How to overcome your personal financial crisis: step by step instructions. How to get out of a life crisis profitably for yourself & nbsp How to get out of a crisis situation in life

Roofing materials 22.10.2020
Roofing materials

The air around you literally rings with tension when you realize that something urgently needs to be done. Usually, this state does not arise immediately, it is generated for a long time from small pieces, pouring with power, and then falls on you, generating a shock wave of anxiety and fear. Everything suddenly slips through your fingers. And when you decide to truthfully assess your financial condition, the results shock you to the core.

The only way to get out of this murky water is to get your panic under control.

Step 1. Stop wasting time

When faced with a stressful situation, many use the "Do anything, just not think bad" tactics. They spend time and energy on things that have nothing to do with solving the problem. So they try to distract themselves a little, but how scary then look reality in the eyes again!

Stop! Focus only on the problem! If you feel too overwhelmed to think about her, take a full rest to attack her the next day with fresh energy.

So, fighting fear, you looked into the bottomless eyes of your financial crisis. Now we start to act.

Step 2. Stop light spending

The hardest part of a financial crisis is the feeling of hopelessness that haunts you. Money is constantly running out, but you cannot understand what exactly you spent it on. The accounts are empty and it's scary.

At this point, you need to stop the most obvious leaks, and the easiest way to do this is by cutting off your path to impulsive spending:

  • leave your credit cards and most of the cash at home;
  • disable online banks.

This, of course, is reminiscent of trying to plug a leaky bucket with a rag. It cannot be called a full-fledged repair, because the water will still overcome this obstacle, but for a while you will stop the flow and get a head start in order to come up with the best solution.

Step 3. Look for money at home

The stress of the financial crisis that overtook you is constantly aggravated by the pressing need for regular expenses: you need to feed your family, or yourself, dress, pay rent ...

In this situation, refer to the resources that you already have. Surely it turns out that at least a week you can eat the food that is on the shelves and in the refrigerator. It's just that you are used to buying something in addition all the time. And after taking apart the closets and closets, you will find that there are still enough decent clothes and shoes.

By the way, during the excavation, you will probably find something that can be sold. You have money at home, look for it and do not rush to open your wallet.

Step 4. Develop a plan of salvation

You have stopped the obvious money leaks, what next? Now you need a plan to get your finances in order. The reasons for your plight can be different: sudden dismissal, health problems that required large financial investments, heavy credit, and the like.

You need to study as many materials as possible on how to act in your particular situation. Believe me, you are not the first to encounter it, and therefore you will surely find a lot of tips and solutions.

On their basis, build your personal plan for overcoming the crisis. When you have it in your hands, you will feel how fear and stress gradually release you.

Step 5. Do something every day

As cool as your plan is, it's useless if you don't do anything. We need to put it into practice. Every active step you take will boost your mood and reduce tension.

If you sold an unnecessary thing, pay off part of the loan debt immediately. If you are unexpectedly fired, join a job board to receive temporary benefits.

Constantly look at your plan and think what you can do out of it right now. And having done - look again. And so every day.

Step 6. Talk about it

The best thoughts often come to our minds when we start talking about our problems. If you are an extrovert, then it will be useful for you to talk with a person whom you completely trust: explain the situation to him to the smallest detail, and you yourself will be able to look at it in a new way.

If you are an introvert, then it will help you: tell everything to paper, do not think that it will be messy. Write first, then try to organize those records.

When we talk or write about a problem, our subconscious mind ponders it and gets unexpected solutions from the depths.

Step 7. Don't hide anything from your partner

Financial problems lead the list of factors breaking up marriages. Money issues in themselves are often causes of quarrels, and if your union already has other cracks, then the financial crisis will accelerate the gap.

The best solution is honesty. Don't hide anything from your partner. Place all cards on the table. Admit your mistakes and omissions.

Impossible without mutual honesty. And if you are expecting it from your partner, then start with yourself.

