Schemes of animals from geometric shapes for preschoolers. Application of geometric shapes. Animals from geometric shapes: applique. Flowers from geometric shapes

Boilers 01.02.2022

Beautiful figure applications help to develop good thinking in young children. They have a positive effect on the children's subconscious, thereby forming ideas about the outside world.

Before proceeding to developmental activities, it is necessary to explain what geometric shapes are. They are the basis of an interesting lesson. After a while, the child will learn to cut paper elements on his own.

Our material contains detailed instructions and drawings for developing applications. Ready-made sketches help to facilitate the task. According to their structure, the necessary elements are selected to create an unusual picture.

Classes should be selected based on the age category of your crumbs. For young children, it is best to choose applications consisting of 4-5 geometric shapes. The difference in the color palette contributes to good memorization and memory training.

Geometric application "Transport"

How to make a geometric application? In fact, everything is quite simple. When choosing a task, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the preferences of your child. For example, girls like flowers, birds, animals more. Boys most often choose cars, robots, etc.

As for the color combination, it is best for children with an impulsive character to choose light or pastel shades. They form the maximum concentration of attention and perseverance. In addition, such measures have a positive effect on the emotional state.

We bring to your attention an application in the form of transport. It consists of simple geometric shapes. This activity will appeal to children aged 3 to 4.5 years. It forms diligence, perseverance and accuracy.

Before starting the workflow, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper;
  • car image;
  • tassel.

The process of creating an application takes place in several simple steps:

  • We begin to cut out the shapes that make up our "geometric" transport: a rectangle for the main part of the car body, circles for the wheels, a square for the roof. Before you start cutting out objects, you need to decide on their color scheme.
  • Next, on a white sheet of paper, draw the road along which the transport will move. After that, glue a rectangle in the center. Glue a roof over it. Lubricate each element with a small amount of adhesive. When the roof and body are dry, you can move on to the wheels.

The application is almost ready. Here you can give free rein to children's imagination. Let the child draw the doors and windows for his car.

Applications from geometric shapes "Animals"

This development technique is aimed at the age of 5 to 6 years. At this time, the child already has a good idea of ​​what figures the body of an animal consists of. How to make a geometric applique for a child? Today we will glue the dog.

The composition of the paper structure includes: a head in the form of a circle, a torso in the form of an oval, paws made of small rectangles and ovals, a neck in the form of a cylinder. For decoration in the neck area, we will make a small bow of two triangles.

Before starting classes, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • tassel.

From the materials we need:

  • colored paper or cardboard;
  • white sheet of paper in A4 format;
  • sticky glue.

A master class for geometric applications with your own hands takes place in several stages:

Carefully cut out the geometric components of our crafts. Next, we fix each element in its place. Experienced teachers recommend numbering every detail. This will allow the child to master counting and visual representation.

Lubricate the reverse side with adhesive. First, glue the head, then the rest of the body of the animal. The final action will be a beautiful bow of bright color.

The photo of geometric applications shows drawings and sketches. Here you can choose a developmental activity for your child based on his age and preferences.

Photo of geometric applications

If you want to know what applications of geometric shapes are and want to teach kids this art form, then this article is for you.

The applications that children make are sometimes very simple and naive, but they help children develop their skills in cutting, drawing and imagining. And also, children are madly in love with sticking colored shapes on the background.

First, the children glue the figures that the adults cut out onto the background. But time does not stand still - children grow up. And over time, children learn to cut, paste and create themselves. And then the child should be taught the most interesting types of applications.

Making geometric applications, the child develops an eye and spatial thinking, learns to combine colors and gets acquainted with geometric shapes.

The simplest application of geometric shapes can be considered the drawing up of patterns on a long strip of paper. Then you can move on to the design of various objects, transport, animals, plants. Thanks to this, the child develops creative abilities.

For 1st grade students

Children are already more or less proficient with scissors when they enter 1st grade. Templates in this case will become indispensable helpers. With the help of them, children will be able to cut out the necessary details from paper, and it will be easier for them to create and learn how to make applications. Here are some simple geometric appliqué templates:

Here are some examples of work for children in grade 1 and their schemes:

Application "House in the village":

It seems to be nothing complicated, no complicated details. Everything is simple. House, sun, tree, but there is something unusual in this picture. In addition, the child will make this picture even more unique, because it will be the embodiment of his imagination and thinking.

