Tests for girls on paper with a pen. Interesting fortune telling with a pen and paper. yellow, orange, red, white, green

Primers 11.08.2020

What to do if you have gathered in a company and all the most interesting things have already been told, competitions are passed, and conversations become serious, which is extremely undesirable for a holiday? Habitual songs, games and dances sooner or later get bored (especially when they are held constantly), and at some point you see the bored faces of your friends. Remember: there is always a way out! For example, you don't yet know what the cool tests in this chapter are. Although some questions may seem ridiculous, stupid, childish, but they provide an excellent opportunity to laugh and dispel boredom.

Something new always arouses interest, and the more, the better. But since everything new is well forgotten old, you can interpret the tests and competitions you know in your own way, change direction, and ask unusual topics. We hope that all this will not let you get bored!

Test game "Digit to Digit"

When you take this "exploratory" test, remember one very important condition: you cannot get ahead of yourself. The lines must be read in turn, one after the other in the order in which they are located. It is necessary to do everything exactly this way, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve any cool effect. With diligent compliance with the requirements, an interesting result should be obtained.

This test resembles a questionnaire in the way it is passed. As usual, you will need clean sheets of paper and pens.

In one of the tasks, you will be asked to write names, in connection with which we give advice: do not forget about your loved ones, relatives, friends and acquaintances, they must certainly appear in the answers. Better yet, write down on paper what comes to mind first.

1. What is your name?

2. What's your favorite flower?

3. What is your favorite dish (not out loud!).

4. Write the name of the city in which you live.

5. Tell us about your main and biggest dream (be as short as possible).

6. Write the name of any subject.

7. Briefly describe the funniest and at the same time terrible thing that you could do in your life.

8. State any name of a person of the opposite sex.

9. Remember some ode or dithyramb (in extreme cases, come up with a laudatory quatrain on your own, just do not name the addressee).

10. 11 and 12. Write any three names (do not forget about the advice given at the very beginning).

13. Think of any song with a declaration of love (you don't need to sing out loud).

14. Recall a song with a description of the character and (or) external data of a person and write its name.

15. Remember a song from a famous movie about savage people, write its name.

16. 17 and 18. Write the names of any three songs.

Key (read aloud, and let everyone be happy for themselves):

You refer the song at number 14 to number 1, that is ... to yourself, dear and beloved! (Have each tell or sing about himself to the other members.)

Number 8 is the name of the person you care about. With him you associate your favorite flower under the number 2. Surely you are already dreaming in a dream how he gives you a large armful of them.

The dithyramb or ode at number 9 is addressed to that which is marked with number 3. You dedicate the piece to your favorite dish, whatever it may be. We ask: declare!

And the song at number 15 ... (you can sing it in chorus: "All covered with greenery, absolutely all, there is an island of bad luck in the ocean ...") refers to number 4!

Number 7 hides what you are not afraid to do for the sake of point 5. So, what are the sacrifices and for what?

You will dedicate song number 13 to what is designated by number 6. And now everyone should clearly demonstrate their feelings. Surely there are items nearby. Just follow the queue!

You would say the words to song number 16 to person number 10, song 17 refers to number 11, and song 18 tells the story of the fate of the person behind number 12. Each member's answers will be a great laughing matter!

Test "Love-carrot"

Another equally cool little test is another reason to laugh.

First of all, as always, get your sheets of paper and pens ready. It is important to observe two conditions related to the performance of the proposed tasks: firstly, all names must be written in full, and secondly, the test can be taken repeatedly, but not more than 1 time per week.

1. Write 4 names of members of the opposite sex.

2. Under each of them put your name.

3. In each pair, cross out the letters (both vowels and consonants) that appear in both names.

4. Next write the number corresponding to the number of letters crossed out.

5. Take four beads or cubes of different colors, indicating certain feelings with them. For example, red can correspond to passion, blue to a constant and ever-increasing desire to meet, green to friendship, and yellow to jealousy. Participants should approach the organizer in turn, think of one of 4 names, close their eyes (it is better to tie them for reliability), mix objects in their palm and pour them on the table. The bead or cube that fell the closest (together with the meaning that you attributed to them) refers to the envisioned person, and the strength of the feeling is measured by the number of letters crossed out in pairs. This action should be performed with each name.

