Tarot divination next year. Divination for a year. Annual layout "12 houses"

Roof 29.11.2020

That the coming year? This question is asked by many people from time to time. It is always interesting to know how your life will change over the next 12 months, maybe something very important will happen in it, or maybe everything will remain the same. The Tarot layout for the year will give answers to all your questions and help you make an approximate forecast of events in the near future.

Divination card of the year

With the help of this layout, you will learn from one card the features of your future for 12 months in advance. Please note that the card of the year can be chosen exclusively from the Major Arcana, since it is from them in divination that you can learn about important events, plus they have a rather deep meaning.

It is necessary to mix all the arcana, extract one from them, by which they will become clear general trends future, as well as the main key aspects will be clarified.

The technique of randomly drawing a card from a deck is known as the Hayo Banzhaf method. The latter was of the opinion that fortune-telling on Tarot cards is based on random card layouts, therefore, in fortune-telling for the coming year, he recommended not to try to calculate the card, but to pull it out by intuition. Most tarot readers hold a similar opinion.

0th lasso, Jester

In the new year, you will enter into the unknown, this is the period of completion of some events, when it becomes necessary to make a choice and a new event cycle begins. You will be able to move forward freely, but you risk getting into a very stupid position.

1st lasso, Mage

The card will portend success. Using your skill and dexterity, along with other skills, you can get a wonderful result and all your plans will come true.

2nd lasso, Priestess

In the new year, you will constantly solve various secrets and riddles. It is also likely that problems will arise in personal life, perhaps there is some kind of understatement in them. Arkan promises memorable experiences.

3rd lasso, Empress

The coming 12 months promise to be very fruitful: what you have been working on for a very long time can end in success. You will need to let go of the situation and calm down. Enjoy what you have and discover your abilities!

4th lasso, Emperor

Finally, something very important will happen this year, which you have been waiting for a very long time. You need to be active in order for your ideas and plans to be realized in life.

5th lasso, Priest

A year of happiness and fulfillment of all plans and undertakings. It is important for you now to reconsider your views and find meaning in your actions. Check if you live by outdated, irrelevant stereotypes and understand what you really want.

6th lasso, Lovers

In the coming year, you will face a storm of emotions and a rather difficult choice. Having done it, you will either find yourself at a higher stage of development, or, on the contrary, you will find yourself in a difficult situation. Your will will be tested. It is also very likely that you will have a strong romantic feeling.

7th lasso, Chariot

Feel free to do whatever you want to do. Now you can deal with all your ill-wishers. Do not be afraid to take risks and get involved in adventures - now the Higher Forces will patronize you in this.

8th lasso, Strength

You have to go through various trials. You will be passionately passionate about something (or someone), and you will also fight for your "place in the sun." When it gets so hard that you want to give up, remember that everything will end well and don't stop.

9th lasso, Hermit

A rather serious year is coming, but at the same time there will be good discoveries. Collect your thoughts and engage in thinking about the right path in life. Give up momentary entertainment and petty worries.

10th lasso, Wheel of Fortune

Your fate will change a lot, but in better side. The Wheel of Fortune is closely related to Time, so you most likely will not immediately understand the extent of your luck.

11th lasso, Justice

You will be tested for maturity. The Higher Forces want to evaluate how you fulfill your rights and obligations in daily life. This year you will receive the fruits of the seeds you have sown earlier and what they will be - it already depends only on you and your mistakes or good actions done before.

12th lasso, The Hanged Man

It is worth preparing for difficulties. The lasso of the Hanged Man will tell about amazing changes that will be a little inexplicable. Do not sacrifice everything for the sake of achieving some abstract goal - most likely, the sacrifice will be useless. All the same, there is a chance to get out of the intricate maze, for this, keep moving forward.

13th lasso, Death

The coming year may be the beginning of major changes that will change your usual worldview. Until the end of this year, a completely different person may become your place. Now something important for you before is losing its meaning, giving way to something new.

14th lasso, Temperance

It's time for positive change. The coming year will be like a new day, bringing great opportunities and helping you fulfill your plans. At the same time, what you dream about will come true by itself, regardless of your will or the influence of other people. And by making efforts on purpose, you will never be able to achieve your dream. So relax and trust your guardian angel.

15th lasso, Devil

You will be tempted by easy prey, under the guise of which there may be opportunities to quickly reach certain heights in life, for which others have to make considerable efforts. It is important for you to resist the temptation to rise above others, because this is a road to nowhere. Don't let your emotions take you on a hell of a adventure.

