Folk remedies for varicose veins in the legs. Folk recipes, advice and recommendations. Treatment of varicose veins with folk remedies Varicose veins effective proven recipes from the people

Entrance doors 20.06.2021
Entrance doors

It is impossible to completely cope with the disease with the help of home methods, but you will be able to minimize the manifestation of symptoms, allowing you to speed up the recovery of the body after taking the drugs. The main advantage of this treatment is the elimination of side effects.

by the most in a simple way without contraindications, against which no doctor will object, and which is suitable even during pregnancy - a contrast shower. The alternation of hot and cold thin elastic jets has a massaging effect and improves blood flow.

External use of numerous folk remedies involves the treatment of affected areas with prepared formulations. How to get rid of varicose veins and how to treat it folk remedies.

It is impossible to finally cope with the disease, especially if it has gone far, and thrombophlebitis has appeared as a complication, although there are successfully used folk remedies for thrombophlebitis. But folk remedies for varicose veins will help relieve discomfort and pain, relieve swelling and speed up recovery. An important property of folk treatment is minimal side effects.

In the arsenal of folk remedies for varicose veins, the main ones are external - ointment for varicose veins, baths, etc. Consider the most common ones.

  • Rubbing
  • Trays
  • Wraps
  • Compresses
  • Applications
  • Herbal tinctures

Rubbing with blue clay

Blue clay has long been known for its medicinal and healing properties. This folk remedy for varicose veins is used in the form of a liquid viscous mass in water or whey at room temperature.

  • Pour blue clay into a cup, depending on the area affected by varicose veins - from two tablespoons to a whole glass
  • We heat water or whey to a temperature comfortable for bathing. If there is no whey, then a little can be added to the water. butter so that later the clay can be easily pulled off the hair on the legs
  • Stirring, we get a thick paste, like 25% sour cream. You don’t need to cook for the future, it will become not so useful, so you need to cook it again every time
  • We spread on the legs, especially where swollen veins are visible, with a layer of one and a half to two centimeters
  • We wrap with a napkin, and preferably with a waffle towel, and on top with a warm woolen scarf
  • We withstand the procedure for two hours and wash off the clay with warm water
  • The term of application is one to two months. All this time we adhere to the diet recommended by the doctor and wear compression underwear.

Rubbing with honey and onions

Another drug known for its miraculous powers from many ailments is honey. Folk remedies for varicose veins on the legs put honey in one of the first places, if only some patients were not allergic to bee products.

  • It is better to take mixed herbs honey, each herb is its assistant in the fight against varicose veins, for procedures - half a glass
  • We rub on a coarse grater two medium onions. You can squeeze the juice, but it is better to use the whole gruel
  • Mix honey with onion gruel, you can add grated soap
  • Rub the affected areas of the legs with honey mixture
  • We cover the legs with cling film for sandwiches and bandage
  • On the first day, the procedure is carried out for two hours, if there is no allergy, then on the second and third days, rubbing lasts four hours, and another day - all night
  • The whole course lasts 7-10 days, relief comes after the third

The recipe is variable and may include aloe pulp, lard, medicinal ointments on tar and other components, but the main focus is on honey.

Soda baths with alum

Soda baths are the cheapest and least troublesome way. The blood from soda liquefies and the swelling subsides.

  • Boil a two-liter kettle and pour into a bowl or bucket
  • Add three more liters cold water
  • Pour out half a regular pack of soda
  • Measure out 4-5 tablespoons of alum
  • Move the soda and alum in a bowl until completely dissolved, the water at this time will noticeably cool down and be comfortable for the procedure.
  • Dip your feet into the basin. If you have a bucket, then the affected areas of the legs take a bath, but only the feet are immersed in a low basin, so carefully pour the legs from the knees with a small bucket.
  • Take a bath for 15 minutes
  • The entire course lasts one to two weeks.

Baths with infusions of herbs

Folk remedies for varicose veins also include baths with monoinfusions of herbs or their collections (which are carried out in the same way as soda), here are just a few of them:

  • Chamomile
  • succession
  • White willow (willow bark contains aspirin)
  • Celandine grass
  • Silver Artemisia
  • White cabbage
  • Horse chestnut (it is ground into flour and insisted on oil)
  • Nettle (contains formic acid and vitamin K)

Each herb is brewed according to the instructions on the pharmacy pack, an average of 50 g of dry raw materials per half liter of water. But it is more effective to take a decoction of herbs in the form of tinctures inside and in the form of rubbing on an oil or alcohol basis.

Rubbing with calendula oil extract

One of the effective herbal remedies for varicose veins is calendula, it is prepared in oil.

  • Take half a liter of refined oil for 50 g of dried calendula. Olive oil is often recommended. Fill up for half a day
  • Boil the resulting mixture in a water bath for half an hour.
  • The fully oily extract will cool after another hour, and then it can be drained.
  • The oil extract is rubbed on the affected areas in a circular motion for 10 minutes.
  • At night, a compress is prepared from the same extract.
  • The course of treatment lasts three weeks, after a break it can be repeated

Rubbing with essential oils

Those who are not ready to cook oil extracts for a long time can be advised to buy ready-made essential oils, many of which are effective for varicose veins.

Essential oils are used more often as a general tonic, adding a few drops to a daily bath or to a basic massage cream to enhance the effect. Oils used for varicose veins:

  • sandalwood
  • castor
  • Black cumin oil
  • tea tree
  • cypress

Apple cider vinegar as a remedy for varicose veins

An even simpler way for rubbing or compresses is Apple vinegar. But it is better to cook it yourself from sourdough on black bread.

  • Ripe apples finely cut into a glass jar, filling it halfway or a little more
  • We cut into small cubes a small briquette of Borodino bread, you can not all, and also fold the jar
  • Pour a glass of sugar, fill up to the throat with water
  • We put a medical glove with a pierced finger on the jar and leave it to ferment for three weeks in a warm place
  • We filter the liquid and again put it in a warm place for two weeks until the vinegar is ready.
  • The resulting vinegar can be used for rubbing or wrapping your feet in a soaked waffle towel.
  • It is recommended to take this vinegar orally, 1 teaspoon per glass of water in the morning.
  • The course of treatment - a month

Herbal tinctures

In addition to external influences, medicinal herbs are used orally. Herbs contain many useful medicinal substances that improve blood circulation and prevent vein thrombosis. Most herbs are brewed according to package directions and taken orally before meals.

For example:

  • Verbena leaves - one and a half tablespoons
  • Water heated to boiling water - 200 ml
  • Pour over and let it brew for half an hour
  • Take in severe cases 1 scoop every hour

One of the most effective fees includes:

  • Oak bark - 10 tablespoons
  • Horse chestnut - 4 tbsp.
  • Birch bark - 10 tbsp. l.
  • Horsetail grass - 6 tbsp.
  • Icelandic moss - 6 tbsp.
  • Astragalus - 6 tablespoons
  • Immortelle - 4 tablespoons
  • Boiling water - 1.5 liters, let it simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Take 50 grams 3-4 times a day.

Other folk remedies

Alcohol tinctures are made on the basis of Kalanchoe leaves, wild rosemary roots and crushed walnuts. Such tinctures are stored in refrigerators, and they must be applied several times a day. But such rubbing is not suitable for everyone, alcohol dries the skin, green nuts leave traces.

One popular method today is green tomatoes, which are readily available in season. It is in the green fruits of this nightshade plant that contains the greatest amount of minerals and organic acids valuable for the treatment, including acetylsalicylic acid, which is a natural aspirin and has a pronounced analgesic effect. Aspirin has another important effect - it thins the blood, which allows you to relieve swelling of the legs. Green tomato with varicose veins also strengthens the thinned venous walls due to the content of flavonoids.

Green tomatoes are an excellent folk remedy for varicose veins, but you can’t find it in every season. But his brother in the nightshade family - potatoes - is in the stocks of any hostess. It is not necessary to cook it, just wash and grate, and can be used as a compress. This method is used similarly to honey.

Reviews of folk remedies

Folk remedies for varicose veins of the legs are well effective in the early stages of the disease, and also as an integral component in the complex treatment prescribed by the doctor. According to a number of reviews, many of these remedies help in just a few days of use. In any case, they are able to relieve swelling and heaviness. Bad reviews come from patients with the second or third stage of varicose veins, as well as from people who are not capable of patient regular treatment. Walking with bandages on your legs or keeping your legs in the bath for a long time, not everyone can insist on herbs.

In any case, doctors insist that folk remedies for varicose veins are only part of the therapy, but it must be followed according to the same rules. Regularity, compliance with prescribed measures, consultation with a doctor. Here is what people write about the use of certain proposed means:

In the summer there are a lot of apples left, we don’t eat them all. We've made a lot of jams, but there's still some left over. A neighbor suggested making vinegar for culinary purposes. But when I read that it helps with varicose veins, I could not wait until the end of five weeks of preparation. And he fully met my expectations. I no longer take medication, spend more time on my feet and have no memory of pain.

I always had blue clay in stock, since childhood I have been making face masks, and when I overcame varicose veins during pregnancy, any medications were a threat to the baby. The doctor suggested that there is another more topical application for this wonderful remedy. She spent a lot of time at home during the last months, and it was not a problem to find time for such a long-term procedure. Within a week I felt healthy. When the deadline came, many in the hospital were surprised how I managed to keep such legs.

Grandfather is a categorical opponent traditional treatment, was always healthy, worked all his life in agriculture and used what was at hand if some kind of ailment prevailed. And when my legs began to buzz, I did not immediately understand what kind of disease this was - varicose veins. It was then that my grandmother and I persuaded him to try the honey-onion rub. Grandfather did not object, he has honey from his apiary.

Varicose veins affects predominantly the legs and rectum and is the result of weakness of the supporting connective tissue, insufficiency of the valves of the veins and obstruction of the outflow. Causes varicose veins physical work, especially associated with lifting and moving weights, as well as prolonged stay on the legs. In addition, frequent constipation contributes to the emergence and development of the disease. Very often, the onset of the disease is associated with pregnancy, when a severe uterus long time compresses the veins of the small pelvis.

Symptoms: fatigue and swelling of the legs in the evening. The appearance of bluish, brown and brown spots on the skin of the legs.

What's happening? Varicose veins are expressed in the loss of elasticity by the veins, as a result of which they stretch, and in some places expand, forming "knots". The speed of blood flow in the dilated parts of the veins slows down, and this contributes to the formation of blood clots in them. The veins enlarge and change shape. Most often, the disease affects the veins of the legs. Dilated veins may either show through under the skin or swell under the skin in the form of "knots". Blood flows through the dilated veins more slowly, and this can lead to the formation of blood clots and the development of thrombophlebitis.

Varicose veins develop gradually. Its first signs are the rapid fatigue of the legs when walking and their swelling in the evening.

What to do? In the initial stages of the disease, wearing special elastic stockings or bandaging the legs for a day from the foot to the middle of the thigh with an elastic bandage can help. During sedentary work, it is desirable to keep the sore leg in a horizontal position and every 2-3 hours to arrange a break of 10 minutes for walking. It is advisable to walk to and from work (unless, of course, the distance allows), slowly and without bearing weight. Exercise therapy is of great benefit.

Recipes.ethnoscience recommends cabbage leaf treatment. To do this, separate the leaves from the cabbage, lightly sprinkle them with water and put in the refrigerator for a day. Before going to bed, on a dry leg, put cabbage leaves on the affected areas of varicose veins and gently fix them with a bandage or gauze. It is advisable to repeat the procedure daily for a month. A compress of overripe tomatoes is also effective. Nettle soup is very useful in summer. Before using the remedies suggested by traditional medicine, do not forget to consult a specialist doctor. Attention! With varicose veins, in no case should you take hot baths.

