How to form a kampsis in the form of a tree. Garden encyclopedia. Campsis: cultivation and care. Characteristic features of Campsis

landscaping 23.06.2019

Plant campsis (lat. Campsis), or bignonia- a woody deciduous liana of the Bignoniaceae family, a large heat-loving plant with bright flowers. The scientific name of the flower Kampsis received from the Greek word meaning to twist, bend, bend. Some amateur gardeners believe that campsis and tecoma, or tekomaria, are the same thing, but this is not so: these plants really belong to the same family, but represent different genera. The Campsis genus includes only two species, one of which has been cultivated in European parks since the 17th century.

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Liana kampsis - description

Liana kampsis is most often used for vertical gardening - it is fixed on a support with air roots. The beautiful complex pinnate leaves of Kampsis, consisting of 7-11 leaflets with serrated edges, are very showy, and its large tubular flowers, odorless and collected in short panicles at the ends of the shoots, reach a length of 9 and a diameter of 5 cm. Depending on varieties, the color of the flowers can be red-orange, raspberry, red-golden or pink. Kampsis bloom begins in June and lasts until September. The climbing plant Kampsis is a honey plant that attracts not only bees, but also wasps, ants and even flies. The fruit of the kampsis is a leathery elongated pod 8-10 cm long from two wings, in which membranous seeds with wings ripen in large numbers. When ripe, the pod cracks, and the winged seeds of the kampsis scatter around the area. However, not all Kampsis bear fruit - apparently, in order to set seeds, it is necessary that a plant of another clone grows nearby.

Landing kampsis in open ground

When to plant campsis in the middle lane.

Despite the fact that the winter hardiness of Kampsis allows it to withstand short-term frosts down to -20 ºC, Kampsis in the middle lane can be planted in open ground only in the second half of May. Campsis is planted in the Moscow region on the southeast or south side of the site, in a place protected from gusts of wind and drafts, but away from the windows of houses, because insects actively fly to the campsis. The plant is indifferent to the composition of the soil - the campsis grows even in limestone soil, but the soil must be saturated with trace elements and minerals. Kampsis is planted in a hole prepared in the autumn with a size of 40x50x50 cm.

How to plant campsis in the ground.

If you want Kampsis to start blooming in the second or third year, you need to plant a rooted cutting taken from an adult plant that is characterized by abundant flowering.

The top layer of soil taken out of the pit is thoroughly mixed with 5 kg of compost and 500 g of complete mineral fertilizer, after which a layer of this soil mixture is laid on the bottom of the pit, then the roots of the seedling are lowered into the pit, straightened, and the rest of the fertile soil mixture is gradually added to the pit. The cutting should be in the ground at the same depth at which it has grown so far. After planting, the surface of the near-stem circle is crushed and watered, and after the water is absorbed and the earth dries slightly, the surface is mulched with compost or peat. Since campsis is a liana, you need to install a support for the seedling and tie it to it, and so that this aggressive plant does not capture more territory than you allocated to it, dig metal sheets or slate around the root area to a depth of about 80 cm.

Growing kampsis in the garden

Campsis care.

How to grow campsis? Despite the exotic nature of the plant, even a novice grower can grow a Kampsis and care for it. Caring for the campsis liana consists in watering, loosening the soil and removing weeds around the plant, fertilizing, protecting against diseases and pests, and mandatory pruning of the campsis. In the irrigation regime, it is important to maintain balance, since the plant does not like both drought and stagnant moisture in the roots. On wet soil, it is easier to engage in weeding and loosening the trunk circle. Kampsis shrub culture is drought-resistant and is unlikely to die if you forget to water it, but timely watering is of great importance to maintain a well-groomed and healthy appearance of the plant. To keep moisture in the near-stem circle of the kampsis for longer, plant several bushes of undersized plants with similar requirements for keeping conditions in it.

Kampsis can grow without fertilizing, but it will respond to the application of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer with abundant flowering throughout the season.

Kampsis care requires regular pruning of the plant. Kampsis formation should be started immediately after planting - all shoots are cut at a height of 15 cm from the ground. When they begin to grow, leave the four or five most developed shoots, and remove the rest. The remaining shoots, as they grow, direct along the support, if necessary, tying them to it. It will be possible to talk about a formed plant when the skeletal branches reach 4 m in height. This usually takes 2-3 years. As for the side shoots, they are shortened annually to 2-3 eyes, and the weak, dry, diseased and unsuccessfully growing ones are completely removed. In case of severe damage to one of the skeletal branches, remove it and direct the strongest of the resulting replacement shoots in its place. To rejuvenate an old plant, all branches of the kampsis are cut at a height of 30 cm. Pruning is best done in early spring, before the buds awaken.

During the growing season, remove wilted flowers and cut off faded shoots by 3-4 eyes - this will ensure a high level of decorativeness of the plant and the duration of its flowering.

Why doesn't Kampsis bloom?

Readers sometimes ask us this question. Most often this happens with plants grown from seeds - such a campsis blooms only in the fourth or sixth year after germination, while a rooted cutting begins to bloom in the third year. The reason that Kampsis does not bloom may be sudden late spring frosts or strong drafts, as well as disease or pest damage. Kampsis will not bloom in areas with a cold climate.

Pests and diseases of campsis.

Kampsis is very resistant to diseases and pests, but its roots can rot from excessive watering, and in dry and hot weather the plant is attacked by aphids. Keep the balance of soil moisture and treat aphids from aphids with a solution of 10 g tar soap in 10 liters of water.

In all other respects, planting a kampsis and caring for it is not only not laborious, but also a very pleasant process.

Kampsis breeding

How to propagate kampsis.

