How much enamel is restored on the teeth. The best ways to restore tooth enamel in dentistry and at home. Folk recovery methods

Roof 16.08.2020

Tooth enamel is the hardest and most durable layer of the tooth. Its function is to protect its tissues from chemical or physical influences.

Almost completely it consists of minerals (97%), in particular, hydroxyapatite (most), apatite carbonate, chlorapatite, fluorine apatite, magnesium carbonate. A considerable amount belongs to calcium (35%) and phosphorus (17%). The percentage composition of minerals in enamel can vary depending on a person's nutrition, lifestyle, age, and environmental conditions.

When tooth enamel is damaged, it necessarily leads to caries and destruction of the deeper tissues of the tooth.

Is tooth enamel restored? If we talk about the ability of enamel to self-heal, then this does not happen, no matter how much we would like. We can restore it only artificially, using various methods of dentistry. And it is about how the restoration of tooth enamel (regeneration) by artificial methods is carried out that I will tell on www ..

Enamel Degrading Factors

There can be a lot of reasons that destroy tooth enamel. It can be both external mechanical damage and destruction from the inside: in the composition of the enamel there is a lack of minerals due to their leaching (demineralization occurs). The rapid loss of the necessary elements and their insufficient intake with food leads to the destruction of the protective enamel shell.

This, as a rule, is facilitated by insufficient, excessive stiffness of the toothbrush, love for sour or sweet food, unfavorable state of the stomach and intestines, metabolic disorders, etc. There is evidence that frequent use of citrus juice during the day can lead to “dissolution” of the enamel. Also not harmless in this regard is the use of many modern tonic drinks.

What does modern dentistry offer to restore tooth enamel?

Methods for restoring tooth enamel

Dentists offer us two methods. Firstly, we can restore missing calcium, fluoride and other components in the structure of the outer layer of the teeth. Secondly, use artificial materials.

In the first case, enamel fluoridation agents are applied topically: fluorine-containing liquids, gels, varnishes. They strengthen tooth enamel, make it more resistant to adverse factors and inhibit the vital activity of bacteria.

To do this, applications on the teeth are widespread: a gel (liquid) containing fluorine and other necessary substances is placed in a finished mouthguard (or an individually made cast), then it is put on the teeth. With prolonged contact of the therapeutic substance with the surface of the teeth (it is usually recommended to put it on overnight), the enamel regenerates: ions of fluorine, calcium, etc. naturally fill in the empty spaces in its crystal lattices.

Instead of application, you can use a special varnish with the same effect. It is applied with a brush to the surface of the teeth.

In the second case, a special substance is used to restore tooth enamel - amorphous calcium phosphate. After treatment of damaged enamel, a reaction occurs in which calcium phosphate turns into solid apatite, very similar in structure to tooth enamel. As a result, a local defect is eliminated, the sensitivity of the teeth decreases, their surface becomes denser and smoother. From a cosmetic point of view, the teeth become more beautiful.

Enamel implantation

It is worth mentioning one new method of tooth surface regeneration - enamel implantation. It is used to restore large damaged areas of enamel or to achieve a cosmetic effect.

Using this method, bite is corrected, the shape and color of teeth are changed, and especially sensitive teeth are protected. A specialist applies a special composition to the teeth, very similar to tooth enamel.

The implant is connected to the dental tissue at the molecular level. Therefore, artificial tooth enamel long time able to perform the protective functions of natural enamel.

Self-restoration of tooth enamel

From all that has been said, it can be understood that we can only partially restore tooth enamel on our own, adhering to the first method. Namely: you need to try to make up for the deficiency of minerals and trace elements important for teeth. It is more effective at the initial stage of enamel destruction, as well as for prevention.

For this purpose, toothpastes with an increased content of fluorine and other therapeutic additives are used. In the process of brushing your teeth, you need to hold the paste in your mouth for several minutes in order to more effectively nourish the tissues of the teeth and gums.

Undoubtedly, nutrition plays a big role: you need to increase the amount of foods in the diet that have more calcium and vitamin D, which helps to better assimilate it. Eat dairy products rich in calcium (cheese, yogurt, milk); from vegetable products, white cabbage, broccoli, Beijing are preferable. Fortified foods (such as juices), dry cereals (muesli), and soy foods are also helpful.

Teeth are composed of several layers, each of which performs its own functions. The outer shiny and hardest shell is called enamel. It serves as a protective layer against all kinds of influences - chemical, mechanical, temperature and others.

