Dishes with pomegranate sauce. Narsharab pomegranate sauce. What is the taste and smell of narsharab sauce

Bathroom 01.11.2021

We can say that pomegranate sauce is almost a concentrated juice with spices. Ideally, it does not contain any preservatives or additives. Outwardly, it is a viscous maroon liquid obtained from pomegranate, which is evaporated with spices for a long time. It is used as a seasoning for meat or fish, as well as a marinade or an addition to exotic salads, desserts, ice cream.

Pomegranate is the best supplier of iron to the human body. Pomegranate sauce is extremely useful for women, as they lose a large amount of iron every month, which can provoke a drop in hemoglobin. It should be noted for women planning a pregnancy. For men, the sauce will also help support vital functions.

Meat is absorbed much better with pomegranate juice. The sweetish and tart taste of the sauce gives delicacy to the dishes and opens up additional flavors. It also has an interesting vibrant color. The famous Azerbaijani Nasharab is a typical representative of pomegranate sauces.

Pomegranate sauce - food preparation

In order to make the sauce at home, you just need pomegranates and a little spices. Prepare a strainer or colander so you can easily separate the seeds from the grains. We wake up to cook the sauce in an enamel saucepan so that it does not oxidize. Important: it is better to crush the grains and stir the juice only with a wooden spoon.

Pomegranate Sauce - Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Narsharab - Azerbaijani pomegranate sauce

This is the simplest kind, but nevertheless very tasty. "Nasharab" in the Azerbaijani language sounds like pomegranate wine. You can cook the sauce in large volumes, although it is advisable to store it in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

Ingredients: For 1 kg of sauce, 3 kg of pomegranate seeds are required. Spices to taste. You can add a little crushed garlic, a few coriander seeds, dried basil.

Cooking method

Place the grains in a saucepan and cook like a regular jam. We press with a wooden press to get mashed potatoes, also mix with a spoon. We continue the procedure until the bones turn white. Wipe the leftovers through a sieve or an ordinary colander.
Stir the resulting juice into a saucepan and cook until it is about half boiled down. It should become like sour cream in consistency. We check in this way - cool a small amount on a spoon. It will take about 20-25 minutes to boil the juice, then strain it and pour it into glass bottles.

Recipe 2: Pomegranate Sauce with Apple Juice

Pomegranate juice mixed with apple juice is an incredibly tasty combination. This sauce is very sophisticated and can be used cold and warm. We take a whole pomegranate, but apple juice will do from a bag.

Ingredients: three medium pomegranates, sugar (3 tablespoons), coriander beans, cloves, nutmeg, apple juice.

Cooking method

Peel the pomegranate grains from the membranes, squeeze out the juice and strain the resulting juice. Mix with apple juice. Heat, but do not boil. Remove from heat and add sugar and seasonings. We heat it up again. Stir in starch with a whisk, pour into bottles or jars and close. Add some lemon juice if desired.

Examples of Pomegranate Sauce Dishes

Recipe 1: Salmon in pomegranate sauce

In Eastern Europe, this is one of the favorite dishes. Juicy fruit came here from neighbors - from the Mediterranean coast. In this dish, pomegranate fulfills a double mission - it is a marinade for salmon and gravy when the fish is already cooked.

Ingredients: salmon (2 fillets), pomegranate syrup (120 milliliters), wine vinegar (60 g), honey (2 tablespoons), olive or other vegetable oil, salt, pepper, pomegranate seeds for decoration, salad, green onions.

Cooking method

Prepare pomegranate sauce from pomegranate juice, vinegar and honey. Mix the ingredients and leave for 10 minutes. Then add oil and spices, salt. Stir the resulting mass and add chopped onions and pomegranate seeds to it. Pour 120 milliliters from a container and refrigerate. Salmon fillet with salt and pepper.

Place the pieces in a glass or ceramic pickling vase and top with the syrup. The fish should be completely covered with marinade. Cover and leave in the refrigerator or cold place for 20 minutes. Fry the fish well in a frying pan or grill and put it on a dish covered with lettuce leaves. Drizzle with the remaining pomegranate sauce and serve.

Recipe 2: Eggplant in pomegranate juice

It is best to take small eggplants so that you don't even have to cut them at first. But if there were none, we take what is in the refrigerator.

Ingredients: eggplant (half a kilogram), pomegranate (1 pc), coriander seeds, a clove of garlic, wine vinegar (1 spoon), shallots (2 pcs), black pepper, salt, coriander greens.