Kampsis is propagated generatively (by seeds) and vegetatively by layering, woody and green cuttings and root shoots.

Kampsis from seeds.

The seed method has the disadvantage that seedlings almost never inherit the varietal qualities of their parents, and these plants bloom much later than those grown by vegetative methods. But on the other hand, this is the most labor-intensive way to get kampsis: the seed does not need preliminary stratification and any other processing and is normally stored at room temperature. In spring, Kampsis seeds are sown in a loose, permeable substrate with a neutral reaction to a depth of about 5 mm and germinated at a temperature of 25 ºC. Shoots appear in a month. As soon as the seedlings develop 3 pairs of true leaves, they are transplanted to a permanent place.

Propagation of Kampsis by cuttings.

Green cuttings of Kampsis are cut in June or July from the middle part of the shoots. 2-3 upper leaves are left on them, shortened by two-thirds, then they are planted on a bed in partial shade at an inclination of 45 º into fertile loose soil, after which the bed is watered and mulched. The rooting rate of green cuttings is something like 90%.

It is possible to reproduce Kampsis and lignified cuttings. They are cut in early spring from one-year-old woody shoots and planted at an angle immediately into the ground, since almost all cuttings take root.

Reproduction of Kampsis by root shoots.

Under favorable conditions, Kampsis produces abundant root shoots. The basal process is dug out with a part of the root and immediately planted in a permanent place. This should be done when the plant is at rest - in early spring or after leaf fall.

Kampsis from layering.

In the spring, the Kampsis shoot, growing close to the soil, is bent down and fixed in this position. Throughout the season, the soil around the cuttings is kept loose and moist, and then next spring the cuttings can be separated from the mother plant and planted in a permanent place. Kampsis from layering develops very quickly.

Campsis after flowering

The winter hardiness of the campsis allows it to endure short-term frosts down to -20 ºC without damage, but in areas with prolonged cold weather, the plant should be covered for the winter. Therefore, it is better to use removable supports for kampsis, so that on the eve of winter they can be easily removed, and quickly installed again in the spring. The procedure for preparing kampsis for winter is similar to warming grapes: the climbing kampsis is removed from the support, laid on the ground, covered with leaves, spruce branches or sawdust, covered with a film, on which the spruce branches are again placed.

Types and varieties of kampsis

There are only two types of Kampsis in the genus - rooting Kampsis, growing in North America, and large-flowered Kampsis, growing in Japan and China. These natural types of campsis gave rise to a third species - hybrid campsis.

or bignonia rooting (Bignonia radicans) - a large liana, rising to a height of up to 15 m with the help of numerous aerial roots. Her leaves are pinnate, up to 20 cm long, consisting of 9-11 leaflets, naked and bright green above, light below due to pubescence, which can cover the entire leaf plate, or can be located only along the veins. The flowers are tubular-funnel-shaped, up to 9 long and up to 5 cm in diameter, with a bright orange corolla and a fiery red limb, collected 10-15 pieces in apical brushes. The duration of flowering is achieved due to the fact that the flowers open sequentially, starting from mid-summer. The fruits of the rooting kampsis are flat pod-shaped boxes from 5 to 12 cm long. In culture, the species has been since 1640. Kampsis rooting is represented by such decorative forms:

  • magnificent- weakly climbing liana, usually growing as a shrub with long and thin shoots, complex leaves consisting of small oval leaves, and red-orange flowers;
  • golden- with yellow flowers;
  • early- this kampsis blooms a month earlier than the base species with large scarlet flowers;
  • dark purple- creeper with large flowers of dark scarlet color with a purple tint.

Campsis grandiflora (Campsis grandiflora),

or campsis chinese, or bignonia chinensis (Bignonia grandiflora), unlike the rooting kampsis, it does not have aerial roots, therefore it is attached to the support with the ends of the shoots. Obviously, for this reason, it reaches a lower height, and sometimes even grows in the form of a low bush. The leaves of plants of this species are pinnate, consisting of 7-9 leaflets up to 6 cm long, without pubescence on the underside of the plate. Tubular-funnel-shaped flowers of a red-orange hue, larger than the flowers of rooting kampsis - up to 8 cm in diameter - bloom 3 years after emergence. The fruit of the Chinese campsis is a pod-shaped box 15-20 cm long. This species is not as hardy as the rooting campsis, but it is brighter and more effective. The ornamental form of this species, Kampsis Thunberg, has orange flowers with short lobes and a short tube. In culture, kampsis is large-flowered since 1800.

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Five years ago I was vacationing on the Black Sea coast, and for the first time I saw a gorgeous liana. She impressed me with her beauty, brightness and power. Before leaving, they dug up root offspring, which I brought home.

Soon I found information about this plant, which, as it turned out, has two names - kampsis and tekoma. I began to understand the features of its growth and development. I found out that this is a woody deciduous liana, which belongs to the bignoniaceae family. There are two types of campsis - which I decided to grow, and. Campsis delights with its flowers, which are collected in brushes and reach 10 cm in length, beautiful and pinnate leaves of the plant.

Where to plant kampsis

I placed the creeper in a large container and let it winter in the house in an unheated veranda. In the second half of May, she planted the plant in a permanent place near the south side of the fence in loose fertile soil. In some publications I met information that calcareous soil is also suitable for kampsis.

Once in the spring and once in the summer I apply nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer. I propagate the liana by cuttings or shoots, it’s more familiar to me, but you can also sow seeds.

How to care for Campsis

Kampsis is a very thermophilic liana, and in my area there are very coldy. Therefore, sheltering a plant for the winter is very important. When the cold sets in, I try to remove the vine and cover it with spruce branches, and dry foliage on top. This procedure must be done in dry weather.

