Number of operating credit institutions. The current state of the banking system of the Russian Federation. History and prospects

Marble 10.06.2021

commercial bank loan capital

Information on the registration and licensing of credit institutions is available on the website of the Bank of Russia.

If we analyze the dynamics of changes in the number of credit institutions in the Russian Federation over the past 5 years (Appendix 1), we can conclude that their number is steadily declining (Fig. 1). At the same time, the number of non-bank credit organizations increased by 11 over 3 years. The number of banks with 100% participation in the capital in the total share of all banks for approximately this period is 7%.

The reason for the decrease in the number of credit institutions is the federal legislation of the country, especially this process is influenced by the Federal Law of December 2, 1990 N 395-1 (as amended on September 30, 2013) “On Banks and Banking Activity”:

  • · They unite with the aim of increasing and preserving capital, i.е. there is a merger of capital;
  • · Large banks buy smaller banks, ie. absorption occurs.
  • · They are closed due to bankruptcy or due to the inability of small banks to comply with the requirements of the Central Bank in terms of work and the size of the authorized capital, i.е. self-liquidation or liquidation by a court decision
  • · The processes of mergers, acquisitions or closures of banks are ongoing, but after the Bank of Russia raises the bar on the minimum amount of authorized capital, the number of such processes will increase dramatically.


Besides banks are closed and in connection with infringements of laws. According to the forecasts of a number of analysts, the reduction in the number of operating banks in Russia, which began during the financial crisis, will continue. Many experts expect a significant reduction in the number of operating banks (up to 500), but no one can say for sure how many banks will actually remain, and whether this will be good or bad for Russia will be seen after some time.

The reorganization of some credit institutions is in full swing, which also reduces the total number of banks in Russia. For example:

  • On October 22, 2013, the Bank of Russia announced that, in accordance with the requirements of Part 5 of Article 23 of the Federal Law of December 2, 1990 No. 395-1 "On Banks and Banking Activity", the procedure for reorganizing the Open Joint Stock Company "BINBANK" in the form of merger to it Innovative Construction Bank "Bashinvest" Closed Joint-Stock Company. After the completion of the reorganization, out of 2 banks, 1 will be obtained.
  • · On January 14, 2014, the Bank of Russia announced that, in accordance with the requirements of Article 23 of Federal Law No. 395-1 dated December 2, 1990, the reorganization procedure for the Joint Stock Commercial Bank Absolut Bank (open joint stock company) was initiated in the form of merger with KIT Finance Investment Bank (Open Joint Stock Company).

World experience, however, shows that if a bank has found and steadily occupied a certain niche in banking services, then it does not matter whether it is a large or small bank, the main thing is that it can work without violating laws and regulations. The example of small Switzerland, where large and small banks peacefully coexist, and there are so many "indecent" banks that there is nowhere for an apple to fall - is indicative. Everyone has a job there, and every bank is needed and appropriate. And according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), there were 6,891 banks operating in the United States at the end of the third quarter of 2013.

Of course, it is very bad when, instead of high-quality control and effective regulation of the activities of banks, we rush from one extreme to another. It would be more reasonable not to close small banks, and especially in the regions, but to limit their maximum amounts of loans issued to one person and limit the acceptance of deposits from one depositor to certain parameters, linking all this with the amount of capital i.e. focusing them on serving small businesses and individuals, and let them work.

The number of banks in Russia has been constantly decreasing in recent years. This confirms the conclusions of experts who have been saying for a long time that about 500 banks will remain in Russia in the coming years. Indeed, analysts' forecasts on the number of banks turned out to be quite realistic. To verify this, it is worth looking at the number of banks in the light recent changes in the legislation on the size of the authorized capital.

So, how many banks and non-banking TOs are there in Russia, and how many of them are small banks? In accordance with the data of the Bank of the Russian Federation, as of January 1, 2018, the number of commercial banks and non-banking organizations in Russia is 561, of which 230 (41%) can be attributed to large banks. And as of January 1, 2017, the number of commercial banks and non-banking organizations in Russia was 623, of which 246 (39.5%) can be firmly attributed to large and relevant requirements in terms of the amount of authorized capital.

Of the total number of banks and non-bank credit institutions at the beginning of 2018, 277, or 49.4%, are registered and have a head office in Moscow. With so many banks in Moscow and with an estimated population of Moscow in 2016 - 12,300,000 people, it turns out that there is one bank for every 44.4 thousand of the population of the capital.

The number of banks as of 01.01.2018 was 561, that is, over the past 2017, it decreased by another 62 banks (623-561). And the number of banks, since 2008, has already decreased by 575 banks (1,136 -561), which is 50.6%, and what is most unpleasant is that banks are rapidly shrinking in almost all Federal Districts.

