Refusal to conduct transactions: what customers of Russian banks should know. "In case" is a comma needed? What banks are guided by

Batteries, radiators 22.10.2021
Batteries, radiators

Separating additions or circumstances with derivative prepositions is one of the most difficult ambiguous rules of Russian punctuation, since it is usually difficult to understand whether such addition is distinguished by commas, where signs are placed, etc. There are a few general rules that do not cover all cases; be that as it may, in the case of revolutions with the word "in case", commas may or may not be present, depending on the factors that we will now consider.

"In case" is separated by commas

On both sides of the turnover

1. The common addition in the preposition "in case" is set aside, if it is required by the meaning (to avoid ambiguity).

  • Now, in case of a director's mistake, they are fired. (someone, although the director was mistaken)
  • Now, in case of a mistake, directors are fired. (someone made a mistake and the director is fired)

2. Often, turns are isolated, standing after the subject and before the predicate.

  • The ship, in case of bad weather, can take refuge in the harbor.
  • The stranger, in case of failure, undertook to personally repair our car.

3. As for the subordinate conjunction "if", then it appends a subordinate clause, which is separated by commas. In this case, the first comma can appear either before "in case", or after it before "if". Here the answer to the question whether a comma is needed in the conjunction "if" is unambiguous.

One of the most common difficulties is the need to refuse people. And although at work situations often arise in which, due to your professional responsibilities, you simply cannot say “no”, from day to day other circumstances will develop that provide you with a certain freedom of choice. How to exercise your right to say “no” and correctly formulate a refusal?

Reason this way: By not saying no at the right time, you will put the other person's needs ahead of your own. Do you really want it? There are many situations at work when your needs are just as important, and in some circumstances even more important than those of your colleagues. Remember how often your colleagues turned you down. And you accepted this answer calmly and without irritation. So why worry about someone getting upset if you behave the same way?

The real problem is that a constant yes is easy to get into a habit, and it is really hard to change an entrenched behavior. Think back to your colleagues. Can you guess what to expect from each of them? Probably yes. Likewise, your colleagues, getting used to your reliability, are likely to make so many requests that you simply cannot fulfill them. Thus, the habit of constantly agreeing to requests for work will lead you to overwhelm, because you are taking on more than you can do or what you really should be doing. This leads to stress, frustration, resentment, conflict and error, and the situation only gets worse over time.

So, the ability to refuse when you see fit is an important skill to master. You will likely have situations where you want to help someone, even if it is not convenient for you. Remember: Means respect for your needs and rights as well as for the rights of others, and agreement when necessary to compromise.

Act gradually and don't try to do everything at once. Try one new skill and hone it until you get it. Be prepared for the fact that not everything will work out right away. You want to master new skills, and there are always ups and downs in learning new things.

Many people do not like to say no, believing that there is only one way to do it - outright refusal. This “no” may seem rude and aggressive. This is usually not the impression one wants to make at work. You strive to establish good relationships with colleagues, but you will inevitably have to turn down someone for your own sake - your health and well-being. This means you should be able to say no, but in a way that demonstrates respect for the needs of the other person. There are different ways to refuse, which depend on the situation. There are three main options.

Outright rejection Is the most uncompromising way and is rarely suitable for use at work. It is most often resorted to when someone's rights are violated. In such cases, you can add loudly and firmly: "Can't you hear, I said no."

Please provide additional information or promise "some other time"- an opportunity for discussion, while refusal remains among the possible options.

Thoughtful "no"- the most delicate way, because you show that you have listened to the interlocutor.

Next, I will explain in detail what each of these options is, but the choice will depend on the situation, your attitude towards it and who is making the request, because this may be your mentor, immediate supervisor, colleague or team member to whom you really want to help.

Do not try to radically and overnight change your behavior. This is especially true for rejections, as you can shock colleagues who do not expect the leopard to suddenly change its color. It is much better to start small, train hard, and change gradually.

