots).

Cook for 20 minutes. over low heat in 1 glass of water. Having wrapped up, leave for 4 hours, then strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times daily before meals for rheumatism and as a tonic.

Infusions of fresh elecampane roots and in the form of poultices on sore spots are very effective.

Norway spruce (needles)

Needle infusions are used for baths for radiculitis, rheumatic and other joint pains.

Willow white Russian (bark)

For 2 glasses of cooled boiled water, 1 teaspoon of dry bark.

Infuse for 4 hours, then strain. Take 1/2 cup 2-4 times a day before meals for gout, articular rheumatism.


Traditional healers advise to use cabbage in the form of salads, raw leaves, applied to sore spots, quickly "relieve" gouty pain and "stitching" in the side.

Lilac-red meadow clover (flowers, flower heads, leaves)

For 1 glass of boiling water, 3 teaspoons of flower heads with stipules.

Having wrapped up, leave for 1 hour, then strain. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals for colds and rheumatic pains. Outwardly, the infusion and decoction of flower heads is used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent in the form of a poultice for rheumatic pains.

Stinging nettle (leaves)

For 1 glass of boiling water, 1 tablespoon of dry leaves.

Having wrapped up, leave for 1 hour, then strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals with acute articular rheumatism, muscular rheumatism, gout.

People often use fresh nettle for rheumatism and radiculitis: they apply light blows to painful areas with freshly torn shoots; steamed in a bath with brooms made of nettles and birch branches.

Small-leaved linden, heart-shaped (flowers)

For 1 glass of boiling water, 1 teaspoon of flowers. Having wrapped, leave for 30 minutes, then strain.

Take 2-3 times 1/2 cup a day for gout, articular rheumatism.

Boil 2-3 tablespoons of flowers and leaves with boiling water, wrap in cheesecloth. Use as a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory poultice for rheumatism and gout.

Burdock large (root)

For 3 cups of boiling water, 1 tablespoon of dry roots.

Having wrapped, leave for 2 hours, then strain. Take 2 glasses 3-4 times a day for rheumatism, gout.

For 1 glass of boiling water, 20 g of burdock roots and elecampane.

Infuse for 2 hours, then strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for rheumatism.

Melissa officinalis (herb)

It is cultivated as a medicinal and essential oil plant. It is used externally in the form of compresses for rheumatism.

Field mint (grass)

A strong aqueous solution of mint is used for washing, lotions for convulsions, rheumatic and arthric pains.

Sea buckthorn buckthorn (leaves)

Steamed leaves poultices help with rheumatism and gout.

Sowing oats (straw)

A decoction of oat straw is used for baths with rheumatism. Sometimes in these cases a decoction of green straw is used. From the steamed hot straw, they make "covers" for sore spots. A strong decoction of oat straw is used for poultices for bone disease.

Dandelion officinalis (roots)

For 1 glass of boiling water, 1 teaspoon of roots and herbs.

Having wrapped up, leave for 1 hour, then strain. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals for rheumatism and gout.

Siberian fir (needles, buds)

An aqueous infusion of young needles and kidneys is taken orally as an anesthetic for rheumatic and cold aches. For the same purposes, you can prepare baths from pine needles (paws).

Camphor alcohol or pine oil is widely used for rubbing in articular rheumatism, myositis.

Common annual sunflower (baskets)

The baskets, cut at the beginning of seed ripening, are used in folk medicine as an external remedy for the treatment of rheumatism. To this end, they are cut into small pieces and poured with 40% alcohol, then pieces of soap are added and exposed to the sun for 8-9 days, after which sore spots are rubbed.

Turnip (root vegetable)

Boiled pounded turnips are applied to sore spots with gout. In order to reduce gouty pains, a decoction of turnip is used for baths.

Pharmacy chamomile (flower baskets)

A strong aqueous infusion of flower baskets is used for baths for rheumatic and gouty joint lesions. For these purposes, tongueless chamomile is also used.

Compresses-pads of steamed flowers of black elderberry and chamomile are applied to sore spots with rheumatic pains and gouty tumors, make hot "covers" of these plants, scalded with boiling water.

Rowan ordinary (fruits)

For 1 glass of boiling water, 1 tablespoon of fruits.