Application "Cat with a kitten":

To make an appliqué of this kitty with a kitten, the child will need to cut out a wide variety of shapes and make a complete image out of them to his liking.

A lot has already been said about the importance of developing fine motor skills in a child. It is for this purpose that kids are offered to sculpt from plasticine, sand, string rings on a pyramid, make crafts from natural materials: leaves, chestnuts, cones, acorns, etc. However, there is another equally interesting and useful activity for children - an application of geometric shapes , in the course of work on which the child will not only develop precise finger movements, but also get acquainted with geometric shapes and their names.

Preparation of the workplace and materials

To make an application, as, in fact, for many other types of activities, the child needs to prepare a comfortable place - a table and a chair that matches his height. In addition, it is important that the work surface is well lit. Particular attention must be paid to the materials themselves, with the help of which the child will make an application from paper. Geometric shapes, a simple pencil, ruler, glue, scissors, cardboard, standard sheets and a set of colored paper - this is the main list of tools and materials needed for exciting creativity.

Geometric shapes can be bought at the stationery store in the form of plastic templates, or you can draw them on cardboard, cut them out and hand them to your baby. If the child is already a little older, you can teach him how to draw the shapes necessary for the application using a pencil, ruler and compass. In addition, there are wide rulers with many different geometric shapes of small size.

The simplest application of geometric shapes

At first, until the child learns to see geometric shapes around him, an adult will need to be next to him and help to distinguish them, and then, thanks to the kid’s imagination, each of his new applications of geometric shapes will be more and more interesting.

One of the simplest crafts is a house. For its manufacture, rectangles, squares and triangles are needed. All these figures can be seen quite easily if you look at an ordinary house, so it will not be difficult for a child to make what he sees in reality out of paper. To help the child in this situation can be a drawing of an adult, which will depict a house. At the beginning of work, you should not use complex shapes such as trapezoids or hexagons - everything should be as simple as possible.

From the basic elements, over time, the child will be able to learn how to make complex compositions, for example, “Summer Meadow” or “Winter Day”.

Flowers from geometric shapes

Looking at the flowers with an uninterested eye, it is impossible to visually isolate the strict elements. However, if you show a little imagination, it turns out that it is quite possible to make an application of geometric shapes in the form of a flower. The simplest composition can be chamomile. To understand what figures a chamomile consists of, it is enough to recall any children's drawing. Each petal has the shape of an oval, however, very elongated.

So, to make such a flower, you need one circle - this will be the middle of the flower, and seven narrowed ovals - the petals. For greater realism, ovals can be glued on the back of the core, and the flower can be attached to the cardboard only in the center - then the petals will be raised, like a real flower. As a stem, you can use a narrow and long rectangle of green color, and make the leaves from the same ovals as the petals. A flower can be planted in the ground using a wide rectangle of black or green, or it can be in a pot, which is a trapezoid turned upside down.

How to make an animal from simple shapes

No less interesting are animals from geometric shapes. The application can be made of colored or white elements. However, it should be borne in mind that in the first case, the craft looks more realistic. Although if you plan to make an application in the form of a bunny, then White paper fit perfectly. True, then it is better that the cardboard to which all parts of the animal's body will be glued is colored.

By the way, for the manufacture of a sitting hare, only circles of different diameters are needed, as well as halves of circles and two triangles. As a body of a bunny, you can use a large circle, heads - the same figure of a smaller diameter, front (upper) legs - small circles, and back (lower) - half a large circle. For the ears, you will also need halves of the circle, and for the nose and tail - two small circles. Eyes can be made from triangles, and you can also give the bunny a carrot in its paws - a triangle orange color. If you show a little patience, then soon a variety of animals from geometric shapes will come to life under children's hands. The application will become your kid's favorite pastime.

Vehicles from geometric shapes

Boys will also want to make an application of geometric shapes. And since they love to play with different cars, buses, ships and other vehicles, then, most likely, they will prefer to make their creation in the form of these objects. If you look closely at any type of transport, you can see the clear lines inherent in geometric shapes.

So, for example, to make a train, you will need circles of different diameters, half circles, rectangles and triangles. It is worth noting that the locomotive and wagons can be made from both rectangles and triangles - it all depends on the wishes of the child. As for the wheels, the kid, watching the train, will be able to see their clear round shape, and when making the application, he will use this particular geometric figure, in any case, if he wants to get a realistic picture. If children like bright objects, then they should try a combination of different colors and shapes, which will make the application of geometric shapes more interesting.

