What you need to eat to lose weight: a list of healthy foods. What to eat to go to the toilet What to eat after eating to lose weight

DIY decor 27.07.2020

A logical question: if you eat anything, it will be much harder to lose weight. Many people think that the best food for weight loss is the one with the least calories. There is some truth in this, but caloric content is still not the only criterion. The right food for weight loss should also be satisfying, easy to prepare and cause only a slight increase in insulin levels. Based on all these criteria, we begin to choose the right menu!

1. Egg white

The favorite product of bodybuilders, fitness models and other jocks, because it is one hundred percent protein. Four grams of protein, zero grams of carbs and fat, and only 16 calories. Would you like ten whole egg whites for breakfast? Not a problem, it's some miserable 160 kcal that will saturate you to satiety. An egg white omelet with vegetables and low-fat cheese is a great breakfast, and a boiled egg white is a satisfying snack when you add vegetables for fiber.

2. Low fat yogurt

An excellent source of not only protein, but also calcium, besides, this, one might say, is a dessert, and you can indulge. There are a million different yogurts, you just have to look to make sure that there is little sugar in the composition. It is even better to take yogurt without additives and crumble fruit into it yourself, and then beat it in a blender. One serving of Greek yogurt has a whopping 22 grams of protein and only 120 calories.

Studies have shown that eating yogurt helps you lose fat. Maybe the fact is that calcium reduces the ability of cells to accumulate fat in themselves, or in certain chains of amino acids that are found in dairy products. In general, yogurt helps to lose weight.

3. Turkey

Skinless turkey is the leanest meat that only exists on store shelves. Do you want to eat turkey breast? Easily! It has only 240 calories and loads of protein. Just do not forget to remove the skin: it contains fat, which will nullify all your efforts to select a “lean” diet.

4. Apples

A great option because apples are easy to take with you and eat anywhere. A medium-sized apple contains 24 grams of carbohydrates, 3 of which are fiber, and 80 calories. This applies to both red and green fruits: almost all apples are the same in terms of calories. When choosing them, pay attention to the smell: an apple should smell like an apple. Not far from him, blueberries are also gone: they contain a lot of fiber and antioxidants.

5. Salad

It does not have much fiber, but its digestion requires more calories than it contains in itself. Nice fact. This is the so-called negative calorie food.

The main reason lettuce is on this list is simple. Grab a salad, add vegetables and some legumes, and you're full. Another plus: the salad is chewed for a long time. Why is it good? The brain realizes that you are full only 20 minutes after eating, and the longer you eat, the less you end up eating. Another bonus is antioxidants and vitamins.

6. Low-fat chicken or vegetable soup

Like salad, soup is a dish to be eaten thoughtfully, and as a result, you eat less. It is also easy to eat soup and get fewer calories. In one pan, you can combine and cook any vegetables. We fry only onions with carrots in a small amount of oil, if you are thinking of lean borscht, then also beets. Throw all other vegetables into the pan raw. The result is unsurpassed. Be afraid to order soup in restaurants: as a rule, they put either cream, or cheese, or sour cream, and this is far from a dietary option.

7. Almond

It is high in calories, like all nuts, but contains healthy fats. To be precise, almonds are the seed of the fruit of the almond tree. It contains a lot of vitamin E, as well as protein.

Studies have shown that the calories that we get from nuts are less harmful to the figure than all the others: the human body is supposedly not able to effectively extract energy from nuts.

Anyway, be careful with them! Nuts are easy to overeat. A quarter cup of almonds has 140 calories and 15g of fat, which means that a whole cup has (unbelievable) 560 calories and 60g of fat! So your dose is a handful, just a quarter of a cup.

8. Oatmeal

A very satisfying product with few calories. This cereal contains slow carbohydrates that provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety and do not make insulin levels skyrocket. It’s especially good if you don’t make it sweet: I honestly have no idea how you can eat sweet porridge. My choice is oatmeal on the water with soy sauce. This is like a peasant, without honey and raspberries, ugh! How to cook oatmeal.

9. Tuna

I heard a joke that in a public place it is easy to recognize a bodybuilder by the smell: he smells like fish from a mile away, because he eats tuna a hundred times a day. Choose canned food without mayonnaise, otherwise they will not be of any use. Mayonnaise is generally a disaster for any attempt to lose weight, because it contains a lot of fat and empty calories. In other cases, tuna is useful, especially if you make a real steak out of it.