Wrapped up, insist 4 hours. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day for rheumatism. Bulgarian doctors recommend drinking syrup from fresh ripe fruits.

Fragrant celery (roots)

Drink juice from fresh plants 1-2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day.

For 2 cups of boiling water, 1 tablespoon of fresh roots.

Having wrapped it up, leave for 4 hours, then strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. You can insist in the same proportion in cold water for 4 hours and take 1 / 4-1 / 3 cup 3 times a day before meals for rheumatism and gout.

Common lilac, paradise tree (flowers, buds)

Pour the dried flowers loosely into a half-liter bottle, add water and leave for 8-10 days. Take 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day and at the same time make compresses from the infusion or rub it over painful areas. Traditional healers of Eastern Siberia recommend an infusion of lilac flowers for the deposition of salts in the joints and with a heel spur.

For rheumatism, tincture of flowers and lilac buds with vodka helps. The method of application is the same as for the infusion.

Black currant (leaf)

For 0.5 liters of boiling water, 1 tablespoon of leaves.

Having wrapped up, leave for 2 hours, then strain. Take 1/2 cup 4-5 times a day.

Leaves possess strong diaphoretic and urine

Scots pine (buds, needles)

For 1 glass of boiling water, 10 g of pine buds.

Having wrapped up, leave for 2 hours, then strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for gout, rheumatism.

The extract from the needles (and in the people - a simple decoction of needles) is used for baths with gout.

Yarrow (herb)

For 1 glass of boiling water, 1 tablespoon of herbs.

Having wrapped up, leave for 1 hour, then strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals for rheumatism, neuralgia.

Common beans (husk of pods)

On low heat in 1 liter of water, boil 15-20 g of chopped pod husks for 2-3 hours, when cooled, strain. Take 1/2 cup 4-6 times a day. In German folk medicine, an infusion or decoction is used for chronic rheumatism, gout.

Hops (cones)

For the treatment of gout and rheumatism, an ointment is prepared from the powder of dry cones: grind 1 tablespoon of the powder with 1 tablespoon of unsalted lard or fresh butter.

Three-part succession (grass)

For 0.5 liters of boiling water, 2 tablespoons of herbs.

Having wrapped up, leave for 12 hours, then strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day for gout and arthritis, colds, rheumatism.

Common blueberry (fruit)

For 1 glass of boiling water 1-2 teaspoons of blueberries.

Wrapped up, leave for 3-4 hours, sweeten. Take 1/4 cup 5-6 times a day for gout, rheumatism and other diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

Homemade apple tree (fruits, juice)

The fruit prevents the formation of excess uric acid. They are used for all diseases associated with the accumulation of uric acid salts in the body.

With gout, chronic rheumatism, it is useful to drink decoctions of apples: cut 3-5 unpeeled apples, boil in a sealed container for 10 minutes, leave for 4 hours. Take warm several times a day. You can simply cut the apples into tea, let them brew and drink.


If you see flying cranes in the spring, lie down in the grass, roll over your head seven times or roll over from side to side, saying the words: Crane, crane, Your neck is a stake, And my back is a wheel, And not a crooked hook.

2. “Pain, go out into the horse's hoof, into the ram's horns; here you do not stand, here you do not live. "

The basic principle of behavioral therapy is the creation of those conditions that would contribute to the prevention and elimination of pain in the back, would reduce the load on the key parts of the spine.

In the prevention of pain, bed and body position during sleep are of great importance. The surface of the bed must be sufficiently soft and level (no sagging). It is recommended to sleep either on your side, or on your back, or on your stomach.

1. Lying on its side in the "fetal" position with bent knees and hip joints, chin directed towards the chest, arms folded on the chest, the lower edge of the pillow rests on the shoulder girdle (the cervical spine should remain horizontal), a small pillow can be placed between the knee joints ...

2. Lying on your back, under your head - a pillow (its lower edge at shoulder girdle level), knees bent (you can put a roller under them).

3. Lying on your stomach, with a pillow under your belly (you don't have to do this if your belly is big). This is the least comfortable sleeping position, but many people love it.

While walking or standing, a person should not slouch, excessively protrude his chest, bring his shoulder blades, lift his shoulders and chin up. The hip and knee joints need to be bent slightly so that the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks can be easily tensed. Tightening these muscles, combined with lifting the pelvis up, helps to maintain an upright posture without undue pressure on the intervertebral discs. Walking movements should be silent, elastic, and not bouncing.