Dynamics of the total number of operating banks in Russia by federal districts, for the last 11 years looks like this:

Number of operating banks by regions of RussiaAs of 01.01.2008As of 01.01.2009As of 01.01.2010As of 01.01.2011As of 01.01.2012As of 01.01.2013As of 01.01.2014As of 01.01.2015As of 01.01.2016As of 01.01.2017As of 01.01 2018
632 621 598 585 572 564 547 504 434 358 319
Moscow city555 543 522 514 502 494 489 450 383 314 277
2. NORTH-WESTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT81 79 75 71 69 70 70 64 60 49 43
3. SOUTHERN FEDERAL DISTRICT118 115 113 47 45 46 46 43 37 38 35
4. NORTH CAUCASUS FEDERAL DISTRICT- - - 57 56 50 43 28 22 17 17
5. VOLGA FEDERAL DISTRICT134 131 125 118 111 106 102 92 85 77 71
6. URAL FEDERAL DISTRICT63 58 54 51 45 44 42 35 32 29 26
7. SIBERIAN FEDERAL DISTRICT68 68 62 56 54 53 51 44 41 37 32
8. FAR EASTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT40 36 31 27 26 23 22 22 17 18 18
9. CRIMEAN FEDERAL DISTRICT (since 2017 it has been included in the Southern Federal District)- - - - - - - 2 5 - -
TotalFor the Russian Federation1 136 1 108 1 058 1 012 978 956 923 834 733 623 561

The table shows that the main number of banks are registered in the European part of the country, and very few regional banks beyond the Urals. Particularly noteworthy is the small number of regional commercial banks on the territory of the vast Far Eastern, Northern and Ural Federal Districts, which, moreover, has significantly decreased over the analyzed period, and in fact the main wealth of Russia is located precisely in these territories of the country.

Statistics on the number of banks in recent years suggests that the reduction of banks continues at a high pace. So, only on February 2, 2018, the Bank of Russia revoked the licenses for banking operations from the next 2 banks (RKB LLC and PartnerCapitalBank JSC).

01/01/2018 amounted to 561, i.e. in 2017, their number decreased by 62. While in 2016, banks decreased by 110 units, and in 2015 - by 101 units. The reduction of banks in 2018 slowed down a bit.

The revocation of licenses from banks that pose a real threat to the interests of creditors and depositors and, over the course of one year, repeatedly failed to comply with federal laws regulating banking activities and Bank of Russia regulations continued in 2018.

It is noteworthy that in 2017 the Bank of Russia revoked the license from PJSC BANK YuGRA, which back in 2016 was included in the list of the 30 largest banks in the country, compiled by the Bank of Russia, taking into account their performance of key performance indicators. And after the license was revoked, the operations carried out with reporting in order to hide the real financial situation were revealed in the bank. PJSC BANK YuGRA was not a systemically important credit institution.

On March 3, 2017, licenses for banking operations were revoked from four banks at once:

  • CB "Interregional Postal Bank" (registration No. 3171, Moscow)
  • "ANKOR BANK" (JSC) (reg. No. 889, Kazan)
  • PJSC "IntechBank" (registration No. 2705, Kazan)
  • PJSC Tatfondbank (registration No. 3058, Kazan)
Number of operating banks in Russia for 02/01/2018 amounted to 558, i.e. in the first month of 2018, the number of banks decreased by another 3. The revocation of licenses continues further. So, only for an incomplete month of February 2018, 5 licenses have already been revoked:
  • JSCB "Master-Capital" (OJSC) (registration No. 3011, Moscow) - from 20.02.2018
  • UralCapitalBank LLC (registration No. 2519, Ufa) - since February 15, 2018
  • SBRR Bank (LLC) (registration No. 1284, Tyumen) - from 02/06/2018
  • RKB LLC (reg. No. 103, Moscow) - from 02.02.2018
  • "PartnerKapitalBank" (JSC) (reg. No. 635, Moscow) - from 02.02.2018
And on February 1, 2018, the Bank of Russia announced the start of the reorganization procedure for Expobank LLC in the form of a merger with Bank on Goncharnaya (JSC), i.e. the number of banks will decrease by one more bank.

How many banks do you think will remain in Russia in the near future, given such a rate of license revocation. I think less than 500 banks, as predicted by experts.

Grouping of banks by the size of the authorized capital

How many banks in Russia may disappear in the near future can be determined based on the size of the authorized capital (fund) of specific banks.

So, based on Article 11 of the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activities" (as amended and supplemented), it follows that the minimum amount of the authorized capital on the day of filing an application for state registration and issuance of a license for banking operations is set in the amount of:

  1. 1 billion rubles - for a newly registered bank with a universal license;
  2. 300 million rubles - for a newly registered bank with a basic license;
  3. 90 million rubles - for a newly registered non-bank credit institution, except for the minimum amount of the authorized capital of a newly registered non-bank credit institution - a central counterparty;
  4. 300 million rubles - for a newly registered non-bank credit institution - a central counterparty.