Causes of destruction

Enamel covers the entire surface of the tooth, the thickest two-millimeter layer is localized on the tubercles. The vulnerable spot that suffers in the first place is the neck, because. its coverage is minimal.

Enamel consists of the following components:

  • calcium hydroxyapatite;
  • water;
  • phosphorus;
  • fluorine;
  • magnesium;
  • organic substances.

There are times when enamel is in effect various reasons is subject to destruction. There are many factors that trigger this process:

Mechanical damage

The most common reason. It's not just punches and other unpleasant things. Also, the destruction is facilitated by the use of teeth for inappropriate purposes:

  • splitting hard and hard objects (for example, nuts);
  • bottle opening;
  • the use of hard sweets and so on.

Sometimes a hard brush and a paste with a high content of abrasive particles can damage the top protective layer. Even if there is a small defect, the problem develops quickly.

Wrong principle of nutrition

The main material for building teeth is the mineral calcium. The use of a large amount of sour, sweet, hot and icy foods and drinks, helps to start the process of decalcification, that is, calcium leaching. Enamel is the first to react.


This refers to their frequent use. Despite the fact that these drugs have an undoubted benefit - they are effective in infectious diseases there are also significant and tangible negative effects.

For example, in children who are often treated with antibiotics, damage to the germs of molars occurs, and if such therapy was carried out during pregnancy, the child may be born with already damaged enamel, even on teeth that have not erupted.

Problems with the absorption of fluoride

Often there is a disease of mottled enamel or. Not only the color changes, but also the structure of the outer layer of the teeth, potholes and stains appear. Due to malnutrition or too much fluoride in the water, its overabundance is diagnosed.


A complex restructuring of the body at this time often negatively affects the health of teeth in general and enamel in particular.

For more details about the reasons, see the following video:

What can be done at home?

There are ways to help restore enamel at home. They should be used carefully and not overzealously so that they are beneficial and not harmful.

Restorative measures consist in regular procedures using specialized tools. Some are aimed at eliminating the very cause of destruction.

Special Paste

A wide range of specialty pastes is produced, which have healing effect and contribute to the restoration of enamel.

Each patient will select the appropriate toothpaste from the following:

  • (price about 200 rubles) contains pantothenate, lactate, glycerophosphate. Quickly restores enamel. Apply 2 times a day for 1 month.
  • President Classic(120 R.) The main component is sodium fluoride. The paste envelops the teeth with a protective film that prevents the destruction of enamel. Suitable for daily use.
  • (120 rubles) based on calcium lactate and hydroxyapatite. Eliminates cracks in tooth tissues and fills micropores. Apply 2 times a day for 2 weeks.
  • Silcamed Biocalcium(90 rubles) consists of hydroxyapatite and phosphate complex. Remineralizes and evens out enamel. Option for daily non-course use.
  • (150 rubles) contains a lot of calcium. Eliminates the syndrome of sensitive teeth 1 minute after cleaning, has a remineralizing effect. Fills dentine channels. Course application, no more than 1 time per day.
  • Repair & Protect (200 rubles) - contains the patented NovaMin formula with highly concentrated calcium and phosphates. Restores tooth tissue. Apply 2 times a day for a month.
  • Wunderdent(200 rubles) is a whole complex of minerals, supplemented with calcium and potassium ions. It has a remineralizing effect, restores enamel damage. Use 2 times a day.
  • R.O.C.S. Caribbean Summer(240 rubles) based on mineral compounds of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium ions, with the addition of bromelain and xylitol. Designed to strengthen enamel. Suitable for daily preventive use.
  • Pomorin Maximum Protection(250 rubles) contains minerals from Pomorie Lake, sea water and calcium carbonate. Repairs damaged enamel. Apply 2 times a day for a month.
  • Silca Herbal Complete and Natural Extract(100 rubles) are made on the basis of sodium fluoride and supplemented with extracts of the complex medicinal herbs. They help build enamel and increase blood circulation in the gums, so that more nutrients enter the teeth. Suitable for daily use.

Remineralizing agents

Treatment will go faster if the use of the paste is supplemented with special remineralizing agents available in pharmacies without a prescription. Such drugs will cope with the emerging problem no worse than professional procedures:

  • R.O.C.S. Medical Minerals(approximate price 370 rubles). Ingredients: phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, xylitol. Restores decaying enamel. Suitable for the treatment of caries in the stain stage.

