What foods are needed to gain muscle mass. Nutrition for weight gain for men - what, when and how much to eat. What are the main principles that should be in proper nutrition in order to increase muscle mass

Engineering systems 23.07.2020

First, seeds are an excellent source of protein. Secondly, they are full of vitamin E, an important nutrient for a set muscle mass. This antioxidant reduces the effect of free radicals on muscles and speeds up their recovery after training. Husk like this or add peeled ones to a salad. Fried or raw - to taste.

Fish especially rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Immediately after a workout, the body begins to feverishly break down all the protein that comes to hand, including your skinny muscles. And while you get home, while you eat your steak, while your stomach digests it - all this time the body will systematically eat itself. Omega-3s interfere with this process, slowing it down for the time being, until the desired protein enters the body from the outside. Even if you ate a mackerel sandwich for breakfast, long before your workout, everything will be fine. One piece contains 74 mg of vitamin C, almost a daily dose. This vitamin is an essential component of collagen, a substance that muscles and ligaments need for a healthy and happy life.

It is full of the enzyme bromelain, which improves the digestion of protein foods. After training, you ate your steak - eat it with a can of canned pineapple, and the process of flowing someone else's protein into your muscles will go faster. In addition, bromelain reduces muscle pain after exercise.

The meat of horned forest friends is full of protein and vitamin B12, which promotes the digestion of this very protein. Therefore, it is ideal for gaining muscle mass. Before cooking, do not forget to carefully beat off and marinate no less carefully in red wine with juniper berries (look for them in pharmacies or in the spice departments of large supermarkets). For a day, or even longer - otherwise the meat will be tough.

Caffeine can increase workout duration by reducing muscle soreness. That is, you will feel tired later and will lie under the barbell or run along the track longer. An alternative could be green tea, but be careful with energy.

Content Champion essential amino acids for among all types of meat. It also contains quite a lot of creatine, a substance that - according to Canadian scientists - increases muscle mass while reducing fat, and increases endurance. And that's what you need.

This spice is one of the strongest natural painkillers (in terms of muscle pain), according to the British Herald of Medicinal Products. It works no worse than aspirin, but it is clearly more beneficial for health. Lactic acid bacteria are an excellent digestive stimulant. Which should be normal, otherwise your body will not be able to absorb increased doses of protein.

We do not believe the rumors that special edible plastic is put in fruit yoghurts instead of strawberries and blackberries, but nevertheless we recommend buying sugar-free yogurt and mixing it with fruit yourself if you so desire. Don't put sugar in. By the way, bifidobacteria are more useful than you think -.

Curcumin (a substance contained in this spice) promotes the formation and growth of new cells, which helps muscles recover from the inevitable microtrauma during training. Other classic curry ingredients - like chicken and red pepper - are also not a hindrance to an athlete.

If you think that products purchased in a regular store will not good food for muscles, study - drinks, proteins, gainers, amino acids, fat burners and other products created by man specifically to improve muscle mass growth.

Irresponsible people peel the cucumber before eating. And don’t do it yourself, and take away his cucumber peel from your neighbor on the table. Remember: it is in the peel of this vegetable that the substances that make up the connective tissues of your body are located.

First, there is no way you can build decent muscle without strong bones that need calcium. Secondly, whole milk (3.5% fat, fat-free let them drink languid losing weight girls) is an excellent remedy for muscle pain. And about the benefits of chocolate, we have already told you a hundred times.

There are fewer carbohydrates in buckwheat than in other cereals, but there are a lot of amino acids for muscle growth. Plus substances that strengthen the circulatory system. For jocks, she works in a very busy mode, so treat yourself to buckwheat porridge at least a couple of times a week.

Almonds contain the most easily absorbed form of vitamin E. As we said before, it helps muscles recover faster after workouts. Eat no more, but no less than two handfuls a day. In addition, nuts can cheer you up and keep your heart healthy.

Cherry is one of the best natural analgesics. That is why we recommend drinking juice from this berry not only with a post-workout salad from all the ingredients listed above, but also with another unexpected hangover.