In winter, I try to throw more snow on the shelter. In the spring, I prune, leaving 3-4 shoots. Once during the dry period, aphids attacked my vine.

I fought with a harmful insect, spraying with a solution of laundry soap. No matter how much I was in love with this vine, it’s still worth recognizing that it also has negative sides. Firstly, insects are very fond of the plant - both flying and crawling, therefore I don’t recommend growing a vine near windows. Secondly, campsis fully justifies its name - rooting. If you grow it near a building, the roots cling and grow into a tree, and even into a brick. If you decide to create a green wall with beautiful flowers - it should be for a long time, as it is very difficult to exterminate the creeper growth. Kampsis also abundantly lets out root shoots, so you need to make sure that he does not conquer the area more than he is allotted. every day I have to sweep the ground under the vine. It has been four years since I planted the campsis in the ground, and only this year it pleased me with a truly abundant flowering. Recently I learned that with constant pruning of the vine, it can also be grown as a houseplant I want to experiment. I will write about successes or failures. I hope that my recommendations on rooting kampsis will be useful to readers. Let there be favorite and healthy plants in your gardens.

Honeysuckle is a fragrant liana. Leaving in the spring.

Campsis. Landing and care

Surely, while on vacation, you have seen hedges completely covered with beautifully flowering vines, the flowers of which resemble gramophones. Many amateur flower growers would like to grow a plant at home, but they lost any interest in kampsis - this is the name of this liana, having found out about its heat-loving disposition.

A plant familiar to the southern regions, if desired, is quite easy to grow in the middle lane. Campsis is an unpretentious plant. Plant it in a sunny, draught-free spot for abundant flowering.

Campsis is not afraid of drought, but this does not mean that it does not need to be watered at all. Water it regularly and abundantly. To preserve moisture, mulch the soil at the roots of the plant with peat or sawdust.

Kampsis does not have any special requirements for top dressing. For the longest and brightest flowering, feed the plant twice a month with a complex fertilizer with nitrogen and phosphorus. Wintering campsis, perhaps the most crucial moment.

In areas where winters are traditionally mild, there is nothing to worry about. But if the temperature is often and for a long time below -20 degrees, then without shelter it is impossible. This procedure is quite simple. The whole plant is completely covered - both stems and roots.

The stems must be removed from the support, laid on the ground and covered with spruce branches, sawdust or leaves. After that, cover the "slide" with plastic wrap. Every year, Kampsis needs cutting and shaping.

A properly formed plant will be more attractive. Regular pruning stimulates abundant flowering, as flowers form only on young shoots. From the first years of life, form a frame of three to four branches for the kampsis.

And ruthlessly remove the young shoots that have grown in a year. propagate kampsis can be cuttings, layering or seeds. The seed method is quite simple, but not popular, in this case you will have to wait 7-8 years for flowering. It is quite easy to propagate Kampsis by layering.

Pinch and dig the shoot growing as close to the ground as possible, and cover the ground above the cutting with plastic wrap in order to increase soil moisture. From the rooted cuttings next spring, a new plant will turn out. You can get a young plant with the help of root shoots.

To do this, in the spring, before the onset of the vegetation phase, separate the shoot with the root from the main plant and plant it in a permanent place. The grafting method is also used to propagate Kampsis. In early spring, last year's, well-lignified (but not green) cuttings are cut and planted in a permanent, not sunny place.

If the winters in your region are especially frosty, then the cuttings should be planted in containers that you can easily bring into a cool and bright room for the winter. If the winters are very cold and the shelter does not help, you can “domesticate” the campsis. At proper care and regular pruning, a garden plant can become a room liana.

Garden encyclopedia. Campsis: cultivation and care.

Characteristic features of Campsis

Campsis (Campsis) - a genus of heat-loving perennial deciduous vines from the Bignoniaceae family (Bignoniaceae), numbering only 2 species: - Large-flowered Campsis (Campsis grandiflora, or Bignonia grandiflora), also known as Chinese Campsis (Campsis chinensis), grows wild in the Far East region Asia (more precisely: in China and Japan). "Knows how", wrapping around the support with the ends of its shoots, to approach the sky along it by 6-8 meters. Sometimes takes the form of a low bush.

Delightful and in standard form. Bright orange flowers (up to 8 centimeters in diameter, looking like a smooth combination of a wide funnel with an elongated pipe) first show on the 2nd or 3rd summer after planting seedlings in open ground.

Tolerates frosts down to minus 18°C, but only for short periods. The length of the leaves does not exceed 6 centimeters. It has been introduced into culture since 1800; - Kampsis rooting (Campsis radicans, or Bignonia radicans), aka Tecoma rooting (Tecomaria radicans), comes from North America.

Sticking to a support (even to window glass) with dozens of air roots released by the stems, it rises to a height of up to 15 meters (leaves perfectly correspond to such a “guards” growth - their length reaches 20 centimeters). Can be shaped like an upright tree by a skilled gardener.

Equally “fiery” flowers (up to 5 centimeters in diameter, up to 9 centimeters long) with a scarlet limb are combined 10-15 pieces into apical brushes, they do not open all at once, but sequentially (therefore, flowering is long and abundant). Withstands short-term temperature drops down to minus 20°C.

It has been cultivated in Europe since 1640. And since 1883, the hybrid of these two species, Campsis Tagliba (Campsis - hybrida = Campsis - tagliabuana = Tecoma tagliabuana), began to gain wide popularity. It is more often a shrub, and with spreading branches.

