How to treat the ears after a puncture. Proper care of pierced ears. How to treat ears after a piercing

frame houses 20.06.2021
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At an early age, all issues for the child are decided by the parents. Only they decide how to do the right thing, what will be best for the child. One such problem that worries the parents of girls is the issue of piercing the ears of their princess. Is it possible to do this or is it better to wait until the girl is older?

Is it possible to pierce the ears of a child

The opinions of experts about piercing the ears of children at an early age are divided. Pediatricians believe that this can hurt, and psychologists are sure that at an early age, ear piercing will be much easier. Whose opinion to listen to, it's up to the parents. And we will try to soberly evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of ear piercing in the early years.

The positives include the following:

  • A small child tolerates pain more easily, negative experiences are quickly forgotten. Especially if, as compensation for a little pain, the baby is rewarded with a trip to the zoo or to the circus.
  • At an older age, the risk of scarring increases, punctures heal more difficult.
  • The girl with earrings looks very cute and attractive, just like a little princess.

Negative moments that may await you:

  • The lobes of the human ear are covered with dots that are responsible for the vital centers of our body: hearing, vision, and so on. In a child, these points are located very close, so an inexperienced master can touch them.
  • Now it is customary to insert earrings into the ears immediately after the piercing. The materials from which they are made can provoke a girl.
  • The baby can accidentally hook on the earring and tear her earlobe. This probability increases even more if the girl attends Kindergarten. There are a lot of children who play active, noisy games.

In addition to these points, it is worth considering the state of health of the child. Do not pierce the lobes of the ears if the child is sick, suffers from allergies or problems with blood clotting.

How to handle ears after a piercing

If you still decide to pierce your girl's ears, then you should know that after all the manipulations, the wounds must be constantly processed until they are completely healed. Usually, in beauty salons, after a puncture, stud earrings are immediately inserted, which are made of a special titanium alloy or surgical steel. It will be right if you leave these earrings until the final healing of the puncture site. Earrings made of gold or other precious metals can only be inserted a month and a half after the procedure.

So, what to do after piercing the earlobe:

  • With cleanly washed hands, scroll the earring in different directions. You need to do this several times a day. You can't take the earring out of your ear.
  • Wipe your earlobes twice a day with a piece of cotton soaked in hydrogen peroxide. Do not use alcohol, it is not suitable for a small child.
  • If the baby was in contact with dirt or took water procedures, then be sure to repeat the treatment of the ears with hydrogen peroxide.
  • A month after the piercing, take out the earrings, wipe the earlobes and the earrings themselves well with hydrogen peroxide and put them back in place.

Ears fester after piercing

If, nevertheless, the girl’s ears fester after the puncture, then the reason for this may be the lack of professionalism of the master or improper care of the wound. Be sure to show the child to the doctor to avoid serious consequences of suppuration.

If you notice a swelling on the lobe of a pierced ear, then prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate for washing. Washing should be done until the swelling decreases. Try to determine the cause of the pus. Perhaps the child does not fit the earrings. In this case, replace them with earrings made of surgical steel, they will not oxidize.

If water or dirt gets into the wound, then use folk recipes:

  • Apply fresh leaves to the earlobes, fixing them with adhesive tape with the cut side to the wound.
  • Well disinfects a solution of sea salt. Dilute the salt in warm water and rinse your earlobes with this composition for several minutes.
  • To pull pus out of the wound, a plantain leaf is useful. Attach it to the puncture site and secure with adhesive tape.

Today, most parents tend to pierce their daughter's ears as early as possible so that later she is not afraid to do it herself. Indeed, graceful gold earrings in tiny ears look very cute and attractive, however, the piercing procedure itself is far from safe.

In this article, we will tell you how to treat a child's ears after a piercing with a gun, and how many days this should be done.

How to pierce a child's ears?

In order to avoid complications that may be caused by improper conduct of this procedure, it is necessary to take into account the following recommendations:

  • You can only pierce your ears in special salons and medical institutions using sterile instruments. Never try to do this at home on your own;
  • Immediately after the puncture, it is necessary to use special hypoallergenic nails made of titanium or surgical steel. If the wound did not fester, and no allergic reactions occurred, earrings made of gold and other metals can be inserted after a month and a half. If any complications occur, this period may be extended;
  • Silver items should not be inserted into a pierced ear until the wound is completely healed. At the slightest contact with blood, it oxidizes, and silver oxide, in turn, slows down healing;
  • Finally, the ears after the procedure must be treated with special means for several weeks.