Step 8. Eat healthy foods

To deal with any stress, whatever it may be, it is important healthy eating... Discard all semi-finished products and give preference to only healthy and natural products. We foresee a wave of objections from readers who will say that healthy eating is more of a luxury now. Still, try to find a balance: use all kinds of grains, natural meat and poultry, and available vegetables. Not so long ago, we wrote about how without compromising on quality.

An unbalanced diet leads to poor physical and mental health. And when you are faced with a crisis, the malaise will greatly hinder you.

Step 9. Keep fit and get adequate rest

They go hand in hand, reinforcing each other's effect and promising you the physical and mental well-being you need to cope with stress.

Set aside time for a little exercise and walk each day. You don't have to kill yourself in the gym pumping up your reinforced biceps, you just need to be in good shape.

Get enough sleep. Get to bed early so you don't wake up with an alarm clock, but in accordance with your own biological rhythms. Thanks to healthy sleep your mind will be clear and your mood will be good.

Step 10. Use your free time for your pleasure

One final tip: find free hobbies for yourself. Do not confuse this with activities that simply pass the time, such as surfing the web, for example. Find what you dive into, what brings you pleasure and leaves a happy aftertaste. Spending your free time doing such activities will strengthen your morale.

The financial crisis is an ordeal for any of us. But you understand that if you give up and try to leave everything as it is, it certainly won't be better. Hold on, go forward with a clear mind and a strong spirit, and solve problems.

It is impossible to ignore this fact, since it is reality. In various industries, the market decreased by 10-15% compared to last year and, according to analysts, the decline will continue until at least 2018. For businessmen, hard times have come, but this does not mean that life has stopped and the “countdown” mechanism has started. We need to learn to survive even in a crisis!

During times like these, leaders tend to think about the most pressing issues:

  • how to cut costs?
  • how to stop the decline in sales?
  • how to attract new buyers?
  • where to get money to pay bills?
  • what payments should be made first?
  • how to make counterparties pay faster without losing them as clients?

However, far-sighted companies in times of crisis do not stop innovative activity, since they rightly believe that such a step would be tantamount to defeat. On the contrary, in difficult times, they develop new strategies to support the business, using anti-crisis marketing technology.

What is crisis marketing?

Anti-crisis marketing means the search for hidden market opportunities, which are usually ignored and left for a rainy day. Knowledge of this nuance allows not only to stop the fall of the market or a separate segment of it, but also to ensure growth even in times of crisis.

There are two key metrics: market size based on sales and market size based on needs. The second indicator, as a rule, exceeds the first several times. This means that buyers have a need to purchase a product, but for some reason it is not realized, and the product remains in the warehouse. The difference between the second and the first indicators reveals the under-received volume of sales, that is, the hidden market opportunities. The task of anti-crisis marketing is to offer customers what meets their real needs.

Some people have a clear idea of ​​the product they are willing to buy. They spend a lot of time looking for the right model, style or color, bypassing stationary outlets, browsing the pages of online stores. Not finding what they were looking for, they do not buy another product instead of the desired one, but continue to hope that after all someone will offer them exactly it. In this case, the need will be satisfied, and the sale will take place.

But needs are not formed by themselves, but under the influence of an idea. In other words, an idea is introduced into a person that turns him into a consumer and motivates him to buy a product that allows him to realize this idea.

