General psychology Stolyarenko A. General pedagogy (200.00 rubles). Alexey Stolyarenko has awards

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participant of the "Famous Scientists" encyclopedia

STOLYARENKO Alexey Mikhailovich Doctor of Psychology, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Honored Worker high school Russia.

Born on April 1, 1924 in Baku, in the family of a teacher. Member of the Great Patriotic War. In December 1941 he volunteered for the front. In 1942 he participated in the battles in the North Caucasus as part of the Marine Corps, and in 1943 as a sailor in the battles of the ships of the Black Sea Fleet squadron, in the amphibious landings on the Taman coast and the Crimea. Then he graduated from the higher naval school, served in the navy for 35 years, graduating as the commander of a ship formation, captain of the 1st rank.

He began his scientific and pedagogical activity in 1958, becoming a candidate for the Department of Psychology at Leningrad State University. In 1965 he was a candidate of pedagogical sciences (in psychology), since 1974 he is a doctor of psychological sciences (diploma of PS №00001), since 1999 he is a doctor of pedagogical sciences. From 1965 he worked at the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy at the Military Academy, since 1977 - at the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Management. Currently - professor at the same department and concurrently - deputy (in science) head of the UNESCO Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Higher Education at the Academy of Law and Management (Moscow). From 1979 to 1995, he headed the country's first dissertation council on legal psychology.

In the 1960s-1970s, he developed the foundations of modern naval psychology, moral and psychological training of sailors, the psychology of combat readiness, combat service of ships and psychological support for combat operations of their personnel in the event of a sudden start of war. All this is reflected in a number of books and brochures.

In 1977-1995. was the organizer of research and development of psychology in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, its teaching, large-scale application of psychological knowledge and recommendations in law enforcement practice. Developed: socio-psychological (organizational and activity) management concept and course; theory and practice of psychological support of operational and service activities of personnel and its tactics; psychology of activity in extreme conditions; specifics of professional psychological selection and professional psychological training of employees, training of practical psychologists for internal affairs bodies, etc.

1995-2010 became the years of the most fruitful scientific activity of A.M. Stolyarenko. In 2000, a scientific and practical manual "Psychological methods in the work of a lawyer" was published. Under his editorship in 2001, the capital "Applied Legal Psychology" was published, and in 2003 - the unique "Encyclopedia of Legal Psychology". They summarize the 100-year development of psychology in the field of law, which was narrowly involved in the investigation of crimes. Methodologically and scientifically developed a paradigm of modern legal psychology, covering all psychological problems the legal sphere of the state and determined its entry into a new stage of development - the psychological support of building a legal state and society in Russia. The textbook "Extreme Psychopedagogy" (2002) was prepared and published for the first time. In it, the data of research on the psychology of people in extreme conditions became the basis for the disclosure of the pedagogical system of their extreme training and ensuring the safety of life. For the first time, the psychology and methods of managing the actions of people in extreme conditions are described in detail

In 1995-2004. A.M. Stolyarenko laid the foundation for a new branch of scientific knowledge - legal pedagogy, covering problems from legal education, training and development of individuals to large-scale pedagogical problems of creating a rule-of-law state and society. In 1999 he defended his second doctoral dissertation - "Methodology, theory and practice of legal pedagogy in the Ministry of Internal Affairs". A number of books have been published: Methodological and theoretical problems of legal pedagogy in the Ministry of Internal Affairs (1999), Legal pedagogy: a course of lectures (2000), Legal pedagogy: textbook (et al., 2004), innovative General pedagogy: a textbook (2006), Applied legal pedagogy in the internal affairs bodies: textbook (et al., 2008).

In the same years, prepared and published for the country's higher education system: Psychology and Pedagogy (textbook, three editions - 2001, 2006, 2010), Social Psychology (textbook, author and head of the group of authors, two editions - 2005, 2009), General and professional psychology (academic settlement, 2005), Management psychology (et al., 2005), Physiology of higher nervous activity for psychologists and teachers (textbook, 2009), Psychological systemology: methodology, theory, practice (scientific, methodological and educational manual . 2010).

All publications are distinguished by relevance, great scientific novelty, high scientific level, clarity and clarity of presentation, expressed practical focus on solutions contemporary problems society and the younger generation.

During 50 years of scientific and pedagogical activity, he prepared more than 60 candidates of science, carried out scientific advice to 12 doctoral studies. Published 560 works, of which 50 are textbooks, manuals, monographs.

The work of A.M. Stolyarenko was awarded two military orders "Red Star" and 27 medals. Honorary professor of a number of universities. Winner of the award for the best professional textbook. Academician of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement. In the biographical encyclopedia "Outstanding Figures of Russia" published in 2007, his scientific biography is presented among the hundred best rectors and scientists (volume I).

Alexey Stolyarenko has awards:

Alexey Mikhailovich Stolyarenko(b. 1924) - an outstanding scientist in the field of legal psychology and pedagogy, Doctor of Psychology, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Honored Worker of the Higher School of Russia.

He was born on April 1, 1924 in Baku, in the family of a teacher. In December 1941 he volunteered for the front; in 1942 he participated in the battles in the North Caucasus as part of the Marine Corps, and in 1943 in the battles of the ships of the Black Sea Fleet squadron. Then he graduated from the higher naval school, served in the navy for 35 years and completed his career as commander of a ship formation, captain I rank.

In 1959, Aleksey Mikhailovich began his scientific and pedagogical activity, becoming a candidate for the Department of Psychology at Leningrad State University under the leadership of B. G. Ananyev. In 1963 he entered the post-graduate course at the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Military Academy, and then was its teacher, associate professor, professor. In 1965 he became a candidate of pedagogical sciences, in 1974 - a doctor of psychological sciences, having defended a thesis on the topic: "Psychological support of high combat readiness of the naval forces of the Navy."

In the 70s. A.M. Stolyarenko was engaged in the development of the foundations of modern naval psychology, issues of moral and psychological training of sailors, the psychology of combat readiness and the provision of personnel actions during the sudden start of a war, which are reflected in a number of books and brochures.

In 1977 he transferred to the post of head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and since 1988 he has been working as its professor. For 13 years, Aleksey Mikhailovich headed the country's first dissertation council on legal psychology. Since the end of 1970. and in the 1980s. he was the organizer of the first courses of psychology in universities and other educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the initiator of the introduction into the practice of internal affairs bodies of the foundations of knowledge and capabilities of psychological science.

At this time, he was the main developer of the development and practical application of psychological and pedagogical knowledge in law enforcement agencies, the creation of professional psychological selection, professional psychological training, psychological service, psychological support for operational and service activities, actions in extreme conditions, training of practical psychologists, etc.