In size of flowers it is similar to Campsis grandiflora, in terms of cold resistance it is similar to Campsis radicans. The foreign website GRIN (for more details see the article by Scheffler) mentions the third species in the list for the genus Campsis - Campsis fortunei (= Paulownia fortunei), however, immediately assigns it to the family Paulowniaceae (not Bignoniaceae). Tecoma (Tecoma) or Tecomaria (Tecomaria) are synonyms-names of another genus (covering about 40 different types) from the Bignoniaceae family - are often used as the names of Campsis, which, strictly speaking, is a mistake. The colloquial version of "Tykom" generally sounds rude.

Please don't repeat these mistakes. Much better are the nicknames "Trumpeter" and "Trubkotsvet" among amateurs. "Virginia jasmine" is beautiful ... and, alas, not very correct, because Campsis do not radiate a scent that is accessible to the human sense of smell. (For the bee and ant sense of smell, their smell is quite accessible and very attractive.) In their genus there are varieties with a different color of flowers: scarlet (crimson), purple, yellow, classic orange, red-orange or bright red.

The decorative effect is enhanced by dark green, pinnate, opposite leaves, consisting of 7-11 leaves with serrated (serrated) edges, which look spectacular against the background of walls and other elements of garden buildings. Instead, try to make a figured structure in the middle of the lawn, which Kampsis, rooting, braiding, will turn into a ball, into a prism or cylinder cut obliquely, into a truncated cone or pyramid with the top supposedly hidden in the ground.

Try to use this plant as a ground cover. The secrets of successful cultivation of Kampsis It is photophilous (and along with insolation, the sum of summer temperatures is also important for good flowering). Prefers light, loose soil (“agrees” to loam). It will develop confidently and quickly if it is endowed with wealth (fertility) and moderate humidity.

Therefore, top dressing and regular watering are necessary (especially during the flowering period: in Chinese Campsis it unfolds in August-September, in rooting Campsis - from June to October frosts). The list of propagation methods begins with the line "seeds". They are laid in a seedling box in March.

After 20-25 days shoots appear, which in May can be moved to normal soil. If sowing is carried out in the fall, then preliminary stratification of seeds will be required (see the article “Kandyk” about it), and they will germinate in 60-100 days. sand.

From a rooted cutting at the start of the first growing season, all shoots are broken off, except for the 2-4 strongest ones. They should make up the "skeleton" of the specimen, that is, by the end of the growing season, reach 250-300 centimeters in length and solidly woody.

Perhaps for this young Campsis will have to spend the whole summer in a container. For the winter, the container will be taken to a cold basement. If during the year the “skeletal” stems have not acquired the necessary conditions, growing in the container continues.

If acquired, in the spring they land in the intended place under the sun. In the southern regions (on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, for example), grafting with a cutting is acceptable. When planning to get a standard form, the “Chinese” is grafted approximately 10 centimeters above the ground onto the stem of a tree from the genus Catalpa (Catalpa), also belonging to the Bignoniaceae family. Pruning Kampsis (he carries it without suffering) is a multi-purpose and multi-phase procedure.

Firstly, it determines the decent appearance of the plant (remove small side shoots, keep the “skeletal” ones). Secondly, annually in the spring, shorten last year's shoots by 2-3 buds, since inflorescences form at the ends of only those shoots that are released by matured stems this year.

Thirdly, for the sake of rejuvenation, cut off all the shoots almost to the ground once every 5-6 years (do not expose the lowest tier). The complex of cosmetic measures also includes tying. : it rots) and sprinkle with earth. For the “guardsman”, it is possible to organize wintering in a different way: transfer it to a cool greenhouse, continue to water moderately, cut off flowering branches in February. small rodents. If you do not comb the wilted flowers out of the brushes (and they wither no more than 50 hours after they bloom), then in a couple of weeks the rooting Campsis will become like a garbage heap. If the "guards" lash falls on a wet substrate, then after do not dream of tearing it off without damage for several days. (But you have to tear it off if you don’t want it to spread to the entire lawn.) If you dig Kampsis without care, then new shoots will soon “shoot” out of the ground in its place (thanks to the super-duper-survivability of the root system). Glyphosate (herbicide, famous under the brands “Roundup” and “Hurricane”) do not help out in such situations. The plant tends to be declared aggressive by lazy owners, in whom it is able to “eat through” the foundation, and break through the floor, and squeeze out the windows, and flood the attic, and drop the roof, and out of the nostrils get stuck ... However, it is really not recommended to plant Kampsis in close proximity to wells, pools, artesian wells, because, smelling water, in an effort to reach it, it will break through with its roots even through reinforced concrete.

Cultivation of kampsis (tecoma)

Campsis (tecoma)- deciduous liana of the Bignoniaceae family, homeland - China and North America. This fast-growing vine forms aerial sucker roots that cling to a support and can climb to a height of up to 15 m. Kampsis is very decorative, resistant to urban conditions, smoke and gas resistant.

However, the thermophilicity of this plant prevents its widespread use in regions with cold winters. Kampsis grows well and blooms profusely in mild climates, in more severe conditions this heat-loving vine requires shelter for the winter.

The main decorative effect of this vine is given by large tubular-funnel-shaped flowers, 8-9 cm long and 5 cm in diameter. Depending on the variety, Kampsis flowers are orange, pink, red-golden, raspberry.

The first flowers begin to bloom in mid-June, flowering continues until September. Types and varieties of kampsis: - Kampsis rooting(Campsis radicans) native to North America. It reaches 7-9 m in height.

Kampsis rooting is a large vine with numerous aerial roots on stems, with the help of which it climbs a support. The leaves consist of 9-11 leaflets with a characteristic pubescence on the underside (solid or only along the veins).