If a person is forced to stand for a long time, he is advised to lean against the wall, put his feet at some distance from it, slightly bend the knee joints and draw in the stomach so as to feel pressure on the spine, find the most comfortable position for the feet. In this position, you can stand quietly for a long time, performing various actions, household or professional work. You can also use a pose in which the leg is placed on a support from the painful side.

When driving in a car, it is necessary that the entire rear surface of the back has support, the knees are slightly above the horizontal line. The same position must be taken when sitting on a chair, in a chair.

You need to lift objects from the floor like this: sit down, exhale, press the object with your hands to your chest and straighten up, inhaling. It is also better to carry heavy objects by hugging them. It is dangerous to lift heavy things by bending over on straight legs.


Treatment and prevention of back pain is impossible without the patient performing special physical exercises, which are prescribed after examining the condition of the muscles, ligaments, fascia and joints. When examining patients with dorsalgias, it is advisable to use manual and neuro-orthopedic techniques (curvimetry, gonometry, myotonometry, tenzoalgemetry), osteopathic diagnostic techniques. The latter include examination of the patient in various positions of the body, examination of the skin, examination of postural muscle tone, palpation of myofascial structures, and diagnostic tests for various joints.

Manual testing makes it possible to establish the nature, severity and localization of pathobiomechanical changes in the musculoskeletal system, identify pathological tense or relaxed muscles, since any biomechanical violation leads to changes in the static component of the motor stereotype. Along with this, active and latent trigger points are determined, while the spinal column is considered as a single biokinematic chain with an assessment of the degree of restriction of movements and their pain in three mutually perpendicular planes: sagittal, frontal and horizontal, as well as the symmetry of bilateral structures.

The positions of the head relative to the spine and the spine relative to the pelvis are assessed. The pelvis is a key area in the musculoskeletal system and has a number of biomechanical features: paired nameless bones, which consist of three fused bones (ilium, pubic and sciatic), and an unpaired bone - the sacrum; they all form among themselves the following articulations: sacroiliac, lumbosacral, sacrococcygeal, pubic fusion (symphysis) and the hip joint.

The ligamentous apparatus of the pelvis is represented by the sacro-tuberous, sacral-spinous, sacroiliac, sacro-lumbar and inguinal ligaments. The complexity of the structure of the pelvis and the variety of complex and combined movements carried out between the joints contribute to the emergence of a number of dysfunctions, the most significant of which are pubic, sacral and nameless.

The revealed pathobiomechanical disorders are specified in the process of palpation, research of active and passive movements, isometric muscle tension, testing of relaxed and shortened muscles, research of joint play. Muscle strength and extensibility studies can be done with a functional muscle test. The test results make it possible to choose the physical exercises necessary for the correction of the revealed changes.

Along with manual testing, information on the state of the locomotor system is currently obtained using X-ray examination, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, sonography, and electroneuromyography.

With the help of X-ray diagnostics, the state of the pathomorphological substrate is studied, differential diagnosis is made between dystrophic and other diseases of the spine, anomalies and individual characteristics of the osteoarticular system are determined.

To clarify such biomechanical disorders of the spine as the stability of the SMS, the displacement of the vertebrae relative to each other, the state of the ligamentous apparatus, functional spondylography is used in the extreme positions of flexion and extension.

When diagnosing compression syndromes of complicated osteochondrosis, contrast radiography methods are used: myelography, epidurography, discography. With the help of computed tomography, it is possible to obtain reliable data on the severity and nature of the lesion of the spine, the state of the spinal cord and surrounding structures with tumors, injuries, to judge the severity of protrusion and prolapse of discs, their localization and direction, the state of the ligamentous apparatus and the muscular system, to measure the diameter of the vertebral channel.

Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to enhance the contrast of the image, which is important for clear differentiation of soft tissue formations, as well as to avoid radiation exposure and the administration of a contrast agent, to reveal stenosis of the spinal canal, sequestration, changes in the ligamentum flavum, intervertebral joints and discs, spinal cord, soft tissues, etc. limb bones. The most reliable diagnostic signs are revealed with a combination of CT, in which bone structures are more clearly distinguished, and MRI, which allows better visualization of soft tissue formations.

