What are the symptoms of an intestinal infection? Symptoms and treatment of acute intestinal infection in children at home, preventive measures. How does the infection take place

Finishing 09.03.2021

Young children are more likely than others to suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, the most common of which is intestinal infection. The focus of this pathology is localized in the gastrointestinal tract, pathogens are pathogenic viruses and microorganisms of various etiologies (rotaviruses, salmonella, klebsiella, escherichia, campylobacter, etc.).

The disease develops rapidly and has a severe course. Children under one year old tolerate it especially badly. It is important to start treatment right away to prevent dehydration and other serious complications.

Acute intestinal infections occupy a leading place among infectious diseases, second only to ARVI in terms of the number of development

Types of intestinal infections and pathogens that provoke their development

Intestinal infections are divided into two main types - they are bacterial and viral. Depending on the etiology of the provoking agent, the symptoms of the disease in children differ and the correct treatment is selected. Each type of AEI in children is further subdivided into subspecies, the characteristics of which are presented in the tables below.

Bacterial form of OCI

Types of bacterial infectionTypical symptomsPeculiarities
  • heat;
  • fever;
  • loose stools, often feces have a greenish color and a specific odor.
The infection gets inside with milk, eggs, butter and meat. You can get infected not only from people, but also from pets. Especially hard this form pathologies are tolerated by children at 2-3 years old. Sometimes toxic shock develops additionally (cerebral edema, renal and heart failure are formed).
  • slight jumps in temperature;
  • throat congestion;
  • runny nose;
  • abdominal cramps;
  • discharge of vomit;
  • diarrhea.
Staphylococci live in the body of every person, but weakened immunity and other factors (for example, the use of stale foods) lead to their active reproduction. The disease is difficult to treat because pathogenic bacteria quickly adapt to the effects of antimicrobial agents.
  • feverish condition;
  • sore throat;
  • bleeding from the nose;
  • aches all over the body;
  • pain in the abdomen and at the time of urination.
Infection occurs from a sick person or a carrier of bacteria. Pathogenic microorganisms are excreted in feces and urine, after which they spread in the environment. Severe disease can lead to coma.
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • heat;
  • intestinal and stomach cramps.
Most often, this bacterial infection appears in newborns with underweight, as well as under 5 years of age. Pathogenic sticks live in the domestic sphere for several months, so the risk of infection is very high.

Viral form of OCI

Types of viral infectionTypical symptomsPeculiarities
Rotovirus (we recommend reading :)
  • temperature 38-39 degrees;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • loose stools;
  • false urge to defecate;
  • ARVI symptoms.
It is the most common pathology, which is why many call it intestinal flu. Infection is possible at any time (including incubation) until the patient is fully recovered.
Enteroviral (more in the article :)
  • severe fever (the temperature rises to 40 degrees);
  • also manifests itself in damage to the nervous system, heart, muscles and skin.
It occurs due to non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. This form of pathology affects young children and adolescents.
  • runny nose;
  • conjunctivitis.
A rare viral disease that occurs in babies up to three years old. It is transmitted through water (for example, in a pool) and airborne droplets.

The causes of intestinal infection and the route of infection

Infection occurs by airborne droplets and by household means. Pathogenic viruses and bacteria are released into the environment along with the saliva, feces and vomit of the patient. At the same time, getting on household items and food, they are in an active state for up to five days.

The infection enters the human body mainly with dirt. The following reasons for the occurrence of AEI are distinguished:

  • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene (dirty hands, fruits, vegetables, dishes);
  • insufficient heat treatment of food;
  • improper storage of products;
  • the use of low-quality water (poor filtration and purification);
  • swimming in polluted water bodies, public swimming pools;
  • unsanitary living conditions;
  • unbalanced diet, leading to a decrease in immunity.

Once in the oral cavity, pathogens enter the digestive tract. After that, they cause inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, stomach and other digestive organs.

The apogee of the incidence is observed among children under the age of 5, mainly in the autumn and summer period... Experts note that breastfed babies become infected less often, as they are protected by the mother's immunity.

Incubation period

In children of any age, the incubation period of intestinal infection lasts from 12 hours to 5-6 days. After this, the acute stage of pathology begins, which lasts about a week. During this period, the patient retains the main symptoms (high fever, nausea, diarrhea), which represent a great danger to health.

Then the body gradually develops immunity to the causative agent of the disease, and the state of health improves. Re-infection after recovery is impossible.

Signs of the disease

Intestinal infection in children progresses very quickly - the first signs of pathology appear within three days. The patient is observed: general weakness and sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, the skin becomes pale, the temperature rises sharply (up to 39 degrees), vomiting and loose stools occur (we recommend reading :). In rare cases, there may be skin rashes and itching.

The first signs of intestinal infection will appear within 3 days after infection

Typical symptoms of intestinal infection in children

The symptoms of intestinal infection are always acute. The main and most dangerous of these is diarrhea. Defecation occurs more than 10-15 times a day. Feces have a liquid structure, contain mucus and bloody blotches. If you do not take any measures to stabilize the patient's condition, then dehydration will develop. Typical symptoms of AEI:

  • severe vomiting and frequent urge to it (regardless of food intake);
  • loose stools;
  • high body temperature;
  • complete lack of appetite;
  • tiredness, lethargy;
  • head and muscle cramps;
  • constant sleepiness;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • throat congestion;
  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • overlapping of the tongue.

Diarrhea is one of the most dangerous symptoms of intestinal infection, which can lead to dehydration.

Changing the behavior of newborn babies

The symptoms of OCI in infants and older toddlers are similar. The disease is characterized by a rapid course, which leads to dehydration and weight loss. This situation is dangerous to the health and life of the baby, therefore an urgent medical assistance... How to recognize pathology:

  • capricious state - unreasonable crying, the child almost always sleeps, but very restlessly - tightens his legs, screams in his sleep, etc.;
  • refusal to eat and profuse vomiting after it;
  • diarrhea appears, foam, residues of undigested food, mucus, blood may be present in the feces (we recommend reading:);
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • colic in the abdomen;
  • the temperature rises (37.5–39).

Methods for diagnosing the disease

If a child has signs of AEI, then parents should immediately seek help from a specialist so as not to aggravate the condition.

The pediatrician interrogates the patient, visual and tactile examination. This is enough to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. In order to identify the causative agent of the disease, the following diagnostic tests are carried out:

  • bacteriological inoculation of vomit and feces;
  • scraping from the opening of the anus;
  • coprogram (analysis of feces);
  • laboratory blood test for TA.

Home treatment

After the first symptoms of intestinal infection appear, parents need to call a doctor at home. It is forbidden to visit the clinic in such a state - the disease is contagious in any form.

