I'm hunched over what to do. Causes of stoop in adults and children. What to do for parents if the child slouches

Anti-corrosion 01.11.2021

A sedentary lifestyle leads to the development of many health problems. The most common of these is the stoop. Because of her, the figure deteriorates, and people become shorter. Slouching negatively affects the appearance and health of a person. Therefore, people with this pathology often wonder how to stop slouching.

The problem arises from the weakening of the back muscles. It appears more often in men than in women. In adulthood, stoop becomes generalized due to loss of muscle definition. The figure of people becomes like a chess piece of a knight. With timely therapy, the defect can be eliminated. In the absence of treatment, the stoop progresses, and the person, even if desired, will not be able to keep his back straight and becomes hunchback.

How to stop slouching a girl

The beauty of a woman lies in a proud and beautiful posture. People with good posture have an elegant gait. Therefore, despite the prevalence of slouching among men, ladies are more in need of maintaining a beautiful posture. Despite the existing stereotypes, representatives of the opposite sex, first of all, pay attention to the woman's posture. This encourages the ladies to take care of the health of their backs.

To stop slouching, girls in different eras resorted to peculiar tricks. Eastern women danced with a saber, and our compatriots walked with books on their heads. Today, ladies do not need to resort to such drastic measures, because there are many methods for correcting posture.

The sedentary lifestyle of the current generation exacerbates the situation with posture, but you should not let everything go by itself. It is necessary to take measures to solve the problem, because the curvature of the spine is not only an aesthetic problem. It provokes pinching of the nerves and leads to the formation of an intervertebral hernia.

Also, curvature of the spine can cause a number of other problems:

  • decreased immunity;
  • weakening of muscles;
  • flat feet.

In people with this pathology, vision, liver and intestines are impaired.

Self-control is considered an important condition for maintaining a beautiful posture. You need to regularly remind yourself to keep your back straight. It will be difficult at first, but over time it will become a habit.

Even during sleep, a woman must control herself and lie flat. This is very important because many people manage to hunch over even in their sleep. The place to sleep has a great influence on the spine. The mattress should be firm and flat, and the pillow should be low but firm enough.

Most slouching people are insecure and emotional. In such a situation, the problem can only be solved with the help of a psychologist. The key to good health is an active lifestyle and physical activity.

Active sports activities will allow you to lose excess weight, which puts stress on the spine. Also, muscles are strengthened, the symptoms of lordosis and scoliosis are eliminated. Fitness, gymnastics and swimming have beneficial effects on posture.

The type of physical activity is selected for each person individually. But they all require willpower and perseverance. For successful treatment, it is necessary to practice every day for at least half an hour. Pulling up on the bar is considered an effective exercise. With its regular implementation, the muscles are strengthened, and the spine takes the correct position. Women can do exercises on the Swedish wall.

Special corsets help to take the correct position. They are small in size so they can be worn under clothing. The only drawback of such a device is that it strongly squeezes and hinders movement. But the corset is most effective for solving the stoop problem.

The doctor selects it after assessing the patient's condition. Depending on the degree of stoop, different corsets are prescribed.

The specialist will also tell you what exercises you need to do to strengthen the muscle corset and restore a beautiful posture. None, even the highest quality corset, can strengthen the back as much as playing sports and performing special exercises.

If you follow these recommendations, you will become the owner of a beautiful posture in 6-8 months. More advanced conditions require long-term treatment. But after a few months of wearing a corset and following the recommendations, there is a noticeable improvement.

Therapeutic massage is considered a proven and good helper for back health. A professionally performed procedure will strengthen the muscle corset and ensure blood flow.

If a child slouches

The stoop problem comes from childhood. Unfortunately, not all parents pay attention to this problem, and it is they who are responsible for the health of their children. Therefore, they should know how to learn not to slouch, and tell the child about it. The reasons a child slouching depends on their age.

In young children, under 3 years of age, stoop is usually a hereditary problem, the result of abnormal development in the womb. Sometimes this problem appears with improper care of the baby.

From 4 to 8 years old, the child slouches because he leads a sedentary lifestyle. Parents must necessarily engage in the physical development of their child and tell him how to maintain posture, sit and walk correctly.

In children ages 9 to 13, back problems are usually associated with rapid growth. Muscles may not have time to develop behind the spinal column. For some children, the psychological factor is triggered: they bend to the ground in order to seem smaller and not stand out from their peers. The only effective way to help is to wean the child from stooping.

Teenagers spend a lot of time at the computer and rarely play sports. They are already at a conscious age to understand the consequences of their lifestyle. Therefore, they need to prioritize and find something to do other than playing computer games. Sport will forever relieve them of the desire to hunch over.

