The man wants to but does not dare to confess. How to find out what a man loves: a few sure signs. Love does not love

Electricity 01.11.2021

Every woman expects affectionate and tender words, compliments and, of course, declarations of love from her man. But our faithful are not in a hurry to voice their feelings. Even if you have been together for 10 years and perhaps you have never heard the cherished phrase from the lips of your beloved, this does not mean that he does not love you. But why does a man not confess his love?

It is worth noting that more often than not, a man’s actions speak about his love: today he just brought you flowers, tomorrow - a gift, calls every day from a business trip. By showing care, he shows how much he needs you. In no case should you force a man to talk about love. If he wants to, he will say it himself, but if he doesn’t want to, it’s his choice. After all, men often prove their love by their actions. These women are ready to talk incessantly about their love, the strong half of humanity, on the contrary, prefer to remain silent about their feelings.

Why does a man not confess his love? Most often this happens for the following reasons:

- they are simply afraid to express their feelings, seem very tender;

- by their nature, they are not verbose in such matters;

- it is difficult for them to understand that a woman needs these confessions and believe that his actions speak for him;

- they do not like a nearby woman and do not want to lie;

- the man is simply not ready yet, because he is not sure of his feelings.

There are several signs by which you can determine whether a man loves or just plays in love.

1. Interest in the life of a loved one. He constantly asks the woman how she is doing, what she did, how her health and relatives are, as friends / colleagues ..

2. Attentive to mood. He notices the slightest differences and tries to cheer up and tries never to upset his beloved.

3. The man is bored. Even if you have not seen each other for only a few days, he wants to see the smile of his beloved, hug and kiss her.

4. Favorite calls first. In this case, it can mean one thing - he is interested in how his woman is doing, misses her, wants to hear her voice.

5. The couple is always together. At any event or just in the company of friends, a man takes his girlfriend with him.

6. Makes surprises and gifts with or without occasion.

7. Beloved introduced to his parents. This is probably one of the most important signs that he has serious intentions.

In general, if at least a few points coincide with your relationship, you can be calm, everything is fine and do not worry about the question “Why does a man not declare his love.” But if none of the points is fulfilled, it is worth considering at what stage your relationship is and whether such a man is needed nearby.

Touch is a non-verbal communication that speaks of the sincerity of intentions much more eloquently than words. If we touch on the most pleasant and diverse tactile signs, then, of course, they all relate to love. For example, if a man likes you, he will always look for an opportunity to touch you once again. But not everyone is able to catch the subtle hints of the body that the partner involuntarily makes.

A man can tell you anything, but only his actions can tell you the most important thing. The body of a person, his movements and facial expressions give out all the ins and outs both about the person himself and about his attitude towards you. We have all heard of “closed postures”, which indicate that a person is not disposed towards you. Or about powerful signs of dominance, symbols of lies - when the opponent cannot concentrate and look into the eyes. Sometimes, by gestures, we clearly see who is the leader in the pair and who is the follower. And only skillful manipulators who know the meaning of thousands of touch signs are able to play the right emotion. No wonder there is a popular technique in NLP: when you want to convince a person of something, try to lightly and casually touch him.

It turns out that there are a lot of gestures that symbolize real feelings: the crossed fingers of a couple speak of partnership and sexual compatibility, the interlacing of hands speaks of chemistry between partners, face to face is about true intimacy, and there are hundreds of hugs and kisses that indicate harmony in a couple. varieties. Let's understand everything in order ...

To begin with, some statistics: with the help of words, a person transmits only about 7% of all information, but with the help of non-verbal means of communication - about 55%. The rest, about 38%, are various nuances of sounds: intonation, timbre, voice pitch.

And the famous female intuition, by the way, which we are so proud of, is nothing more than a natural ability to correctly recognize non-verbal signs. This superpower in a woman is inherent in nature so that she can correctly recognize the desires and needs of an infant when he cannot yet “report” his needs. By the way, many long-term couples are able to communicate almost without opening their mouths. It is enough for a husband to see the look of his wife in order to understand that he was guilty of something.

So, what signals, as a rule, give out high feelings of a man:

Pupils automatically dilate when we look at someone we like. This is one of the reasons why people say that the eyes never lie. This process is impossible to control, so watch his eyes carefully.