When should a child's ears not be pierced?

There are various situations in which ear piercing should be postponed for a small child.

Otherwise, after the procedure, he may experience a number of serious complications, in particular, metabolic disorders, changes in the work of certain internal organs and systems, loss of sensitivity and so on.

Ear piercing contraindications are:

  1. allergic reactions to any metals;
  2. dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases;
  3. any blood disease;
  4. diabetes mellitus and other endocrine disorders;
  5. decreased immunity;
  6. a tendency to form cystic acne, as well as colloidal growths at the site of scars and scars.

How should a child's ears be treated after a puncture?

If your baby does not have any contraindications, and you still decide to take this crucial step, be prepared for the fact that after the procedure you will have to carefully look after her ears for some time.

As a rule, care for pierced ears is carried out according to the following instructions:

  • Within a month, starting from the second day after the piercing, it is necessary to scroll the earring several times a day with clean hands. At the same time, it is categorically not recommended to remove it from the ear;
  • In the morning and evening, thoroughly wipe the ear and the puncture site with hydrogen peroxide. Some experts advise using alcohol for this, however, this remedy is not suitable for a small child;
  • After any contact with mud or water procedures, the wound must be treated additionally;
  • After a month, you should very carefully remove the earrings from your ears and treat the puncture sites with hydrogen peroxide. After a few hours, it is necessary to repeat the procedure and also wipe the earrings themselves with an antiseptic, after which they must be reinserted into the ears.

Today there is such a unique tool for treating pierced earlobes as medical glue. This substance is applied immediately after the puncture directly to the open wound and is no longer touched. In this case, no additional processing of the ears is required. You just have to wait until the glue gradually comes off by itself.

What to do if the child's ears fester after a puncture?

In the event that one or both earlobes become inflamed, enlarged, and pus begins to stand out from them, you should immediately consult a doctor.

This situation means that an infection has entered the wound, and without proper treatment, it can lead to serious complications, especially in a small child.

  1. Usually, if the child's ears do not heal and fester for a long time after the puncture, the frequency of treatment with hydrogen peroxide is increased up to 7-10 times a day.
  2. In addition, the doctor may recommend that you use a weak solution of potassium permanganate to wash the wound.

In the morning and evening, the ear should be lubricated with a thin layer of a cream that has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, such as Levomekol or Levosin.

How long does it take for a child's ears to heal after a piercing?

  • An important question is, how many days after a puncture should a child's ears be treated? On average, the wounds heal after the procedure for piercing the ears of a small child with a gun. about 10 to 20 days. Meanwhile, in any case, the puncture sites should be treated for at least a month, regardless of how the healing is going.
  • In addition, it should be taken into account that during the cold season the child constantly wears a cap on his head, which prevents the wounds from healing, so this process can take much longer.

Ear piercing today is a virtually painless procedure, but if the ears are not properly cared for after the piercing, it can be quite dangerous for the child's body.

Be very careful and consult a doctor about the slightest symptoms of suppuration or inflammation to avoid serious complications. Otherwise, the consequences of this procedure may be unpredictable.

The materials posted on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determination of the diagnosis and choice of treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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Now almost every girl, and sometimes some men, have pierced ears. No wonder. Beautiful earrings, worn in the earlobes, look very elegant and sophisticated. Increasingly, ears are pierced at a young age. Be sure to properly treat the wound after the puncture. This is necessary so that inflammation does not occur.

How to treat the ear after piercing? Let's look at the features of each antiseptic. There are many various kinds, but not all are suitable for the delicate skin of the ears. It is necessary to choose one that disinfects the puncture site well, and after wiping the wound there is no burn on sensitive skin.


Usually disinfected with medical alcohol. It is considered the best disinfectant. Alcohol has one drawback, if it is applied to an open wound, then the blood coagulates more slowly, and the wound will take longer to heal. In addition, it should be noted that alcohol dries the skin a little, which in special cases can lead to peeling. If the ears were pierced in the salon, then the master will offer a special solution with which healing will go faster, and all microbes will be killed.

