Vitamins for growth hormone. Growth vitamins: what to drink and eat to grow. An integrated approach to growth

Electrical 27.09.2020

SW. archi93, sports nutrition I meant (GABA, L-Arginine)
What about peptides? Hexarelin and GHRP-6 is it not the same thing?
So for your information, Hexarelin is a structural analogue of GHRP-6, it seems to me there is no difference, the error is only in the exact name of the drug, but the action is the same. If I'm wrong correct me.
More on topic.
Vitamin K (water-soluble form - vikasol) is able to activate the somatotropic function of the pituitary gland. In a young growing body, vitamin K can even cause the multiplication of eosinophilic pituitary cells and a subsequent stable increase in GH secretion. It is only necessary to remember that vikasol is able to accumulate in the body. Therefore, you need to take vikasol course for 5 days, followed by 3-day breaks. Vikasol treats reduced blood clotting, and in this case unnecessarily impair capillary circulation. Therefore, it is impossible to overdose vikasol in any case. Vikasol is available in 15 mg tablets. The highest daily dose of the drug is 30 mg. There are several different forms of vitamin K, but only one of them is water soluble. It was she who received the name vikasola (Vitamin K3).
Of the vitamin-like substances, mildronate deserves attention. It is used as a reducing agent after heavy physical exertion, however, it is able to reduce the level of FFA in the blood and, thereby, somewhat increase the secretion of growth hormone.
Serotonin is an endogenous (internal) stimulator of growth hormone secretion. When a person falls asleep, the level of serotonin in the blood rises and this is the main reason for the increase in the secretion of growth hormone. The content of serotonin in the central nervous system can be increased even more if nicotinic acid is combined with pyridoxine (Vitamin B6). Pyridoxine is taken orally in tablets up to 300 mg per day.
Correct Application higher temperatures leads to an increase in anabolic processes with simultaneous "burning" of subcutaneous fat. This is a good sign, indicating an increase in GH secretion. When the body overheats, a very interesting phenomenon occurs, which is called "centralization of blood circulation." Due to the overexcitation of the sympathetic-adrenaline system and the release of a huge amount of adrenaline into the blood, a very strong constriction of all peripheral vessels and expansion of the central ones occur. Vasoconstriction in the periphery reduces the thermal conductivity of the skin and prevents excess heat from penetrating to the central organs. Increased combustion of subcutaneous fat is partly due to a strong narrowing of not only skin, but also subcutaneous vessels, which disrupts blood circulation in the subcutaneous fat.
Neurotransmitters that cause centralization of blood circulation are at the same time inducers of somatotropin release. In a steam bath or sauna at an air temperature of 110 degrees Celsius, the level of somatotropin in the blood can increase 6 (!) Times. Let's not forget that somatotropin is a stress hormone and its release is induced by any more or less serious stress. Somatotropin mobilizes fatty acids from the subcutaneous fat into the blood and transfers mitochondria from a carbohydrate to a fatty type of nutrition in order to increase their vitality. After all, mitochondria in evolutionary terms are the youngest formations of the cell and suffer first of all. Protects them from the destruction of somatotropin. If adrenaline and glucocorticoid hormones are in excess during severe stress capable of damaging cellular structures, then somatotropin - never. On the contrary, it prevents the damage to cell membranes that can occur due to excess adrenaline and glucocorticoids.
Impact low temperatures also able to increase anabolism by increasing the secretion of GH: Douche cold water has an advantage over other types of hardening, the release of somatotropin reaches tangible values ​​\u200b\u200b(sometimes 3-4 times)
Running-Maximum release of GH into the blood is observed during sprinting. It also causes the maximum release of catecholamines into the blood, as well as endorphins.

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1. Although Hexarelin is similar to GHRP-6, there are still differences.
2. In theory, and the truth is, all the items you listed should increase the level of growth hormone. but due to the fact that the increases are insignificant and short-lived, then in the end it is very very unlikely to lead to an increase in HEIGHT.
3. Of course, I do not dispute anything that was described by you above. and in truth, arginine and others should increase the level of growth hormone in the blood. but if you look at the studies, you can understand that apart from improving work capacity, immunity, recovery and a slight fat burning effect, nothing particularly interesting will come of it.
4. Now, if you take peptides or gr + the above methods + weight training, all this together will accelerate metabolism, increase the level of stg, endogenous testosterone (well, and other bonuses), which ultimately can lead to growth in height, if growth zones are not closed.

