Children's mineral water. What kind of water to give children? useful information!!! Three types of mineral water

Bituminous materials 12.09.2020

What kind of water can you drink - filtered, bottled, tap, mineral?

Water is a unique inorganic substance that determines the possibility of the existence of life on earth. It is a universal solvent, the basis for the flow of biochemical processes. The uniqueness of water lies in the dissolution of both organic and inorganic substances. Water accompanies a person from birth to death. Back in school, we were taught that the human body consists of about 70% water. Accordingly, without this natural resource human life is impossible.

What water should you drink?

Water must be physiologically complete for health, that is:

  • be of natural origin from an underground source;
  • do not contain artificial additives;
  • not be subjected to deep cleaning by osmosis;
  • be slightly mineralized (0.5-0.75 g/l).

Only drinking water of natural origin contains all the necessary macro- and microelements. This is the most valuable drink for the body, which determines health!

How healthy and safe is drinking water in Russia?

Modern cleaning and disinfection systems bring the water in our taps to safe values ​​in terms of microbiological and sanitary-chemical indicators. However, the deterioration of the water supply system leads to the fact that an excess of iron, chlorine content can be observed in the water, and even organic matter and bacteria. If water enters the water supply from an underground source, this is a big plus. But most large metropolitan areas receive water from aboveground sources - rivers, reservoirs and lakes. Yes, it enters our taps after multi-stage purification, but its quality indicators are far from those of artesian water.

Boiled or raw?

Raw water is preferable for the body, because it contains trace elements in the form of salts. It has a peculiar structure of the arrangement of water molecules. Often it is called living, and for good reason - only such water helps cells regenerate, prevents the formation of free radicals. Boiled water is not only useless, but also harmful. Dead water - experts call it such a frightening phrase:

  • at boiling useful salts precipitate in an insoluble precipitate;
  • significantly reduced oxygen content;
  • chlorine contained in tap water, when boiled, turns into toxic compounds, leading to urolithiasis and oncopathology;
  • the structure of water changed as a result of boiling contributes to the fact that in a day this water becomes a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria.

But the issue of water safety does not go away - it is impossible to guarantee that raw water does not contain harmful microorganisms. If, for safety reasons, you still prefer boiled water, let the raw water stand for 2 hours, then boil and turn off the kettle at the very beginning of boiling : such water will be disinfected, and most of the minerals will remain in a state available for assimilation. Drink only fresh boiled water, do not allow it to be stored and used for a long time.

What kind of raw water should and can be drunk?

tap water

This is raw water, purified at the water utility and brought to the requirements of regulatory documents. Not the most the best option for good health. If there is no other option, then it can be drunk after pre-treatment:

  • boiling with the obligatory observance of the above recommendations;
  • filtering, which we will discuss below;
  • settling for 2 hours and then using only the upper half of the liquid.

But this method will not insure against microbes and toxic substances.

bottled water

This is raw water, industrially purified, but meeting all safety requirements. It is packaged both in large bottles and in plastic bottles, which are sold in stores. There are first and highest categories. The first is artificially purified water (tap, from a surface reservoir) by deep purification

Higher - water from an artesian well, purified by sparing methods and disinfected with ultraviolet light.

How useful is it?

When properly purified, such water is really useful and safe, it does not need to be boiled before drinking. However, manufacturers often skimp on the water purification steps, resulting in a sold product that is far from what the label promises.

How to choose a reputable manufacturer:

  • The longer a company is on the market, the more reliable it is;
  • A reputable manufacturer does not save on packaging;
  • There will always be a popular rumor about good water;
  • Advice for the most demanding customers - take the purchased water to a special laboratory and check its quality and safety.