After determining the results, you can play a trick on the participants like this: “So, we learned a lot about you, and if you think that the results obtained do not correspond to the truth, you are mistaken. You just don't know yourself well. Admit it, what are the common things you have with your neighbor (classmate, colleague)? There is no point in hiding what we already know anyway! "

In general, the further development of the joke depends only on your imagination. It will be fun if they play along with you and the conversation takes the most unexpected direction.

Test "You can't think of it on purpose"

To perform this “revelatory” test, you need a company of at least 4 people, but the more participants, the funnier it is. You will need strips of paper about 7 cm wide, which can be cut from notebook sheets, placing them vertically: in this case, the length will be suitable. We warn you that this test is "dragging out", so it is better to make many copies at once.

Hand each participant a prepared piece of paper and a pen, ask them to write out the numbers from 1 to 16 on the left in the column. Then ask questions and answer them in writing (the answers should be placed opposite the numbers corresponding to their numbers). Do not skip the cells, as all entries must fit on one side. The main rule: each next question must be answered on a new strip of paper. Participants must pass the sheets of paper to their neighbors, moving clockwise.

It is impossible for the next player to see the answers, and therefore you need to constantly cover what is written with the back of the piece of paper, bending it inward from top to bottom.

You can answer the questions both briefly and in detail. The task of each participant is to compose a complete story on any topic (political, fairytale, mythical, life, scientific) and about anyone (about people, animals, insects, objects). It's good if there are details, and remember: the more bizarre, sarcastic and humorous they are, the more interesting the text will turn out. In short, show more imagination and use your imagination!

When the questions are over, collect all the copies and read aloud what you get.

3. What time of the year?

4. What time of day?

5. On what did you sit (stand, lie)?

6. What did you do?

9. What items were needed for this?

10. Who helped?

11. Why did he need it?

12. What happened as a result?

13. Where did they go?

14. Where did you go then?

15. Did they like what they were doing?

16. Would they like to say it again?

Test "You can't think of it on purpose-2"

This test is somewhat similar to the previous one, but differs from it in some peculiarities of its conduct.

Participants must answer 14 questions without showing each other their notes, but also without closing them (this is optional). You do not need to transfer the leaves. Some questions are given with multiple answers. In such cases, you can choose only one of the proposed ones, but you cannot invent anything on your own.

1. What's your favorite animal?

2. Describe its tail.

3. What is the best place in your apartment where you can always be alone. Just think well!

4. Where will you go in your new car if you are not allowed to drive straight and to the right?

5. What would you do if you had a lot of free time? Choose the option that suits you best:

A. Play hide and seek.

B. Cycling.

B. Statement of diction.

6. What nickname would you call a dog from someone else's yard, into which for some reason you had to go?

7. What is your full address: city, street, house number, entrance, apartment.

8. Where do horses rest?

9. Say any number from 1 to 33.

10. State any number from 1 to 20.

11. Do you love getting paid? Answer yes or no. If you chose the latter, do not answer the next two questions.

12. Where would you like to visit?

A. In the Sahara Desert.

B. In the Egyptian pyramids.

B. In Karaganda.

13. Which animal in zoos is usually advised to move away from (but not because it can attack you)?

14. What did Carlson say to the Kid, persuading him to take a flight to the roof with him?

A. "I'm not a goat!"

B. "I am the sickest person in the world."

B. "I'm white and fluffy!"

After that, read the following questions and give them the answers that everyone has already prepared.