For some teenagers high growth plays such an important role that they are ready to do anything to achieve their goal. And growth vitamins for teenagers do not seem to everyone the best way out of the situation.

In today's world, they are actively advertised with an injection of somatotropin to accelerate growth. They are advertised mostly by manufacturers and doctors (those who will say anything for the sake of money), and parents and teenagers without a shred of doubt take such risks.

There are girls who, at the age of 15, are already ready to undergo lengthening surgery in order to appear taller and more beautiful. Some people do such a reckless thing. This can help, but, nevertheless, it is better to influence growth safely.

To cripple your health and life, you do not need to make a lot of effort. And the right approach to development ... You can increase the growth rate with the help of harmless actions. They will not cause any harm, but will only benefit every teenager.

From this article you will learn

Health problems

A small stature of a teenager may be due to a health problem. Infectious diseases, lung disease, heart disease and gastrointestinal tract. Suspension of the pace of physical development is sometimes caused by a disruption in the endocrine system.

Medical reference books say that out of a hundred children with growth disorders, eight have disorders in the thyroid gland and adrenal glands. Growth retardation may also be due to insufficient amounts of essential hormones.

What are the benefits of vitamins

When a child goes through puberty and begins active growth, which lasts from 11-13 years to 16-18, he urgently needs vitamins and minerals that help him develop properly both physically and mentally. Vitamins in the body play a certain role:

  • D- promotes the absorption of calcium, is responsible for the development of the skeleton. Its other name is "growth vitamin" for teenage children. Vitamin D helps to strengthen the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system (central nervous system);
  • AT- the main component for metabolic processes, this vitamin enriches the body of children with protein, fats and carbohydrates;
  • FROM- takes part in the absorption of other vitamins and strengthens the immune system;
  • BUT is a source for building organic tissues;
  • E– the first assistants for puberty and interaction with free radicals;
  • RR- help tissues grow, turn sugar, fats into energy reserves.

These are the most important vitamins for children in adolescence. If they are insufficiently received or completely absent, children will not develop as expected. In general, there are much more of them, and in addition to vitamins, there are also minerals that play an important role in the development of the body of children, they also need to be remembered and received in the required amount.

Where to find

They can be found in multivitamin complexes, and in natural products. Naturally, it is best to get them from natural food. Vitamin D can be obtained from the liver, fish, eggs, butter. B vitamins are found in dairy products, liver (beef) and greens.

Vitamin C is present in large quantities in rose hips, citrus fruits and black currants. You will find PP in various products - in the liver, fish, eggs, milk, cheese and many others. Rich in vitamin A butter, cream, yellow, green vegetables and fruits.

In order to receive them in full, children must eat every day.: 250 g of meat, a little more of some of the cereals, 350 g of vegetables and 500 g of fruit, up to 60 g of cottage cheese, up to 70 g of fish, 35 g of bread (rye) and 100 g of pasta products.

In addition to all this, children should drink 0.5 liters of milk per day. And if the child is actively involved in sports, then these values ​​should be an order of magnitude higher, since they spend much more energy and strength. Therefore, the norm should be double in order to replenish energy reserves and fully develop.

Do your children eat this norm of vitamins per day? And is it daily? If the answer is no, then pharmacy vitamins for teenagers will help, but you need to drink only after consulting a doctor so that unpleasant phenomena do not happen, for example, hypervitaminosis.