For the prevention of varicose veins, it is recommended to abandon high heels, as high-heeled shoes limit the contraction of the calf muscles and prevent the joints from springing, which leads to stagnation of blood in the veins. When sitting, to reduce the load on the veins of the legs, it is advisable to put your feet on a bench. When sitting, it is undesirable to cross your legs, as this position makes it difficult for blood flow in the legs, pinching the vessels of the legs. It is very useful to massage the feet on a massage mat or with massage slippers. Very useful activities for veins are cycling and swimming.

Varicose veins - how to detect?

Varicose veins of the lower extremities are an extremely common disease. Symptoms are noticeable. Thick, tortuous veins with a brown tinge above the ankles often ruin beautiful legs. Pain in the calves of the legs, night cramps, a feeling of tension in the veins, fatigue, swollen lower limbs - all this can be a sign of illness. Varicose veins are a complex process, as a result of which the vein cannot withstand the load, blood circulation worsens.

The smooth muscles of the walls of the venous vessels further from the heart and closer to the legs become thicker, as more blood pressure must be maintained. The walls of the veins respond to unexpected filling with blood by expansion, and with rapid emptying, contraction occurs. The contraction and relaxation of the veins is also a means of controlling blood pressure. The contraction of the veins contributes to the outflow of blood towards the heart, and relaxation - the short-term storage of blood in the vein, resulting in a decrease in pressure. With nervous and hormonal irritations, the smooth muscles of the venous walls, in the case of expansion, develop less strength than healthy veins. Eventually, the smooth muscle weakens and the vein expands.

The mechanism of peripheral veins is venous valves that allow blood to flow in only one direction, helping the heart to pump blood. Normally, the valves can withstand pressures up to approximately 200 mmHg without outflow of blood. But, if the tone of the smooth muscles of the veins is reduced, or the connective tissue is damaged, then the area above the valve is so weak that the valve cannot withstand pressure. Unfortunately, the hormone progesterone, which is produced in pregnant women and has a muscle-relaxing effect, helps to relax the smooth muscles of the veins, and estrogen reduces the efficiency of the smooth muscles. Therefore, those who use contraceptives and hormones are at particular risk in terms of vein damage.

Varicose veins - how does it manifest itself? Each person can independently assess the condition of their veins. To do this, in good daylight, it is necessary in the “standing” position to carefully examine your legs in the mirror. Healthy veins never rise above the level of the skin. Varicose veins, on the contrary, rise above the surface of the skin and can be detected by simply stroking the surface of the lower leg or thigh.

The earliest symptoms of varicose veins are a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the calves, swelling of the leg at the end of the day.

The presence of edema is evidenced by a characteristic symptom: shoes that are comfortable in the morning begin to reap in the evening. Each patient can independently check for the presence of evening leg edema. To do this, use the usual centimeter tape. The circumference of the narrowest (above the ankles) and the widest (calf muscles) part of the lower leg is measured in the evening, before going to bed, and in the morning, immediately after getting out of bed.

If within a few days the circumference of the lower leg in the evening and in the morning differ by more than 1 cm, then this indicates a violation of the venous outflow.

Remember, varicose veins not only disfigure the legs - they are a threat to health, and sometimes human life! Treating advanced varicose veins is many times more difficult, so the sooner you see a doctor, the better. If you do not start treating the disease on time, then there is a risk of developing thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers and the most dangerous complication - pulmonary embolism, which can lead to sudden death.

Medical statistics claim that 50% of those who fall ill in the initial stage of the disease do not even realize that they are seriously ill.

Starting from the age of twenty, already in early youth, there is a danger of getting varicose veins, especially for those who have a hereditary predisposition to this disease. A sick person rarely pays attention to the first alarming signs of the disease. It may just be frequent leg fatigue, which is associated with anything but the onset of a serious illness. Moderately dilated, blue veins visible through the skin usually do not cause concern either. However, if you associate the rapid fatigue of the legs, with the appearance of a feeling of heaviness in them, a sensation of skin itching, warmth, as well as small swelling in the ankle joint, these are already formidable harbingers of future troubles.

One of the most common diseases of the veins. It is expressed in the loss of elasticity by the veins, as a result of which they stretch, and in some places they expand significantly, forming the so-called "knots".

Good healing effect gives bandaging elastic bandage.

Can be used instead of a bandage elastic stocking.

What contributes to the development of varicose veins?

According to experts around the world, the most common factors in the development of the disease are:

O hereditary predisposition

About Female

About Obesity

About Hypodynamia

By the way, the so-called "asterisks" do not necessarily indicate varicose veins - these are just intradermal vessels, the expansion of which is most often associated with the hormonal state of the body. Varicose veins are a manifestation of a syndrome of weak connective tissue, of which the walls of the veins are composed. Most often, this misfortune comes to you by inheritance. So if one of your parents suffered from varicose veins - get ready, you are likely to encounter this disease.

It is known that the presence of this pathology in both parents increases the risk of developing the disease by 60%. As a rule, the occurrence of functional or anatomical failure of the valvular apparatus, weakness of the walls of the veins are due to a congenital defect of the connective tissue structures. Women suffer from this disease 1.5-2 times more often, therefore, in the presence of unfavorable heredity, they should pay increased attention to their legs throughout their lives, especially during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is an important exam. Often, varicose veins first appear or worsen during this period, which is associated with an increase in the load on the venous system of the legs. The simplest method of prevention is the use of compression effects of special stockings or elastic bandages. In addition, there are local dosage forms in the form of therapeutic ointments, therapeutic cosmetic gels and creams that can be used to prevent varicose veins, after consulting a doctor.

Otherwise, preventive measures are reduced to a decrease in the fat layer on the thighs, an increase in muscle tone and skin elasticity, as well as strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

You can die from varicose veins

But, in the end, no one has died from hemorrhoids, or from trophic ulcers, and even more so from infertility. But people die from cirrhosis of the liver, and in 70% of cases this is due to internal bleeding of the esophagus or stomach. The cause of bleeding is varicose veins of the esophagus or stomach - and sometimes both of them combined.

When cirrhosis occurs, the death of liver cells - hepatocytes, and in their place connective (fibrous) tissue develops - a kind of "scars on the liver" is formed, which leads to a violation of blood flow. But one of the main blood vessels of our body, the portal vein, approaches the liver. Blood through the portal vein system from the digestive organs enters the liver and then moves to the heart.

A liver damaged by cirrhosis can no longer pass the required volume of blood through itself at the required speed, and the blood coming from the stomach and esophagus stagnates. There is a state of portal hypertension - increased pressure in the portal vein. And this leads to varicose veins of the stomach and esophagus. But if on the legs varicose nodes form and grow under the skin, then in the case of internal organs the matter is much more serious. The rupture of the thinned wall of the vein of the stomach or esophagus causes internal bleeding, which leads to the death of a person in more than half of the cases.

What are the complications of varicose veins in the legs?

Varicose veins not only reduce performance, cause aesthetic problems and pain, but can also lead to complications. Poor access of blood to the legs leads to the death of the skin, as secretions are formed in the tissues that prevent the removal of decomposition products, while fresh oxygen and nutrients do not enter certain parts of the legs. Bacteria quickly develop there, causing serious inflammatory processes.

Untreated varicose veins, as a rule, progresses and proceeds with periodic exacerbations (thrombophlebitis), and is also characterized by the gradual appearance of other cosmetic defects in addition to "varicose nodes": pigmentation, indurative cellulite, trophic ulcers, cracks and peeling of the skin. With an unfavorable outcome, chronic venous insufficiency and disability develop. Therefore, it is extremely important to try to cope with the disease in the initial stages.

Can varicose veins be avoided?

So, almost any of us can get varicose veins in one place or another. The question is, how can this be avoided? There are a number of recommendations that are easy to follow, it would be an ardent desire to avoid the above problems in the future:

If possible, you should avoid standing in one place for a long time and diversify your physical activity - go jogging, swimming, or just walk more on foot.

You can regularly perform simple gymnastic exercises aimed at working the calf muscles. And while resting, it is better to give your legs an elevated position (put your feet on a pillow or ottoman) and it is advisable not to sit cross-legged. It's also a good idea to regularly arrange a contrast shower for your legs.

Do not abuse alcohol and overly spicy and salty foods.

Expectant mothers should adhere to a number of restrictions in food and drinks - nothing can be done, the situation obliges.

And finally, a classic, but very important advice- once a year it is desirable to undergo an examination by a phlebologist.

The mechanism of development of varicose veins

To understand the essence of the problem, you need to know the features of the venous bloodstream. Veins differ from arteries in that they do not have a muscular layer as part of their wall, and therefore cannot contract and create a directed blood flow. But somehow the blood goes through the whole circle and returns to the heart.

It happens in the following way. Venous blood, flowing from the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscles through the superficial veins, enters the so-called communicating (or connecting) veins. These veins are not in vain called communicant veins, as they connect the superficial veins of the legs with the deep ones.

The valves mentioned above are located in the communicating veins. They (valves) work on, the inlet is only in one direction. That is, they let in blood from superficial veins, but they don’t let it out back. Thus, venous blood gradually accumulates in the deep veins.

Due to the contraction of the muscles of the lower leg and thigh during walking or other movements, the deep veins of the legs are compressed .. And since the valves do not let back in, the blood flows upwards towards the heart.

It is clear that if the superficial veins are dilated, then under conditions high blood pressure a situation arises when the valves do not close completely, and the blood returns back to the superficial veins. Expanded varicose veins appear. The pathological circle closes.

Due to the fact that blood accumulates in the superficial veins, edema develops, the release of red blood cells into the skin and subcutaneous tissue with the appearance of a characteristic bluish-gray staining of the skin.

As a result of impaired blood supply and nutrition of the skin of the lower leg, in advanced stages, trophic disorders develop in the form of ulcers, which most often occur in the lower third of the lower leg, closer to the inner condyle.

Considering the mechanism of the development of the disease, we have already listed almost all the leading symptoms of the disease, namely:

1) varicose superficial veins;

2) swelling of the legs, mainly in the ankles, developing most often in the evening, after prolonged walking or standing;

3) pain in the legs of a aching or squeezing nature,

4) cramps in the calf muscles and a feeling of goosebumps, usually occurring at night;

5) trophic disorders of the skin of the lower third of the leg: pigmentation, induration, cermatitis and, as an extreme manifestation, a trophic ulcer.

Among the complications, in addition to the trophic ulcer, it is necessary to highlight the rupture of the varicose vein with bleeding and acute thrombophlebitis. The presence of complications indicates the most severe degree of varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Based on the mechanism of development of varicose veins, as well as its complications, the following directions of herbal treatment can be proposed.

1. Strengthening the venous wall.

2. Increased tone of the venous wall.

3. Improving the properties of blood flow.

4. Anti-inflammatory action.

5. Local treatment of complications.

It should be noted that herbal treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities has one very significant difference from the treatment of any other pathology. This difference lies in the fact that with this disease, as with no other, it is the local application of plants that is very effective.

Therefore, all of the above areas of treatment are related to both the internal intake of herbs and their external use.

The local treatment of complications refers mainly to the treatment of purulent complications of varicose ulcers.

So, the best and most proven herbal medicine, which has long migrated to classical medicine, is horse chestnut (Aesculus hyppocastanum).

Surely everyone has seen this wonderful tree. Often it is very high and reaches a height of 20 meters or even more. Large dark green leaves resemble the three-toed paw of a prehistoric animal.

However, the most remarkable thing, which, probably, everyone will agree with, is chestnut flowers. They are usually white or tender yellow color, collected in large pyramids resembling candles.

