Methods by definition. Methods for determining the level of thinking of preschool children. Vii. Methodology for identifying the level of development of figurative representations

Landscape design 18.04.2021
Landscape design

Subclass test methods by definition of stable personality traits is very diverse. Let's consider some of them that have found wide application in the School of Practical Psychology.

Diagnostics of aggressiveness. Aggressiveness as a personality trait, according to R.S. Nemov, is not caused by objective circumstances (as a necessary response), unprovoked hostility of a person towards people and the world around him. It manifests itself in an individual in a tendency to attack, cause trouble, harm people, animals, and the world around him. It can also manifest itself in the form of a demonstration of superiority in strength in relation to another person or a group of persons. Aggressiveness can vary in the degree of aggressiveness in the form of manifestation: from demonstrating hostility and ill will to verbal abuse and the use of brute force. EI Rogov notes that at present the appearance of aggression in children's and educational institutions has become a big problem that worries both teachers and parents. One of the priority tasks of a psychologist in educational institutions is psychocorrectional work with adolescents and young men, especially with those who are more aggressive in comparison with others.

It should be noted that, on the one hand, each personality must have a certain degree of aggressiveness, since its absence in an individual leads to passivity and conformity. On the other hand, the excessive development of aggressiveness can form a personality image that provokes conflict, complicates cooperation, conscious cooperation.

There is a certain connection between aggression and frustration, when aggressiveness manifests itself as a defensive reaction of the subject due to the affect caused by the frustrating situation.

Diagnostics of anxiety. Anxiety is a special emotional state of the subject, expressed in increased emotional tension, which is accompanied by fears, anxiety, fears that interfere with normal activities or communication with people. This is a fairly stable personal quality, characterized by two indicators - personality and situational tension.

Personal anxiety is an individual personality trait of a person, reflecting his predisposition to emotional negative reactions to various life situations, carrying a threat to his "I" (for self-esteem, the level of claims, attitude to his "I", etc.).

Situational anxiety is an internal, stable state of anxiety as a behavioral response to certain life situations. This condition can be caused, for example, by negotiations with officials, talking on the phone, examinations, communication with strangers the opposite sex or age, etc.

Measuring anxiety as a personality trait is especially important, since this property largely determines human behavior. Determination of the level of anxiety, as noted by L.D. Stolyarenko, is a natural and obligatory feature of the vigorous activity of the individual. A person's assessment of his level of anxiety is for him an essential component of self-control and self-education.

For each specific person, personal and situational anxiety is developed to varying degrees, therefore, when determining the levels of anxiety, both indicators are assessed.

Individuals with high and very high anxiety require special attention. EI Rogov notes that such anxiety is either generated by the real unhappiness of the subject in the most significant areas of activity and communication, or exists, as it were, in spite of the objectively favorable situation, as a result of certain personal conflicts, violations in the development of self-esteem, etc.

Anxiety is often experienced by schoolchildren who study well and even excellently, have a responsible attitude to their studies and social life, but this apparent well-being is achieved by them at an unjustifiably high price and is fraught with breakdowns. Such schoolchildren have autonomic, neurotic and psychosomatic disorders. Anxiety in these cases is generated by the conflict of self-esteem, the presence in it of contradictions between high claims and a fairly strong self-doubt. Such a conflict, forcing these students to constantly achieve success, at the same time prevents them from correctly assessing it, giving rise to a feeling of constant dissatisfaction, instability, and tension. The consequence of all this is overload, overstrain, expressed in impaired attention, decreased performance, increased fatigue.

Diagnostics of personality claims. The level of personality aspirations is the desire to achieve the goal of the degree of complexity for which a person considers himself capable.

People with a realistic level of aspirations are distinguished by confidence, persistence in achieving their goals, greater productivity compared to people whose level of aspirations is inadequate to their abilities and capabilities.

The discrepancy between claims and real capabilities of a person leads to the fact that he begins to assess himself incorrectly, his behavior is inadequate, emotional breakdowns, increased anxiety, etc. It follows from this that the level of aspirations is closely related to the self-esteem of the individual and the motivation for achieving success in different types activities.