Home treatment includes several methods that are used in a complex (we recommend reading :). With the development of the first signs of an intestinal infection in a child, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Complex therapy should include both antibacterial agents that act on the cause of the disease, and agents to restore the water-salt balance, as well as antispasmodics and other agents to relieve symptoms. One of the recommended drugs for the treatment of intestinal infections in adults and children is Macmiror®. It is highly active against a large group of microorganisms that are the most common cause of illness. The low toxicity of the drug makes it affordable and convenient for use in children and adolescents. In addition to taking medications, it is recommended to adhere to a special diet and be sure to monitor the child's drinking regime.

Getting rid of intoxication

Before the arrival of the doctor, parents must monitor the child's condition. It is important to keep your body hydrated. Even if the baby categorically refuses to eat, then he should be given as much boiled water as possible to drink.

During the period of intestinal infection, the baby does not need to be forced to eat, but constantly soldering with a large amount of liquid is the main condition for a quick recovery.

If the body temperature rises above 38 degrees, drugs such as Paracetamol, Cefekon or Nurofen are used (dosage by age). The patient is wiped with water with the addition of 1 tsp. vinegar and cover with a light sheet.

A child older than 6 months is allowed to give enterosorbents (Enterosgel, Polysorb, Activated carbon) to accelerate the removal of toxins from the body. Further advice will be given by your doctor.

Taking rehydration measures

The course of an intestinal infection is almost always accompanied by severe vomiting and diarrhea, as a result of which the body loses large amounts of fluids and minerals. To prevent the occurrence of life-threatening complications, it is necessary to constantly replenish the volume of depleted substances.

Parents should drink boiled water for the child. It is best to give the liquid in small portions every 15 to 20 minutes so as not to provoke vomiting. The required daily fluid intake is calculated from the ratio of 100 ml / 1 kg of body weight.

In addition, to restore the water-salt balance, use medications- Oralit, Regidron and Glucosolan. The sale of these medicines is allowed without a doctor's prescription.

Regridron Bio must be given to the baby in case of violation of the intestinal microflora, intoxication and to prevent dehydration

After taking any drug of this group, the patient's well-being becomes much better, the signs of intoxication gradually disappear. If it is not possible to buy a medicine, you can use folk remedies- for example, a decoction of raisins or rice.

Antibiotic use

Antimicrobial therapy for intestinal infections is used only in extreme cases. Usually, basic therapeutic methods are sufficient to completely eliminate the disease. You can not arbitrarily give a child to drink drugs of this group without the consent of the doctor.

Antibiotics have a detrimental effect on the intestinal microflora, and in most cases their consumption is completely pointless and ineffective. The World Health Organization has approved a list of pathological conditions for which it is allowed to prescribe an antibacterial agent:

  • hemocolitis (the presence of blood in the vomit and feces);
  • severe cholera;
  • persistent diarrhea (including with giardiasis).

Diet for OCI

During the illness, the daily diet of the baby should be adjusted. The food you eat should contain more vitamins, proteins and minerals.

The menu should include well-cooked, steamed, puréed and preferably salt-free dishes. Below is a list of recommended foods for OCI:

  • fermented milk products;
  • cottage cheese;
  • lean meats;
  • steam fish;
  • vegetable puree;
  • it is better to replace bread with crackers;
  • rice and vegetable soups;
  • freshly squeezed fruit juices;
  • buckwheat porridge and rice on the water.

It is forbidden to give your child whole milk, sour berries, raw vegetables. Fruit should be abstained from until the main symptoms of the pathology pass. You need to take food in small doses 5-6 times a day. If vomiting persists, it is recommended to reduce servings by 20-25%.

With an intestinal infection, you must follow a strict diet: during an exacerbation, the baby can be given biscuits, crackers and bagels

What absolutely must not be done if you suspect OCI?

First of all, you cannot independently install and treat the baby. Acute intestinal infections can hide some surgical pathologies, and the younger the child is, the more severely he suffers the disease. The doctor prescribes therapy, taking into account the etiology and manifestation of AEI.

Analgesics and pain relievers are also prohibited. Their action changes the overall clinical picture, so a specialist can establish an incorrect diagnosis and, accordingly, prescribe an ineffective treatment.

You can not do an enema and give the baby fixing and astringent medications (for example, Loperamide and Imodium tablets). During diarrhea, most pathogens are released naturally. If you stop this process, then the situation can only worsen.

When is hospitalization indicated?

Not always therapeutic actions have a positive dynamics of the disease. When, in addition to the main symptoms, droplets of blood appear in the vomit or feces, the child should be hospitalized immediately.

If the child is not recovering and symptoms of dehydration occur, it is better to go to the hospital for qualified medical care.

Inpatient treatment is also indicated when dehydration occurs. In a 2-3 year old child, dehydration is expressed as follows:

  • lack of urination for more than 4-6 hours;
  • dry lips;
  • the baby cries without emitting tears;
  • dry oral mucosa, salivation completely disappears;
  • the skin looks tight;
  • in infants, eyes and fontanelle sink.

If the patient has the above phenomena, parents should urgently call ambulance... For young children, this condition is fraught with disruption of all vital systems of the body and death within a few hours. It is possible to stabilize the position only in a hospital setting.

Doctors will promptly carry out rehydration procedures - intravenous injection of special solutions, and also prescribe additional medications.

How long such measures will be shown is impossible to say - it depends on the positive dynamics of the disease. In what cases hospitalization is also indicated:

  • acute (paroxysmal) abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea in infants;
  • vomiting does not stop, and the child refuses to drink water;
  • the urine has turned brown;
  • feverish condition.

Complications of acute intestinal infection

In case of improper / untimely implementation of therapy, dehydration of the body, disruption of the normal activity of internal organs, intestinal dysbiosis, as well as a decrease in the protection of the immune system may occur. The severe course of the pathology leads to the following complications:

  • neurotoxicosis - the patient has a disorder of consciousness, sleep disturbance, hallucinations and convulsions are possible;
  • circulatory disorder - blood pressure decreases, the skin becomes pale, problems form of cardio-vascular system;
  • renal failure - scanty urine flow, dull back pain;
  • hypovolemic shock - develops as a result of dehydration, drooping eyes, weight loss.

If you neglect to treat an intestinal infection, it can provoke the development of serious complications.

Prevention of acute intestinal infection

To prevent infection with OCI, a child needs to be instilled with cleanliness from an early age. As a preventive measure, it is enough to follow the basic rules of personal hygiene:

  • washing hands before eating, as well as after using the toilet, public places, street walks;
  • hygienic processing of fruits / vegetables.

If there is an infected person in the family, then the patient is treated in a separate room, he is given an individual towel, bed linen and utensils. The premises are periodically disinfected and ventilated.

After each visit to the toilet, the toilet / baby pot is cleaned disinfectant... Contact with healthy family members should be minimized.