And what about the existing credit institutions, the amount of own funds (capital) of which does not meet these standards? Article 20 of Federal Law 395-1 dated December 2, 1990 states that the Bank of Russia is obliged, except for cases established by federal laws, to revoke a banking license in the following cases:

  • if the value of all equity (capital) adequacy ratios of the credit institution falls below two percent;
  • if the amount of own funds (capital) of the credit institution is below the minimum value of the authorized capital established on the date of state registration of the credit institution (applied after 2 years of operation from the date of registration);
  • if a bank with a universal license as of January 1, 2018, the amount of own funds (capital) does not meet the requirements established by paragraph one of Article 11(2) of the Law as of the relevant date, there are no grounds established by paragraph four of Article 11(2) of the Law for continuing its activities as a bank with a universal license, and such a bank did not receive until January 1, 2019, in accordance with the procedure established by the Bank of Russia, the status of a bank with a basic license, or did not change its status to the status of a non-bank credit organization, or did not receive the status of a microfinance company with the simultaneous termination of the status of a credit organization and cancellation of a license to carry out banking operations;
  • if a bank with a universal license after January 1, 2019 for four consecutive months allowed a decrease in the amount of own funds (capital) below the minimum amount of own funds (capital) established by paragraph one of Article 11(2) ...
  • if a bank with a basic license after January 1, 2018 for four consecutive months allowed a decrease in the amount of own funds (capital) below the minimum amount of own funds (capital) established by paragraph one of Article 11(2) ...

Now let's see how the Central Bank of the Russian Federation groups second-tier banks based on the size of the registered authorized capital of the bank:

Authorized capital (million rubles)Number of Russian banks
on 01.01. 2008on 01.01. 2009on 01.01. 2010as of 01.01.2011on 01.01. 2012on 01.01. 2013as of 01.01.2014on 01.01. 2015on 01.01. 2016on 01.01. 2017on 01.01. 2018
From 10 billion rubles and higher- - 21 22 22 23 25 27 29 33 35
From 1 to 10 billion rubles- - 128 133 143 154 161 163 153 136 117
From 500 million to 1 billion rubles.-
- 109 103 114 123 116 111 97 77 78
From 300 to 500 million rubles302 339 350 98 101 95 116 118 104 90 78
150.0 to 300.0248 254 252 250 263 276 251 212 171 137 113
60.0 to 150.0207 194 204 222 199 168 143 112 88 57 68
30.0 to 60.0161 140 117 98 62 46 36 30 28 26 23
10.0 to 30.0120 99 71 46 41 41 45 38 38 37 31
3.0 to 10.061 51 38 23 18 15 15 13 12 10 9
Up to 3.037 31 26 17 15 15 15 10 13 10 9
Total1136 1108 1058 1012 978 956 923 834 733 623 561

So, as of January 1, 2018, only 308 banks (35+117+78+78) have an authorized capital that is sufficient for a universal or basic license that meets the requirements of the Central Bank for capital y, and 113 banks whose authorized capital meets the requirement for a license non-bank credit institution, which is respectively 54.9% and 20.1% of the total number of banks. From this number, but already taking into account the main indicators of banks' activities, the Bank of Russia monthly determines the list of 30 largest banks in Russia and the list of systemically important banks in Russia.

And there are 140 banks moving towards closing or merging with other banks, whose authorized capital does not meet the requirements - these banks are at risk.

Back in July 2015, the head of VTB Andrey Kostin in an interview German newspaper Die Welt stated that:

The number of banks in Russia could be reduced by 500 in five years. There are too many banks in Russia. There are about 800 institutes. In five years, they may become 500 less, and we could reach a stable level even with 100 banks.

Based on the requirements of the Bank of Russia to the authorized capital, many banks are undergoing the following transformations:
  • They unite in order to increase and preserve capitals, i.e. there is a merger of capital;
  • Large banks buy smaller banks, ie. absorption occurs.
  • They are closed due to bankruptcy or due to the inability of small banks to comply with the requirements of the Central Bank for work and the size of the authorized capital, i.e. self-liquidation or liquidation by a court decision is carried out.
The processes of mergers, acquisitions or closures of banks are ongoing, but after the Bank of Russia raises the bar on the minimum amount of authorized capital, the number of such processes will increase dramatically. In addition, banks are also closed forcibly, due to violations of laws.

Some credit institutions are being reorganized, which also reduces the total number of banks in Russia. For example:

  • On November 13, 2014, the Khanty-Mansiysk Bank announced the completion of the merger of Otkritie Bank and Novosibirsk Municipal Bank. After the completion of the reorganization, out of 3 banks, 1 will be obtained.
  • On November 18, 2016, MDM Bank announced that the reorganization of BINBANK and B&NBANK Murmansk was completed by joining MDM Bank. The united bank will operate under the BINBANK brand. In addition, it was reported that during 2016 four more banks were merged with B&NBANK: Kedr, B&NBANK Smolensk, B&NBANK Surgut and B&NBANK Tver
    On November 13, 2017, VTB Bank (PJSC) (No. 1000, St. Petersburg) began reorganization procedures in the form of a merger with VTB 24 Bank (PJSC) (No. 1623, Moscow).
According to the forecasts of a number of analysts, the reduction in the number of operating banks in Russia, which began during the financial crisis, will continue. Many experts expect a significant reduction in the number of operating banks, but no one can say for sure how many banks will actually remain, and whether this will be good or bad for Russia will be seen after some time. Only one thing is clear, in Russia there is a shortage of quality banking services in the regions and the imbalance has not changed yet.