American scientists D. McCleland and D. Atkinson developed the theory of motivation for achieving success in various activities. According to this theory, people who are motivated to succeed set goals for themselves, the achievement of which is unequivocally regarded by them as success. they strive at all costs to achieve success in their activities, they are brave and decisive, they expect to receive approval for actions aimed at achieving their goals. They are characterized by the mobilization of all their resources and focus on achieving their goals.

People motivated to avoid failure behave quite differently. For them, the explicit purpose of action is not to succeed, but to avoid failure. A person who is initially motivated to fail, shows self-doubt, does not believe in the possibility of achieving success, is afraid of criticism, does not feel pleasure from activities in which there are temporary failures. Success-oriented individuals are able to correctly assess their capabilities, successes and failures, adequately assess themselves, they reveal a realistic level of aspirations. On the contrary, people who are oriented towards failure evaluate themselves inadequately, which in turn leads to unrealistic claims (over or understated) 7. In behavior, this manifests itself in the selection of only difficult or too easy goals, in increased anxiety, lack of confidence in one's abilities, a tendency to avoid competition, non-criticality in assessing what has been achieved, erroneous forecast, etc.

Self-esteem of the individual. The development of methods for self-assessment of a person has certain difficulties associated with age characteristics and vocational guidance of various contingents of subjects. Self-esteem of a person is closely related to the level of aspirations and the motivation for achieving success in various activities. It is important to find out what place the assessment of one's “I” occupies in the structure of the personality's self-awareness.

The concept of "self-awareness" comes from the word "consciousness". Consciousness as the highest form of development of the human psyche is manifested in three components:

The body of knowledge about the world around us;

Setting the life goals and objectives of the individual;

Self-awareness as a person's relationship to himself, other people and the world around him.

Self-consciousness is a relatively stable conscious system of the individual's ideas about himself, the awareness of his “I” in all the variety of individual characteristics, on the basis of which a person builds his relationships with other people and treats himself accordingly. Thus, self-awareness is a kind of foundation on which the self-concept and the self-image of the person are built.

In turn, the image of one's own “I” consists of three components: cognitive (the image of one's psychological qualities, appearance, social significance, etc.); emotional (self-respect, pride, self-destruction, etc.); evaluative-volitional (the desire to increase self-esteem, gain respect, etc.),

Self-knowledge is the process of developing a certain emotional-value attitude towards oneself, the result of which is the self-esteem of the individual.

Self-esteem involves an assessment of one's abilities, psychological qualities and actions, one's life goals and the possibilities of achieving them, as well as one's place among other people. Self-esteem can be underestimated, overestimated and adequate (normal).

People with low self-esteem set themselves lower goals than those they can achieve, exaggerate the importance of failure. Abilities are far from being fully realized. They are characterized by such characterological traits as indecision, fearfulness, resentment, picky, excessive conscientiousness, conflict. They suffer from an inferiority complex and need the support of others.

People with high self-esteem set themselves higher goals than what they can achieve. The level of their claims exceeds the real possibilities. They are not critical of themselves. They consider themselves the best people, smart, kind. People around are dismissive. They do not agree with the assessments that others give them, they are often the cause of conflict situations in the team. The main traits of their character are: conceit, arrogance, striving for superiority, disrespectful, rude attitude towards people. They can offend a person and even notice it themselves.

Excessively high and too low self-assessments indicate distortion, inadequacy to the real state of affairs. Those with high self-esteem must develop criticality, and those with low self-esteem must develop self-confidence, the ability to look optimistically at their abilities.

Adequate self-esteem also provides an appropriate level of aspirations, a sober attitude towards success and failure, approval and disapproval. It is easier for such a person to live in the world, he is more energetic, active and optimistic.

The third part of self-awareness is self-education. It is a process of self-government and self-regulation (self-regulation) aimed at a conscious measurement of one's personality. Effective self-government is possible only with an optimal level of self-esteem. Consequently, the formation of optimal, adequate self-esteem is at the same time the development of the ability for psychological personal self-government, manifested in the concretization of the motives of behavior and activity, in setting goals and choosing ways to achieve them. The processes of self-regulation and self-regulation are closely interrelated and interdependent. The simplified psychological structure of self-regulation includes the following elements: acceptance by the subject of a specific goal of voluntary activity, a program of performing actions, processing of current information, making decisions, executing a program of performing actions, checking the results, correcting actions. Thus, self-regulation is a closed control of regulation, it is a kind of information process, the carriers of which are various forms of reflection of reality.