  1. Reassure yourself sincerely that you really want to beat the competition and emerge victorious from the crisis. How do you do this when there is a pile of unpaid bills on the table? One of our clients was in this condition at the end of last year. Over the past few months, he has recruited new employees and is thinking about expanding the business further. There is no single recipe, but the tips below may help you.
  2. Focus on building your team together. The saying “one in the field is not a warrior” is now more relevant than ever. Do not try to take everything upon yourself or completely pass on to one of the subordinates. Recall the well-known example of a broom that can be easily broken by individual twigs, but cannot be completely broken. Look for solutions together. Become the initiator and leader of regular brainstorming sessions. Transform your employees into like-minded people. It's not as difficult as it sounds. Surely they do not want to be left without work and understand how difficult it is to find one in a crisis.
  3. Be sure to encourage employee initiative. If not materially, then at least morally. People should feel that something depends on them, that they are of value to the company. The textbook example of Japanese corporations that do not disregard a single proposal from their employees aimed at improving the company's performance is a vivid illustration of what can be achieved with this approach to business organization.
  4. Understand yourself and your true desires. Be honest with yourself. Very often people do not at all what they really want to do. If running a company is a heavy burden for you, then you can hardly really beat the competition until you create a system of internal incentives for yourself. Answer your question sincerely: why do I need all this? If you are honest and try to "get to the bottom of the truth," you may be very surprised by the results of your analytical research.
  5. When developing a system of motivation, remember that money is certainly an important, but by no means the dominant factor in determining human behavior. Recently, through one of the mailings, I received an interesting material about the results of another study by foreign scientists. Two groups of children preschool age interesting new toys were bought. One group was allowed to play these toys when and how they wanted, and the children of the other group were encouraged each time after the game. Do you know what happened after a while? Children, accustomed to being encouraged, completely stopped playing on their own, without external stimulation, and children from another group continued to enjoy the very process of playing. You can draw your own conclusions.
  6. When setting goals, remember to be specific, measurable and achievable.... Oddly enough, this simple rule allows you to achieve very significant results. One of our clients who did not have higher education, managed to build a fairly large business, methodically following the recommendations he received at the courses he completed at the school of managers. Each day he ended up setting goals for the next day for his employees. He did not use a computer, he wrote by hand, but, as he was taught, the goals were specific, measurable and achievable. The result exceeded expectations.
  7. Be sure to analyze your successes and failures. Try to understand why you succeeded and what led to failure. This will allow you to formulate rules for yourself and your employees that will help you achieve the desired results. It is best if you discuss successes and failures together with your team members.
  8. Think about where you are limiting yourself and your business. Most people, especially middle-aged and older people, are conservative in nature. Life experience allows us to avoid many mistakes, but alas! - becomes a natural internal limiter of our development. Are there any new applications for your products and services? Shouldn't you expand your assortment? Are there any interesting promotion ideas left behind? Do you often feel that other people are saying stupid things?
  9. Don't limit your life and the lives of your employees to work. Only a person whose life is balanced can be successful. Work is certainly important, but by no means the only part of life. If employees have time for personal life, sports, hobbies, professional and personal growth, then the business will only benefit from this.
  10. Try to achieve your goals and follow the rules you set. Resist the temptation to constantly procrastinate and seek excuses. The result will not be long in coming.

The crisis forces us to reconsider the company's strategy, take a fresh look at the business and look for new incentives for development. With the right behavior, it can become a time for realizing emerging opportunities, allowing you to increase your market share, optimize business processes, and facilitate the acquisition of new partners.

Of course, not everyone will be able to pass the "baptism by fire". Particularly heavy losses await small business, which is the most vulnerable during the crisis. The viability of a company depends on how its owner will behave in the near future. There are several rules to follow in order to try to protect your business from fatal losses.

1. One of the most important measures in a crisis is to reduce costs to the lowest possible level. It is better to postpone expensive repairs or complex marketing research until quieter times. Analyze the prices of your suppliers' competitors - perhaps you will find someone whose prices are more favorable, this will also save you money.

Evaluate the effectiveness of each employee and part with those who do not bring much benefit. Now you have a good opportunity to optimize your staff. But here, too, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise there will simply be no one to work. There should be just enough employees to run the business.

2. Streamlining finances, reducing risk appetite. Reduce the amount of loans as much as possible. If demand for your products falls, monthly loan payments can ruin you. It is better to get rid of foreign currency loans altogether: to repay them ahead of schedule, if there is such an opportunity, or to try to negotiate with the bank on their re-registration in rubles.

