Calculate your basal metabolic rate. Basic metabolism. Minimum calories

Interior Design 23.07.2020
Interior Design

Basal metabolism, or, as it is also called, basal metabolism, is the number of calories that the body needs to sustain life: the ability to breathe, provide blood flow, and other equally important processes. These calories will be burned even if you lay motionless on the couch all day.

Knowing about the features of basal metabolism is important for everyone who monitors health. But there are people who absolutely need this information: these are those who plan to sit down on a tough one and drastically limit the calorie content of their food.

If you overdo it and do not provide the minimum required calories, the body will be forced to slow down the metabolism. But this will not help to lose weight, because muscle mass will decrease, and not excess fat. Yes, and such experiments will not affect health in the best way.

What does basal metabolism depend on?


Men have a higher basal metabolic rate because men tend to have more muscle mass than women.


The younger a person is, the higher his basal metabolic rate. With age, the metabolic rate gradually slows down.

Height and weight

The taller the person and the larger he is, the more heat his body gives off to the environment. Accordingly, the basal metabolic rate of such a person is higher.

body structure

The more muscle and less fat a person has, the more energy he needs.

Physical activity

The more a person moves and plays sports, the faster fat is burned and muscle mass increases. As a result, the basal metabolism is accelerated.


A sharp decrease in calories consumed slows down the metabolism.

State of the endocrine system

The less hormones produced by the thyroid gland, the pituitary gland and the gonads, the more the basal metabolism decreases.

Individual characteristics

All people require different amounts of energy to digest and assimilate food.

Body temperature

With an increase in body temperature, the energy costs of the body increase.

Climatic conditions

In the middle lane and in the north, people's metabolism is much faster (by 10–20%) than, for example, in the tropics.

How to Calculate Basal Metabolism

Basic metabolism is an individual thing, but if there are no serious health problems, you can calculate it, albeit with a small error, using special formulas.

Formulas for calculating basal metabolism

Harris-Benedict Formula

For men: 66.5 + (13.75 × weight (kg)) + (5.003 × height (cm)) - (6.775 × age)
For women: 655.1 + (9.563 × weight in kg)) + (1.85 × height in cm)) - (4.676 × age)

Muffin-Jeor Formula

For men: 9.99 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 4.92 x age + 5
For women: 9.99 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 4.92 x age - 161

You can use any of these formulas or both at once. The results will be similar: plus or minus 50-100 calories.

Katch-McArdle Formula

This formula is considered the most accurate, as it takes into account the structure of the body. To use it, you need to know your body fat percentage. Find out the fat content in the body help in fitness centers.

To calculate your basal metabolic rate, you first need to know your fat-free body mass. With a weight of 55 kg and a total fat content of 20 percent, this figure will be 44 (55-55 * 0.2). Then the result obtained must be multiplied by 21.6 and added to the resulting number 370.

OO = 370 + (21.6 * fat-free mass).

Decided to go on a strict diet? Remember: the calorie content of foods eaten during the day should in no case be lower than the basal metabolic rate. Over time, getting rid of extra pounds, you can gradually reduce the calorie content of food without harming your health and figure.

How to Calculate Total Calorie Expenditure

To find out how many calories you spend during the day, you need to multiply the basal metabolic rate by the coefficient of physical activity.

Physical activity coefficients

  • Sedentary lifestyle: coefficient 1.2.
  • Training less than three times a week: coefficient 1.375
  • Training up to five times a week: coefficient 1.55
  • Training 6-7 times a week: coefficient 1.725
  • Heavy physical work: coefficient 1.9.

If you don't want to calculate your calorie consumption manually, use the calorie calculator.

How to use the information received

In order to always be in good shape, it is enough to adhere to the daily calorie intake, calculated taking into account the basic exchange and the level of your activity.

In order to, it is important to create a reasonable calorie deficit. This can be achieved by reducing the calorie content of food or by increasing the time and intensity of training.

For, again, reasonably increase the number of calories eaten. Remember: even the most healthy foods can be high-calorie.

Every time we suffer - how many calories do you need to maintain your precious weight? Now you can use our calorie rhyme.


Basal metabolism is the minimum energy consumption necessary to maintain the life of the body in a state of complete rest, with the exclusion of all internal and external influences, 12 hours after eating.