It is from these flowers that both external and internal medicines are prepared. Huge experimental work has shown that preparations from horse chestnut reduce blood clotting, strengthen the walls of capillaries and veins, prevent the formation of blood clots in blood vessels and promote the resorption of formed blood clots, blood clots gradually soften and dissolve. Chestnut preparations (fruits, flowers or bark) are used internally and externally for hemorrhoids, vasospasm, impaired bile secretion, chronic disorders digestion, bronchial catarrhs, gout, rheumatism, sciatica and for the treatment of thrombophlebitis, leg ulcers and varicose veins. The extract is also recommended for baths with myalgia and neuralgia. Hot infusion and extract from horse chestnut is one of the best venotogonic remedies. Included in the composition of domestic and foreign drugs for the treatment of expansion and inflammation of the veins, phlebitis and hemorrhoids. The experiment also discovered and confirmed a fact that pleases the heart of any herbalist or herbal medicine enthusiast. It turned out that traditional water or alcohol extracts from a plant, where all chestnut substances are present, are much more effective (several times) than preparations containing one or another substance, taken separately. , in its purest form.

This conclusion once again shows that natural remedies can be much more effective than synthetic ones.

As already mentioned, chestnut flowers are most often used. However, the leaves and fruits can also be used to make ointments and tinctures.

Inside, the chestnut is used both as a part of the collection and alone, for example, in tincture.

In order to increase venous tone, along with chestnut, but, of course, less often, club-shaped club moss, or, in other words, lycopodium, is used. Unfortunately, in recent times, club moss is most often remembered as a raw material for the manufacture of talc. Much less often, as a folk remedy for the treatment of alcoholism. Nevertheless, lycopodium gives good results in the treatment of both internal ingestion of tincture and external treatment of trophic ulcers.

Much more often lycopodiums are used in their practice by homeopaths. Homeopathic lycopodium is a very serious remedy of a constitutional order, especially if the patient's complaints include a varicose symptom complex.

A clubmoss taken orally, especially against the background of alcohol abuse, can lead to serious poisoning with indomitable vomiting. In this regard, it is necessary to be extremely careful in handling this plant. Plaun is most often used as monotherapy. During treatment, you should refrain from drinking alcohol, and also do not eat sour cabbage soup, hot spices, pork and pike meat.

Another wonderful venotonic, and the merit in revealing this side of its use also belongs to homeopaths, is sleep-grass, or in other words meadow lumbago. In homeopathy, it is most often referred to by the Latin name Pulsatilla.

In Russian herbal medicine, sleep-grass is known as a mother liquor and a sedative and even antifungal agent.

WITH healing purpose use the grass of the lumbago, added to the fees, or tincture of the roots. The plant is poisonous and requires very careful dosing.

Another poisonous plant that tones the venous bed is Avran officinalis. The above-ground part is taken from the avran and used as components of fees or for the preparation of vodka tincture.

It is not poisonous and, accordingly, verbena officinalis is easier to use.

Red grape leaf extract. For a long time they could not understand why French peasants from traditional grape growing regions almost never suffer from varicose veins. It turns out that the French winemakers had a custom to collect the foliage remaining during the harvest of red grapes and prepare infusions and compresses from it. Infusions were regularly drunk, and compresses were applied to the legs, which helped relieve fatigue, pain and swelling, and also prevent the development of varicose veins. And the thing is that the leaves of red grapes contain large amounts of flavonoids, which quickly relieve fatigue and pain in the legs, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce fragility and increase their tone, reduce permeability, connective tissue, etc. Sweet almond oil (Prunus AmygdalisDukis ) rich in non-drying fatty oils, as well as enzyme emulsin, vitamins, especially vitamin B2, protein and tannins, sugar and gum, effectively nourishes, softens and moisturizes the skin, accelerating the healing process of small cracks and cuts, and protects it from adverse effects environment.

Allantoin from wheat germ has a softening and moisturizing effect on the skin, and also stimulates the process of wound healing and renewal of epidermal cells. It has a beneficial effect on the skin in conditions of increased environmental aggression (wind, sun, frost, significant changes in temperature and humidity, in high mountains, etc.). Glycerin has softening and moisturizing properties, improves skin firmness and elasticity. Eliminates the unpleasant feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin and protects it from the harmful effects of the external environment and household chemicals. Together with cetyl alcohol, it binds water, helping to retain moisture in the skin.

In order to strengthen the venous wall, plants are used that normalize metabolism in the connective tissue. All herbs containing silicon possess such properties. First of all, you need to remember the horsetail, then knotweed (highlander) and medicinal lungwort.

Inside, these plants are used, as a rule, as part of fees.

When the wound has become clean, it can be treated to speed up healing. sea ​​buckthorn oil, decoction of yarrow, calendula, goose cinquefoil.

Dandelion officinalis has the property of strengthening the venous wall. This property is reported to him by phospholipids, which are part of all parts of the plant.

In spring and summer, it is very useful to eat salads with dandelion leaf as often as possible. For the winter, the root is harvested, which is harvested in the fall. The root is added to the composition of the fees and prepared in the form of decoctions. From the root, they make an ointment on interior fat.

Elecampane root can also be used to prepare an ointment.

Among the means that strengthen the vascular wall, it is impossible not to mention the odorous rue. This plant gave modern medicine the substance rutin, which is very actively used for precisely the purpose that we are talking about.

talk. In combination with the remarkable vasoconstrictive properties of vitamin C, rutin is even more effective. In this regard, the drug Ascorutin is in the domestic pharmacopoeia. In herbal medicine, rue can be combined with the fruits of mountain ash, wild rose, and herb succession.

In order to improve blood circulation in the capillaries and prevent thrombosis of varicose veins, plants are used that contain two fundamentally different groups of substances that reduce blood clotting activity.

The first group of plants contains coumarins. The brightest representative is yellow clover (medicinal). Flowers and a leaf of sweet clover are added to the collection and taken in the form of decoctions. For external use, an ointment is made on interior fat 1: 4.

The so-called gill ointment is also prepared. Here, instead of sweet clover, common toadflax is used. Flax decoctions are also given inside.

The second group of herbs that prevent vein thrombosis contains salicylates. Many people know that sick ischemic disease hearts to improve blood flow are often prescribed small doses of aspirin (aka acetylsalicylic acid). Herbs containing salicylates produce exactly the same effect: meadowsweet, goat willow, common raspberry, elusive peony, and others. However, these plants have a significantly lower risk of "aspirin" complications, such as peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, a decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood, and allergic reactions.

These plants are usually used as part of the collection.

Almost all of the herbs already listed have an anti-inflammatory effect on the venous wall to one degree or another. However, bright anti-inflammatory herbs are often included in the medicinal collection and external agent, realizing their effect due to tannins and gallic acid. Examples: oak bark, alder fruit, bergenia root, buckthorn bark and leaf.

And, finally, in cases where varicose veins are complicated by bleeding from a ruptured node, the use of herbs with hemostatic properties is required: shepherd's purse, stinging nettle, common yarrow, and the like.

In the treatment of varicose veins importance have plants that strengthen the vascular wall, prevent tissue edema, rich in vitamin P: wild rose, chokeberry and red mountain ash, black currant, buckwheat, as well as citrus fruits, immature walnuts, tea leaves, etc.

Before using the methods listed below, be sure to consult a doctor!

For internal use:

Tincture of flowers or fruits of horse chestnut: To prepare the tincture, take 50 g of flowers or crushed fruits of chestnut and pour 0.5 liters of vodka or 40% alcohol. Leave for two weeks in a warm, dark place, shaking daily. Apply inside 30-40 drops three or four times a day for a month. The shins are rubbed with the same tincture. For the treatment of varicose veins and hemorrhoids in folk medicine, fresh juice from chestnut flowers is sometimes used, 25-30 drops two to three times a day.

A decoction of horse chestnut fruits: horse chestnut fruits - 20 g, fluffy birch bark - 20 g, common oak bark - 20 g, Icelandic moss thallus - 50 g, horsetail grass - 50 g, sweet-leaved astragalus grass - 100 g, blackberry root - 100 g, Tangut rhubarb root - 30 g, sandy immortelle flowers - 30 g. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture with two cups of boiling water and cook for five minutes. Infuse until cool, strain and drink 1/2 cup four times a day for varicose dermatitis.

A decoction of sprigs of club moss For the preparation of tincture, spores of plants are taken, which are collected during the ripening period, at the rate of 1 tablespoon of raw materials per glass of water. Inside take one tablespoon three times a day.

Nutmeg tincture is one of the most powerful medicines that help patients with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. 100 g of ground nutmeg, pour 0.5 l. vodka insist 10 days, shaking daily, filter and take 20 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Drink one bottle, take a break for 7-10 days, and so on until a complete cure.

Infusion of verbena officinalis leaves well tones the veins: 15 g of officinalis verbena leaves in a glass of boiling water. Take 1 tbsp. spoon in an hour.

A decoction of the leaves of verbena officinalis. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of grass in a glass of water. Reception 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day

A decoction of ordinary hop cones: grind one tablespoon of cones, pour a glass of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Drink three glasses a day before meals; since hops have a slight hypnotic effect, you can drink a glass in two doses before bedtime. Gauze moistened with a decoction of hops is useful to apply to areas of the legs with dilated veins.

Infusion of garlic: 250 g of peeled garlic, chopped, pour 350 g of liquid honey, leave for 2 weeks. Take 1 tbsp. spoon Zraza a day 40 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.

Infusion of hop cones: 2 tablespoons of dry crushed hop cones pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, soak for 15 minutes in a boiling water bath, leave for 30-40 minutes, strain and drink 1 cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. In addition, moisten gauze with infusion of hops and apply it in the area of ​​dilated veins. At the same time, take 1/2-1 teaspoon of pollen 2-3 times a day.

Tincture of fragrant rue grass: pour 100 g of dry chopped grass into 0.5 l of vodka and leave for 10 days in a dark place. Take 10 drops per tablespoon of water three times a day.

Infusion of common hazel leaves (hazel): leaves must be collected in May. Two tablespoons of leaves pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for two hours. Drink 1/2 cup four times a day before meals.

A decoction of the bark of common hazel (hazel): pour one tablespoon of chopped bark with 500 ml of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, strain. Drink 1/2 cup four times a day before meals.

Collection: chestnut (flowers) - 1 part, meadowsweet (flowers) - 2 parts, sweet clover (grass) - 1 part, fragrant rue (leaf) - 1 part, horsetail - 1 part.

1 tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of water, leave for 15 minutes in a water bath. Set aside, strain. Bring to the original volume. Take a glass three times a day

Infusion of stinging nettle leaves: leaves must be collected in May. Take 1 tablespoon of nettle per glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes in a water bath. Take 1 glass in the morning and evening, while observing a dairy-vegetarian diet.

Apple cider vinegar: 2 teaspoons in a glass of warm boiled water before each meal.

Marjoram herb infusion (4 tablespoons of raw materials per cup of boiling water): 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Figs in any form - fresh, boiled in water or milk: with varicose veins, it is recommended to eat as much as possible if there is no concomitant pathology - diabetes, inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract and gout.

Infusion of hazelnut (leaves, bark). A tablespoon of crushed raw materials in a glass of boiling water. It is recommended to drink 1/3-1/4 cup 3-4 times a day before meals with varicose veins, phlebitis and periphlebitis, trophic leg ulcers and capillary hemorrhages. Take a decoction of the leaves for hypertrophy (enlargement) of the prostate gland.

Decoction of hops (cones). With thrombophlebitis: collect only greenish-yellow hop cones, dry them. Brew 1-2 tablespoons (depending on the weight of the patient) in a glass of boiling water. Boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes, strain. Drink the entire dose in 2-3 doses during the day, preferably in the evening, since hops can act as a sleeping pill.