Cooking method

Cut the eggplants into slices or slices, salt and leave for a while so that the excess liquid glass along with bitterness is glass. Grind the coriander seeds in a mortar, chop the garlic and heat the oil in a frying pan. Add coriander seeds to it and let it brew for a few minutes.

Mix the pomegranate juice and honey separately, add the vinegar, filter the oil directly into the sauce, mix well with a whisk and whisk. Mix the juice and shallots, pour over the sauce and refrigerate. Fry eggplants in vegetable oil and put on a dish. Pour over the sauce and cool. This is a cold sauce - put it in the refrigerator and use as needed. Serve with pomegranate seeds and finely chopped coriander.

A simple pomegranate sauce can be complicated by adding wine. This is a real sauce for adults, it has a spicy sweet-tart taste. Mix a glass of pomegranate juice and a glass of dessert or semi-sweet red wine, a little salt and a few peeled whole garlic cloves. Then we cook according to a familiar recipe - we boil down to half the volume. Add a teaspoon of basil and a little black pepper. If you like something spicy, add some chili.
Cool and pour into a bottle.


This review will focus onnatural syrup without sugar - Pomegranate sauce (narsharab) from the domestic manufacturer of natural and healthy products "Royal Forest"

Package design

The sauce is sold in a small-sized bottle made of transparent dense plastic with a hermetically sealed black twist-off lid.

The syrup is poured into a bottle that is called "to the eyeballs", the manufacturer is not greedy and pours the sauce in full.

Information on the packaging


pomegranate juice concentrate, glucose, citric acid, caramel.

Nutrient composition

carbohydrates - 54%, proteins - 1.3%, fats - 0.8%, fiber - 4%

Energy value

per 100 g of product: 259 kcal

Benefits of Pomegranate Sauce

Pomegranate contains a whole vitamin and mineral complex!

The sauce obtained from pomegranate has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, lowers cholesterol and increases hemoglobin levels.

Such a natural and tasty product will be useful to everyone: women, men, old people and children. It is especially indicated for people with diseases such as hypertension, anemia and diseases of the urinary tract.

Harm and contraindications


- pomegranate sauce is homogeneous, very thick, stretching, syrupy, without foreign inclusions. The color is dark, red-brown.

Taste and smell

If you try the Royal Forest pomegranate sauce in its pure form, then you will immediately feel the very rich, sweet and sour taste of the pomegranate. After a few seconds, having tasted it a little, you will feel a pleasant slightly tart aftertaste at the base of the tongue, which is characteristic of this particular fruit. This indicates the high quality of the product.

The aroma of the syrup is as strong and intense as its taste.

This sauce is a real concentrated pomace of ripe juicy pomegranate.

How to use pomegranate sauce

Narsharab is used as a marinade, as a sauce for hot dishes, salads. Turkish pomegranate sauce is excellent for meat and fish.

You can also prepare multi-component sauces with it, mixing it, for example, with tomato or yogurt.

In addition, I like to add it to desserts, ice cream, pour it on pancakes or waffles.

I love to decorate dishes with it and make patterns on plates when serving - it looks very beautiful and makes even the most ordinary dinner more exquisite.

And of course, I bring to your attention my belovedRecipes with Pomegranate Sauce.

Chicken with pomegranate sauce

We take the chicken fillet and beat it off, make not deep cuts diagonally. Add salt and pepper to taste, mix a little vegetable oil with pomegranate sauce and add there. Leave to marinate for a couple of hours.

After the chicken has absorbed the marinade, we take each fillet and wrap it in parchment paper so that it completely covers the meat. Fry on both sides for 5-7 minutes without oil in a dry frying pan.

We remove the paper when feeding. You can also serve this dish with a free-standing pomegranate or pink sauce (pomegranate syrup mixed with yogurt or low-fat sour cream 1: 1).

Vegetable salad with pomegranate sauce

Seasonal vegetables: green salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers and in general everything that is at hand we cut arbitrarily. Add salt, pepper, finely chopped parsley / dill / basil / cilantro and, if available, pomegranate seeds. As a dressing, mix unrefined odorous Kuban oil with pomegranate sauce 1: 1. Pour the dressing over the salad before serving.

Meat in pomegranate sauce

Cut the meat into cubes 2: 2 cm in size. Take the tomatoes, eggplant, sweet red pepper and cut into large slices about the size of the pieces of previously cut meat. We put everything in a bowl and add a few tablespoons of pomegranate sauce, sunflower oil, spices and onions chopped into half rings and mashed in hands. Leave to marinate for 2-3 hours.