In this state, the body expends energy on chemical processes that never stop in it. Mechanical work that is continuously performed by the heart, respiratory muscles, intestines, blood vessels, glandular secretory apparatus and other organs. Muscle tone, that is, muscle tension, has a significant effect on basal metabolism. Basal metabolism is expressed as the amount of energy in kilocalories (kcal) or kilojoules (kJ) released by the whole body (or per 1 kilogram of its mass) per unit of time (minute, hour or day).

The basal metabolism of an adult is approximately 1 kcal per 1 kg of body weight per hour. The basal metabolic rate depends on age, height, body weight, gender and many other factors. Basal metabolism as a generalized indicator of the intensity of redox processes depends on the state of internal organs and various external influences on the body. It can change with insufficient and overnutrition, increased or decreased physical activity, exposure to climatic factors, dysfunction of the endocrine glands, diseases accompanied by febrile conditions, and for many other reasons. The basal metabolic rate of the same person on different days can vary by about 10%.

The basal metabolism in adults decreases by 7-10% every 10 years and by old age reaches the minimum values ​​for this organism. In old age, cell activity decreases, metabolism slows down, muscle tone decreases, which affects the level of basal metabolism. The decrease in basal metabolism in old age is also affected by a decrease in the mass of the liver, brain, heart and kidneys - organs in which metabolism and, accordingly, energy consumption occur most intensively.

Basal metabolism is a consequence of the ongoing work of all the cells that make up the body. Therefore, with an increase in body weight, the basal metabolism also increases, although this relationship is not direct: the basal metabolism is affected not only by body weight, but also by its composition.

Metabolism occurs most intensively in the brain tissue, muscles and organs abdominal cavity. Energy costs for maintaining vital functions in "energy-intensive" organs are much greater than, for example, in adipose tissue or bones, where metabolism is very slow. The size of individual organs, the development of bone and muscle systems, the degree of body fat are purely individual indicators, and they all affect the main metabolism.

A special role in this process is played by muscle tissue, the degree of development of which in different people differs markedly. Skeletal muscles consume about a quarter of the energy that the body spends on basal metabolism. People with well-developed muscles, even at absolute rest, require much more energy. A clear connection has been established between the development of muscle tissue and basal metabolism: with the same weight and height, a lean and muscular person spends 10-15% more energy on basal metabolism than a full and loose “non-athlete”.

The intensity of metabolism and energy in adipose tissue is 3 times lower than in the rest of the cell mass of the body. Each gram of adipose tissue "burns" 25-30% less energy than the "average" gram of the so-called lean mass spends in the same time. Energy consumption per kilogram of body weight in obesity of the II degree is 20-25% less than in healthy people, and with obesity of the III degree - by 30%. Therefore, with obesity, the total basal metabolic rate increases much more slowly than body weight.

The metabolic processes in women are less intensive than in men. With the same height, women have less body weight, muscular system less developed, and adipose tissue - stronger. All this leads to the fact that the basic exchange per kilogram of body weight in women is less compared to men. Accordingly, a woman needs less energy to maintain basal metabolism than a man of the same weight. Normally, these differences are 5-6%.

The level of basal metabolism depends on the diet of a person. Prolonged food restriction or excessive food intake significantly affect the basal metabolism.

With food restriction, the basal metabolic rate decreases. In this case, body weight may remain unchanged or decrease, depending on individual characteristics and the quantity and quality of food intake. A decrease in basal metabolism by 30-35% is accompanied by a pronounced manifestation of elementary dystrophy. With complete starvation or severe malnutrition, basal metabolism decreases not only due to a decrease in its intensity in the muscles, but also due to a decrease in volume muscle mass.

Excessive food intake can lead to both an increase and a decrease in basal metabolic rate. The decrease in metabolism is explained by the accumulation of inactive adipose tissue in the body, and the increase is due to an increased load on internal organs associated with overweight.

The basal metabolism also depends on the quality of food, those. from a balanced diet. With excessive and predominantly protein nutrition, the basal metabolism increases, and with carbohydrate, on the contrary, it decreases.

Intense muscle work contributes to an increase in basal metabolism. The intensity and duration of such an increase is proportional to the severity of the previous work: after an intense muscular load, the basal metabolism increases by 5-10%. In well-trained athletes, basal metabolic rate increases slightly after training, and in untrained people, muscle loads increase basal metabolic rate much more.

Systematic muscle work causes a significant and persistent increase in basal metabolism. For example, if you do exercises every morning, after a year the basic exchange per kilogram of body weight will increase by 40%. Physical inactivity leads to a decrease in basal metabolism.