Infusion of calamus calamus 20 g of calamus rhizomes pour 1/2 liter of vodka and infuse in a dark place for 20 days. Tincture is taken orally 1 tablespoon Zraza a day 30 minutes before meals. Course of treatment: 2 months

Collection: mix buckthorn bark - 15 g, lemon balm leaves - 10 g, yarrow herbs - South. thorn flowers - South. Prepare a decoction in proportion: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture in a glass of water. Take a glass in the morning and evening.

Collection: take 100 g of mouse pea grass and real bedstraw, 30 g of field horsetail, 10 g of agrimony grass and strawberries. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Drink the resulting infusion in three doses, 20 minutes before meals. This fee is to be accepted within a month.

Collection: take equal amounts of rowan and arnica flowers, couch grass rhizomes. Brew one tablespoon of the mixture with one glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Drink 2-3 glasses of infusion per day, regardless of the meal. This fee is also accepted within a month.

Collection: take 20 g of calamus rhizomes, pour 0.5 l of homemade apple wine, insist in a dark place for 2 weeks, strain. Drink 2 tablespoons 30 minutes before meals Zraza a day.

Collection: mix chestnut horse bark - 10 g, willow bark - 25 g, yarrow grass - 15 g, knotweed grass - 15 g, fragrant rue leaves - 15 g. Take 1 tablespoon of estimates per glass of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 30 minutes, filter, take a glass of decoction 3 times a day in courses of 4-6 weeks with the same breaks

For outdoor use:

Collection: chestnut (flowers) - 1 honor, marshmallow (root) - 1 part, chamomile (flowers) - 1 part, comfrey (root) - 1 part. Tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of water. Boil. Make compresses two or three times a day.

A decoction of white willow bark (willow, rakita): pour two tablespoons of chopped bark into two glasses hot water and boil 15-20 tires on low heat. Apply for foot baths (up to the knee) for pain in the legs with varicose veins and muscle fatigue. The duration of the bath is half an hour. After the bath, they put on therapeutic jersey on their feet and rest. For this bath, you can also use a mixture of willow bark with oak bark.

Wormwood for varicose veins Rub fresh branches of wormwood with a pestle in a porcelain mortar, then take a handful of crushed wormwood with flowers and mix with half a liter of curdled milk, apply on gauze folded in 2-3 rows and apply to the legs in those places where the veins are most strongly dilated . After that, wrap the legs with cellophane, put on a pillow and rest for 30 minutes. Treatment should be carried out within three to four days; then take a short break and repeat the treatment again. At the same time, take 1/2-1 teaspoon of pollen 2-Zraza a day for 1.5 months.

Pound the ground part of a freshly plucked male fern (Driopteris Filix - May). Mix a tablespoon of powder with the same amount of sour milk. Then proceed as with wormwood

Tincture of fresh leaves of Kalanchoe pinnate: prepare a tincture of Kalanchoe according to the following recipe: wash the leaves of Kalanchoe, dry, chop and half fill a half-liter bottle with them. Then pour alcohol to the top (for lack of it, you can use vodka) and put the bottle in a dark place. It needs to be shaken from time to time. After a week, the contents of the bottle are filtered. The resulting tincture is used to rub the legs, starting from the foot and moving further to the knees and above, rub the legs twice a day in the morning and at night. It immediately relieves pain in the legs. For the disappearance of the blue mesh of small veins, the procedure must be done daily for 2-4 months. At the same time, take flower pollen 1/2-1 teaspoon two to three times a day.

Tincture of white acacia flowers prepare a tincture on alcohol or vodka (1: 3). Moisten with it and rub well on sore spots.

Collection: mix horse chestnut flowers - 20 g, viburnum bark - 30 g, white willow bark - 50 g. Boil the mixture in 1 liter of water. Insist 10 min. Apply to compresses.

The treatment of this disease is successful if sweets and confectionery are excluded from food. In the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening you need to drink 1 glass of birch buds infusion in a ratio of 1:10 with 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons of natural bee honey.

Infusion of cudweed grass marshwort: 100 g of herb cudweed nausea pour 5 liters of boiling water, leave for 10 hours. Use as a foot bath. The duration of the bath is 20-30 minutes, the water temperature is not higher than 20C.

Apart from medicinal herbs for the treatment of dilated veins, you can use a ripe tomato. Cut it into slices and attach them to the dilated veins. After three to four hours, replace the slices with fresh ones.

Apply a slurry of grated potatoes to the dilated veins - a slurry of well-washed freshly grated potato tubers (with long-term storage of potatoes, enzyme activity drops sharply) is applied to the surface of the ulcer with a layer of 1 cm, covered with 6-8 layers of gauze on top and kept for 4-5 hours (gauze the napkin is preliminarily moistened with potato juice

At night, put thin slices of lemon on sore veins, cover with strips of paper on top and bandage. Lemon has the ability to penetrate deep into the skin, absorbing all excess.

With varicose veins, honey compresses are useful: a layer of honey is applied to the canvas, it is covered with a vinyl chloride film on top and bandaged with a wide bandage. On the first day, the compress is left for two hours, on the second and third - for four, and then - all night.

Elecampane root infusion. The method of preparation is as follows: take three tablespoons of elecampane root in a glass of water and evaporate in a water bath or on low gas until the liquid acquires a viscous consistency. Then this liquid is filtered and mixed with melted interior fat 1:4.

With varicose veins, a mixture of hop and amaranth decoctions can be used for a compress, for which 1 tablespoon of hop cones and 1 amaranth leaf are crushed, poured with 1.5 glasses of water, heated in a water bath for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. Gauze, moistened with the resulting broth, is applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe legs with dilated veins for 10 minutes.

Take lard (mesh) and bile (it is sold in a pharmacy), mix 5:1. Do not rub the ointment, but only apply to the sore spot.

Take 2 tbsp. l. ground horseradish, derti - 50 g, mix everything with sunflower oil and apply on the leg, where blue veins and nodes are visible. The pain goes away, the nodes dissolve.

Cut the pumpkin in half, remove the seeds from it, then select the pulp with a boiled spoon and put it in a boiled bowl. Keep refrigerated. Apply as it dries several times a day. At first it will hurt, but you need to be patient, the pain will subside. How many procedures you need to do, you decide.

Compress: camphor alcohol, vinegar 9%, "Triple" cologne (alcohol 90%), gauze, parchment paper. Moisten gauze with warm water, then squeeze well. Put the gauze in the palm of your hand, sprinkle it with camphor alcohol, triple cologne and vinegar. Roll this piece of gauze between your palms like a ball to mix all the ingredients. If the gauze is too wet, wring it out. Wrap varicose veins with this gauze, put parchment paper on top, and then wrap with an old but clean woolen scarf. Tie with a bandage and go to bed. In the morning, remove everything and wash with warm water and laundry soap those places where there were compresses. And so alternate: one day a compress on the right leg, and the next day - the fawn leg. If peeling appears on the skin, then you need to take a break for 1-2 days. Compresses should be done until the skin becomes smooth again, without twisted blue thrombosed veins. Already after the first compress, you will feel relief when walking in the morning. The main thing is not to be lazy, then achieving success is 100%.

White lilac flowers (1 cup) are placed in a liter jar. Pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist for a week and filter. When the white lily blooms, add lily flowers to the lilac tincture, about 100 g, and after a week and a half more white acacia flowers (1 cup). A week later, the tincture is ready. Strain and apply it like this: before going to bed, generously lubricate the sore leg with tincture and put on a plastic bag, wrapping it in something warm. Remove everything in the morning. Be careful, this disease does not tolerate hypothermia, so even in summer it is better to wear stockings.

Vessel cleansing: 1 cup dill seeds, 2 tbsp. l. valerian root powder and 0.5 l of natural honey. Place in a two-liter jar and pour boiling water to the top, wrap for a day. Then strain and take 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals.

Treatment with green bentonite clay. Clay can be taken orally in the form of clay powder and clay water. Rub sore spots with clay water with grated garlic. Put clay lotions on sore spots. Alternate clay lotions with fresh cabbage lotions prepared in a special way. Wash affected areas with salted water.

Preventive measures against varicose veins include a toning massage: using a mixture of mint oil (3 drops) and amaranth oil (2 drops). To do this, the palms are lubricated with a mixture of oils and the veins are stroked from the bottom up. Such a massage is carried out 1-2 times a week.

Spruce ointment for varicose veins. Mix 50 g of grated onion, 50 g of vegetable oil, 20 g of spruce resin, 15 g of copper sulfate, bring the mixture to a boil, cool. Store in a jar. Lubricate varicose veins, bruises, sprains with a mixture.

And, remember that you can cope with your illness without resorting to surgery. Take a look around. Nature is natural medicine. Healing plants and medicinal leeches, created by nature itself, can make your legs healthy and beautiful.

Medical leech is the best vascular doctor. Leeches are placed on reflexogenic points in the coccyx area (in order to relieve venous congestion in the pelvic area), on the liver area for the same purpose, along the thrombosed or varicose vein from both sides in a checkerboard pattern. And the secret of leech saliva contains a special substance hirudin, which prevents blood clotting, thereby improving blood circulation.

In addition to hirudin, the secret of leech saliva contains more than thirty biologically active substances that have a wide range of healing effects. Already from the moment of the act of bloodsucking by leeches, it turns out therapeutic effect on pathologically altered organs and veins, then a number of mechanisms for normalizing microcirculation are activated, in particular, the mechanism for relieving vascular spasm, as well as accelerating blood flow, reducing blood viscosity. All this leads to improved tissue nutrition, and, consequently, to the elimination of the pathological process.

The method of herbal medicine allows you to correct the venous system and chronic processes from the inside, and hirudotherapy, both from the inside (by saturating the systemic blood flow with useful substances) and from the outside, removing cosmetic defects.

It is very important to catch the disease at the very beginning, when varicose veins are just emerging. If the symptoms of the disease have just appeared, you need to start herbal medicine, go on a diet, perhaps take a course of anti-sclerotic drug treatment. If varicose veins have gone very far, it is unlikely to do without surgical intervention. In this situation, herbal treatment is designed to improve its results and prevent relapses. If for some reason the operation is impossible, herbal medicine will help prevent complications in the form of thrombophlebitis.

Treatment of varicose veins with folk remedies

1. Decoction of cones hops ordinary. Grind one tablespoon of cones, pour a glass of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Decoction drink 3 cups before meals; since hops have a slight hypnotic effect, you can drink a glass in two doses before bedtime. Gauze moistened with a decoction of hops is useful to apply to areas of the legs with dilated veins.

2. Infusion of leaves hazel ordinary (hazel). Leaves must be collected in May. Two tablespoons of leaves pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for two hours. Drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals.

3. Decoction of the bark hazel ordinary (hazel). Pour 500 ml of boiling water over one tablespoon of chopped bark, boil for 10 minutes, strain. Drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals.

4. Tincture of flowers or fruits horse chestnut. 50 g of flowers or fruits of chestnut per 0.5 l of vodka. Infuse for two weeks in a warm, dark place, shaking daily. Take 30-40 drops 3-4 times for 3-4 weeks.

Preparations from horse chestnut reduce blood clotting, strengthen the walls of capillaries and veins.

5. Decoction of the bark white willow(willow, willow). Pour two tablespoons of crushed bark with 2 cups of hot water, bring to a boil and boil for 15-20 minutes over low heat. It is used for foot baths (up to the knee) for pain in the legs of people suffering from varicose veins and for muscle fatigue. The duration of the bath is half an hour. After the bath, put on a bandage or rubber elastic stockings and rest.