Safe Ways to Speed ​​Up the Growth Process
  • A ride on the bicycle. It seems that it is not logically connected at all? But quite a long time ago it was noticed that if cycling is also beneficial, like swimming, volleyball and other sports games.
  • exercise on the horizontal bar. Exercises on the horizontal bar are considered the most versatile exercises for the physical preparation of the body of people. No matter how old you are, this method can be used anytime. All that is needed is to hang on it, stretching out with your body. Hang like this for up to 10 seconds, then repeat the exercise 5 to 10 times a day, or more.
  • Do kicks with legs. It is clear from the title what needs to be done. Stand on the floor and hit with the bottom of your leg, like a punching bag. This will promote tissue growth, bone lengthening. This exercise is constantly done by athletes, doing martial arts.
  • Stretching exercises. After getting up in the morning stretch. These classes are very useful and bring good results in the morning hours, because only in the morning our body grows as much as possible. It is a known fact that throughout the day we lose a few cm in height under the influence of gravity. If you do these exercises in the evening, you will need to spend up to half an hour stretching, and this is only to return the body to its natural size, and then proceed to accelerating the growth process. But this can be bypassed, you just need to do body stretching in the morning.
  • keep your posture. You should always have the correct posture. A bad one can have a significant detrimental effect on growth. Do not complicated rules: sit straight, do not bend while walking, do not slouch. This will help keep the spine in good condition and make the back muscles much stronger. It is also important to sleep on a comfortable pillow and a comfortable mattress that will support the spine throughout the sleep.
  • Watch your breath. best done in the morning. It also helps health, and has a good effect on stimulating the growth process. Do them again and again to achieve complete filling of the lungs with oxygen and acceleration of metabolism.
  • Walk more outside on sunny days. In order for the children to actively grow, for this they needs a lot of sun light. In the morning, go out into the sun and sunbathe under the warm sun. In the early morning, the light of the sun turns into vitamin D much faster. And without it, human growth and development are indispensable. In addition, sunbathing in the morning charges you with excellent health and mood for the whole day.
  • Self massage. After a hard, eventful day, you will feel much better if you start massaging certain points on your body every day. Massaging also has a beneficial effect on the production of growth hormone. Most of all it is located in the region of the neck and head.
  • Consume the required amount zinc and calcium. Get the required amount of calcium from food. In addition to foods that are enriched with calcium, it is also better to drink a mineral complex as a supplement, which contains calcium to activate the growth of bones in adolescents.
  • Eat carbohydrate grain products. They will give you enough energy for the whole day, enriched with fiber, vitamin B and iron. Grains of cereals include high-quality calories in their composition. They help children during the period of active growth. During puberty, all children must go through a sudden growth spurt. It is at this point that they need to eat more grain.
  • Include in your diet more fruits and vegetables. They enrich the body of a teenager with vitamins C, E, A, folic acid, potassium and other things. Vitamin A is given special attention. It is in the form of beta-carotene in most fresh foods that are of plant origin (in carrots, pumpkins, melons, etc.).
  • Don't Eat Saturated Fats, alcohol, narcotic substances and everything like that. Saturated fat can cause an excessive accumulation of cholesterol in the blood, a problem with insulin. It is clear to everyone what will lead to a significant deterioration in the condition of a young, developing organism. Avoid anything that negatively affects your health.
  • Do not forget drink water. No one denies the importance of the role of water in the human body. Top up water balance and do not bring the body to dehydration - this is also important point for human growth. Water is not often talked about, but constantly forgotten. And that's bad. Because if the body is dehydrated by 20%, then you will receive the same amount of benefit from exercise and nutrition.

    A large number of people perform various exercises, eat right, take vitamins, and practically do not replenish their water balance, and then they are sincerely surprised that no positive result is noticeable. The source of this may be the lack of sufficient water in the body.

  • Switch to fractional meals. To improve metabolism, some doctors advise to eat six times a day, not three times. The result of such a regimen will be that the production of growth hormone will increase, but only if you do not eat very much. This will not happen if you overeat.
  • Rest! Our body gets the most rest, recovery, rejuvenation and growth when a person sleeps, because at the moment of sleep, active reproduction of growth hormone begins. Also during sleep, the body itself begins to stretch, without any intense movements, as it completely relaxes.

These tips for stimulating the growth of the body of adolescents will help you achieve a good result. In principle, it is possible to increase the growth rate at 12-17 years old in a short time. If you start making efforts for this as early as possible, then the chances of a good result will increase significantly. After adulthood, it is much more difficult to accelerate growth, but for such people, these recommendations will be useful.

The main thing is not to be lazy, pay enough attention to your body and follow the recommendations. Naturally, you first need to consult a doctor, especially about taking vitamin complexes. The doctor will select for you personally essential vitamins. Invite friends to exercise.