10. Broccoli

Most often sold frozen. Add to an omelette, to any vegetables and fish baked in the oven, you can throw in vegetable soup. I think she's everywhere. Just gold, not a vegetable!

If you read carefully, you probably thought that all these products can be interestingly combined with each other and thus get healthy, low-calorie and nutritious meals, from which you will only lose weight.

If you're trying to lose weight, you're most likely counting calories. Well, at least a little, well, at least sometimes. And you know perfectly well how many of these same calories are burned on the way to the house, in the gym or when washing dishes. And also, probably, they have already studied the features of the main metabolism up and down - how much energy is spent on blinking, breathing and lying on the couch. And by the way, nature has come up with another loophole for the consumption of these very calories - it turns out that the body is forced to spend them on ... digesting food.

The additional energy that the body expends in the process of digestion is called the slightly abstruse - the thermal effect of food (thermic effect of food, TEF). Calculating how many calories will be spent on digesting what you eat is quite simple. This is usually 10% of the total daily caloric intake. For example, if you consume about 2000 kcal per day, the TEF will be about 200 kcal.

But everything is not so simple and unambiguous. For example, TEF is also affected by what you eat. Some studies show that a mixed, well-balanced diet of proteins, fats and carbohydrates can increase energy expenditure for digestion of food. The more protein and fiber in the diet, the higher the TEF. The more often you eat simple carbohydrates and fatty foods, the lower the TEF. In addition, some experts believe that intense exercise can also increase the thermal effect, but no one can really explain how this works. And yes, the older you get, the lower the TEF.

Despite the fact that TEF is a fairly small fraction of calories consumed daily and, in general, can be neglected, nevertheless, this effect should not be completely discounted. What's more, it can be adjusted. And in the fight against overweight all reasonable methods will be good.

Eat small meals, but more often - 5-6 times a day.

In principle, this advice does not contradict the traditional recommendations for losing weight, which imply fractional nutrition.

Don't skip tea, coffee, or other caffeinated drinks.

Here the experts broke off spears and teeth against each other. There is still no clear answer - is caffeine good or bad for the body. And if it is useful, then what exactly does it do in this very organism. Therefore, the principle is one - do not overdo it. So, a couple of cups of coffee drunk in pleasure will not hurt. But caffeinated energy drinks or alcoholic drinks remain outside the brackets. On their account, the opinion of experts is unequivocal - no benefit, except harm.

Eat spicy food occasionally: with pepper, garlic, and other “hot” spices.

Unfortunately, no one can clearly explain how spicy foods "disperse" TEF. Apart from the feeling of "warmth" from the irritation of the receptors, no other special properties were noticed behind them. In addition, dishes with capsaicin and other "shaving" phytoncides are still not recommended for diseases. gastrointestinal tract. But if you are from a tribe of "fire-eaters" and have not yet had time to finish off your stomach with malnutrition, you can try.

Eat more protein.

In general, a protein-rich diet is highly recommended for those who want to lose weight and improve the performance characteristics of their figure. However, it is worth noting here that a "protein-rich diet" is not at all the same as a "protein-only diet." We all know perfectly well how the term ends on diets like the Atkins diet, the Kremlin and their monoprotein counterparts. It ends badly. And this means that in order to overclock TEF, you need to choose a variety (let's not forget about vegetable ones too) types of protein. but don't just focus on it.

Let's take a closer look at protein sources. Western fitness trainers directly insist that some products perfectly increase TEF, while allowing you to fully train and build up muscle mass. For example, they recommend adding about 100 g of protein products to each meal. Favorites include tender chicken, turkey, fish and even lean pork. But a small piece, not fried in oil and always combined with other products. Yes, rich in fiber.

In general, such a combination is difficult for the body to digest. First, it must be chewed, and then driven throughout the digestive tract in order to squeeze out the maximum. Another plus is that fiber, moving and digesting extremely slowly, leaves a feeling of satiety for a long time. If you take into account the fractional portions - not only more calories are burned, but much less is consumed. You simply will not have time to get hungry before the next meal.

As a source of fiber, the whole variety of vegetables that can be eaten raw is recommended. In second place are stewed and baked vegetables (with spices and hot peppers), as well as cereals that have not undergone special processing. That is, easily digestible semolina or white rice is not our choice. But spelled, cereals that need to be boiled, unpolished rice, as well as all sorts of relatives of Artek cereals - that's it. And, of course, without sugar and a huge chunk butter. After all, carbohydrates and fats TEF, on the contrary, slow down.