In healthy people, the basic metabolism largely depends on the individual characteristics of the state of the thyroid gland. A significant role in the regulation of oxidative processes belongs to the pituitary gland, adrenal glands and gonads. Increasing their activity enhances the basal metabolism.

There are also data on conditioned reflex changes in metabolism. The hard work ahead can cause an increase in basal metabolic rate even before it is done, sometimes even more clearly than the actual work.

You can calculate the individual metabolic rate and daily calorie intake depending on the degree of physical activity using the calorie calculator. Please note that this calculator is designed for women and provides approximate metabolic rate and calorie calculations. But the calorie counter is very easy to use and does not require special knowledge and skills.

basic metabolism. The value is determined by a combination of genetic (internal) and external factors.

  1. Age: With age, the basal metabolism slows down. From the age of 20, every ten years this figure decreases by approximately 2%..
  2. Human gender: The intensity of the main metabolism in men averages 1 kcal / kg / h, that is, 1700 kcal is spent on the main metabolism per day for a man weighing 70 kg. For women, this value is 10% less. Men have more muscle mass and less body fat. This means that they have a higher basal metabolic rate.
  3. Body mass: The more weight, the more SBI.
  4. Height to weight ratio (body surface area): The more total area surface of the body, the higher the basal metabolic rate. Energy costs of a warm-blooded organism ( Rubner's surface law) are proportional to the surface area of ​​the body (in warm-blooded organisms with different body sizes, the same amount of heat is dissipated from 1 m2 of the surface).
  5. body structure: The intensity of basal metabolism in different organs and tissues is not the same. As energy expenditure at rest decreases, they can be arranged in this order: internal organs-muscles-adipose tissue. Muscle mass is more active than fat mass and requires more energy for its maintenance.
  6. Genetics. Diet. Body temperature. Outside temperature. Exercises. Hormones. ……

Approximate consumption of energy in organs and tissues. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) or Basic Metabolism (BOV).

  • The liver consumes 27% of basal metabolic energy;
  • Brain - 19%;
  • Muscles - 18%;
  • Kidneys - 10%;
  • Heart - 7%;
  • Other organs and tissues - 19%.

Harris-Benedict formula:

  • For men: 66.5 + (13.75 X weight in kg) + (5.003 X height in cm) - (6.775 X age)
  • For women: 655.1 + (9.563 X weight in kg) + (1.85 X height in cm) - (4.676 X age)

Muffin-Jeor Formula:

  • For men: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age + 5
  • For women: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age - 161

To calculate your basal metabolic rate, enter your data into our online calculator and click the "Calculate Value" button.

Basal Metabolism Calculator Online

Basic metabolism includes all processes human body that support his life. You need to know the baseline in order not to gain weight, and in some cases to get rid of extra pounds productively. The basal metabolic rate is an important indicator, with careful monitoring and maintenance of which at an acceptable level, you can stay in perfect shape, feel great, and avoid the development of a number of diseases associated with impaired functioning of the digestive and endocrine systems.

What is basal metabolism

This common term is often used not only in modern medicine, but also in nutrition, sports, and bodybuilding. The level of basic metabolism is an individual energy consumption for the natural needs of the human body. In this case we are talking about such physiological processes:

  • synthesis of basic hormones and enzymes;
  • providing basic cognitive function;
  • digestion of food;
  • normal functioning of the immune system;
  • proper rest (sleep);
  • support of local immunity;
  • providing respiratory function;
  • maintaining the balance of anabolic and catabolic processes;
  • transfer of valuable energy elements with the blood flow;
  • ensuring temperature constancy;
  • maintaining normal brain functions;
  • regeneration of damaged cells, tissues;
  • splitting of useful trace elements to the simplest amino acids;
  • maintaining the natural process of blood circulation.

This capacious list of physiological characteristics of the body does not end there. For example, in the sleep stage, all life processes slow down significantly, while the synthesis of building elements continues, and glycogen is naturally broken down into glucose. To support these functions, it is necessary to receive regular calories that a person draws from the daily diet.