1. Who is your best friend?

2. Describe its appearance.

3. Where do you usually meet with him?

4. Where do you go together?

5. What are you doing there?

6. What is the name on your passport?

7. Advise where, in addition to the budgetary public hospital, you can put a mentally ill person.

8. Where do you dream of relaxing during your vacation?

9. How many natural teeth do you have?

10. How many teeth have your friends knocked out?

11. Do you know how to communicate with aliens?

12. Where did you learn this?

13. Where did you get such love for them?

14. So who are you really?

Test "Mysterious"

You can offer your friends this mysterious test. It gives Russian folk riddles and answer options, one of which is correct. Whoever gives the most correct answers is the most intelligent and quick-witted.


1. At sea on Ocean,
On an island in Buyan,
Sits the bird Justrida,
She boasts, boasts
I've seen everything
I ate a lot in total.
I saw the tsar in Moscow,
King in Lithuania,
The elder in his cell,
Child in the cradle;
And I didn't eat that,
What was missing in the sea.

A. Bird-talker.

B. Death.

2. Drevodan tree,
Likhokhan leaves,
Angelic flowers
Devil's claws.

A. Rose-rose.

B. Hawthorn.

3. Neither heaven nor earth,
Looks light
Sit on it
Tender birds.
Two behold
Two are waiting
One commands.

A. Paper and scribe.

B. Master and Servant.

4. It flies without wings,
Running without legs
Burns without fire
It hurts without wounds.

A. Rumor and soul.

B. A violent wind, a formidable cloud, a clear sun, a passionate heart.

5. There is a hail to the east
Wide doors
There are many troops around him,
Each warrior has a spear.
There is a clan of Adaml,
He took all the property away from them.
Glory to the Highest,
To earthly too!

A. Beehive, bees, sting, wax, honey.

B. Ivan the Terrible goes to Kazan.

6. Live zhivulechka,
Sits on a living chair
The living meat fiddles.

A. A cat with a mouse. B. Infant.

7. Little crumb
I walked through the ground
Found a little red cap.

A. Mushroom. B. Mac.

8. Pan flew,
I fell on the water
The water did not stir.

A. Leaf from a tree.

9. Under an oak, an oak,
Under the cover,
Curled up in a ball
Yes, not a reed.

A. Head of cabbage.

B. Nest.

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Taking tests is a favorite pastime of many people. Whether we learn something new about ourselves or are convinced of things that have been familiar for a long time is not important. The main thing is that we get to know ourselves again, get tremendous pleasure from the process and, of course, enjoy the result.

site shares this love and therefore has collected all the most authoritative psychological tests in one place.


What will tell: Who are you by temperament: sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric, and will also determine your emotional stability.

How to get through: Answer the questions as truthfully as possible, trying not to think about the answer.

What will tell: Do you have any behavioral characteristics or predisposition to diseases.

How to get through: At each stage of the test, 8 portraits of people will be offered, you will need to select first two of your favorite photographs (in descending order), and then two of the most repulsive photographs (also in descending order).

What will tell: What are your leading character traits, will show the degree of self-awareness and the level of self-esteem.

How to get through: You need to answer quickly, without hesitation, there are no "bad" or "good" answers.

Personality type

What will tell: What features of behavior in a group, family and personal relationships do you have?

How to get through: It is necessary to determine how the given statement suits you on a 4-point scale.

What will tell: What traits dominate your character. It will also reveal the secondary qualities that are involved in its formation.

How to get through: When answering questions, do not think about a specific moment or mood, take your standard behavior as a basis.

What will tell: What character traits, inclinations and interests are peculiar to you.

How to get through: It is worth answering quickly, truthfully and as accurately as possible.

Vocational guidance

What will tell: What professions do your inclinations and abilities resonate with?

How to get through: Of the two proposed options, you will need to choose one that is most desirable or the least obnoxious.

What will tell: What areas of activity correlate with your personality type.

How to get through: You will be offered three options: “Agree”, “Disagree” and “Difficult to say”. You need to choose based on your feelings.

What will tell: What are the main motivational levers driving your actions and decisions.

How to get through: By answering questions, you confirm or deny your behavior in these situations. Give your answer honestly and quickly.