9 ways to say no

Take your time to answer Pause briefly before responding to someone's request. You can ask the other person to repeat it again so that you have a few seconds to think it over. Or say, "Let me think ...", check your calendar or work plan to give you time to prepare and say no.
Don't apologize too much Only apologize when you really think it is necessary and appropriate. Many are already in the habit of repeating the word "sorry" too often. Start sentences with the phrases "Sorry ..." or "I'm afraid that ...", but only when necessary
Be concise Avoid long, verbose explanations of why you can't do something. A simple phrase "It won't work today" will be enough. The following phrases can be useful - of course, when they are pronounced with friendly sympathy, warmth and sincere regret:
"I'm sorry, but I can't do it."
"Unfortunately, I just don't have time for this."
"Sorry, it won't work today." (Sometimes "sorry" is appropriate.)
"Mirror" the interlocutor's behavior In this case, you mirror what and how you were asked, but still end the phrase with a refusal. Speak in a friendly manner and with regret, look the other person in the eye.
You:"I don't have time in the afternoon to help you with your reports."
Colleague:"But I wanted to start doing it today."
You:"I understand that you wanted to start this, but this afternoon I won't be able to."
Colleague:"But I need to finish everything this week."
You:"I understand that you need to finish this week, but I cannot help you this afternoon."
Jaded Record Technique It is very important to insist on your negative decision, as usually the interlocutor tries to force you to change him. Children do it especially well! A useful technique in this case for you may be the technique of a worn-out record: just gently repeat your refusal, no matter how the interlocutor tries to put pressure on you.
Explain the reason for the refusal In this case, you briefly explain the true reason for your no. Do this only if you want or need to. You do not have to explain your actions to everyone who asks you for something.
"I cannot help you with the report today because I have a business meeting in the afternoon."
“I don’t have time for this, because I will be busy with visitors.”
Offer to fulfill the request another time In this case, you say no now, but you may agree to comply with the request later. In English, this technique is called a rain check - that is, a ticket stub that gives a fan the right to come to a baseball game that was postponed due to rain. “I can't help you today because I’m at meetings all day, but maybe I’ll have some free time tomorrow.”
Ask for more information This is not a final refusal, in this case discussion, compromise or refusal in the future are possible.
"How detailed should the report be?"
"Can you start without me?"
Ask for time to make a decision Never be afraid to ask for time to think things over.
"I need to check my work schedule, then I will answer you."
“I cannot answer now. I'll call you back later. "


Opening and using a current account of a legal entity is associated, among other things, with compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law "On Combating the Legalization (Laundering) of Criminally Obtained Incomes and Financing of Terrorism" dated 07.08.2001 No. 115-FZ (hereinafter - "Law 115-FZ ").

Law 115-FZ provides for the possibility of suspension by banks of customer transactions or refusal to conduct them, and in some cases, blocking (freezing) of their bank accounts. In addition, clients are often faced with measures such as limiting the use of the bank-client system, and sometimes with denial of service (in the conclusion of a bank account agreement).

These situations, if they do not find a timely resolution (settlement), paralyze the normal commercial turnover, hindering the proper execution of the terms of transactions and form an unfavorable story for the future for organizations and entrepreneurs faced with such measures. In some cases, such measures even lead to the closure of the business. However, some recommendations can be made to reduce tensions between banks and customers over non-payment and blocking of accounts.

In this article, we will consider only those cases of refusal in operations that are carried out by the bank itself within the framework of the current banking and anti-legalization regulation. We do not consider here such cases as suspension of transactions on accounts by tax authorities, seizure of funds in the order of interim measures or as part of enforcement proceedings, etc.

The restrictions that will be discussed can be applied by the bank in case of detecting “dubious transactions” (their criteria are established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and Rosfinmonitoring) or “transactions subject to mandatory control” (their list is established by Law No. 115-FZ).

What operations are subject to mandatory control?

These are transactions for the amount equal to or exceeding RUB 600,000... or the equivalent in foreign currency, and related to one of the following types of transactions (below are the most relevant for legal entities):

  • withdrawal from the account or crediting to the account of a legal entity of funds in cash in cases where it not due to the nature of his business;
  • crediting / transferring funds to the account, granting / receiving a loan (loan), operations with securities, if at least one of the parties is a resident a state that does not comply with the FATF recommendations, or if these operations are carried out through a bank registered in such a state. Currently, these states include Iran and the DPRK (Order of Rosfinmonitoring dated November 10, 2011 No. 361);
  • crediting / debiting funds to / from the account of a legal entity, the period of activity of which does not exceed 3 months from the date of its registration, or crediting / debiting funds to / from the account of a legal entity, if operations on the specified account have not been performed since its opening ;
  • receipt or provision of property under a financial lease (leasing) agreement;
  • providing by legal entities that are not credit institutions, interest-free loans to individuals and (or) other legal entities, as well as obtaining such a loan.

A complete list of operations subject to mandatory control is given in part 1 of article 6 of Law 115-FZ.