Spring water

This is natural water that has undergone natural purification through the layers of soil. Each spring is unique. As a rule, such water not only does not contain harmful impurities, but is also enriched in the process of its passage through the soil. useful minerals. Of course, springs located near cities or within their boundaries are of little use. In Russia there are many springs protected by the state, the water from which deservedly belongs to the highest category. These bodies of water have official passports, and access to them is limited. Spring water can also be seen in retail sales - the manufacturer packs it in the same way as bottled water. However, some of them for the purpose of profit are sold under the guise of spring water ordinary artesian water, and even tap water. In order not to be deceived, you should follow the recommendations regarding the choice of bottled water. Also, the specific place of water intake should be indicated on the bottle, i.e. spring. If you yourself take water from some spring, do not forget to do it in a clean container and periodically check the quality of the water in the laboratory. Mineral water This is natural water with a high content of trace elements and salts from the deep layers of the soil. Mineralization of water occurs when it passes through the rocks of the soil.

  • therapeutic (mineralization >8 g/l);
  • medical table (mineralization 1-8 g/l);
  • canteen (mineralization less than 1 g/l).

What mineral water is better to drink?

Table mineral water.

You can drink table water without risk to health. Such water is especially good after prolonged exertion, during the recovery period after poisoning, diarrhea, acute intestinal infection. But still, you should not drink it constantly. Medicinal mineral water can only be prescribed by a doctor in a strict dosage and for a certain period of time. She (like medicines) has both indications and a sufficient list of contraindications for use, it should not be used without a doctor's prescription. Therapeutic-table mineral water is also prescribed by a doctor, but subsequently the patient himself can conduct a course intake of this water. By the way, only in a few countries do people drink mineral water instead of drinking water without restrictions, including Russia.Well, healthy children under 12 should not even be given table mineral water..

Filtered water - harm and benefit

A household water filter can be found in every home. This is an economical way to get purified water from ordinary tap water. Filters are flow-through, which are built into the plumbing system, and jug-type, i.e. mobile. Since each filter has its own cleaning base, you should first analyze your tap water to know what exactly you need to clean the water from (excess chlorine, iron, sulfates, etc.).

Filtered water is useful if the following points are observed:

  • the right filter system for a specific problem;
  • timely replacement of cartridges, and you should not wait for the resource declared by the manufacturer - it is better to cut this time in half;
  • periodic examination of water obtained after filtration.

Universal filters

The benefits of such water - They completely purify tap water from impurities, incl. viruses and bacteria. Their work is based on the mechanism of reverse osmosis, as a result of purification, only water molecules remain. Harm - Salt-free or distilled water is not very useful for the body, so this filter is used mainly in industrial facilities.With the regular use of such water, demineralization of the body occurs - water devoid of salts will take them from human organs and tissues. All this threatens with diseases of the bone and cardiovascular systems, metabolic disorders and premature aging.Heaped filters are supplied with a system of artificial mineralization of already purified water. The digestibility of salts added artificially to water leaves much to be desired. The best water designed by nature andartificial additives are a blow to the urinary system and metabolism! The next danger is that carcinogenic chlorine compounds easily penetrate through the membrane back into the water. And thisrisk of developing cancer .

Pitcher-type filters tend to purify water only from specific contaminants. Fundamentally wrong is the universal fashion for jugs that are supposedly suitable for any water. Without a preliminary water analysis, the filter may be useless in your particular case.Microorganisms caught from water can multiply in filter cartridges, enriching drinking water with sources of infectious diseases.

Is it good to drink melted water?

Not so long ago, a real boom swept through the population about the benefits of melt water. At home, it is impossible to get true melt water. This method is comparable to settling - after defrosting, only the upper part of the melt water is used, and the harmful sediment is drained into the sewer. But, alas, not all impurities will be in this sediment.

Myths about well water

Many people bring drinking water from wells from their relatives living in the villages. It is supposedly both tastier and healthier. In fact, well water most often does not meet the requirements sanitary regulations. At best, the content of iron, nitrates and sulfates will go off scale there, at worst, pathogenic microorganisms will be detected. Well water is extracted from surface aquifers that are most prone to pollution. sewage. Rainwater also often ends up in wells, contributing to pollution. For those who still have doubts, we note that when cleaning wells at the bottom, the remains of animal corpses, empty bottles and other garbage are often found - clearly not healthy additives.

What kind of water to give children?