When you really want sweets - do not deny yourself. You will do fine without cakes with butter cream, have a bite of tea with a couple of sticks of fresh marshmallow (but not Caucasian, from pureed cherry plum, but northern, from applesauce, egg white and sugar). Among the desserts, this one is one of the best. Low calories, low fat and a decent amount of protein.

The salad is literally stuffed with vitamin C and iron - an element necessary for muscle growth. Mix watercress with other greens (such as lettuce, Chinese lettuce and cilantro), drizzle with oil, vinegar, and lemon juice, and smarten up with whole grain tuna toast.

Sesame is rich in zinc, which plays an important role in cell tissue growth and protein synthesis. Now there is something to eat a pre-workout cup of coffee.

Eggs are full of the protein you need - but this, however, is not news. In addition to protein, they are rich in vitamin D, which is necessary for the health of muscle ligaments. Do not overdo it - doctors do not recommend eating more than 10 eggs a week.

“Eat a can of canned tuna an hour after your workout,” advises our fitness editor Dmitry Smirnov. Tuna is pure, 100% protein without any extra additives. And then all steak and steak.

The tropical fruit contains a substance with the simple name "papain", which helps to break down proteins consumed with food. Ideally, papaya should be consumed fresh somewhere in the Pattaya area, but at worst, frozen from the supermarket will do.

Fish hiding under a fur coat is a champion in the content of creatine, an extremely useful substance - up to 1% of the total weight. We remember that drinking this delicacy with vodka does not lead to tolerable results in physical education, sports and strengthening the defense capability of the motherland.

It is important not to skip meals and not fast for more than 3 hours. The ideal nutrition option for a man to gain muscle mass is to eat by the clock, so the body will quickly adapt to the system and will give a signal that it's time to eat. The restructuring of the body to a new regime on average takes about 3-4 weeks.

Another secret to following the regimen is planning meals in advance. At first, you will have to weigh everything and keep a food diary, but over time, the need for this will disappear. There are special services on the Internet for this, or you can install applications on your phone.

For those who have not exercised before and decided to get better - increasing physical activity within reasonable limits has a fruitful effect on appetite and assimilation nutrients. Therefore, to accelerate mass gain, you need to use the muscles of the body. A set of exercises for and at home and. And for especially thin it is worth reading the article.

Starting the period of mass gain, a list of necessary products is compiled and purchased for the first week. It is better to make a menu and cook food for the whole day at once, this will help to correctly distribute food, so that later you do not gain calories at the last moment with anything.

The time to gain mass takes a different time for everyone, so you should clearly define the result. It is better to increase the calorie content and volume of food gradually, so you can avoid discomfort and confidently go to the goal. In this case, you should not rush, as they say "the quieter you go, the further you'll get". Listen to your body and soon you will see positive changes.

Sports nutrition - 5 main products for gaining muscle mass. Learn how to display progress when playing sports in gym to a new level.

Reception sports supplements not required at all. However, with the fact that they significantly help with active sports and contribute to progress, no one will argue.

Nowadays, the sports nutrition market is overflowing with a variety of products, about which buyers have conflicting opinions. It is not entirely clear what really works, how and when it should be taken. For gaining muscle mass, the following five foods are of particular value to fitness enthusiasts:

1. Creatine for muscle gain

Taking creatine is the most effective natural way to make progress in gaining lean muscle mass and strength. Creatine increases the strength potential of the body for intense training by increasing the amount of ATP in the muscles.

Research aimed at confirming the claimed performance-enhancing effects has shown phenomenal results. More than 500 have been done and over 70% have confirmed an increase in training intensity.

Both short-term and long-term creatine intake has a positive effect on training progress.

Strength indicators and muscle growth increase by 5-15%.

If you want to get bigger, faster, and stronger but aren't taking creatine, you're missing out.

2. Beta-Alanine for Increased Endurance

Lack of endurance is the enemy of your strength training. Most often, it manifests itself when performing pressing exercises, for example, push-ups on uneven bars with additional weight. Beta-alanine will help you get more reps in one set, as it reduces early fatigue and increases muscle performance.

Some research on beta-alanine shows that taking it can increase your performance by a few extra reps if you train in the medium rep range (8 to 15).