Large, tubular flowers reach 6 cm in length and form apical racemes of 10-15 flowers. Flowers with a bright orange corolla and a bright red limb. It is thermophilic, but withstands a short-term decrease in temperature to -20 ° C. Varieties of this species:

  • flamenco with bright red flowers. Its shoots grow up to 5 m long, and flowering continues from July to October (in the absence of frosts). Flava also grows up to 5 m, but its flowers are light yellow and the flowering period is slightly shorter - from July to September.

- Campsis grandiflora, or Chinese (Campsis grandiflora) grows naturally in China and Japan. Unlike the rooting kampsis, it does not have aerial roots and wraps around the support with the ends of the shoots.

Pinnate leaves bear 7-9 leaflets up to 6 cm long, without pubescence below. But the tubular-funnel-shaped flowers of this species are much larger, up to 8 cm, than those of the Kampsis rooting, bright, fiery orange color.

Reaches a smaller height, sometimes grows even in the form of a low bush. At the time of flowering enters for 2-3 years. Less frost-resistant, tolerates short-term frosts down to -18 ° С without damage.

More colorful than Kampsis rooting due to larger flowers and abundant flowering. - Campsis Tagliabuan(Campsis tagliabuana) is a hybrid species resembling the large-flowered campsis (Campsis grandiflora). Campsis Tagliabuan reaches 4-6 m in height.

Growing, it forms a bush. This hybrid climbs the supports worse. In terms of decorative qualities, it is closer to large-flowered Kampsis, and in terms of winter-hardiness, it is closer to rooting. Variety of this species:

  • Madame Galen produces orange-red flowers.

Location. Campsis is photophilous, requires a protected location. It is unpretentious to soils and can grow even on heavy loams, but it grows better and blooms profusely on fertile soil.

Demanding on stable moisture supply and fertility of the substrate. With sufficient nitrogen-phosphorus nutrition, the duration of flowering is enhanced and increased. Old faded stems are best cut at the end of winter.

Like most vines, campsis is tolerant of pruning, so if desired, the plant can be given any shape.

Cultivation and care

It should be remembered that Kampsis flowers appear on the shoots of the current year, growing from perennial stems, which must be properly formed. Usually the plant is formed in two to four main shoots.

They will make up the skeleton and bear the brunt of the flowering. Too many shoots form at the base of the aerial part, they must be cut out, as they will interfere with the development of the main part.

Small side shoots should be removed from the bush, taking care only of the “skeletal” branches. If the climate in your area is quite severe in winter (air temperature is below -20 ° C), you should take care of sheltering the kampsis for the winter. To do this, the support for the plant must be made removable, for example, from a synthetic cord.

Before the onset of frost, the lashes are removed along with the support and laid on the ground. They are covered with spruce branches, dry plant residues. Reproduction. Easily propagated by seeds, root shoots, cuttings and layering. Rarely propagated by seeds.

- Propagation of Kampsis seeds rarely used - mainly in cases where vegetative propagation is difficult. A plant grown from seeds will bloom only in the seventh or eighth year. - Planting out root shoots- the fastest and most effective way to propagate kampsis.

Root shoots are shoots that are abundantly formed around adult plants. Such a shoot is cut off along with a piece of the root, when the plant has not yet entered the phase of active growth, and is planted in a permanent place.

- Reproduction by green cuttings produced in June-July. Cuttings are cut from the central part of the shoots, on which 2-3 leaves are left and planted obliquely in loose, fertile soil in partial shade.

It is desirable to mulch the soil with a thin layer of leaves to reduce the evaporation of moisture. The survival rate of green cuttings of Kampsis is quite high, reaching 90%.

- Lignified Kampsis cuttings cut in early spring from the shoots of last year's growth, planted obliquely. It can be planted immediately in a permanent place, since the survival rate of winter cuttings of Kampsis is almost 100%.

- Reproduction of kampsis by layering should be used for shoots located low above the ground. The lignified or green shoots of the kampsis are simply pinned to the ground.

But it is necessary to ensure that the soil is constantly moist during the rooting of the shoots, then during the season the shoots of the kampsis take root. In the spring of next year, they are separated from the mother plant and planted in a permanent place.

Kampsis propagated by layering develops very quickly. Usage. For vertical gardening of fences and facades of houses, and also grown in a low-stem form in the form of a small tree.