If it’s not possible at all without new loans, then at least choose a bank that does not raise lending rates. After the Central Bank raised its key rate to 17%, rates on loans for small and medium-sized businesses in many banks soared to 30% per annum and higher. But all the same it was possible to find banks that gave loans at lower interest rates.

3. Review the list of your debtors, leave only those whose financial solvency does not cause any doubts in you. End relationships with those who delay payments. If a company pays irregularly during "peacetime", the situation will get worse during a crisis.

4. For those companies whose business is tied to imports, it makes sense to look for its domestic counterparts. If this is not possible, it is worth insuring currency risks. This can be done using forward foreign exchange contracts, which allow you to fix the exchange rate on the day of the contract, and buy it at a later date. If during this time the exchange rate of the ruble depreciates, this will protect you from losses.

5. Streamline reporting, take measures to improve its efficiency and transparency. Transparent reporting will give you an advantage both in negotiations with potential investors and in dealing with regulatory authorities.

6. Attracting money to the company. Consider which assets you can sell, lease, or mortgage if the situation worsens. Real estate, machinery, equipment - all this can be tried to be sold or used as collateral to pay off debts, and the premises can also be leased.

In times of crisis, growth opportunities are given to companies in sustainable sectors that have no appetite for credit risk. For example, among our clients there is a company - a manufacturer of economy-class paper napkins, which in 2008 reoriented to products for other market segments and "ate" part of the market from its premium competitor. When people start counting money, it always plays into the hands of manufacturers of cheaper products.

Also pay attention to government purchases or tenders that are carried out by large companies. Perhaps you will find new customers or open up new sales markets. It is common knowledge that being close to “big money” can help you get through a crisis more easily. In the United States, for example, at the height of the Great Depression, the construction of highways began. The government wanted to reduce the unemployment rate thanks to road construction, and thus construction companies got a good chance of survival.

8. Pay special attention to the sales system, increasing its efficiency. Adjust the target audience of your product consumers. Develop new regulations and incentives for salespeople. Use the advertising opportunities of the Internet. If possible, arrange promotions and special offers - this will attract additional customers.

9. Restructuring or re-profiling. Think in advance if there are niches in the market where your company could go in the event of a strong drop in demand. For example, a tailoring company may well turn into a clothing repair company as an anti-crisis measure. In a crisis, people buy less new things, but they repair more often.

10. And, perhaps, the most important thing. Do not spoil relations with partners and creditors, even if the situation is trying to force you to do so. If you understand that you will not be able to fulfill obligations on time, be sure to inform the bank or partner about it. Honestly warn about the difficulties that have arisen and remember that the bank is interested in finding a mutually acceptable solution with you. First of all, your reputation depends on how honestly and openly you interact with partners, and, unlike the crisis, it will remain with you forever.

Like a tsunami or typhoon, the crisis will not last forever, sooner or later it will end. People living near hazardous areas cannot avoid a natural disaster, but they try to prepare well for it - strengthen the walls of the house, build a defense, stock up on food for future use. It's the same in business: the better you prepare for tough times, the better the chances that your company will be able to survive them without dramatic losses. It has long been known that it is not the smartest who survive in a crisis, but the most organized.

What is worth working with?

Products, services

  • Offer an advantageous packaging option if you are selling in small batches to those on a budget. Come up with something new. Develop your products and services. If you come up with something that can make clients more successful, effective, then you will immediately win them over.
  • Forget the price hikes now. Yes, it should cost more, yes, your expenses have increased. This is unfair, but a wave of negative reviews about your company is useless. In addition, it is hard for clients now.
  • It is worth revising the range of products and services offered. Some of them, of course, are necessary, they must be left. It should be borne in mind that those who had a lot of money will remain active clients. The averages will start saving and biding their time. It is optimal that the assortment includes cheap and expensive products.
  • Don't regret giving up some foods. What is sold must be sold; what is selling better must be sold in large quantities. And you always have to offer a choice.
  • Many products and services require specialized knowledge to use. Therefore, you should think about free information regarding this.
  • It is worth considering which of the products you can sell cheaper to your own regular customers, it is important to tell them about it. Optimally pack and update products with this offer. Sometimes the forgotten old becomes popular with the new. It is worth showing what you have new.