After marinating, we put pieces of meat on skewers, alternating with vegetables. We bake in the oven at 180-200 degrees until golden brown.

Fish with pomegranate sauce

We take gutted fatty fish (mackerel, salmon or pike perch) and put it on foil greased with vegetable oil. Salt, pepper, add dried herbs, thyme and pour 2-3 tablespoons of pomegranate sauce. We carefully seal the foil in the form of an envelope and put it in an oven heated to 180 degrees. The fish is cooked for 20-30 minutes, depending on the size. It turns out very tender and juicy - be sure to try it.

Summing up ...

Pros of Royal Forest Pomegranate Sauce

  • availability in the online store and official points of sale in the city
  • not large volume
  • beautiful and sealed packaging
  • low cost (sometimes there are promotions in the store and the sauce can be bought at a good discount)
  • 100% natural composition without preservatives
  • pleasant and rich taste
  • high quality product
  • great benefit to the body

Cons of "Royal Forest" pomegranate sauce

  • I did not find for myself


Me and all my family really liked the rich and rich taste of the Royal Forest Pomegranate Sauce, and therefore I recommend it to you with pleasure!

Dishes with pomegranate sauce acquire a particularly spicy and sophisticated taste. The combination of sweet and at the same time spicy-salty aftertaste allows you to get an unforgettable pleasure.

The use of pomegranate sauce is a simple matter: this spectacular dressing is in perfect harmony with almost any meat or fish product. In addition, the rich dark red hue of the finished sauce looks very appetizing, for example, on a juicy steak, giving the dish an aesthetic look.


  • pomegranate - 1 large;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • semi-sweet red wine - 100 ml;
  • potato starch - 1 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - a pinch;
  • dry basil - ½ tsp;
  • salt to taste.

Pomegranate sauce recipe with photo

How to make pomegranate sauce

  1. First of all, we need to extract all the seeds from the pomegranate. This can be done in any way convenient for you. For example, carefully cut off the top of a sweet and sour fruit. With a sharp knife we ​​make sufficiently deep cuts in the pomegranate. Having turned the fruit over, we begin to tap with a spoon or a knife on the peel - the grains should fall out.
  2. We place the bright grains in a plastic bag, fixing the top, for example, with adhesive tape. Several times we go through the grains with a rolling pin, trying to squeeze out the pomegranate juice as much as possible. Then we make a small incision in the bag, pouring the red juice into a saucepan or small saucepan (the bones should remain in the bag).
  3. Now let's get down to wine. Dissolve the starch in half a portion of the alcoholic drink. Pour the remaining wine into a container with pomegranate juice.
  4. Pour sugar, basil, salt and ground pepper into the alcoholic pomegranate mixture. After peeling, we pass the clove of garlic through a press and put it in the sauce.
  5. Place the pot over moderate heat. Pour the starch dissolved in wine into the boiled liquid in a thin stream, constantly stirring the sauce. We warm up the mixture for just a minute, and then remove the pan from heat. Strain the finished sauce, pour it into a small bowl or a special gravy boat. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.
    Serve pomegranate sauce in portions with meat or fish. Be sure to try flavoring with this savory dressing.

Only a lazy housewife will not want to show her imagination to please her loved ones with such a dish as homemade sauce. Its taste cannot be compared to any canned food that is offered to customers in stores. Moreover, the products of industrial production, which are used for the preparation of seasonings, leave much to be desired, their quality and freshness are always in doubt. And if you also take into account the various preservatives, food additives and flavors that are used in cooking, then the most correct decision made would be to cook it at home.

Our own sauces, such as pomegranate sauce, are fresh, tasty, aromatic and of high quality. In addition, it does not take much time to prepare it, but there is an opportunity to save money.

What is sauce and its varieties

The word itself comes from France "sauce" - gravy. In culinary art, this dish is simply indispensable, it is universal in its kind. Any dish is seasoned with all kinds of gravies, which add their zest, unforgettable taste and excellent aroma to the main dish.

The sauces are so varied that you just can't remember all the recipes. We can say with certainty that homemade gravy will be special, since the hostess is given the opportunity to experiment and add spices, spices and seasonings to her taste.

According to the method of preparation, they are hot and cold, everything is extremely simple, hot, those that are served hot, and cold, respectively, cold, that is, cooled down.