In the early 1980s, Professor A.M. Stolyarenko formulated the methodological and theoretical foundations of the scientific and psychological approach to effective formation organizational behavior of law enforcement officials and to the management of law enforcement agencies, called "Organizational-activity psychological concept of management"... This concept is based on the idea that the formation of the organizational behavior of law enforcement officers is influenced by: a person (the employee himself) in the management system, social goals, values, the psychology of management organization and the organizational climate, psychological mechanisms of self-organization of the activities of the team and employees. This concept implements theoretical provisions on the rejection of the idea of ​​the work of law enforcement agencies as the work of a leader who has been given authority to use subordinates ("executors") as a means, "tool" in solving the tasks assigned to him (the leader), about the leader as "To the driver". This concept is based on the postulate of the work of law enforcement agencies as an organization characterized by the coordinated collective activity of like-minded professionals striving for a common goal, where not one leader decides everything, but the others execute his orders, and where each employee influences the decision. Management proceeds from the presumption of trust in employees as conscientious professionals, attitude towards them as individuals with their aspirations, positions, needs, life problems, and not as "means", "cogs", "executors" of the will of the leader. The task of the manager is to create an organization characterized by such relationships as cohesion and consistency, joint activities of all personnel; creation of such organizational conditions within, when the employee wants and can show, develop and satisfy his professional and personal capabilities. And all this, in turn, has a positive impact on the formation of the organizational behavior of law enforcement officers.

In 2003, under the editorship of A.M. Stolyarenko, a unique "Encyclopedia of Legal Psychology" was published. It completed the process of transition from forensic psychology, narrow in terms of the object of research, to modern legal psychology, covering all the psychological problems of the legal sphere of the state, legal psychology of society and the activities of law enforcement agencies. This also marked the entry of legal psychology into a new stage of development - psychological support for the construction of a legal society.

In 1995-2004. he developed the foundations of a new branch of pedagogy - legal pedagogy. In 1999 he defended his second doctoral dissertation - "Methodology, theory and practice of legal pedagogy in the Ministry of Internal Affairs" and received the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. He published a number of books: a monograph "Methodological and theoretical problems of legal pedagogy in the Ministry of Internal Affairs", a course of lectures "Legal pedagogy", a textbook "Legal pedagogy", a textbook "Applied legal pedagogy in the internal affairs bodies". All publications are distinguished by the author's erudition, high scientific level, relevance of content, novelty, popularity of presentation, practical focus on solving modern problems of society and the younger generation.

He brought up a whole generation of highly qualified psychologists for the internal affairs bodies of Russia and the CIS countries. Aleksey Mikhailovich has many students: he has trained more than 60 candidates of sciences in psychology and pedagogy and was a scientific consultant for 12 doctoral studies. He has published about 600 scientific works, of which 50 monographs, textbooks and manuals for the country's universities, many of which are published in various European languages. All publications are distinguished by the author's great erudition, high scientific level, relevance of the content and practical focus on solving modern problems. His creative activity is still high.

A.M. Stolyarenko was awarded two military orders "Red Star" and 27 medals. He is an honorary professor at a number of universities, laureate of the award for the best professional textbook. Academician of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement.

In the biographical encyclopedia "Outstanding Figures of Russia" published in 2007, Professor Stolyarenko was noted among the 100 best rectors and scientists.

Major works:

Psychological conditions for ensuring high combat readiness of subunits, units, ships. - 1970.

The psychology of combat duty and ship watch. - 1972.

The psychology of vigilance and alertness. - 1975.

War. Ocean. Human (co-author). - 1976.

Fundamentals of Naval Psychology (et al.). - 1977.

Physiology of higher nervous activity and the educational process in military schools. - 1979.

The main problems of psychology and pedagogy of the higher and secondary special schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (in co-authorship). - M., 1979.

Questions of social psychology in strengthening the rule of law. - M., 1981 (in co-authorship).

Psychological and pedagogical problems of management in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Internal Affairs Directorate (in co-authorship). - M., 1982.

The psychology of the exactingness of the head of the police department. - M., 1983.

Psychological training of ATS personnel. - M., 1983.

The psychology of workforce management. - 1983.

Corrective labor psychology. - M., 1985 (in co-authorship).

Fundamentals of pedagogy of higher and secondary specialized schools in the system of internal affairs bodies. - M., 1992 (in co-authorship).

Methodological and theoretical problems of legal pedagogy in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. M., - 1999.

Psychological techniques in the work of a lawyer. - M., 2000.

Legal pedagogy (course of lectures). - M., 2000.

Psychology and pedagogy. - M., 2001, 2006, 2009.

Applied Legal Psychology (et al.). - M., 2001.

Social Psychology. - M., 2001, 2008.

Extreme psychopedagogy. - M., 2002.

General and professional psychology. - 2003.

Legal pedagogy (in co-authorship). - M., 2004.

Management psychology. - 2005.

General pedagogy. - M., 2006.

Encyclopedia of Legal Psychology (et al.). - M., 2007.

Applied legal pedagogy in the internal affairs bodies (in co-authorship). - M., 2008

Physiology of higher nervous activity for psychologists and educators. - 2009.

Psychological systemology: methodology, theory, practice (scientific, methodological and study guide. - 2010.

Management psychology. - M., 2012 (with co-authors).

Applied legal pedagogy in the internal affairs bodies (in co-authorship). - M., 2012, 2nd ed.


The textbook presents a complete system of accumulated scientific knowledge about the specifics of the problems of legal pedagogy in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Complies with the standards of the "Psychology and Pedagogy in Internal Affairs Department" curriculum implemented in the educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The book substantiates promising ways and methods of full use of the potential of legal pedagogy, which is an effective reserve for improving the practice of working with personnel in modern conditions, their upbringing, education, training, development, increasing the efficiency of operational and service and service and combat activities. Scientifically grounded practical recommendations and pedagogical technologies of work are given. For employees of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of all levels and grades, students, cadets, adjuncts, researchers, as well as heads of internal affairs bodies, employees of administrative offices, and other categories of law enforcement officers.

The book is part of the collection:


Alexey Stolyarenko

Social Psychology[Electronic resource]: textbook for university students / ed. A.M. Stolyarenko. - 2nd ed., Add. - M .: YUNITIDANA, 2012 .-- 511 p. - ISBN 978-5-238-01480-7. read

The textbook contains a complete and clearly structured system of modern socio-psychological knowledge - an important section of psychological science. This is knowledge about the psychology of the individual, small groups and large communities, society. The system of social and psychological ties and dependencies covers all stages and stages of human development, his rights and freedoms, his educational and labor activities, family relationships, leisure, his negative addictions and inclinations. Understanding them and the ability to understand them is the most important condition for success in life. For university students, as well as anyone interested in issues of social psychology.