Acute intestinal infection is one of the most common diseases among children and adults. This is a large group various diseases that affect the human stomach. An ailment develops after infection with a variety of pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, microbes do not begin to act immediately after getting into human body.

The first signs of the disease may appear only 10-50 hours after infection. But after that, the course of the disease is more intense.

Among intestinal infections, the most dangerous are salmonellosis, dysentery and staphylococcus... They are most often diagnosed in the summer, when the weather is hot. As a rule, the disease is transmitted through handshakes, the use of common hygiene items, toys (especially in kindergartens and primary school), as well as by airborne droplets. With timely and proper treatment, the first symptoms of an acute intestinal infection disappear within 3-5 days. But for a complete cure, you need to take medications for at least 10 days.

Today, all intestinal infections can be divided into viral and bacterial.

Main reasons

As a rule, pathogenic microorganisms enter the human body along with dirt. The main causes of the disease are:

Intestinal infection symptoms

The most dangerous and common symptom is diarrhea.... It can lead to dehydration of the body, and this is a sure way to other diseases. Moreover, in adult patients, acute intestinal infection is often not manifested. long time... Due to the fact that there are no symptoms, it is rather difficult to make a diagnosis on time. But in children, this ailment is always much more difficult. Also signs of an intestinal infection are:

  1. Itching and rashes on the skin.
  2. Painful sensations and cramps in the abdomen.
  3. Decreased appetite.
  4. Constipation (if the cause of the problem is helminthic invasion).
  5. Worsening sleep, irritability and bad mood.
  6. Immunity is severely weakened - the body cannot absorb essential vitamins due to bacteria.
  7. At night, the patient grinds his teeth (this is especially evident in children).

Also, against the background of this ailment, anemia may appear. If the infection was caused by yeast, then the patient develops a symptom in the form of a severe headache, as well as prolonged depression. Often many acute intestinal infections are accompanied by vomiting.

What bacteria cause the disease

As mentioned above, such infections are transmitted through unwashed hands, poor-quality vegetables and fruits, improperly cooked food, and untreated water. The most common bacteria that cause this type of disease are:

Very often, an acute intestinal infection manifests itself after they enter the body enteroviruses and rotaviruses... They develop when basic hygiene rules are not followed, and unwashed products are consumed.

Rotavirus infection enters the human body by airborne droplets. The most common ailment is gastroenteritis or intestinal flu. Usually epidemics of these diseases appear in preschool and school institutions. The infection is very difficult for children. But since the body has its own defense, each time the disease is weaker. The main symptoms of the disease are: fever up to 39 degrees, vomiting, sore throat and runny nose.

Enterovirus accompanied by high fever and muscle damage nervous system, skin. There is also an adenoviral infection that affects the eyes and nose, but this is extremely rare.

Acute intestinal infection in children: signs and features

Most of all intestinal infections develop in young patients. The symptoms of the disease in them are always more pronounced, and the disease itself is severe. Infection occurs, as a rule, through the use of poor-quality water, dairy products, vegetables and fruits, inadequate hand hygiene, due to contact with other sick children and adults. Around the world, about 1 million children under two years of age die every year from acute intestinal infections.

The most common diseases in children are:

  1. Salmonellosis.
  2. Intestinal flu (rotavirus infections).
  3. Dysentery.
  4. Enteroviruses.
  5. Escherikhoz.

Regardless of what caused the disease, the main symptoms and signs of the disease are: fever, pain in the abdomen, upset stools, vomiting, chills.

If diarrhea or vomiting is present there is also a rapid dehydration of the body. The child is constantly thirsty and cannot urinate. Because of poor appetite the baby is losing weight. The child becomes weak, irritable, lethargic and sleepy. To remove the baby from this state, it is necessary to give him more water and an electrolyte solution. Enterofuril is one of the most effective means against intestinal infections in children. But please note that it can be given from the first month of life.

If there is a very high body temperature that is difficult to bring down, and nothing helps from dehydration, be sure to call a doctor. After such poisoning, children should be put on a special diet. It is allowed to give only oatmeal, buckwheat or rice porridge, gradually you can introduce dietary meats and low-fat cottage cheese.

Intestinal infection and pregnancy

As a rule, intestinal diseases during pregnancy pose no danger to either the baby or his mother. This is explained by inflammation occurs only in the intestines... But if the body becomes dehydrated, the process of oxygen supply to the fetus may be disrupted. The symptoms of the disease are similar to those described above.

How to treat intestinal infection in adults

The causative agent of the disease does not affect the main treatment regimen. To make a diagnosis, the doctor examines the patient and analyzes the stool. The main goals of treatment are:

It should be noted that if the patient does not eat on a special diet, then the treatment will be ineffective.

The most popular antibiotics for the treatment of acute intestinal infections in adults are medicines that are included in the group fluoroquinolones (Norfloxacin and Ciprofloxacin)... These antibacterial agents are quite effective, as they are perfectly absorbed into the intestines. This disease can also be treated with levomecitin, an antibiotic that helps to eliminate pathogenic microflora and normalize stool.

Saline droppers are used to eliminate dehydration. For oral use, drugs such as Glucosalan and Regidron are suitable.

To eliminate diarrhea appoint Smecta, Activated carbon or carbolong.

To restore normal microflora, popular probiotics are used, for example, Acylol or Linex.

Treatment of intestinal infection in pregnant women

During pregnancy only a doctor can prescribe an effective and safe treatment. To treat the main symptom (diarrhea), you can use Smecta, but no more than three sachets of medicine can be taken per day. Salmonellosis and dysentery can only be cured with antibiotics. Pregnant women are usually prescribed Amoxicillin or Cefazolin. Remember, delayed or incorrect treatment can lead to the development of a chronic infection.

Intestinal infection treatment and proper diet

For acute intestinal infection it is recommended eat properly... This will help prevent the development of pathogens. Oatmeal or rice porridge without salt in water has a calming effect on the intestines. With a mild form of the disease, you can stick to your usual diet. But at the same time, the amount of food must be reduced by 30%.

Fermented milk products should not be added to the diet of young children under four months. If infants have been diagnosed with a severe form of the disease, they should be given special mixtures, which include lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.

With an intestinal infection, the following foods should be completely excluded from the diet:

  1. Black breads.
  2. Dairy products (fermented baked milk, whole milk, cream, yogurt).
  3. Citrus.
  4. Some types of vegetables (peas, beans, beets).
  5. Broths on fish or meat.

At the same time, try to add mashed cereals, slimy soups, rosehip broth and jelly to your daily diet. For a quick recovery, you can eat pumpkin, bird cherry, carrots and blueberries.

Food is best cooked by steam, while boiling well. Drink plenty of fluids.