World experience shows that if a bank has found and steadily occupied a certain niche in banking services, then it does not matter whether it is a large or small bank, the main thing is that it can work without violating laws and regulations. The example of small Switzerland, where large and small banks coexist peacefully, and there are so many "indecent" banks that there is nowhere for an apple to fall, is indicative. Everyone has a job there, and every bank is needed and appropriate.
Of course, it is very bad when, instead of quality control and effective regulation of the activities of banks, we rush from one extreme to another. It would be more reasonable not to close small banks, and especially in the regions, but to limit their maximum amounts of loans issued to one person and limit the acceptance of deposits from one depositor to certain parameters, linking all this with the amount of capital i.e. focusing them on serving small businesses and individuals, and let them work. By the way, the Bank of Russia has already proposed changes in this direction.

Thus, the Bank of Russia has developed proposals (partially already being implemented), according to which all Russian banks will be divided into three groups:

  • systemically significant, for which special requirements have been established since 2015,
  • federal banks,
  • regional banks.
As the head of the Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina explained regarding the reorganization of the banking system:
"We propose to allocate a new type of credit institution - a regional bank. This type can include relatively small regional organizations with a limited range of the simplest banking operations. The business model of such banks should be to raise funds from individuals and legal entities of a particular region, to place them with minimal risks in loans to the population and businesses, primarily medium and small ones, in the same region.

With regard to other banks, except for systemically important ones, we call them banks of federal importance, it is planned to increase the minimum requirements for the amount of own funds to capital up to 1 billion rubles and the consistent implementation of international standards"

Number of banks in the Russian Federation (by years)

The statistics of the number of banks in the Russian Federation over the past 18 years is as follows:

date ofNumber of banks in Russia on the selected dateIncl. number of banks in Moscow
01/01/20011311 578
01/01/20021319 620
01/01/20031329 645
01/01/20041329 661
01/01/20051299 656
01/01/20061253 631
01/01/20071189 593
01/01/20081136 555
01/01/20091108 543
01/01/20101058 522
01/01/20111012 514
01/01/2012978 502
01/01/2013956 494
01/01/2014923 489
01/01/2015834 450
01/01/2016733 383
01/01/2017623 314
01/01/2018 561 277
06/01/2018530 262

The number of banks as of 01.10.2018 is 508, of which

The material was prepared taking into account the use of Central Bank data on the number of banks and their grouping by the size of authorized funds and information from the Central Bank on the revocation of licenses.


GOU Novosibirsk State University Economics and Management (NSUEU)

Yu.F. Slizova

The article "The National Banking System: History and Prospects" discusses the formation and development of the banking system, taking into account the factors that have a significant impact on these processes.

The national banking system is integral part credit system and interacts with different sectors of the economy, serving real production, depends on the level of development of industry and other sectors of the economy on the one hand. On the other hand, the national banking system has a significant impact on the national economy, being necessary condition economic growth in the country.

Professor O. I. Lavrushin writes that “practice knows several types of the banking system: a distributive centralized banking system, a market banking system and a system of transition”.

The national banking system of Russia is a system of transition in a transitional economy, which is in the process of formation. The national banking system contains components of a market banking system, although their interaction is not yet sufficiently developed and the elements of the banking system should take into account the features and conditions of a market economy more fully.

The national banking system must be considered as an economic system, which consists of individual elements, interconnected and interacting, each of which performs certain functions, conducts a list of operations in accordance with the purpose of the activity. Separate elements form a single, integral set, as a result of which the needs of society in banking services are satisfied.

As the historical experience of the development of the banking system of Russia shows, in the pre-revolutionary period, in the conditions of the prevailing market relations of that period, a kind of two-level system was formed. The first level was the State Bank Russian Empire, which began its activity in 1860. The second level was represented by joint-stock commercial banks, mortgage and city banks, mutual credit societies and credit cooperation.

In the former Soviet Union, from the 1930s to the 1980s, a system of specialized banks was created by the state, and state-owned banks operated at the end of this period. The banks that existed during this period had an extensive network of branches and institutions, of which the State Bank of the USSR had about 4.5 thousand branches, Stroybank of the USSR - 2.5 thousand and Vneshtorgbank of the USSR - 7 branches in the country. Such a banking system made it possible to pursue a unified monetary policy and exercise strict control over its implementation. But the absence of market relations and interbank competition in the state's economy hindered the development of the banking system.

Until 1987, the organizational structure of the banking system in Russia was built according to a pronounced sectoral principle and included the State Bank of the USSR, the Stroybank of the USSR, the Vneshtorgbank of the USSR, as well as the system of Soviet foreign banks.