Alexey Stolyarenko

Stolyarenko, A.M. Physiology of higher nervous activity for psychologists and teachers[Electronic resource]: a textbook for university students studying in humanitarian and social specialties / A. M. Stolyarenko. - M .: UNITI-DANA, 2012 .-- 463 p. - ISBN 978-5-238-01540-8. read

The textbook, focused on the study of the physiology of higher nervous activity in universities and faculties, training psychologists and teachers of various specializations, reveals the connection of physiological phenomena and knowledge with psychological and pedagogical, as well as their use in the practice of psychologists and teachers. It contains many illustrations that help to assimilate the complex content of human higher nervous activity. The second section sets out the concepts of knowledge that characterize physiological psychology and physiological pedagogy. In terms of the selection of physiological data and their consideration in connection with psychological and pedagogical theories and practice, the textbook has no analogues. For students, cadets and trainees of special educational institutions, graduate students, researchers, practicing psychologists and teachers. The materials of the textbook can be selectively used in the study of general psychology, general pedagogy, pedagogical anthropology, correctional pedagogy, ensuring the safety of life, etc.


Psychology and pedagogy

Approved by the Ministry of Education

Of the Russian Federation as a teaching aid

For university students

Moscow 2004

Approved by the Educational and Methodological Association for the Psychology of Universities of Russia

UDC (075.8) BBK 88y73 + 74.00y73 S81


Dr. Sociol. Sciences, prof. V.M. Kukushin

(Head of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Organization

Work with the personnel of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation);

Dr. psychol. Sciences, prof. A.I. Pankin;

Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, Dr. ped. Sciences, prof. IV. Gorlinsky;

Department of Psychology and Pedagogy in the Activities of Internal Affairs Bodies

Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

(early. department dr jurid. Sciences, prof. Yu.V. Naumkin)

Editor-in-chief of the publishing house N. D. Eriashvili

Stolyarenko A.M. С81 Psychology and Pedagogy: Textbook. manual for universities. - M .: UNITI-DANA, 2004 .-- 423 p. ISBN 5-238-00259-9

The textbook was prepared in accordance with the "State educational requirements (federal component) to the mandatory minimum content and level of training of graduates of higher education" for the cycle "General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines" and a set of didactic units for the discipline "Psychology and Pedagogy".

For university students of all specialties, as well as for those wishing to master the basics of psychology and pedagogy.

BBK 88y73 + 74.00y73

ISBN 5-238-00259-9 About A.M. Stolyarenko, 2001

© UNITY-DANA PUBLISHING, 2001 Reproduction of the entire book or any part of it is prohibited without the written permission of the publisher.


Russian society is now going through a difficult period of transition from one socio-economic system to another. The hopes of its citizens and the efforts of the state are directed towards the comprehensive improvement of life in accordance with the ideas of a society that meets the level of achievements of human civilization and embodies, to a greater extent than before, the ideals of good, justice, freedom, protection from lawlessness and evil, providing people with equal opportunities for self-realization and a dignified life. This process is complex, contradictory, multi-conditioned. It cannot be carried out by directive or at the request of someone "from above". Whatever the pessimists may say, he depends on all the citizens of Russia. It is impossible to embody the ideals in the life of every person without his personal participation. And society is always what its citizens and their activity are. Life in a society can become better if its citizens become better - educated, smarter, more cultured, more humane, more democratic, more decent, fairer, more professional, more capable both in terms of personal qualities and behavior.

All this is especially significant for the younger generation of Russians. The future of Russia and life in it belongs to him, and it will be more prosperous if the generation itself becomes more perfect. It is rightly said that humanity would be marking time if children did not surpass their parents. But such perfection does not come by itself. The educational system in the country, which is an accelerator of social progress, is called upon to help young people to become better, to achieve more.


The modern concept of higher education in Russia is based on the premise that an educated person should be well versed in life, people, and their relationships. Everyone wants to be strong, skillful, respected, successful in life. To do this, he needs to take good care of himself, assess himself correctly, fully use the opportunities for self-development, skillfully direct his behavior in order to keep his fate in his own hands. This is possible if he has the appropriate scientific knowledge in the field of psychology and pedagogy, and is not guided by philistine ideas.

Psychology and Pedagogy - Life Sciences. These are applied sciences. Their knowledge is not a ballast for memory that can be thrown away after passing a test or exam. They should be included in the system of world perception, practical thinking of an educated person, his internal attitudes and habits, and be used as a tool in solving problems of life and professional activity. It is in this heuristic vein that they are revealed in the tutorial.

The most incomprehensible thing in this world is that it is still understandable.

A. Einstein

Section 1.

Psychology and pedagogy:


Chapter 1

Psychology and pedagogy

in life, activity, science

and education

1.1. Academic discipline

"Psychology and Pedagogy", its goals, objectives, functions, the concept of study


and pedagogy in higher

The humanitarian intellectual tradition is historically characteristic of Russian education. Now it is being built on the basis of the achievements of world civilization and education, the interests of the citizens of Russia and the need to create social conditions in it that meet the ideals of humanism, genuine democracy, freedom, respect and protection of the rights of citizens. An educated person should be well versed in the life of a society built on such principles, make decisions and do things that meet his written and unwritten laws. The curricula of educational institutions therefore include a number of new mandatory for all academic disciplines, which include "Psychology and pedagogy". It is impossible to build life, work, relations with people in a civilized, modern way, to bring up your children, develop and improve oneself, achieve success, help others and society, without having a minimum of scientifically reliable information on psychology and pedagogy, but being guided only by

1, Psychology and pedagogy in life, work, science and education

Everyday, philistine, largely erroneous ideas.

"State educational requirements (federal component) to the mandatory minimum content and level of training of graduates of higher education in the cycle" General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines " stipulate that graduate should to get an idea of ​​the nature of the human psyche, to know the basic mental functions and their physiological mechanisms, the ratio of natural and social factors in the formation of the psyche; to know in what forms a person's assimilation of reality takes place, to understand the role of consciousness and self-awareness in behavior, activity, personality formation; understand the meaning of will, emotions, needs and motives; be able to give a psychological characterization of a person, interpret their own mental states, master the simplest techniques of mental self-regulation; be aware of the patterns of interpersonal relationships in everyday life and an organized team; know the forms, means and methods of psychological activity; possess elementary skills in analyzing educational situations, defining and solving pedagogical problems both in the family and in the work collective. The proposed textbook meets the need for students to master this minimum content and level of training in psychology and pedagogy.