The main preventive measure is proper personal hygiene and the use of only fresh, quality food. Try to wash your hands often and thoroughly, especially before eating, handle vegetables and fruits well enough, and cook meat and fish properly. Do not store raw food with cooked food. Never drink tap water. Only mineral or purified water can be used for cooking and drinking. Store the prepared food in the refrigerator, but remember that they cannot stay there for a long time. Try to be outdoors more often.

The general name of intestinal infection means a whole group of infectious diseases. of different nature origin. The causative agents of these diseases affect digestive system. Salient features each of them are body poisoning and dehydration. The infection penetrates the intestines and it is there that the causative agents of the disease are localized and multiply.

The international classification of diseases assigned the code A00-A09 to this group of pathologies. It includes diseases such as cholera, tuberculous enteritis, salmonellosis, amebiasis, shegellosis, bacterial poisoning, typhoid. According to the WHO, about 2 million people in the world die every year from various forms of intestinal infection. Moreover, most of them are children under the age of 5 years. The peak incidence occurs in the summer period of the year.

Types of pathogens and routes of infection

There are other forms of intestinal infection caused by bacteria, but these are the most common. Bacterial gastric infection is triggered by microbes, which are opportunistic and purely pathogenic. The latter include the abdominal-type bacillus and Vibrio cholerae. Their penetration into the human body always causes infectious poisoning.

Conditionally pathogenic are those microorganisms, the presence of which in small quantities is considered the norm, that is, in such a concentration they do not harm a person. But if, for some reason, reproduction occurs and there are too many of them, then they cause a disease. Bacterial infection occurs through the fecal-oral or alimentary-household route. Often, infection occurs through the use of food contaminated with microbes and poor hygiene.

Gastrointestinal infections of viral etiology are divided into the following types:

  • enterovirus;
  • rotavirus
  • coronavirus;
  • norfolkvirus;
  • reovirus.

A viral infection, penetrating the intestines, causes inflammation of its mucous membrane. A person who has suffered a viral intestinal infection remains infectious to others for one month after recovery. In most cases, viral infections of the stomach and intestines are transmitted by airborne droplets or by household means. So, infection can occur even through kissing a child on the cheek.

The simplest protozoal organisms are also the cause of the development of infectious diseases with damage to the intestines and stomach. These include giardiasis, amebiasis, schistosomiasis, cryptosporidiosis. The protozoal form of intestinal infection is much less common than bacterial or viral. Infection usually occurs through water if water is swallowed while swimming in untested bodies of water.

Drinking unboiled water can also cause infection. Diseases caused by this pathogen are characterized by a long course. Infection with viral intestinal infections occurs through household and airborne droplets. Bacterial infections are transmitted by oral, fecal, household and airborne droplets.

The source is a sick person. Microbial excretion occurs from the onset of the disease to complete recovery. The greatest risk of catching gastrointestinal diseases is long-term storage of food. Intestinal infections are almost always enteral, that is, they enter the body through the mouth. The predisposing factors for infection are:

  • ignoring the rules of personal hygiene;
  • decreased acidity of the stomach;
  • lack of access to clean water;
  • living in unsatisfactory sanitary and hygienic conditions;
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

The most common bacteria, causative agents of intestinal diseases, enter the human body as a result of the consumption of the following foods:

  • salmonella - poor heat treatment of meat and eggs;
  • Staphylococcus aureus - mayonnaise and custards
  • cholera vibrio - contaminated water, including from open reservoirs;
  • colibacillus - the use of unboiled water or products washed with water from open reservoirs;
  • parahemolytic vibrio - raw seafood.

Intestinal infection is caused by bacteria and viruses

Intestinal infection symptoms

Intestinal infection, no matter what pathogen caused the disease, is accompanied by severe intoxication and damage to the digestive system. Nevertheless, each type of disease has its own characteristics. After the causative agent of intestinal infection enters the oral cavity, it is swallowed along with saliva and enters the stomach and then into the intestines. But in the stomach they are not destroyed by hydrochloric acid, therefore they pass into the intestines and actively multiply, causing the disease.

All types of the pathology under consideration are characterized by one general and main symptom - diarrhea and loose stools. Other signs of intestinal infection such as nausea and vomiting, fever, abdominal cramps, and weakness do not always appear after infection. But the disease manifests itself in two types of syndromes: intestinal and intoxication. The severity of each of them differs depending on the type of pathogen.

The following classification is characteristic of intestinal syndrome:

  • Colitic. Pain in the left lower abdomen, frequent urge to empty the bowels, the stool contains an admixture of mucus and blood.
  • Gastric. Intense stomach pain, nausea and vomiting after each meal, rare diarrhea.
  • Enterocolitic. Strong pain in the abdomen, frequent bowel movements with mucus or loose stools.
  • Gastroenteric. The pain is localized around the navel and in the stomach area, vomiting and frequent mushy stools appear, which then becomes foamy with a pungent odor.
  • Enteric. They are characterized by only one symptom - frequent watery stools.
  • Gastroenterocolitic. Vomiting and intense pain all over the abdomen, painful bowel movements without relief, bloody and mucus in stools.

Intoxication syndrome is manifested by an increase in temperature above 37 degrees and general weakness. The patient complains of dizziness and headache, lack of appetite and nausea, aches are felt throughout the body. Such an infectious-toxic syndrome can last from 2 hours to several days. Due to profuse vomiting and diarrhea, the patient develops dehydration.

If left unchecked, it can be fatal in a short period of time.

Diseases belonging to the category of intestinal infection

The symptoms of an intestinal infection vary depending on the type of illness. In addition, how long each of them lasts is also determined by the type of pathogen. In terms of the duration of the course, the infection can be acute and last less than 6 weeks, protracted - longer than 6 weeks, and chronic. The latter can last up to six months. Local manifestations of the disease also differ in which organ of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is most affected.

The incubation period of dysentery lasts up to 1 week. The disease has an acute onset with a sharp rise in temperature up to 40 degrees. Against the background of fever, convulsions and impaired consciousness are not excluded. The accompanying symptoms of dysentery are as follows:

  • severe weakness and weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • muscle and headache;
  • acute pain in the left iliac abdomen;
  • intestinal spasms;
  • false urge to defecate;
  • inflammation of the anal sphincter;
  • multiple intestinal lesions up to 20 times a day.

The feces are usually liquid with blood and mucus. In severe cases, intestinal bleeding may develop. Salmonellosis begins with a rise in temperature to 39 degrees and the appearance of nausea with vomiting. In most cases, the disease has similar symptoms to gastritis and gastroenterocolitis. It is characterized by abundant and frequent stools.