Thus, in Russia there was a single-tier banking system. The construction of a single-level banking system is possible in cases where "... there is no central bank in the country yet, there is only a central bank in the country, or the central bank performs all operations, competing with other banks" .

A one-tier banking system, as a rule, existed in the early stages of the development of banking systems, when banks could carry out all types of operations, including the issue of banknotes. “... An example is Hong Kong, where, under an agreement with Great Britain, the functions of the central bank for this country are performed by the Bank of England.”

In the process of developing market reforms, an objective need has arisen for reforming the banking system. Starting from 1987, the concept of reorganization of the banking system was developed, which involved changing the organizational structure of the banking system, increasing the role of banks in the economy and strengthening their influence on development National economy. As a result, a two-tier banking system was created, the top level was occupied by the State Bank of the USSR, as the country's central bank, the second level was occupied by newly created specialized banks, such as Promstroybank of the USSR, Zhilsotsbank of the USSR, Agroprombank of the USSR, Sberbank of the USSR. Thus, a two-tier banking system was formed, but the state monopoly on banking was still preserved.

"... The problems of economic management of the country's money turnover, regulation of the activities of the lower levels of the banking system, the development of competition between banks have necessitated deepening reforms in the banking sector."

The transition to market relations in the early nineties led to new transformations in the banking system, which resulted in the formation and development of a two-tier banking system.

Thus, after the collapse of the USSR in Russia, the state monopoly on banking was eliminated and a two-tier banking system was formed, special banking legislation was developed and operated, which ensured the legal regulation of banking activities in accordance with economic conditions based on market principles.

The last global reform of the banking system was completed by the end of the 90s. XX century. During this period, specialized banks were abolished. With the adoption of the Laws “On Cooperation in the USSR” dated May 26, 1988 and “On Enterprises in the USSR” dated June 4, 1990, new opportunities appeared for creating self-supporting sectoral or territorial cooperative banks, since the state monopoly on banking was abolished. And by the middle of 1990, 202 commercial banks had been created in Russia.

Summarizing the analysis carried out as a result, which determined the degree of influence of the socio-economic system on the development of the banking system, it should be noted that the socio-economic system is the basis or basis for the activity of the modern national banking system. Next, let us dwell on the main factors affecting the formation and development of the national banking system.

Determining the factors influencing the formation of the national banking system, it is necessary to highlight the historical experience of development. In the process of formation of the banking system in Russia in the 90s. discussions took place regarding the choice of the type of construction. And in this direction, the historical experience of the development of the banking system turned out to be a priority. In the pre-revolutionary period, the banking system of Russia and the banking system of Germany were identical. Therefore, during the perestroika period, the German type of development was chosen.

Since 1996, Russia has received a fairly high credit rating, which contributed to the participation of Russian banks in the rating. Banks can participate only if the host country of the bank is a member of the rating. The rating that can be assigned to a bank must not be higher than the rating of the country, and in order to obtain it, it is necessary to pay several hundred thousand dollars to rating agencies and make a balance sheet in accordance with international standards, certified by an international auditor.

All over the world there is a system of assigning ratings by specialized rating agencies, in addition, there is another annual rating of the authoritative English magazine "The Banker" that is valued in international business circles (Table 1).

Therefore, it is necessary to adequately assess the significance of decisions taken by the authorities state power for the operation of the national banking system, which are of decisive importance in the further development.

So, the banking system develops under the influence of a complex of factors specific to a particular country. Professor Tagirbekov K.R. describes how significant the following factors are: “... natural and geographical conditions, climate, national composition of the population, its occupations and trades, contacts with neighbors, trade routes, etc.”

Table 1

Name Place in the world 2009 Place in the world 2003 Place in the world 2002
Sberbank of Russia
Mezhprombank -
MDM Bank
Vnesheconombank -
Bank of Moscow -
Alfa Bank
UralSibbank -
Trust bank -
International Moscow Bank - -

Professor Lavrushin O.I., believes “... that the development of the banking system is influenced by a number of macroeconomic and political factors, among them he singles out such as the degree of maturity of commodity-money relations, social and economic order, its intended purpose and social orientation, legislative fundamentals and acts, a general idea of ​​the nature and role of the bank in the economy ".

Among the most significant factors, we will include the factors that have a decisive influence on the formation and development of the national banking system: socio-economic system, historical development experience, normative base, interaction with the global banking system, the level of socio-economic development of the country, the policy pursued by the authorities (political factor).

It should be noted that the modern banking system was formed under the influence of a number of factors described above and, depending on the degree of influence of which, the direction and level of development of the national banking system were determined, taking into account the socio-political system, historical development experience, and the general level of economic development.

Since 1988, the number of credit institutions has been constantly increasing with the development of economic relations. With the adoption of banking laws at the end of 1990, banking activity was regulated, the conditions for opening banks were determined, and the two-tier banking system was finally consolidated. The banking system at that time developed quite rapidly, especially considering the number of operating credit institutions. At the end of 1991, there were 1,360 credit institutions, but these were mostly small banks - 73% of the total. The largest banks in that period were Sberbank of Russia and Vnesheconombank. In general, the banking system was quite unstable, because there was a lack of capital, low staff qualifications, high inflation and banking risks, which led to a large number of bankruptcies, (chart 1).