6. Grass silver wormwood. Freshly plucked leaves and flower heads of wormwood carefully grind in a mortar. Combine a tablespoon of the resulting slurry With the same amount of sour milk. Stir and apply evenly on gauze, which is then applied to areas with dilated veins. Treatment should be carried out within 3-4 days. You can repeat after a few days.

7. In addition to medicinal herbs for the treatment of dilated veins, you can use a well-ripened tomato. Cut it into slices and attach them to the dilated veins. After 3-4 hours, replace the slices with fresh ones.

8. Kalanchoe. Fill half a half-liter jar with cut Kalanchoe leaves and pour vodka or alcohol 70 ° to the top. Put in a dark place and shake occasionally. A week later, the tincture is ready. Rub the legs in the evening with tincture, starting from the foot and up to the knees. Pain in the legs disappears immediately, but for a cure, the disappearance of the network of veins, it is necessary to repeat the procedure for 4 months in a row.

9. P. M. Kurennoye advises: The first remedy is watercress (rezhuha). It should be eaten in large quantities.

10. Dryweed marsh. Pour 200 g of dry grass into a bucket, pour boiling water over it and leave for an hour, carefully wrapping it. Then lower the legs into a bucket (the infusion should be warm) and hold for about half an hour, adding boiling water.

11. Wormwood. Mix a handful of crushed fresh wormwood with matsoni or curdled milk. Apply the mixture on gauze and apply where the veins are most dilated. Put your feet on a pillow and cover with a film or cellophane. Remove gauze with gruel after 30 minutes.

12. Kalanchoe. Fill half a half-liter bottle with cut Kalanchoe leaves and pour vodka or 70-degree alcohol to the top. Put in a dark place and shake occasionally. A week later, the tincture is ready. Rub the legs in the evening with tincture, starting from the foot and moving to the knees and above. Pain in the legs disappears immediately, but for a cure, the disappearance of the network of veins, it is necessary to repeat the procedure for 4 months in a row.

13. Hops. 1 st. grind a spoonful of hop cones, pour 200 ml of boiling water And heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take a glass 3 times a day before meals. On the area of ​​​​the legs with dilated veins, apply gauze moistened with a decoction of hops.

14. Hazel. 1 st. brew a spoonful of 200 ml of boiling water like tea. Drink a decoction of half a glass 4 times a day. This decoction also helps with the expansion of small capillaries, veins. Collect fresh hazel leaves in June, dry in the shade.

15. Chestnut horse. Crush 30 g of flowers or fruits of horse chestnut (taken out) and insist on 300 ml of vodka in the dark for a week, shaking occasionally. Then, after straining, take 30 drops 3 times a day before meals. There are ready-made pharmacy tinctures from horse chestnut - escusan, esfalazid and escin. They are prescribed orally 10-20 drops 3 times a day before meals.

These drugs are used to treat thrombosis, during childbirth and after surgery, with varicose veins, especially in pregnant women and women in childbirth.

16. Hazelnut (leaves, bark). Infusion of leaves and hazelnut bark: 1 tablespoon of crushed raw materials in a glass of boiling water. It is recommended to drink 1/3 - 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day before meals for varicose veins, phlebitis and periphlebitis, trophic leg ulcers and capillary hemorrhages.

Take a decoction of the leaves for hypertrophy (enlargement) of the prostate gland.

17. Tincture: 50 g flowers or chestnut fruit on 0,5 l vodka 50- degree. Insist 2 weeks in a warm, dark place, shaking daily. Take this tincture 30-40 drops 3-4 times a day for 3-4 weeks. For the treatment of varicose veins and hemorrhoids in folk medicine, in addition to tincture, fresh juice from chestnut flowers is sometimes used, 25 drops 2-3 times V day.

Preparations from horse chestnut reduce blood clotting, strengthen the walls of capillaries and veins, prevent the formation of blood clots in blood vessels and promote the resorption of formed blood clots, blood clots gradually soften and dissolve.

Chestnut preparations (from fruits, flowers or bark) are used internally and externally for hemorrhoids, vasospasm, impaired bile secretion, chronic digestive disorders, bronchial catarrhs, gout, rheumatism, sciatica and for the treatment of thrombophlebitis, leg ulcers and varicose veins. The extract is also recommended for baths with myalgia and neuralgia.

Hot infusion and extract from horse chestnut is one of the best venotonic remedies. Included in the composition of domestic and foreign drugs for the treatment of expansion and inflammation of the veins, phlebitis and hemorrhoids.

18. Before going to bed, do warm foot baths from cudweed herbs. Helps with thrombophlebitis and other thrombosis. Equally useful are common baths made of cudweed.

19. A woman after removal of the gallbladder could not walk. The legs began to swell and became covered with a network of blue thin veins. I made a tincture of fresh Kalanchoe leaves on vodka. I started rubbing my legs. The tumor has gone. The blue of small veins disappeared, she began to walk normally.

20. Yarrow (herb) - 50 g, immortelle (flowers) - 200 g, cranberries (leaves) - 100 g, buckthorn (bark) - 100 G, birch(leaves) - 100 g.

1 full tablespoon of the crushed mixture brew 300 g of boiling water. Boil 5 minutes. Infuse in a warm place for 4 hours. Take warm 0.5 cup 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before meals. It is used for phlebitis and thrombophlebitis.

21. Exercise proposed by Mikulin.

Rise on toes so that the heels come off the floor by only 1 cm, and drop sharply to the floor. After 20 such concussions, a break of 10 seconds. With each exercise, do no more than 60 concussions. During the day, it is recommended to repeat the exercise 3-5 times for 1 minute each. Do it calmly, do not rush.

22. Bulgarian recipes for varicose veins.

Just plucked leaves and flower heads of silver wormwood carefully grind in a mortar. Combine a tablespoon of the resulting powder with the same amount of sour milk, stir well and apply evenly on gauze, which is then applied to the dilated veins.

In the elderly

One of the most common diseases in the elderly is varicose veins of the lower extremities. Most often, the superficial veins of the lower leg, thigh, and foot are deformed.

The disease is expressed in the loss of elasticity of the veins, as a result of which they expand, forming the so-called "knots". The speed of blood flow in them decreases, blood begins to sweat through the walls of the veins - edema is formed. Varicose veins often lead to thrombophlebitis (the formation of blood clots on the walls of the veins).

This disease often also develops in pregnant women who have given birth a lot, as the fetus presses on the pelvic vessels, making it difficult for blood circulation in the lower extremities.

With varicose veins, patients usually complain of pain along the veins or in the entire limb that occurs when walking. Dilated veins appear through the skin in the form of tortuous veins or knots. In the process of the development of the disease, dark brown or brown spots appear on the skin in these places. The disease is often accompanied by swelling of the lower extremities, appearing by the end of the day.

The development of varicose veins is facilitated by the difficulty of outflow of blood due to prolonged standing on the legs, when wearing elastic bands or garters that impair blood circulation, severe physical labor etc.

Treatment of varicose veins should begin with the elimination of the causes that contribute to circulatory disorders in the extremities. When sedentary work, it is advisable to take a break every 1.5-2 hours. During the break, do a few exercise, run 100-200 meters or at least 10-15 times to rise on your toes.

A good effect in this disease is the bandaging of the affected veins with an elastic bandage. This should be done in the morning without getting out of bed (moreover, when bandaging the leg should be in an elevated position), starting from the toes and rising higher (leave the heel open). Usually bandaged to the knee or lower third of the thigh. Sometimes, instead of a bandage, an elastic stocking is used, which is more convenient to use.

Of great importance in the treatment of this disease is physiotherapy. It is necessary to run, swim, ride a bike and ski, do any exercises for the legs in a prone position (you can also include strength exercises). In the initial stages of the disease, it is useful to lie 3-4 times a day with legs raised on a support, after which, sitting or lying down, do some physical exercises. In a sitting position, even at the workplace, you can perform some exercises, for example, bend and unbend your toes 10-15 times at a slow pace, or tighten and relax the thigh muscles by moving your kneecap 10-15 times. Morning jogs, evening walks and everything that takes us away from physical inactivity are useful.

To prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to constantly and persistently carry out the prevention of varicose veins. Everything that interferes with normal blood circulation should be eliminated. If, by the nature of the work, you have to sit for a long time, the sore leg should be placed horizontally. After work, be sure to walk slowly and with pleasure - this is the best rest for the legs.

Before starting the treatment of varicose veins, you need to heed some of the recommendations of experts in this field:

if you have varicose veins, always wear comfortable shoes. Women, if possible, do not wear high-heeled shoes. All patients (and healthy ones, for the prevention of the disease) should walk barefoot more often;

everyone who has a predisposition to varicose veins or has already appeared the first signs of the disease, be sure to monitor their weight. Beware of obesity, especially in old age. Obesity is an extra burden for the heart, legs, for all organs and systems of your body. Obesity is an extra energy expenditure and a path to ill health;

since the veins of the lower extremities are located farthest from the heart, when the heart's strength is weakened, they are the first to suffer. Therefore, we must strive to help the heart cope with its difficult work. To do this, at every opportunity, try to put your legs higher, for example, on the back of a bed, chair or armchair. If you are lying on a sofa or bed, put a high pillow or mattress under your feet;

Smoking is the number one enemy of the veins. If you smoke and your age is approaching old age, you can be sure that you will certainly have varicose veins. It is good if the disease is not accompanied by complications (thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis of the lower extremities), because in this case you are already risking your life;

if you see that you have changes in the veins, try to reconsider and change your lifestyle. Go for walks more, go in for sports, run, limit yourself in nutrition and run away from hypodynamia.

For the treatment of dilated veins, you can use the following folk remedies:

A decoction of white willow bark (willow, willow): 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed bark pour 2 cups of boiling water, bring to a boil and boil for 10-15 minutes over low heat. Do foot baths with a decoction, for pain in the legs for everyone suffering from varicose veins and for muscle fatigue. The duration of the bath is half an hour. After the bath, put on a bandage or elastic rubber stockings.

A decoction of carrot tops should be constantly threaded instead of tea or water for all varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

Tincture of flowers or fruits of horse chestnut: 50 g of fruits or flowers of chestnut per 0.5 l of vodka. Insist 14 days in a warm, dark place, shaking daily.

Take 40 drops 3-4 times a day daily for 2-3 weeks. A hot infusion or extract from horse chestnut is one of the most strong means used in venous insufficiency. It is also used in the treatment of various phlebitis and hemorrhoids. Preparations from horse chestnut strengthen the walls of veins and capillaries, prevent the formation of blood clots in the vessels. Blood clots formed early gradually dissolve and soften.

Decoction of common hazel bark: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of chopped bark with 0.5 liters of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, strain. Drink 0.5 cup 4 times a day before meals.

Infusion of common hazel leaves (hazel). Leaves must be collected in May. 2 tbsp. spoons of leaves pour 2 cups boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Drink 0.5 cup 4 times a day before meals.

Tincture of fragrant rue herb: pour 100 g of chopped herb into 0.5 l of vodka and leave for 10 days in a dark place. Take 10 drops per tablespoon of water 3 times a day.

Grass wormwood silvery. Freshly plucked leaves and flower heads of wormwood carefully grind in a mortar. Combine a tablespoon of the resulting slurry with the same amount of sour milk. Stir properly and apply a thin layer on gauze, which is then applied to the affected areas. Treatment is carried out for 4-5 days. Rest 5 days, and repeat the treatment.

Before going to bed, it is useful to do foot baths in the infusion of marsh cudweed grass. Bath temperature - 38-39 ° C.

Rinse 3 medium-sized apples (Antonovka varieties) with cold water and put in an enamel pan, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Wrap tightly, put in a warm place and insist for 3 hours. Then crush the apples and strain the resulting solution. Take 100 g in the morning and evening on an empty stomach.