  • Good relationshipimportant point during the crisis. Human nature does not change only through economic change. People only buy from people they trust. Clients always feel relevant to them.
  • Take the time to fully communicate with the client. It is very easy to do business from the office, promote products and services over the phone. But you can miss out on a number of opportunities without having a live conversation with the client.
  • You should thank your customers. It is also imperative to encourage them if they recommend to someone the goods and services of your company. Have clients bring in a few more who may also become clients. This, of course, should be rewarded; possible bonuses and discounts should be thought out.
  • All clients should be kept up to date. They need to send letters, call, tell them what new methods have begun to be applied. If you do not tell them about it, then perhaps they will never know about it. You need to show them how they are trying to make them happy.
  • It's important to be flexible. Your ideal client may be a large company, but there is no way to meet all of its needs. You need to start paying attention to and helping smaller companies. It is important to learn to maneuver. Is there a bonus system for clients? If not, then it should be formed. Alternatively, customers can make one of the purchases at a lower price.
  • It is worth parting with bad clients. Now is the time to focus on the best, those who pay on time. From those who only take time, giving nothing in return, you need to get rid of. It is important to remember that clients do not care about you, your knowledge or your problems. They are concerned only with their own interests, only with their own “I” - what will I get from what I put in you? If they are worried about something else, you definitely need to find out about it.
  • In order not to be unnecessary, you should ask those clients who do not want cooperation about the reasons. You can write to them after a while and offer a substantial discount. In a crisis, everyone will look at the price, this must be remembered. Those for whom this is paramount, more demanding, they can pretty tired in pursuit of the best price-quality ratio.
  • You should always look for great new clients. Because if you act as always, then the result will be the same as always.

The target audience

  • It is important to clearly understand the client. How can you make him happy? What can be done for him today? You need to come up with at least 5 "quick and cheap" chips for clients. It is important to find and realize an opportunity so that new clients of your company could contact, communicate with old ones. it The best way to show their reliability, to be imbued with sympathy and trust among clients.
  • If it becomes known that one of the key customers has decided to terminate cooperation, this can cause unpleasant emotions, sometimes panic. But it is important to remember that such a situation is entirely possible and to be flexible in order to cope with these changes. But if the client is simply dissatisfied with something, this can be corrected - by offering a discount or replacing the employee who worked with him. However, in the absence of mutual understanding, it is worth accepting the loss and moving on.
  • Through negotiations with clients, you can find out not only what they are unhappy with, but also understand what should be changed in the business, which strategy is correct.
  • The fact of the loss of a serious client will quickly become known, and it is very possible that others will react by leaving. It is important to draw the right conclusions. You should always pay attention to marketing. You need a plan and strict adherence to it.