Sonography is used in the diagnosis of abnormalities and destructive changes in the vertebrae, changes in the nucleus pulposus, fibrous ring of intervertebral discs, in determining the protrusion of discs, the condition of the radicular sleeves, in identifying stenosis of the spinal canal, as well as in determining hypotrophy, atrophy and fibrotic changes in muscles, which is of great importance in the diagnosis of myofascial pain syndrome. Based on the analysis of the results of the studies carried out, a program of rehabilitation treatment is drawn up, which necessarily includes physiotherapy exercises (kinesitherapy).

The main goal of kinesiotherapy is to reduce pain, eliminate muscle imbalance, posture disorders and restore a normal motor stereotype.

Exercise therapy is prescribed to persons after an acute period of the disease or in a chronic (especially recurrent) course. Its purpose is of great importance, especially for patients in whom kinesiotherapy is the only method of treatment. These include those patients who at rest do not have pain, as well as dysfunction of the spine; pain occurs during physical exertion due to dysregulation of muscle activity (posture disorders, muscle imbalance), which can be regarded as pain of overwork. For example, pain in the sacral region with flaccid muscles of the abdominal wall and lumbar hyperlordosis, headache with tension of the upper braces of the shoulder girdle and relaxation of the lower braces of the scapula.

Preventive measures include behavioral therapy (posture, safe movement), weight loss, constant exercise therapy. Contraindications are cardiac and cardiovascular failure of the III degree.

The physical therapy program is carried out in three stages.

The tasks of the 1st stage are to reduce pain, reduce muscle hypertonicity, eliminate muscle imbalance, and increase the range of motion. Exercises in lightweight starting positions are used: relaxation, post-isometric muscle relaxation, breathing exercises, cutaneous and myofascial release, massage.

In this period, it is very important to observe the principle of gradual increase in physical activity.

1. I. p. - lying on your back, a small pillow under your head, a cushion under the knee joints, one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach. Close your eyes and perform abdominal (diaphragmatic) breathing in a normal rhythm (inhalation - the abdominal wall rises, exhalation - retracts), with a gradual deepening of inhalation and lengthening of exhalation. Inhale and exhale through the nose. Repeat 5-7 times.

2. I. p. - too. Chest breathing (on inhalation, only the chest rises and expands). Repeat 5-6 times.

3. I. p. - too. Mixed breathing (during inhalation, the chest expands and the abdominal wall rises). Repeat 5-6 times.

When performing 1-3 exercises during exhalation, it is necessary to press the back more strongly against the support. Breathe through your nose in a normal rhythm.

4. I. p. - too. Inhaling, strain the forearms, clench the hands into a fist. Hold the voltage for 5-8 seconds. Exhaling, relax for 5-8 seconds. Repeat 10-12 times.

5. I. p. - too. Tighten your buttocks and lower abdomen - inhale. Hold the voltage for 5-8 seconds. Exhaling, relax for 5-8 seconds. Repeat 10-12 times.

6. I. p. - too. Inhaling, strain your hips, buttocks, lower abdomen, feet, directing them towards yourself. Hold the tension for 5-8 seconds. Exhaling, relax for 5-8 seconds. Repeat 10-12 times.

7. I. p. - too. Inhaling, strain the forearms, clench the hands into a fist, hips, buttocks, lower abdomen, feet, directing them towards yourself. Hold the tension for 5-8 seconds. Exhaling, relax for 5-8 seconds. Repeat 10-12 times.

8. I. p. - too. During inhalation, close your eyes, close your lips tightly, and exhaling, relax the muscles of your face. Hold the tension for 5-8 seconds. Exhaling, relax for 5-8 seconds. Repeat 10-12 times.

9. I. p. - too. Inhaling, tighten all the muscles of the limbs, abdomen and face. Hold the tension for 5-8 seconds. Exhaling, relax for 5-8 seconds. Repeat 6-10 times.

10. I. p. - too. Inhaling, slowly raise your arms up, exhaling, relax. With each exhalation, try to more and more relax the muscles of the limbs, trunk and face, more closely press your back against the support. Repeat 6-8 times. Breathe through your nose.

The goal of exercises 1-10: to learn how to combine breathing with movement, to distinguish between the sensations of relaxed and tense muscles.