This will have a positive effect on their health, and you will not be so bored and lazy to do these exercises. This is a great way to improve your health and have fun. You can get your parents involved in this as well. Become their personal trainer. Show what you are capable of and how independent you are.

growth factors

The human genetic code contains all the characteristics of his body, including height. In other words, the child will be like his parents in terms of height. But in addition, each person has a “reserve” of growth in height of 15-20 cm. In order for a person to be able to achieve genetically planned growth, the presence of some more factors will be required, described below.

  • Balanced diet. From food, a person receives all the necessary components that are designed to stimulate his growth. The food consumed should be appropriate for the age of the person, so that all vitamins for growth and nutrients enter the cells of the body on time.
  • Physical activity. To grow faster, children need an active lifestyle. During movement, the child uses most of the muscles, which affects the strength of bones, the endurance of muscle tissues, the correct formation of the skeleton and metabolism.
  • Complete rest. During sleep, the human body produces growth hormone, the name of which is somatotropin. Therefore, during the day and night rest, the child grows. It’s worth going to bed at the same time so that vital processes run “on schedule”.
  • well-being in family relationships, no overvoltage. An obstacle to normal growth is stress, fatigue, excessive mental and physical workload. In this case, the nervous system of the body malfunctions, which leads to disturbances in the physical development of a person.

The role of vitamins for human growth

There are no vitamins to increase growth in nature. As such, there are no vitamins that cause the rapid growth of a person. But there are organic compounds that affect the metabolic process. This stimulates the growth of the body in volumes.

The human body grows up to 24 years. The period of the most active growth is divided into three phases: from birth to one year, from 4 to 5 years and from 13 to 14 years. It is at this time that the body most needs vitamins for human growth. If a sufficient amount of such vitamins is consumed at the peak of growth activity, it will be able to reach the highest levels according to the genetic predisposition.

By themselves, vitamins for human growth do not start this process, but only contribute to its normal course. Growth hormone, located in the pituitary gland, is responsible for activating the growth process. The influence of somatostatin provokes the growth of bone and muscle tissue, and vitamins ensure the stability of metabolism, which leads to the achievement of maximum human growth.

What vitamins are responsible for the process of human growth

What vitamins are responsible for growth? Organic substances responsible for the growth processes of the body are not only vitamins, but macro- and microelements.

  • Vitamin A . This is the most significant growth vitamin. Retinol is responsible for the synthesis and growth of bones, protein, muscle tissue and other parts of the body. With insufficient intake of this vitamin for growth in the body of adolescents and younger children, there is a violation of the production of growth hormone. But an excess of retinol also negatively affects the body of children and adults. Hypervitaminosis appears, which causes metabolic disorders, digestion and anemia.
  • Beta carotene. This substance is also called provitamin A, since it is part of retinol. In order for beta-carotene to be properly absorbed, it is necessary to consume fats with it. An overdose of provitamin A is not terrible. The skin may acquire a slightly yellowish color, which will soon change to a natural one.
  • Vitamin B. Growth vitamins and catalysts in this category are called B vitamins. Of particular growth benefit in this group are thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), pyridoxine (B6). They contribute to the growth process by having a beneficial effect on digestion and metabolism, normalizing the transmission of nerve impulses. Vitamin B7 (biotin or vitamin H) is essential for normal hair growth.
  • Vitamin D is involved in the formation of bones and teeth, the absorption of calcium from the food consumed. It is also the most basic vitamin in the prevention of rickets. Vitamin D enters the human body not only through food, but also through ingestion sun rays on the skin. In winter, the vitamin does not come from outside, so doctors recommend using it additionally.
  • Vitamin C does not directly participate in growth processes, but helps the body absorb vitamins D and A for growth. If ascorbic acid is not present in the body in sufficient quantities, this will negatively affect the growth process. The absorption of nutrients will be impaired.
  • Vitamin E also does not directly affect human growth, but its function is to protect vitamins A, C and red blood cells from the negative effects of free radicals.
  • Vitamin K helps the blood become less viscous, which improves its permeability into the smallest and narrowest blood vessels. This allows oxygen and beneficial substances enter the bone formations and ensure their growth.
  • Calcium. This macronutrient serves as a building material for bones, teeth and muscles.
  • Zinc. If this trace element is not enough in the human body, growth begins to slow down. Zinc affects cell repair, bone and brain development, and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Iodine is part of the thyroid hormones. If iodine deficiency is detected in the body, growth slows down.