In rare cases, there is a respiratory and typhoid-like type of salmonellosis. In the first case, the symptoms are complemented by signs similar to those of a cold. Infection with Escherichia coli is referred to as Escherichiosis. Its main symptoms are profuse and prolonged vomiting, bloating, decreased appetite, and weakness. Stools are frequent and yellow in color.

One of the most common types of intestinal infections, especially in children, is rotavirus infection. In most cases, it has a course of the type of gastroenteritis or enteritis. The incubation period lasts from 1 to 3 days. Rotavirus has an acute onset, and the severity of symptoms becomes maximum by the end of the first day of the disease.

The infection is characterized by an increase in body temperature and general intoxication, nausea and vomiting, profuse foamy and watery stools. Often, rotavirus infection is accompanied by catarrhal symptoms, such as a runny nose, sore throat, swelling and redness of the throat, and cough. Usually, cure occurs within a week after starting treatment.

Staphylococcal intestinal infection is no less common. It can be primary and secondary. In the first case, the microbe enters the digestive tract through the mouth. The secondary type of the disease is characterized by the fact that the pathogen is introduced into the digestive tract by blood flow from other foci of infections.

The disease is accompanied by dehydration and toxicosis, frequent stools and vomiting. The stool has a watery, greenish consistency and may contain mucus. Often, the infection has a course similar to a cold: a runny nose, low temperature and sore throat appear, then intestinal disorders join.

There are many diseases classified as "intestinal infection"

Drug treatment

Medicines intended for the treatment of intestinal infections are prescribed by a doctor on the basis of laboratory tests, through which the type of causative agent of the disease is identified. So, if the infection is viral, then antiviral drugs are prescribed. If bacteria are the source of the disease, antibacterial tablets are prescribed to the patient.

Since in case of intestinal poisoning, the symptoms of intoxication and stool disorders are the most pronounced, first of all, they must be eliminated. This is achieved by eliminating the diseased pathogenic agent from the body that caused the disease. It is also necessary to normalize the water-electrolyte balance in the intestine and remove toxic substances from the body. To achieve the latter, it is required to treat the patient with sorbents.

Treatment of an intestinal infection includes taking the following groups of drugs:

  • antibiotics;
  • antiviral agents;
  • sorbents;
  • medicines for diarrhea;
  • enzymes;
  • pain relievers.

For intestinal infections of bacterial origin, antimicrobial agents from the group of fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, amphenicolones or metronidazoles are prescribed. These can be Ofloxacin, Norfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Levomethicin, Doxycycline. All types of intestinal infections are accompanied by the formation of toxic substances as a result of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Therefore, it is necessary to take medications to remove them from the digestive tract. For this, sorbents are prescribed, they absorb harmful substances and remove them from the intestines unchanged. The most popular drug in this group is activated carbon. The recommended dose of the drug is 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. Also, with severe intoxication, Polysorb, Smecta or Enterosgel are prescribed.

To normalize the stool and eliminate diarrhea, special medications are prescribed. Their names are as follows: Trimebutin, Loperamide, Stopdiar, Phtalazol, Nifuroxazide. Taking these drugs will have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They help to reduce intestinal tone and motility.

If, along with other symptoms, an intestinal infection is accompanied by severe pain syndrome, pain pills can be taken. But this should be done only after the approval of the doctor, since taking them on their own before the doctor's examination can change the clinical picture, which will significantly complicate the diagnosis. Usually, Spazmaton, No-shpa or Benalgin are prescribed to alleviate the condition.

After elimination acute symptoms intestinal infection, it is recommended to take enzymatic preparations to normalize and accelerate digestive processes. As such, Mezim forte, Pancreatin or Micrasim are most often prescribed. It is also necessary to restore the intestinal microflora, for this purpose, the intake of probiotics is provided. They are included in the complex treatment of intestinal infections in both adults and children.

In some cases of intestinal infection, emergency remedies may be required. The need for this arises when the patient has indomitable diarrhea more than 8 times a day. The nature of the stool is also important, watery and reminiscent of rice broth is alarming. With such symptoms, it is recommended:

  • put a dropper with glucose and isotonic sodium chloride solution;
  • intramuscularly inject a lytic mixture;
  • take measures to rehydrate;
  • ensure the reception of adsorbents.

In case of food poisoning, gastric lavage and a cleansing enema are also performed. These procedures must be prescribed by the attending physician.

Intestinal infection requires complex treatment

Complications, prognosis and prevention

Any intestinal infection is fraught with the development of severe complications. The most common of these is dehydration. This is due to profuse vomiting and diarrhea, as a result of which water and salt are expelled from the body. For a person, the loss of 10% of the total volume of fluid is critical. The consequence of this can be coma and death. But such a prognosis is typical for a severe case of the course of the disease and the absence of treatment.

Possible dehydration will be indicated by the following signs:

  • lack of urination for more than 6 hours;
  • dry tongue;
  • dry skin;
  • fast pulse;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • the skin becomes grayish.

When assessing the degree of dehydration, you should not be guided by the sign of thirst, since this symptom is not always present. Another form of complication of intestinal infection is infectious toxic shock. This condition is provoked by the predominance of toxic substances in the blood in high concentrations. It can develop at the onset of the disease against the background of a rise in body temperature to high levels.

Often in children, intestinal infection is complicated by the development of pneumonia, which is the result of moderate dehydration when the fluid lost by the body is not replenished enough. Against the background of intoxication of the body, acute renal failure often occurs. Early diagnosis of the disease and adequate treatment contributes to the complete cure of the patient without the development of severe complications.

But it must be borne in mind that after suffering an intestinal infection, a person's immunity is weakened and susceptible to other viruses and infections. Therefore, extra precaution will not hurt. In this regard, one should not overcool and expose oneself to various nervous shocks. Usually, the acute period of the disease passes 3-4 days after the start of treatment.

But if during this time there is no improvement, then you should re-seek medical help and be examined to identify more dangerous infections. You should be especially careful about the well-being of children under the age of one year. If they have severe diarrhea and vomit even from a sip of water, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Thorough washing of fruits with clean water will prevent intestinal infections

Intestinal infection is considered a disease of dirty hands and therefore one of the main ways to prevent it is to maintain personal hygiene. In addition, to prevent it, doctors recommend a number of simple rules:

  • frequent hand washing with soap and water, especially after using the toilet and before eating;
  • keeping cutlery and bathrooms clean;
  • washing thoroughly before eating fruits and vegetables;
  • sufficient heat treatment of meat, milk and eggs;
  • compliance with the rules and shelf life of products.

If there is already a sick person in the family, the question arises of what to do. To reduce the likelihood of becoming infected, healthy family members need to: use individual cutlery, put on a bandage when in contact with a patient, clean with disinfecting solutions, disinfect dishes and things of the patient.