Operations subject to mandatory control not prohibited... However, they are subject to control by the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring (Rosfinmonitoring) based on the information provided by the bank. The bank is obliged to document and submit to Rosfinmonitoring no later than 3 working days following the day of the transaction, information about the client's operations subject to mandatory control (the list of such information is subparagraph 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 7 of Law 115-FZ).

What transactions are considered “questionable”?

Questionable operations- these are transactions carried out by clients of credit institutions that have an unusual nature and signs of a lack of clear economic meaning and obvious legitimate goals that can be carried out to withdraw capital from the country, finance "gray" imports, transfer funds from non-cash to cash and then avoid taxation, as well as for financial support of corruption and other illegal purposes (see Appendix to the letter of the Bank of Russia dated 04.09.2013 No. 172-T).

Doubtful operations "is an extremely broad concept. The main (generalizing) sign of suspicious transactions is the "unusual" nature of the transaction. In banking practice, there are about two hundred signs of unusual transactions.

Signs indicating the unusual nature of the transaction can be found in the appendix to the Regulation on Requirements for the Internal Control Rules of a Credit Institution in order to counter the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism "(approved by the Bank of Russia 02.03.2012 No. 375-P ), as well as in the Order of Rosfinmonitoring dated 08.05.2009 No. 103.

TO common features the unusual nature of the transaction, in particular, include:

  • the confusing or unusual nature of the transaction with no obvious economic sense or obvious legitimate purpose;
  • inconsistency of the transaction with the goals of the organization, established by its constituent documents;
  • refusal of the client (client's representative) to provide the documents and information requested by the credit institution that are necessary to comply with the requirements of the legislation in the field of combating money laundering / terrorist financing;
  • excessive concern of the client (client's representative) with confidentiality issues in relation to the operation (transaction) being carried out, including the disclosure of information to government agencies;
  • the presence of non-standard or unusually complex instructions for the procedure for making settlements that differ from the usual practice used by this client (client's representative), or from normal market practice;
  • unreasonable haste in carrying out the operation, which the client (client's representative) insists on;
  • introduction by the client (client's representative) into the previously agreed scheme of the operation (transaction) immediately before the start of its implementation of significant changes, especially concerning the direction of movement of funds or other property;
  • difficulties encountered by a credit institution when checking the information provided by the client, unjustified delays in the provision of documents and information by the client, the provision by the client of information that cannot be verified;
  • performing transactions using remote service systems, if there is a suspicion that such systems are used by a third party, and not the client (client's representative);
  • performing an operation (transaction) in the interests of a client, the period of activity of which from the moment of state registration does not exceed three months, while the client has an insignificant amount of the authorized capital in comparison with the amount of the operation (transaction) that he intends to make, etc.

For certain types of transactions (for example, cash transactions, credit / loan transactions, international payments, bank card payments), there are a number of special signs indicating the possible legalization of criminal proceeds.

It should be borne in mind that when characterizing a client, as well as when describing signs indicating an unusual nature of the transaction, such evaluation categories, how "Systematic", "significant", "excessive client concern", "unreasonable haste", "unjustified delays", "short period" and the like are determined credit institution in each specific situation on one's own based on the scale and main directions of its activities, the nature, scale and main areas of activity of its clients, the level of risks associated with clients and their operations.

Thus, within the framework of the existing regulation, banks have a very wide margin for their own discretion in assessing the “doubtfulness” or “suspiciousness” of transactions entrusted by the client, as well as when deciding whether to accept a potential client for service.

"Denial" or "blocking"?

These terms are often confused when they say that "the bank has blocked the account."

If the client is unable to make a payment in the Internet Bank or the status of the operation is marked as “suspended”, there is most likely no question of “blocking” the account in the meaning provided for in Article 3 of Law No. 115-FZ. It is most likely that the client has encountered refusal to conduct a specific operation or he was limited remote banking services (RBS)... This is an unpleasant, but still "working" situation, which can still be resolved on condition of timely cooperation with the bank on the part of the client.

In this case, the bank decides to conduct a specific operation, for which it has questions, based on the information available, or considers the documents requested from you, which it needs to remove fears about the possible doubtfulness of your operations.

It is important to provide the documents requested by the bank within the time period set by the bank. If for some reason the client does not do this or does not notify the bank about how soon he will be able to do this (if the client needs a longer period than the bank has determined), the bank may refuse in carrying out the operation and send a message about it to Rosfinmonitoring.