As a result, you can train longer and more productively, taking beta-alanine has a positive effect on gaining muscle mass, burning fat and reducing recovery time between sets. The more work you do in training, the more conditions for growth you create. Long and intense workouts also create a severe calorie deficit, which leads to fat burning.

Beta-alanine has been proven to help you lose weight faster. This is due to the fact that you expend more energy during training.

Beta-alanine is part of a large number of pre-workout complexes. But by itself, it is neither a stimulant nor an energy booster. High doses of beta-alanine usually result in a tingling sensation under the skin, so you can be sure that the product is really working.

Beta-alanine works on the principle of accumulation in the muscles. As with creatine, there is no need to take it right before starting a workout. Some studies show that it is best to take it at the same time as food.

The first two supplements on our list– beta-alanine and creatineoften taken together. This is a great combination for athletes looking to increase the intensity of their anaerobic workouts. The mechanisms of their work are slightly different, but they interact perfectly.

The optimal dosage of beta-alanine is from 2 to 5 grams per day. There is no ideal time to take it, you can take it at any time of the day, but it is still better to combine it with a meal.

3. Caffeine for Strength Training Energy

Caffeine is probably the most effective remedy for pre-workout. It increases energy, improves focus and performance. Caffeine also promotes better aerobic endurance.

Some studies have shown that taking caffeine before a workout will help you expend more energy.This will not bring a serious increase in maximum strength, but work sets (say, if you train in a 5x3 or 5x5 format) will be easier.

The increase in aerobic endurance from caffeine intake has been repeatedly confirmed by studies.But for those who can’t stand the spirit of cardio training, this news is completely inopportune. This means that you will have more energy, and you will be able to stomp on the hated stepper for a few minutes longer.

Scientists believe that the increase in aerobic endurance results from the production of free fatty acids. However, this point has not yet been fully elucidated. Perhaps it all depends on the mental state of the person.

Caffeine is often called a good fat burner. However, science refutes such claims. It does not directly affect fat burning in any way, just under the influence of caffeine, the body consumes fat as fuel.

Dosage when taking caffeine is a purely individual moment. Genetics and the frequency of caffeine consumption play a huge role in this.

If you're a regular caffeine user, you'll likely need a higher dose to have any effect on your training.

In addition, there is a certain "dead point", after which caffeine does not bring anything other than a slight reduction in fatigue. This is not worth bringing up. Too much caffeine can be very harmful to your health. Those who like to drink coffee in liters should be more careful.

4. Whey protein for muscle growth

Whey Protein.

The fact that protein contributes to a set of muscle mass and an increase in strength is known to everyone. A lot of research has been done on this. This is due to the fact that the protein improves protein synthesis, especially if it is rich in leucine.

Protein shake- An excellent source of a full spectrum of amino acids and additional nutrients that are beneficial to health.

Subject to regular strength training, the use of whey protein will promote the growth of lean muscle mass. It also improves immunity and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you are unable to cover your daily protein requirement, consider buying whey protein.

To increase the volume of muscles, it is not enough to exercise regularly. Nutrition that helps to gain muscle mass is distinguished by increased volume, quality and variety of the diet. Intense, regular, methodically correct workouts with insufficient calorie intake do not give results.

Nutrition rules for increasing muscle volume

For the growth of muscle mass, it is necessary that the consumption of proteins, carbohydrates, fats exceeds the body's energy consumption.

Proteins are important for tissue growth. With their shortage, there is no set of muscle mass, an increase in strength. High-quality protein contains meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products. daily requirement in protein is 1.3 g per 1 kg of body weight. When playing sports, the need increases to 2-4g per 1kg of body weight.

Carbohydrates are a source of energy, they are necessary for the absorption of protein foods. Simple varieties of carbohydrates are digested quickly (sugar, fruits), complex carbohydrates burn more slowly (vegetables, cereals, legumes, nuts). The recommended proportion of simple carbohydrates should be 35%, complex - 65%.