Sauces include marinades, syrups, pastas, dressings, and mixtures that are used both for main dishes and salads, and for desserts.

Sweet gravies must contain fruits, berries, juices, and other ingredients.

Let's take a closer look at pomegranate sauce. Let's weigh all the pros and cons of this dish. Let us find out with which dishes it is ideally combined and brings an exquisite taste.

If you decide to make gravy from, then know that this is an ideal sauce for meat, fish dishes and dressing for various salads. As you can see, he found the main application in the culinary arts.

We should not forget about the beneficial properties of pomegranate, which is the main thing in cooking:

  1. In a large content, which is necessary to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  2. For those who suffer from a disease such as anemia, the use of pomegranate juice, in which there is a sufficient amount, and products prepared on its basis are also useful.
  3. Also, pomegranate sauce helps the digestive tract to absorb food.

What is the trick of this dish, in its essence it is a strong concentration of pomegranate juice with the addition of spices. The dark burgundy color gives the pomegranate sauce, and the viscosity is achieved during the heat treatment. To bring it to the desired consistency, it should be evaporated over low heat for the allotted amount of time.

Pomegranate sauce has a sweet, tart taste that can be made more aromatic by adding spices to it. The recipes below will help housewives prepare an addition to any delicious dish.

To prepare a meal, you must prepare special utensils. This is a sieve or colander in which pomegranate seeds are ground to separate the pulp from the seeds. And in order to avoid the oxidation process, you will need an enamel container and a wooden spoon.

Let's dwell on the recipe for the Azerbaijani cuisine sauce. It is considered one of the most versatile. The meat cooked in it will be truly divine, soft and at the same time crunchy.

Narsharab pomegranate sauce

In order to end up with 1 kg of ready-made sauce, you will need the following products:

  • pomegranate seeds 3 kg;
  • , (dried);
  • coriander.

Pour the pomegranate grains into an enamel container and cook until the consistency of jam (readiness is determined by the white pomegranate grains), then turn the mass into mashed potatoes with a wooden pusher, which should be filtered through a sieve (colander). The resulting juice continues to boil until the consistency of thick sour cream (20-30 minutes). Add the spices indicated in the recipe to the resulting mass and boil for another 5-10 minutes. Narsharab pomegranate sauce is ready to eat. Leftover food can be poured into glass containers and stored in the refrigerator.

Turkey Pomegranate Sauce

In Turkey, pomegranate sauce is especially popular; it is served with meat, seafood, and also as a dressing for fresh vegetable salads. And the shish kebab marinated in it is simply magnificent.

A distinctive feature of pomegranate sauce from Turkey is that only pomegranate is present in its preparation.

In order to get the ruby ​​color of the sauce, you should choose fruits only with dark grains, sweet and sour taste. 150-200 grams of sauce will come out of 2.5 kilograms of pomegranates.

Peel the washed and dried fruits and squeeze the juice on a juicer. Juice can also be squeezed out by hand through a sieve (this will take time).

Pour the resulting juice into an enamel bowl and bring to a boil over medium heat, after the appearance of bubbles, reduce the heat, continue to boil until thick.

The gravy is ready, but decide for yourself how to use it, one thing will be indisputable, it will suit almost all dishes.

The ideal option for cooking chicken would be pomegranate sauce, it will easily cope with its task and the dish will be excellent, fried until golden brown, sweetish in taste, soft and spicy.

To prepare the dish, you will need the following products:

  • hen;
  • onion 2 pcs;
  • garlic 1 clove;
  • pomegranate juice;
  • basil;
  • coriander;
  • oregano (dry) 1 teaspoon;
  • pepper;
  • taste.

Let's start preparing the dish. We prepare all the products, peel the garlic and onions, wash the chicken and dry it with a paper towel.

Squeeze the juice from the garlic (crush in a mortar or crush by pressing a knife) add spices, oregano, pepper, salt to it. Next, the sauce should be prepared from pomegranate juice, coriander and basil.

Place the pomegranate juice in an enamel bowl and simmer it over low heat, add spices, basil and coriander three to four minutes before the end of cooking. The sauce should be thick.

Add the cooked sauce and vegetable oil to the spices and garlic. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Pour chicken cut into portions with the resulting marinade, adding onion sliced ​​into slices. Let it brew in a cool place for 30 minutes.

After waiting for a certain time, the chicken can be fried or baked in the oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.

Do not forget to serve the Narsharab pomegranate sauce with the dish.