Children under 3 years of age should use bottled water of the highest category for drinking and cooking, having previously boiled it in compliance with the rules of boiling. Children after 3 years can already drink bottled water of the highest category and without boiling, but having reduced the shelf life of an open bottle by half. But many doctors consider these limits somewhat overstated and advise parents to give their children proven, clean water without boiling after a year. As for the special children's water - as a rule, it contains very few minerals (0.2-0.3 g / l), which means it will wash salts out of the body.

Mineral water has undeniable beneficial properties. However, water should be consumed in moderation and preferably after consulting with a specialist. It is especially important to understand whether children need mineral water, and to approach this issue very responsibly.

How useful is mineral water for children?

Should and can children drink mineral water

As you know, children always drink a lot of liquid, the children's body constantly requires replenishment of the spent water. Can children drink mineral water instead of regular water? It is contraindicated for children to drink mineral water just to quench their thirst (as well as for adults, by the way).

Drinking mineral water for children under three years of age is strictly contraindicated, since excessive salt content can adversely affect the functioning of small kidneys. Starting from the age of three, drinking mineral water is allowed.

But be careful, medicinal waters and medicinal table waters can be drunk only as prescribed by a doctor in order to prevent or treat disorders of the body. Your pediatrician will also prescribe the amount of fluid per day for you.

But children over three years old can drink table mineral water. It does not contain a large amount of minerals that can affect the change in kidney function, urinary tract and gastrointestinal tract. Be careful, choose only non-carbonated water as a drink for your baby. Gas can cause disturbances in the work of the stomach.

Are inhalations with mineral water good for children?

Mineral water inhalations

Since mineral water really has medicinal properties and many useful substances, then it is much better to use it for the treatment of ENT diseases of your baby. For proper inhalation with mineral water for children, purchase high-quality mineral water that contains the necessary amount of alkali and is water of the highest quality.

It is no secret that children do not really like to be treated: pills and injections are clearly not a joy for them. And if we treat them with mineral water? How and in what cases will the treatment with mineral water be beneficial and pleasant for the child? Tatyana Rovbut, Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatrics, GrSMU, tells about this .

Tatyana Ivanovna, as you know, for the normal functioning of organs and systems, not only the amount of fluid you drink, but also its mineral composition matters. What is the specificity of mineral metabolism in childhood?

The intake of salts in the baby's body, as a rule, exceeds their excretion, because for the growth and formation of the body, the absorption of a large amount of minerals is required. Macro- and microelements that enter the child's body with food and water determine the activity of enzymes, biochemical processes, immunity, the synthesis of hormones and other active substances.

The tissues and organs of a child's body contain much more water than an adult's. As the child grows, the total water content in the body decreases. Despite the fact that at an early age there is more water per unit of body weight, the child's body tolerates fluid loss worse than an adult. Water-electrolyte metabolism in children is extremely labile. They easily develop states of both hyper- and dehydration, so it is very important to observe the drinking regime without disturbing the mineral metabolism in the body.

- What are the main advantages of mineral water for a child's body?

It is one of the main sources of essential minerals that teeth, heart and growing bones badly need. This water does not contain dyes, flavorings, sugar and other additives.

- Apparently, parents first need to go through an educational program, get acquainted with the classification of magic water?

Necessarily. You need to know that, depending on the concentration of salts, natural mineral waters are different types. In canteens, the salt content does not exceed 1 g per liter of water. Suitable for daily use. As a rule, the water is soft and pleasant to the taste, without foreign smell.

The medical-dining room contains from 1 to 10 g of salt per liter. Such water can be used as a table drink and systematically - for treatment.

Therapeutic - the most saturated in salt composition. Mineralization - more than 10 g per liter. It can be drunk strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

- What kind of mineral water and in what quantities can a child drink without harm to health?

Children can drink table mineral water daily. It will not bring harm if it is not abused. Depending on age, you can drink up to five glasses a day. It differs from ordinary drinking water in its high content of salts, microelements and in small amounts biologically. active components that define it beneficial features. These substances improve metabolic processes, blood circulation, help to renew the cells of the body, restore the mucous membrane of internal organs.