.. Target study of the academic discipline

Targets and goals studying psychology"Psychology and Pedagogy" in higher education
and pedagogy in an educational institution: increase in volume

development of young specialists in scientific psychology and pedagogy, psychological and pedagogical issues of their self-realization and self-affirmation in life and professional activity... Main goals:

  • familiarizing students with the basics of psychological and pedagogical sciences, their capabilities in successfully solving life problems and professional activities that arise in front of each person and human communities;
  • achievement of scientific understanding by students of the foundations of psychological and pedagogical realities, their manifestations and influences in the life and activities of people;


  • disclosure of the role and capabilities of psychology and pedagogy in self-realization 1 and self-affirmation of 2 people;
  • familiarization of students with the psychological and pedagogical foundations of life and work in the conditions of modern Russian society, contributing to the development of elements of state thinking and active citizenship in them;
  • psychological and pedagogical preparation of students for future professional activities;
  • assistance to the humanitarian development of students, their psychological and pedagogical thinking, observation, culture of their attitude to people, communication and behavior;
  • familiarization with the possibilities of using the recommendations of psychology and pedagogy in improving students' personal education, upbringing, in mastering curricula, increasing professional excellence, mastering psychological and pedagogical techniques;
1 For every person who was born, who was given life, it is important
make full use of its potential in it. This is primarily
associated with the opportunities to become a person who meets the world level of dos
the development of human civilization, which has mastered universal human morality
values, intelligence, education, culture, abilities,
professional skill, as well as the benefits that can provide
modern society. It depends primarily on the person himself, on his
work on oneself, desire to achieve a lot in life, purposefulness,
perseverance, from intelligent, skillful, morally clean and lawful use
to give them the opportunities, rights and freedoms provided by life and society.
baud. All this is implied when they talk about self-realization person.

2 Self-affirmation - the most important product of self-realization. Man is his
love, advantages and disadvantages embodied in the products of life and actively
sti. A person is not what he thinks about himself, but what his mind, hands, will,
his morality, hard work. A person expresses himself and asserts himself in lslah.
in that long trail that he leaves in life. He is self-assertive
is in the opinion of people about him and his deeds, in a position among them in which he
as a result it turns out. Self-affirmation is also objectively justified
his respect for himself as a worthy person who did not pollute himself
nothing, a person with a clear conscience, who has nothing to be ashamed of. Samout
assertion in one's self-consciousness is associated with the understanding that precious and
unique life time has not been wasted and is not wasted, opportunities
conditions, the prevailing circumstances, their rights and freedoms are not "carried away by the vet
rum "in the irrevocable past, and used and used in full, and if
if there is a missed one, then one should reproach oneself, and not others.

-| -\

Formation of a personal attitude towards the use of the provisions and recommendations of scientific psychology and pedagogy in their life and work, as well as interest in continuing to work to improve their psychological and pedagogical readiness.

It is based on the following fundamentals
The concept of studying lagging positions. "
educational discipline. , -.

1. On psychology and pedagogy I wrote


And pedagogy "we are mountains of books, the knowledge of these in U to is extensive,

They can be summarized in multivolume

Encyclopedias and study programs that require more than one hundred hours of study. The main task of the textbook, intended for students of higher educational institutions, is to select a minimum of content that meets the State educational requirements, fits into a limited volume of the manual, but preserves the scientific nature, sufficient completeness, integrity, consistency, consistency and practicality. Unlike most published textbooks and textbooks on the discipline "Psychology and Pedagogy", in which 70 percent or more of the content is devoted to psychology, in this manual, these sciences are presented on an equal footing. The point here is not in scientific ambitions, but in the fact that universities have not yet properly assessed the importance of the data and recommendations of pedagogy for the life and activities of an adult, and even more so for a highly educated person.

2. Psychology and pedagogy are related, but independent sciences. In the cycle "General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines" they are presented in the combined academic discipline "Psychology and Pedagogy", which indicates the need for their interconnected study. This option has the right to exist. The logic of any academic discipline does not have to be identical to the logic of science; it is not science that should be studied in essence, but scientific knowledge about the corresponding side of reality, combined with general

1 This is confirmed by a survey of students' opinions about the usefulness of studying 12 disciplines of the humanitarian cycle for themselves. Psychology is in third place, and pedagogy is in eleventh (Sheregi F.E., Kharcheva V.G., Serikov V.V. Sociology of Education: Applied Aspect. - M., 1997. - S. 107-108).

12 ChapterI... Psychology and Pedagogy: The Basics

Schenny practical experience and subordinate to the tasks of training students in the future life and professional activity. Psychology and pedagogy have many interrelated theoretical positions, and even more so - areas of practical application, which allows them to be studied in a single academic discipline. At the same time, two extremes should be avoided: study in two independent sections (section 1 - psychology, section 2 - pedagogy) or turn it into a mixed study of "psychological and pedagogical knowledge".

Science requires a differentiated approach, practice - an integrated one. The position of the academic discipline as a general educational discipline, the ideological significance of the scientific psychological and pedagogical knowledge included in it does not allow their confusion (it is appropriate, perhaps, for some practical courses). At the same time, the need to overcome scholasticism, remoteness from life and an understanding of practicality requires not breeding them, but rapprochement. These contradictions can be resolved by studying the most important theoretical and applied problems as general ones, but with a separate consideration of the specifics of their psychological and pedagogical understanding.

The described approach is implemented in the textbook, but it allows you to vary the plans for studying the academic discipline. If in some educational institution for some reason, preference will be given to the sequential study of psychology and pedagogy in two sections, then it can be easily accomplished by spreading the corresponding paragraphs in the chapters of the manual.

  1. "Psychology and Pedagogy" is studied in the higher education system and is included in the curriculum for training specialists in various fields of professional activity. That's why general provisions It is reasonable to combine psychological and pedagogical sciences with the study of their professional applications, with the needs of skillful communication and cooperation, mainly with adults. However, it is a mistake to reduce their professionalization to teaching in secondary school, as is often done.
  2. Psychology and pedagogy are sciences that are turned to practice, immersed in the midst of the problems of human life and society, looking for answers to their most pressing problems, but in the minds of many people they seem to be purely theoretical, consisting of definitions that are difficult to remember. In that
-y s

It is not the people who are to blame, but the formulation of teaching, the content and style of many teaching aids.