Sales and Marketing

  • If communication with clients on the phone is difficult, you can send them letters with an offer to visit the company's website. Once they become familiar with the information available, it will be easier to communicate with them.
  • It is important to remember that 80% of all commercial offers are triggered only after the fifth call. But only 5% of sellers make more than 4 calls.
  • It is worth calling those people who control cash flows. Perhaps the time has come to negotiate not with the manager, but with the director - at this level, decisions are made faster. In your promotions, you need to focus on the fact that you are a seller, and advertising should provide sales.
  • It is worth analyzing the marketing activities of the company over the past year (ads, direct marketing, internet marketing, PR, telephone marketing). It is important to analyze what was expected, what was achieved, how much was spent, what could be improved. All meetings with clients are not a courtesy call, but a way to achieve a goal. You need to find an argument why you need to buy from your company, tell your customers about it.
  • If you can't stay in the office all the time, you can write down the address of the company's website on the answering machine so that the client can independently familiarize himself with the products and place an order.
  • It is important to add value to each order. It is worth calling each of the clients. If there are some that are difficult to reach, you can invite them to a personal meeting. Such clients should be given necessary information about the company, about the opportunities available to it. This will help you get closer to the client. It is worth considering whether customers can be used as sellers, how they can recommend your company, how many friends and acquaintances they can bring.
  • It is worth considering how long ago the job ads were viewed. If a job is offered that is in your area of ​​expertise, you need to call and offer your services as a consultant.
  • Every ad placed in the box should be reviewed. Perhaps this business needs help and services.
  • It is important to help new clients feel at home. When selling specific products, products, the use of which requires special knowledge, skills, etc., appropriate explanations should be given. If products are sold for parents, then you should be ready to meet the children of these parents.
  • You can find out the addresses of the newly created enterprises. Perhaps someone can become a new client. In difficult times, this is an urgent decision. It is important to show clients the capabilities of the enterprise in their field, the solutions to their problems.
  • It is worth communicating with clients, trying to answer questions - who has been worried about them lately, who has tried to solve their problems. It is important to be able to conduct a dialogue with clients, listen to them, ask more questions, call, meet with them. New customers can be offered substantial discounts, making them more loyal to your business easier. Good customer relations now are a solid foundation for the future.


  • It is necessary to maintain and develop the company's website, create an online store. When sending letters to customers, you can offer them to choose whether they need a subscription to the newsletter.
  • The company's website should contain useful, up-to-date information. The more it is, the more confidence in the site of the company and the company itself. If people want to get depressed, let them do it elsewhere, not on your website. For this, there are newspapers with bad news. It is important that professionals are engaged in the creation, content, development and promotion of the site.
  • It is worth helping site visitors with various tips. When selling over the internet, you should always keep track of your competitors' prices. It is important to bear in mind that many are looking for a cheaper product.
  • You can sell from the site electronic books, create tutorials. In some cases, it is worth changing your view of the site. It is advisable to analyze the content of the site, to answer the question whether it meets the requirements and requests of customers during the crisis. Useful and relevant content will definitely attract new visitors to the site.
  • If the work on increasing the number of clients has not yet begun, it is important not to postpone it until later. You can start with a mailing list, where you can tell about new products of the enterprise. To make a good business proposal, you just need to know the needs of the customers. It is important to remember that everyone wants to feel special, important, and chosen.
  • You can print the content of the main pages of the site and analyze them. It is worth putting yourself in the user's shoes and considering whether it is easy to find what you need on this site. It is important that the visitor likes the site, that he stays on it and comes back again and again.


  • You have to take care of your best employees, a crisis is not the right time to lose your team. It is important to reward those who do well.
  • Sellers need to be trained. In order not to waste time on personal training, you can organize video conferencing. Work on the communication skills of staff. Every client that your employees communicate with must be served at the highest level. It is very important for the staff to understand such attitudes, since it depends on whether your company will survive in a crisis.
  • It is important to value your time and the time of your staff, and to place emphasis correctly. The competence of the staff is of great importance. It is worth considering what needs to be improved, what new knowledge employees are lacking. Taking the opportunity to raise the level of knowledge of the staff is the right decision. In addition, training during a crisis can be cheaper.
  • You should make it clear to the staff that you are interested in where the money is spent, how much and why. You need to teach employees not to make unnecessary purchases. It is also important that employees during working hours are engaged in business, and not solve their own private issues.
  • It is important to try not to reduce wages, to adequately assess the contribution of each. Make it clear to employees that they need to treat customers in a special way. It is worth hiring nice people to work.