In 1995, there was a maximum number of credit institutions - 2457. Then the number of operating credit institutions decreased, the reason was the crises (autumn 1994, August 1995, the pre-crisis situation at the end of 1997, August 1998) that occurred in those periods.

Chart No. 1

Dynamics of Quantitative Indicators of Operating Credit Institutions

In 1997, the national banking system developed quite steadily, in the structure of passive operations, the main share was occupied by deposits of the population and funds of legal entities. In the structure of assets, 44% were occupied by credit operations. Only Sberbank of Russia was mainly engaged in lending to the population. This year was the last favorable year for the development of the national banking system, as in next year most banks did not make a profit, and expenses exceeded income. The second half of 1998 was marked by a severe banking crisis, as a result of which, on the whole, the capital of the national banking system decreased three times in ruble terms. The number of credit institutions decreased from 1998 to 1999 from 2029 to 1476, and the resource base also decreased due to the departure of depositors.

To exit crisis situation required a number of significant steps. To this end, legislative and organizational foundations were created for the restructuring of credit institutions, as a result, the ability of banks to provide basic banking services to the economy was restored.

And since 2000, the number of operating credit institutions has been at a certain level, which confirms some stability in the development of the national banking system.

Experts note that the financial crisis and recession of 2008-2009, as part of the financial crisis, had a strong impact on the functioning of Russia's national banking system.

In the current challenging environment, the banking sector needs to maintain high and sustainable economic growth rates. And the achieved macroeconomic stability requires the Government of the Russian Federation and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to develop new solutions aimed at ensuring the progressive development of the banking sector based on strengthening its stability, increasing the competitiveness of Russian credit institutions, improving banking regulation and supervision, strengthening the protection of interests and strengthening the confidence of depositors. and other bank creditors.

In the process of developing banking activities, the regulatory legal support of banking activities is being improved, the transition of credit institutions to the use of international standards is being completed. financial reporting, conditions are created to prevent the use of credit institutions for illegal purposes (primarily such as the financing of terrorism and the legalization of proceeds from crime), and the quality of services provided by credit institutions is improved.

An important task of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is the development and implementation of active joint actions to form a modern competitive national banking system that meets the strategic interests of the Russian economy.

The main goal of further development of the banking sector is to strengthen its role in the country's economy while ensuring systemic stability and improving the quality of services provided. Achievement of this goal will be carried out in the following areas:

improvement legal support banking activities;

· Improving the efficiency of banking regulation and banking supervision;

· development of a competitive environment and ensuring transparency in the activities of credit institutions, banking groups and banking holdings;

· Strengthening market discipline in the banking sector and ensuring equal conditions for competition for all credit institutions, including state-controlled banks;

raising the requirements for the quality of corporate governance in credit institutions, banking groups and bank holdings.


1. Banking: Textbook./Ed. G.N. Beloglazova, L.P. Krolivetskaya. - 5th ed., revised. and add.–M.: Finance and statistics, 2003. – 592 p.

2. Money, credit, banks: Textbook / Ed. O.I. Lavrushin. 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Finance and statistics, 1999. - 464 p.

3. Methodical approach to the formation of regional banking systems (on the example of the Siberian Federal District): Dissertation. / Slizova Yu.F., 2004

4. Fundamentals of banking (Banking) / Ed. Tagirbekova K.R. - M.: INFRA-M publishing house; The Whole World, - 2003. - 720 p.

5. Statement of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the Strategy for the Development of the Banking Sector of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2008. – Access mode: http://

6. Report on the Development of the Banking Sector and Banking Supervision in 2008: – Access mode:

7. Access mode:

8. The Banker: - Electronic magazine. – Access mode:

KEY WORDS: National banking system, banking system, bank, history of the development of the banking system, prospects for the development of banks.

In recent years, there has been a significant reduction in the number of banks in Russia. According to the conclusions of analysts, no more than 200-300 banks will operate in our country in the foreseeable future. There is no reason to doubt the words of experts, since the number of banks in the Russian Federation is reduced due to the legislative setting by the government of restrictions on the authorized capital.

As of December 1, 2018, the number of operating banks in Russia is 490.

Dynamics of the number of banks in Russia

A massive reduction in the number of banking organizations began in 2001. Since then, their number has been decreasing every year. Moreover, over the past 4 years, the decrease in the number of banks has been significant. This is evidenced by statistics: in 2014, the total number of all banks decreased by 89; in 2015, the number of abolished organizations reached 101; in 2016 even more - 110 pieces; in 2017, 62 banks were closed, and in 2018 - already 57. In total, since 2001, 807 banking organizations have been liquidated.