Products containing organic substances for growth

Vitamins for growth primarily come from what we eat and drink. Vitamin complexes serve as an additional source of replenishment of vitamin deficiency. But the main part of the useful components the body should receive from good nutrition.

What foods contain the highest concentration of vitamins necessary for growth?

Vitamin Food product Daily intake
From birth to year At 4-5 years old At 13-14 years old
For boys For girls
BUT Fish fat, egg yolk, butter, liver, dairy products carrot, orange 1200 IU* 1770 IU 3000-5000 IU 2500-3000 IU
AT IN 1 Brewer's yeast, white flour, rice bran, lean meat, hazelnuts, oats 0.3 mg 1 mg 1.3 mg 1.2 mg
IN 2 Yeast, liver, kidney, wheat bran and germ, cheese, broccoli 0.4 mg 1 mg 1.5 mg 1.3 mg
AT 6 Green onions, spinach, dill, parsley, cabbage, wheat germ and bran 0.5 mg 1.1 mg 1.6 mg 1.5 mg
FROM Fresh fruits (citrus fruits, currants, wild rose, sea buckthorn) 30 mg 45 mg 50 mg 45 mg
D Cod liver, oily fish, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, seafood 400 IU 400 IU 400 IU 400 IU
E Sunflower oil, olive oil, corn oil, peas, sea buckthorn, apple seeds, herbs 3 mg 8 mg 10 mg 8 mg
To Parsley, dill, spinach, green onion, cabbage, whole grains, fish 5 mcg 20 mcg 45 mcg 45 mcg
Calcium Dairy products, all types of cabbage, nuts, greens, legumes, sprouted wheat and bran 400 mg 900 mg 1200 mg 1200 mg
Zinc Cheese, cereals, legumes, nuts, bananas, pumpkin seeds 3 mg 8 mg 15 mg 15 mg
Iodine Laminaria, seafood, iodized salt 40 mg 70 mg 110 mg 110 mg

* - international units.

Together with food, vitamins can get into the body of children in insufficient quantities. Therefore, parents should answer themselves the question of what vitamins to drink for the growth of the child. Pediatricians prescribe the use of additional vitamin complexes, designed to make up for the lack of important components during the period of growth of a young organism.

Reasons for indications of additional vitamins are:

  • malnutrition;
  • Negative influence environment;
  • overvoltage;
  • active growth.

It is worth buying vitamin preparations only after consulting a doctor and in pharmacies. Give preference to drugs from proven and well-known manufacturers. Responsibly read the instructions and take into account the recommendations for the use of vitamins according to the age of the person.

When not to use vitamin complexes:

  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • diabetes;
  • violation of amino acid metabolism (phenylketonuria);
  • renal pathologies;
  • hypervitaminosis A and D;
  • violation of calcium metabolism.

In the process of growth human body such organic matter like vitamins. Without their role, bone and muscle growth will be impaired. Vitamins are designed to ensure and establish the implementation of the genetic program for each organism. If the child lacks certain vitamins, then it is worth using additional complexes of useful components. On the importance and influence of vitamins on human growth, and other vital processes, see the video below.

Every person wants to look attractive. In recent years, the ideal of beauty has become tall and athletic fit figure. Many want to achieve this without much effort. Therefore, more and more people have become interested: is it possible to buy growth hormone in a pharmacy.

Why exactly this drug? Manufacturers of growth hormones promise many positive effects from their intake. Athletes used to acquire such drugs on the black market and use them to quickly build muscle mass. And in recent years it has become possible to buy growth hormones in a pharmacy. So there is more confidence that they will be of high quality. But before you start taking the hormone, you need to consult a doctor, as this is a serious substance that has many contraindications and side effects.