It can be used to treat children up to a year. The main thing is that mineral water is of natural origin.

- What are the indications for treatment with medicinal table water?

Treatment with such water is prescribed by a doctor for children older than three years: in case of diseases digestive system, allergic diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia, immunodeficiency states, allergic diseases. Water of weak and medium mineralization is recommended.

- Are there any contraindications?

Acute stage of gastrointestinal diseases, bleeding, diseases accompanied by edema.

- Are there general principles prescribing mineral water to children?

Carbonated mineral water is not prescribed for children: gas disrupts the functioning of the stomach and intestines, reduces the number of beneficial bacteria.

- What methods of treatment are used?

Drinking cure. Before drinking, the water is heated to 26–32 degrees. Usually prescribed warm 1-1.5 hours before meals 3 times a day. However, depending on the type of disease, the form of its course, the time of admission may be different. You need to drink water daily for 20-30 days, then take a break for 3-4 months.

Mineral baths are used, gastric and duodenal lavage is performed, mucous membranes are irrigated, blind probing (tubage), microclysters.

For inhalation use non-carbonated water. As a result, sputum becomes less viscous and easier to excrete from the body. Inhalations are indicated for adenoids, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, rhinitis of infectious or allergic etiology. Contraindicated in frequent nosebleeds, cardiovascular disorders, body temperature above 37.5 °C. The duration of the procedures depends on the age of the child and the disease.

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Something is wrong with the teenager.

Signs of internal readiness for suicide can be changes in sleep and appetite, problems with academic performance, loss of interest in one's appearance, and increased aggressiveness. Teenagers may start giving away things that are dear to their friends. Without parental support, a teenager often gives up.

Often mothers treat mineral water as ordinary. Although in fact they are different things. How to figure out when and what kind of mineral water children can drink?

Mineral water (necessarily without gas) can be offered to children after three years. When choosing on the label, look at what is written - “table water”, “medicated table water” or “medicinal water”. This gradation depends on the amount of minerals per liter of water.

If the minerals are less than 2 g/l, the water is considered to be table water.

If the water contains from 2 to 10 g / l, then this is medicinal table water.

There are more mineral substances in medicinal table waters - from 20 to 50 g/l.

For the usual baby drink, choose table water and drink before meals, at least half an hour. Medicinal table water can be drunk without a doctor's recommendation, but without fanaticism. Medicinal water is better to take only for its intended purpose. Remember that it makes no sense to cook soups for a baby with mineral water; when boiled, useful salts precipitate.

When talking about minerals in water, they usually mean six elements - sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, sulfate and bicarbonate.

At home, the course of treatment with mineral waters does not exceed 5-6 weeks, usually 2-3 courses are carried out with an interval of six months, since prolonged drinking of mineral waters can lead to a violation of water-salt metabolism.

Usually, mineral water is prescribed for young children at the rate of 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

The treatment time at the resort is even shorter - a few weeks. At Russian resorts, a wide variety of mineral waters are used for treatment.

Hydrogen sulfide

They help with circulatory disorders, heart and skin diseases, and with nervous disorders. Do not use in diseases of the kidneys, liver and ulcers.

Where to go

Krasnousolsk in Bashkiria, Bakirovo in Tatarstan, Pyatigorsk in the Stavropol Territory, Hot Key in Sochi, Ust-Kachka in the Perm Territory, Nukutskaya Matsesta in the Irkutsk Region, Khilovo in the Pskov Region.

carbon dioxide

Needed for heart or endocrine diseases. Carbon dioxide baths can be air, water, drinking treatment is also used. Contraindications are neurosis and nephrosis.

Where to go

Narzan of Kislovodsk and carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide waters of Pyatigorsk in the Stavropol Territory. Carbonic waters are popular in the resorts of Darasun in the Chita region, Arshan in Transbaikalia, Shumak in Buryatia.


Effective in diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems, urinary tract, kidneys, skin, respiratory organs, diseases of the circulatory system, heart and blood vessels, musculoskeletal system, metabolic disorders. You can not drink with hypothyroidism and radiation sickness.