11. I. p. - too. "Tilt" the pelvis back - inhale, return to I.p. Exhaling, tighten the abdominal muscles (especially in the lower abdomen), squeeze and slightly raise the buttocks, as if twisting. Repeat 5-6 times. After that, perform the exercise, lifting the buttocks higher. Repeat 5-6 times. Within 3-5 days, starting with the first movement and repeating subsequent ones, raise the pelvis in each series higher and higher, until the lumbar is completely detached from the support. Further, this exercise must be learned to perform in I. p. standing and sitting.

12. I. p. - too. Exhaling, pull one and then the other knee to the stomach, pressing the lower back to the support. Repeat 6-10 times with each leg.

13. I. p. - too. Exhaling, pull one knee with your hands to your chest, then to your right and left shoulder. Inhaling, return to I.P. Repeat 6-10 times.

14. I. p. - too. While exhaling, pull your knees to your chest (to your forehead) with your hands, while raising your head. Swing in the direction from the pelvis to the shoulders. Return to i.p. - inhale. Repeat 6-10 times.

After mastering the 1st to 14th exercises and the absence of pain during their implementation, it is advisable to add exercises to the set of exercises for relaxation and stretching of other muscles, changes in which were revealed during testing.

Exercises for the muscles of the legs and abdominal wall

Exercises for the muscles of the trunk and legs

Back muscle tension

Breathing and muscle relaxation exercise

A - inhale, B - exhale, relaxation

Back muscle workout (upper part)

Training the muscles of the arms, chest and shoulder girdle

Free swimming and gymnastics in the pool can be added to the exercises in the hall. Classes are held 4-5 times a week with an instructor and daily independently. The mode of operation is aerobic, the recommended heart rate is 50-65% of the maximum age-related heart rate or is determined by the formula: [(220 - age) x 0.65]. After 5-6 sessions, in order to determine the possibilities of transferring the patient to the next stage of training, it is advisable to carry out functional muscle testing.

Stage II is started with significant elimination of muscle imbalance (decrease in the initial score by about 60-65%). Objectives of this period: to increase muscle strength and endurance. The main exercises are relaxation, post-isometric relaxation, concentric isotonic and isometric tension of weak muscles, and breathing exercises. Exercise selection should be consistent with muscle testing data. Classes are held in the gym, gym, swimming pool 3-5 times a week. The operating mode is aerobic and aerobic-anaerobic, i.e. 60-75% of the maximum age-related heart rate with peaks up to 85%.

The tasks of stage III are to increase the strength and endurance of the muscles of the trunk and limbs, and to increase the body's tolerance to physical activity. Exercises are performed in various starting positions; isometric, concentric isotonic and eccentric tensions, swimming, walking are used. Classes in gymnastics and gyms, in the pool, in the fresh air. Mode of operation - aerobic and aerobic-anaerobic. Classes are carried out 3-5 times a week for 20-120 minutes according to one of the schemes below.

A large number of people after 30 years of age begin to feel pain in the lumbar region. Treatment of the lower back with folk remedies can quickly cope with pain. But first, let's find out about the causes of such pain.

Why does the lower back hurt - reasons

The lower back hurts for various reasons, ranging from scoliosis, spinal circulation disorders to microfractures of the spine and bones. Sometimes the cause of pain lies not in the very center of pain, but much deeper, but at the same time it "gives" to the lower back. Low back pain can be caused by renal colic, intestinal obstruction, or infectious gynecological diseases.

Of course, to find and eliminate the source of pain, you need to see a doctor. However, there are situations in which it is not possible to quickly undergo an examination, and the pain syndrome must be removed. In these situations, traditional medicine offers some methods of pain relief.

Compress for back pain

As a rule, the effect of compresses is based on warming up the soft tissues. In addition to warming pharmaceutical ointments, you can use grated radish or horseradish, mustard powder or grated red pepper. Each of these foods has inherent properties that will warm up the muscles. In order for the burning effect not to be too pronounced, you can prepare a mixture from the original warming component and sour cream.

Hot compresses

Using herbs such as chamomile, elderberry, St. John's wort, thyme, or burdock leaves can also help relieve pain with a hot compress. The grass is rinsed with boiling water and applied to the lower back, after which it is necessary to warm the back, for example, with a woolen scarf.