What is growth hormone

In the pharmacy, you can buy several different drugs containing somatropin. This is the name of growth hormone produced by the anterior lobe of the human pituitary gland. It is produced throughout life, especially actively up to 20-25 years, then its formation slows down. This hormone, like others, is necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

In addition to stimulating growth and development in childhood and adolescence, it affects the formation of muscles and bones, as well as fat metabolism in the body and even heart function. Its production is accelerated under the influence of some other hormones and amino acids, during sleep and exercise. But sometimes a person experiences a lack of somatropin. This may be due to high sugar levels or fatty acids in the blood, an increased amount of insulin, or for other reasons. In this case, the doctor recommends buying growth hormone in a pharmacy and taking it additionally.

artificial growth hormone

This substance was discovered in the middle of the 20th century. Initially, growth hormone was used for medical purposes and was used to accelerate the growth of children with delayed development. But then some of its other properties were discovered, for example, the ability to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat. Therefore, it began to be actively used in sports. But since 1989, somatropin has been banned by the Olympic Committee. Despite this, now in our country you can freely buy muscle growth hormones in a pharmacy. Athletes use them, especially in bodybuilding, because these drugs not only help build muscle mass, but also burn subcutaneous fat.

How are growth hormones obtained?

At first, such preparations were made on the basis of extracts from the pituitary gland of corpses. These hormones have many side effects. And this method was banned all over the world.

It was not until the 1980s that they discovered industrial method production of growth hormones. Now they are obtained in two ways:

  • Recombinant or genetically modified growth hormone the easiest way to buy in a pharmacy. It is obtained from the bacterium Escherichia coli. If you influence her genes, then under the influence of certain conditions, she will produce a growth hormone that is very close to natural. It is best tolerated, and the body almost does not produce antibodies to it.
  • synthetic growth hormone produced chemically. Its first 24 amino acids are synthesized artificially, and the rest are taken from human pituitary RNA.

What is growth hormone used for?

This drug has many positive properties. Most often it is used for medical purposes. It is used to treat sick children with insufficiency of the pituitary gland, which slows down development. The use of this hormone before puberty helps not only increase growth, but also build muscle mass, as well as improve metabolism. It is used for certain hormonal diseases, dystrophy or pituitary dwarfism.

But most often growth hormones are used by athletes. These drugs help them not only increase muscle mass in a short time, but also reduce the risk of injury by strengthening the joints. And recent studies have proven positive effect the use of growth hormones to rejuvenate the body. Due to the huge demand for such drugs, there are a large number of fakes on the market. Therefore, so many people are interested in whether it is possible to buy growth hormone in a pharmacy. After all, there drugs are certified.

Positive properties of the drug

What gives the reception of this substance:

  • increased endurance, muscle tone and performance;
  • strengthening the skeleton;
  • hair restoration: they will become thicker, stop falling out, and gray hair will disappear;
  • improvement of mood, protection against depression and stress;
  • disappearance of wrinkles, facial skin rejuvenation;
  • improvement of memory, thought processes and vision;
  • normalization of pressure and cholesterol levels;
  • reduction of body fat;
  • acceleration of tissue regeneration, wound healing;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • normalization of metabolism.

Why did this drug become popular?

Everyone wants to be healthy and look younger without much effort. Most are not ready to change their lifestyle and go in for sports, they need a "magic" pill that can make them attractive. And after research in the 90s, when growth hormone preparations were given to the elderly, an article was published that described the positive results of such actions. The problem of aging in modern world very relevant, and the pharmaceutical industry has gone to meet the desire of people to look younger.

Now growth hormones in a pharmacy can be purchased freely. And everyone who is not afraid of their high price is trying to become young and beautiful with their help. But doctors warn against such a frivolous attitude to taking medications. Contrary to the claims of advertising, growth hormones have many side effects. Therefore, it is recommended to use them only for medical reasons.

Side effects of growth hormones

They appear mainly when using a low-quality drug, non-compliance with the conditions of its storage or overdose. Usually, the side effects disappear after the growth hormone is stopped.

The main manifestations include:

  • swelling and tunnel syndrome in the extremities;
  • the risk of developing cancerous tumors;
  • the possibility of developing diabetes;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • abnormal bone growth, hardening of the arteries;
  • headaches and muscle weakness;
  • increased cholesterol levels;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland, up to the development of thyrotoxicosis;
  • increase in blood sugar levels.

Why you need to buy growth hormones in a pharmacy

For people seeking to improve their body, it is enough to advertise positive traits drug, and they are ready to buy it even from stranger. But customer reviews show that more than 70% of the growth hormones sold in our country are counterfeit. At best, they do not bring any effect, since they contain very little somatropin.