Nutmeg is one of the most powerful remedies that give a good effect in the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Grated nutmeg insist on vodka and drink for a long time. Take 200 g of nuts per liter of vodka. Insist 14 days. Filter and take 25 drops 3 times a day.

Thistle or sow thistle often saves patients from surgery for varicose veins. Lotions and compresses from the bodyak have long been used in folk medicine: 30 g of the stems and leaves of the bodyak are poured into 300 ml of water, boiled over low heat for 5 minutes, cooled. Compresses are best done at night.

Fill a half-liter bottle with birch buds by 1/3 and pour vodka into it up to the neck. Infuse for 10 days, shaking daily. Lubricate the veins with the resulting tincture when the legs begin to hurt, and rest for 10-15 minutes. Then lubricate again and stop all physical activity. The buds should be collected at the moment when they are already swollen, but the green leaves have not yet appeared. Dry the collected kidneys, they will be ready for use within 2 years. Tincture of birch buds also helps with thrombophlebitis and long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers.

Lubrication of varicose veins and knots with apple cider vinegar 6% reduces dilated veins.

Stinging nettle. An infusion of its leaves for varicose veins should be taken for a long time, while you should follow a diet: do not eat meat, avoid fried foods;

Bulgarian medicine recommends using for varicose veins fresh tomatoes. Cut a well-ripened tomato into slices and apply to dilated veins and varicose veins. After 3-4 hours, replace the tomato slices with fresh ones.

1 st. grind a spoonful of ordinary hop cones, pour a glass of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Drink a decoction before meals 3 times a day but 200 ml. It should be remembered that hops have some hypnotic effect, which is dangerous for drivers. A decoction of hops can be used for the day of external use, applying napkins with it to areas with dilated veins for 10-15 minutes.

Exercise proposed by Mikulin: rise on toes so that the heels come off the floor by 1 cm and drop sharply to the floor. After 20 such concussions - a break of 10 seconds. With each exercise, do up to 60 such concussions. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times a day.

Fill half a half-liter bottle with crushed Kalanchoe leaves and pour alcohol or vodka to the top. Put for a week in a dark place. Shake daily. Rub the tincture in the evening, starting from the foot. The remedy relieves pain in the legs, contributes to the disappearance of the "blue grid" of small veins. Pain in the legs disappear immediately, and it will take 2-3 months for the mesh to disappear.

Zalmanov's recipe - foot baths with alum and soda: soda - 200 g. alum - 70 g, water - 5 liters. The water temperature is 38 °C. the procedure time is 15 minutes.

Mix a handful of crushed fresh bitter wormwood with 0.5 liters of curdled milk, apply the mixture on gauze and apply to places where the veins are most pronounced. Put your feet on a small pillow and cover with polyethylene. Remove after 30 minutes.

With varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, you need to constantly eat raw onions, which reduce blood clotting.

Possess strong anticoagulant properties sea ​​kale and figs. They have a good effect4 in thrombophlebitis;

Tips from the Bulgarian healer and clairvoyant Vanga Dimitrova for the treatment of varicose veins:

in the early morning, spread a clean sheet on the dewy grass, then wrap your legs with it. Dew, in her opinion, is not yet a fully understood remedy that heals many diseases;

with varicose veins, it is imperative to walk early in the morning on dewy meadow grass in cotton socks. When the socks get wet from the dew, then you don’t need to take them off, but you have to wait until they dry on your feet;

pour green walnuts with olive oil so that the oil covers the top layer of nuts by 1-2 cm. Let the nuts soak in the sun for 40 days. Lubricate the legs with the resulting mixture for varicose veins. Continue treatment until the medicine runs out;

take a lung from a freshly slaughtered pig, cut it into small slices and apply these slices to the affected areas. You can sprinkle slices of lung tissue with sulfur and leave them on the leg all night;

cyanotic legs can be cured by taking celandine tincture (10 drops per tablespoon of milk), 3 times a day before meals. You can drink a decoction of a string, and cover bluish places with burdock or lilac leaves.

During pregnancy

Varicose veins occur due to excessive stretching of the walls of blood vessels, most often in the second half of pregnancy and, unfortunately, tend to increase with each new pregnancy. With an increase in the term, more and more hard work falls on the share of the veins of the lower extremities, because blood rises up through them (from the toes to the heart), overcoming both its own weight and the pressure of the woman’s weight, which is added. In addition, the amount of hormones changes, under the influence of which the walls of the vessels soften, and the pressure of the uterus and fetus on the pelvic vessels also increases.

Many women have varicose veins of the lower extremities by the end of pregnancy, and hemorrhoids often appear. However, not everyone. What does it depend on? Mainly for several reasons:

- insufficient elasticity of blood vessels, due to the condition of the venous valves, which is often inherited;

- prolonged standing, which may be due to professional activity; excessive exposure to the sun and heat;

- excessive stretching of the walls of the veins due to the influence of hormones during pregnancy.

Varicose veins are accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and the appearance of heat in the legs, swelling, a painful feeling of tension, and sometimes convulsions.

If a woman feels sharp pain in the area of ​​dilated veins or in the legs when the foot is bent, if a dense, hot, painful area appears along the course of the vein, she should immediately consult a doctor.

Varicose veins of the rectum and anus called hemorrhoids. In this case, hemorrhoids can form, which are painful, there is a painful sensation of itching and burning. Sometimes, during the act of defecation, hemorrhoids bleed. Hemorrhoids may get worse after childbirth, but then they go away in most women, especially if it was an unopened case. This is what happened to my patient:

“I had two pregnancies. The first one was hemorrhoids, which after giving birth bothered me for a month. Helped enemas with infusion of chamomile and sea buckthorn oil. After the second birth, I had hemorrhoids and varicose veins. I already knew how to deal with hemorrhoids. I didn’t feel any pain or burning in my legs, only there was heaviness, my legs felt like cotton, especially towards the end of the day. I was advised to sleep with my legs elevated, and after a week the heaviness was gone.

Is there a relationship between cellulite and varicose veins?

Most researchers and doctors tend to believe that varicose veins and cellulite are inextricably linked.

The accumulation of fat in the thighs, upper legs and buttocks leads to thinning of the walls of blood vessels and their hyperpermeability, resulting in swelling. Hardening of the tissues around fat cells also occurs, which is aggravated with age.

Physical exercise

Exercises are performed in the supine position ( lower end couches or beds raised to a height of 25 cm).

1. Spread your arms to the sides (inhale), put them along the body (exhale) - 5 times.

2. Arms along the body, legs apart. Bend and unbend the soles of your feet and fingers at the same time - 10-12 times.

3. Legs are straightened. Alternately bend and unbend your legs at the knees - 3-7 times each leg.

4. Legs are straightened. Bend your left leg, pull it to your chest, straighten it up, hold it and slowly lower it. Do the same with your right foot - 5-6 times.

5. Legs bent at the knees, hands on the stomach. Diaphragmatic breathing. Repeat 4-5 times.

6. Legs apart, socks and knees in, out and back. Repeat 6-10 times.

7. Brushes to the shoulders. Circular movements in the shoulder joints - 4-5 times in each direction.

8. Hands under the waist or along the torso. Sit down and lie down 5-6 times.

9. Legs bent, hands on the stomach. Tilt your bent legs to the right and left 6-8 times.

10. Legs are straightened. Alternately take your legs and arms to the sides 4-5 times in each direction.

11. Legs are straightened. Alternately bend and unbend the feet with effort - “pushing the pedals” (the exercise can also be performed with emphasis on the gymnastic wall) - 10-12 times.

12. Legs apart. Bend your left hand right hand take out the left heel. The same with the right leg - 5-6 times each.

13. hands behind the head. Leg movements - "bicycle" 6-8 times.

14. Legs bent, hands on the stomach. Breathe deeply 5-6 times.

15. Legs bent, arms along the body. Alternately raise your legs up with a delay in a vertical position - move your toes and actively twist your feet, repeat circular movements until tired legs appear.

16. Hands in the "castle", legs apart. Raise your arms up, pull yourself up and spread your arms to the sides, down - 4-6 times.

Perform exercises 17-28 on the couch, the foot end of which is lowered to a horizontal position.

17. Lying on the left side. Left hand under the cheek, right on the thigh, legs half-bent. Raise your right arm and leg 5-6 times.

18. Starting position - the same. Bend your right leg and pull it with your hand to your stomach - 6-8 times.

19. Starting position - the same. Turns of the torso to the sides - 6-8 times.

20. Lying down, holding the couch with your right hand. Perform swing movements with your right foot back and forth -

21. Starting position - the same. Circular movements of the same leg inward and outward 3-4 times. The same exercise for the left leg.

22. Starting position - the same. Bend and unbend the feet - 10-12 times.

23-28. Repeat exercises 17-22 in the position on the right side.

29. Standing facing the gymnastic wall and holding on to the rail, rise on your toes, roll onto your heels, back onto your toes - 5-6 times.

30. Starting position - the same. Quickly walk in emphasis on socks, transferring weight from one foot to another - 5-6 times in 5-6 steps.

31. Starting position - the same, only stepping back a long step from the wall, hands behind your back. Step with your left foot on the 4-5 rail, press your knee against the rail, then the same for the right leg - 5-6 times.

32. Standing with your right side at the gymnastic wall, with your right hand, hold on to the rail below the waist. Perform swing movements with your left hand and foot back and forth - 6-8 times. The same - left side to the wall - swings with the right arm and leg.

33. Standing, hands down. Spread your arms to the sides - inhale, lower - exhale. Do 4-5 times.

34. Standing facing the gymnastic wall, holding the rail at shoulder level, squat on your toes, knees apart - 3-4 times.

35. Standing with your right side to the gymnastic wall, perform circular movements with your left foot inward and outward - 3-5 times. The same with the right foot.

36. Walking simple and complicated: on toes, on heels, raising the knees high, ski step alternating with normal walking and relaxing the muscles of one and the other legs - 5 minutes.

37. Lying on your back. The foot end of the couch is raised by 35-40 cm. Spread your arms to the sides (inhale), lower (exhale) - 4-5 times.

38. Starting position - the same. Alternately bend and unbend your knees - 4-6 times. Breathe in conclusion with the diaphragm - 4-6 times.


Father Abraham walked with his selfish son Isaac, Carried an ailing life to Christ for healing. They met 12 komukhs - the daughters of Antichrist, Their father Abraham asked: “Have you spoiled the veins of the servant of God (name)?” The Komukhs bowed to Father Abraham, they trembled before Christ, they took the blood knots from the servant of God (name). Whoever reads this on Friday, All the illness will go away from him. Amen. While reading the plot with the little finger of the left hand, you need to circle the varicose nodes.

- On the sea-ocean there is an oak, under that oak there is a golden cone. I gnaw, I gnaw, I choose a bump from under an oak, and I drive a hernia under an oak. And you lie under the oak, do not say any words, just help the angel of the servant of God (name), choose your hernia, take it. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Clay treatment

Dry the clay in the sun, place in a wooden or enamel bowl, but in no case in a metal one, pour a small amount of water, let stand for several hours so that the clay is saturated with water.

Use as an ointment for the affected areas of blood vessels.

Mud therapy


60 g sea mud, 1 teaspoon lemon oil, 2 teaspoons lemon juice, 10 drops almond oil.

Cooking method.

Heat the mud to 20 ° C, mix with lemon juice and oils, cool.

Mode of application.