As children, we christened the plant the orange gramophone. This flower - liana tekoma (kampsis). Planting, care, cultivation, reproduction deserve attention, as it has an extraordinary decorative effect (photo), is able to close unsightly fences and walls, is unpretentious, frost-resistant. How many names this flower has - kampsis, tekoma, trumpet flower, but one thing can be said - this is a perennial plant that tolerates frost well (sometimes it still needs shelter), deciduous. The stem winds around the support in a spiral. Therefore, sometimes the stems, intertwining, form bizarre shapes. And the tekoma liana itself near the ground resembles the trunk of a bizarre tree. Above, it is crowned with a lush hat of dark green pinnate leaves up to 40 cm long and tubular bright orange flowers collected in drooping brushes. Well, why not the crown of a tree. It blooms all summer. As you can see, the brush has blushes, open flowers, and many buds. So the gramophone players will delight us for a long time, decorating the flower garden with bright spots. But even then the view will be elegant, as long boxes will be tied in place of flowers that can hang for a long time, sometimes even all winter. Rooting campsis can be called the most common. The vines are up to 3 meters long, the shoots are brownish, up to 5 cm thick. Although often the rooting tekoma liana can reach 10-15 meters, taking possession of the trellises, climbing onto the roof, covering a low house with a hat. When planting, tekoma is not demanding on the soil, but still, for greater decorativeness, select either fertile places, or carefully prepare a planting hole. After all, you will have to grow in one place for many years. Choose sunny places, where growth and flowering will be better. Kampsis planting is carried out in the spring in pits prepared in the fall. Size 40 * 50 * 50. Add 500 grams of complete mineral fertilizer, 5 kg of humus. Hurry, the best survival rate can be ensured in time before bud break. Seeds can be used for propagation. There are many in boxes. But before planting, it is necessary to carry out stratification. This is for spring sowing. If the seeds dry out, their germination decreases. Therefore, it is better to use vegetative methods - layering, root and green cuttings, root offspring. As already mentioned, one of the most common types is rooting kampsis. Reproduction is simple, comes from the name itself. Take a closer look, on the shoots you will see small dormant air roots. Take and simply pin any shoot to the ground (you can put it in a small hole). The soil in this place must be kept moist. By the spring of next year, it will be possible to separate a new plant. But this ability to take root may not please everyone. Since the roots are able to penetrate both the masonry of the walls and the wooden structures of the windows. Therefore, it is better to use specially designed supports, and not just throw a vine on the wall. The Kampsis flower does not require much care. You may not even fertilize. The plant is able to penetrate to great depths in the ground. Of course, especially after planting, you need to water. If there is a drought, then water 3 times during the season, giving 30 liters under the bush. Loosen the earth, get rid of weeds. And if you feed it, for example, with an extract from ash or plants, then the flowering will be even more magnificent. More often form 2-4 main shoots. A trifle growing close to the ground is cut off. Thus, several skeletal shoots are obtained. Often faded shoots are cut into 3 eyes. But still, tekoma grows well both after pruning and after freezing. So feel free to use a pruner to give it different shapes, create green hedges or keep it within the size of a bush. Using special designs, you can get a cube, a ball, some bizarre shape braided with a liana in your flower garden. It copes with diseases and pests perfectly, until they noticed. But in the spring, do not be afraid. At first, it may seem to you that the vine has dried up, it just does not manifest itself early. Small green hedgehogs will begin to appear, in bunches. Little by little, little by little, and then once and growth will go in a stormy wave. Photos of Kampsis flowers (increase by click)

Campsis is a blooming deciduous vine with bright flowers that look like small trumpets from the first gramophones. Liana became popular due to its lush decorativeness and unassuming character.

This plant has amazing abilities to use supports, kampsis can climb the wall of a house or any other structure to a height of more than 10 meters. Help kampsis climb up the supports aerial sucker roots and wrap around the ends of the shoots.

The beauty of the plant is given by large scarlet or orange flowers and spreading branches with large leaves. Kampsis flowers are odorless, but contain a lot of nectar, which attracts a lot of flying insects and ants.

Campsis is a climbing perennial plant, for which the ideal conditions are sun, warmth and the absence of drafts. Kampsis belongs to the genus of woody vines of the bignoniaceae family, therefore it is also called bignonia, and there is also another name - tekoma.

Despite its southern origin, the gardeners of the Middle Strip liked the kampsis, who successfully grow it in their garden plots, enjoying flowering from June to September.

Selecting a landing site

Kampsis is not too picky about the soil, but it shows the best decorative effect on loose fertile soil. The plant feels very good on the south side of the building, for example, the south side of the house is suitable for planting kampsis, which gives additional heat to the plant from the wall heated in the sun.

Considering that the campsis gives a lot of root shoots, it is advisable to protect the place allotted to this plant with slate or sheet iron, digging them into the ground to a depth of 70 cm.

Landing kampsis

A hole for planting a seedling needs to be dug about half a meter from the wall of the building, and it is best to do this in advance, in the fall. The size of the hole should be about twice as large as the clod of earth of a seedling with a closed root system.

Seedlings are planted in the spring, in the second half of May, when all spring frosts have passed. The free space in the pit is filled with excavated soil mixed with organic and mineral fertilizers.

For drainage, sand or gravel should be poured into the bottom of the pit. The seedling in the pit is placed at an angle to the wall and tied to the trellis. Next, the plant is watered, and the trunk circle is mulched with compost or peat.

Kampsis breeding

Bignonia can also be grown from seeds that are planted in moist soil in March, constantly keeping the soil moist. The first shoots appear after 3-4 weeks, after which the box with the seedlings is exposed to the sun.

At the end of May, when a few leaves appear, the plant is transplanted into open ground or continued to be grown at home: in a room or on a balcony, adjusting the size of the plant with pruning.

The method of growing thecoma from seeds is not very popular, since the plant begins to bloom only after a few years (usually after 5 - 7 years).

The fastest and effective method propagation of kampsis with the help of processes of rhizomes that grow around plants. Root shoots together with the root are separated from the main rhizome and planted in a permanent place.

Campsis Care

Kampsis is easy to grow because the plant does not require any special conditions for growth. Since it is thermophilic, it needs sun and moisture, and the plant does not like waterlogging and stagnant water.

In the middle lane in winter, the plant must be covered with non-woven material, spruce branches and sprinkled with snow. At the end of the season, it is necessary to cut off the faded shoots for 3-4 eyes. This will improve flowering in next year. Sometimes bignonia can be affected by aphids. In this case, the plant is treated with a solution of laundry soap.

Types and varieties of kampsis

There are two species and one hybrid in the Kampsis genus:

  1. rooting;
  2. large-flowered.

The very name of the species speaks of the properties of these plants. The hybrid is called Campsis Tagliabuan and is positioned as a separate species of this plant. It combines the properties of both types. The most famous and lush-flowering variety of this hybrid is 'Madame Galen' with orange-red flowers.

Campsis is a flowering deciduous liana that will quickly plant greenery on the wall of the house, trellis or pergola, it can be used to create a dense green wall and divide the space of the garden.