It is necessary to start fighting the stoop of children as early as possible. An unformed child's body lends itself to correction, therefore, it will be much easier to eliminate problems with posture at a young age than for a mature person.

You can enroll your child in a sports section or in a dance club. Have you ever seen a slouching dancer? Of course not. Good posture will encourage you to dance.

You can perform gymnastic exercises only after consulting a doctor. For health reasons, some children are categorically contraindicated in any load. The orthopedic surgeon will conduct an examination and collect complete information about the patient, analyze the research data, and select the optimal treatment.

Back gymnastics is considered one of the main components of complex treatment. A set of special exercises will strengthen the muscle corset and stabilize the position of the spine. Children are advised to use the pool. The optimal number of classes is 3 times a week.

Exercises for beautiful posture

The effectiveness of pull-ups has already been discussed, but not everyone will be able to perform them. There are other, equally effective slouching exercises. You can use a proven recipe for medieval ladies. It consists in walking around the room with a book on your head. You can start with one thin book and gradually increase the number. Performing this exercise will correct your posture and improve your gait, make it beautiful and sexy.

A set of exercises:

  • Lock. Stand up straight, bring your hands back, locking them into the lock. Raise the connected brushes as high as possible. Tilt your head back at the same time. During this exercise, tension in the back and a slight crunch in the spine are felt.
  • Stand near the wall. They lean against the wall in such a way that the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels touch its surface. You need to stand this way as long as possible.
  • Bridge. Eliminates back problems. But people who regularly exercise simply cannot have them.
  • Box. You need to lie on your stomach, take your legs and reach your head with them. This exercise will be difficult at first. But after a while it will not be difficult.

All exercises are done very slowly so as not to get injured. You need to do them every day and several times.

After a while, the first result will appear, and over time, a habit of monitoring your posture will appear, which allows you to look slimmer and more beautiful.

Modern comforts and busy work schedules have led us to slouch too much. Slouching can lead to many future health problems, such as headaches, muscle pains, and back pain. The habit of stooping for a long time also leads to inadequate stress on the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. To avoid these problems, there are a few simple steps you can take to break your slouching habit.


Understand good posture

    Maintain correct posture even when you are sitting. Our spine is not straight, it has a natural curvature, and correct posture helps maintain this curvature. To sit with the correct posture, you need to throw your shoulders back, open your chest; the back should be straight, strive upward. It is necessary not only to throw back the shoulders, but also to push the chest forward a little. You need to feel that the head is tilted back a little too. Thus, you "open" the chest and "pull in" the stomach.

    Stand up straight. Now that you have thrown back your shoulders and opened your chest, you need to learn to stand and walk, maintaining correct posture. Pull in your stomach, position your head so that it is in line with the spine. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and try to balance your weight while standing on your feet. Relax your knees, relax your arms and lower them at your sides.

    Check your posture. To find out what your posture is, stand against a wall. The head, shoulder blades and buttocks should be in contact with the wall, and the heels should be 5-10 cm from the wall. Use your hand to run along the wall along the space in your lower back. If you have the correct posture, your arm should just fit neatly into this space.

Stretch and Exercise

    Strengthen the core muscles that shape our posture. These muscles start around the ribcage and extend to the mid-thigh. The work of these muscles helps us to stand up and hold our position. To improve your posture and overall health, you need to strengthen these muscles.

    Work on flexibility in your neck muscles. Lack of flexibility is the cause of imbalanced muscle work and poor posture. Stretching should be done to increase the flexibility of the muscles in your back, arms, and abdomen. These exercises can be included in your daily routine, you can do them at work (when you take breaks) - this will increase the flexibility of the muscles, even if they are still "wooden".

    Try the superman exercise. To maintain correct posture, you need to strengthen your back muscles. To do the superman exercise, lie facedown on the floor and stretch both arms over your head. Thumbs should be facing the ceiling. Tighten your glutes, abdominal and back muscles, lift your arms, head and legs 10 cm from the floor. Try to hold this position for 2 seconds, then lower your arms, legs and head to the floor.

    Try exercises "T" and "W". One effective way to improve your posture is to strengthen your back muscles. To do the "T" exercise, lie face down on the floor and stretch your arms out to the sides so that your body looks like a T. Point your thumbs towards the ceiling, tighten your glutes and abdominal muscles. Bring your shoulder blades together and raise your arms to the ceiling (as much as you can). Hold them in this position for 2 seconds, then lower your arms. Repeat this exercise 15 times.

    Do a "corner" stretch. The pectoral muscles can help you achieve a beautiful posture. Find the right angle to stretch them. Bend your arms, lift them up, place your forearms against the wall, and place your palms slightly below shoulder height. Slowly bring your shoulder blades together using this angle.