Shish kebab in pomegranate sauce

It is easy to prepare a great kebab, for this it should be marinated in a sauce made from pomegranate.

Ingredients required to prepare the dish:

  • meat () 2 kg;
  • oil (vegetable) 3 tablespoons;
  • onion 4 pcs;
  • pomegranate juice (natural) 500 ml;
  • (ground);
  • coriander;
  • hops-suneli;
  • salt to taste.

In order for the kebab to be juicy and tasty, you should choose the right meat. The most suitable parts of the carcass for this dish are ribs, neck, thigh.

Without fail, whatever meat you choose, it must be fresh.

Before marinating the kebab, you need to wash the meat under the running water and dry it with a paper towel, then cut it into 5 cm / 5 cm pieces.

Cut the onion into slices and add to the meat, mix. Add spices (pepper, suneli hops, ground coriander) to the pomegranate juice, stirring constantly. Pour the meat with the resulting mixture. Attention, it must not float in the marinade. Let it stand for ten minutes, then add the vegetable oil and mix again. After that, cover the shish kebab with a plate, on which to place the load, so that it is all in the sauce, and put it in the cold (up to 10 hours, and the ideal time is 48 hours).

After the meat has passed the marinating process, it is strung on skewers (pressing the pieces tightly against each other), and fried over the fire, during the cooking process, the remaining sauce is poured. To make it juicy, it is necessary to turn the skewer twice during the entire frying time.

The readiness of a dish can be judged by its golden brown crust and aroma. The finished dish is served with pomegranate juice gravy.

Only a lazy housewife will not want to show her imagination to please her loved ones with such a dish as homemade sauce. Its taste cannot be compared to any canned food that is offered to customers in stores. Moreover, the products of industrial production, which are used for the preparation of seasonings, leave much to be desired, their quality and freshness are always in doubt. And if you also take into account the various preservatives, food additives and flavors that are used in cooking, then the most correct decision made would be to cook it at home.

Our own sauces, such as pomegranate sauce, are fresh, tasty, aromatic and of high quality. In addition, it does not take much time to prepare it, but there is an opportunity to save money.

What is sauce and its varieties

The word itself comes from France "sauce" - gravy. In culinary art, this dish is simply indispensable, it is universal in its kind. Any dish is seasoned with all kinds of gravies, which add their zest, unforgettable taste and excellent aroma to the main dish.

The sauces are so varied that you just can't remember all the recipes. We can say with certainty that homemade gravy will be special, since the hostess is given the opportunity to experiment and add spices, spices and seasonings to her taste.

According to the method of preparation, they are hot and cold, everything is extremely simple, hot, those that are served hot, and cold, respectively, cold, that is, cooled down.

Sauces include marinades, syrups, pastas, dressings, and mixtures that are used both for main dishes and salads, and for desserts.

Sweet gravies must contain fruits, berries, sugar, juices, liqueurs, honey and other ingredients.

Let's take a closer look at pomegranate sauce. Let's weigh all the pros and cons of this dish. Let us find out with which dishes it is ideally combined and brings an exquisite taste.

Pomegranate sauce

If you decide to make pomegranate gravy, then know that this is an ideal sauce for meat, fish dishes and dressing for various salads. As you can see, he found the main application in the culinary arts.

We should not forget about the beneficial properties of pomegranate, which is the main thing in cooking:

  1. Pomegranate juice is high in potassium, which is necessary to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  2. For those who suffer from a disease such as anemia, the use of pomegranate juice, in which there is a sufficient amount of iron, and products prepared on its basis are also beneficial.
  3. Also, pomegranate sauce helps the digestive tract to absorb food.

What is the trick of this dish, in its essence it is a strong concentration of pomegranate juice with the addition of spices. The dark burgundy color gives the pomegranate sauce, and the viscosity is achieved during the heat treatment. To bring it to the desired consistency, it should be evaporated over low heat for the allotted amount of time.

Pomegranate sauce has a sweet, tart taste that can be made more aromatic by adding spices to it. The recipes below will help housewives prepare an addition to any delicious dish.

To prepare a meal, you must prepare special utensils. This is a sieve or colander in which pomegranate seeds are ground to separate the pulp from the seeds. And in order to avoid the oxidation process, you will need an enamel container and a wooden spoon.

Let's dwell on the recipe for the Azerbaijani cuisine sauce. It is considered one of the most versatile. The meat cooked in it will be truly divine, soft and at the same time crunchy.