    Application: distribute the gel with a brush, making movements similar to the standard process of brushing your teeth. Hold in your mouth for about a minute, spit out the excess, do not rinse with water.

  • Elmex Gelee(250 rubles). Ingredients: aminofluoride. Designed for remineralization after tartar removal, grinding, polishing, professional cleaning. It copes well with caries in the stain stage.

    Application: brush your teeth with gel once a week, then rinse well, do not swallow.

  • LACALUT fluor Gel(250 rubles). Ingredients: aminofluoride and sodium fluoride. High concentration of sodium fluoride. It has a powerful penetrating ability, lingers in the enamel layer, due to which it contributes to the penetration of fluoride into the tooth tissues.

    Remineralizes enamel, creates a protective film, prevents the development of caries in the stain stage, reduces sensitivity.

    Application: apply to cleaned teeth with a brush, do not rinse, do not eat or drink for 40 minutes.

soft brush

With the destruction of the enamel, dentists recommend reducing the stiffness of the brush. Coarse bristles contribute to the abrasion of dental tissue, which interferes with the process of its strengthening. But the measure is necessary only for the period of treatment, in conjunction with other methods: the use of remineralizing pastes and gels, changes in diet, medical procedures.

When the enamel is restored, the brush should be gradually replaced with a hard one, ideally with an electric one, because. poor brushing contributes to the formation of tartar and caries.

gum massage

Massage is done to improve blood circulation and saturate the enamel nutrients. After each brushing of teeth (2-3 times a day), you need to massage the gums with your fingers for several minutes, performing circular movements.

An oral irrigator is suitable for this purpose, but it is expensive, so not every patient allows himself such a luxury. the principle of operation of the device is described and recommendations are collected, which one is better to choose depending on financial capabilities.


You need to eat foods containing calcium:

  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • yogurts.

Additionally will be useful: green tea(contains fluoride), fish and eggs (vitamin D), any solid food for mechanical cleaning of teeth.

The use of folk remedies

In addition to the usual home procedures and methods, a number of recipes are available on the Internet. traditional medicine that contribute to the restoration of enamel:

  • A mixture of beet and garlic juices should be applied for a short time to the surface of the teeth, and then rinsed thoroughly with water.
  • Rinsing for a week or two with weak warm soda solution. One teaspoon per glass. Instead of baking soda, you can use sea salt in the same way.
  • To brush your teeth twice a week for a month and a half, use two crushed tablets activated carbon . Suitable as a cleaning agent instead wood ash.
  • Usage white part of lemon peel. It should be wiped and treated with enamel. However, there is a possibility of an aggressive impact of this tool.

It is better to refrain from such experiments and buy specialized remineralizing agents (gel and paste). Spent 500 r. will help save thousands on the treatment of a neglected problem, aggravated by the impact of dubious folk remedies.

professional methods

If the patient does not contribute to solving the problem when the first symptoms appear, the enamel is destroyed to critical limits. There are pains, sensitivity of teeth.

At the first stage, the enamel is restored using special procedures. If therapy is not carried out, then the destruction continues and treatment of cervical caries will be required.

Modern medicine has a number of intensive techniques for enamel restoration:

Deep fluoridation

Saturation of enamel with preparations based on minerals. The technology operates on the principle of sealing pores and dentinal channels due to the penetration of the therapeutic composition deep into the enamel layers. The resulting framework protects the tooth tissue from washing away useful components.

Deep fluoridation eliminates the following problems:

  • smoothes the surface of the tooth;
  • fills and eliminates cracks;
  • protects against erasure.

The average cost is 1,200 rubles.

One procedure is enough.

fluorine varnish

By spreading varnish with fluoride over tooth enamel, a protective film is created that remains for a long period. It protects the enamel and saturates it with oxygen. Counts preventive method, does not help with severe defects.

Features of the treatment of children

In children, one of the most common phenomena is hypoplasia. Initially, the child's enamel is not sufficiently developed in order to normally perform the function of protection. Because of this, teeth from the very beginning are subject to many negative influences.

The most common occurrence with insufficiently developed enamel is caries, which develops rapidly and becomes the cause of not only the loss of milk teeth, but also problems with molars later.

Treatment is impossible without proper prevention. This includes brushing your teeth from the very first teething. You should also regularly massage the gums with a silicone fingertip brush.

For treatment, filling of emerging carious cavities is used to stop the process or slow it down a little, as well as protect against further spread of infection and minimize the impact on the rudiments of molars, which are located under the milk teeth.