    Do the doorway stretch exercise. The weakness and strength of your pectoral muscles play a big role in how much you slouch. To strengthen these muscles and make them more flexible, stand in a doorway and keep your arm on your side at a 90-degree angle. Raise your elbow and place your hand on the doorframe. Lean forward slowly, pushing your hand out of the doorway and pulling it towards the frame. Hold this position for 30 seconds ..

Irina Demyanchuk

Learning how to walk straight without slouching can be difficult if this problem comes from childhood. Posture in children begins to form from birth, and ends by the time they grow up. To notice that the child begins to slouch, attentive parents can already in his 4 years. If you do not start to study with him, then by the age of 8 he will not be able to walk, keeping his back straight.

All curvatures of the spine that appear due to improper position of the body at the table and in front of the TV are due to the weakness of the muscular corset.

Danger of poor posture

If the causes of stoop are rickets, a genetic predisposition or chronic anemia and vitamin deficiency, then exercise, so as not to slouch, will not help solve the problem. In this case, complex treatment by an orthopedist is necessary, sometimes you have to resort to surgery.

Poor posture is hazardous to health. With an incorrect bend of the spinal column, all organs are displaced from their intended place by nature, and blood vessels are compressed, which supply them with oxygen. The work of the heart, liver, stomach, gallbladder is disrupted, which causes pathological changes throughout the body.

But still, the main reason that the child slouches is the wrong lifestyle. And only parents can help him, straighten his posture. In the future, a humped back can become an impetus for the development of complexes, especially in girls.

What to do for parents if the child slouches

When parents notice that the child has poor posture, they must create all the conditions to correct it.

It is necessary to properly equip the baby's workplace:

  • adjust the table and chair to fit;
  • move the monitor away from eyes at a distance of at least 40 cm;
  • install an additional light source on the left side so that the child does not have to bend over while writing and reading.

Doing with the child special exercises that strengthen the muscles of the back - only a strong muscular corset is able to keep the spine in the position intended for it by nature.

An example of gymnastics for the formation of children's posture, which can be presented in a playful way:

Well-known exercises will help to stop hunching over: "bicycle" and "cat". When served correctly, children are happy to do special exercises for the back.

Correction of posture in an adult

If an adult is thinking about how to stop hunching and stooping in order to look good, then the problem will not be solved quickly.

Disorders have been forming throughout life, and a change in body position can cause serious discomfort at first.

It will be hard to breathe with the straightened lungs, the heart, which will no longer squeeze the surrounding tissues, will pump blood faster, and this can cause arrhythmias.

Gradually, the body will adapt to the new situation, and say thank you to its "owner". With correct posture, efficiency increases, muscle tone increases, metabolism accelerates, which means that the quality of the skin improves and weight normalizes.

With the problem of how not to slouch an adult, if posture disorders are pronounced, only complex measures will help to cope. Sometimes you even have to go to medical help - visit an orthopedist for consultation.

For the treatment of impaired posture in an adult, the following therapeutic measures can be used:

In the course of treatment, it may be necessary to prescribe anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.

Corrective therapy is selected individually for each - depending on the clinical picture of violations of the position of the spinal column. The degree of symmetry of the location of the shoulders, the tone of the muscles of the thoracic and lumbar spine, and the position of the head are assessed.

Treatment procedures during treatment may vary depending on the condition.

Lana Fields Method

What should an adult do to avoid slouching?

There is a special gymnastic complex developed according to the method of Lana Pauli, which will help stop degradation.

First, exercises are performed to strengthen the middle of the back. These include: imitation of rowing, all kinds of inclinations - preferably with weights, and the like. They should occupy 70% of the total complex.

10% of exercises - increasing the tone of the gluteal muscles. Squats, crunches, cycling, running, lunges are performed. These exercises will not only give you a clue on how to stop slouching your girlfriend, but also make her hips look very attractive as a bonus.

The following exercises can help relax your pectoral muscles. Only they will help solve the problem of how to stop slouching an adult man with well-developed pectoral muscles. In many cases, the hypertonicity of the chest muscles causes the spine to disrupt the given position. Exercises include a "cat" with a swing of the press, bends with hands clasped at the back of the head, swinging hands parallel to the floor, preferably with weights.

It is impossible to correct posture without breathing exercises.

If there was a prescription - to wear a medical corset, then when performing gymnastic exercises it is removed, replacing it with a special belt.

We write notes, answer letters, draw up reports, and even have lunch - we do all this while sitting. And our back is not at all happy about it. How to sit correctly and what to do to maintain a beautiful posture, says Vika Bazoeva.

Slouching, "round back" or, scientifically, excessive kyphosis, brings a lot of anxiety: the figure looks so-so, in the chest there is a feeling of stiffness, pain and muscle fatigue.