I got some kind of education, started working somewhere and hung up for years. You are still young, but not as much as you would like. Work is not happy, personal life is average and there are no prospects for the future. They do not hire good large companies, there are no cool connections, and you cannot get a job in top managers. Acquaintances buy cars, apartments, hold managerial positions, get married, have children. And everything is not so with you. There are no prospects, no future, and depression drags you into the abyss of alcohol, panic and despair.

This is the story of many people. Someone simply indulges in dreams, others drink too much, others fight all their lives against an invisible canvas. What to do and how to change your life in better side if you find yourself in a deep crisis?

How do people get out of a life crisis?

Losers, alcoholics and homeless people are only those who want it themselves.

To begin with, there is no universal advice. Nobody will tell you to go there, do this and do this. But you can change everything if you start to act.

One of my acquaintances was from a poor and not at all prosperous family. She had a liberal arts education, but a lot of faith in herself. She has failed job interviews dozens of times. But she did not hang her nose and continued to be persistent. She continued her studies, worked at home around the clock, additionally went to courses and took on various part-time jobs. Only after a year and a half, she was able to get a job of her dreams. She got what she wanted.

My classmate returned home to the periphery after his studies. He got married, got an average position and lived not grieving. But after a few years he divorced, and at work they began to pay very little. Depression, alcohol and life crisis. But one tourist trip to St. Petersburg changed everything. A classmate packed his things and moved to St. Petersburg with one bag. There he found himself new job and a new wife. But for this, in a new city, he had to work very hard for three years.

Another friend sat on the parents' neck until the girl left him. This served as a good motivation for change. The guy sat down to programming and a year later he was able to get his first job. Ten years later, that loser and he are now completely different people.

How to get out of the crisis in life?

How to get out of the impasse and difficult crisis in life? It is necessary to understand that the crisis begins in the head and ends there. If you are in a complete ass, but it's time to start acting.

1. If you do not know what you want, then you will achieve nothing. Set yourself specific goals.
2. Never feel sorry for yourself. Stop making yourself a victim.
3. Do not place the blame on parents, friends, government, cronies, and others.

4. Your life depends only on you. There will be no miracle, and no one will save. Only myself.
5. Awaken your fear. Do you want to be at the same point at 50 as now?
6. Study, engage in self-education, get new knowledge to the maximum.
7. Fight and knock on all doors. Try, try and try again.
8. If you find yourself in a hole, first of all, you need to stop digging.
9. Remove from life everything that bothers you: bad habits, weaknesses, toxic people.
10. Age is a number. You have time for all your dreams.
11. Nobody owes you anything. No one.
12. Do not wait for the right opportunity, but create them. The best day for change is today.
13. Work on your mistakes and learn from them experience.

14. It makes no sense to wait for the weather from the sea, and water does not flow under a lying stone.
15. Don't compare yourself to others, but set and achieve your own goals.
16. Make time for rest, proper sleep, healthy eating and sports.
17. Kick yourself every day for motivation and development.
18. Look for like-minded people and those who think similarly.
19. Stop doing what does not bring the desired result.

20. No prospects in your hometown? Leave to another city, capital or another country.
21. Always make short and long term plans linked to time.
22. Believe in yourself and become more confident. Stop blowing snot.
23. Take action. You will succeed.

The main problem of the crisis is that your personality dies under a heap of difficulties. Trying to take everything upon ourselves, we forget about our own interests. Indeed, in a normal calm state, we solve a lot without even noticing it, and we cope with more difficult issues as much as possible.

The reasons for this can be both long-standing and unresolved, and those caused by a certain situation. Too much severe stress can be unsettling, and you temporarily lose the ability to reason sanely. But life does not stop and requires your participation in everything. Problems are only getting worse.

It is worth dealing with the deep causes of such problems with a specialist, but you can use express methods to get out of the crisis quickly and effectively on your own.