What will tell: What is your IQ level.

How to get through: In the proposed game situations, you will need to make a choice based on your assumptions, calculations and ideas.

What will tell: What are your abilities for generalization and analysis, the speed of perception of the material, the accuracy of its assessment and flexibility of thinking.

How to get through: Try not to linger on one task for a long time, it is better to move on to the next. The speed of decision-making and a superficial assessment of the situation are important here.

What will tell: At what level of development are your verbal and non-verbal components of intelligence.

"So simple!" prepared for you today a very entertaining one that will help you understand yourself and begin to understand your inner world.

Prepare a piece of paper and a pen. First, you will need to carefully read the questions and give a written answer to them. Try to give your answer as quickly as possible.

Write or even draw the first thing that comes to your mind. If you answer them immediately and without hesitation, you will be able to establish contact with your subconscious.

Psychological test


  1. You are walking with someone through the woods. Who is this?
  2. You are walking in the forest and you see an animal. What is this beast?
  3. What happens after you meet his eyes?
  4. You go deeper into the forest and see a clearing in front of you. The house of your dreams stands in front of you. Describe its size.
  5. Is there a fence around it?
  6. You enter the house and go to the dining room. Then you see the dining table. What's on and around it?
  7. You go out the back door and see a glass or a cup lying right on the grass. What material is the container made of?
  8. What are you going to do with her?
  9. You go to the end of the clearing, in the middle of which there is a house. There is a reservoir there. What is this body of water?
  10. How are you going to cross the water to move on?

The answers to these questions demonstrate your values ​​and ideals.


  1. The person you are walking with is the most important person in your life.
  2. The size of the imaginary animal is actually the size of your inner problems. The larger the animal, the harder it is for you to live.
  3. How you react to an unexpected meeting in the forest is your most typical way of solving problems (aggressive, passive).
  4. The size of your dream home is the size of your ambition. If it's too big, you may have high expectations from life.
  5. The absence of a fence suggests that you are an open and internally free person. If it is, then you value personal space and expect the same from others.
  6. If there is no food, flowers, or people on or near the table, then you are most likely deeply unhappy.
  7. The strength and durability of the material from which the container is made is how strong and strong you perceive your relationship in the family. Disposable plastic or paper cup? Glass?

    Most likely, you are worried about the future of your family. If the container was made of metal or porcelain, then you have nothing to worry about.

  8. Your act characterizes the attitude towards the person from question number 1.
  9. The size of the pond is the size of your sexual appetite.
  10. The more “wet” mode of transportation you choose, the more important sex is in your life.

This test can be repeated over and over again within a few days. So you can see how yours is changing emotional condition from day to day. Everyone needs to pass this test. Recommend it to your friends!

Many girls have situations when they certainly need to tell fortunes for the future, for a guy, for love, for the fulfillment of a wish, but there are no cards for fortune telling. It is for such cases that there are the simplest fortune-telling on paper with a pen.

What is the coming day for me?

If you want to find out what awaits you on a certain day on which you pin certain hopes, then write your name, patronymic and surname, as well as the day and month for which you are guessing, on a piece of paper. For example - Ivanova Svetlana Nikolaevna, twenty-fifth of December. Moreover, if the letter is repeated, then it must be written under the already written one (in a column).
Next, cross out two repeating letters, and count the rest. If there are more than ten letters left, for example 15, then we add the first and second digit to get a prime number. In our case - 6.
Now it remains only to decipher the meaning of our fortune-telling on paper with a pen:

  • 0 - normal day;
  • 1 - joy;
  • 2 - sadness;
  • 3 - travel;
  • 4 - news;
  • 5 - hear a compliment;
  • 6 - meeting;
  • 7 - melancholy;
  • 8 - love and a sea of ​​romance;
  • 9 - betrayal.