16th lasso, Tower

Probably, next year, failures will replace one another, and it will be impossible to fix anything. But at the same time, you can also get rid of what is no longer needed. The most correct decision in such a situation is to wait out the crisis period and learn from all the upheavals of life. Do not act arrogant, otherwise you risk facing additional obstacles. Build relationships with the outside world.

17th lasso, Star

You will be patronized by a lucky star. All plans and dreams will become a reality, leaving any negativity far behind. You are on the right path, boldly make plans for the future and take on long-term business. Now you have no worthy rivals and no one is able to disrupt your path to triumph.

18th lasso, Moon

The coming year will not bring you peace, on the contrary, it will be very restless, in the business sphere, "ebb" will alternate with "ebb". You will often suffer from bad thoughts and mental anguish, and the main reason for this is not understanding what is happening.

19th lasso, the Sun

The next year will bring you happiness, your path will be illuminated by the bright rays of the sun and you will know the bright side of life. You will find yourself on the crest of the wave, you will have enough finances, and all your desires will begin to come true. All your positive actions done earlier will now return to you in the form of happiness and joy, plus you will get rid of all doubts and fears, leaving them forever in the past.

20th lasso, Judgment

You will face significant changes in your destiny that you did not plan. Be sure that you made the right decision and very soon your life and the life of your loved ones will change for the better.

21st lasso, World

This year it is necessary to complete all things, achieve your goals in order to find your place in this world. You will be able to achieve the main thing that you have been striving for for a very long time and put a lot of effort into, which will bring you real happiness.

Breakdown for the year by months

In this scenario, you can use both Seniors and Minor Arcana, which are decomposed by 3 for all months, starting from January and ending with December in chronological order (the 1st, 2nd and 3rd will tell about the events of January, the 4th, 5th and 6th - about the events of February and so on).

The layout will be as follows:

***29 ,30,31**

Divination for different areas of life. You need to collect cards, shuffle the deck. You can use both the Major and Minor Arcana, arrange them according to the following scheme:

**************************** ******
******************** **************

Maps should be interpreted like this:

  • on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd - you will learn about what will come to you this year;
  • 4th, 5th and 6th - will tell about what will leave;
  • 7th, 8th and 9th - will tell about the state of household affairs;
  • on the 10th, 11th and 12th - you can find out how your personal life will turn out;
  • 13th, 14th and 15th cards - will reveal the features of work and study, as well as the state of affairs in general;
  • 16th, 17th and 18th arcana - they talk about the financial sphere of life;
  • 19th, 20th and 21st - reveal the spiritual sphere of a person and talk about personal growth;
  • 22nd, 23rd and 24th cards - will tell about various unexpected moments;
  • 25th, 26th and 27th - will tell about the likely problems that you will be forced to solve;
  • 28th, 29th and 30th cards - tell about the pleasant surprises of fate that you received over the next 12 months.

Find out more interesting information from the following video:

Annual layout of the Tarot "Picture of the Year"

  • health
  • love
  • a family
  • Work
  • money

Depending on the serial number, the Arcana say:

  • 1 - situation
  • 2 - what can the questioner achieve
  • 3 - what danger to expect
  • 4 - prompt to action
  • 5 - advice

Annual layout "12 houses"

Fortune telling is done not only for a year, but also specifically for the next 1.3 or 6 months. It is recommended to clearly define the desired time frame, and then ask the cards a question.

13 Major Arcana are involved, each of which is responsible for one month, and the 13th card summarizes the values ​​\u200b\u200band gives a general forecast for the life of a fortuneteller for a year.

There is a second version of the alignment not for a year, where the Arcana characterize:

  • inner world
  • finance
  • relationship
  • creation
  • health
  • personal relationships
  • difficulties
  • travels
  • Work
  • friends
  • hidden secrets
  • specifics of the year

Annual layout "12 months"

Fortune telling clearly describes the events in the coming calendar months. 12 cards are drawn from the deck and laid out in order in the form of a circle, and then they are interpreted, and the Major Arcana that fell out represent the most important months in the life of the questioner.