Plus, if he's not in love with you yet, a close look directly into his eyes can quickly fix the situation. This tricky technique is called Rubin's grading: try looking at the person you like about 75% of the time you're talking. The brain of a man will react instantly if he likes you too. The fact is that the human brain has the ability to respond to the attentive gaze of an individual of the opposite sex, respectively, we ourselves begin to believe that we are in love, and our brain begins to actively secrete a hormone such as phenylethylamine. This is the chemical brother of amphetamines, it is released by the nervous system when we are very infatuated with another person. It is this hormone that makes our heart beat faster, get excited and blush when we see it. Of course, it is impossible to interest someone with the Ruby gradation if you see that you are not at all attractive to a person, but the technique can be used when you want to increase an already obvious interest in yourself.

And remember that there are three types of gaze: domineering, intimate, and social. If a person looks at the bridge of the nose, you will be uncomfortable, because this is an imperious look. And it is very difficult to lie with such a look - by the way, this is how investigators are taught to look at interrogation. Looks at the nose - it's social, the most comfortable for us. An intimate look is when a person looks directly into the eyes, then slides down and falls below the chin. If an intimate look is returned to you, it means that a high level of trust is established between you. From these views, one can understand the level of intimacy between a man and a woman.

The socks of his feet.

If a man is standing or sitting next to a woman he likes, the toes of his feet will always be turned in her direction. He seems to be walking towards her, mentally. Even in a large company it will be noticeable. Watch the legs of men, and you will understand who sympathizes with you.

If he turned to you with almost his entire body and at the same time your hands are tightly intertwined, then this indicates his desire to be as close as possible. In general, tight palm-palm contact is a sign of the deepest connection.

Gestures and facial expressions.

If a man unconsciously copies your facial expressions, movements, gestures, he “mirrors” you. This means his desire (still unconscious, but already expressed) to protect you.

But, to tell the truth, in men, almost all the main gestures are associated with the inguinal region. The more he wants to emphasize his masculinity, the more emphasis on the groin. Here is the whole simple male arsenal of courtship: open knees, scratching, hands near the waist. In general, the guys in this sense are as simple as five cents. The wider at the sight of a woman a man spreads his legs and more often touches his belt on his trousers, the more he likes her as a woman.

Active gesticulation.

Even if a man begins to tell something about work, then from the outside it will seem to others that he is sharing with you an incredible action that he experienced five minutes ago. After all, his words will accompany various movements with his hands, so he tries to get into the zone of your attention in some way. Therefore, if you notice that a colleague is constantly flickering before your eyes, comes close, tries to help, listens carefully, there is no doubt that he likes you.

The open palms are the most ancient signal that "I have no weapons, I come in peace." If in a conversation both palms are either relaxed, or when gesticulating a person constantly shows open palms, then he is sincere and friendly with you. But if the interlocutor began to hide his palms in the pockets of his trousers, pressing them tightly to the body - this is most often done by men - this is a signal that, firstly, he no longer wants to participate in the conversation, and secondly, he is bored.

Hand on the waist.

A man can put his hand very low on the waist or even lower. At first glance, the gesture has an intimate sexual connotation. However, this is actually a display of defensive behavior. He wants to show everyone that you belong to him and that you are more than close.

In life, situations often occur that cause confusion, bewilderment, and stupor. Sometimes you don’t even know what to answer some questions and words. It can be difficult to find the right words in tragic cases when someone is sad. Many are completely lost and cannot think of anything if they miss school or work. Girls are embarrassed, blush and even turn green when a guy confesses his love, and the lady herself does not know whether she is in love or not.

Below we will try to show you the answers that will help you get out of the situation in difficult situations, without saying anything superfluous. And although, perhaps, you will still experience confusion, embarrassment, embarrassment, correct and appropriate statements will not let you lose your face.

So, let's start with this item on our list -

What to say if you confessed your love?

There are 2 options here, if the feelings are mutual, then you can also say about your feelings, sympathies and everyone will be happy. The second option assumes that one person from the pair does not experience reciprocal feelings, and he needs to respond to the confession. Naturally, it is better to tell the truth about your feelings and not give hope if you think that nothing can happen between you. It is better to answer the confession gently in order to injure the person in love as little as possible. Answer options:

  • I'm sorry, but I can not answer you in return;
  • you are like a friend / girlfriend / brother to me, etc.;
  • answer that you do not experience the same feelings, and explain the reasons;
  • offer to remain friends and not count on more;
  • laugh it off, saying, for example: “I like to eat sweets and sleep,” but this is not the best option that can leave an unpleasant aftertaste in the soul of the confessed;
  • just keep silent, pretending not to hear;
  • show your acting skills: "God, Sashenka, why do you need someone like me? You will find 100 times better.” Such a theatrical trick will help divert attention from the main thing, translate the topic;
  • I love another / another, I'm sorry;
  • it is very pleasant, but so unexpected, it takes me time to sort myself out;

and some other options that people use when responding to a confession, but they are not the best, and can hurt a person even more:

  • thanks;
  • I know and smile;
  • sorry;
  • and I love myself;
  • wait, I'm not ready yet to tell you the same;
  • Who would doubt that?
  • Wow, that's cool, I'm crying now.