The study of psychology and pedagogy, even its most fundamental provisions, will fulfill its functions if it is based not on abstractions for memorization, but as a deep and imaginative understanding of psychological and pedagogical realities, as conclusions from life experience, as lessons for today's practice and the future. It is necessary to teach them more practically in terms of content, forms and methods.

5. Studying the discipline "Psychology and Pedagogy" is not a simple transfer of a certain amount of knowledge to students, but also a personal act designed to contribute to general and professional progress in their personality. This is achieved by the implementation in it of the complex psychological and pedagogical functions.

Educational and ideological the function consists in a significant expansion of students' knowledge about a person, without whose understanding the world remains unknown, and the life of society seems to be a big buzzing confusion. Everyday knowledge and judgments about a person, his fate, opportunities, which for various reasons are acquired in the experience of life by each person and which in the majority can be attributed to delusions, are replaced by scientifically reliable, systematized knowledge, turn into views on life, beliefs, reliable reliance on life path.

Educational and mobilizing function is expressed in the powerful contribution that psychology and pedagogy make to the humanization of the person who studies them. People who are aware of their issues in a different way, deeper and more thoroughly, begin to perceive other people, contacts with them, build relationships and behave in a more civilized manner. There is probably no such person who, while studying psychology and pedagogy, would not try on their situation to himself. A more reliable assessment of oneself, one's merits and demerits begins, an understanding of missed opportunities and an incentive to self-improvement, to more civilized behavior, to follow the recommendations of these sciences. Understanding the possibilities to be better, more successful in life, knowledge of the real possibilities of self-realization and self-affirmation arms with optimism, turns from a beautiful slogan into an attractive and achievable reality, and most importantly, one that depends on oneself.

Life-practical function is to enrich students with knowledge and attitudes to use many specific

Section I. Psychology and Pedagogy: Basics

New provisions and recommendations of psychology and pedagogy in your life, in an educational institution, in a family, among people, at leisure, in difficult situations, etc. They can significantly reduce the number of mistakes, failures, conflicts, related experiences and increase success in self-affirmation ...

Professionally applied the function is associated with the enrichment of a specialist with psychological and pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for work. Any work is a relationship and cooperation with people, and without the right solution to human problems, you will not see success in it.

Developing the function also has quite diverse manifestations.

All of the above about the functions already testifies to the broad developmental influence of the study of psychology and pedagogy on the student's personality. In the process of assimilating knowledge, practicing its application in educational process there are shifts in the general and professional development of students and such a specific quality as psychological and pedagogical thinking. The content, forms and methods of teaching the discipline also provide for the purposeful professional development of individual qualities: observation, memory, attention, etc.

The study of psychology and pedagogy is structured effectively if all functions are realized.

This tutorial is focused on the implementation of the considered conceptual provisions.

1.2. Psychology and pedagogy

v scientific approach to solving human problems

Modernity Man lives and acts, deciding the
and science confronting him with problems and tasks,

Meeting and overcoming crises, experiencing the influence of the natural and social environment. It is difficult to resist these forces, but it is triple difficult when they are incomprehensible to a person, when he is unable to predict and successfully overcome them. Actions "by eye", self-confidence

1. Psychology and pedagogy in life, work, science and education - | 5

Renewed use intuitive and built only on personal experience considerations, blind imitation of some foreign models that you like, reliance on the power of strong-willed pressure, actions by the method of trial and error are the deep reasons for slipping and failing in any business. No incompetent movements can improve business and life. The anachronism of ignorance and neglect of science is especially intolerable against the background of the achievements of world civilization. Everything is in the hands of a person - intelligent, educated, moral, armed with scientific knowledge.

Humanity in its history has developed three main ways to improve any business. The first was to identify and eliminate deficiencies. Its essence is the return of the state of affairs to the desired norm, the equalization of success. It was beneficial, but the development, the rise of the "achievement curve" upward, the movement to a higher level of technology, quantity and quality of products was slow. This did not meet the increased dynamism of life, competition in a market economy and the needs of society. Therefore, it was abandoned as the main method at the turn of the 30s. The second method has come to the fore - the use of the advanced experience of others that gives higher results. The identification of the carriers of such experience, the study, and copying of it in their work became widespread. The so-called "industrial espionage" emerged. But after the Second World War, the third way came to the fore - using the possibilities and achievements of science, new, more intensive technologies developed by it. The Japanese began to use it on a large scale, buying up patents for scientific discoveries and development. In the beginning, they laughed at them: "their science is weak, their mind is not enough." Soon, however, skepticism gave way to surprise: Japan's development went by leaps and bounds, setting an example to the whole world. Since the development of fundamental and applied science, full use in practice of their recommendations and achievements has become the main way to achieve rapid progress and success in any area of ​​human life and activity. The great creator of the theory of relativity, Albert Einstein (1879-1955), once expressed himself in the sense that

Section I. Psychology and Pedagogy: Basics

Science is still weak to effectively influence the realities of life, but "it is still the most valuable thing we have."

In our country, unfortunately, until the 90s, the main attention was paid to the method of identifying and eliminating shortcomings. Numerous commissions, inspections, inspections, drafting devastating acts, scattering, penalties, removal from office gave rise to a kind of game of "verifiers are looking for, and verifiables are hiding", massive eyewash, postscripts, "victorious" reports, in which, ultimately, everyone is interested. ... Attempts were made to "introduce advanced experience", but the forceful methods that accompanied the use of this method in the conditions of the administrative-command system reduced its capabilities to practically nothing. The decline in business in the country and in organizations in the 80s became catastrophic.

The famous Russian surgeon, teacher and public figure N.I. Pirogov (1810- 1881) wrote: "Where the spirit of science reigns, there is great and small means", and the atomic physicist F. Joliot-Curie (1900-1958) owns the words:

“Science is necessary for the people. A country that does not develop it inevitably turns into a colony. "

Pirogov N.I. (1810-1881)
It can be added: and one that does not use the existing achievements of science in wide practice. This cannot be allowed in Russia.


and pedagogy - science

about a human

There are no more difficult problems than human ones, there is no more difficult task than educating a person, working with him. It is unacceptable to act here incompetently, it is dangerous. Where there is no exact knowledge, guesses always work, and out of ten psychological and pedagogical guesses, nine are erroneous. To approach the solution of human problems in this way is tantamount to quackery in medicine.

Humanity has long tried to generalize and use the successful experience of training the younger generation. Over time, these efforts were embodied in the emergence of the psychological and educational sciences. The first studies and explains the inner,

1. Psychology and pedagogy in life, work, science and education - \ J

The spiritual world of a person, methods of regulating influences on him, the second develops systems and methods of purposeful training, upbringing, education, development 1. I. Kant (1747-1804) once wrote:

If there is a science that a person really needs, then this is the one ... from which you can learn how you need to be in order to be a human.