Video: Kampsis - flowering deciduous liana

Campsis (lat. Campsis) is a genus of woody vines of the Bignoniaceae family (Bignoniaceae). The genus name has a Greek etymology and literally means "kamptein" - to bend, twist or bend, in the shape of a long winding trunk.

Kampsis has been known in culture since the 17th century. Representatives of this genus are also called Tecoma, or Tekomaria, however, Tecoma (syn. Tecomaria) is a separate, albeit similar, genus of plants from the tribe Tecomeae of the same family Bignoniaceae.


Perennial deciduous woody vines up to 12 meters long, sometimes branching. Campsis, as a rule, climbs trees, shrubs, poles, using aerial roots, in the absence of a vertical support, the plant stretches all over the ground. Young shoots are greenish-brown, becoming woody and dark with time.

Pairs of opposite odd-pinnate leaves grow the entire length of the vine, consist of 7-11 individual ovate or elliptical petioles with coarsely serrated edges, their upper surface is shiny and bare, and the lower surface is often pubescent along the main veins.

Inflorescences of 2-8 large (up to 8 cm) elongated funnel-shaped flowers are located on the tops of the shoots of the current year. The corolla is elongated, funnel-shaped; reddish veins stretch along its inner surface, which act as a conductor of insects to nectar. The leathery five-lobed calyx is much smaller than the corolla. The flowering period falls in the summer and lasts for 2 months.

The structure of the Kampsis flower

The abundance of flowers varies by species. Each flower is replaced by an elongated pod-like pod, up to 15 cm long, which, after ripening, splits into two lobes and releases flat seeds with membranous wings.


The genus Campsis is represented by only two species and their hybrid, which is classified as a separate species.

K. rooting(lat. C. radicans) - grows in southeastern North America and on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico along fences and on the outskirts of forests. These are fast growing deciduous woody vines. Aerial roots located at intervals along the stem help the campsis to gain a foothold on any vertical surface, so the plant does not require special supports. After the vine rises to a certain height, it grows horizontally.

Aerial roots of Kampsis rooting

Along the entire length of the trunk, pinnate leaves grow oppositely, 10-30 cm long, which cover the vine with a dense bright green veil. They consist of 7-15 oval leaflets with serrated edges 2 - 6 cm long, dark green and glabrous above, lighter and sparsely hairy below, often only along the midrib

Bright yellow-orange to red clusters of funnel-shaped flowers appear in mid-summer (earlier in the southern regions) and bloom consistently until early autumn. Thus, buds, tubular flowers, and then seed pods are on the vine at the same time.

The following varieties of Kampsis rooting are widely popular in culture:

  • Flava is a shrubby liana 5-7 m tall, with large rich yellow flowers in numerous inflorescences, blooming from July to September.
  • Flamenco is a liana with purple-red flowers, blooming from July until frost.

Kampsis rooting

K. grandiflora or Chinese (lat. C. grandiflora) is a highly decorative species that grows naturally in eastern and southeastern China and Japan. As a rule, creepers of this species reach 10 m and have attractive, large-toothed, compound of small leaves, pinnate, medium to dark green leaves. Aerial roots are rare for plants of this species, more often the ends of the shoots cover the support for upward growth.

Against a dense background of dark foliage during flowering, the campsis literally flashes with a carpet of large (up to 8 cm) reddish-orange flowers with a hint of yellow and salmon. Flowering lasts a month, then a small number of flowers remain on the vine and oblong seed pods are formed, splitting in half when ripe and releasing numerous winged seeds in the wind.

Campsis large-flowered, or Chinese (C. grandiflora)

K. hybrid or Taglibuan (lat. C. x hybrida = C. tagliabuana) - an interspecific hybrid of C. radians x C. grandiflora, bred in the middle of the 19th century. Shrub liana with funnel-shaped orange, salmon or red large (up to 7 cm) flowers, collected in loose panicles and blooming almost throughout the summer, has aerial roots, with which it clings to surfaces. They grow quickly and reach up to 7-8 meters. It blooms later than other species - starting in August.

  • Madam Galen is a popular variety of Kampsis hybrid, a powerful shrub liana with apricot-colored flowers pierced by dark veins in paniculate inflorescences.

Photogallery of species

Cultivation and care

Kampsis is photophilous, although it also tolerates partial shade. In the conditions of the middle zone of the country, it is best to plant it on the south side of buildings, this will provide not only the desired illumination, but also the maximum possible air temperature for full development.

Important. Planting a kampsis too close to the house can cause damage to the foundation by creeping roots, so it is important to maintain some distance from the building.

Campsis hybrid (C. tagliabuana)

A trellis, fence, or pergola is great as a support structure when growing and caring for Kampsis, and trees can be smothered by creepers. For young plants, it is recommended to use removable supports made of synthetic ropes or wire so that for the winter they can be laid on the ground under cover along with the vine without tearing off the roots.

The campsis plant is able to adapt to any soil, but prefers drained ones, does not tolerate waterlogging and stagnant water.

Kampsis can also be grown as a standard tree

When growing Kampsis, an important factor is the containment of fast-growing shoots. In order to initially form a plant, before the growing season, all shoots should be broken off from an already rooted cutting, except for 2-4 of the strongest, which will subsequently become stiff and form the basis of the campsis. After landing in open ground, this skeleton, having reached about 3 meters, will confidently winter even if the same-year-old shoots freeze. Since flowers are formed on the shoots of the current year, this will not interfere with flowering, just like shaping pruning in early spring.

If the vine is grown in a large enough area where the aerial roots are available for regular pruning, it can be grown without support and shaped like a shrub.