To correct the existing stoop, it is necessary to act on the deep layers of the muscles of the back, abdominal muscles, pelvis, diaphragm, on the stabilizing muscles of the shoulder and hip joints, the muscles that hold the shoulder blades. Also, in your practice, you should include exercises for stretching the muscles of the chest and thighs. These muscles are essential in the formation of correct posture skill.

An experienced trainer will help you find exercises that include these tasks. These will be simple, rather, corrective exercises that are not associated with the usual cardio or strength load in the gym. Pilates works best with this task.

In order for the stoop to not develop and not intensify from sedentary work, it is necessary first of all to sit correctly. Here are some simple and effective recommendations from Elena Palchekh, trainer of Pilates PMP personal training studio:

Elena Palchekh

Personal training studio trainer Pilates PMP

The most important thing is to train yourself to sit relaxed.

How to sit correctly:

With the shoulder blades lowered, the direction of the lower angle of the scapula to the spine;

With a straightened chest;

With a slightly raised sternum, continuing the line of the body;

The knee flexion angle is close to 90 °;

Feet on the floor;

With a physiological, comfortable bend in the lumbar spine, no tension (!) Should be felt in this area;

Slight forward bend of the torso;

Hands on the table so that the angle of flexion in the elbow joint is close to 90 ° and the arms are relaxed.

Sitting at the table:

Maintain a distance between the chin and sternum, equal to about the diameter of an orange or a tennis ball;

Pull the shoulder blades down, twisting slightly;

Bring the costal arches together and, together with the abdominal muscles, press them to the lower back;

Gently, without tension, direct the crown upward, continuing the vertical position of the body.

Exercises to Relieve Tension and Return Mobility to the Thoracic Region

  1. Sitting at the table, feet on the floor. Raise your shoulders, lower them down and back (as if you were "gluing" the shoulder blades to the back). Pull the bottom corner of your shoulder blade towards your pelvis. Hold for 4-8 counts.
  2. Sitting at the table, feet on the floor. Place your palms on the table. Point your elbows back towards each other. Inhale - press your palms on the table, pull the sternum up, pulling parallel elbows to the floor back and down, point the crown up. As you exhale, press your abdominal muscles against your spine.
  3. Sitting at the table, feet on the floor parallel to each other. As you exhale, contract your thigh muscles from the inside out, contracting your glutes and abdominal muscles. Slightly tilt your torso forward, pulling the muscles of the back of the neck and the top of the head up, pull the shoulder blades down. Relax as you inhale.
  4. Standing behind the back of the chair, rest your palms on the back of the chair. Legs are straight. As you inhale, bend in the chest (sag). Pull the belly from below, and pull the sternum forward and up. As you exhale, twist the pelvis forward, and direct the "soft" stomach inward. Throughout the exercise, the shoulder blades must be pulled down to the spine, slightly twisting from the outer edge to the bottom.

All exercises should preferably be performed four repetitions 1-2 times a day.

The habit of slouching spoils your appearance and negatively affects your health. Subsequently, it can progress so that the person's spine begins to bend and the internal organs are significantly displaced, which cannot function normally. To prevent this from happening, once ask yourself the question, how to stop slouching? After that, move on to decisive action - exercises that strengthen the back muscles.

How to stop slouching at your workplace?

Effective posture correction methods

The most important thing during posture correction is self-control. It is also important to monitor your mental and psychological state, because a bad mood will interfere with going towards your goal. There are different methods with which you can correct your posture.

Sports activities. Swimming, volleyball, wrestling, dancing, or regular fitness work. This will also help you lose weight.

Massotherapy. He is appointed by a doctor after a complete diagnosis. This procedure relieves muscle tension.

Wearing a corset. If you show patience and regularly put it on your body, then a positive result will appear in 5-8 months.

For relaxed and self-confident female representatives, the answer to the question of how to stop slouching a girl lies in Pilates, a certain system of physical exercises. This fitness technique was originally developed for people with back problems.

How to stop slouching at home - recommendations

A set of different exercises for stoop

Not all people enjoy active sports that can strengthen spinal muscles, straighten out and improve posture. How to stop slouching at home? There are special exercises.

1. Lying position. First, lie on your back and spread your arms wide. Lean on the back of your head and back of your body. Now lift your back up, while the supports should remain stationary. Do 2 reps 10-15 times.

2. "The lock on the shoulder blades." Place your feet shoulder-width apart, and squeeze your hands tightly, putting them behind your back. Press the joined hands of the upper extremities to the shoulder blades. Then bring your shoulders back with your elbows. In this case, it is necessary to press firmly on the back and tilt the head.

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