Previously, ignorance or ignorance of their conclusions and recommendations did not always lead to dire consequences. But now life has changed dramatically and became more complicated, the requirements for people have expanded and increased, many of them are fundamentally new and scientific technologies for their psychological and pedagogical satisfaction are needed. You can build a hut out of sticks and branches with common sense and trial and error, but you cannot build a skyscraper by doing the same. So it is in solving modern human problems. Psychological and pedagogical issues of working with people, working on oneself, achieving success in life at all times were considered difficult, there is nothing to say about the present. And in general, they should never be underestimated: a person always remains not so much a guess as a riddle.

What the human sciences - psychology and pedagogy - have at their disposal for many years and recommend these are already effective technologies in comparison with the empirical, everyday. New, modern achievements of these sciences, theories, recommendations and the so-called intensive technologies are already high technologies, "aerobatics". Previously, their knowledge and application was necessary only for teachers, and now - for every educated person, and even more so for a young specialist who is entering the path of independent life and thirsting for success in it. It's up to the "few" to study psychology and pedagogy and use their recommendations on a daily basis.

1 The words "psychology" and "pedagogy" are used in speech in three meanings: 1) as denoting qualitatively unique phenomena in the life of society and a person, 2) as the names of the corresponding sciences, 3) as the names of educational dis-

AND by the way m slo-

Tsiplin. This is a common conversational practice that refers to you as "chemistry", "physics", "biology", etc.

18 Section I. Psychology and Pedagogy: Basics

1.3. Psychology and pedagogy in the activity and professionalism of a specialist

Connections of the profession A modern educated specialist in the field of activity in any sphere of social life - political and psychological issues. government controlled, economy and pedagogy of military, market, financial, educational, legal, engineering, technical, medical, service and others - cannot and does not have the right to solve their problems in isolation from the problems and needs of the life of other people, their communities and people, country generally. This is due to the objectively social nature of labor.

There are four areas of contact of most types of professional activity with human problems, which determine the need to use the provisions and recommendations of psychology and pedagogy.

First area of ​​contact- connection with humanitarian, psychological and pedagogical aspects of the external environment. A specialist needs to understand the dependence on them, understand the influence that his professional activity has on them, want and be able to exert socially beneficial effects. The external environment is not only material objects and conditions, but also social, human ones. An employee focused on the mercantile interests of achieving a "purely professional" result ("professional technician"), thinking only about personal benefit, brings people, the country, nature more harm than good. Side and delayed negative results of his activities are often manifested as social, psychological, pedagogical (negative moods arise and are whipped up in people, feelings of injustice and inequality, mass discontent, conflicts, faith in the ideals and values ​​of society is lost, drunkenness and drug addiction, population migration, crime, contract killings, etc. are growing) and man-made (environmental pollution, the occurrence of accidents and disasters, their growth

1. Psychology and pedagogy in life, work, science and education 19

Numbers, harm to human health, a decrease in the rate of technical progress, obsolescence of equipment, etc.) the consequences (results), which in turn are negative for people. These consequences are usually much larger, deeper and more stable than the private momentary "professional success". An experience new Russia 90s contains numerous examples when people who with pathos called themselves "techies", "professionals", "democrats", "humanists", ardent supporters of "freedom of speech", in fact brought the country and the people disaster and suffering, generated new and more complex social and human problems through their socially, psychologically and pedagogically ill-conceived, imprudent, adventurous actions. For a society that has proclaimed care for every person as its initial principle, this is completely intolerable. In the era of avalanche-like accelerating scientific and technological progress, many innovations in the economy and technosphere are becoming dangerous for people and the existence of mankind in general, and therefore humanitarian issues of professional activity have become of great importance.

The external environment is always specific people, characteristics of the population (including psychological and pedagogical). They are users of professional services of a specialist (for example, a doctor), buyers of his products, objects of attention and influence (for example, a law enforcement officer) or partners, competitors. You need to understand their features, skillfully build communication and relationships with them, get along with partners.

The second area of ​​contact is professional problems that necessitate the use of recommendations and methods of psychology and pedagogy in professional work. It is impossible to understand deeply political, economic, managerial, law enforcement, industrial and other problems without understanding people in the aggregate of their characteristics, not being able to identify and evaluate their psychological and pedagogical characteristics - interests, desires, character, education, preparedness for certain issues. Often, when solving professional problems, you have to solve problems

Section I. Psychology and Pedagogy: Basics

Motivating people, arousing interest, increasing their professionalism, settling relationships, resorting to persuasion, explanations, showing and using other methods.

Third area of ​​contact- influence on the activity of a professional and its results of his own psychological and pedagogical characteristics- psychological properties and qualities, beliefs, interests and needs, education, education, training, development, professional skill and experience, etc. This dependence is obvious and directly proportional: the more comprehensive and better trained a specialist, the higher the success of his professional activity.

The fourth area of ​​contact is the influence on the activity of a specialist and its results of the personal qualities and professionalism of other employees of the organization, colleagues in teamwork and his own skill in interacting with them. In the overwhelming majority, professional work is not the work of a loner, but joint work. Labor groups, collectives are also not gatherings of individuals, but group subjects of activity, in which the actions of each must be skillfully proportioned to the actions of others, and the final product is a collective product that is not created by the labor of one, even the most classy specialist. Psychology of groups, moods and relationships in them, mastery of interaction, work discipline and conscientiousness - everything. what psychology and pedagogy study has here critical importance... Each specialist must have the ability to work in a team, build relationships with colleagues correctly, and have business communication skills.

Thus, professional activity objectively, independently from the will and desires of a specialist, confronts him with psychological and pedagogical phenomena that make him dependent on their various manifestations and in their own way affect them. This requires a specialist general humanistic orientation, knowledge of the scientific foundations of psychology and pedagogy, and specific professional psychological and professional pedagogical readiness. The importance of these components in the professionalism of a modern educated specialist is especially important in the period taking place in Russian society of radical social and economic changes.

1. Psychology and pedagogy in life, work, science and education


Psychological It can be argued that success in life and pedagogical sub-professional activities of a person

The preparedness of a specialist, among OTHER REASONS, depends on whether the graduate student understands the role and influence of factors,

Higher school related to psychological and pedagogical, how deeply he understands whether he has a desire to reckon with them, whether he is ready to make decisions and behave accordingly, whether he can achieve psychological and pedagogical results that provide life and professional success. This is determined by the presence of his psychological and pedagogical preparedness. Each of these interconnected species has general a component that an educated person needs for a decent life, and professional, necessary for success in the chosen work activity. Their components are the concretization of didactic units "State educational requirements (Federal component) to the mandatory minimum content and level of training of graduates of higher education."