Freezing (blocking) funds - this is an extraordinary situation associated with the application of the key provisions of Law No. 115-FZ. It consists in the prohibition to carry out transactions with monetary funds or securities belonging to a client included in the list of organizations and individuals in relation to which there is information about their involvement in extremist activities, terrorism or dissemination weapons of mass destruction, or an organization or an individual in respect of which there are good reason to suspect their involvement in terrorist activities (including the financing of terrorism) in the absence of grounds for inclusion in the specified list.

The bank is obliged to take measures to freeze (block) funds immediately, but no later than 1 business day from the date of posting on the Rosfinmonitoring website information on the inclusion of an organization or an individual in the specified lists.

What are banks guided by?

The Bank does not intend to prove the fact of money laundering by its clients. However, banks are bound by a large number of requirements of the law and the banking regulator. In particular, banks are entrusted with the function of exercising control based on assessing the level of risk of customers, including identifying transactions in relation to which suspicions that their purpose is to launder money or finance terrorism, inform Rosfinmonitoring about these operations, and apply measures to suppress them.

Ideally, the bank should be interested in removing such suspicions at its own level. Therefore, in relation to suspicious transactions, the bank forms a request to the client, hoping that, based on the results of the analysis of the supporting documents submitted by the client and a more detailed study of the “client's portrait”, suspicions will be removed. This is also due to the fact that the bank is interested in not being involved in the implementation of dubious transactions, which may threaten the consequences for the bank itself from the side of the regulator.

In reality, there are often cases when banks, by their own actions (without a court decision and outside the framework of the activities of law enforcement or tax authorities), can easily paralyze businesses (especially small ones), which, in the absence of the possibility of settlements with counterparties, often cease to exist altogether. Existing regulation in the field of banking and AML / CFT and the formal approach to its implementation sometimes leads to such consequences.

In this regard, it is obvious that there is a need to amend the relevant laws and acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which would ensure a balance between observing the interests of customers and the requirements of anti-legalization legislation, would limit the discretion of banks when deciding whether to refuse to carry out operations or to refuse to service, and would speed up the appeal procedure. such decisions, etc. Despite the existing instructions to the Government of the Russian Federation to prepare amendments to the legislation designed to exclude unjustified denials of transactions and blocking of accounts, this issue is still not resolved.

What can a bank do if it detects signs of suspicious transactions?

The gradation of restrictive measures that a bank can apply, guided by Law No. 115-FZ and the bank's internal rules, is as follows:

  1. restricting the use of remote banking systems or card payments;
  2. suspension of the operation (that is, the bank's failure to comply with the client's order for up to 5 working days);
  3. refusal to comply with the client's order to perform a specific operation (paragraph 11 of Article 7 of Law No. 115-FZ);
  4. (for potential clients) refusal to conclude a bank account agreement (clause 5.2 of Article 7 of Law No. 115-FZ);
  5. blocking (freezing) of funds (that is, a ban on account transactions provided for by Law No. 115-FZ).

First of all, the bank can request documents and information from the client(for example, about the operation being carried out, the source of the funds, counterparties, the reality of doing business, etc.), use other sources of information. If the previously provided information turned out to be insufficient, the bank has the right to request Additional information.

Banks in accordance with internal documents and the terms of concluded agreements on one's own define list and composition requested documents and information, timing their presentation and consideration in different situations (selective or continuous checking of all clients). This is the standard procedure of any bank in relation to any of its clients as part of its financial monitoring responsibilities. In addition, the bank can invite the client to a working meeting to receive oral explanations.

Based on the analysis of the information received, the bank can:

  • decide on refusal to conduct an operation and send a corresponding message to Rosfinmonitoring; or
  • make a decision on qualifying the transaction as "suspicious" and / or "subject to mandatory control" and send the appropriate report to Rosfinmonitoring, but to carry out an operation; or
  • make a decision to revise the degree (level) of the client's risk.

If the bank has assigned an increased risk level to a specific client, the bank has the right to:

  • restrict (limit) for such a client the use of Internet banking (RBS) and the use of bank cards;
  • conduct enhanced financial monitoring in relation to such a client, including requesting documents and information for each the operation being carried out.

As for the restriction of the use of RBS, it may not be related to the bank's decision on the grounds provided for by Law No. 115-FZ (recognition of customer transactions as suspicious / doubtful). Formally, disabling RBS is not a refusal to carry out operations, but is only a limitation of the method of performing operations, which, of course, does not diminish its negative effect.