And my question is the following. A couple of weeks ago, my husband brought beer and fish to football. I drank a little beer with him and ate fish. So already at night I had a high fever, nausea and vomiting, while my husband did not observe anything like this. I think I was poisoned by fish. Howling at night I drank activated charcoal, in the morning I underwent a course of cleansing the body using the diet http://www.leovit.ru/products/lose-weight/first-step/ and also excluded from the diet all fried, salted and smoked. So how can it be that using the same one person gets poisoned and the other does not?

12/03/2017 04:33

I don't know how Dr. Komarovsky supports probiotics or not, but they help us a lot. I deeply respect this person, he says very smart things, but I disagree on many things and have my own opinion, it seems to me that I need to focus on my child, see what helps him and what doesn't, and it doesn't matter what the gugu is broadcasting at the same time pediatrics. If, with any intestinal disorders, be it an intestinal infection, diarrhea or constipation in a baby, I start giving probiotics and he gets better, then I will continue to do so. We even treat rotavirus with sorbents and probiotics. Well, another electrolyte (rehydron) to prevent dehydration. Most often I give Bifidumbacterin, Narine is effective, or I cook low-fat milk with probiotic-ferments. There are a lot of probiotics, I always order on the Probiotics website, most drugs have a very short shelf life and not all pharmacies take such goods for sale.

25/12/2015 21:35

Ukraine, Cherkasy

Need help! The child is almost 4 years old, in the morning in the kindergarten he pulled out an evening pear, after that at home, until the evening, he tore three more times, he drinks water well, the only thing that grandmother gave milk porridge from an act of "good" will. We have no diarrhea, and the temperature ranges from 37.2-37.6. She drinks smecta and rehydron and gave 1/5 of a metoclopramide tablet (antiemetic). I doubt whether to call a doctor, they will obviously be taken to the infectious diseases ward. What to do? Tell me please!

06/05/2013 22:17

Ukraine Lviv

Need some advice! We have just been discharged from the hospital and have some nutritional problems. They said to eat only rice, potatoes and soup with rice and potatoes. We ate like that for two days and on the third we refused food. Please tell me how to diversify our diet?

31/07/2010 08:29

Since beating with breast milk - is it there or not, the child is 1 year and 4 months old, yes - intestinal infections develop, not yes - there are no ways to soothe the child (or even if aret is not small anymore)?
And about antibiotics, I understand that in infectious diseases hospitals they are injected for prophylaxis, and only on the 5th day they will find out who they should fight with (the results of sowing from the anal hole on the 5th day). So drink them or HOW? If you do not drink, then the doctors get on with it and do not even want to do an enema. Not even mentioning the drink of replacing antibiotics with bacteria.
We had a temperature of 39.5 16 hours after the first sign of illness (vomiting), although the temperature may have appeared earlier. They beat the temperature with injections (Aspirin and demidrol seem to be). The ability to measure was only after 16 hours. Also, 15.5 hours later, the first diarrhea occurred. After 10 years, entrasgel was given for the first vomit, and again after 5 years. The infection was injected once with the antibiotic Ferukal. We are lying in the region. children's Nikolaev.
Whether to prick us Ferukal, tell me?

30/11/2009 15:22

Need advice for an adult patient. The situation is as follows. History of chronic gastritis with low acidity. There is a possibility of poisoning with not very fresh cooked meat. A little diarrhea started. I started taking Laktiv Ratiopharm capsules. A couple of days. The condition has improved, the stool has become almost normal. A week later, a sharp deterioration in the condition. But the diarrhea is mushy and infrequent. I am taking Nifuroxazide. Sharply rises-for a couple of hours-T. up to 38. No vomiting and diarrhea. There are no signs of a cold. Difficulty breathing, a crazy pulse (I have a heart after rheumatism). Pain, methiorism, nausea, profuse sweat alternates with chills. I take Enterosgel, I feel better. T. bounced back a day later. The state of severe weakness and not quite normal stool with painful sensations and methiorism remained even now - for 3 days. While taking Nifuroxoside. Drink 5 days? Maybe you need to drink antibiotics? On Levomycetin, though contraindications. Everyone at home is healthy. I can't work, but I have to start work. Can you give any advice?

12/11/2009 01:27

We were also "lucky" to visit the infectious diseases clinic. The analysis did not reveal a single infection, on the 6th day they offered to pass the analysis to a paid laboratory for the virus, the analysis was positive. I will note that we were put into the infection for the second time (both tests were negative), for the first time we ran away and the temperature rose again at home - I had to go to bed again ... In the infection, I was forbidden to breastfeed my baby (I did it on the sly) , gave antibiotics to the child (although rotavirus cannot be cured with antibiotics). When you get into an infection, everyone is prescribed the same treatment, no one looks at what the child is sick with ... The most interesting thing is that when on the 3rd day in this hospital at night I felt bad (vomiting and diarrhea) no one provided me with medical assistance ... then they said that I myself was to blame and it was all because of my nerves ...

21/07/2009 01:23

I want to tell you how we "thundered" into the infectious diseases ward and how we escaped from there.
My daughter is 7 months old. I (I confess) gave her strawberries to try (in very small quantities, naturally). The next day, diarrhea began, and the temperature rose.
The local pediatrician prescribed Enterofuril in syrup, smecta, drinking plenty of fluids. We stayed on this treatment for a week stubbornly not wanting to go to the hospital. I had diarrhea about 10 times a day, ate poorly, the temperature was 37.2 one day, 38.5 the next, then 37.2 again, I drank water forcibly, but the child was in a good mood (which means I think everything will be fine). A week later, diarrhea became less common - no more than 4 times a day.
Then I decided to show the child to an infectious disease specialist. To get to her appointment, I had to walk for 1.5 hours in the heat and then wait another half hour in the clinic under the door. In short, by the time of the long-awaited reception, the child's temperature rose to 39, the daughter was hungry, tired and began to cry.
Seeing such a picture of the disease (weekly diarrhea), a crying child with a temperature of 39, the doctor told me to urgently go to the hospital "and not even think" and "with such a temperature, I will call an ambulance right now!"
In short, we got to the hospital in the department, where on each ward there is a sign "gastroenteritis" (this is not a diagnosis! And that means a child can lie next to us, sick with anything!) I am generally silent!
We were prescribed Nevigramon, Rehydron, and changed the infant formula. After the very first drug intake, we started to have real bloody diarrhea. The temperature is 39.5 - I knock it down right away. I call the doctor - it doesn’t work, I call it - it doesn’t go, I CALL !!! - came. "This (profuse blood in the stool) CANNOT BE a reaction to neviramon! These are symptoms of your illness!" This despite the fact that you have not yet identified the disease itself? (the analysis will be ready on the 4th day) And despite the fact that the instructions for nevigramon clearly say "CONTRAINDICATIONS: CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS, children from 12 to 18 years old - with extreme caution"
It is impossible to convince the doctors of the infectious diseases hospital of anything AT ALL. Tried it with money - it doesn't work, tried it through acquaintances from higher authorities - it doesn't help. Well, they do not know how else it is possible to treat an unknown disease !!!
The next day we collected the monats and went home.
We turned to a gastroenterologist at a private clinic. She scolded us for experimenting with the infectious diseases hospital and prescribed Viferon and Bifiform. After a week, the diarrhea stopped altogether, after another week the child began to steadily gain weight.
This is our story.
PS: by the way, the tests in the hospital did not reveal anything except Pr, but this is not surprising - taking antibacterial agents, which we took in abundance, significantly reduces the likelihood of identifying the pathogen. In short, we did not understand what it was