Take time for yourself

This respite should be the first and necessary step. It will be impossible to break out of the vicious circle of problems if you do not find an opportunity to give up everything that is pressing you at least for a while. Learning to honestly not think about problems should begin with at least 10 minutes a day.

Separate excess

First of all, leave what has long been launched and to solve which it will take a lot of effort. This should not be done in order to return to this later, but because in a state of stress you will not be able to see the real situation and run the risk of drawing false conclusions.

If there is an opportunity to solve one of the problems with a minimum of effort, be sure to use it. Can you find a job during difficult times? Watching the video!

Redefine priorities

Perhaps the crisis is the result of the fact that it is time to change a lot in your life: your interests have shifted, your attachments have become obsolete, your needs require implementation in something completely different. It's hard to notice right away, but sooner or later, nature will take its toll in the form of mental protest.

Find support

Very important . Let it be one person who understands you, or many different contacts in which you feel better. Even talking to a casual travel companion can have a therapeutic effect, although it does not need to be devoted to the details. As a last resort, watch upbeat movies, listen to your favorite music, and use whatever can revive you.

Start looking at difficulties differently

Do not engage in complexity with all your heart. The principle "do what you can and be what will be" pulls out of crises no worse than a professional specialist. Stress prevents you from moving on, but you can still move. You may feel helpless, but keep in mind that it is really just a feeling.

Stop winning

Nobody expects this from you, unless you yourself take it as a duty. There are many benefits to being a loser, and if you don't overdo it, they can help you temporarily recover.

Remember the future

This is much more constructive than constantly Whatever the trouble, it will pass, you need to learn to look beyond the horizon, and not just under your feet. Always have an inspiring goal ahead and keep yourself for the best.


Determine the rules for paying off debts. Debt is an emotionally unpleasant topic, which is why some people behave like ostriches: their heads from intense thoughts. An adult must become like a lion with a fearless heart. List all debts. When the numbers are transferred to paper, thoughts are freed and the tension subsides. Keep nothing in mind, trust everything on paper to focus on the positive aspects of life. The amount of debt can suppress the will, if you compare the amount received with current income. Do not think about how many months you will have to be in financial slavery. Determine the percentage of monthly income that you will use to pay off debts. The burden will become lighter with each passing month.

Change your attitude towards spending. It will take a lot of discipline, so write a plan. running costs... Give yourself your word not to deviate from the established rules. It will not be easy because others can afford more. Do not follow their lead. Decide what financial habits you need to change to keep spending under control. If you used to buy ready-made food, now buy cereals, cheap vegetables to cook on your own. Avoid expensive meat, sausages, and instead buy inexpensive chicken stew sets. Don't buy sweets that cost a lot of money. Reward yourself with something delicious only once a week if you have strictly followed all the rules of your new life. The first month may pass in the struggle with old habits, then it will be easier.

Start saving. During a crisis, the difficulties are not related to the total amount of debt, but to the lack of a small amount of money that was suddenly needed. You always have to plug some holes, so you need to have savings in case of force majeure. Determine the percentage of income that you will save from each receipt of money. Even if it's a small amount, one day it will save you a lot of trouble. In no case do not spend the accumulated funds until circumstances push you against the wall. Savings should be done in parallel with the return of debts, and not after the debts run out.

Build a foothold for future achievements. So that motivation does not fade away and not despair captures the soul, we must look to the future. Imagine that incomes are high, there are no debts, everything in life is good. This is what you strive for. It is necessary to build not only a psychological bridgehead, but also to change the current situation. Start a drawer or cabinet with 12 compartments, according to the number of months in a year. Buy cheap items on sale that you use every month: toothpaste, soap, etc. Place supplies in each section of the cabinet. Gradually you will reach a situation where you have everything you need for life for the year ahead. This will be the launching pad for your life spurt. You can start a business, take the risk of doing something new, because you have built the foundation and are not afraid that tomorrow the house will not be necessary. Some people cannot afford any risk because they are not ready to live for a while.

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