When creating a daily menu to lose weight productively or to increase muscle mass, it is important to understand that basal metabolism cannot be a constant value. A number of processes take place in the body, including pathological ones, which provoke a significant deviation from the norm, according to the gender and age category of each person. For example, in order to calculate the acceptable minimum, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations, established mainly by experience:

  • ensure emotional balance;
  • be awake;
  • stay in a horizontal position;
  • measurement should be carried out in the morning, when the body is as rested as possible;
  • be hungry (calculation must be done on an empty stomach);
  • ensure the air temperature is at least 20 degrees.

Even with a slight deviation from the rules established above, the result obtained is not reliable, informative. It cannot be taken as the basis for determining the optimal daily calorie intake for productive weight loss, drying, or muscle gain. Information valuable for professional athletes and beginners, ordinary people.

What is regulated

Basal (general) metabolism is a dynamic system, that is, the distributed energy is directly affected by external and internal factors of the body. Acceptable limits are known under which a person feels satisfactory, looks good, there are no complaints about work digestive system. The amount of energy expended is regulated by such factors:

  1. The level of hormones in the blood. For example, in diabetics, the overall metabolism differs in speed and cost from the average metabolism, which is important to consider when compiling a daily menu.
  2. metabolic rate. It is determined by the ratio of the general mobility of a person to the presence of an excess of internal energy. With an active lifestyle, basal metabolism is much faster, which is important for keeping fit.
  3. Oxygen level. With a large volume of oxygen, the rate of excretion from the body increases, increasing the energy costs of basic metabolism.

How to Calculate Basal Metabolism

Basal metabolism is calculated taking into account dynamic stresses. For example, if a person begins to exercise regularly, the metabolism is noticeably accelerated. As a result, some internal systems of the body fail, adapt to new working conditions, so to speak. This is a temporary phenomenon until their work is back to normal. Therefore, the calculation of the required indicator is a conditional concept, it is adjusted by such factors:

  • individual metabolic rate;
  • external temperature;
  • the ratio of deep and subcutaneous fat;
  • genetic factors;
  • features of the constitution of the body;
  • physical and emotional activity;
  • the work of the endocrine glands (endocrine system);
  • the presence of glycogen storage.

It is important to know the calculation basal level metabolism, which individually determine the caloric content of food, taking into account all internal processes that require energy. Such information is especially relevant if you want to lose weight or normalize the digestive system. Nutrition correction is half the success on the way to productive weight loss, and you need to start by calculating the metabolic rate in each case individually.

Basal Metabolism Calculator

When choosing a diet, a woman and a man strive to melt subcutaneous fat, to model an impeccable figure. It is important to know how you can speed up rather than slow down your metabolism. This will help to quickly get the desired effect of overweight correction, to ensure the correct and complete restoration of the organic resource. Metabolism depends on age, the amount of incoming proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Intensive training plays an important role. So that the desire to lose weight does not lead to exhaustion and does not impair health, it is important to learn how to calculate the basal metabolic rate.

Muffin Jeor Formula

In 2005, the American Muffin Jeor proposed a similar calculation of basal metabolism, and he proved the findings clinically. Before calculating the basic metabolic index using this formula, it is important to understand that the result will not be perfect, but close to the standard. The American Dietetic Association considers the proposed formula to be the most optimal for calculation. So:

  • for women: BM \u003d 9.99 x real weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 4.92 x age - 161;
  • for men: BM \u003d 9.99 x real weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 4.92 x age + 5.

Ketch-McArdle formula

In a professional athlete, the basal metabolic rate is an order of magnitude higher than in an overweight person with the same body weight. This is explained by the fact that muscles consume more energy than subcutaneous fat. Based on this conclusion, an equally reliable formula for the accurate calculation of basal metabolism was revealed. In this case, the degree of obesity is taken into account, but the gender and age of the person are missed. The basic formula for the calculation is presented below:

  • basal metabolic rate = 370 + (21.6 x LBM);
  • LBM = (weight (kg) x (100 -% fat)) / 100.

Estimated daily basal metabolic rate by age group and gender

On the World Wide Web, you can find thematic sites with online calculators, which carry out a detailed calculation within a few seconds, are highly reliable. In addition, there is helpful information, which factors can slow down the main metabolism, are detrimental to health and an impeccable figure. This:

  • lack of water nutrients, vitamins, energy;
  • reduced physical activity, progressive physical inactivity;
  • unbalanced diet, violation of the regime;
  • chronic stress, emotional instability;
  • genetic factors (not amenable to successful correction);
  • violation of the functions of the endocrine system, the work of the thyroid gland.