Fats are necessary for the production of certain hormones during muscle mass gain, they provide energy during prolonged physical exertion. Useful for the body Fat contains dairy products, vegetable oils. The optimal intake is considered to be 65-70% of animal fats and 30-35% of vegetable fats.

At the beginning of classes, with traditional 3-4 meals a day, muscle growth can be 3-5 kg ​​per month. But after a while, growth stops. Often the cause is a lack of food - after all, body weight has increased, and therefore for further muscle growth, more protein building materials, more energy in the form of carbohydrates and fats are required.

The human body is physiologically unable to absorb more than 30g of protein at a time. Increasing the amount of portions will cause distension of the stomach, overeating and bloating in the abdomen. To keep the serving size acceptable, you will have to increase the number of meals, gradually bringing it up to 5-6 times a day.

The nutrition program should correspond to the intensity of training for gaining muscle mass. First of all, it is worth increasing the intake of protein up to 2 g per 1 kg of body weight, which will definitely increase the calorie content of the diet.

The optimal diet is one in which there are three parts of carbohydrates for one part of protein. Allowed the use of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (honey, ice cream).

Carbohydrates digested by the body are converted into glycogen, which is found in the liver and muscles. During training, glycogen stores are intensively consumed. When they end, the body begins to receive energy by breaking down muscle protein molecules, which causes the muscles to lose volume.

To avoid this, within 30 minutes after training, it is worth taking carbohydrates at the rate of 1.5g of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight - for example, drinking natural fruit juice. After another 2 hours, eat carbohydrates - for example, pasta. This measure increases the rate of accumulation of glycogen in the muscles, helping them to quickly recover. For intensive sports, it is recommended to consume from 6 to 10 g of carbohydrates per kg of body weight every day.

The set of muscle mass is facilitated by the compensation of fluid losses along with sweat. Weigh yourself before and after training. For every kilogram lost after exercise, you should drink up to 1.5 liters of fluid, which speeds up the recovery process.

During sleep, the body receives energy by destroying muscle cells. The transition from sleep to wakefulness in the morning increases energy expenditure. So that the training of the last day was not in vain, the body needs a hearty breakfast.

Diet to increase muscle mass

In addition to sufficient intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the diet should contain vitamins and minerals. In a natural and easily digestible form, they are most found in vegetables and fruits.

  • Vitamin A. Strengthens bones, teeth, improves skin condition. It contains carrots, tomatoes, fish, liver.
  • Vitamins of group B. Necessary for metabolic processes, rapid tissue recovery after training. Contained in fish, cereals, nuts, legumes, leafy green vegetables, corn.
  • Vitamin C. Participates in the synthesis of new tissues, hormones, strengthens blood vessels, promotes rapid healing. There is a lot of it in citrus fruits, apples, strawberries, cabbage.
  • Vitamin D. Strengthens bones, teeth. Contained in vegetable fats, fish oil, eggs.

In the diet for gaining muscle mass, you need to include trace elements:

  • Calcium. Strengthens muscles, necessary for the strength of bone tissue. There is a lot of calcium in milk, cheese, cabbage.
  • Potassium. Regulates the balance of fluid in the body, maintains the rhythm of the heart, coordinates muscle contractions. Found in potatoes, cereals, fruits.
  • Iron. It is necessary to maintain the level of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen to cells. Contained in meat, liver, eggs, nuts, legumes.
  • Phosphorus. Strengthens bone tissue. There is a lot of it in meat, fish, eggs, nuts.
  • Magnesium. It is necessary for the synthesis of enzymes, better absorption of carbohydrates, proteins, and is important for muscle contractions. Found in vegetables, corn, apples, nuts.

Nutrition for gaining muscle mass should contain:

  • dairy products - milk, cheese, cottage cheese, containing a lot of protein;
  • protein products- lean meat, fish, providing the body with essential amino acids;
  • fruits, vegetables - a source of vitamins and minerals;
  • products from flour and cereals - a source of carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins.

In addition, the diet should include enough foods rich in fiber. There is a lot of it in cereals, legumes, nuts, fruits.