Bon appetit and good calorie burn!

Snezhana Shabanova

Photo istockphoto.com

Paradoxical as it may seem, but some foods do not only accumulate fat, but also burn them. Of course, they are not capable of instantly melting excess volume in the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour waist and hips, but it’s easy to resist the feeling of hunger in the process of losing weight!

They must be introduced into the diet in moderation, not forgetting such necessary components. rational nutrition like proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Using various diets for weight loss, it should be borne in mind that a calorie deficit in the diet disrupts metabolism. The average required minimum is 1300-1800 calories per day.

If the body does not receive enough calories, it automatically switches to starvation mode. This slows down the process of digestion of food and the expenditure of calories. And even after you return to a normal diet, your body will still store fat in case of possible hunger.

Therefore, in addition to introducing into your diet foods that promote fat burning and limiting the caloric content of the diet, you also need serious physical activity.

What can help you fight for slim figure? First of all, water. If the body is deficient in fluid, it slows down the metabolism. It starts to accumulate water reserves, and you get additional volumes. Water promotes the removal of toxins, toxins, destroyed fat cells. You need to drink at least two liters of clean water per day.

Eat foods rich in protein. Protein is involved in the formation of muscles, and the more you have them, the more calories you will burn without even exercising. In addition, more calories are consumed for the absorption of proteins than for fats and carbohydrates.

Chicken breast, fish, egg whites, turkey These foods are good sources of protein. The fatty acids present in fish strengthen blood vessels and also contribute to weight loss.

There are vegetables with a negative calorie content, more calories are spent on their processing than they enter the body. They also contain healthy fiber that improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. These vegetables include: bell pepper, broccoli, green pea, cucumbers, carrots, asparagus, beets, kohlrabi, celery, cauliflower, artichokes, black radish, zucchini.

All citrus fruits, plus pineapple, papaya and raspberry are good helpers in the fight against body fat. The substances contained in them have a fat-burning effect, and a large amount of vitamins and minerals contribute to the normalization of metabolism. The Japanese, who discovered the wonderful properties of raspberries, are advised to eat half a glass of berries 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Green tea is another useful tool for weight loss. It activates the metabolic processes in the body, promotes the elimination of toxins. Five cups of tea a day burns 80 calories.

olives and olive oil are ideal dietary products. Drink a teaspoon of olive oil every morning on an empty stomach or eat 10-12 olives. You can control your weight without gaining extra pounds.

As you can see, low-calorie fat-burning foods do exist. You just have to choose those that you like, and enjoy watching how the extra pounds gradually melt.

The main rule in nutrition is proper nutrition. There should always be food in the diet that will give you beauty “from the inside”.

Rule #1. Don't overeat. Even if you are too hungry, never overeat, otherwise a hearty lunch or dinner will cost you dearly. Overeating leads not only to extra harmful kilograms, but also causes a load on work. internal organs. What affects the appearance and condition of the skin. If you move a lot and actively, and your energy consumption does not correspond to the calorie content of the food you eat. What to do?

Rule #2. Eat 5 times a day. But a little! Such nutrition will maintain optimal glucose levels and suppress the “hunger hormones”.

Rule number 3. Eat half your prescribed portion.

Rule number 4. Blue color reduces the feeling of hunger. We use dishes and a tablecloth of blue color.

Healthy protein food.
Our body needs protein from food for cell renewal and normal existence. You can’t do without animal protein: beef, rabbit meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products. Meat is also a rich source of iron, which is responsible for cellular respiration. Dairy products are rich in essential calcium for bones and nails.

Protein of plant origin is also very important, which makes up the second half of the required daily norm of protein products. Namely: different kind legumes, beans, etc.

We limit ourselves in the consumption of fats.
Due to fats, we get better, we age more intensively, the skin and hair become greasy, inflammatory processes form on the skin - this is an insidious fact. We try to introduce more vegetable fats into the diet than animal origin. We use olive oil most of the time. This is an excellent source and storehouse of vitamin E. The “beauty vitamin”, as it is also called, is a powerful natural antioxidant that prevents cell damage and destruction.

Don't forget also about linseed oil. This is one of the champions containing unsaturated fatty acids. Thanks to which the process of renewal and rejuvenation of skin cells occurs. The skin becomes smoother, firmer and more youthful.