Narsharab pomegranate sauce

In order to end up with 1 kg of ready-made sauce, you will need the following products:

  • pomegranate seeds 3 kg;
  • garlic, basil (dried);
  • coriander.

Pour the pomegranate grains into an enamel container and cook until the consistency of jam (readiness is determined by the white pomegranate grains), then turn the mass into mashed potatoes with a wooden pusher, which should be filtered through a sieve (colander). The resulting juice continues to boil until the consistency of thick sour cream (20-30 minutes). Add the spices indicated in the recipe to the resulting mass and boil for another 5-10 minutes. Narsharab pomegranate sauce is ready to eat. Leftover food can be poured into glass containers and stored in the refrigerator.

Turkey Pomegranate Sauce

In Turkey, pomegranate sauce is especially popular; it is served with meat, seafood, chicken, and also as a dressing for fresh vegetable salads. And the shish kebab marinated in it is simply magnificent.

A distinctive feature of pomegranate sauce from Turkey is that only pomegranate is present in its preparation.

In order to get the ruby ​​color of the sauce, you should choose fruits only with dark grains, sweet and sour taste. 150-200 grams of sauce will come out of 2.5 kilograms of pomegranates.

Peel the washed and dried fruits and squeeze the juice on a juicer. Juice can also be squeezed out by hand through a sieve (this will take time).

Pour the resulting juice into an enamel bowl and bring to a boil over medium heat, after the appearance of bubbles, reduce the heat, continue to boil until thick.

The gravy is ready, but decide for yourself how to use it, one thing will be indisputable, it will suit almost all dishes.

Chicken with pomegranate sauce

The ideal option for cooking chicken would be pomegranate sauce, it will easily cope with its task and the dish will be excellent, fried until golden brown, sweetish in taste, soft and spicy.

To prepare the dish, you will need the following products:

  • hen;
  • onion 2 pcs;
  • garlic 1 clove;
  • pomegranate juice;
  • basil;
  • coriander;
  • oregano (dry) 1 teaspoon;
  • pepper;
  • salt to taste.

Let's start preparing the dish. We prepare all the products, peel the garlic and onions, wash the chicken and dry it with a paper towel.

Squeeze the juice from the garlic (crush in a mortar or crush by pressing a knife) add spices, oregano, pepper, salt to it. Next, the sauce should be prepared from pomegranate juice, coriander and basil.

Place the pomegranate juice in an enamel bowl and simmer it over low heat, add spices, basil and coriander three to four minutes before the end of cooking. The sauce should be thick.

Add the cooked sauce and vegetable oil to the spices and garlic. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Pour chicken cut into portions with the resulting marinade, adding onion sliced ​​into slices. Let it brew in a cool place for 30 minutes.

After waiting for a certain time, the chicken can be fried or baked in the oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.

Do not forget to serve the Narsharab pomegranate sauce with the dish.

Shish kebab in pomegranate sauce

It is easy to prepare a great kebab, for this it should be marinated in a sauce made from pomegranate.

Ingredients required to prepare the dish:

  • meat (pork) 2 kg;
  • oil (vegetable) 3 tablespoons;
  • onion 4 pcs;
  • pomegranate juice (natural) 500 ml;
  • black pepper (ground);
  • coriander;
  • hops-suneli;
  • salt to taste.

In order for the kebab to be juicy and tasty, you should choose the right meat. The most suitable parts of the carcass for this dish are ribs, neck, thigh.

Without fail, whatever meat you choose, it must be fresh.

Before marinating the kebab, wash the meat under running water and dry it with a paper towel, then cut it into 5 cm / 5 cm pieces.

Cut the onion into slices and add to the meat, mix. Add spices (pepper, suneli hops, ground coriander) to the pomegranate juice, stirring constantly. Pour the meat with the resulting mixture. Attention, it must not float in the marinade. Let it stand for ten minutes, then add the vegetable oil and mix again. After that, cover the shish kebab with a plate, on which to place the load, so that it is all in the sauce, and put it in the cold (up to 10 hours, and the ideal time is 48 hours).

After the meat has passed the marinating process, it is strung on skewers (pressing the pieces tightly against each other), and fried over the fire, during the cooking process, the remaining sauce is poured. To make it juicy, it is necessary to turn the skewer twice during the entire frying time.

The readiness of a dish can be judged by its golden brown crust and aroma. The finished dish is served with pomegranate juice gravy.

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