At the same time, banks often apply restrictions on the use of RBS without demanding any documents and / or information from the client, as well as without explaining to the client the legal consequences of the restrictions applied, in particular, the difference between such restrictions and refusal to perform an operation. Unfortunately, such measures of influence today are of a systemic nature, which is recognized by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation itself (see Methodological Recommendations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 5-МР dated 22.02.2019).

If the client did not submit the documents requested by the bank within the time period specified by it or has not submitted all the documents, the bank has the right to refuse to carry out the operation and is obliged to send information about this to Rosfinmonitoring. In this case, it is recommended to submit previously requested or missing documents / information to the bank as soon as possible. Only then will the bank be entitled to make a decision on removing grounds to refuse to carry out the operation and inform Rosfinmonitoring about this, which will send the relevant information to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, in turn, will bring the information received to the attention of all credit institutions.

If, in relation to an unperformed transaction, the client presented all the documents requested by the bank (or the bank did not request documents), but the operation did not was not carried out, it is recommended to find out as soon as possible reasons for refusal, namely, to send an application to the bank to provide information on the reasons that served as the basis for refusing to conduct the operation. This right of the client follows from clause 13.4 of Article 7 of Law No. 115-FZ. It should be borne in mind that the bank is not obliged to send the client information about the refusal to carry out the operation on its own initiative, if the client has not received a corresponding request.

Having received information about the reasons for the refusal, the client has the right to submit documents and (or) information to the bank about the absence of grounds for refusing to carry out the operation. The bank, having considered such documents / information no later than 10 working days, is obliged to inform the client either about removing grounds for refusal either about impossibility of their elimination.

According to the Methodological Recommendations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated February 22, 2019 No. 5-MR, the bank must provide the client with information in an amount sufficient for the client to exercise his right to rehabilitation. It is important that the bank's response about the “impossibility of eliminating the grounds” for refusing to carry out the operation was sent to the client in writing (including through the RBS).

How is client rehabilitation carried out?

If the client, in response to his application, received an official response from the bank about the “impossibility of eliminating the grounds” for refusing to carry out the operation, he has the right to apply to the Interdepartmental Commission at the Bank of Russia (hereinafter - the IAC). It consists of representatives of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and Rosfinmonitoring and was created in order to assess the validity of decisions of financial organizations to refuse to conduct transactions (or refuse to conclude a bank account agreement).

The procedure and terms for consideration by the IAC of the application and documents and (or) information submitted by the applicant, the procedure for making decisions and reporting the decision to the applicant and the bank are established By the instruction of the Bank of Russia dated March 30, 2018 N 4760-U.

The application to the IAC should be accompanied by:

  • an application sent by the client to the bank;
  • the bank's response about the “impossibility of eliminating the grounds” for refusing to carry out the operation (only if it is available, the IAC will be able to accept the application for consideration on the merits). In other words, it makes sense to contact the IAC only after an attempt has already been made to rehabilitate at the level of the bank that refused the operation;
  • documents and information established by the annexes to Ordinance of the Bank of Russia No. 4760-U (including those documents with which the client applied to the bank in order to eliminate the grounds for the decision to refuse).

The IAC considers the appeal 20 working days from the date of receipt of the documents by the Bank of Russia (paragraph 2 of clause 13.5 of Article 7 of Law No. 115-FZ). However, even with a positive decision of the IAC, the passage of the client's rehabilitating information "along the entire chain" of departments may take some more time.

After the bank receives the decision of the IAC on the absence of grounds for refusing to carry out the operation, the bank, in the event of an applicant's request, is not entitled to refuse the applicant to carry out the operation. At the same time, the decision of the IAC on one case of refusal to conduct a transaction will not apply to other cases arising from the same client, each of which will require separate proceedings.

To minimize the risk of denial of a transaction or blocking of an account, it is recommended:

  • To get acquainted in advance with the list of operations that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and Rosfinmonitoring refer to "Unusual" transactions... It is these operations that are most likely to be deemed dubious, and they may be refused.
  • Fill in payment documents in detail and ask your counterparties about it. It is recommended to indicate the purpose of the payment as fully as possible, giving not only the details of the contract or the invoice, but also the specific types of goods, works or services for which payments are made.
  • Promptly and fully submit the documents requested by the bank. In particular, the bank may request agreements under which settlements are carried out, and any other related information. In addition to contracts, it can be additional agreements to them, invoices, specifications, shipping and transport documents. In addition, it makes sense to explain in detail and in writing to the bank the economic essence of the operations carried out and, in general, the applied scheme of work.
  • Timely update the data on your business in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (FTS) and report them to your servicing bank(first of all, this is information about the location, founders, directors, OKVED codes, etc.). Discrepancies between the current and previously announced data, the identification of their inaccuracy, can cause problems in the conduct of operations.
  • Avoid splitting the business into a large number of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. This way of working can talk about the use of tax optimization schemes and possible tax crimes, which, in turn, can be predicate (that is, preceding) in relation to money laundering, which Law 115-FZ is aimed at counteracting.