The subject's regulation of his activity and behavior is carried out on the basis of volitional efforts.

The main trends in the behavior of an individual in a group. The idea of ​​an individual about his personality will be more specific if we determine the main tendencies of an individual in a real group (dependence - independence, sociability - uncommunicativeness, acceptance of "struggle").

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In general terms, risk analysis can be divided into two complementary types: qualitative and quantitative.

Qualitative risk analysis includes: determining the place of the analyzed risk in the risk classifier; identification of factors affecting the risk under study and the choice of a methodology or a set of methods for determining and assessing the degree of identified risk, that is, risk identification is carried out.

Quantitative risk analysis is the numerical determination of the size of the analyzed risk and its assessment using a selected model or a set of models.

Various methods and models are used to quantify and assess the degree of risk, which can be grouped as follows:

1. statistical methods and models;

2. analytical methods and models;

3. other methods and models.


Currently, the most fully developed statistical methods and models, which are most often used in economically developed countries for the quantitative analysis of the identified risk. These methods and models are the most accurate and diverse of all available on this moment models for the definition and assessment of the studied risk. The authors of the overwhelming majority of sources and scientific studies focus on these methods.

The essence of statistical methods for determining the degree of risk lies in the collection and analysis of primary and secondary information about all possible consequences of any particular action and the probabilities of the onset of the consequences themselves, after which the probability of occurrence of deviations of the predicted indicators of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise from those actually obtained is calculated.

All statistical methods for determining and assessing the degree of risk of an enterprise can be divided into three types: probabilistic methods, methods of variability (variability), combined methods.


The first type includes statistical methods that determine the degree of risk of an enterprise using the probability of the occurrence of all possible consequences as a result of a decision. To assess the degree of risk, an analysis of data on the consequences of decisions similar to those made in similar situations over the past five to eight years is carried out. After that, the probabilities of possible outcomes are determined, and the degree of risk of acceptance this decision... The assessment of the degree of risk is made by comparing the result obtained with the average statistical degree of risk calculated for the entire analyzed period or with the value of the degree of risk of an alternative solution.

These methods include the following methods.

1. Determination of the frequency of occurrence of a certain level of losses (see formula 3.1).

where F is the frequency of occurrence of a certain level of losses;

N is the number of occurrences of a specific level of losses;

N total - the total number of cases in the statistical sample, including successfully performed operations of this type.

2. Determination of the "area of ​​risk". The risk area is a certain area of ​​general market losses, within the boundaries of which the losses do not exceed the limit value of the established risk level. The risk level is determined by the formula 3.2.

where H is the level of risk;

K is the entire invested capital of the company;

A is the sum of the company's assets.

The requirements of the Central Bank of Russia for assessing the state of assets of any commercial bank were taken as a basis for identifying risk areas, and five main areas of risk for the activities of any company in a market economy were identified.

Risk-free area - this area is characterized by the absence of any losses when performing transactions with a guarantee of obtaining, at least, an estimated profit. In theory, the profit of the company during the implementation of the project is not limited. Risk level H »0.

The area of ​​minimum risk - this area is characterized by a level of losses that does not exceed the size of the company's net profit. The risk level H is in the range of 0 - 25%.

High risk area - this area is characterized by a level of losses that does not exceed the size of the estimated profit. The firm runs the risk that as a result of its activities, it will, in the worst case, cover all costs, and in the best case, it will make a profit that is much less than the calculated level. The risk level H is in the range of 25-50%.

Area of ​​critical risk - within the boundaries of this area, losses are possible, the amount of which exceeds the size of the estimated profit, but does not exceed the total value of gross profit. This risk is not desirable because the firm is in danger of losing all of its proceeds from the transaction. The risk level H is in the range of 50 - 75%.

Area of ​​unacceptable risk - within the boundaries of this area, losses are possible close to the size of own funds, that is, the onset of complete bankruptcy of the company. The risk level H is in the range of 75 - 100%.

After defining the areas, plotting points against the corresponding cumulative totals and connecting them with a smooth curve, we get the Lorentz line. In the absence of losses, that is, when the company operates in a risk-free area, the Lorentz line will represent a straight line. Plotting several Lorentz curves for different periods allows you to compare the maximum risk level by the degree of curvature of these lines.