As of Number of operating banks in Russia In Moscow
Jan 1, 2001 1311 578
Jan 1, 2002 1319 620
Jan 1, 2003 1329 645
Jan 1, 2004 1329 661
Jan 1, 2005 1299 656
Jan 1, 2006 1253 631
Jan 1, 2007 1189 593
Jan 1, 2008 1136 555
Jan 1, 2009 1108 543
Jan 1, 2010 1058 522
1 Jan 2011 1012 514
1 Jan 2012 978 502
1 Jan 2013 956 494
1 Jan 2014 923 489
1 Jan 2015 834 450
1 Jan 2016 733 383
1 Jan 2017 623 314
1 Jan 2018 561 277
1 Nov 2018 499 249
1 Dec 2018 490 242

The information is presented on the basis of the data of the Central Bank.

The main reason for the closure of banks is the loss of a license by a commercial organization. There may be several reasons for this:

  • inability to repay debt to creditors;
  • evasion from the execution of normative acts of the Central Bank;
  • if the bank's capital does not exceed the lower threshold of the authorized capital;
  • non-compliance with the laws according to which the activities of a banking organization should be carried out.

In general, the decrease in the number of banks has a positive effect on the banking sector and stimulates the country's economy. The population gains confidence in the stability of the current banking system due to the fact that only reliable organizations remain on the market that are able to fulfill their obligations to depositors and creditors, creating an environment of stability.

By federal districts

From the table presented, it can be concluded that largest number banks are located in the European part of Russia, while the smallest number of regional banking organizations is in the Siberian, Far Eastern and Ural regions. These territories contain the main natural resource potential, and a small number of credit and banking organizations creates difficulties for the economic development of these regions.

Number of operating banks by regions Jan 1
Jan 1
Jan 1
Jan 1
Jan 1
Jan 1
Jan 1
Jan 1
Dec 1
CFD 598 585 572 564 547 504 434 358 276
Moscow city 522 514 502 494 489 450 383 314 242
NWFD 75 71 69 70 70 64 60 49 41
SFD 113 47 45 46 46 43 37 38 27
NCFD - 57 56 50 43 28 22 17 12
Volga Federal District 125 118 111 106 102 92 85 77 67
UFO 54 51 45 44 42 35 32 29 23
Siberian Federal District 62 56 54 53 51 44 41 37 28
FEFD 31 27 26 23 22 22 17 18 16
KFD (since 2017 - it is part of the Southern Federal District) - - - - - 2 5 - -
In general, in the Russian Federation 1058 1012 978 956 923 834 733 623 490

Grouping of banks by the size of the authorized capital

Evaluation of institutions by authorized capital helps to draw conclusions about whether it can answer for its material obligations to creditors and depositors.

According to federal law dated 02.12.90 No. 395-1 “On banks and banking activities” (Article 11), the total capital varies in size depending on the activities of the bank. And more specifically:

  1. For an organization that is not a bank, the capital threshold should not be less than 90 million rubles;
  2. If the bank has a basic license, then the amount of capital is 300 million rubles;
  3. If a bank has been issued a universal license, then the capital threshold must be more than 1 billion rubles.

If a banking or credit organization is unable to comply with the limits of the authorized capital, then the license of such a bank is revoked, and it is forced to cease its activities. The following are the cases in which a bank loses a license:

  • In the event that banking cash are calculated in a smaller amount than established by Federal Law No. 395-1. At the same time, at the beginning of this year, the bank had a universal license, without transferring to the status of a bank holding a basic license until the beginning of next year (01/01/2019) and without changing its status to the title of a non-banking organization.
  • When a bank holding a basic license crossed the threshold minimum capital mark and did not leave this value for 4 months. The period from 01/01/2018 is taken into account.
  • When the bank's performance indicator (sufficiency) does not exceed 2%.
  • When at the time of issuing the registration (provided that 2 years have passed from the date of its issuance), the total amount of the bank's personal capital does not exceed the allowable share capital threshold.

On the this moment statistics on the number of banks in Russia suggests that their number is inexorably declining. Another 140 organizations are under threat of losing their licenses.

In the summer of 2015, A.L. Kostin, President and Chairman of the Board of VTB, announced that the number of banking organizations would decrease in the next five years. At the same time, he named a huge figure for that year - 500 pieces. He was of the opinion that this would have a positive effect on the economy of our country, since such a necessary measure would strengthen the strength of the banking system in the minds of people.

The requirements of the Central Bank regarding the authorized capital force most banking organizations to do the following:

  • Larger banks absorb smaller ones, buying out all the assets.
  • Different organizations merge into one - in this case, the merger implies a complete merger of funds.
  • They declare themselves bankrupt and liquidate.

Before becoming a client of any bank, you must make sure of its reliability - a credit institution must have a license for the relevant activity, and also occupy not the last positions in the rating of banks and not have a tendency to constantly reduce their indicators in this list. In the article, we will introduce you to the total number of commercial banks in Russia, present the top ones, and provide a list of organizations deprived of a license. We will also tell another useful information about this area.

How many banks are there in Russia today?