How to eat right before a workout

To gain muscle mass, it is important to follow simple rules of nutrition. The closer the training time, the fewer carbohydrates and calories the food should contain. For example, after a light breakfast, you can build muscle in an hour, after a hearty lunch - not earlier than after four hours.

If after 30-60 minutes there is a short-term physical activity, you should not use easily digestible carbohydrates - sugar, honey, juice, compote, jam. After about half an hour, glucose begins to accumulate in the liver in the form of glycogen, and insulin reduces its level in the blood during exercise. As a result, the liver does not release glucose to the muscles for about an hour, which worsens the intensity of muscle contractions.

Conversely, if you have a long physical activity - running, skiing or cycling - simple carbohydrates can be consumed immediately before training. Glucose will be gradually absorbed from the intestines and spent on the work of the muscles.

So that when gaining muscle mass you do not want to go to the toilet, you should not eat foods rich in dietary fiber before training. It is also worth abandoning foods that promote gas formation (peas, cabbage, beans, onions).

Salty food retains fluid in the body, which causes bloating. As a result, the stomach begins to prop up the diaphragm, which makes it difficult for the heart and lungs to work during exercise.

Why fatty foods are on the menu

Many modern systems diets for gaining muscle mass are called to limit fat intake.

To some extent, this measure is justified. Fatty foods are high in calories, but compared to carbohydrates, they take a long time to digest, which causes lethargy.

Some athletes take steroids to quickly increase muscle mass and therefore are forced to follow a diet with little to no fat in order to make the liver work as easy as possible. In fact, a diet without fatty foods is not a bodybuilding rule.

You can and should eat fatty foods, especially at a young age. The intake of fats is necessary for the flow of metabolic reactions in the body.

Vegetable fats increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. They are important for the exchange of B vitamins, necessary for gaining muscle mass, promote the absorption of calcium, and are rich in vitamin E.

A deficiency of vegetable fats negatively affects reproductive function, slows down growth processes, and impairs the contractility of the heart muscle.

Only the abuse of fatty foods, especially when combined with carbohydrates, disrupts metabolism and leads to the formation of body fat. The situation is aggravated by the refusal to include fiber in the diet, the use of steroids, which, like fat, increase the load on the liver.

In middle age, it is worth reducing the calorie content of the diet, the content of fatty foods in the menu. In any case, you should not turn a reasonable precaution into a phobia, if only because the usual protein foods - sausages, cheese - also contain quite a lot of fat.

Part of animal fats can be replaced vegetable oil, the use of nuts, fish, seeds. Replace whole milk with low-fat, use low-fat varieties of cheese.

Periodically it is necessary to control the level of cholesterol in the blood. And if it remains normal, you should not change anything in the diet to gain muscle mass.

If your cholesterol level is elevated, this does not mean that fatty foods should be excluded from the diet. For example, liver disease increases cholesterol levels.

To gain muscle mass, you need to burn fat

If the volume of body fat is quite large, it is worth working on burning excess body fat. It is important that fat cells are destroyed throughout the body, and not in the place that is worked out during training.

For burning fat, aerobic exercises are suitable, performed at a good pace for twenty minutes three times a week: an exercise bike, a treadmill, a rowing machine. It is useful to walk every day for 45-60 minutes, reduce the daily diet by 200-300 calories.

If body fat has stopped decreasing, it is worth increasing the pace of walking, reducing the number of calories a little more.

When the amount of body fat becomes acceptable, you can reduce aerobic exercise, increase the caloric content of the diet, and start gaining muscle mass by doing strength exercises.

Calorie counting for muscle gain

You should be prepared for the fact that an increase in muscle volume is almost always accompanied by an increase in body fat. As a rule, a set of three parts of muscle mass is associated with the formation of one part of fat.

To increase muscle mass, it is worth monitoring the formation of fat, taking timely measures. To do this, you will need to keep a diary and write down the calorie content of food consumed during the day.

If fat deposits in the waist area began to grow, you need to adjust the training program towards greater intensity, reduce the calorie content of the diet by 10%. With more calorie reduction, there is a risk of stopping muscle gain.

In order to turn the best nutrition into muscles, you will have to train and at the same time give the body sufficient rest. From the fat layer that appeared when gaining muscle mass, then it is possible to get rid of exercises for relief and muscle drawing.