A little bit of "li"

A little bit of "whether" is a fortune-telling on paper, during which you have to write a question on a piece of paper, the answer to which can only be "yes" or "no." In this case, the question itself should begin with a verb, after which the particle "li" is put. For example, will Seryozha love me, will I see Dima; Should I wait for a romantic date soon ... and the like.
Then we count the number of letters in each word and write it down below it. If there are more than 10 letters, then we bring this number to a simple one, as in the previous fortune-telling: 15 is 1 + 5 = 6. Thus, we get a series of numbers. Next, we add the numbers that stand with each other, getting the second row, and so on until one number is formed, which will be the result of this fortune-telling.
It remains only to decipher it:

  • 1 - you yourself know the answer;
  • 2 - yes;
  • 3 - definitely not;
  • 4 - definitely yes;
  • 5 - most likely;
  • 6 - something or someone bothers you;
  • 7 - most likely not;
  • 8 - yes, but it's worth waiting a little;
  • 9 is not the time yet.

Heart fortune telling

The most common divination for love on paper is fortune-telling, when you close your eyes, imagine the image of your beloved and draw a heart on a piece of paper. Moreover, if you are left-handed, then it is worth drawing right hand, and if you are right-handed, then, accordingly, draw a heart with the left. Then we outline whole cells along the contour inside the resulting heart, after which we begin to cross out these cells in 6 pieces.
Now it only remains to count how many cells on a piece of paper are left uncrossed. This number will mean the feeling that the conceived young man has for you.:

  • 1 - love;
  • 2 - friendship;
  • 3 - sympathy;
  • 4 - jealousy;
  • 5 - you are dreaming of him;
  • 6 - indifference.

Will you be together?

Another option for fortune-telling for girls on paper is fortune-telling for a couple. For him, you simply write your last name, first name and patronymic on a piece of paper, and under it - the full name of the person you are going to guess at. And then cross out the letters that are repeated for you and for him. For example, in the words Aleksey and Elena you will cross out the letters "a", "l" and two letters "e" in both words.
Now we count the non-repeating (not crossed out) letters. And again, if you get a double number, then bring it to the usual single, as mentioned above. This single number will be the result of fortune-telling on the sheet:

  • 1 - your couple may have a great future, to the point that you can become a husband and wife;
  • 2 - do not waste time and nerves on this relationship, since you are completely different;
  • 3 - for both of you, this is just a fleeting hobby, enjoy temporary happiness;
  • 4 - he loves you. But do you love? Think about it and don't torture the guy in vain;
  • 5 - you are not in a selfless relationship, so you will not be together;
  • 6 - you are literally made for each other;
  • 7 - in the future you will remain just friends;
  • 8 - you love and are loved;
  • 9 - you are a perfect match for each other, but it is very difficult to maintain that feeling.


LURDNISTEKHB is another type of fortune telling on a piece of paper in which you have to make three guys and write them down on a piece of paper so as not to forget about the voting results, under the numbers 0, 1 and 2. Next, we write down the letters from the abbreviation in a column, after which opposite each letter we put vertical sticks in a row, it is worth stopping only at the behest of your own heart.
Now all that remains is to cross out the sticks, three in each row. And how many sticks remain uncrossed out in a row, you put such a number in front of this row. As a result, opposite each letter you will have a number from 0 to 2. That is, the guy with the number 0 has feelings, where the row ends with the number 0, and the guys with the numbers 1 and 2 - feelings, where the rows end with the numbers 1 and 2, respectively.
It remains only to find out the meanings of the letters in the abbreviation, which will be the meanings of fortune-telling on the sheet:

  • L - loves;
  • U - respects;
  • R - jealous;
  • D - thinks;
  • N - you like it;
  • And - is interested;
  • C - bored;
  • T - yearns;
  • E - there is another;
  • X - wants friendly relations;
  • B - you will be together.