"Miramistin" or "Chlorhexidine"

How can I treat my ears after piercing? Also suitable for wiping the puncture site with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine antiseptics. With their help, infection of wounds and burns is effectively prevented, in addition, they have a regenerating effect. On the skin area treated with Miramistin, protective reactions are stimulated, so wounds heal faster. What is the best treatment for ears after piercing? Of course, "Chlorhexidine", as it does not dry the skin and heals damage well.

Hydrogen peroxide and creams

A universal remedy in the treatment of wounds is hydrogen peroxide 3%. In addition, it has a hemostatic effect, so if a baby with pierced ears accidentally hits them while playing, it will be right to treat the ears after piercing the child if blood has gone. Hydrogen peroxide works great. But you need to be careful, because this antiseptic, like alcohol, dries the skin.

You can use antifungal creams, such as: "Levomekol" or "Levosin". They have an anti-inflammatory effect. Medical glue is very convenient for treating wounds.

Action plan

How to properly handle the ears after piercing? A particularly high risk of contamination at the puncture site occurs in the first month. Since during this period the wound is most vulnerable to microbes and bacteria.

First you need to thoroughly wash your hands, for this you need to purchase antibacterial soap, and then you can begin to process the puncture. Then you need to take it can be: medical alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or a special solution that is used in the cabin. All three drugs are the same, as already described above, they disinfect wounds well, do not have side effects, so the decision which one to choose can be made independently without consulting a specialist.

Young children are often very impatient and sensitive. Therefore, the treatment of wounds for little fashionistas can cause some difficulties. It is necessary not only to process the site, but also to scroll through the earrings. In such cases, how to treat the ears after piercing in girls? To protect the wound from inflammation and avoid the procedures for processing and scrolling earrings, which must be carried out on a daily basis, medical glue is used.

Rinse your ears with an antiseptic twice a day. In this case, the means can be any. It is not necessary to touch the ears with your hands, but if it happened mechanically, then you need to wipe them again. After going outside, the ears should also be treated, as road dust and microbes could get into the wound.

Ordinary running water also carries a danger, therefore, after taking water procedures, the wounds are wiped with alcohol. It is necessary not only to wipe the ears with a disinfectant, but also not to forget to scroll through the earrings. Once a day will be enough. With the help of such simple procedures, the wounds will heal faster.

How much to process?

How long do you have to wait for puncture wounds to heal? This is one of the most frequently asked questions next to those related to behind-the-ear treatments. Usually, healing takes a month, but you still need to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. For someone, everything can heal in a week, and someone will suffer after this procedure for more than a month. How long should you clean your ears after piercing? Until complete recovery.

What metal are the earrings?

How to treat the ear after piercing? It is necessary to clarify what metal the earrings will be worn from when the earlobes heal.

Gold earrings are especially popular. The higher the sample in them, the less impurities of different metals, the safer it is to wear them at first. If gold has a low standard, then it is more durable, but it is better to wear such earrings after the wounds have healed.

Earrings made of medical steel are ideal, as this metal is the safest, therefore it does not cause inflammation and irritation. Titanium earrings are also suitable. They are also safe and their cost will only please. Platinum earrings are good for sensitive ears, but the cost can be intimidating.

For two months, these earrings are worn without removing them. They can only be scrolled during processing. It is better to postpone jewelry during this period, since the reaction of the body to a metal product is unknown, and suppuration of the wound may occur.

The shape of the earrings after the piercing of the ears must also be determined. Ordinary carnations are best suited for this purpose. Their small mass will not give any unnecessary load on the ears, and they will heal sooner. Heavy designer earrings can be worn, but later. Also stud earrings are preferred for little girls. At this age, children are very active and during the games you can accidentally get injured.

Proper Care

Healing takes place quickly enough if a normal puncture has been made, earrings are correctly selected and proper care has been taken. The latter occurs in the following order:

  • In the first couple of days, blood oozes from the wound after the puncture and gradually the pain after skin damage disappears.
  • The appearance of a transparent ichor or whitish discharge, similar to dirt and sticking to the earring, in small quantities in the first couple of weeks is considered normal.
  • There should be no manifestation of pus, no coloring. Not white, not green, not black!
  • After a month will pass, and the damage will be completely healed, then the puncture itself should look like it was made a long time ago.

The appearance of pus at the puncture site. What to do?