Menu for gaining muscle mass

A diet to increase muscle volume does not require much effort. It is worth including in the diet milk, fish, eggs, cereals, fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, more coarse fiber foods.

Sample diet for gaining muscle mass:

  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs with ham and cheese, rice or buckwheat porridge, 200-300g of cottage cheese, a couple of glasses of milk.
  • Second breakfast: A piece of 200g beef chop with wholemeal bread, a glass of milk.
  • Lunch: A piece of beef with boiled potatoes or pasta, fruit, a glass of milk.
  • Second lunch: 200 g of cottage cheese, raisins, fruits.
  • Dinner: Chicken meat, pasta or potatoes, fruits, nuts, milk.
  • A couple of hours before bedtime: 20g of cheese, a glass of kefir.
Modified: 02/21/2019

In the article, I will tell you what nutrition should be for gaining muscle mass and strength.

I remind you: in the last issue, we discussed training schemes that will start (activate) the process of future muscle growth. But!

The very implementation of muscle growth depends precisely on the correct diet (what we are discussing today): I recommend: “Is it possible to build muscle without proper nutrition.”

Nutrition takes 60% of success in muscle growth.

That's why 2, you need to organize the diet (diet) as efficiently as possible: products (B + F + U + V), their number and much more = otherwise you simply won’t see muscle growth ...

Nutrition is the most important aspect of bodybuilding (muscle growth), because through nutrition we get three things:

  • Material for building muscles (protein, proteins)
  • Energy for work and construction (carbohydrates)
  • Material for the construction of hormones (fats)
  • Water (life without water is impossible, just like muscle growth).

Each of these components is vital to any homo sapiens for normal life, and including, each of the components is fundamental for success in muscle growth. With a deficiency (lack) of at least one component = you can forget about muscle growth.

Well, now, we will discuss (briefly) each of the components that you will need to consume every day on a regular basis in order for the muscles to grow.


  • Complex carbohydrates - rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, potatoes, durum pasta.

Only complex (slow) carbohydrates

Vegetables and fruits (also important) and formally are sources of carbohydrates ...

Fruits and vegetables

There is a lot of fiber in vegetables and fruits, so all this goodness is very briefly called in one word-term => “fiber”.

Fiber is very useful for our body, because it slows down the absorption of food (p.s. vegetables must be combined with almost every protein meal, because they contribute to high-quality digestion and assimilation of animal protein, this is important).

In addition, fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals, which are also important. More details in the main article: "All about carbohydrates from A to Z", "When there is fruit."


From ordinary food: eggs, meat, fish, poultry, milk, cottage cheese, kefir, etc.

From sports nutrition:

  • Whey protein or amino acids - are absorbed very quickly.
  • Casein protein - digested for a long time.


Unsaturated fats are found in foods such as: fish, seafood, tofu, soybeans, wheat germ, leafy vegetables (dark green), nuts (pecans, macadamia, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts), natural nut butters, omega-3 , omega-6, omega-9, fish oil, sunflower, soy, corn, safflower, oil walnut, rapeseed, linseed oils.

Coming from all these products = I made up for you approximate diet food for the day.

Your meal plan for muscle growth...

  • WAITING 9.00
  • 09.05 - drink plain non-carbonated water as you feel
  • 9.30 - breakfast (complex carbohydrates + proteins + fiber)
  • 11.30 - snack (complex carbohydrates + proteins + fiber)
  • 14.00 - lunch (complex carbohydrates + proteins + fiber)
  • 16.00 - snack (complex carbohydrates + proteins + fiber)
  • there may be, for example, training at 17.30-18.15 (training time - 40-45 minutes)
  • 19.00 - dinner (complex carbohydrates + proteins + fiber)
  • 21.00 - snack (protein + fiber)

Sleep 22.00-23.00 - 9.00, so if you can sleep another hour during the day, act.

This is what your daily diet for gaining muscle mass might look like.

P.s. You can change and adjust the time for yourself (for your schedule). This is just an example!