Even those who travel regularly are familiar with the aching feeling of anxiety when the package of documents is already at the consular center, and their owner is not 100% sure that he will receive a visa. In order to reduce the percentage of refusals in obtaining the right to enter to a minimum, potential tourists and business visitors are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the main reasons why they may be denied permission to visit a particular state.

Reasons for refusal to issue a visa

1. Incomplete documents
Each country, even one that is part of the single Schengen area, draws up its own original list of documents, which confirms the reliability and consistency of a potential visitor. If an applicant for a visa has forgotten or deliberately did not attach a certificate from the place of work, a bank statement, a photocopy of a passport or a notarized permit (for children from parents), then such a package of documents is guaranteed to receive a “veto”. Most often, in the case of a personal submission of documents, the consular officers who accept the papers will check their completeness in accordance with the list of requirements of a particular state, however, it is the visa applicant who is responsible for the delivery of an incomplete or incorrect set.

2. "Old" documents
All documents that the applicant submits to the visa center or consular service must be "fresh", up-to-date. Many countries put the desired deadline on the list of requirements. For example, a photograph must be taken no later than 6 months before the date of submission of documents, a bank statement was made 1 month before the "doomsday", and the validity of the passport must be checked in accordance with the individual requirements of each country.

3. False information
Sometimes, in order to get the coveted stamp, a potential visitor deliberately cheats. A certificate from the place of work is bought or falsified, the invitation is fabricated by offices or people with a dubious reputation, the data in the questionnaire do not coincide with the information in the civil passport - all these things are easily identified by the consular officers. If any document arouses their suspicion, then they call back the receiving person or send a request to the competent authorities. In case of revealing a lie or falsification of documents, the applicant is guaranteed to receive a refusal, and the next time he tries to obtain a visa to another country, his documents will be processed with increased attention. Business visitors should be especially careful when specifying reliable contact details of the inviting party. The inviting employee must also be warned about a possible call from the consulate, and must be ready to confirm and explain in as much detail the need for the applicant's arrival.

4. Baggage from previous trips
Your reputation as a traveler is a big plus in your business. If available, you should definitely provide the consulate with a previous foreign passport containing visas to various countries. The more visas there are in the "baggage of previous travels" of the applicant, the more trustworthy visitor he appears before the consular officer. However, in some cases, a recent visit to a number of countries may affect the decision to issue a visa negatively. This phenomenon is not widespread, it mainly affects the countries of South-West Asia. People who have an Israeli visa in their passport may not receive permission to enter the states at war with him. For example, to Lebanon, Syria, Sudan, Iran. The same rule applies in reverse.

5. Problems with the law
If a person had problems with the law at home or managed to “sin” in one of his previous voyages abroad, then the probability of getting a refusal increases exponentially. One of the most common offenses, for some reason, is often ignored by applicants. Unpaid traffic fines may be the reason for refusal. Ideally, you should pay for everything immediately on the spot, but if you haven't, contact the country's road department and ask for details to pay off the fine. In case of committing serious offenses, and especially in case of violation of the migration rules of the country of visit, the ex-prisoner can count on rest only in visa-free countries. The consular services of democratic countries will show special involvement (with a positive decision) towards a person who has served time for political reasons.

6. Money
For many countries, the main argument in the issue of issuing an entry permit is the availability of funds for a potential visitor. The more of them (with legal origin), the higher the likelihood of getting the coveted stamp. The logic of the origin of funds in the account of a trustworthy applicant must be clearly traced. Large sums that suddenly appeared on the account, with a "ridiculous" salary, will certainly raise questions from consular officers.

7. Single women
Consular officers of the Arab countries, the European Union and the United States may refuse entry to young attractive single women if there is a suspicion that a lady is traveling abroad to engage in illegal activities. Of course, the applicants are unlikely to decide to attend to the issue of changing their marital status specifically for obtaining a visa. To avoid unnecessary suspicion on the part of the consulate, it is better to supplement the set of documents with additional papers that demonstrate strong ties with the Motherland.

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