Sometimes things don't go according to plan. Usually, getting an infection in an open wound or earrings that are made of ordinary metal can cause suppuration. If there is pus, the earlobe looks slightly swollen, and it hurts to touch it, there are some seals. Or blood and ichor appeared later than two weeks after the puncture. What to do in such cases? You need to keep disinfecting the wounds. How to treat ears after piercing if they fester? Suppuration should be treated with an antiseptic treatment 6 to 10 times a day. Sometimes it is advisable to treat festering wounds with boric alcohol. To consolidate the result, you need to apply ointments to remove the inflammatory process. Suitable "Levomekol", "Aekol", "Acerbin", "Baktosin". Since suppuration of the ears can be in different forms, there is no definite recovery period, you need to treat with an antiseptic and apply ointment until the pus completely disappears.

Folk methods

How can you treat your ears after piercing, in addition to standard antiseptics? Can be treated at home using folk methods. In order to reduce inflammation, you must:

  • Apply aloe vera to the wound. The leaf is cut off and fixed at the wound with a band-aid. And aloe juice makes excellent compresses.
  • Rinse ears with sea salt solution. It has long been famous for its disinfecting properties.
  • Pull out pus with plantain, if applied to the damaged area.

If the inflammatory process has not passed in three days, then you need to see a doctor. He will examine the "front" of damage and prescribe treatment.

If the ears are pierced with a gun...

There is different methods ear piercing. This is a regular needle or gun. How to treat the ear after piercing with a gun? Yes, the two methods differ in principle of operation, but not in processing. Care for and treat freshly pierced ears in the same way as with a regular piercing. Treat with an antiseptic every day, scroll through the earrings. The main thing is that there is no suppuration. If the ears pierced with a pistol still become inflamed, and the wounds fester, then how to treat the ears after piercing if they fester? Everything is done in the same way. It is wiped with an antiseptic plus an anti-inflammatory ointment is required.

How to properly handle the ears after piercing? We have already found this out above. There are some other guidelines that will be helpful for the ears to heal quickly:

  1. After the ears have been pierced, the earrings are put on and cannot be removed for the first month.
  2. When this time passes, the earring is removed and treated with an antiseptic, no matter what. It can be like the one that was used during the first month of disinfection of puncture wounds, or any other. Ear treatment is also required. disinfectant. Earrings are removed for three hours.
  3. Then the earrings are put on again so that the ear is not overgrown, otherwise it will have to be pierced again.
  4. You only need to wear earrings made of precious metals or a medical alloy for two months. During this period, the wounds will completely heal and it will be possible to wear any earrings. At first, it is better to avoid long and heavy earrings so that the holes do not stretch, otherwise it will not look aesthetically pleasing.
  5. Visiting saunas, pools and baths in the first month is prohibited.

These rules apply to everyone, regardless of age. Now you know how to treat the ears after piercing in children and adults. Of course, a disinfectant. But it is better to take one that will not dry the children's delicate skin so much.


So, it would seem that simple procedure, like ear piercing, has so many small but important aspects that must be observed. Then the ears will heal quickly, and it will be possible to show off in the most unimaginable earrings.

Girls, tell me! I pierced my ears with my daughter 2 months ago with a gun in a dental clinic. They wore carnations made of medical material, as advised - for 2 months, everything was fine, they treated Miramistin for a week. After removal, they found, as it were, rods-bumps in the place of punctures in both me and my daughter! My daughter is straight inflamed, big. Were at the surgeon - he said for 2 days bandages with levomekol, so that the pus came out. It's already been 4 days, the pus has gone - but there is no improvement (((What did we do wrong ??? Why are the ears ...

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Many parents simply cannot wait for their daughter's ears to be decorated with earrings. Piercing children's ears different ages, some parents for babies, others for older children. With proper care, the holes in the ears heal quickly and without complications. So how to treat a child's ears after a puncture in order to avoid suppuration?

Rules for care after piercing

After piercing the ears, parents should take care of the puncture site for a month. Typically, beauty parlors recommend the following care for the piercing site:

  • Earrings must be rotated every day in the ear, in which case the hole will grow correctly.
  • Before turning the earrings, the ears are thoroughly wiped with antiseptics. It can be hydrogen peroxide, boric alcohol, Miramistin, calendula tincture or Chlorhexidine. It is necessary to wipe with an antiseptic not only the lobe, but also the bow of the jewelry, removing the dried ichor and blood.
  • Treatment with antiseptic preparations is necessary after taking a bath and after walking on the street.
  • During the healing of the ears, you should refuse to visit the pool, sauna and swimming in open water.
  • If the child's ears were pierced in winter, then after walking in a hat they must be treated with an antiseptic. Hats should be washed frequently.
  • For a month, a child with pierced ears needs to change the pillowcase daily. Pre-bed linen is ironed with a hot iron.