“If a guy doesn’t call, it doesn’t mean that he lost your number, got sick and is gaining courage - he just doesn’t

wants to do this,” said the heroine of one popular melodrama. But even if he calls, kisses or spends the night with you - this can also mean absolutely nothing. And not because "they are all like that" and "there is no love in the world." It's just that, this love, everyone has their own. As well as confessions, kisses and sex.

Love does not love

My friend Sergei usually confesses his love to girls on the second or third date. Girls, like dates, change regularly - every few months. Why does he say "I love" and not "like"? "Why not? It's nice to hear and nice to say. I’m not lying, it’s just that the word “love” as such is not something decisive for me, - the young man explains, - for example, I love, I love to play the guitar, I love skiing, Dasha, Sveta, Veronica. More strawberries, but a little less skiing. And I love - not at all a synonym for “you are the best” or “I dream of being there”. If the feeling is strong and real, I prefer actions rather than words.

Another acquaintance, Zhenya, believes that the word "love" can only be pronounced under the influence of deep and vivid emotions. And he says - sincerely, deeply, burying his face in the hair of the dream girl, whispering the words so desired in a voice hoarse with excitement. I love him - this is “I love” the present, I love more than anyone in the world, but with the prefix “at the moment”. And in a week, a day, and even - I promise nothing. And if the girl, after the confession, plans the style of the wedding hat and thinks whether to invite her friend Sveta to the ceremony, then Zhenya has nothing to do with it - he just fell under the influence of the moment. Another thing is if you meet a girl with whom this moment will last forever - then you can have a hat and Svetka as a witness, let him also be happy and eat salads.

There are also indifferently prudent "I love"-master keys - in order to achieve what is needed; and semi-“love” in the form of an illegible “I love you too”, when it seems like you need to respond to a confession, but there is nothing to answer with; and guilty "I love you, don't be angry"; and demanding "I love you, which means ...". It’s hard to imagine that this simple combination of three words can have so many shades, and it’s even harder to believe that its shade will exactly match your own, and you will understand and appreciate it as it is worth it. Alas, a clear and distinct gradation of “love” or “in love” and reasoning on the topic “I adore - is it more or less than I love?” remained in the days of the first passions of high school.

To assess the degree of seriousness of adult relationships, probably, is on completely different grounds - actions, attitude, reliability and degree of trust. And if all this corresponds to expectations and dreams, then the desired recognition will certainly sound beautiful and turn out to be exactly the way you always wanted.

Just a kiss?

Their lips joined, their hands intertwined ... The first kiss is a stage as important as recognition, and even less revealing or meaningful. “A kiss is a kind of chemical test for further compatibility,” says Oleg, “I kiss a girl to understand whether she is “mine” or not. And the answer to the test is not always positive. It happens that during a kiss you just don’t feel anything and wait for it to end. For me, this is a sign that there will hardly be anything more than friendship between us. Probably, the girls then think that I am a scoundrel, not capable of a long-term relationship, what can you do? But a spark during the contact of the lips, igniting a fire inside, can change even the easiest relationship. After the last such kiss, I have been dating a girl for three years, now we are thinking about a wedding.

“I don’t like kisses, hugs and other “veal tenderness” at all. Perhaps psychologists would find an explanation for this in the form of some childhood trauma, but the fact remains. In general, I kiss a girl if I feel that she is really looking forward to it, but a kiss as such does not mean anything at all. A tribute to the traditions of courtship,” Denis explains his point of view.

“Kissing is a matter of mood. Sometimes it can even be a logical continuation or end of a conversation, and in the process turn into a stormy prelude, ”says Stas.

But for the most part, the first kiss (both the first in life in general and the first with a particular girl) is not at all a guarantee of subsequent kisses or relationships. American scientists generally came to the conclusion that men during kisses usually think about upcoming sex (and are quite willing to skip this prelude), while women plan further relationships and are not ready to do without kisses. Fortunately, it is almost always possible to find a compromise, otherwise humanity would have died out long ago.

sex as it is

As one of the greats wrote, nothing brings two people closer or further apart than sex. Often casual, but enchanting sex at a party or corporate party can develop into a serious relationship, and, on the contrary, a long romance come to naught immediately after a night spent together. And it's not that men "need only this", and women - love and romance. It’s just that intimate relationships have many different facets and nuances, so subtle that sometimes it’s difficult for the participant to explain what was wrong or, on the contrary, what “hooked” seriously.