Kampsis grows very vigorously, watering and top dressing is required only when necessary, fertile soil leads to the strongest growth of an already vigorous plant.

Various colors of Kampsis flowers


Kampsis is easily propagated by cuttings or layering, flowering in these cases occurs in 2-3 years. Growing Kampsis from seeds is less effective, seedlings bloom only after 6-7 years.

Diseases and pests

Campsis is resistant to diseases, rarely damaged by pests. Sometimes he is worried about a typical thunderstorm of gardens - aphids, at the first sign of damage, insecticide treatment should be carried out.

Campsis on decorative vertical supports

Application in landscape design

Spectacular creepers with feathery leaves, giving the plant a general openwork look, and bright exotic flowers will decorate the walls of houses, terraces, and hedges. They do not require special supports and confidently climb any surface, clinging to it with air roots. Without support, grow on the ground and can be used as ground cover plants.

Kampsis should not be used for landscaping painted arbors, because the aerial roots release a sticky substance that can almost certainly ruin the paint.

Campsis in the landscape

Unusual flowers are used for cutting, but it should be remembered that they are attractive to a variety of insects that may hide in the depths of the flower tube.

Campsis is an undeservedly rare guest in the gardens, although due to the long flowering and fairly simple care, it is quite capable of taking a leading position in vertical gardening.

A large, profusely flowering bush in a garden of amazing beauty is a campsis ( Campsis). Planting and caring for this marvelous giant with elegant sprawling branches reaching 15 m along the support, we will consider in this article.

Landing kampsis

Location choice. The plant gained popularity due to its splendor and unpretentiousness. Any type of soil is suitable for it, but it will grow better in loose, fertile, not waterlogged soils with a neutral pH level. Kampsis is a southern plant requiring sunny place on the south side of the site. Over time, it develops powerful roots, from which multiple shoots grow.

To prevent the bush from capturing more than the territory allotted for it, plant it on an asphalted area, in a specially designated place for plants, or protect the rhizome with metal sheets to a depth of 80 cm. You should not place it by the window because insects actively fly to the kampsis.

Landing. In the spring, after all frosts, seedlings with germinated buds can be planted in the ground. It is advisable to prepare a hole for planting 50 × 60 cm in size in the fall, add phosphorus and potash fertilizers in the amount of 500 g and 5-10 kg of compost. At the bottom of the hole, pour sand and gravel 15 - 20 cm for drainage, and pour soil on top of the slide. Place a seedling in the hole, straighten the roots, cover with earth and compact. After that, water and mulch with peat. Initially, seedlings need tying and support.

Kampsis can be grown from seeds. Sowing of seeds is carried out in early March in boxes with loose earth 3-4 mm deep. The soil in the box is watered as the surface dries. When the seeds sprout, move the box to a sunny windowsill. In the phase of 5 - 6 leaves, seedlings are planted in the ground. However, flowering will occur only at 7 - 8 years.

If severe winters do not allow growing a bush on the street, then with the help of formative pruning it can grow in a house or apartment in the form of a houseplant.

Campsis rooting (Campsis radicans) "Atropurpurea"

Campsis Care

Watering. It is drought-resistant, but in order for the plant to retain its decorative effect and abundant flowering, regular watering is required. You can plant perennial bushes next to it to preserve soil moisture and shelter bare vines from below.

The plant cannot stand excessive watering - the roots begin to rot and it dies.

Campsis is able to withstand only short-term adverse conditions.

Pruning . Creepers grow rapidly and stretch in height along the support. Their growth can be controlled by pruning, which is carried out at the end of the growing season and is necessary to enhance flowering next year.

To form the skeleton, 2 - 3 of the tallest shoots are selected, the rest are removed. During the growing season they are sent along the trellises, tied up. The actions are repeated until the shoots cover the entire surface allocated for them. The formation of the skeletal system takes at least three years.

Strong pruning of the formed plant is done every year. Leave only lignified skeletal branches formed from perennial shoots and 3-4 new shoots cut to 2-3 buds.

To maintain an elegant look throughout the season, the withered inflorescences are removed and the faded shoots are shortened by 3-4 buds.

Excess shoots near the bush are dug up or cut off with reinforced secateurs.

To stimulate the growth of new strong shoots, rejuvenation is carried out. To do this, cut off all shoots up to 30 cm above the ground.

Top dressing. Liana grows excellently even without top dressing. The introduction of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers increases the duration of rich flowering.

Pests and diseases. Campsis is very disease resistant. But, in moments of drought and prolonged heat, aphids can attack him. To combat aphids, spray the foliage with a solution of laundry soap.

Shelter for the winter. The plant is thermophilic, and we often have harsh winters with severe frosts.

Covering campsis for the winter is a must!

The liana is removed, covered with spruce branches, covered with dry foliage, covered with polyethylene. In winter, a large snowdrift is made at the place of shelter.

Some gardeners lay vines between sheets of foam and wrap thick acrylic on top.

Without shelter, the plant can withstand only a short frost down to -20C, but, as a rule, freezes out.

Place creepers in the garden

Kampsis is used as a living, green hedge when decorating lattice fences, walls of houses and arbors. Creepers gracefully wrap around pergolas and long arches that decorate the entrance to the garden or make a passage between buildings in the courtyard, and if you put a bench under such an arch, you get a cozy place to relax.

With the help of a competent shaping haircut, a small flowering tree is obtained in the form of a ball, pyramid or a bizarre shape.

Campsis is a great garden decoration that creates a nice cool shade. All summer until late autumn, it will delight with splendor and flowering, without requiring much labor in return.

Tatyana Salomatina

2014, . All rights reserved.

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