For prevention, methods of remineralization and fluoridation are used, as more effective and modern alternative previously used silver.


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  • Maria

    January 26, 2015 at 13:40

    I think this is a useful and necessary article. I know that my tooth enamel is partially destroyed, and this is bad. I cannot normally eat hot food or, for example, hard varieties of apples or any other fruit, because I immediately get sick, which, of course, causes discomfort. Folk remedies I tried to get rid of this problem, to be honest, I tried a lot! I chose the most effective for myself: a change in diet (I stopped eating any "nasty", that's all fast food, then I stopped cracking nuts with my teeth (well, wasn't it stupid?), I began to buy toothpaste that does not contain fluoride and rinsed for 10 days oral cavity with a weak solution of soda! There is an effect, which means the article is important, necessary and informative! Thank you)

  • Aniriya

    May 23, 2015 at 6:19 am

    Everything in nature moves and changes. Something is being built and something is being destroyed. If it was not possible to keep the enamel of the teeth in an acceptable integrity, it is necessary to find a way to restore the damaged areas. It is very good when experts can suggest something, advise. The article is very helpful, thanks. We just have to follow the recommendations.

  • Novel

    July 27, 2016 at 8:12 am

    I ran into this problem about two years ago. At first I took up self-treatment, I don’t like going to the dentist since childhood, I rinsed with a solution of soda, brushed my teeth with the addition of activated charcoal to the paste, nothing really helped. So I decided to go to the doctor. I was prescribed fluoridation, and after a few sessions, the tooth enamel returned to normal. So I advise everyone not to really rely on traditional medicine, but immediately contact a specialist.

  • Oleg

    October 15, 2016 at 19:30

    Thank you very much for the article, especially for folk ways. For me, this is a very painful problem. I literally rummaged through the entire Internet in search of cheap ways, since finances do not allow a lot of going to doctors. So, the method described in this article really helps, unlike those that I found before, I already checked it on myself, in just a month my teeth got better.

  • Galina

    November 3, 2017 at 07:43 pm

    After visiting the prophylactic office, the dentist discharged Rox and issued mouthguards made of some strange material, into which she poured her professional product after the procedure. She said to fill each tray with gel, put it on and hold for several minutes. This is necessary for the prevention of white caries in the necks of the teeth. She also ordered that these places be thoroughly cleaned. I did this for a month. It is impossible to keep mouthguards with gel in your mouth, drooling flows and the gel along with them, and the result is 0. I will not buy this gel again.

  • Sanya

    November 7, 2017 at 13:32

    I have been using Rox gel for a long time, according to the scheme: for 1 month every day in the morning and in the evening I brush my teeth after the usual brushing. Then a break of 3 months, during which I do only 1 such procedure once a week after a thorough cleaning of the teeth with an electric brush. Result: gone cervical caries in the stain stage. Conclusion: you need to use rox correctly in order for it to be effective. The instructions give incorrect instructions, it should not be rubbed, but foamed with a brush.

  • Zhenya

    November 7, 2017 at 07:16 pm

    Splat Biocalcium paste helps with thinning of enamel, it seems that it is not forbidden to clean it every day all the time. Teeth really become stronger, less sensitive. But Colgate does not give any effect, the usual budgetary paste is purely for giving freshness and cleaning out food debris.

The appearance of the dentition largely depends on the state of the outer coating of the crowns - enamel. It is a very solid substance, but like any other biological structure, it is vulnerable. Enamel can be destroyed under the influence of food components, negative factors environment, but most often it suffers from poor hygiene.

When a soft plaque consisting of bacteria accumulates on the surface of the tooth, the enamel is corroded by the products of their vital activity. Even more harm is caused by hard stones - mineralized plaque. In both situations, tooth decay can be avoided by resorting to enamel restoration in the clinic or at home.

The structure and composition of dental tissues

The teeth on both jaws consist of three parts: the visible upper part - the crown, the root fixed in the hole and a short neck between them. Inside there is a pulp chamber with soft tissues, nerve and blood vessels that provide continuity of life support for the entire tooth. This cavity is bounded by dentin, a hard tissue that is covered with cement in the root area and enamel in the crown area.

Enamel on the surface of the tooth is unevenly distributed, its layer reaches a maximum thickness of a couple of millimeters in those parts of the tooth where it is under the greatest pressure. The molars, which are functionally responsible for grinding food, are abundantly covered with this tissue.