0 If we assume that risk is the probability of failure, then the criterion for assessing risk is the probability of obtaining a result less than the required (planned, predicted) value (see formula 3.3).

R = P * (D pl -D f), (3.3)

where R is the risk criterion;

P is the probability of the event occurring;

D pl - the planned value of the result;

D f - the actual value of the result.

This method of determining the risk allows you to calculate its level after receiving the result and gradually accumulate a statistical database of "trial and error".

1 American economists, when assessing the feasibility of technical and economic innovations, use a method in which they seek to take into account the probabilistic nature of the expected result under conditions of risk (see formula 3.4).

, (3.4)

where E is the effectiveness of the implementation of the innovation;

P is the annual sales of a new product;

С is the selling price of the product;

T - tax deductions;

P t - the likelihood of technical success (the likelihood of repetition of research ideas in new products);

Р к - the probability of commercial success (the possibility of selling products on the market and obtaining the expected profits);

E z - the cost of development, production and sale of the product.

2 When comparing two or more investment options, you can determine the level of risk using the formula 3.5.

where K i is the risk coefficient of the i-th option;

Р i - predicted profit of the i - option;

I - the predicted loss of the i-th option.

6. When determining and assessing the level of risk for one investment option, you can use the formula 3.6.

where K p is the level of risk;

This technique is used both for preliminary acquaintance with the child, and in order to find out the degree of expression of cognitive or play motives in the affective-need-related sphere.
Order of conduct The child is invited into a room where ordinary, not very attractive toys are displayed on the tables, and they are invited to examine them for a minute. Then the experimenter calls him over and offers to listen to a fairy tale. The child is read a fairy tale interesting for his age, which he has not heard before. At the most interesting place, the reading is interrupted, and the experimenter asks the subject what he wants at the moment: to play with the toys on the table or to listen to the fairy tale to the end? Children with a pronounced cognitive interest usually prefer to listen to the continuation of the tale. Children with poor cognitive need prefer to play. But their play, as a rule, is manipulative in nature: they will grab one thing, then another.

Test Material

Fairy tale WHY HARES WEAR WHITE COATS IN WINTER Once in the forest Frost and a hare met. Frost boasted:

- I am the strongest in the forest. I will defeat anyone, I will freeze, I will turn into an icicle.

- Do not brag, Moroz Vasilyevich, you will not overcome! - says the hare.

- No, I will!

- No, you can't overcome it! - the hare stands on its own.

They argued, argued, and Frost decided to freeze the hare. And he says:

- Come on, hare, bet fight that I will defeat you. - Come on, - the hare agreed.
(At this point, reading is interrupted).

Frost began to freeze the hare. Cold-cold let loose, an icy wind whirled. And the hare began to run and gallop at full speed. It's not cold on the run. And then she rolls in the snow, but sings:

The Prince is warm, the Prince is hot! Warms, burns - The sun is bright!

Frost has become tired, he thinks: "What a strong hare!" And he himself fiercely fiercely, let it go so cold that the bark of the trees bursts, the stumps crack. And the hare doesn’t care - then running uphill, then somersault down the mountain, then rushing about in the meadow like a house.

Frost is completely exhausted, and the hare does not even think to freeze. Frost retreated from the hare:

- Do you, scythe, freeze you - you are clever and quick

Frost gave the hare a white fur coat. Since then, all hares wear white fur coats in winter.


Biological age is a concept that reflects the degree of morphological and physiological development of an organism. The introduction of the concept of "biological age" is explained by the fact that the calendar (passport, chronological) age is not a sufficient criterion for the health status and working capacity of an aging person. As a criterion for aging, a person's biological age depends on various positive and negative factors, such as physical activity, level of psycho-emotional stress, lifestyle and state environment... These factors can lead to both an increase and a decrease in the aging rate and indicator biological age... This article examines the comparative characteristics of two methods for determining the biological age of a person by anthropometric (according to A.G. Gorelkin, 2010) and physiological (according to V.P. Voitenko, 1984) indicators. Comparison of the two methods was made on the basis of the results of the study carried out among persons of three age categories. According to the results of the study, the indicator of a person's biological age, obtained using the compared methods, does not match. A tendency to a slowdown in the rate of aging with an increase in calendar age was revealed, as according to the method of V.P. Voitenko, and according to the method of A.G. Gorelkin.

biological age

aging rate

degree of aging

1. Gorelkin A.A., Pinkhasov B.B. Patent 2387374, Description of the invention to the patent, 1.

2. Kim LB Biological age as an indicator of the health status of mining workers in the Arctic zone Russian Federation/ Kim L.B., Putyatina A.N., Kozhin P.M. / FSBI "NTSKEM" SB RAMS, Novosibirsk, Russia; 2014, 1-8 p.