Cold compresses

Cold compresses of garlic with lemon or horse chestnut powder with camphor oil will also help achieve the desired result.

It should be remembered that the applied compress should not cause painful sensations, but a thermal, sometimes tingling effect.

Beetroot with kerosene

In folk medicine, a mixture of grated (squeezed) beets with kerosene is used. The resulting composition is also used as a compress. In order to rule out the mixture should not be spread on the skin, it is necessary to use a fabric pad to protect the body.

Lumbar rub

Rubbing will help to urgently relieve pain, one of the most popular components of which is alcohol (semi-alcoholic solution) or vodka infused with eucalyptus.

The most sophisticated grind recipe is to mix one bottle of cologne with two vials of iodine, two vials of valerian tincture, and a few red bitter peppers. Withstand the infusion for a day, then lubricate the lower back or apply a medicinal mesh.

Warming up the lower back

You can forget about back pain with the help of hot sand. Heat the sand, put it in your bags and lie on them until the pain is completely gone.

Brick will also help relieve pain. Heat the brick, wrap it in rags and apply it to the lower back.

Exercises for the treatment of the lower back

There are four exercises to relieve low back pain. You can do these exercises at any convenient time. Here they are:

  1. Raise one hand and reach for it up as much as you can, then stand on tiptoe and stretch upward. Repeat the same exercise for the other hand.
  2. Fold your hands into a clasp and raise them above your head with your palms up and try to reach out.
  3. Fold your hands into a clasp, put them under your chin and press on your chin with your hands, and with your chin on your hands.
  4. Hang on a bar or horizontal bar. First, weigh at least 3-5 seconds, try to hang longer. This exercise is extremely beneficial for the spine. In this case, there is one important condition - do not try to climb high, choose a low crossbar and tighten your legs - the effect will be the same, but it will be much safer.

It should be remembered that whatever method of traditional medicine is used to eliminate pain, its cause should be eliminated.

Lumbar back pain is a very common symptom. It can arise for a variety of reasons. For some patients who experience low back pain, home treatment becomes a priority.

There is a group of patients who hesitate to see a doctor and do not trust traditional methods of treatment. They are sure that folk remedies may well relieve lower back pain. Thinking about how to cure a problem area of ​​the back without leaving home can be quite justified. However, without preliminary examination, it is better not to experiment.


Lumbar pain syndrome is more common in middle-aged and older people, but young people are also familiar with this symptom. Against the background of excessive physical exertion, awkward movement or after hypothermia, a person may begin to experience lumbago and acutely feel pain syndrome, which in the language of doctors is commonly called "lumbodynia".

If there is an acute pain in the lower back, and you will not be able to get to the doctor soon, then it would be good to know what to do with this condition at home. Of course, if the lower back is grabbed, then before starting treatment at home, it would be correct to find out what probably provoked it.

Lumbar pain syndromes are divided into acute, chronic and radiating. In addition, they can be permanent or periodic, primary or secondary, so they can be treated in different ways.

Home treatment

Home treatment for low back pain should pursue 3 main goals: relieve inflammation, relieve pain and calm. Such therapy at home does not mean that the patient will use exclusively folk remedies.... As a rule, patients combine medication, exercise therapy, massage and traditional medicine. All this helps to quickly and effectively treat the lower back at home.

Pharmacological agents

If the patient knows for sure about his pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, then he can try the following therapeutic scheme:

  1. the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory injections, tablets, ointments, patches, rectal suppositories (Diklak, Almiral, Revmoxicam, Voltaren, Movalis).
  2. In parallel with NSAIDs, injectable and tableted muscle relaxants (Midocal, Tolperil, Midostad Combi) are prescribed. For back pain caused by muscle spasm, they are irreplaceable.
  3. In order to restore the damaged tissues of the diseased area of ​​the back, a course of B vitamins is recommended (Neovitam, Milgamma, Neurorubin).

Most often, the described treatment tactics can effectively eliminate lumbar pain at home. But if, when using the described scheme at home, there is no positive dynamics, then sometimes regional anesthesia is used.


As practice shows, patients who have lower back pain do not really like injections or pills, but more often try to help themselves with various ointments. However, it should be understood that some ointments, pain relieving, do not solve the main problem. Although complex therapy usually includes them.