Unlike most tissues of the body, enamel contains much more inorganics: among the components, most of all are calcium and phosphorus compounds, as well as fluorine. organic matter are contained in small quantities, usually their content does not exceed 5%.

This composition is optimal so that the enamel is strong enough and resistant to the chemical components of food. But after physical damage or corrosive substances, the enamel on the teeth is not completely restored, and therefore there are all kinds of ways to strengthen it and improve its condition.

Causes of tooth enamel destruction

For various reasons and at different rates, damage to tooth enamel occurs throughout life. The intensity of its destruction does not always depend on the person himself, since the strength and thickness of the outer coating of the tooth is an inborn sign. Even in the womb, the fetus can form anomalies in the structure of the dentition, which make the enamel more vulnerable.

Other factors provoking the appearance of defects on the surface of the crown:

Symptoms and consequences

A person can find out that his enamel is damaged or thinned by the following symptoms:

  • Increased sensitivity of the teeth to the temperature of food, its composition and taste: there is a shooting pain when eating very cold, hot, sour or sugary-sweet foods.
  • The manifestation of sensitivity of the teeth when inhaling air through the mouth.
  • Pain when chewing.
  • Visible surface changes: the appearance of spots of various shades and shapes.
  • Visible damage - chips, cracks.

If the enamel began to thin, it is necessary to determine the cause of the pathological process as soon as possible. Indeed, for some patients it is enough to get rid of bad habits and adjust the diet so as not to aggravate the condition of the enamel, while for other patients this phenomenon may be a symptom of internal disorders that require urgent treatment.

If you ignore the state of the enamel and do not try to restore it in the clinic or at least at home, the pathological process will go inside the tooth, which is fraught with the appearance of carious depressions with all possible complications.

Restoration of tooth enamel in dentistry

In the dental clinic, tooth enamel can be restored by several methods:

Method essence

An old technique that eliminates enamel defects. Modern clinics use durable materials with a photo-curing effect.

Standard fluoridation

Periodic application of preparations with fluorine to the crown. The procedure is carried out every 6 months. The coating accumulates on the surface, not reaching the deep layers of the shells of the tooth.

Deep fluoridation Periodic coating of the crown with preparations containing fluorine and calcium. This procedure prevents oversaturation of the body with fluoride.

Periodic restoration of the tooth, which is carried out for a long time. Fluorine, calcium and some vitamins are applied to areas that have become thinner.

Implantation of artificial enamel for teeth

A mixture is used, which during implantation is firmly connected to the enamel of the teeth. In appearance, it is indistinguishable from a real crown.

Teeth pads

Plates made of metal ceramics, ceramics or composite compositions, which are glued to the previously ground surface of the crown. More tooth grinding is needed for veneers, less for thin lumineers. Composite overlays have the lowest strength and have a negative effect on natural enamel.

How much do tooth restoration procedures cost?

The cheapest methods of restoring the outer coating of the tooth are conventional filling and restoration using composite overlays. Lumineers and dental implant procedures are the most expensive.

Is it worth going to the dentist

Tooth enamel can be restored at home, but compared to professional restoration methods, folk ones are not so effective: large and deep damage cannot be repaired independently. The main problem is that you first need to determine the cause of the thinning of the enamel, which can be hidden in internal diseases, and only then determine the optimal methods of treatment.

Before experiencing folk advice and doing home procedures, you should consult a dentist, as the consequences can be unpredictable.

How to restore tooth enamel at home and folk remedies

Among home and folk methods that help partially restore enamel, restore a normal appearance and remove discomfort from hypersensitivity, the most popular are the following:

Enamel strengthening products

Tooth enamel is practically incapable of self-regeneration, but it can be replenished with nutritional components of food and thus strengthened. If these nutrients are present in the diet, the risk of abrasion or destruction of the outer shell of the tooth is reduced. Therefore, we must not forget about useful products that saturate the teeth with essential substances.

Tooth enamel can be restored both in the clinic and at home, but a very important part of this process lies in the behavior of the person himself. To maintain the health of the oral cavity, you must always take care of yourself, notice bad habits in time and immediately stop them. Adults should control the behavior of children and teach them the basics of hygiene.

You can prevent thinning of enamel by following these recommendations:

  • You should protect your teeth from any unnecessary physical impact, including your habits of opening bottles with them, biting off threads. Avoid injury whenever possible.
  • Food should be moderately tough, and soft foods should not be abused, as fibrous fruits help remove plaque.
  • You should not allow a sharp change in temperature, for example, drink chilled ice cream with hot coffee.
  • The habit of brushing your teeth should be formed from childhood and carried out regularly. If you skip this hygiene procedure a couple of times, all the accumulated soft plaque will mineralize and become a hard dental deposit that destroys the coating of the tooth.
  • There should not be an excess of sweets in the diet, and after each use, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with water or restorative pharmaceutical products.