3. Krutko V.N., Dontsov V.I., Zakharyashcheva O.V. and others. Aerospace and Environmental Medicine, 2014, 48, 12-19 p.

4. Markina L. D. Determination of the biological age of a person by the method of V.P. Voitenko / Textbook for independent work students of doctors and psychologists / Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation VSMU. Vladivostok, 2001, 23-26 p.

5. Plakuev A.N., Yurieva M.Yu., Yuriev Yu.Yu. Human Ecology, 2011, 4, 17-25.

6. Pozdnyakova N.M., Proshchaev K.I., Ilnitsky A.N. et al. Fundamental research, 2011, 2, 17-22 p.

7. Raevsky RT Physical improvement of student youth: strategy and innovative technologies / Based on the materials of the International Symposium on September 22-23, 2011. Odessa, JSC BAHVA, 2011, 130 p.

Literature review.

The aging process is accompanied by many functional shifts in organs and systems, as they accumulate and the body's compensatory capabilities decrease, structural (morphological) changes and disorders of all types of metabolism are formed. In different periods of ontogenesis, the intensity of age-related changes and adaptive processes may vary greatly, or some may prevail over others. Therefore, persons of the same calendar (chronological, passport) age can differ greatly from each other, both in phenotypic characteristics and in functionality, efficiency, activity, susceptibility to infections and diseases. To assess the general state of health, ecological well-being, adaptation to extreme influences, the rate and degree of human aging, the systemic indicator “biological age” is used.

Various methods have been developed for determining the biological age of a person.

So, in 1984 at the Institute of Gerontology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (Kiev) V.P. Voitenko et al. Developed a method for determining biological age.

This technique makes it possible to determine the individual biological age of the subject, the functional class of aging (1 - the best, 5 - the worst), the rate of aging (normal, accelerated, slowed, sharply accelerated, sharply slowed down), a qualitative assessment of health (good, very good, normal, bad, very bad) and pathological index (the number of chronic diseases in the surveyed).

In 2010, Russian scientists A.G. Gorelkin and B.B. Pinkhasov patented a method for determining the biological age of a person and the rate of aging. The invention relates to medicine, in particular to preventive medicine and gerontology, and can be used for mass screening examinations, predicting the risk of developing the most common chronic diseases of modern humans associated with metabolic disorders, in scientific research, including to determine the impact of environmental factors (natural and anthropogenic) on the aging rate of the human body.

New, in comparison with previous developments, in the method for determining the biological age proposed by A.G. Gorelkin and B.B. functions of all major systems. For the age ontogenetic norm according to essential characteristics (body weight, height, hip circumference, waist circumference) are taken: 21 years for men and 18 years for women.

The aim of the study was to compare the methods of V.P. Voitenko and A.G. Gorelkin, B.B. Pinkhasov by definition of biological age.

Methods and materials.

96 residents of Perm took part in the study. The subjects were divided into 3 age groups. Group 1 consisted of 21-35 years old males and 20-35 years old females. Group 2 consisted of persons 35-60 years old males and 35-55 females. Group 3 consisted of 60-75 years old males and 55-75 years old females.