25/05/2009 08:31

Staphylococcus aureus is a conditional pathogen, no need to be afraid of it! It is found in more than half of the population. I lived with a staff in my nose and did not grieve, ARI three times a year for three days. During pregnancy, the ENT prescribed (based on analysis, but not complaints about the reason for their absence) oil chlorophyllipt in the nose and also an immunomodulator (which I did not drink, since I use others). I dipped a cotton swab into chlorophyllipt, anointed my nose, not reaching the mucous membrane - and after a week the staff was gone. True, it's not a fact that he is not there now :)
And the maternity hospital (one of the best in Kiev) for partner childbirth already does not require this analysis. If a child has a stool problem, then it is solved by probiotics, sorbents, chamomile, Viburcol, etc. - regardless of how to call it: dysbiosis or enterocolitis, which is accompanied by dysbiosis.
Yes, I don’t follow a diet in principle - I swam, I know, I swore.

30/03/2009 00:21

In our maternity hospital, there are constant cases of infection with Staphylococcus aureus both in women in labor and in newborns. this infection happened to us (I still can't figure out how ... but there are a lot of ways, after all) our maternity hospital even closes the sanitary and epidemiological station periodically for disinfection, but it's the same, because almost all the junior medical staff has this staphylococcus in the larynx and it is not treated ... well, okay, 2 weeks after discharge from the hospital, my daughter's stools became more frequent up to 4-5 times a day, became watery with an admixture of greenery, and a rash appeared on her face - Soviet-trained pediatricians began to blame me for I eat allergenic food, but I knew perfectly well that this was not so, I ate everything boiled, fresh, no honey, condensed milk and other things that the doctors blamed me for, I had to find a private good doctor, I passed the caprogram, the analysis for dysbiosis and the intestinal group, staphylococcus was revealed golden, not cured the first time, but cured by 6 months. At the onset of the disease, in addition to frequent loose stools, sometimes abdominal pains were of concern during attachment to the chest, (for the first 4 days), then there was no pain, only a rash on the face, and stools gradually disappeared up to 5 times a day. She applied the baby to her breast at her request, when she could stay at the breast for up to 45 minutes for a long time, but this is all the norm, she was gaining weight, too. So mother's milk - care, patience and of course correct and adequate treatment will lead to success. I introduced complementary foods later than 6 months, already closer to the year, because the summer was very hot here (in the room it was not lower than 27 degrees Celsius), and I didn't really want to eat. many convicts are already weaned at 1.5 years old and are in many ways ahead of them in food, but when you approach things correctly (have appetite, no snacks, healthy), she eats potatoes, porridge, soup, fruits well. Be healthy and attentive. !!!

In total, more than 30 infectious diseases are known, affecting primarily gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract). There is a group of almost defeated infectious diseases: cholera, typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever. The number of food poisoning, which contains bacterial toxins, remains at a high level.

Common intestinal infections:

  • Viral: rotavirus, adenovirus and other viral enteritis.
  • Bacterial: salmonellosis, dysentery, escherichiosis, yersiniosis, campylobacteriosis.
  • Protozoal: amoebic dysentery and appendicitis, giardiasis.

Viruses and bacteria enter the external environment from a patient with feces and vomit. In addition, healthy carriers that release pathogenic microbes are the source of infection. Infectious agents are transmitted through dirty hands, food, water, insects and rodents. Acute intestinal infections are more common in the warm season, when there are more temptations to drink unboiled water or unpasteurized milk, to taste unwashed berries and fruits.

Important! Staphylococci, Escherichia coli, amoebae and other opportunistic intestinal dwellers can become more aggressive, for example, when taking antibiotics uncontrollably.

Microbes cause diseases that proceed like acute gastritis - with pain in the stomach, vomiting. Symptoms of gastroenteritis (vomiting, diarrhea), enteritis (frequent bowel movements), colitis (stool disorders and blood in the feces), enterocolitis appear, which is characterized by damage to all parts of the intestine.

Not all strains of Escherichia coli are causative agents of the disease, only enteropathogenic, emitting toxins. Infection occurs through food that has been exposed to bacteria secreted by sick people. The body, as a result of poisoning with toxins, loses a large amount of fluid. Death can occur with severe dehydration or as a result of complications. Treatment of complicated forms is carried out in a hospital, where the patient is prescribed injections and droppers.

The bacterium Helicobacter pylori infects different parts of the stomach. Eating contaminated food can lead to acute gastritis. Almost 2/3 of the population is carriers of H. pylori, but not all of them show symptoms of the disease. necessary as early as possible. According to one of the scientific theories, bacteria cause stomach ulcers. Taking antibiotics frequently increases the risk of developing aggressive strains of H. pylori.

How to act at the first symptoms of an intestinal infection?

The incubation time of the causative agent of the disease is 6-12 hours, in some cases it takes up to 2 days. The toxins released by pathogens cause inflammation in the intestines with fever. Some infections are characterized by a predominance of nausea and repeated vomiting, while others are characterized by persistent diarrhea and abdominal cramps. In the stool there may be impurities of mucus, greenery, streaks of blood.

Summoned bacterial infection or intestinal amoeba, the same as for other causes of acute inflammation of the appendix of the rectum. There are abdominal pains above or below the navel, nausea, vomiting. The disease is dangerous by perforation of the walls, after which the contents of the intestine enter the abdominal cavity. This can lead to peritonitis, bleeding, sepsis.

It is necessary to call a doctor at home. Before the arrival of a specialist, you need to do the following:

  1. Put the sick child to bed, preferably in a separate room.
  2. It is desirable that the patient drinks 1 liter of water and induces vomiting for gastric lavage.
  3. If the patient is shivering, then cover him with a rug or blanket.
  4. Offer warm tea, give Rehydron solution to drink to restore fluid loss.

No-shpa tablets help from spasms and pain. Immediately before arrival, the doctors do not give antispasmodic and analgesic medications. They affect the manifestations of the disease, which are very important for the correct diagnosis and therapy.