Tooth enamel regenerates naturally, but if this tissue is destroyed or worn away, it does not regenerate on its own. Therefore, a person must take care of the health of the dentition all his life, strengthen the enamel and try not to harm it.

If you carry out the restoration of tooth enamel in dentistry or follow people's councils, you can significantly improve the structure and appearance of crowns. In case of severe damage, it is possible to eliminate defects in the anterior teeth by installing artificial implants, onlays. If the enamel is destroyed quickly and very strongly, it is necessary to look for the cause of the pathology.

Tooth enamel is both a reliable and durable shield for protecting dentin, and an integral aesthetics of a person's appearance. Its damage is dangerous by the development of serious consequences.

Daily care, right balanced diet combined with a healthy lifestyle and regular visits to the dentist, will help keep your teeth healthy and beautiful for a long time.

For a number of reasons, enamel becomes unusable, and this process can be observed in people at any age. The reason for its destruction can be:

Important: the doctor will help to find out the exact cause of the destruction of the enamel. Early appeal to him will help to avoid the development of the serious consequences of this process.

How to help in dentistry

Today, dentistry has several methods to stop the destruction of enamel. Choosing a method of its restoration, the doctor is based on the overall picture of the condition of the teeth, the severity of the problem.


This is the process of restoring the density of enamel and its mineral composition, reducing sensitivity. It happens in 2 ways:

  1. natural- by changing the diet and adding foods high in calcium, potassium, fluorine to it, observing hygiene rules, strengthening immunity and timely treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.
  2. artificial– all units are coated with a special concentrated composition that provides 100% penetration essential minerals all layers of the tooth.

The procedure is effective if there is a primary destruction of the enamel. The cost of remineralization of the 1st unit costs on average about 200 r, but in large clinics this figure reaches 600-800 rubles.

Simple fluoridation

It is carried out using a “spoon” made according to a dental cast. It is filled with fluorine-containing paste/gel, applied to all units and held for 15-20 minutes.

A significant drawback of the method is the impossibility of conducting calcium fluoride to the deepest layers. But this procedure is quite easy to carry out at home: a fluorine-containing preparation prescribed by a doctor is rubbed into the teeth and remains on them for 10-15 minutes.

The procedure is affordable, so the processing of 1 unit will cost on average about 50 r.

Deep fluoridation

The method is based on covering the teeth with dental varnish containing fluorides. Its application leads to the formation of calcium fluoride crystals and their penetration into all layers of enamel.

They fill all the microcracks and cavities in it, can reduce the risk of caries by 2 times, improve the condition of all soft tissues of the mouth, significantly increase hardness, and reduce hyperesthesia.

The cost of deep fluoridation significantly exceeds simple fluoridation and can reach up to 300 r for 1 unit.

Enamel implantation

The latest technology for the restoration of heavily damaged units. In the laboratory, a special material is created, which in terms of properties, strength, functions and color does not differ from natural enamel. It is implanted on the destroyed part of it and organically replaces it.

The method also allows you to correct a visible cosmetic defect and bite. With proper hygiene and hygiene, the implant will last a lifetime.

The total cost of the procedure is calculated from the number of units in need of reconstruction and the extent of their damage. Restoration technology is costly: the price of 1st unit reconstruction starts from 4500 r.


When restoring enamel, it is very different from conventional fillings. The procedure is carried out in stages: the composite material is applied evenly and in layers, closing all cracks on the surface.

The number of layers is determined by the dentist. Layering continues until the desired result is achieved.

The cost of restoring 1 tooth starts from 3500 r and depends on the degree of its destruction.

Veneers and Lumineers

These are types of thin overlays for teeth made of porcelain. Their difference lies in the fact that lumineers are much thinner than veneers, and grinding of teeth is not performed before their installation. They are used in case of deep destruction, when other methods are ineffective.

Despite the fact that these products are made of durable porcelain, over time they wear out or become unusable if the rules for their care and use are not followed. The average duration of their service is about 10-12 years.

The essential advantages of onlays are their ability to completely cover a visible defect, hide or reduce interdental spaces, mask the wrong location in the tooth socket, change their tone without resorting to whitening.