When performing this work, two methods for determining biological age (BV) were used. The first method included physiological indicators, and the second - anthropometric ones. The following subjects were assessed: blood pressure, height and body weight, waist circumference, hips. Functional tests were performed, namely: inhalation hold, static balancing. In addition, the questionnaire contained questions reflecting a subjective assessment of health - self-assessment of health (POP). The POPs index is closely related to a number of clinical and physiological indicators, in connection with which the method for determining BV according to V.P. Voitenko, in which the BV indicator is compared with the value of the proper BV (DBV), which is calculated by the formula using the calendar age of the subject. According to the author's opinion, the value of ABI can be considered as a population standard of aging, since it characterizes the population standard of age wear. The choice of the method by A.G. Gorelkin and B.B. Pinkhasova is due to the high popularity of the theory of aging associated with aging of the connective tissue. It is known that the formation and development of bone tissue is completed in most men in the period of 21-25 years. The use of anthropometric indicators, such as height and body weight, waist and hip circumference, is due to their change with age, the presence of their pathophysiological connection with metabolic disorders, which increase the risk of developing chronic diseases and reduce the duration and quality of human life. The use of anthropometric indicators increases the objectivity, information content of the results of assessing biological age.

The basis of the method by A.G. Gorelkin is to calculate an equation describing the relationship between body type markers and age.

The aging rate is determined by the formulas:

for men

where RLm = KV-21;

for women

where RLzh = KV-18,

where KSSm and KSSzh are the coefficients of the aging rate for men and women, respectively, RLm and RLzh are the difference in years between the calendar age and the age of the ontogenetic norm for men and women, respectively; FROM - waist circumference (cm), MT - body weight (kg), ABOUT - thigh circumference (cm), P - height (m), KB - calendar age; and at KLR from 0.95 inclusive to 1.05, inclusive, a conclusion is made on the compliance of the aging rate with the norm, at KLR less than 0.95 - about aging deceleration, with KLR more than 1.05 - about the acceleration of aging; then biological age (BV) is determined according to the formulas: for men BVm = KSSm × (KB-21) +21, for women BVzh = KSSzh × (KB-18) +18; the calendar age is determined with an accuracy of at least 0.1 years; body weight - with an accuracy of not less than 0.5 kg, height - with an accuracy of not less than 0.005 m, waist and thigh circumference with an accuracy of not less than 0.5 cm

The Voitenko technique includes:

1. Measurement of body weight (MT) in kg

2. Measurement blood pressure(BP): systolic (ADS) and diastolic (BPP) and pulse pressure (BPP). Measure blood pressure by the Korotkov method. ADP - the difference between ADS and ADP

3. Shtange test (holding the breath after a deep inhalation of HFA in sec.) Take a deep breath and hold your breath. Repeat the procedure 3 times with an interval of 5 minutes. The largest value is taken into account.

6. Study of static balancing (SB per sec.) SB is determined while standing on the left foot, without shoes. The eyes are closed, the arms are lowered along the body. SAT to be carried out without preliminary preparation. The best result from 3 attempts, carried out with an interval of 1-2 minutes, is taken into account.

7. Determination of the self-assessment index of health (POPs, in points) according to the questionnaire. Answer 29 questions of the questionnaire. For the first 28 questions, answers “yes” or “no” are possible: answers “yes” to questions: No. 1-8, 10-12, 14-18, 20-28 and “no” to questions: No. 9 , 13, 19. For the 29th question the following answers are possible: “good”, “satisfactory”, “bad”, “very bad”. One of the last two responses is considered unfavorable. The total number of unfavorable responses is calculated. This POP value is entered into the formula for determining BV. With ideal health, the number of unfavorable answers is “0”, with poor health - “29”.

8. Calculation of the actual BV, (FBV) and due BV, (DBV) according to the formulas

Formulas for calculating BV:

Men: PBV = 26.985 + 0.215 ADS - 0.149 HFA + 0.723 POPs - 0.151 SB

Women: FBV = -1.463 + 0.415 · ADP + 0.248 · MT + 0.694 · POPs - 0.14 · SB

Formulas for calculating the proper BV (DBV)

Men: DBV = 0.629 CV + 18.56

Women: DBV = 0.581 CV + 17.24

КВ - calendar age in years

To judge the extent to which the degree of aging corresponds to the CV of the subject, it is necessary to compare the individual value of FBV with FBV, which characterizes the population standard of age wear. By calculating the FBV FBV index, you can find out how many times the BV of the subject is more or less than the average BV of his peers. By calculating the FBV / FBV index, you can find out how many years the subject is ahead of his peers in terms of the severity of aging or lagging behind them. If the degree of aging of the subject is less than the degree of aging (on average) of persons of equal CV, then FBV: FBV< 1, а ФБВ - ДБВ < 0. Если степень постарения его и сверстников равны, то ФБВ: ДБВ = 1, а ФБВ - ДБВ = 0