In addition, real growth hormone requires special storage conditions. It does not tolerate sunlight and temperatures above 20 degrees. Therefore, it is best to buy it in a pharmacy. It is there that you can buy certified drugs that will work as you need. They are licensed and stored correctly. Poor-quality drugs often lead to side effects and the formation of antibodies, due to which growth hormones will no longer act on a person.

What form are the drugs in?

  • Powder for solution for injection. It is believed that growth hormone is more effective in this form, since its active ingredient is rather unstable and requires a special temperature for storage, as well as adherence to the exact dosage.
  • Recently you can buy Manufacturers describe the same positive properties of taking these drugs, but doctors are skeptical about this form of somatropin. They believe that the hormone will be digested in the stomach before it starts working.

What are growth hormones

All over the world, the industry produces many such drugs. But not all of them are of high quality. In our country, growth hormone preparations in a pharmacy are not very common. We offer the following medicines:

  • "Ansomone" is considered the best drug for burning fat, so it has a lot of fakes. It is produced in China, but is not inferior in quality to European drugs.
  • "Jintropin" is the most famous all over the world, especially among athletes. The drug has protection against fakes, and in a pharmacy under this name you can buy real growth hormone.
  • The third somatropin certified in Russia is Dinatrop, produced in Iran.

There are several other European drugs that can sometimes be found in Russian pharmacies. The highest quality of them are Genotropin, Norditropin and Saizen. A few years ago, a Russian pharmaceutical company began to produce growth hormone in powder for injection called Rastan.

Which is better: injections or pills?

It is believed that a living hormone can exist only in powder. It is diluted with a special solvent and injected. Only in this way the substance enters the blood immediately and begins to act. But in recent years, you can buy growth hormone in a pharmacy in tablets. The name of such drugs is known mainly to athletes or people interested in fast ways rejuvenation. Doctors are doubtful about this intake of somatropin, believing that the hormone does not have time to get into the blood, being digested in the stomach. But manufacturers, advertising their drugs, describe many of their positive properties, which do not differ from the effect of injections.

The most famous in our pharmacies are such drugs:

  • "Winstrol", "Stromba", "Winthrop" are drugs with one active substance but produced by different companies. It is believed that you can achieve the same effect as from injections by taking at least 12 tablets per day;
  • Symbiotropin is a dietary supplement in the form of effervescent, instant tablets. This form of the drug allows it to quickly penetrate into the bloodstream and act in the same way as injections.

How can you stimulate your own hormone

For many, it is unrealistic to purchase such drugs because of their too high price. But growth hormone is produced in the human pituitary gland throughout life, so in the absence of hormonal diseases, its production can be stimulated. What is needed for this:

  • sleep enough;
  • exercise regularly;
  • avoid foods with a high glycemic index;
  • exclude food before bedtime;
  • remove fat deposits on the abdomen;
  • you can also buy growth hormone stimulants in a pharmacy: the amino acids L-arginine, glycine and glutamine.

Widely used in therapeutic and sports practice, drugs to increase growth show a predictable positive result only if they are used correctly. Currently, two analogues of natural growth hormone, which is produced by the pituitary gland, are being produced - this is recombinant somatropin with the same number of amino acids (191) and synthetic somatrem, which has 192 amino acids in the structural formula.

For the production of growth hormone - somatotropin, necessary for a full life, the pituitary gland is responsible, the functioning of which is cyclical.

The concentration of growth hormone is highest in the developing fetus, and then shows peak values ​​in infants up to a year and adolescents, when intensive growth occurs. Reduces the pituitary gland supply of somatotropin at the stage of growing up to about 20 years and then there is a gradual decrease in its amount by about 10-15% every decade.

To increase attractiveness, Androstenol is required - a pheromene, the production of which is actively produced up to about 20 years with a subsequent decrease. It is found in a number of preparations. Recently, there are reports that leading companies have begun to produce non-hormonal growth pills with high performance.


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Roman is a bodybuilding trainer with over 8 years of experience. He is also a nutritionist, among his clients there are a lot of famous athletes. Roman is with the author of the book “Sport and nothing but ..

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