The cost of these products is quite high. So, the average cost of a veneer is in the aisle of 15-20 thousand rubles, the installation of a lumineer will cost about 10,000 rubles more.

What to do at home

If there are minor damage to the enamel, you can try to restore it at home. Special gels, pastes and folk remedies have repeatedly confirmed their effectiveness.

Special toothpastes and gels

Several types of special toothpastes have been developed that, after a course of use, help strengthen the enamel by changing its structure:

  • Elmex Gelee– is used for remineralization of the decalcified surface after its polishing, grinding, stone removal, sensitivity desensitization, caries prevention. The price of a tube of 25 g is about 900 rubles.
  • « R. O. C. S. Medical Minerals» - allows you to fight the initial form of caries, restores minor damage to the enamel and significantly improves its appearance, brightens it, normalizes the microflora of the mouth. The price of a tube of 45 g is from 730 rubles.
  • « LACALUT Fluor Gel» - a remineralizing agent for the prevention of carious lesions, a decrease in sensitivity, has a healing, astringent, anti-inflammatory, firming effects. The cost of 30 ml is from 240 rubles.
  • Sensodyne Repair & Protect- recommended for professional cleaning and with significant damage to the enamel. The paste restores damaged areas, strengthens hard tissues, prevents caries and stone formation. The cost of 75 ml is about 360 rubles.
  • « Colgate sensitive ProRelief» – blocks pain and discomfort during hyperesthesia, has a remineralizing property, recommended after professional bleaching, polishing, professional cleaning. The price of 75 ml is about 260 rubles.
  • "SPLAT Biocalcium"- allows you to reduce the threshold of sensitivity, slightly lighten the enamel, prevents the formation of stone. The price of 100 ml is from 130 rubles.
  • biorepair- levels, smoothes and carefully whitens the surface, reduces its sensitivity, eliminates microscopic scratches, cracks, eliminates initial caries, fights plaque and stone, eliminates unpleasant odors. The price of 75 ml starts from 330 rubles.
  • « President Unique» - remineralizes, prevents gum bleeding, reduces sensitivity, fights plaque, has anti-inflammatory effect. The cost of 75 ml is about 270 rubles.

Tip: In dentistry, there is no concept of “the best among pastes” - each of them is designed to solve a specific problem. Before using a certain type of remedy, it is better to consult a dentist.

Folk recipes

To return enamel its strength, color, density will help the use of folk remedies:

  • Activated carbon: helps whiten teeth, remove plaque from them. Crush 1-2 tablets of coal and rub gently into the enamel. After 5 min. rinse your mouth well. The procedure is recommended to be carried out no more than 2 times a week.
  • Sea salt- eliminates hyperesthesia, fills teeth with iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, fluorine, bromine, chlorides, sulfates. A concentrated rinse solution is made: dilute 4 tsp in a half glass of water. salt. The procedure is performed every morning for a month. Sea salt can be rubbed dry with a brush, but before that it must be crushed.
  • Propolis and calamus(their alcohol tinctures) - stop the process of destruction caused by dental diseases, remove plaque, strengthen enamel. Mix 50 ml of calamus tincture and 25 ml of propolis, add 1 tbsp. l. water. The resulting composition is about 5 minutes. rinse your mouth once a day for 2 weeks.
  • Clove, cinnamon, mint, fennel- restore regenerating processes, return the enamel to its natural tone, affect its structure. Take 1 tsp. of each plant, finely crushed, mixed and used for daily brushing of teeth for a month.
  • wheatgrass– cleans well from plaque, reduces inflammation, alkalizes saliva. Young grass shoots are chewed for 10 minutes 2-3 times a day.

Important: traditional medicine can help restore enamel, but only if this process is not critical.

Healthy foods and drinks

When trying to keep your teeth healthy and your smile beautiful and attractive, dentists advise you to pay attention to your diet. There are drinks and foods to help you do just that.

  1. Dairy and lactic acid products- allow you to replenish the body's supply of magnesium, calcium, iron, fluorine, phosphorus, potassium, proteins and vitamins B, C, D, A.
  2. Broccoli, greens- rich in calcium, have a strong antibacterial effect, protect against periodontal disease and caries.
  3. solid foods, nuts, vegetables- cleaning off plaque, at the same time massage the gums, saturate with the necessary substances, stimulate the process of salivation. Tip: you can’t crack seeds and nuts with your teeth, as this can seriously damage the enamel.
  4. Seafood, fish- sources of phosphorus, iodine, fluorine, calcium and vitamins.
  5. Rice- there are potassium, selenium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, vitamins from group B (B1, B2, B6), PP, C.
  6. Water- necessary for the production of saliva in the required volume, which washes away pathogenic microflora from the surface of the teeth, reduces the effect of natural acids on their structure.
  7. Green or herbal tea- have the same effect as water, but additionally saturate with minerals and vitamins, prevent or reduce the development of inflammation in the mouth.
  8. Coconut oil- destroys strains of pathogenic flora and fungal infection, helps to absorb calcium and magnesium.