Annual layout "12 grapes" from the tarot reader Aurora

It is recommended to do it on New Year's Eve, or on the name day of a fortuneteller. A whole deck is involved, from which 12 cards are drawn in turn - they will open the future. You need to lay out the Arcana according to the scheme, each card means:

  • new perspectives
  • personality
  • what will be the excess
  • sphere of life unchanged
  • love
  • state of mind
  • studies
  • goals achieved
  • year loss
  • test of the year
  • year information

Online tarot divination for 12 months of the year

If it is not possible to visit a tarologist or see the future on your own, there is free divination online over the internet.

The Tarot layout for the year will tell you how life will happen in the coming year in each of the 12 months. You can learn what to fix and what to avoid, as well as mentally tune in and prepare for possible trials.

Arkan talks about the areas of life in the month for which he is responsible. You need to draw one card at a time. The interpretation of the Arcana will be written on the screen.

Free online divination on Tarot cards "Panorama of the Year"

The alignment for the year is recognized as the best long-term fortune-telling, which will quickly and clearly provide information about the next 12 months in various areas of life. The best option is to make a layout for Christmas, New Year or Birthday, but not more than 1 time in six months. The fortuneteller draws one card, each of which carries certain information:

  • finance
  • relationship
  • a family
  • health
  • love
  • relaxation
  • travel
  • enemies
  • change
  • let
  • influence of the past on the future
  • inevitable
  • advice
  • year as a whole
  • fate card

Annual alignment on the runes

The layout for the year is also performed on special magic symbols - runes. Every year the list of divination techniques increases, and new ones are added to the old familiar layouts on the runes. You can see the future yourself or come to an appointment with a specialist, or you can tell fortunes online on the Internet.

Annual layout"9 runes" helps to take a deeper look at the situation and bring it closer to the correct solution of the issue. You need to lay out the runes in right order, where each character has a specific meaning:

  • 1,2 and 3 - past
  • 4.5 - present
  • 6 - the result to which 4 and 5 will lead
  • 7.8 - consequences 6
  • 9 - total

Fortune telling on runes is not easy, but truthful on a par with Tarot cards.

Predictions are reliable information about the past, present and future, which is revealed with the help of mystical objects from the field of esotericism. These include: stones, tarot cards, runes, beans, coffee grounds and more. Fortune telling on the Tarot is recognized as the most accurate and truthful method of those listed.

Knowing and correctly applying the layouts, it is possible to obtain reliable information and find a way out of a difficult situation. Reviews for the year will make life easier and help in solving complex issues.

We must not forget that Tarot gives advice, but the final decision remains with the fortuneteller - "everyone is the creator of his own destiny."

Tarot fortune telling for a year is considered New Year's fortune telling, because it is at this fabulous time that a person has a desire to know what will happen to him in the coming year. One of the most popular fortune-telling is the Panorama of the Year layout. Using it, you can get the most accurate forecast for the coming year in all spheres of human life. You can conduct Tarot fortune-telling for a year at any time, but not more often than once every six months. It is very important to tune in correctly and remember that the reliability of the information provided by Tarot cards largely depends on your belief in magic.

Features of the "Panorama of the Year" layout

For this layout, you should use a deck consisting only of the Major Arcana. In total, 16 cards will need to be laid out. It is noteworthy that when interpreting the cards that have fallen, one must take into account the advice that is provided in the descriptions of the card values.

The Major Arcana are laid out in four rows of four cards and in their positions, which correspond to the order from left to right.

They are interpreted as follows:

  • The first card deciphers the situation in the field of finance.
  • The second card predicts possible events in the business sphere related to a change in profession, organizing your own or new business.
  • The third card describes relationships with friends and colleagues.
  • The fourth card reveals the events of the coming year, which are associated with family relationships parents and families.
  • The fifth card predicts the state of health for the coming year.
  • The sixth card talks about what you can expect in the coming year in the field of love relationships.
  • The seventh card predicts opportunities for recreation and entertainment.
  • The eighth card indicates possible trips that can be associated with both travel and business trips.
  • The ninth card warns of possible troubles associated with rivalry and competition.
  • The tenth card describes possible life changes and indicates which areas of life they can touch.
  • The eleventh card focuses on possible obstacles and difficulties on the way to the goal.
  • The twelfth card indicates the connection between the events of the past life period and the upcoming events of the new year.
  • The thirteenth card warns of inevitable events that will take place in the coming year.
  • The fourteenth card gives advice on what needs to be done to make the new year as successful as possible.
  • The fifteenth card predicts the direction of the new year as a whole.
  • The sixteenth card is considered the card of fate.