Application on the theme "Summer"

The application can be presented not only by individual elements, but also as a whole composition. Summer can be depicted on one sheet using various creatures and natural phenomena made of ovals, circles, rectangles. So, wanting to convey the beauty of summer, a child can use the knowledge that he received when he first got acquainted with such a concept as an application from geometric shapes. He may have kept the templates, and if not, then most likely he will need the help of an adult.

In order to create an application on the theme "Summer", the child will need to imagine a summer meadow, park or river bank. Fantasy in children is very well developed, so at this stage there should be no problems. Mandatory attributes of summer are flowers, green grass, sun and butterflies - and all this can be made from geometric shapes.

Application on the theme "Winter"

No less favorite season for children is winter: it's sledding downhill, playing snowballs, and, of course, making a snowman. So why not transport yourself to a winter day and recreate it on paper by making a snowman appliqué. Moreover, this figure is very easy to manufacture. All you need is three different-sized circles cut out of white paper, two smaller circles for the arms, an orange triangle for the nose, two brown or gray rectangles for the hat, and small black circles for the buttons, eyes, and mouth.

You can place a Christmas tree next to the snowman - then the application of geometric shapes will be presented as a whole composition. To make a Christmas tree, you will need to cut out three triangles of different sizes from green paper and one narrow rectangle from brown paper. First, at the bottom of the sheet, you need to glue a brown rectangle replacing the trunk, then glue the largest triangle slightly overlapping it, placing it with the base down, place the middle one on its top, and even higher - the smallest one. Here the tree is ready!

Application of a person from geometric shapes

Not only animals, plants and various items can be made up of simple elements. No less successful can be an application of a person from geometric shapes. Of course, such a person will look rather schematic, but more is not required from the application.

So, as a human body, you can use a rectangle, an oval or two triangles, folded with vertices, for the head - a circle, for arms and legs - rectangles. For greater realism of the image, you can also make fingers on your hands - narrow rectangles, and put your feet in shoes - two rectangles folded in the form of a large English letter"L" You can also “dress” a little man - it will not be difficult for children to do this at all, especially for girls who are used to playing with dolls.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that a child needs to be taught to see the beauty and complexity of the world around him, to be able to analyze, and then he will be able to make a variety of applications from geometric shapes, because almost any image can be made from them, be it an object or creature.

There are many fun ways to fill the time, but geometric shapes appliqué will be one of the most entertaining hobbies, because it allows you to create real masterpieces of art. After, it will be possible to decorate the interior of the home, creating a special atmosphere for relaxing or doing household chores.

The application of colored paper received great popularity in preschool and school educational institutions. It allows you to develop the skills of the child in a complex, improving his basic abilities:

  • motility;
  • thinking;
  • fantasy;
  • dexterity;
  • accuracy and others.

Application types

Depending on the type of projects or paper crafts created, this hobby can be divided into 2 varieties:

What can be done from geometric shapes from colored paper?

There is no single standard, as well as programs for teaching children to make various applications from colored paper, because each person's fantasy is very different.

The main task is to develop all the basic skills in them. In most cases, the teacher independently decides which pictures the children will make or gives them the opportunity to choose what they want to do. This is how not only motor skills develop, but also thinking, as the child chooses the character he likes.

Simple compositions

First, simple flat figures are mastered. For example, as a great option for boys, there will be an applique train. It can be made up of several regular geometric figures that the teacher or the child himself will cut out, depending on age.

Children begin to confidently hold scissors in their hands only by the age of 5-6, and cut out complex figures irregular shape in first grade. In fact, it all depends on the development of the child, his activity and abilities. That's why the steam locomotive will be a great start.

It will require:

  • 3 rectangles of different colors and sizes. 1 will become a platform, 1 - the driver's cab, 1 - a water tank;
  • the semicircle will be the front of the tank;
  • an inverted isosceles triangle can become an exhaust pipe;
  • a pair of circles - wheels;
  • a long rectangle - a rod for an eccentric connection of the wheels.

The child learns from the presented materials to fold the image on a sheet of paper, spread the glue evenly and evenly combine the parts together. Fine motor skills of hands, thinking, fantasy develop, if you invite him to make a train without an example.

Another fairly simple version of a paper masterpiece is a bird applique. She will need one large circle for the body, a couple of semicircles for the wings, a few small triangles for the legs and beak.

You can create pictures of various animals from geometric shapes, allowing the child to think for himself who he can make.