The following video shows one of the simple and inexpensive ways to strengthen enamel:

Tooth enamel is the hardest tissue in the human body, and all due to the fact that it is 95% composed of inorganic substances. However, bad habits and malnutrition lead to thinning and abrasion of tooth enamel. How to restore it?

The surface of the teeth has a porous structure, ions of various trace elements (calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, strontium, zinc) easily pass through it. There is only one way out - to use preparations that contain these ions.

Is it possible to restore tooth enamel

Enamel covers the dentin (bone tissue of the teeth), performing a protective function. Its main components are calcium (up to 99%) and phosphates (up to 18%). Under the influence of various negative influences (mechanical, chemical, temperature) there is a decrease in these minerals. As a result - increased sensitivity to cold and hot.

Tooth enamel is not capable of self-healing. And this means that you need special methods impact on her. Most effective method- mineralization, this is the strengthening of enamel by saturating it with minerals.

Professional methods for restoring tooth enamel


The most popular method. It involves the treatment of enamel with fluorine-containing gels and varnishes, which hermetically “seal” all cracks and increase resistance to food acids. Fluoridation is carried out in 2 ways:

  • mouthguard method (application restoration) - the dentist makes a reusable mouthguard, it should be filled with fluoride gel and put on daily for 10-15 minutes. The course of therapy is 7-10 days;
  • express method (deep fluoridation) - the doctor applies fluoride varnish with a brush, then the enamel is dried with a stream of warm air. After that, it is necessary to wipe the teeth with a swab moistened with a solution of calcium hydroxide. The procedure is carried out every six months.

Implantation of tooth enamel

This is a new and expensive method developed in Australia. It allows you to completely restore lost enamel, improve the color, shape of the dental crown, and even correct minor malocclusions. As an implant, a synthetic material is used, which in its composition is as close as possible to natural dental tissue.

The implant connects to the dentin at the molecular level, which allows you to achieve a lasting result for almost a lifetime.


The method is used in the most severe cases (with large chips, cracks). This is a standard dental filling, as a filling material, photopolymer composites are used, which have high strength and excellent aesthetics.

Porcelain veneers are also used to build up the front teeth. These are plates with a thickness of 0.5 mm. They are glued to the vestibular (external) surface of the tooth in order to correct aesthetic defects.

home remedies

Home remedies will be effective only at the initial stage of erosion. They are also suitable for the prevention of caries.


It is best to choose fluoride-containing pastes without abrasive components. Important point: such products should have a safe concentration of sodium fluoride - 0.11-0.76%. Also in the composition may be calcium gluconate, zinc oxide, triclosan. These ingredients are known for their antimicrobial and strengthening properties.

Rocs, President Unique, Biorepair toothpastes are very popular.

Remineralizing effect of toothpaste


Remineralizing gel is also an effective and convenient home remedy. All you need to do is brush your teeth with regular toothpaste and apply a thin layer of gel to the surface of your teeth. The course of application is 1-2 months.

Fluoridation of teeth in children can be carried out from 2 years. Home remedies must be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription, because an excessive amount of fluoride in the body negatively affects the functioning of the thyroid gland and other organs.

Children's toothpastes for restoring teeth have a reduced concentration of fluoride - up to 0.023%.

It is also important for children to consume foods rich in calcium: milk, cheese, green vegetables, legumes, nuts. It is necessary to limit the intake of sweets, soda, acidic foods, they provoke the destruction of the enamel of children's teeth.


The cost of procedures in private dentistry:

  • express fluoridation - from 2,000 rubles;
  • burl fluoridation - 1,000–1,500 rubles;
  • tooth extension with a photopolymer - about 4,000 rubles;
  • ceramic veneer - 25,000 rubles.

We advise you to make an appointment with a dentist, the doctor will tell you which method of restoring tooth enamel is suitable for you. If you are looking for a dentistry with reasonable prices, use the search engine of our website.

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