As of August 1, 2017, there are 537 commercial credit institutions operating in the Russian Federation. The total number of banks in Russia registered at one time or another is 878 today. Of these, 341 have now had their licenses revoked.

Here is a table showing the number of banks in Russia in past years.

Let's now talk about some regularities in the change in the number of banks, as well as the Central Bank's plans for Russian credit institutions.

Dynamics of changes in the number of banks

Having learned how many banks there are in Russia today and how many there were at least 10 years ago, one thing is clear - the number of these institutions is steadily declining. As of January 1, 2017, the number of banks in our country amounted to 45.2% of their number in 2008.

Of the existing number, only 336 can be classified as large. Of these, only 314 have head offices in the capital. Thus, there is only one bank for every 39,000 people in Moscow, meaning the organization, not the number of offices and subdivisions. Speaking about the regions, we can say that the vast majority of banks in Russia are registered in its European part, but for the Northern, Far Eastern districts) there are catastrophically few of them. But it is in the territories of these regions that the main natural resources of the country are concentrated.

Many were struck by the revocation of the license from the Yugra bank, which was firmly among the top thirty major banking organizations in Russia. The reason for this decision was the concealment of his actual financial condition.

Authorized capital and association of banks

Reading Art. 11 of the Federal Law "On banks and their activities", it can be said for sure that the emergence of new credit institutions is very problematic - let's get acquainted with the requirements for the authorized capital of a registered institution:

  • The smallest amount of the authorized capital of a banking organization for issuing a license is 300 million rubles.
  • The smallest amount of the authorized capital of a credit, but at the same time a non-banking organization that plans to work with both individuals and legal entities with a banking license is 90 million rubles.
  • The smallest amount of the authorized capital of a credit non-banking organization that plans to operate without a bank license is 18 million rubles.

The amount of own funds of an already operating bank should not be lower than the bar of 300 million rubles. According to these indicators, 150 banking organizations are currently at risk. They have two options - closing or joining a larger bank. These institutions are undergoing three main types of transformation:

  • Merger of capital with the capital of another credit institution.
  • Actual takeover by a larger bank.
  • Self-liquidation, liquidation due to bankruptcy.

Separation of Russian banks

In the nearest plans of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - to divide the entire number of Russian banks into three large categories:

  • A dozen systemically important banks: Sberbank, Gazprombank, Otkritie, VTB, UniCredit, Promsvyazbank, Raiffeisen Bank, Alfa Bank, Rosselkhozbank, Rosbank (for 2016 ).
  • Federal banks of Russia are credit institutions with offices and branches in the vast majority of Russian regions. They must necessarily meet international standards and have the smallest equity capital ratio of at least 1 billion rubles.
  • Regional banks are small credit organizations that conduct simple banking operations - currency exchange, loans to the population, accepting money for deposits from citizens, etc. Their main audience is individuals, small and medium businesses.

Bank rating

The top banks in Russia are compiled according to three main groups:

  • Main characteristics: net assets, loan portfolio, deposits of individuals, investments of clients in securities, capital in the form 123, 134.
  • Institution performance indicators: return on capital, net assets, turnover on foreign exchange transactions, overdue debts on loans, etc.
  • Balance figures: cash security, loans to individuals and legal entities, overdrafts, fixed assets and other assets, issued promissory notes, bonds, etc.

Top banks in Russia

Consider the rating of credit institutions according to the most important indicators. The key banks in Russia are determined by the amount of net assets - real, real assets. Calculated by subtracting liabilities (debt obligations of a credit institution) from the total income. Here is the data for August 2017.

Banks deprived of license in 2017

Speaking about reliable banks in Russia, we must also mention those that did not justify the trust of their direct customers. Recall that in 2015, 93 banks lost their licenses, and in 2016 - 97. It is too early to talk about the results of 2017, but today the following credit organizations do not have the right to operate:

  • "Bulgar-bank";
  • "Commercial City Bank";
  • "Tatfond-bank";
  • "Anchor Bank";
  • Severo-Zapadny-1 "Alliance Bank";
  • "Economic Union"
  • "Sirius";
  • "Rosenergobank";
  • "Yenisei";
  • "Oil Alliance";
  • "Intechbank";
  • "Sibes";
  • "Talmenka-bank";
  • "Innovation";
  • "Ivy";
  • "Tatagroprombank";
  • "Education";
  • RITC;
  • Finars;
  • "Krylovsky";
  • "International Construction Bank";
  • "Vladprombank";
  • "Northeast Alliance";
  • "Riabank";
  • "Intercoopbank";
  • "Moscow National Investment Bank";
  • "Steel Bank";
  • "Legion";
  • "Premier Credit";
  • "Yugra";
  • "Anelik RU";
  • "Reserve".

Why can a bank's license be revoked?

The decision to revoke a license is made by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Consider in the table the grounds necessary for a commercial bank in Russia to lose the right to engage in its activities.

It goes without saying that without a license, the bank has no right to continue its work.

We hope that such a brief overview of the number of banks, their ratings, and development trends helped you figure out when choosing an organization for a particular type of financial service.

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