Fortune telling in pictures

Drawing "Flower"

Another fortune-telling on paper is that you tear out 10 sheets of paper from a notebook, on each of which you will have to draw one of ten drawings with a pen: a bird, a cat, a house, a woman, a fence, a river, a door, a man, a flower and a tree. At the same time, do not try to draw beautifully, the main thing is that you understand what is drawn on the sheet. Then fold these leaves so that you cannot see what is depicted on them and mix thoroughly, while thinking about the future or making a wish. All that remains is to pull out a sheet at random, unfold it and see what is drawn on it. This will be the result of fortune telling.
The woman symbolizes that you expect too much from life and from others. You should reduce your expectations slightly, and also beware of insincerity from your loved ones. The wish will come true if you are careful and attentive to the signs of fate.
A man is a symbol of your protection from troubles and success in everything. The desire will be fulfilled with the help of someone from the outside.

Drawing "Bird"

The bird means that nothing important will happen in the near future, as long as you just have to fantasize about a wonderful future. But if you persistently strive for something, then the desire will certainly come true.
The house says that your wish will come true only if it is connected with your family and relatives.
The tree warns of danger in financial terms - money will be sorely lacking. Therefore, the desire will come true only if it is not related to finances.
The fence symbolizes the end of the difficulties in your life. To fulfill your desire, do not refuse the help of close friends.

Each person would like to know the secrets of his character and see himself from the outside. In the best way for self-knowledge is a psychological projection drawing that will reflect all the features of your personality.

When we do something that we don't think about, the result shows not the logical, but the emotional side of the brain. Our experiences, joy, anger and everything else can break through unconsciously projected on paper.

To pass the test below, you need privacy. Nobody should distract you from the process. Take piece of paper, preferably A4, pen or pencil... Divide the sheet into equal four parts and number them so that it looks something like this:

The final preparation of the sheet will look like this:

  • in the first sector, draw a point in the middle
  • in the second sector, draw a small square or rectangle
  • in the third sector there should be something similar to the sign "="
  • the fourth sector remains empty

You should end up with something similar:

So, free your thoughts, there will be no difficult tasks - draw only what came into your head right away.

In the first three sectors, just paint what you want. Draw what you feel without thinking. You don't need to draw something complicated - spend about 10 seconds per sector. After that, go to the last task.

In the fourth sector, draw a boat that floats on the waves. The drawing should also be primitive - also don't waste a lot of time on it.

Decoding of drawings

Sector one

This sector represents your isolation or openness... If there are round figures in this sector, then you are a closed person. The same goes for, for example, a drawn spiral leading to the center (point). If you just drew a lot of dots, then you are very sociable and open. Roughly speaking, the more elements you apply, the better. The only exceptions are circles. There should be as few of them as possible.

Second sector

This sector shows your kindness and responsiveness as well as level selfishness... You can consider yourself a kind person if what you drew is connected in some way to the original rectangle. The smaller the contact area, the more selfish you are. Open-minded people often paint a wall, which speaks of their focus on the company and the team. Many people paint a house, which is also very good. If your drawing does not touch the rectangle, then this suggests that you need to think - maybe you are selfish.

Sector three

This sector will show how much you think you are. successful or successful with the opposite sex - is it easy for you to communicate and flirt... There should be as few drawing elements as possible and they should not touch the equal sign (as most of them call it). People who are satisfied with their relationship with the opposite sex usually add a smiling emoticon to get something like "=)". Worst of all, if the drawing turns out to be symmetrical and heavily piled up - this is an indicator of your self-doubt in communicating with the opposite sex.

Sector four

Everything is extremely simple here. This sector shows you who you are in love and in relationship... If the sea turns out to be choppy, then you prefer dynamic love that rips off your head. If the sea is calm, then love for you is calm, warm and only pleasant, orderly emotions. As for the boat itself, you should pay attention to whether it is difficult to draw, as well as what is happening around it. Any excesses like sails or people (which were out of the question), stars, living creatures, the moon, the sun - speak of your romance. If none of this is present, then you are firm in character, and romance is alien to you.

Thus, at first glance, the simplest test can show each person his true face. Psychological personality tests of this kind are the most accurate, since the subject does not need to think - he is driven only by the emotional part of the brain. We wish you the best of luck and don’t forget to press the buttons and

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