Recently, medical glue has been actively used to treat the piercing site. It is applied to the wound immediately after the puncture and wait until medicine come off the urine. In this case, no additional care is needed.

The beauty parlor usually gives a list of recommendations for caring for the piercing site. In order for the wound to heal quickly, all of these points should be strictly observed.

What to do if the ears began to fester

If, after a puncture, one or two ears begin to fester, you should see a doctor. The reason for this lies in the infection. If the suppuration is severe, the lobe has noticeably increased in size, turned red and hot, you should show the child to the doctor as soon as possible. In some cases, you have to refuse to wear jewelry and pierce your ears again after the holes have completely healed.

It is necessary to treat a child with pierced ears that have begun to fester in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. Care in this case is:

  • The baby's ears are wiped with alcohol tincture of calendula or other antiseptic every hour, while scrolling the earring in the ear.
  • Twice a day, festering ears are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After dissolving the potassium permanganate crystals, the solution must be filtered.
  • Twice a day, after washing with an antiseptic solution, the festering ear is abundantly lubricated with Levomekol ointment. This drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action.

Usually these steps are enough for the suppuration to stop and the holes to heal normally. If the measures taken help poorly, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe necessary treatment. With a strong inflammatory process with earrings, you have to say goodbye and drink a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics.

You should not delay contacting a doctor if, after the puncture of the ureters, the temperature rises or any symptoms of intoxication appear.

How long does it take for ears to heal after piercing?

Many parents are concerned about the question, but how long do the ears heal after a puncture? If the procedure was carried out with a special gun, then it takes 2-3 weeks to heal. Some doctors believe that the puncture of the earlobe with a needle is less traumatic and healing is faster.

Regardless of how quickly the baby's ears healed, it is necessary to wipe them with an alcohol solution for at least a month. In the cold season, the process can be delayed, especially if the baby often walks outside in a hat.

The healing time may be delayed if the girl has long hair and when combing it constantly clings to the earrings. During the healing of wounds, it is recommended to collect hair high in a bun.

Ear piercing is a virtually painless procedure. But with improper care of the piercing site, dangerous complications can develop.

Which earrings are better to choose

For ear piercing in young children, many parents choose studs made from a special medical alloy. Such carnations are sold in beauty parlors, they can be with pebbles of different colors. The tip of the studs is sharp, they are inserted into the gun and the ears are pierced with them.

Quite often, such jewelry leads to suppuration of the ears, and it’s not even about the alloy. The fact is that such earrings fit tightly to the earlobe and slow down the healing process of wounds.

It is worth remembering that some people are allergic to metals and alloys. In this case, you can only wear gold earrings; allergies to this metal are extremely rare. But allergy sufferers should also wear silver earrings with caution.

If, after inserting medical alloy earrings, the ear becomes red, swollen and itchy, then this is a sign of an allergy to the metal. In this case, the decoration is changed to gold or gilded.


It is not possible to pierce the ears of children in all cases; there are a number of contraindications to this procedure. These include the following diseases and conditions:

  • Allergy to alloys and metals.
  • Skin diseases in the acute phase - dermatitis or eczema.
  • Violation of hematopoiesis.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus and other endocrinological diseases.
  • The recovery period after suffering infectious or respiratory diseases.
  • Tendency to acne.
  • Tendency to form scars after wounds have healed.

If these contraindications are not taken into account, then a simple ear piercing procedure can be complicated by serious systemic pathologies. Before you pierce to a small child ears, you should consult a pediatrician for contraindications.

Chronic diseases during an exacerbation of the disease are considered contraindications. At this time, the immunity of the child is greatly reduced.

Ear piercing is considered by many people to be a simple and painless procedure. But it should be borne in mind that the ears need careful care for a month. The lobes are wiped with alcohol tinctures or hydrogen peroxide several times a day. If the puncture site began to fester, then it is necessary to wash the wounds with a solution of potassium permanganate and then smear with Levomekol.

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