Less sugar!
From the menu should be eliminated or limit the use of sugar. It contributes to the destruction of collagen - the main component of the skin. After all, it is collagen that is responsible for the youth and freshness of our skin. We use more fruits that are rich in fiber, vitamins necessary for the beauty and youthfulness of the skin.

Eat seafood.
Seafood and fish contain calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, zinc. It is a source of beauty, youth and energy. And therefore, at least once a week, the diet should include fish, seaweed or other seafood rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

We use a lot of water.
We use a sufficient amount of water - 1.5-2 liters per day. It can be not only water, but also other drinks: green tea, juices, compotes, fruit drinks, etc. We drink less carbonated water, especially “colored” carbonated drinks: lemonade, soda, Pepsi, cola.

We normalize the work of the intestines.
The skin is a "mirror" of our digestive system. Here, cereals, vegetables, sour-milk products, whole grain bread, fruits will come to our aid. They are essential for efficient and correct operation intestines. If there are no problems with the intestines, then the immune system is in order. At the same time, we rarely get sick and look great!

There are many theories about proper nutrition, but it is quite difficult to transfer them to life. Somewhere in the depths of the subconscious, we have firmly strengthened the idea that everything useful is necessarily tasteless. After all, many people in childhood were stuffed with hated oatmeal, milk or fish oil. In fact, there are a huge number of products that are not only healthy, but also tasty. What can you eat tasty and healthy? Let's consider further.

There are a huge number of varieties of cheese. It is used to prepare many dishes, from light snacks to complex and intricate desserts. If you choose cheese for daily consumption, opt for low-fat and unsalted varieties. This product is an excellent source of calcium, which is necessary for the strength of bones and teeth, as well as for the beauty and strength of hair and nails.

How to eat it? Eat a couple of slices daily along with your choice of melon, apple, or leafy greens. This will make a great snack, light and nutritious.


Our body constantly needs a complete protein of animal origin. It is necessary for all cells of our body, including for the normal functioning of the immune system. Chicken meat is considered the best source of animal protein. It contains minimal amount fat and cholesterol and is a recognized dietary product. Before cooking, remove the skin from the meat, it’s just not worth eating it.

One of the delicious and healthy dish is chicken meat, pre-stuffed with garlic and cooked in a double boiler. It is good to put rice and various vegetables in other compartments. You can also make a delicious sauce.


Many of us are deficient in iodine without even realizing it. The deficiency of this element affects both the appearance and mental abilities and the general condition of the body. An excellent source of iodine is the so-called sea kale - a brown seaweed called kelp.

It has a very pleasant taste and is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. In addition, this product contains many other equally essential trace elements. You can make soup with sea ​​kale, shiitake mushrooms and soy paste.


Such a fruit as mango has recently appeared in our supermarkets, but has already gained consumer popularity. It belongs to the sumach family and has a unique bright taste and aroma. Juicy fruit helps reduce blood pressure and stimulates the activity of the intestines and kidneys. It is rich in many vitamins and minerals. Both the pulp and the juice of the mango can be used to make sauces, desserts and salads.

Vegetable oil

A particularly useful element of daily nutrition is vegetable oil. It supplies our body with polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A and E and proteins. Its regular consumption is necessary for the normal functioning of brain cells and many internal organs. Remember that unrefined oil is considered the most useful, because it retains a greater amount of the substances we need.

It should be regularly added to salads and ready meals. For cooking dishes that require heat treatment, it is better to use refined varieties. For a light snack, pour a couple of spoons of finely grated carrots vegetable oil. Carotene will be absorbed several times better this way.


In early spring, be sure to eat such a berry as kiwi. It contains a large amount of vitamin C and helps to cope with beriberi and prevent colds. It also contains a lot of potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle.

In addition, this element serves as a prevention of hypertension. Kiwi prevents blood clots from forming. It can be used to make jellies, jams, salads. There are recipes that suggest serving it as a side dish for meat.


Another delicious product which you can add to your daily diet, is ginger. You can buy it ground, candied, as parts of rhizomes or pickled (such small slices of soft pink color are usually served with sushi).

Ginger has a tart and pungent taste that is also sweet. It is considered a hot spice and has mass medicinal properties. Ginger contains a lot of carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, amino acids, phenols and essential oils.

Regular consumption of ginger helps cleanse the liver, intestines and stomach, improve blood circulation and relieve gas. Ginger tea is a proven remedy for colds and coughs.

Thus, in the world there are a huge number of products that are not only tasty, but also very healthy. Everyone can choose them to their taste and cook them the way they like.

Ekaterina, www.site

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