Volumetric application of colored paper quilling

After developing the skills to create flat compositions, they proceed to voluminous applications from colored paper. Such crafts will be more difficult to master, therefore they are used in teaching for older children. For example, in group 4 kindergarten or 1st grade. Children with good abilities can be identified in a circle.

At the first stages, it is better to master volumetric compositions easier. For example, an applique house with templates for cutting, like a good option. The wall can be flat, but the windows, roof and exhaust pipe can be protruding.

The method of giving volume is different. Paper parts can be bent, or glued on an additional leg to a background of the same size, creating a 3D effect with a shadow.

Butterfly application is one of simple options, which many children can master, even when making a composition in volume.

To do this, you can cut 2 identical parts. Glue one completely, and bend the second in half and glue in the center. This is how you get the wings. The head is formed from a circle, and the body from a strip.

Volumetric compositions from simple figures

For younger children, you can suggest making an application from circles of colored paper. Of these, in the presence of imagination, both flat compositions on a white sheet and voluminous ones are made.

With circles, abstract thinking will develop well if you invite the child to complete an arbitrary picture.

When children's fantasy is already somewhat developed, they move on to more complex tasks. For example, a mosaic application is a good option for further development of skills.

Give the pupil a set of clippings of different or the same shape so that he can come up with a composition on his own. If there are enough colors, quite colorful pictures can turn out.

Cutting templates

If you don’t know where to start the development of a child, then use a ready-made bunny template for appliqué or other animals.

There are many interesting kits with which you can comprehensively develop skills in children. In any case, all applications contribute to the formation of such qualities as:

  • figurative and spatial thinking;
  • perseverance;
  • exposure;
  • fantasy;
  • hand dexterity and motor skills;
  • accuracy.

As you reach a new level, tasks for creating compositions can become more difficult.

Can you compose animals from geometric shapes?

Never tried?

Then you should look at the pictures on the site, where various animals are made up of geometric shapes. Offer these drawings to your children: they will surely appreciate their originality.

geometric world

In everything that surrounds us, you can find elements of geometry.

The table can be round or square, our houses are parallelepipeds, etc. Have you seen how artists paint? They first outline the contours of the object with a base of geometric shapes, and only then draw smooth lines around them. They see the world as geometric, and smooth or soft lines only hide real essence of things.

In pedagogy for children preschool age there is even a whole direction where children are taught to see pure geometric shapes in everything. This is Mary's pedagogy. She believed that pure geometric shapes contribute to better development children and their orientation in the world. It cannot be said that this system is ideal, but it has found its supporters.

And now let's remember the works of artists of the era of modernism and postmodernism. Pictures full of squares, triangles, circles, trapeziums and all sorts of figures painted in different colors rise before your eyes. This is how the painters of the new era saw the world, and this must have been the basis. They tried to convey this world untouched by human hands. Their desire was to show that all of us and all the objects around us are made up of geometric shapes. Our whole world, if you look closely, is solid geometry.

How to use pictures with children

It is quite understandable that the question arises: artists are one thing, but why do children need such a vision of the world?

Of course, pictures with animals from geometric shapes do not aim to impose on the baby an extraordinary vision of the world. However, why not show that such an interpretation of everything that surrounds us is possible.

The pictures can be interesting and exciting to study the names of geometric shapes. From a simple display and repetition, the child quickly gets tired and begins to refuse classes, even if their mother conducts them at home. Another thing is if the figures need to be found in animals. There is genuine curiosity here.

When you have fully explored the names of the figures and their appearance with your child, ask the child to show his vision of the world. Let an animal or any object be taken as an example.

Ask: what geometric figure does it look like.

Such exercises:

  1. - develop observation skills;
  2. - improve logical and spatial thinking;
  3. - contribute to the vision of an object hidden behind the outer shell.

The kid learns to see and observe what others cannot or cannot see. Is this not the upbringing of the artist and creative personality?

And you can play the reverse game. Imagine that you are an abstract artist. Let one of you draw something consisting of geometric shapes, and the other will try to guess what is drawn. Postmodern painters often encoded their drawings on a canvas filled with squares, rectangles, trapezoids… the same kind of puzzles were offered earlier by children's magazines.

You yourself can create such a puzzle: you just need a little imagination and a look at the world through the prism of geometry.

Click on the picture to download this exercise book for kids for free.
Examples of notebook pages with applications for children from 1 to 3 years old.

Applications for children from 4 to 7 years. Click on the picture to download this book.

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