Apply mud application on the skin of the feet for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Often, with varicose veins, doctors prescribe expensive foreign creams, lotions and balms, which allegedly immediately begin to reduce dilated veins. Unfortunately, the benefits of such funds do not always correspond to their price. What to do in a situation where finances do not always allow you to purchase an expensive cream, and the desire to cure varicose veins increases every day? Essential oils will come to the rescue. Some of the most effective are castor, ichthyol and shea butter.

Treatment of varicose veins.

The use of ichthyol oil

Ichthyol oil is rare on the Russian market, but it is part of the well-known ichthyol ointment. Besides, it costs mere pennies. Ichthyol oil contains ammonium salts of shale oil, which are composed of natural kerogen. Such chemical composition has:

  • analgesic properties;
  • it is quickly absorbed into the skin;
  • relieves inflammation and swelling.

In folk medicine, ichthyol oil or ointment is used to prepare a gel against varicose veins. For this recipe, you need to mix 20 g of heparin ointment, 15 g of ichthyol ointment and 20 ml linseed oil. Mix the finished composition until smooth. Rub the gel twice a day: morning and evening. The course of treatment is two to three weeks.

The use of castor oil for varicose veins

Castor oil against varicose veins is used both in pure form and as part of ointments. They are also impregnated with compresses. This oil has a number of positive properties:

  • improves tissue elasticity;
  • accelerates blood circulation of the upper layers of the skin;
  • reduces inflammatory processes;
  • nourishes dry and thin skin.

With the help of castor oil, preventive anti-varicose lotions are made. To prepare one of them, you need to mix 10 ml of castor oil, 10 ml of aloe juice, 5 ml of sandalwood essential oil and 5 ml of flax oil. Apply to affected areas once a day.

Varicose veins primarily affect the rectum and legs, resulting from weak connective tissue, obstructed drainage, and inadequate valve strength. This disease provokes heavy physical labor associated with moving and lifting weights, as well as being on your feet for a long time. In addition, the appearance and development of the disease is associated with frequent constipation. In some cases, the disease manifests itself during pregnancy, when a heavy uterus compresses the veins in the pelvis. In this article we will talk about folk on the feet. But before that, let's find out what the symptoms of this disease are. So let's get started.

Symptoms of varicose veins

At the same time, they lose their elasticity, stretch and expand in separate places, forming "knots". In these dilated areas, the rate of blood flow slows down, which contributes to the development of thrombosis. The veins change shape and enlarge. In some places, they are translucent under the skin, while in others they swell, forming "knots". Symptoms of varicose veins of the legs are manifested in and edema in the evening. And bluish, brown and brown spots appear on the skin of the lower extremities.

It must be clearly understood that the treatment will be most effective in the early stages of the disease. If everything is started, then only surgical intervention can help. Therefore, you should carefully monitor your health and immediately take action at the first symptoms. And folk remedies from on your feet will help you with this.


It perfectly stimulates the process of blood circulation. Also, this nut relieves inflammation of the veins. Medicine is prepared from it as follows: whole nuts are ground in a coffee grinder or ground on a grater. Then one third of a teaspoon of the resulting powder is poured with boiling water and allowed to cool to room temperature. Next, add a spoonful of honey and leave for about 20 minutes. The resulting broth is drunk in the morning before breakfast. It is very important to prepare a fresh portion of the powder every day. After all, essential oils quickly disappear, and the drink loses its medicinal properties.

Ointments for varicose veins

Great help with this disease. Ointment for varicose veins on the legs is prepared on the basis of vegetable oil. But more often they use olive oil, as it contains. To give the composition a density, melted animal fat must be mixed. Also in the manufacturing process it is recommended to use such plants:

  • sagebrush;
  • woodlice;
  • cabbage;
  • celandine;
  • kalanchoe;
  • horse chestnut;
  • willow bark.

Such mixtures are easy to prepare. For example, an ointment based on is done like this: 6 dried fruits are crushed into flour, 300 milligrams of oil and 2 tablespoons of crushed chestnut flowers are added. The resulting mixture is heated on a water bath for about 60 minutes. Then they let it settle, remove the sediment, add animal fat and mix. That, in fact, is all, you can immediately use the resulting ointment for varicose veins on the legs.


Not all are suitable for treatment, but only green tomatoes. How to treat varicose veins in this case? Everything is simple. The tomato must be cut in half and attach one of the halves with the pulp to the vein until it starts to burn. Then the tomato is removed and the area is washed with cold water. After that, the second half is applied to the leg. And so it is necessary to do four times. After three weeks, you will notice blanching of the venous nodes.


Even in ancient times, doctors treated varicose veins during pregnancy on the legs with cabbage leaves. Then they could not explain the reasons for the effectiveness of this remedy. Now it is well known that they contain many trace elements and vitamins. And they still continue to be used as compresses for the treatment of varicose veins.

This is done like this: the cabbage leaf is beaten off or rolled out with a rolling pin. Then one of its sides is smeared vegetable oil and applied to the affected area. It is necessary to fix the sheet with a bandage for one day. The next day, the whole procedure is repeated. The general course of treatment is a month.


This plant belongs to the category "remedies for varicose veins on the legs for external and internal use." In the first case, a compress is made, and in the second - tea.

The compress is done like this: the ginger root is crushed, mixed with honey and applied to the problem area for 3-4 hours. To enhance the effect, it is worth wrapping your legs with a warm blanket.

Ginger tea is not only a remedy, but also a way to treat this disease at any stage. Preparing it is quite simple: you need to cut off a small piece from the root, pour boiling water over it and let it stand for about 15 minutes. It is worth noting that the regular use of this tea not only normalizes blood circulation, but also has a beneficial effect on metabolism. Therefore, this drink is so important for overweight people to drink.


These are not very popular folk remedies. However, they are quite effective. Main element of all infusions is vodka. Therefore, if there are damages on the skin of the legs, then it is worth trying another method of treatment.

The most effective is Kalanchoe tincture. Sometimes comfrey or white acacia is added to it. The medicine is prepared as follows: Kalanchoe leaves are finely chopped and put in a jar. Then pour vodka and defend for two weeks in a dark place. Ready infusion is rubbed into problem areas of the legs twice a day for three months.

Apple cider vinegar for varicose veins

IN this moment it is one of the most popular and the best means treatment of this disease. The thing is that apple cider vinegar contains more than 20 microelements and minerals necessary for blood vessels. And, of course, vitamins C, B and A.

Regular use of this product allows you to achieve:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • raising skin tone;
  • removal of edema;
  • strengthening the walls of the veins.

But apple cider vinegar for varicose veins on the legs will only help if you use a natural product that is made from freshly squeezed juice. Some unscrupulous manufacturers make it from the peel. There is no benefit to this vinegar.

What oil is used to treat varicose veins?

Along with ointments, tinctures and vinegar, essential oils are actively used. Most often it is castor, linseed, cumin, garlic, sandalwood and others. So, what to do with varicose veins if you have one of the oils listed above? There are two options:

  • A few drops are added to a warm bath. You need to take it every day in the evenings.
  • And a couple of drops are added to the cream (oil) when they massage with varicose veins of the legs. The resulting consistency is rubbed with gentle movements into the affected areas.

The use of the above oils not only strengthens the walls of blood vessels, but also relieves swelling of the legs.

Honey, dead bees, propolis and alitherapy

These remedies for varicose veins in the legs have a long history. If you delve into their composition, then the huge benefits will immediately become apparent. But not all of these products are available to residents of the metropolis.

The exception is honey. It can be purchased at any store. How can they treat varicose veins? A thin layer of honey is applied to the canvas and applied to the inflamed veins. From above, the limb is wrapped with plastic wrap and a bandage. In the first three days, the compress is applied for two, three and four hours, respectively. Then it is left on all night. The course of treatment is from two to three weeks.


If you do not know how to treat varicose veins in women, then we advise you to try this berry. Like ginger, it is used to make a fortified drink or compress.

In the first case, viburnum juice is mixed with honey (two tablespoons of honey per 0.5 liter of juice). Drink it four times a day (two tablespoons each). The course of treatment is 1.5 months.

To make a compress, the berries are ground to the state of gruel, placed in a cloth and applied to the inflamed area, wrapped with a bandage. It is better to leave such a compress all night.


pumpkin is awesome useful product containing many trace elements and vitamins. For the treatment of varicose veins, you need to use the inner pulp, after freeing it from seeds. This "medicine" is rubbed on the leg with problematic veins, then wrapped in a warm cloth and left overnight. The remaining pulp is stored in the refrigerator. The effect of the treatment will not appear immediately, so you should be patient.


To be precise, for the treatment of varicose veins, not the fetus itself is used, but the ointment made from it. It is prepared as follows: a layer of lard 1.5 centimeters thick is placed in a glass jar. On top of it, the maclura fruit is cut into slices. The layer should be about 1 centimeter. Then the lard comes again - and so on until the can is completely filled. It is very important that the last layer is pork fat. After that, the bank is placed in the oven or steam bath on a slow fire and reaches 24 hours. The resulting ointment is cooled and rubbed into problem areas a couple of times a day.


Those who know how to treat varicose veins in women have been using this wonderful fruit for a long time. It is used both externally, in the form of compresses, and inside. The compress is prepared as follows: the washed lemon is cut into circles and applied to the inflamed veins, fixed with a bandage. It is worn throughout the day. At the same time, lemon circles are changed to fresh 2-3 times.

Lemon juice cleanses blood vessels and increases their elasticity. Therefore, this citrus should be included in the diet of those people who have problems with veins, or those who want to prevent their occurrence.

Here is one of the best folk remedies for varicose veins: squeeze the juice from six lemons and mix it in a glass dish with two glasses of honey, three leaves of golden mouth and five cloves of minced garlic. The resulting mixture should be infused in a dark place for seven days. Drink the medicine four teaspoons once a day. The course of treatment is a month.


This vegetable is used for varicose veins in the form of compresses.

Several peeled potato tubers are ground on a grater and superimposed on the affected area with a layer of one centimeter. All this is wrapped on top with eight layers of gauze soaked in potato juice. Such a compress is applied for four hours. It is very important to use only fresh tubers for its preparation.


Of all the varieties of clay available for the treatment of varicose veins, blue is ideal. Many experts confirm the high effectiveness of its impact on the affected veins. With varicose veins, clay is used in the form of applications.

To carry out the procedure, the clay is diluted with water to a creamy state. The resulting consistency is applied to problem areas with a two-centimeter layer, wrapped with a terry towel and aged for at least two hours. Then the clay is washed off. The course of treatment is 1.5 months of daily applications.

Fish fat

In most cases, it is taken orally to reduce weight and normalize metabolism. After all, it is known that a slow metabolism and excess weight are the main causes of varicose veins. But fish oil has other uses as well.

It is mixed with May honey until smooth in a ratio of 1:1. The resulting ointment is applied to a linen cloth and applied to the inflamed veins all night.


Now you know how to treat varicose veins at home. Many people do not pay attention to pain in the lower extremities, swelling and fatigue at the end of the day, considering them to be normal. You shouldn't be like them. Ignoring the symptoms of the disease, you will not be able to get rid of it. Therefore, at the first sign, use folk remedies for varicose veins on the legs, which were listed in this article. If there is no effect, then contact a qualified phlebologist.

Having found the first signs in themselves, people tend to get upset. Women - imagining how ugly their legs will become in the near future, men - thinking that they will have to have an operation. In fact, the first stage of the disease does not pose a health hazard, and its duration can be calculated for years. Therefore, there is usually enough time to take the necessary measures, and to begin with, apply some folk remedies for varicose veins on the legs.