Psychological preparedness any specialist graduate of high school at least includes:

A) general psychological preparedness:

  • knowledge of the subject of psychological science; the system of its scientific sections, branches and their significance for the practice of life and activity;
  • knowledge of the fundamentals of the methodology of psychological science and methods available for use in life and work;
  • idea about the nature of the human psyche, connections with the physiology of higher nervous activity, patterns of development;
  • knowledge of basic mental phenomena, processes, qualities, states, personality traits;
  • knowledge of the role and patterns of mastering the experience of previous generations of people, consciousness and self-awareness in behavior, activity, personality formation;
  • an idea of ​​the psychology of groups, socio-psychological mechanisms and the laws of their formation and functioning, the characteristics of human behavior in groups, interpersonal relationships in everyday life and in an organized team;
  • understanding of psychology modern society, problems and ways of creating a humane, democratic, legal society;


Section I. Psychology and Pedagogy: Basics

  • conviction of the need for a personal active civic position and the use of psychological opportunities in achieving life success, self-realization and self-affirmation in the conditions of modern society, using the psychological prerequisites for the civilized realization of one's rights and freedoms, moral and lawful behavior, building gender relations and taking into account the psychology of family life;
  • the ability to give a psychological description of a person, group, situation, decision, action;
  • the ability to interpret one's own characteristics, states, motives of actions, to master the simplest techniques of mental self-regulation and self-development of qualities:
  • the ability to master the choice of assessments, attitudes, decisions and actions, taking their thinking and motives out of the influence of the limited framework of momentary interests and desires;
  • the ability to use elements of the psychological technique of speech, non-speech means, communication, observation;
  • the manifestation of the emergence of psychological thinking, interest and attitude to the use of the data of psychology in their lives, the conviction of the need to expand and deepen their psychological half-shyness;
b) professional and psychological preparedness - this is;
  • knowledge of the psychological characteristics of labor, labor collective;
  • the ability to perceive the psychological aspect in various work situations, professional decisions, assess its significance, take into account when developing ways to increase labor efficiency;
  • the ability to create psychological conditions for effective personal work in an educational institution;
  • the ability to psychologically reasonably determine the ways of personal behavior in rickety situations that arise in the work collective;
  • the ability to select psychological techniques and actions that increase the efficiency of solving typical professional tasks;
  • possession of elements of psychological management techniques and work with subordinate personnel;
  • the ability to determine the psychological ways of professional development of one's personality;

1. Psychology and pedagogy in life, work, science and education 23

Installation for continuous expansion and deepening of its
professional and psychological preparedness.

Pedagogical readiness any specialist graduate of a higher school is least: a) general pedagogical readiness:

  • knowledge of the subject of pedagogical science, the system of its scientific sections, branches and their significance for the practice of life and activity;
  • knowledge of the fundamentals of the methodology of pedagogical science and methods available for use in life and work;
  • knowledge of the main categories of pedagogy and understanding of the pedagogical phenomena designated by them;
  • knowledge of the basic pedagogical laws, principles, potentialities, ways, forms and methods of personality formation, its properties and qualities in the process of growing up, education, work, leisure, life circumstances;
  • understanding of the dependence of success in life, destiny, self-realization and self-assertion in life, society, and the environment on the level of formation of their pedagogical properties (education, upbringing, training and development) and conviction in the decisive role of personal efforts in their actual state and improvement;
  • knowledge of the pedagogical relationships between the individual and the team, the individual and the family, ways to optimize them in the interests of the individual and other people;
  • an idea of ​​the pedagogical foundations of education, upbringing, training and development of a modern civilized person capable of living in a humane, democratic, legal society with a market economy;
  • orientation in the pedagogical foundations of the upbringing and development of children in family life;
  • an understanding of the psychological and pedagogical prerequisites for ensuring a healthy lifestyle, preparing for behavior in extreme life situations;
  • the ability to carry out an elementary pedagogical analysis of life, family, educational, educational, educational situations;
  • the ability to reasonably assess the degree of formation of the basic pedagogical properties of a particular person, his education, good breeding, training and development;
Section I. Psychology and pedagogy, fundamentals
  • the ability to identify the previous and current main causes and conditions of the peculiarities of the pedagogical formation of a personality, its merits and pedagogical neglect;
  • the ability to identify the pedagogical capabilities of various situations of life and work with a person;
  • the ability to use the basic methods of teaching and upbringing, methods of pedagogical tact and technique in an elementary way, to perform basic pedagogical actions (pedagogical observation, pedagogical communication, pedagogical behavior, preparation and adoption of a pedagogical decision, development of a plan pedagogical action, pedagogical control and assessment, etc.);
  • the ability to reasonably develop a system of basic pedagogical optimization measures individual work, work with a group, a team, educational work, training, development;
  • the ability to construct your teaching in an educational institution in a meaningful, elementary, correct and pedagogically effective way and to carry out self-formation of a personality;
  • the emergence of pedagogical thinking, interest and attitude to the use of pedagogical data in their lives, the desire to continue to expand and deepen their psychological preparedness;
b) professional and pedagogical readiness includes:
  • understanding of the dependence of the effectiveness and results of labor on the formed ™ of each and all the pedagogical properties of the individual;
  • knowledge of the pedagogical foundations of management;
  • knowledge of the basic pedagogical possibilities of preparation for solving professional problems in extreme conditions;
  • understanding pedagogical influences various circumstances of professional activity on the personality, the ability to determine the possibilities of positive influences and the prerequisites for negative ones, as well as to take all this into account in the self-organization of one's activities and the performance of management functions;
  • the ability to fundamentally pedagogically correctly prepare and conduct classes with staff on professional issues;
  • desire to further improve their professional and pedagogical readiness.
1 Psychology and pedagogy in life, work, science and education


This fundamental minimum of psychological and pedagogical readiness of any educated person, graduate student, without which he will remain an amateur, is achievable only with sufficient study time for the study of the discipline "Psychology and Pedagogy", the correct combination of various forms of classes and methods, exemplary use of intensive pedagogical technologies, due attention to practicality, active teaching of students and its provision with educational literature, attracting them to scientific circles and educational research work.