Vomiting and diarrhea lose a lot of fluid, leading to dehydration. This condition is especially dangerous for children. If you do nothing, do not treat the patient, then the functions of the intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract are disrupted. It should be noted that in pregnant women, intestinal infections, dehydration negatively affect the work of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

It is relatively easy to cope with gastrointestinal diseases caused by staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, viruses. Vibrio cholerae, typhoid sticks, salmonella are of great danger. If the patient is not provided with timely medical care, then a lethal outcome is possible.

Preparations for the treatment of intestinal infections

Therapy should be comprehensive, including the fight against pathogens and secreted toxins, and replenishment of fluid losses. Specialists when it comes to how much to treat infection, are guided by the nature of the pathogen and the properties of the medications used.

Antibacterial agents

Antibiotics are used to destroy harmful bacteria: penicillins, azalides, cephalosporins. If the drug Azithromycin is prescribed, then the course of therapy cannot be shorter than 3 days. Levomycetin should be drunk for at least 8 days, Ampicillin - from 5 to 14 days. Drugs in this group are taken only as directed by a doctor.

Antidiarrheal medicines

Metabolic products, toxins of bacteria and viruses, together with vomit and stool, are excreted from the body. Antidiarrheal agents such as Loperamide artificially inhibit this process. Therefore, in some cases, the fight against diarrhea is harmful. On the contrary, you should flush the intestines, remove toxins with an enema. Only as part of the complex treatment of acute diarrhea of ​​infectious origin are Diara chewable tablets based on Loperamide used.

Rehydrating salt solutions

Dehydration or dehydration is accompanied by inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Oral rehydration products can help replenish water and electrolyte losses. Patients need to follow a diet, drink drugs that restore normal intestinal microflora.

How to take Rehydron saline remedy for diarrhea:

  • Dissolve the contents of 1 sachet of powder in 1 liter of freshly boiled and chilled water.
  • Drink 50-100 ml of this liquid every 5 minutes.
  • Daily dose: with mild diarrhea - 50 ml, with moderate severity - up to 100 ml per 1 kg of the patient's body weight.

Regidron's analogs in composition are rehydrating drugs for children and adults Gidrovit and Gidrovit forte (for oral administration). Such liquids quickly replace water and minerals lost by the body, can be used at home for early stages disease. Significantly more solutions for infusions, intravenous injections containing electrolytes and dextrose are produced.

Intestinal sorbents

The drugs of this group bind and remove pathogenic bacteria and various toxic substances from the gastrointestinal tract. Means Enterosgel, Polysorb MP, Smecta, in addition to the sorption effect, create a film on the surface of the inner wall of the intestine, which prevents the attachment of microbes. The release form, methods of administration and dosage of drugs are different. The dose is usually calculated taking into account the body weight and age of the patient.

Intestinal antiseptics

The drug Sanguirithrin is taken for salmonellosis, dysentery, food toxicoinfections. This herbal remedy has a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. It is produced in the form of tablets, soluble in the intestine. Treatment of bacterial diarrhea with Enterofuril lasts no more than 7 days. There are two forms of release: capsules and oral suspension.


The drugs of this group restore the normal microflora, disturbed as a result of the inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract. Cause almost all intestinal infections. They take dietary supplements that contain cultures of beneficial bacteria: Narine, Vitabs Bio, Normoflorin. The drugs Sporobacterin, Probifor have an antidiarrheal effect, normalize the intestinal microflora, and are immunomodulators.


Salmonella secrete endotoxin, which causes a condition called food poisoning. The clinical manifestations are very diverse, as are the complications of the disease. may differ in children and adults. Usually infants and the elderly are hospitalized with salmonellosis.

The target of bacteria is the small intestine mucosa. The disease is accompanied by fever, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, loose stools... If you start treatment on time, then salmonellosis disappears in 10 days.

  • antibiotics;
  • rehydration solutions;
  • intestinal sorbents for removing toxins;
  • probiotics to restore the balance of intestinal microflora;
  • diet and vitamin therapy.

Possible complications of salmonellosis: infectious shock, acute renal failure. Most often, against the background of inadequate therapy, dysbiosis occurs.

Viral enteritis

Viruses cause intestinal inflammation as often as bacteria. Many enteritis of viral origin is more familiar under the name "intestinal flu". The method of transmission of the causative agent of the disease is fecal-oral. One of the main features of a viral infection is its high contagiousness (infectivity). Therefore, epidemic outbreaks of infectious enteritis often occur.

The most common causative agents of the disease:

  • rotavirus (almost half of all cases of viral enteritis);
  • intestinal adenovirus;
  • coronavirus;
  • enterovirus;
  • astrovirus;
  • norovirus.

Rotavirus infection in adults may be asymptomatic or be accompanied by vomiting, flatulence, and watery diarrhea. The incubation period of the causative agent of the disease is short - from 1 to 3 days. Uncomplicated rotavirus intestinal infection resolves within 5–8 days.

The disease in children can be recognized by the classic triad of symptoms: fever, vomiting, and watery diarrhea. Cough occurs more often in infants. Symptoms get worse over the course of a week, then gradually disappear. The danger for babies is prolonged diarrhea, the development of dehydration and malabsorption syndrome.

On a note:

  • To prevent the disease, babies are given the oral vaccine Rototek.
  • Children in case of complications are treated in a hospital for intoxication and dehydration.
  • There is no specific treatment for viral enteritis.
  • The risk of transmission of infection persists from 8 to 10 days.

It is necessary from the very beginning to give the patient a sufficient amount of liquid in small portions, saline solutions Hydrovit or Regidron. For infants, rehydrating agents are added to the expressed breast milk or formula for artificial feeding. A solution of ½ tsp can serve as a replacement for Regidron and Hydrovit. table salt, ½ tsp. baking soda, 4 tbsp. l. sugar in 1 liter of boiled water (chilled).

Symptomatic treatment for rotavirus infection:

  • drugs Smecta, Polysorb MP, Activated carbon to reduce intoxication;
  • antipyretic syrups / tablets Ibuprofen or Paracetamol;
  • No-shpa pills for abdominal cramps;
  • antiemetic drugs.

Important! Viral diseases are not treated with antibiotics. Antimicrobial drug Enterofuril is prescribed to prevent bacterial superinfection.

Intestinal sorbents are taken in order to accelerate the elimination of toxic substances from the body. Powder Polysorb MP must be mixed with water and only in this form is taken orally. This intestinal sorbent can be taken by pregnant women and young children. The dosage is determined depending on the patient's body weight. Strict adherence to the recommendations helps to quickly cope with the inflammatory process in the intestines and accelerate recovery.

In addition to taking medications, it is imperative to replenish fluid loss during dehydration, restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Anton palaznikov

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience over 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.

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