Determination of BV by the method of V.P. Voitenko showed that PBV in age groups up to 42 years old is higher than the calendar, and with an increase in CV, the difference between PBV and DBV decreased. The degree of aging of the subjects was determined by the difference between PBV and DBV, and their ratio (aging index). These values ​​reflect the extent to which the degree of aging corresponds to the CV of the examined individuals. The difference between PBV and DBV decreased with increasing CV. So, if in the group under 35 years old the difference exceeded 10 years, in the group 35-60 years old - 5 years, 60-75 years old - 1 year. The aging index repeated the dynamics of the degree of aging. In the first age group it was higher than 1, in the second group 35-60 years old it was equal to or less than 1, in the 60-75 years old group it was less than 1. The method used allows us to assess not only the degree of aging, but also to rank it by the rate of aging (3 groups ).

Based on the data obtained, the highest rate of aging is observed in the first age group, and then gradually decreases. From this we can conclude that this age group is most susceptible to the action of unfavorable exogenous and endogenous factors.

Self-assessment of health - POPs, an indicator proposed by V.P. Voitenko for calculating BV, reflects a person's well-being and depends on age. With increasing calendar age, the POPs index increased.

Determination of BV according to the method proposed by A.A. Gorelkin and B.B. Pinkhasov did not reveal any difference between biological age and CV in the general group. However, when comparing the indicator between age groups, differences were identified. At the same time, the difference turned out to be less pronounced in comparison with the difference obtained by the method of V.P. Voitenko. In the group of 21-35 years old, BV and CV coincide or differ by 1-2 years, in the second and third age groups, there is a tendency to an increase in the difference between BV and CV. With an increase in CV, the BV indices become smaller.

With an increase in CV, the aging rate decreases. The calculated coefficient of the aging rate showed that in 9% of the investigated the aging rate corresponding to the norm (the aging rate coefficient from 0.95 to 1.05), in 62% - aging deceleration (the aging rate coefficient is less than 0.95) and in 29% - acceleration of aging (coefficient of aging rate more than 1.05). Cases of delayed aging became more frequent with an increase in CV (46% in the group under 35 and 80% in the group under 60 and 100% in the group under 75). The cases of accelerated aging were inversely related to the calendar age.

Thus, the methodology using anthropometric indicators demonstrated the same orientation as in the case of using physiological parameters. With an increase in calendar age, the number of persons with accelerated aging gradually decreased.

The biological age, according to the results of the method of V.P. Voitenko, exceeds the results according to the method of A.A. Gorelkin and B.B. Pinkhasov. At the same time, the difference in CV and BV in the first age category according to the Voitenko method is up to 26 years old, while the same indicators according to the method of A.G. Gorelkin either correspond to each other, or make a difference of 1-2 years.


Determination of biological age using V.P. Voitenko, based on the assessment of physiological parameters, made it possible to identify subjects with an accelerated or slowed down rate of aging. Methodology for determining the biological age of A.G. Gorelkina, including the assessment of anthropometric parameters and reflecting the aging of the musculoskeletal system, revealed a higher percentage of aging retardation compared to the method of V.P. Voitenko. This difference is probably due to the lability of functional systems and the inclusion of various compensation mechanisms at different age periods.

As a criterion for aging, a person's biological age depends on various factors, some of which contribute to the improvement or deterioration of this indicator. The positive factors include moderate physical activity, a healthy lifestyle, which contribute to an increase in the adaptive potential of a person. There are many more negative factors accelerating aging and increasing biological age. So, physical inactivity, overweight and obesity, smoking, alcohol abuse, a high level of psycho-emotional stress, unfavorable working conditions, harsh climatic conditions are risk factors for an increase in BV. All of these positive and negative factors form the physical, social, psychological and spiritual well-being of a person.

Bibliographic reference

Kasatkina Yu.I., Petrova E.A. COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF METHODS FOR DETERMINING THE BIOLOGICAL AGE OF A HUMAN BY V.P. Voitenko AND A.G. GORELKIN // International Student Scientific Bulletin. - 2018. - No. 5 .;
URL: (date accessed: 26.06.2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

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