Since varicose veins of the lower extremities are today one of the most common diseases in the world, we must try to prevent its occurrence by carrying out the necessary prevention, including folk methods. Some categories of people should be especially careful:

  • those who have or had relatives with varicose veins, in this case, the tendency to problems with blood vessels is inherited;
  • people who are forced to stay in a standing or sitting position for a long time, which provokes congestion in the veins, their weakening and expansion;
  • smokers and people who often drink alcohol - this is the fastest way to get varicose veins on the legs;
  • those who like to take hot baths and bathe in a bathhouse and sauna - from frequent heating and rushes of blood, the veins lose their tone and more and more often remain in a stretched position;
  • overweight and pregnant women - the load on the veins increases, as a result of which their walls are damaged and lose their functionality.

Modern medicine offers a wide variety of agree that many folk remedies for varicose veins of the lower extremities help well both to prevent the disease and to cure it at the very beginning.

Important! Before using any drugs, be sure to consult a phlebologist or phytotherapeutist.

What signs indicate the onset of the disease

At the first stage, it is quite difficult to recognize the disease. For this reason, a very small percentage of the population goes to the doctor during this period, although just this moment is optimal for treatment with folk remedies.

You should be concerned if:

  • legs began to get tired quickly, become heavy and hurt;
  • puffiness appears often and does not go away for a long time or turns into pastosity - a condition in which a hole from pressing a finger on a swollen place does not immediately straighten out;
  • small vessels or even large veins have become noticeable, they may swell a little along the entire length;
  • shins periodically cramp, most often at night, or cause discomfort with frequent itching.

The appearance of such symptoms almost certainly means that varicose veins of the legs are developing, getting rid of which at a given period of time is quite possible if treatment with folk remedies is used. Traditional medicine has long kept tips that suggest how.

Important! Any funds have contraindications and must be prescribed on an individual basis, therefore, it is necessary to take them under the supervision of a physician.

What are the advantages of such an approach

Treatment methods must satisfy many conditions, with which most folk recipes for varicose veins successfully cope:

  1. Increased vascular tone and strengthening of the venous walls, reducing their ability to expand.
  2. Optimization of blood flow and oxygen metabolism.
  3. Restoration of the functioning of the valves of the veins.
  4. Prevention of blood clots by making the blood more liquid and starting the regeneration of platelets.
  5. Elimination of edema and pain with the help of diuretic properties.
  6. Reducing inflammation and protecting veins from the damaging activity of free radicals.

In addition, non-drug remedies for varicose veins:

  1. Easy to use, and their preparation is available at home.
  2. Consist only of natural ingredients, most often vegetable.
  3. They usually smell good and do not contain toxic substances.
  4. Are much cheaper medicines from varicose veins, and the effectiveness of using it for varicose veins of the legs is quite comparable with them.
  5. Components for crafting can be purchased at any pharmacy and even found in a garden or forest.

As for the result, folk methods treatment of varicose veins in the legs in most cases justify themselves and bring relief from an unpleasant disease.

Who should not use non-traditional methods of treatment

It is known that varicose veins treatment with herbal remedies makes the main method of getting rid of this disease. But side effects plants, and even more so preparations from them, is quite difficult to predict, especially for people with an unstable hormonal background, in particular, for pregnant women.

During the period of feeding the baby, it is also not recommended to use many folk remedies for varicose veins on the legs, as they can affect lactation and properties breast milk. However, there are in this area and such methods of treatment of varicose veins that will only help a nursing mother.

Therefore, some doctors advise alternative treatment for women who are interested in how to treat varicose veins after childbirth.

People who have problems with blood clotting need constant medical supervision and regular checks of the coagulogram to prevent possible bleeding. The risk is all the more increased because the veins and vessels of varicose legs already become more fragile than in a healthy state.

Hypertension, chronic hypotension and acute vegetative-vascular dystonia require extremely careful use, since some herbs and other procedures can provoke sudden pressure drops.

Important! In all these cases, compliance with the dosage and course of taking drugs or the duration of treatment sessions prescribed by the doctor is a matter of maintaining the health of the patient.

How to choose the optimal therapy system

It must be taken into account that effective treatment varicose veins of the legs with folk remedies provides, firstly, A complex approach to the solution of the issue, secondly, involves the regular and constant application of the chosen methods.

First of all, you should choose the herbs that will be added to decoctions and baths, as well as develop a diet suitable for patients with varicose veins. Most often, the patient is offered a vegetarian diet for up to a week to unload the body and reduce the load on the blood vessels.

Next, you need to decide whether it will be possible to prepare an ointment, cream on your own, or is it better to do with compresses, body wraps and hydrotherapy. The course of treatment usually takes about a month, after which it is repeated or another combination of procedures and components is selected for them.

Important! The preparation of an ointment or cream is a very time-consuming process that requires considerable experience and knowledge.

In order not to harm your health, it is best to purchase such products at a pharmacy or from a phytotherapeutist.

The best recipes for infusions and ointments

Many plants have long established themselves as effective folk remedies for varicose veins in the legs. There are a huge number of recipes from them, but there are also the most common ones, tested by many people, whom they helped to get rid of varicose veins of the legs.

horse chestnut extract

The traditional way to strengthen the veins, prevent the development of thrombophlebitis and normalize the consistency of the blood. It is part of many anti-varicose drugs. At home, both external and internal use of products with this plant is possible:

  1. For tincture, pour 50 g of finely chopped fruits with vodka in an amount of 0.5 l. Then the mixture is stored for 2 weeks at room temperature, avoiding light and stirring occasionally. Next, the tincture should be filtered and taken 40 drops 3 times a day. The course of admission is 21 days. The finished medicine is stored in a dark glass container.
  2. The composition of the ointment includes 300 mg olive oil, 6 fruits and 2 tbsp. horse chestnut flowers, powdered. The mixture must be simmered in a water bath for an hour, allowed to cool and passed through a sieve. For the desired consistency, you can add any fat of animal origin. The ointment is applied at night for 2-3 weeks, then the results are evaluated and, if necessary, the course is repeated.


Another well-known remedy for varicose veins in the legs. It stimulates blood circulation, well removes the inflammatory process and eliminates venous blood stasis. On its basis, you can prepare tinctures.

  1. The simplest is vodka. It will take 200g of chopped nuts and a liter of vodka. The mixture is infused for 10 days, filtered and taken 20 drops 3 times a day. The course is designed for the use of the entire volume of the prepared tincture.
  2. 1/3 tsp nutmeg powder should be poured with a glass of boiling water, cool and add 1 tsp. honey. Leave for 20 minutes, take daily on an empty stomach for 2 months. The infusion cannot be stored, so you have to prepare it every morning.


Perfectly removes inflammation and fights pathogenic bacteria, helping to accelerate tissue regeneration. To prepare the ointment, the entire aerial part of the plant is used, crushed and mixed with animal fat in a 1: 1 ratio. The composition should be infused for a day, then it must be filtered, preheated, and transferred to a glass container. Use as needed.

Honey and lemon are real finds for people who have problems with veins.

  1. The infusion improves the strength of blood vessels, restores their tone, prevents thrombosis and destroys atherosclerotic plaques. You will need the following ingredients:
    • juice of 6 lemons;
    • 2 cups of honey;
    • 5 cloves of garlic;
    • 3 leaves of a golden mustache. The components are mixed in a glass dish and left in a dark place for a week, then consumed in 4 tsp. per day for 30 days.
  2. The second option for using honey inside is to prepare a mixture of 250 g of garlic or onion and 350 g of honey. The remedy should be infused in warmth and darkness for 10-14 days. The course and duration of admission - 1 tbsp. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 2 months.
  3. Ointment based on propolis: 100 g of propolis and cedar resin and 150 g of olive oil are heated in a water bath almost to a boil, then cooled, transferred to a glass dish and put in the refrigerator, where they are stored. Before going to bed, the legs are covered with a composition, wrapped in a cloth or bandaged, the procedure can be carried out up to 3 weeks.

A good effect on varicose veins of the legs has an ointment from the fruits of maclura (Adam's apple). For its manufacture, you will need glass heat-resistant dishes and pork or other fat. Maclura and lard are transferred to the container in layers, starting with a layer of fat about 1.5 cm thick.

The layer of maclura slices should be slightly thinner. There should also be fat on top. Next, the dishes are languishing in the oven or slow cooker in the “languishing” mode for about a day. After that, the composition is mixed, cooled and lubricated with the affected veins 2-3 times a day.

Effective compresses

They are easier to prepare than ointments, while the effectiveness of many products used as lotions is quite high. Compress components can be easily found in any kitchen or in the nearest store, and even grown by yourself.

Aloe juice and mummy

The most difficult thing here is to properly extract the juice of the plant. To do this, old fleshy leaves are taken, doused with boiling water and dried, then put in the refrigerator for 7 days. The juice obtained from such leaves preserves and concentrates all beneficial features this wonderful plant. For 100 g, you need to take 5 g of mummy and lubricate the affected areas, cover them with a cloth and bandage for about a day.


It perfectly relieves swelling and promotes the resorption of hematomas, that is, it normalizes blood circulation. The compress is prepared very simply - grate a raw potato, put it on your feet and cover with a cloth or bandage. You can keep for 4-5 hours, apply daily until the condition is relieved.


Effectively improves the condition of the veins and blood vessels badyaga. 2 tbsp you need to steam in a glass of freshly boiled water and insist a couple of hours. Then soak a piece of gauze in the infusion and wrap your feet for 1.5 hours. You need to repeat the procedure in the morning and in the evening, at the same time pain will decrease.

green tomatoes

Many people call immature tomatoes one of the most effective remedies for varicose veins. Green tomatoes are cut into quarters and applied to the affected areas on the legs until a slight burning sensation appears, after which the area is wiped with a damp swab, and then the procedure is repeated.

In general, you need to do 5 such manipulations in a row daily for 2-3 weeks. During this time, the dark swollen veins should noticeably brighten, and the nodes should almost disappear.

Bathtubs and tubs

Doctors consider water procedures to be very useful in the course of treatment. Warm water helps to open the pores and helps beneficial substances to more easily penetrate deep into the affected areas.


Baking soda is one of the tools, the range of which is very wide. With varicose veins, it is recommended to take warm baths with a pack of soda, the water temperature should be about 38 degrees, the duration is 15-20 minutes.

In this case, you need to ensure that the water does not reach the level of the heart. It is worth taking such baths no more than 2 times a week and be sure to wash the skin with clean water afterwards.

But foot baths with soda can be done every other day. Pour 5 liters into a bowl warm water, dissolve 5-7 tbsp. l. soda and hold the legs for up to 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water and lubricate with ointment.

grape leaves

Grape leaves are also used for baths for varicose veins, 50 g per 3 liters of boiling water are steamed and diluted with water or chamomile decoction to a warm temperature. The duration of admission is 20 minutes, the course is 15 procedures per month.

Essential oils

Essential oil of juniper relieves inflammation well, eliminates pain and swelling. Such baths can be taken daily for 2-3 weeks. If there are no manifestations of irritation or allergy, the course may be extended. The bath will require only 4-5 drops of oil, previously dissolved in one of the emulsifiers:

  • cream;
  • milk;
  • sugar;
  • sea ​​salt or edible salt.

Sea salt, by the way, is also very useful as a general tonic, and it should be added to baths 400-500 grams at a time.


Treatment of varicose veins in the legs with folk remedies usually gives good results, but whether advanced stages of varicose veins can be cured with their help is a moot point.

Despite the fact that healers and herbalists assure patients of the high effectiveness of methods alternative medicine, doctors believe that in cases of damage to the skin and veins before the appearance of thrombophlebitis and ulceration, it is necessary to use complex therapy, up to surgical interventions.

In any case, in search of information on how to cure varicose veins, you should definitely get a consultation from a phlebologist and undergo the required examination. In addition, you should normalize the diet, give up addictions and lead an active life, including sports and movement.

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