Main types The study of psychology and pedagogy in the system

Psychological topic vocational education at the pedagogical sub-different levels and stages of the natural preparation of specialists, it cannot be absolutely standard, but should be carried out in a differentiated manner. This imperative is not specified by directives, but objective the requirements of the profession for which students are preparing. In particular - the characteristics of the areas and the degree of contact specific professional activities with psychology and pedagogy. It is possible, in the most general form, to distinguish four groups of professions and, accordingly, four main types of preparedness of specialists and the necessary training for them.

The first kind - compulsory minimum psychological and pedagogical training. It is necessary any educated a person for any professional activity. There are no such people and professions that would be not connected to a certain extent with questions and problems of a psychological and pedagogical nature, did not depend from their decision, did not provide one or another psychological and pedagogical influence to other people. It is this objective connection that meets the minimum training, the goals, objectives and purpose of which are discussed above.

The second kind - in-depth functional psychological and pedagogical training. There are many professions that, along with special functions, have and psychological or pedagogical function or both in the same or different ratio. To perform such a function means to lead a special line of work in professional activity, focused on achieving a certain psychological

Section I. Psychology and Pedagogy: Basics

1. Psychology and pedagogy in life, work, science and education 27

The fourth kind - basic (basic) psychological or pedagogical education. It is necessary for highly qualified specialists, practicing professionally psychological or educational activities. These are teachers, educators of preschool and other institutions, psychologists-practitioners, social educators, consultants and experts on the problems of psychology and pedagogy, employees of psychological and pedagogical services, laboratories for professional selection and provision educational process, research institutions, etc.

Consideration of the last three types of training goes beyond the discipline "Psychology and Pedagogy" as a mandatory minimum.

Questions and tasks for self-examination

and reflections

  1. What are the goals and objectives of studying the course "Psychology and Pedagogy" in a professional university?
  2. Give and justify the psychological and pedagogical functions of studying this course.
  3. Justify the necessity and relevance of a scientific approach to solving psychological and pedagogical problems of life and work in modern conditions.
  4. What possibilities do psychological and pedagogical sciences have in solving human problems?
  5. Expand the connections of professional activity with the issues of psychology and pedagogy, comment on the four areas of their contact.
  6. What is the psychological preparedness of a specialist - a graduate of a higher school?
  7. What is the pedagogical preparedness of a specialist - a graduate of a higher school?
  8. What is the reason for the need for four main types of psychological and pedagogical training of specialists, how do they differ? What kind of training do you think is needed in your profession?

Section I. Psychology and Pedagogy: Basics


  1. Badmaev B.Ts. Psychology: how to study and master it. - M, 1997.
  2. Brian S. Society and education. - M, 1989.
  3. Introduction in scientific research on pedagogy / Ed. Zhuravleva V.I. - M., 1990.
  4. Gliss D., Steshy D. Statistical methods in pedagogy and psychology. - M, 1976.
  5. Law RF "On Education". - M., 1996.
  6. Law RF "On the highest and postgraduate vocational education ". - M., 1996.
  7. Zhuravlev V.I. Pedagogy in the system of human sciences. - M, 1990.
  8. Levitan K.M. Fundamentals of Pedagogical Deontology. - M., 1994.
  9. Likhachev B.T. Pedagogy. 4th ed. - M., 1999.
10. Pedagogy / Ed. P.I. Perky. 3rd ed. - M., 1997.
NS. Pedagogy / V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev et al. - 3rd ed. - M.,
  1. Skatkin M.N. Methodology and methodology of pedagogical research. - M., 1986.
  2. Slastenin V.A. Theory and the practice of higher pedagogical education. - M., 1991.
  3. Sokolov V.N., Yuzedovich G.Ya. Oshes and children in a changing world. - M., 1991.
  4. Filippov F.R. School and social development of society. - M., 1990.
  5. Kharlamov I.F. Pedagogy. 2nd ed. - M., 1990.
  • Table of contents
  • Foreword
  • Section I. Fundamentals of Psychology and Pedagogy
    • Chapter 1. Psychology and pedagogy in life, work, science and education
      • 1.1. Academic discipline "Psychology and Pedagogy": goals, objectives, functions, the concept of study
      • 1.2. Psychology and pedagogy in a scientific approach to solving human problems
      • 1.3. Psychological and pedagogical preparedness of a specialist - a graduate of a higher school
    • Chapter 2. Fundamentals of scientific and psychological knowledge
      • 2.1. Psychological science and its methodology
      • 2.2. Brain and psyche
      • 2.3. The world of mental phenomena
    • Chapter 3. Fundamentals of scientific and pedagogical knowledge
      • 3.1. Pedagogy as a science
      • 3.2. Methodological foundations of pedagogy
  • Section II. Psychology and pedagogy: personality, group, society
    • Chapter 4. The problem of personality in psychology
      • 4.1. Personality and its psychology
      • 4.2. Personality development psychology
      • 4.3. Personality and behavior
    • Chapter 5. The problem of personality in pedagogy
      • 5.1. The specifics of the pedagogical approach to personality
      • 5.2. Pedagogical personality formation in the process of socialization
      • 5.3. Personality education
    • Chapter 6. Social environment, group, collective
      • 6.1. Social psychology of environment and group
      • 6.2. Social pedagogy of the environment and the collective
      • 6.3. Psychological and pedagogical potentials
    • Chapter 7. Psychology and pedagogy of society and human life
      • 7.1. Socio-psychological and socio-pedagogical reality in society
      • 7.2. Psychology and pedagogy of the development of modern society
      • 7.3. Psychology and pedagogy of human life in society
  • Section III. Psychology and Pedagogy: Professional
    • Chapter 8. Psychology and pedagogy of vocational education
      • 8.1. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of education
      • 8.2. Psychology and pedagogy of professionalism
      • 8.3. Formation of personality in the educational process
      • 8.4. Teaching and professional development of the student
      • 8.5. Pedagogical culture of the teacher
    • Chapter 9. Psychology and pedagogy of vocational training
      • 9.1. Pedagogical Foundations of Learning
      • 9.2. Methodical system and intensive learning technologies
      • 9.3. General methodology for the formation of professional knowledge, skills and abilities
      • 9.4. Social types of vocational training for workers
    • Chapter 10. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of professional work
      • 10.1. The person in the organization
      • 10.2. Psychology and pedagogy of organization management
      • 10.3. Psychological and pedagogical features of labor in market conditions
    • Chapter 11. Psychological and pedagogical technique in professional activity
      • 11.1. Fundamentals of Psychological and Pedagogical Technique
      • 11.2. Psychological technique for performing professional actions
      • 11.3. Technique for performing basic pedagogical actions

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