Main essence: 6 meals. 3 main (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and 2-3 snacks. With your head!

To implement this diet, you will need containers for food:

Their essence is simple: (you cook your own food for the whole day) and take them with you.

And then at the right time you take it out and start absorbing food. That's all.

This is the answer for those who do not know how to combine such a number of meals with work / study.

I will say this: if there is a desire, there will be an opportunity.

If there is no desire, then as a rule, there are a thousand reasons and excuses)).

The conclusion from all of the above: according to the schedule that I gave you (or my altered one), eat complex carbohydrates + animal proteins + fiber + healthy (unsaturated fats) + drink water, mind you: on an ongoing basis!

Why should all this become a permanent diet?

Answer: in order for you to be able to constantly build muscle on the body.

Muscle growth is a process that does not last a month or a week, etc., but for years (that is, a very long one). Therefore, you need to tune in to such a diet on an ongoing basis.

If you eat (as it should, for muscle growth) for a week or two and quit = you will not build muscle, respectively, everything is pointless. Do you understand the meaning?

Therefore, in order to prevent this, you need to eat right (as needed, for muscle growth) = on an ongoing basis. In addition, this food is correct, dietary (healthy).

Only with such nutrition, your body will be in good condition (shape), your health will be in good condition and muscle growth will occur.

That's the point. This is the essence of everything about form, health.

Do not think that if you pumped up = then it's forever. This is not true.

This is not a sprint. Where did you run and stop. Understand?

This is a lifelong marathon. Therefore, you need to tune in not to some kind of temporary diet, where you sat and after a while of tears, but to proper nutrition + proper workouts + good recovery= on an ongoing basis.

What foods to eat at a particular time?

Opposite the time (in the chart) = I put in quotes everywhere what you need to eat.

You just have to choose the desired product from carbohydrates + proteins + fiber on your own.

So. I gave you a nutrition (food intake) schedule.

Now let's talk about how much a man / woman needs to eat certain foods in order to effectively build muscle on his body. It is very important!

The fact is that if there is a shortage of one or another number of nutrients = there will be no muscle growth.

  • If, for example, there is not enough protein = there will be a shortage of building materials = accordingly, there will be no muscle growth.
  • If, for example, there is not enough fat = there will be a lack of material for the construction of hormones, without which muscle growth is a priori, in principle, impossible.

Briefly speaking. The example, I think, is clear. It is important to consume the right amount of certain nutrients!

How should the ratio in % for B+W+U look like? How much B+W+U should a man and a woman eat per day?

A healthy diet for mass gain should have the following percentage of fat and protein and carbohydrates: For men:

  • Carbohydrates - 50-60% (try to focus on complex carbohydrates);

To make it easier and clearer for you to understand how much it is, I will say in grams.

4-7 gr. for every kg of body weight (for example, if your weight is 70 kg, then 70x4 \u003d 280 g of carbohydrates / day).

  • Proteins - 20-30% (try to focus on proteins of animal origin);

1.6 g for every kg of body weight (for example, if your weight is 70 kg, then 70x1.6 \u003d 112 g of protein per day).

  • Fats - 10-20% (only healthy, i.e. unsaturated fats);

2-3 gr. for every kg of body weight (for example, if your weight is 70 kg, then 70x2 \u003d 140 grams of fat per day).

For girls / women:

  • Carbohydrates - 40% (try to focus on complex carbohydrates)

from 3-4 gr. for every kg of body weight (for example, if the weight is 40 kg, then 40x4 \u003d 160 g of carbohydrates / day).

  • Proteins - 30% (try to make the whole emphasis on proteins of animal origin)

1.6 grams for every kg of body weight (for example, if your weight is 40 kg, then 40x1.6 \u003d 64 grams of protein per day).

  • Fats - 25-30% (only healthy, i.e. unsaturated fats)

2-3 gr. for every kg of body weight (for example, if your weight is 40 kg, then 40x2 \u003d 80 grams of fat per day).

This proportion (in men and women) is optimal for both health and muscle growth.

All complete information on how to build muscle is contained in my training materials (for men and women), which are based on the latest scientific data:

for men

for girls / women

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