All ointments in this direction can be divided into several groups:

The patient will be able to choose an effective ointment for treatment at home only when he is given an accurate diagnosis.


After the acute pain has been relieved, it would be good to do special exercises to treat various parts of the back. But an experienced physiotherapist should select therapeutic exercises for back pain.

Home conditions allow for therapeutic exercises, but the patient must perform it very delicately. There should be no significant discomfort or soreness during exercise. If some exercise provokes the appearance of pain, then you need to revise the elements of its implementation or completely abandon it.


For back pain, massage is indicated only during remission. In addition, it is important to choose the right duration, intensity and frequency of massage effects. In case of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, doctors recommend giving preference to vacuum massage with cups, relaxing or finger shiatsu massage.

And if the patient is interested in how to relieve acute lower back pain on his own at home, then masseurs can teach him how to perform acupressure. In addition, Lyapko and Kuznetsov applicators, various rollers or belts are very appropriate for back pathologies.


Video - treatment of back pain at home


Traditional treatments for low back pain are very popular with patients because they are simple and the ingredients for their recipes are readily available. Even if it is not possible to completely cure the back with folk remedies alone, they can significantly improve the patient's condition. The attending physician, as a rule, willingly goes to meet the patient, combining traditional therapy with non-traditional.


The first thing that comes to mind to a patient when he thinks about how to treat his back at home is rubbing. Due to this manipulation, the healing process is accelerated, since rubbing well increases tissue blood circulation.

Popular recipes:

  1. rubbing on vodka with honey and radish juice (1: 2: 3). The finished product is stored in the refrigerator. Use well-sealed china or glassware.
  2. Rubbing from Adam's root with vodka. To 500 ml of vodka add 200 grams of grated Adam's root, mix well, and then insist up to 5 days. A dark container is suitable for this.
  3. Multi-component rubbing on "Triple" cologne. For its preparation you will need: 2 bottles of valerian tincture, 5 peas of red pepper, 2 bottles of iodine 3%, as well as a bottle of cologne. All components are mixed, shaken well, and then insisted for a day.

Such a procedure effectively relieves pain in the spine, if, after applying rubbing to the problem area, wrap this place with a woolen scarf for the whole night.


Many patients were able to quickly heal their backs at home with the help of compresses.

Some patients have approved the following:

  1. a compress of grated horseradish or radish. Vegetable raw materials will not cause a burning sensation if mixed with sour cream. The resulting mixture is applied in a thick layer to the problem area and covered with a napkin.
  2. Mustard powder compress. Dry mustard is diluted with warm water so that the consistency of low-fat sour cream is obtained. The sore spot is generously smeared with mustard and insulated. But the procedure lasts no more than 5 minutes, in order to avoid burns.
  3. Test compress. Sour dough is applied to the sore back over a thick layer of gauze and leave such a compress overnight. The procedure is repeated for 10 consecutive days.

Compress, as a folk remedy for back and lower back pain, should not cause severe discomfort to the patient. Only mild fever or slight tingling is acceptable.

Tinctures, infusions and decoctions

With acute back pain, patients practice taking infusions, tinctures and decoctions orally.

In general, all homemade oral medications are best taken 30 minutes before meals or 1 hour after.


In order not to have to think about how to quickly relieve acute back pain at home, it is important to adhere to these recommendations:

  1. perform a preventive set of stretching exercises.
  2. Protect the spine while sitting and standing (guideline - ears, shoulders, hips and knees should be in line).
  3. Place a pillow between your knees when sleeping on your side and under your knees when sleeping on your back.
  4. You should not wear shoes with high heels or flat soles, it is better to choose the "golden" mean.
  5. Monitor your weight. To do this, you need to eat right and lead an active lifestyle.
  6. Quit bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse). Smoking contributes to the development of osteoporosis and increases sensitivity to pain.
  7. Nutrition should be balanced. Adequate amounts of Ca, P, vitamin D should be consumed.
  8. Try to maintain a stable emotional state, avoid stressful situations.

Pain syndrome can greatly affect the quality of life and reduce the patient's ability to work. But it is quite possible to cope with this problem without leaving your home if you use an integrated approach and do not forget to consult with specialists.

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