Where to go

Kuldur on Far East, Belokurikha in the Altai Territory, Pyatigorsk in the Stavropol Territory, Lipovka in the Sverdlovsk Region, Uvildy in the Chelyabinsk Region, Krasnousolsk in Bashkiria.


Necessary for diseases of the circulatory system, digestion, respiration, musculoskeletal system, skin and kidneys. Contraindications: urticaria, iodine intolerance, hyperthyroidism,

Where to go

Moscow, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Penza, Kursk, Tambov, Ryazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Vologda, Kaliningrad regions, Kuban (Apsheronsk, Anapa, Sochi, Hot Key, Maykop, Khadyzhensk), Ural (Tavda, Ust-Kachka, Turinsk) and Siberia ( Cherkashinskoye and Tobolskoye deposits, Omsk, Novosibirsk region).


Sodium chloride waters are effective in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, respiratory organs, nervous system, skin, musculoskeletal system, diseases of the digestive system. Contraindications: diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys, inflammatory diseases.

Where to go

A green town in the Nizhny Novgorod region, Angara in the Irkutsk region, Elton in the Volgograd region, Tinaki in the Astrakhan region, Yarovoye in the Altai Territory, Medvezhye, Gorkoye in the Kurgan region, Shira in Khakassia.

Helpful Hints

Often the underlying disease may be accompanied by others. Therefore, when choosing a resort for a child, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician, who will be able to take into account the “aggravating” factors.

There are some general contraindications to balneotherapy (treatment with mineral waters): cardiac asthma, exacerbation of chronic diseases, infectious diseases, skin diseases, malignant neoplasms.

Many people know firsthand about the health benefits of mineral water. It is not surprising, because mineral water contains useful components that, by definition, cannot be found in tap water. And if the doctor prescribes to drink Narzan or Essentuki for the prevention, then this does not cause any concern. Another thing is when it comes to mineral water for children, especially newborns. A lot of questions immediately arise: is it possible for a child to drink mineral water, which brand to choose, how much can be given per day, etc. We will try to find out which baby water is safe and healthy.

Mineral water for baby food

First of all, it should be understood that mineral waters are produced in several types: table water (mineralization less than 2 grams per liter), medicinal table water (organic content does not exceed 8 grams per liter), medicinal water (mineralization reaches 12 grams per liter). Of all the types, only table water can be used as baby water for babies. With this composition, you can safely feed the baby and prepare nutritional mixtures.

Children from 1 year old can be given medicinal table water if there are health problems. It is important to consult a doctor and strictly follow his instructions. Medicinal water with a mineralization level of up to 12 grams per liter is not suitable for baby food.

How to choose baby water?

Before buying water for a child, it is necessary to understand that, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, packaged water can be of two types: water of the first and highest quality category. The first is safe for health, but the source of its receipt is not indicated. That is, it can be tap water, purified according to established rules. Water of the highest quality category is extracted only from underground sources (artesian wells, springs).

Therefore, when choosing a drink for a child, pay attention to the quality category. In addition, read the information on the label carefully, especially the mineral composition of the water. Here is an approximate composition of mineral water, which is recommended by doctors:

  • magnesium - 45-50 mg / l;
  • calcium - 20-70 mg / l;
  • potassium - 2-18 mg / l;
  • fluoride (ions) - 0.5-0.6 mg / l;
  • iodide (ions) - 0.03-0.05 mg / l;
  • bicarbonates - 30-380 mg / l.

It is also important to observe the mode of storage of bottled mineral water. An open bottle can be stored for no more than 48 hours, and a closed one for up to one year.

Where to buy high-quality and safe water for baby food?

If you need high quality mineral water for children, please contact our Water of Health company. We offer the most popular and safe waters for children of all ages. On sale:

  • Children's water Sulinka BABY WATER (Slovakia).
  • Children's water BEBI (Russia).
  • Children's water Malyshka (Russia).

Here you can order baby water at a bargain price and with delivery in St. Petersburg, Moscow and regions of the Russian Federation.

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