Tarot fortune-telling for a year is different in that in the interpretation, it is important not only to decipher each individual card, but also to understand the combination of individual cards that fell nearby. Some examples of interpretations are given below.

So the Jester in the first position and the Mage in the second position greatly influence each other. They can be interpreted as changes in the business sphere associated with the delusional ideas of the questioner and his irrepressible impulses during the year. This combination does not bode well in the financial sector. And if such a combination falls out in the third and fourth positions, then this indicates that relations with colleagues and loved ones will be even, but life will be filled with routine.

A very bad card in the layout is Death, which in any position significantly worsens the forecast. A particularly bad combination of Death with the Tower, in the fourth and fifth positions, it portends that the questioner will have to face death or there will be a significant deterioration in his own health.

The Moon card changes the interpretation of other cards and leaves an imprint of doubts, and sometimes failures. This card in itself in the layout indicates the emotionality of all possible events, so it is very important not to go into the world of illusions, but try to perceive the world, as it is. For example, falling out next to the Jester in the first and second positions, one should expect monetary losses associated with unprofessionalism in the business field.

The wagon next to the cards in all positions indicates that the questioner has chosen the correct one. life path. A very good combination of the map of the World and the Sun in any position. It portends success in the described sphere of life and prosperous relationships between people.

Thus, when interpreting the alignment of Tarot cards for the events of the coming year, you need to listen to your own intuition and study the meaning of the cards very deeply. All descriptions of the Major Arcana can be found in a special section of our website. It is very important when conducting fortune-telling for a year to use a deck of cards that you previously used in other fortune-telling. Such cards are already charged with your energy, so there is a high probability that the information received from them will be reliable.

Divination for the year "PANORAMA OF THE YEAR".

We present the author's layout - Tarot fortune-telling for the year "Panorama of the Year". It can be used at any time of the year, but a particularly good time for this is New Year and birthday. Fortune telling allows you to get a detailed picture of the coming year and gives an answer to the questions:

  • How will the next year be for you in general?
  • What are your prospects for specific months of the year?
  • What is your forecast for the year in the field of personal life?
  • How will you feel physically? your health potential.
  • What are your financial prospects?
  • How will your career develop?
  • What needs to be done to make the year as good as possible for you?

Have a good year! And remember, the cards warn, but the person disposes. It depends on you how you can use the advice of the cards, which means, in many respects, how your year will turn out.

2010 Author of the layout and interpretations: Yana Novikova.
Author of the Art Nouveau Tarot deck: Antonella Castelli.
The layout is copyrighted. All rights reserved. Reprinting is prohibited.

Fortune telling for a year is actually not such a frequent type of fortune telling as it might seem at first glance. Why?

Firstly, due to the fact that not every person dares to look into their own future for such a long period. After all, a year is not so little! The logic of many in this matter is simple: “It’s good if something good falls out! And if not? I don’t want to get a negative attitude, which will later come true, therefore, it’s better not to risk it at all. It will be as it will be."

Secondly, Fortune telling for a year online for free can be safely called long-term, and from this it follows that while it comes true, a lot of water will flow away and a person will generally forget what exactly happened to him when he was guessing. Such a moment cannot be ruled out either.

Thirdly, alas, but today we do not know another such fortune-teller, such as, for example, was Maria Lenormand, who knew how to look into the future. After all, she not only predicted for a year, she could generally predict life and even its outcome, as happened with the Decembrists. This is a generally accepted fact. Therefore (today) to trust some swindler who will also rip off money for her pseudo-prediction is a real bad manners.

But what to do if someone still wants to know the forecast for the year? Of course, you should turn to Mogura for help. We have a lot of Oracles, with the help of which you can get the initial data about what you can expect in the new year?

Tarot divination for a year is considered to be the best divination in the category of long-term divination. However, we hasten to inform you that it is possible to tell fortunes for a year with the help of other fortune-telling tools, for example, to your question about what awaits you in the coming year, you can be answered: the Book of Changes and Scarabs, New Year fortune-telling and Fortune-telling on your birthday, as well as a lot of various solitaire games, and of course, the cards of Maria Lenormand.

The main thing is not to be afraid. After all, what will fall out to you is not a sentence at all, but only information for reflection. How exactly to dispose of it is up to you. It is not in vain that they say that one person, having received a lemon, will make lemonade out of it, and the other will set his teeth on edge.

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