Slow metabolism in male and female body needs to be stimulated. First, you need to make a calculation using one of the selected formulas in order to identify the existing problem. In order for the burning of subcutaneous fat to be as productive as possible, and it was possible to increase efficiency, after performing the measurement, it is important to compare the obtained value with the reference value and, in case of deviation, eliminate the effect of all provoking factors. The limits of the norm, according to the age category and gender, are presented below:


Formula for Calculating Basal Metabolism

16.6 mt + 119R + 572

7.4 mt + 482P + 217

15.4 mt + 27R + 717

13.3 mt + 334R + 35

11.3 mt + 16R + 901

8.7mt + 25R + 865

8.8 mt + 1128R - 1071

9.2 mt + 637R - 302

It is necessary to make some explanations and clarifications in the table values ​​proposed above. For example, mt is body weight (kg), P is height (cm), and a figure without units of measurement represents a free coefficient, individual for each age category of people. An accurate measurement of weight and height can be done at any free time, but preferably in the morning, on an empty stomach (it is important to experience severe hunger), in a state of complete rest, emotional balance. Only in this case, the value obtained will be as informative and reliable as possible, it will help you choose a diet, physical activity.



The basal metabolic rate is an indicator that determines a person's daily energy requirement. It is measured in kilocalories. Basal metabolism depends on many factors that determine the characteristics of human life. It is characterized by a parameter that displays the body's need for calories, which are necessary to maintain its basic functions. For example, these include breathing, blood circulation, the activity of all organs and systems.

The basic metabolism determines the energy demand of the body in a state of complete rest. At the same time, the temperature environment is +20°С. This value is calculated as the amount of heat that falls on a unit of human body weight per day. Basal metabolism is calculated using direct measurements of natural indicators. To do this, the amount of heat used by a person is recorded in a special breathing chamber.

Also, this value can be calculated without the use of specific equipment. For this, a special respiratory coefficient is taken into account. The obtained value of the metabolic rate is largely influenced by the volume of muscle mass, the amount of fat in the body, the functioning of the thyroid gland, age, weight of a person, and the level of physical activity. All these factors are taken into account when calculating this indicator.

What affects BSM?

There are two types of calorie needs of the human body:

  • the first group is determined by the weight, height of a person;
  • the second - depends on the age category, gender and body type.

If we take into account the weight and height of a person, then as they increase, the level of basal metabolism increases. This is due to the significant need of the body for thermal energy to regulate body temperature. This value also depends on gender. In men, metabolic processes occur more intensively than in women. This is due to the large amount of muscle mass, which consumes a lot of energy.

Also, different levels of metabolism in young guys, girls and older people. This pattern is due to the fact that with age, the volume of muscle mass decreases significantly. From about age 30, BMS decreases by three percent every decade. You also need to understand that with obesity, metabolic processes do not occur as intensively as with normal weight. In people with a large amount of adipose tissue in the body, the metabolism occurs at a slower rate.

How is BSM calculated?

The norm of the basal metabolic rate is determined using several formulas. According to the Muffin-Jeor calculations, several indicators are taken into account - weight, height, age, gender of a person, level of physical activity. This formula does not take into account body fat percentage. This substance significantly reduces this speed. This feature is taken into account in the Ketch-McArdle formula.

  • in adult men, about 1 kcal per kg of body weight per hour is consumed;
  • the need for adult women per 1 kg of weight is 0.9 kcal / hour;
  • in men per 1 sq. m of body surface consumes about 915 kcal per day;
  • in women, this value reaches 834 kcal per day.

The norms presented above will increase or decrease depending on the functional characteristics of a man or woman, their physical activity. Also, the need for energy is affected by ambient temperature, pregnancy.

What is this calculator for?

If a person significantly restricts the number of calories they consume, their metabolism slows down. When this amount of energy supplied with food becomes critically low, BMR decreases by at least 10-40%. Therefore, a person who wants to lose weight is strictly forbidden to go on strict diets. Strict restriction in food leads to the opposite effect. Losing weight is more difficult for a person to lose extra pounds and the likelihood of a breakdown increases significantly. The human body cannot function normally with such a severe restriction.

With the help of this online calculator it is very easy to calculate the BCM. Based on the value obtained, you can adjust your diet. The daily amount of calories consumed should not be lower than calculated using the calculator. If it is approximately equal to this indicator, the person will lose weight. Also, the intensity of getting rid of extra pounds can be increased with the help of physical activity.

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