“Sex always shows true relationship - you can pretend, compromise with yourself, but not in bed. And what you feel towards a woman during and, most importantly, after, is your real attitude. Several times the first night with a girl became the last for me precisely because it helped me better understand my feelings, ”recalls Ilya.

“Sex for me is a way of mutual pleasure. I do not promise anything to anyone, just at the moment I am trying to please a woman and get it myself. At the same time, there may not be a relationship - this is not a hindrance for good sex, ”Alexey explains his point of view.

“When a woman attracts you, the brain just turns off. And only then you can understand what it was - a momentary clouding or a serious feeling. So I don't think that sex necessarily involves meeting and calling. Of course, it is better when this happens, but it happens in different ways, ”Dmitry argues.

In general, sex is a delicate matter, especially the first one in a relationship. Just like the relationship between a man and a woman, which is full of overt and unspoken rules, and even more exceptions. And I want to believe that it is your relationship that will definitely become a happy exception.

A declaration of love from a guy or from is a very delicate situation that sometimes arises extremely unexpectedly and takes us by surprise.

The man said he loves me! What to do if you confessed your love? How to behave in such a situation?

To what does recognition oblige you?

And the delicacy of this situation lies in the fact that it is far from always mutual, and the person who confesses his love to us, may not evoke reciprocal feelings in us.

The most important thing to remember in this case is that the declaration of love of another person is completely does not oblige to reciprocate.

A man or a woman is not allowed - this should be known to everyone.

Nevertheless, such a situation obliges us to at least treat with understanding the one who opens the soul to us and give him the appropriate attention.

How to react?

Naturally, a person who opens his soul to us, looking forward to your response. How to respond to a love confession? Especially if the person does not cause sympathy?

You need to answer in such a way that don't hurt a person because at the moment he is in an extremely vulnerable situation.

Try to behave calmly - after all, the intensity of feelings will be present anyway.

And in any case, you must make sure that the person was not offended by your reaction.

Can you just keep quiet?

The piquancy in such a situation is also added by the fact that etiquette does not allow to remain silent in this situation.

A person opens his feelings to you - and your silence will be, at least, tactlessness.

It can get painful for a person - after all, there is nothing worse than the unknown. What to do in response to a romantic confession?

What to do if a guy confesses his love to you? Video Tips:

What to say?

How to respond to a love confession? What to do next?

If love is mutual

This situation will find a solution.

If you love someone who confesses his love to you, your feelings will help you dot the “and”, and your excitement and joy are unlikely to hide from your admirer.

Do not try to speak in complex phrases at this moment.- after all, in fact, a person expects very little from you - to hear in response "I love you too."

If the feeling is not mutual

This option is not as great as the first one. How to properly express your reaction? What words to choose to make it clear to a person that he should not expect love from you?

You can answer directly that you do not have mutual romantic feelings. You have every right to do so.

However, this should not sound mocking, humiliating, should not be a sentence- say calmly about what you do not like - maybe you feel respect, but - no matter how hard it is for your fan or admirer, the most important thing at such a moment is sincerity.

Make it clear to your failed partner that you don’t want him to be deceived and have empty illusions - after all, even a small chance for reciprocity strengthens the belief that a person experiences reciprocal feelings, while the final disappointment will be even more painful.

What can not be done and said?

What actions or words should be avoided if a person confesses his love to you? What should not be done in this case?

At the moment, a person is very dependent on you and on your words. And your attention can greatly improve the morale of your admirer or admirer.

A man confessed his love and disappeared: what does this mean?

And what if the guy disappeared after? What does this mean?

And this possible in both scenarios.- and if you reciprocated, and if you said that you did not experience reciprocal feelings.

In the first option, perhaps a person is recovering from stress, wants to calm down a little after the excitement experienced.

Also he can wait for your response, attention to yourself.

Go to meet him, call, write, pay a visit - even without warning - because at the moment the person really needs you.

If you did not reciprocate, and the person suddenly disappeared, this may mean that he is stressed. Do not take this lightly - love is a very strong feeling, and unrequited, it can push a person to terrible rash acts.

Try to be sure to find this person - through friends, acquaintances, parents. If possible, it is worth being with him in these moments, as he really needs support.

You should remember that you not obligated to reciprocate, however, the person who loves you is very dependent on you, and your words mean a lot to him.

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